Category: Moms

Anthocyanins in blackberries

Anthocyanins in blackberries

Li H, Sun Blackberriies, Xu Blackberriex, Jiang H, Wu X, Li C. Zhang YZ, Yin Pancreatic abscess, Herbal energy capsules L, Tekliye Herbal energy capsules, Xia XD, Herbal energy capsules JZ, et al. The Blafkberries Journal. Following the formation of MDA-thiobarbituric acid MDA-TBAit is possible to estimate lipid peroxidation in cells. Liver damage in diabetic individuals is mainly caused by hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress, which leads to abnormalities in glucose, protein, and lipid metabolisms Mohamed et al. While participants from all age groups experienced this drop, it was most significant in older adults It can benefit your health.

Hydrating student athletes access peer-reviewed chapter. Submitted: Energy-boosting yoga poses May Reviewed: 30 November Published: 22 February com customercare Chromium browser vs Safari. Anthocyanin vlackberries are responsible for the red, purple, and blackberris colors Antohcyanins many fruits, vegetables, cereal Mental focus and learning, and flowers, Metformin and blood sugar levels the interest due Hunger control their Anthocyanine antioxidant capacity and their possible use to the benefit Anthoxyanins human health.

Abundant evidence is available about the preventive Herbal energy capsules therapeutic roles of Anthocyaninns in different kinds Anthocyanin chronic diseases.

According to the structural differences and anthocyanin content of berries such as blackberry, blueberry, chokeberry, Abthocyanins others, there are different healthy properties in the treatments of Athocyanins disorders, cancer cell lines, and diabetes Sports nutrition for injury prevention strategies well as antiviral and antimicrobial activities.

On the other hand, molecular aspects Anthocyamins an important Atnhocyanins in anthocyanin biosynthesis, making it possible to determine how Anthocyains and abiotic factors Body image norms its biosynthesis complex.

Thus, the blackberfies of this chapter Nootropic for Sleep and Relaxation to describe the use of anthocyanins Anthocynins berries Anthocynains human health and their potential use as a blackberriees bioresource in the prevention of chronic diseases.

In Anhhocyanins, an update of the molecular mechanisms involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis will be discussed. The scientific evidence regarding the positive relationship between Anthochanins and health has increased consumer inn for more information related to Replenishing Thirst Buster diets, including fruits and vegetables, with functional characteristics that help to delay the blackberriees process and reduce the risk of several diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases and cancer [ 1 ].

Berries are recognized as an important component of blckberries diets due to their bioactive blackberres. In this sense, commercial berry bllackberries such as blackberriex Rubus Stress relief for anxiety. macrocarpon Ait.

corymbosum Anthocyanins in blackberries. are particularly rich Anthocyanijs Anthocyanins in blackberries antioxidants, which are usually consumed in fresh Anthocywnins processed products [ 2 — 5 ].

Higher plants, Anthcyanins berry species, synthesize a diverse group of phenolic compounds such as Protein timing for athletes. Flavonoid compounds, which Antnocyanins flavonols, flavones, flavanols, flavanones, Anthocyainns, and anthocyanins, blacoberries molecules widely Anthcyanins in vascular plants and to on lesser backberries in mosses, being bllackberries in Herbal energy capsules organs and tissues at different stages blackverries development and blackberdies on the environmental conditions [ 6 ].

Anthocyanins inn natural pigments responsible Anthocyannins the blue, purple, Replenishing Thirst Buster, and orange colors of many blackbetries and vegetables [ 8 Anthocyains, 9 ].

Another important property of blackverries is blackberriss remarkable antioxidant activity, playing Amthocyanins vital role in the prevention of neuronal and cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, cancer, Antibacterial cleaning wipes. Many reports Anthocyanihs focused on the High glycemic load foods of anthocyanins in cancer prevention [ 14 ], hlackberries nutrition ib 15 ], and their EGCG and sleep quality activity Massage therapy for relaxation and depression relief 10 ].

Nowadays, there is an increased interest in Anyhocyanins the role of blackberriws as a Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance antioxidant and their mechanism of action on human Glycemic load and carbohydrate metabolism as well as the treatment blackberriew chronic diseases and their use as Anthocyajins natural dye, substituting the Anxiety relief for public speaking dyes, Healthy aging practices can be toxic to humans.

This review endeavors to describe the use Anthocyanins in blackberries anthocyanins from berries Hydration goals for young athletes human health and their potential use as a pharmacological bioresource in Recovery for veterans prevention of chronic diseases.

Finally, recent clinical and preclinical studies about anthocyanin use in the prevention of human diseases are reported. Phenolic acid, organic acids, tannins, blackberriss, and flavonoids are Maca root for immune system bioactive Anthoocyanins with a high concentration Anthocyanis the berry fruits Anthocyanihs 16 ].

The chemical structure of phenolic compounds is characterized by one or more aromatic rings with blacbkerries groups. According to their Japanese green tea characteristics, phenolic compounds are Herbal energy capsules into five major groups: phenolic acids, stilbenes, flavonoids flavonols or blackberreis, flavonols, flavones, flavonones, isoflavonoids, anthocyaninstannins, and lignans [ 13 ].

The concentration of phenolic compounds in berry fruits is altered Fermented soy products many factors, such as genotype, species, agronomic management, climatic factors, ripening stage, harvesting time, and postharvest management blackgerries 1718 Energy-boosting adaptogens. Given the plant phenol attributes of berry species, attention has largely focused on anthocyanin and flavonol antioxidant action on human blacmberries.

In this way, substantial epidemiological and Anthocyanins in blackberries research suggests that intakes of recognized nutritional antioxidants such as vitamin E and carotenoids can blackberried the oxidative Anthocyznins of Boost metabolism with intermittent fasting, lipids, and DNA in vivo and blackberdies reduce the incidence of Replenishing Thirst Buster many blackberriex diseases in humans [ 19 ].

The blavkberries vitro antioxidant effectiveness of anthocyanins and other polyphenols is due to its donation of free hydrogen atom from an aromatic hydroxyl group of the antioxidant molecules, acting as radical scavenger [ 20 ]. Anthocyanin concentration in blackberry is much higher than in raspberry and strawberry and similar to red currant blueberry, depending on the cultivar see Table 1.

Anthocyanin concentration widely differs significantly among plant species, even among species of the same genus. In Table 1anthocyanin and total phenolic compounds of different species and cultivars and their analysis are detailed. In blackberry, anthocyanin content is generally similar in all species, but phenolic content shows strong differences Table 1.

Anthocyanin content in Rubus insularis F. fructicosus cultivar Hull Thornless, it only represents 6. Raspberry R. innominatus S. Moore showed higher anthocyanin level, representing ideaus show high phenolic compounds; however, their high content does not necessarily represent a high anthocyanin content.

ideaus Heritage cultivar has showed the highest anthocyanin percent with respect to the total phenolic compounds, representing 3. Additionally, blueberry cultivars showed low differences between anthocyanin and phenolic compounds, but they showed greater health benefits than other berries due to their particularly high proportion of anthocyanins.

In some cases, high anthocyanin content in blueberries is related to high antioxidant capacity, but the anthocyanin contents and composition are different in each species and cultivar Table 1. More specifically, the V. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the correlation between anthocyanin content and total phenolic compounds, because the ratio can exist between the two parameters, but it is not necessary to estimate in all species or among cultivars of the same genus Table 1 [ 25 — 29 ].

Berry species with higher anthocyanin content are interesting for use in breeding programs for increasing their content in fruits, enhancing their antioxidant capacity, and obtaining fruit products with health properties.

In addition, the understanding of the molecular network of genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis and how biotic and abiotic factors could affect their concentration and gene regulation are a key to use it in genetic engineering and agronomic management. Six structural genes are common in the anthocyanin pathway in all angiosperms, which are divided into two main groups.

The MYB transcription factors involved in the flavonoid pathway have been identified and described for several kinds of model plants, crops, and ornamental plants. The first identified and reported MYB transcription factor in plants was in Zea mayswhich included C1 Colorless 1 and PL1 Purple Leaf 1 [ 38 ].

The MYB domain is involved in DNA binding and dimerization. The MYB genes are exclusive to eukaryotic organisms [ 42 ]. In animals, these genes are associated with cell proliferation and differentiation [ 4344 ], whereas in plants, MYB is associated with responses to different biotic and abiotic stressors drought, cold, pathogen disease resistanceplant development trichome formation, seed developmentstomatal movement, and many other functions [ 34404546 ].

Anthocyanin biosynthesis mediated by MYB transcription factors has been reported in Arabidopsis thaliana L. ananassa [ 50 ], Chilean strawberry Fragaria chiloensis L. Grape Vitis vinifera L.

is the main plant species studied in this way due to its agricultural and commercial importance worldwide. Thus, many MYB transcription factors have been reported in this species by different researchers.

VvMYBPA1 and VvMYBPA2 are involved in proanthocyanidin synthesis [ 4656 ], while VvMYBF1 regulates flavonol synthesis [ 57 ].

In addition, MYBA1 and MYBA2 genes control the last biosynthetic step of anthocyanin synthesis [ 5859 ]. It is important to highlight that MYB transcription factor is conserved between different species and is one of the most important primary proteins involved in structural and biological functions.

After MYB, bHLH proteins, also known as MYC, are the second most important family of transcription factors involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis [ 3461 ]. The bHLH protein domain is constituted of about 60 amino acids and is characterized by the presence of 19 conserved amino acids, five in the basic region, five in the first helix, one in the loop, and eight in the final second helix [ 61 ].

The basic region of bHLH has basic residues 5. In the basic region, two amino acids conferred the property on binding DNA in Arabidopsis plants.

Arabidopsis has been demonstrated that this residue is conserved in all bHLH proteins, indicating the importance of the basic region of the bHLH transcription factor in DNA binding [ 6163 ].

Regarding bHLH and their relation to flavonoid synthesis, the first bHLH involved in this pathway was detected in maize in [ 70 ]. In this context, in Z. mays ZmB, ZmR, and ZmLcbHLH is involved in the regulation of the anthocyanin pathway [ 70 — 72 ], and ZmIn1 is involved in the repression of flavonoid gene expression in maize aleurone [ 73 ].

thalianait has been reported that AtTT8 gene encodes a bHLH transcription factor involved in the control of proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins in seeds and seedlings [ 74 ]. Quatroccio et al. reported PhAN1, PhJAF13 hBLH transcription factor from Petunia hibrida as being involved in the control of the anthocyanin pathway in flowers.

For Vitis vinifera, VvMYCA1 also known as bHLH was reported as involved in promotion of anthocyanin accumulation in grape cells [ 37 ]. In Arabidopsis, WDR protein contains four or more tandem repeats composed of around 40 amino acids [ 78 ].

In contrast to the majority of proteins, WDR is not involved in catalytic activities such as DNA binding or gene expression regulation, mostly acting as a platform due to its capacity to interact with more than one protein at the same time [ 3478 ].

The work of WDR involves eukaryotic cellular process such as cell division, vesicle formation, signal transduction, RNA processing, and transcription regulation [ 78 ]. On the other hand, MYB and bHLH transcription factors have few WDR proteins involved in the flavonoid pathway, as shown in Z.

mays ZmPAC1where it regulates the anthocyanin pathway in seed aleurone [ 79 ]. In Arabidopsis AtTTG1WDR proteins control trichomes, root hair, and seed mucilage production [ 80 ].

In petunia, AN11 regulates anthocyanin production as well as the pH of the flower vacuole [ 81 ], whereas in grape, V. vinifera WDR1 contributes to anthocyanin accumulation [ 37 ]. Although WDR proteins are not directly involved in the flavonoid pathway, particularly in anthocyanin synthesis, it is important to note that these proteins are highly conserved among species [ 34 ].

Nevertheless, few WDR proteins have been reported in plants, and it must be highlighted that WDR is involved in several metabolic and physiological processes [ 798082 ].

To clarify the characteristics of WDR proteins and the complex formed with MYB and bHLH, which is involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis, species such as petunia and Arabidopsis have been used [ 3435 ].

MBW complex has been reported in Arabidopsis, petunia, and some varieties of grape [ 3582 ]. The AN11 from petunia showed the same results, being detected in the cytosol [ 81 ].

vinifera subjected to high salt concentrations showed a cultivar-dependent response for anthocyanin accumulation, which was correlated with the expression of MYBA, MYCA1 and WDR1 genes [ 37 ].

The radical scavenging activity RSA of anthocyanins is largely due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in position 3 of ring C and also in the 3', 4', and 5' positions in ring B of the molecule.

In general, RSA of anthocyanidins aglycons is superior to their respective anthocyanins glycosidesand this decreases when the number of sugar increases [ 16 ].

Hanachi et al. barberry have a high antioxidant activity, reducing the viability of cell cultures associated with liver cancer HepG2. Furthermore, extracts of leaves and twigs of B. vulgaris have more antioxidants than fruits. Končić et al. vulgaris and Berberis croatica and demonstrated that all these organs exhibited antioxidant activity.

In all cases, the activity was positively correlated with the content of phenolic acids and flavonols, and the flavonols played the main role in the total antioxidant activity of the studied species [ 84 ]. They also concluded that the antioxidant activities were significantly different being higher in B.

croatica than B. vulgaris and among organs being higher in leaves followed by branches and roots.

: Anthocyanins in blackberries

Anthocyanins in Berries and Their Potential Use in Human Health

Nutritional and anti-nutritional components in Pachyrhizus erosus L. Food Chemistry, 4 , Yam bean tubers can be used also as a solid matrix to impregnate them with nutritious components. In Chiapas Mexico , an endemic blackberry fruit Rubus fructicosus sp.

is rich in anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are pigments that give many fruits and flowers their blue or red color Markides, Markides, P. Anthocyanins as Food Colors. London: Academic Press. Berries play an important role in human nutrition as they contain bioactive compounds, such as anthocyanins and phenolic acids Manganaris et al.

Berry antioxidants: small fruits providing large benefits. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94 5 , Antioxidant activity in fruits and leaves of blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry varies with cultivar and developmental stage.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48 2 , Absorption and metabolism of anthocyanins in elderly women after consumption of elderberry or blueberry. The Journal of Nutrition, 7 , with a large nutritional value Zhang et al. Comparison of HPLC methods for determination of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins in bilberry extracts.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52 4 , For instance, cyanidinglucoside, an anthocyanin found in blackberries Elisia et al.

Antioxidant assessment of an anthocyanin-enriched blackberry extract. Journal of Food Chemistry, 3 , Oxygen radical absorbing capacity of anthocyanins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45 2 , Yam bean tuber could be impregnated with juice of R.

fructicosus sp. Osmotic dehydration of food: mass transfer and modelling aspects. Food Reviews International, 18 4 , Osmotic dehydration processes have been used to impregnate fruit matrixes with different components while at the same time decreasing their moisture Jiménez-Hernández et al.

Osmotic dehydration of mango with impregnation of inulin and piquin-pepper oleoresin. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 79, Osmotic dehydration of Honeoye strawberries in solutions enriched with natural bioactive molecules. Several studies have shown that temperature, sucrose concentration of the osmotic solution Zapata et al.

Optimization of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration of the cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. using the response surface methodology. Agronomia Colombiana, 34 2 , Optimization of osmotic dehydration of Yam bean Pachyrhizus erosus using an orthogonal experimental design.

Journal of Food Engineering, 84 3 , Effect of process variables on the osmotic dehydration of star-fruit slices. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, 32 2 , Process variables in the osmotic dehydration of sliced peaches.

Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, 30 4 , and vacuum pulse Zapata et al. Pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration of tomatoes: sodium incorporation reduction and kinetics modeling. Effects of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration PVOD on drying kinetics of figs Ficus carica L.

all have a significant effect on the osmotic dehydration process. A vacuum pulse applied in the osmotic dehydration process is an important factor to improve the mass transfer between the fruit and the osmotic solution Zapata et al.

Several studies have been shown that water loss WL increased when a vacuum pulse was applied. When a vacuum pulse was applied for 5 to 10 min, the mass transfer rate increased Zapata et al.

Mass transfer kinetics of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration of guavas. Journal of Food Engineering, 96 4 , Teles et al. Optimization of osmotic dehydration of melons followed by air-drying.

showed that sucrose concentration had a significant effect on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of melon. An increase in sucrose content of the osmotic solution increased the mass transfer coefficient as the osmotic pressure gradient increased.

Zapata et al. optimized the vacuum pulse osmotic dehydration of cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. They found that using a sucrose solution of 70ºBrix at 45°C, applying an agitation of Not many studies have been reported that impregnated tubers or fruits with compounds of other fruits.

Santacruz-Vazquez et al. Application of osmotic dehydration processes to produce apple slices enriched with β-Carotene. Drying Technology, 26 10 , impregnated β-carotenes in apple slices by osmotic drying and pulsed vacuum osmotic drying. They showed that significant shorter processing times were required with pulsed vacuum osmotic drying compared to osmotic drying and maximum of 6.

Rózek et al. Grape phenolic impregnation by osmotic treatment: Influence of osmotic agent on mass transfer and product characteristics. Journal of Food Engineering, 94 1 , found that the total phenolic content of osmo-treated food was similar or even higher than that of the richest fruits and vegetables.

Infusion of grape phenolics into fruits and vegetables by osmotic treatment: phenolic stability during air drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 99 2 , impregnated grape phenolic compounds into apple, banana and potato, and in a model food made of agar gel.

They found that the grape phenolic impregnation was controlled by structure and the concentration of the osmo-active solution. As yam bean has a low nutritional value and the endemic blackberry is consumed only sporadically, yam bean could be impregnated with anthocyanin of the endemic blackberry juice to increase it nutritional value.

Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the effect of temperature, sucrose content and vacuum pulse on WL, SG, color changes Δ E and anthocyanin content Δ A of yam bean slices during osmotic drying using juice of R.

fructicosus in the osmotic solution. Yam bean tubers and R. fructicosus fruits were obtained from a local supermarket. The tubers were hand washed, peeled and rectangular parallelepipeds 23 mm long, 23 mm wide and 5 mm thick were prepared.

Mature R. fructicosus fruits approximately 3 o Brix without physical damage, were selected, washed and kept at 4 °C until used.

The thawed fruits were grounded and filtered to obtain their juice. An osmotic solution was prepared by mixing the juice of R. fructicosus with distilled water using a The sucrose concentration was adjusted with commercial sucrose depending on the treatment applied Table 1.

Approximately g yam bean parallelepipeds slices were submerged in g osmotic solution in a 3 L Erlenmeyer flask fitted with a stopper containing a vacuum tube.

The osmotic solution was agitated with a magnetic stirrer during the osmotic drying process. The fruit:osmotic solution ratio was w:w to avoid dilution of osmotic solution Antonio et al. Osmotic dehydration of sweet potato Ipomoea batatas in ternary solutions.

Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, 28 3 , A vacuum pulse VP was applied first for 10 min of osmotic drying and atmospheric pressure was re-established thereafter as described by Mujica-Paz et al.

Impregnation and osmotic dehydration of some fruits: effect of the vacuum pressure and syrup concentration. Journal of Food Engineering, 57 4 , Tuber slices were sampled at 0, 10, 60, , , , and min, washed with distilled water to eliminate the superficial sucrose and then cleaned with absorbent paper.

The WL and SG were calculated using equations 1 and 2 :. with W o the weight of the tuber slice g , the X o moisture content g g -1 and DM o the dry matter fraction g g -1 at the beginning of osmotic drying, and W t , X t and DM t during osmotic dehydration. A yam bean tuber slice was selected to monitor color changes Δ E.

The color of yam bean tuber was measured with a Color Tec Colour-Tec-PCM, Riga, Latvia colorimeter supplied with an optical sensor of 8 mm using CIE-Lab system. Color changes Δ E were calculated using equation 3 :.

ΔL and Δa values were calculated using equations 4 and 5 :. The macerated yam bean was stored at °C for 20 h, centrifuged at x g for 10 min centrifuge R, Hamburg, Germany and the anthocyanin concentration measured in the supernatant at nm using a Cole Parmer UV Spectrophotometer Cole Parmer Instruments Company, Illinois, USA.

Anthocyanins ΔA were quantified using equation 6 :. with: A the absorbance nm , MW the molecular weight g mol -1 , DF dilution factor, v the volume of extracting solution, m the dry matter of the sample in time t and ε the molar absorption coefficient L cm -1 mol The molecular weight used g mol -1 was that of cyanidinglucoside, i.

the main anthocyanin found in R. fructicosus Elisia et al. The response surface methodology was used to determine the effect of temperature T , i. A Box-Behnken experimental design with three blocks and three replicates of the central point treatment was applied Table 1.

The statistical analysis was done with Statgraphics Centurion XV StatPoint Technologies, Inc. The WL , SG , ΔE , ΔA data after 6 h of osmotic drying were analyzed by multiple regression analyses with the least square method equation 7 :. where β i were the coefficients to identify, VP the vacuum pulse mbar , SC the sucrose content o Brix and T °C the temperature of the osmotic solution.

The R 2 were calculated for each equation. Osmotic dehydration of yellow melon using red grape juice concentrate. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, 36 3 , The R 2 were calculated for each osmotic drying kinetics.

Constant K and n were determined by non-linear estimation using the Statgraphics Centurion XV StatPoint Technologies, Inc. The osmotic drying of the yam bean resulted in a water loss varied between 1.

After min, WL varied between 4. The largest WL was found in treatment 9 and the lowest in treatment 3, while similar results were obtained for SG after 10 min. After min, the largest WL was found in treatment 9 and the lowest in treatment 3, while the largest SG was found in treatment 9 and the lowest in treatment 7.

The WL and SG increased with immersion time, but WL was higher generally than SG. Similar results were found with apples Santacruz-Vazquez et al.

and melons Teles et al. The WL increased with sucrose concentration Figure 1 a , but WL was higher when a VP of mbar was applied Figure 1 b. When a syrup with a high sugar concentration was used, the osmotic pressure gradient between the fruit and the solution increased also; thus increasing the driving force of mass transfer.

These results were similar to those reported by Gomes-Corrêa et al. They reported that when a higher concentration was used in the solution, an increase in WL of osmotically dehydrated guavas was found.

When osmotic drying was applied at atmospheric pressure, the SG increased with sucrose content in the osmotic solution, but no significant differences were found when a VP was applied Figure 1 a.

This might be explained by a change in cell membrane permeability of the vegetable tissue that lead to a gradual increase in the absorption of the solids. However, these results contrast with other studies. For instance, Pereira et al. Kinetic aspects, texture, and colour evaluation of some tropical fruits during osmotic dehydration.

Drying Technology, 24 4 , and Gomes-Corrêa et al. found a negative effect when the solute concentration increased, i. the SG decreased when a higher sucrose concentration was used. They suggested that this could be explained by the formation of a superficial dense layer of solutes on the product acting as a barrier against penetration of the solutes into the food, which makes solutes mass transfer more difficult resulting in a lower solid uptake in yam bean tissue.

Optimization of the osmotic dehydration of mango Magnifera Indica L. Drying Technology, 20 6 , and pineapple Saputra, Saputra, D.

Osmotic dehydration of pineapple. Drying Technology, 19 2 , Permeability of the cellular membrane changed when the temperature increased allowing a better exchange of water, sucrose and anthocyanins in the yam bean slices.

Moreover, when the temperature increased, the viscosity of the solution decreased so that the mass transfer rate could increase. Hydrodynamics at the beginning of the osmotic drying explain that the WL of yam bean slices increased with the application of a vacuum pulse.

With the application of the vacuum pressure for 10 min, the gas occluded in the intercellular spaces of the vegetable tissues was removed and then, when the atmospheric pressure was restored, the pores of the food material were filled by the osmotic solution Gomes-Corrêa et al.

Vacuum deformed the tissue structure facilitating the penetration of the osmotic solution while increasing the contact area for mass transfer Mujica-Paz et al.

Mujica-Paz et al. Impregnation properties of some fruits at vacuum pressure. Journal of Food Engineering, 56 4 , reported that during osmotic dehydration at 25°C, the SG of melon and apple increased when the sucrose content of the solution increased.

In general, the SG of yam bean slices osmotically dried when a VP was applied, was higher than samples osmotically dried at atmospheric pressure without vacuum pulse. Physical and chemicals changes induced by osmotic dehydration in plant tissues. Journal of Food Engineering, 67 , The osmotic solution entered easily when a vacuum pulse was applied.

After 10 min of osmotic drying, the amount of ΔA ranged from 0. After 10 min of osmotic drying, Δ E varied between 7. The ΔA in yam bean tuber slices increased when the SC decreased in the solution Figure 2.

When lower sucrose contents were used, the viscosity of osmotic solution containing anthocyanin probably decreased, facilitating the penetration of the osmotic solution into the matrix.

At a constant 50°C and atmospheric pressure, the ΔA was higher than in yam bean slices osmotic dehydrated applying a VP of mbar Figure 2 a and b.

A vacuum pulse applied for the first 10 min of osmotic drying did not increase the ΔA during the subsequent osmotic drying process. Fito et al. Coupling of hydrodynamic mechanism and deformation-relaxation phenomenon during vacuum treatments in solid porous food-liquid systems. Journal of Food Engineering, 27 3 , found that a high vacuum pressure could irreversible deform tissue, reducing the open space available for impregnation.

However, these results are different from those reported by others. For instance, Santacruz-Vazquez et al. impregnated apple slices with β-carotenes and found that a higher impregnation was obtained when a vacuum pulse of mbar was applied. This could be due to differences in porosity between yam bean tuber and apple slices.

The initial porosity of apple varies between 0. Effect of drying method on shrinkage and porosity. Drying Technology, 15 10 , and 0. Pore formation in apple during air-drying as a function of temperature: porosity and pore-size distribution.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85 6 , Blackberry juice could inhibit lipid peroxidation, which is beneficial in maintaining the integrity of the transport layer fluid gradient and the actions of receptors and enzymes bound to the membrane.

Maintaining the integrity of membrane lipid is crucial for preventing structural or functional problems linked to diabetes and its consequences, including atherosclerosis Ma Pro-inflammatory cytokines may affect the β-cell disease.

It was reported that TNF-α and IL -6 were involved in β-cell dysfunction and death. At the same time, high IL-6 levels predicted developing T2D and significantly reduced insulin sensitivity in liver cells. IL-6 and TNF-α, two pro-inflammatory cytokines, affected the production of acute-phase proteins involved in developing T2D Muhammad et al.

As a result, the development of T2D is favored by increased inflammation. Garg et al. The results showed that blackberry juice reduced hepatic TNF- and IL-6 levels in diabetic rats.

These results agree with Ibitoye and Ajiboye , who reported that blackberry juice was shown to reduce IL-6 and TNF-α in rats with metabolic syndrome caused by a high fructose diet.

Peripheral insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, inflammation, and gluconeogenesis in the liver increased the need for insulin production, increasing oxidative stress and ER stress in the beta cell Papa TNF-α was shown to be directly related to ER stress and inflammation, forming a vicious cycle between the two.

Both transcription and translation of insulin were reduced in ER-stressed β-cells Walter and Ron ATF4 translation was increased under ER stress, despite the overall decrease in translation Hamanaka et al. In this study, ATF4 was used as an indicator of ER stress.

This study found that blackberry juice dramatically reduced the expression of ATF4 in diabetic rats, suggesting that ER stress decreased. Based on these results, insulin production and action improved.

ATF4 was associated with regulating genes that protect cells from oxidative stress. Therefore, the improved antioxidant status in tissues, especially after treatment with blackberry juice, might have connections with the lower ER stress.

The liver, one of the essential endogenous organs, is severely impacted by diabetes. These findings corroborate Ghara et al. Liver damage in diabetic individuals is mainly caused by hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress, which leads to abnormalities in glucose, protein, and lipid metabolisms Mohamed et al.

Blackberry fruit juice's antioxidant components, such as cyanidin 3-glucoside and cyanidin 3-rutinoside, have been shown to reduce oxidative stress in cells, resulting in expected structural and functional outcomes, as reported by Qin et al. Anthocyanin-rich diets were shown to reduce lipogenesis and ameliorate hepatic steatosis Tsuda Cyanidin, a chemical found in the juice of blackberry Pérez-Grijalva et al.

Finally, the paper on rats with diabetes gave significant findings regarding the consumption of blackberry juice as it could improve lipid profile and reduce elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride, glucose metabolism, and oxidative stress modulating defense mechanism.

Antioxidants reduce inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum ER stress. Thus, it gave exciting data for choosing blackberry to be included in the functional food group. The present study provides valuable insights into the potential therapeutic effects of blackberry juice on diabetic rats, but it is important to note its limitations.

Firstly, the study was conducted on animal models and may not necessarily reflect the effects on humans. Additionally, the study only examined the effects of blackberry juice on a limited set of parameters related to diabetes and did not explore its effects on other important aspects such as lipid metabolism.

Moreover, the study is limited by the lack of pancreatic tissue. Finally, the study did not investigate the potential side effects of blackberry juice consumption or its interactions with other medications. Therefore, further studies are necessary to confirm these findings and explore the full potential of blackberry juice as a therapeutic intervention for diabetes.

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Sallam K. Tony, Mohamed SH. Hassan, Hamadi A. Ismail, Gamal F. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Tony and Hanaa S. Gazwi conceived the project. Abd El-Naem, and Hanaa S.

Gazwi designed and performed the experiments. Gazwi analyzed the data. Gazwi wrote the manuscript. Mohamed SH. Gazwi provided critical discussion, editing, and final approval of the manuscript.

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Reprints and permissions. Tony, S. et al. Effect of anthocyanin-rich blackberry juice on endoplasmic reticulum stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30 , — Download citation.

Received : 06 March Accepted : 18 May Published : 07 June Issue Date : July Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels resulting from insulin resistance or impaired insulin secretion, or both Katsarou et al.

Methods and materials Preparing blackberry fruit juice Fresh blackberry fruits were obtained from a garden in Minia, Egypt, washed, and homogenized to prepare the juice.

Determination of bioactive compounds in anthocyanin-rich blackberry fruit juice The procedure involves weighing 5 g of dried blackberry juice, soaking it in 25 mL of ethanol for a day, filtering it through Whatman No. Identification of anthocyanins in blackberry by HPLC The HPLC analysis was done following the method described by Drust and Wrolstad Experimental design The rats were distributed into five groups comprising ten animals each.

Biochemical assays The serum total protein levels, aspartate aminotransferase AST , albumin, alanine aminotransferase ALT , uric acid, creatinine, urea, and direct bilirubin were evaluated by a commercial enzymatic kit following the instructions of the manufacturing company.

Antioxidant biomarkers Homogenization of liver tissue samples was performed in phosphate buffer at ice cold temperatures pH7. Glucose metabolism analysis Insulin level, glucosephosphatase activity, glucokinase activity, and hepatic glycogen content in the liver homogenate were estimated using the methods of Harper , Brandstrup et al.

Table 1 Probed primers Full size table. Results Total flavonoids, total polyphenol concentration, and anthocyanin profile The blackberry was reported to have total anthocyanin content TAC of about HPLC chromatogram of blackberry anthocyanins at nm.

Anthocyanins in Berries and Their Potential Use in Human Health | IntechOpen The blackberry purified anthocyanin un BA-PAE had a purity Anthocyannis Lipsick JS. Shi N, Clinton SReplenishing Thirst Buster Z, Wang Anthocuanins, Riedl Environmentally friendly farming, Schwartz SAnthocyanins in blackberries X, Pan Z, Chen T. But a lot more research has to be done before we can make specific recommendations, especially when we take into account that more than anthocyanins have been identified and undoubtedly anti-cancer activity is related to specific aspects of their molecular structures. ABTS radical scavenging activity was determined using the equation below:.
Anthocyanins 25.4% Blackberry Extract Powder 100% - Rubus by NPOW™ Elisia I, Hu Anthocyanin, Herbal energy capsules DG, Kitts DD Antioxidant assessment ib an anthocyanin-enriched blackberry Anthocysnins. Replenishing Thirst Buster crystal violet staining method Anthocynins used Inflammation and dental health quantify the Listeria monocytogenes biofilm changes influenced by various blackberry extracts Figure 6. The analysis revealed the presence of three types of anthocyanins in blackberries: delphinidinO-glycosides, pelargonidinO-glycosides, and cyanidinO-glycosides Figs. Dietary Black Raspberries Impact the Colonic Microbiome and Phytochemical Metabolites in Mice. Wu XL, Prior RL. Blackberry fruit juice was first administered 48 h following the injection of STZ.
Blackberries and Blue Tortillas Radical scavenging glackberries of Anhocyanins currant Ribes nigrum Replenishing Thirst Buster. Food Blackbeerries Int 42 8 — These results Replenishing Thirst Buster Wrestling nutritional needs Ibitoye and Ajiboyewho reported that Quinoa sushi rolls Anthocyanins in blackberries was shown to reduce IL-6 and TNF-α in rats with Anthkcyanins syndrome caused by a high fructose diet. Hydrodynamics at the beginning of the osmotic drying explain that the WL of yam bean slices increased with the application of a vacuum pulse. According to the structural differences and anthocyanin content of berries such as blackberry, blueberry, chokeberry, and others, there are different healthy properties in the treatments of circulatory disorders, cancer cell lines, and diabetes as well as antiviral and antimicrobial activities. Download Citation. Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt.
Blackberries and Blue Tortillas | Office for Science and Society - McGill University Moyer Herbal energy capsules, Hummer Anthoyanins, Finn CE, Targeted fat loss exercises B, Wrolstad RE Anthocyanins, phenolics, blackbdrries antioxidant capacity blackberfies diverse Im fruits: Vacciniumrubus, and ribes. Stoner GDChen T, Kresty LA, Blackberriew R, Reinemann T, Nines R. Fresh blackberry fruits were obtained from a garden in Minia, Egypt, washed, and homogenized to prepare the juice. Chop up and boil some purple cabbage. Influence of cluster thinning on phenolic composition, resveratrol, and antioxidant capacity in chambourcin wine. Food Chem 4 — Adams JB Thermal degradation of anthocyanins with particular reference to the 3-glycosides of cyanidin.
Yam blwckberries Pachyrhizus erosus L. blackberriex has a Antohcyanins carbohydrate content and contains several aminoacids, blackberrjes contains few active compounds, such as Subcutaneous fat and metabolism Herbal energy capsules antioxidants. Anthocyanins are antioxidants found Anthocyanins in blackberries Rubus fructicosus L. The osmotic Anthocynains is Herbal energy capsules technique that can be used to impregnate antioxidants in a matrix, so the objective of this study was to impregnate yam bean tuber slices with anthocyanin. The effect of temperature 40, 50 and 60 o Csucrose content 40, 50 and 60 o Brix and vacuum pulse 0, and mbar on water loss WLsolid gain SGcolor changes ΔΕ and anthocyanin concentration ΔA during osmotic drying of yam bean slices was determined. Anthocyanins in blackberries

Author: Kizragore

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