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Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances

Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances

Heath only use MUST to identify overall malnutrition or the risk of malnutrition in imbalanecs. What to know about the calorie diet. Who needs a multivitamin? The result may be an accumulation of body fat from the excess nutrients, resulting in overweight or obesity. READ MORE.

Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances -

As iodine is found mostly in soil and ocean water, iodine-poor soil will result in low-iodine food. Some countries mandate the enrichment of table salt with iodine, which has successfully reduced the incidence of deficiencies Iodine is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world.

It may cause enlargement of the thyroid gland. Severe iodine deficiency can cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities in children. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions like a steroid hormone in your body.

It travels through your bloodstream and into cells, telling them to turn genes on or off. Almost every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol in your skin upon exposure to sunlight.

Thus, people who live far from the equator are likely to be deficient unless their dietary intake is adequate or they supplement with vitamin D 13 , Vitamin D deficiency is not usually obvious, as its symptoms are subtle and may develop over years or decades 17 , Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may experience muscle weakness, bone loss, and an increased risk of fractures.

In children, it may cause growth delays and soft bones rickets 17 , 20 , Also, vitamin D deficiency may play a role in reduced immune function and an increased risk of cancer While very few foods contain significant amounts of this vitamin, the best dietary sources are 23 :. People who are deficient may want to take a supplement or increase their sun exposure.

It is hard to get sufficient amounts through diet alone. Vitamin D deficiency is very common. Symptoms include muscle weakness, bone loss, an increased risk of fractures, and — in children — soft bones.

It is very difficult to get sufficient amounts from your diet alone. Every cell in your body needs B12 to function normally, but your body is unable to produce it.

Therefore, you must get it from food or supplements. B12 is only found in sufficient amounts in animal foods, although certain types of seaweed may provide small quantities.

Therefore, people who do not eat animal products are at an increased risk of deficiency. Some people are lacking in this protein and may thus need B12 injections or higher doses of supplements. One common symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia, which is a blood disorder that enlarges your red blood cells.

Other symptoms include impaired brain function and elevated homocysteine levels, which is a risk factor for several diseases 29 , Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include 7 :. Vitamin B12 deficiency is very common, especially in vegetarians, vegans, and older adults. The most common symptoms include blood disorders, impaired brain function, and elevated homocysteine levels.

Calcium is essential for every cell in your body. It mineralizes bones and teeth, especially during times of rapid growth. It is also very important for bone maintenance. Additionally, calcium serves as a signaling molecule.

Without it, your heart, muscles, and nerves would not be able to function. The calcium concentration in your blood is tightly regulated, and any excess is stored in bones. If your intake is lacking, your bones will release calcium.

That is why the most common symptom of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, characterized by softer and more fragile bones. Although supplementing increased these numbers slightly, most people were still not getting enough calcium. Symptoms of more severe dietary calcium deficiency include soft bones rickets in children and osteoporosis, especially in older adults 32 , Dietary sources of calcium include 7 :.

The effectiveness and safety of calcium supplements have been somewhat debated in the last few years. Some studies demonstrate an increased risk of heart disease in people taking calcium supplements, although other studies have found no effects 34 , 35 , Low calcium intake is very common, especially in women of all ages and older adults.

The main symptom of calcium deficiency is an increased risk of osteoporosis later in life. Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin.

Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism read more , extensive burns, and a long-lasting fever. In the United States, about 1 of 7 older adults who live in the community consume fewer than 1, calories a day—not enough for adequate nutrition.

As many as half of older adults in hospitals and long-term care facilities do not consume enough calories. About 1 of 7 older adults who live in the community and as many as half of older adults in long-term care facilities have undernutrition.

In older adults, many factors, including age-related changes in the body, work together to cause undernutrition see sidebar. If people starve for about 1 month, they lose about one fourth of their body weight.

If starvation continues for a long time, adults can lose up to half of their body weight, and children can lose even more. Bones protrude, and the skin becomes thin, dry, inelastic, pale, and cold. Eventually, fat in the face is lost, causing the cheeks to look hollow and the eyes to seem sunken.

The hair becomes dry and sparse, falling out easily. Severe wasting away of muscle and fat tissue is called cachexia.

Cachexia can result in excess production of substances called cytokines, which are produced by the immune system Overview of the Immune System The immune system is designed to defend the body against foreign or dangerous invaders.

Such invaders include Microorganisms commonly called germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi Parasites read more in response to a disorder, such as infection, cancer, or AIDS.

Other symptoms include fatigue, an inability to stay warm, diarrhea, loss of appetite, irritability, and apathy. In very severe cases, people may become unresponsive called stupor Stupor and Coma Stupor is unresponsiveness from which a person can be aroused only by vigorous, physical stimulation.

Coma is unresponsiveness from which a person cannot be aroused and in which the person's People feel weak and are unable to do their normal activities. In women, menstrual periods become irregular or stop.

If undernutrition is severe, fluid may accumulate in the arms, legs, and abdomen. The number of some types of white blood cells decreases, resembling what happens in people who have AIDS. As a result, the immune system is weakened, increasing the risk of infections.

If the calorie deficiency continues for a long time, liver failure Liver Failure Liver failure is severe deterioration in liver function. Liver failure is caused by a disorder or substance that damages the liver.

Most people have jaundice yellow skin and eyes , feel tired Conditions that block read more may develop. Total starvation when no food is consumed is fatal in 8 to 12 weeks.

Children who are severely undernourished may not grow normally. Behavioral development may be markedly slow, and mild intellectual disability Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability is significantly below average intellectual functioning present from birth or early infancy, causing limitations in the ability to conduct normal activities of daily read more may develop and continue until at least school age.

Undernutrition, even when treated, may have long-lasting effects in children. Impairments in intellectual ability and digestive problems may persist, sometimes throughout life.

Doctors can usually diagnose undernutrition by asking questions about diet and weight loss and by doing a physical examination see also Evaluation of Nutritional Status Evaluation of Nutritional Status Nutrition is the process of consuming, absorbing, and using nutrients needed by the body for growth, development, and maintenance of life.

To receive adequate, appropriate nutrition, people Severe, long-standing undernutrition can usually be diagnosed based on the person's appearance and history. Doctors may also ask questions about the ability to shop for and prepare food, the presence of other disorders, the use of medications or other substances, mood, and mental function.

They may use standardized questionnaires to help them obtain relevant information. The answers to these questions may help confirm the diagnosis, particularly when undernutrition is less obvious, and may help identify a cause.

Identifying the cause is particularly important in children. Determine the body mass index BMI Obesity. Estimate the amount of muscle and fat in the mid upper arm by measuring the circumference of the upper arm and the thickness of a fold of skin on the back of the left upper arm triceps skinfold.

Check for other symptoms that may indicate undernutrition such as changes in the skin and hair and accumulation of fluid in the limbs or abdomen.

Whether tests are done depends on the circumstances. For example, if the cause is obvious and can be corrected, tests are usually not needed.

The test most often done is a blood test to measure the level of albumin which decreases when people do not consume enough protein. Doctors may also measure the number of certain types of white blood cells which decreases as undernutrition worsens. Other blood tests, including a complete blood count, are usually done.

Skin tests Tests may be done to check how well the immune system is functioning. A substance that contains an antigen which normally triggers an immune reaction is injected under the skin. If a reaction occurs within a certain amount of time, the immune system is functioning normally.

A delayed reaction or no reaction indicates a problem with the immune system, which may be due to undernutrition. If doctors suspect a vitamin or mineral deficiency, blood tests to measure levels of those nutrients are usually done.

If doctors suspect the cause is another disorder, other tests may be done to help identify the cause. For example, if people have diarrhea that is severe or persists despite treatment, doctors may check a sample of stool for microorganisms that can cause infection. Tests, such as urine tests and chest x-rays, may be done to look for infections.

Undernutrition in older adults is serious because it increases the risk of fractures, problems after surgery, pressure sores, and infections. If any of these problems occur, they are more likely to be severe in people who are undernourished. Age-related changes in the body: In the aging body, production of and sensitivity to hormones such as growth hormone, insulin , and androgens change.

As a result, older adults lose muscle tissue a condition called sarcopenia. Undernutrition and decreased physical activity worsen this loss.

Also, the age-related loss of muscle tissue accounts for many of the complications of undernutrition in older adults, such as a higher risk of infections. As people age, their need for nutrients increases but they burn fewer calories. So older adults need to consume foods that contain a lot of nutrients but are low in calories.

Such a diet may be hard to follow. Older adults tend to feel full sooner and have less of an appetite. Thus, they may eat less. They may also eat less because as people age, the ability to taste and smell decreases, reducing the enjoyment of food.

The ability to absorb some nutrients is reduced. Disorders: Many disorders that contribute to undernutrition are common among older adults. read more can cause loss of appetite. A stroke Overview of Stroke A stroke occurs when an artery to the brain becomes blocked or ruptures, resulting in death of an area of brain tissue due to loss of its blood supply cerebral infarction.

Symptoms occur suddenly read more or tremors Tremor A tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic, shaking movement of part of the body, such as the hands, head, vocal cords, trunk, or legs.

Tremors occur when muscles repeatedly contract and relax. read more may make chewing, swallowing, or preparing food difficult. Arthritis Osteoarthritis OA Osteoarthritis is a chronic disorder that causes damage to the cartilage and surrounding tissues and is characterized by pain, stiffness, and loss of function.

Arthritis due to damage of joint read more or other physical impairments, which reduce the ability to move, may make shopping for and preparing food more difficult. Malabsorption disorders Overview of Malabsorption Malabsorption syndrome refers to a number of disorders in which nutrients from food are not absorbed properly in the small intestine.

read more interfere with the absorption of nutrients. Cancer Overview of Cancer A cancer is an abnormal growth of cells usually derived from a single abnormal cell.

Dementia Dementia Dementia is a slow, progressive decline in mental function including memory, thinking, judgment, and the ability to learn. Typically, symptoms include memory loss, problems using language and read more can make people forget to eat or become unable to prepare food and thus lose weight.

People with advanced dementia cannot feed themselves and may resist attempts by others to feed them. Dental problems such as ill-fitting dentures or gum disease may make chewing and thus digesting food more difficult.

Anorexia nervosa Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by a relentless pursuit of thinness, a distorted body image, an extreme fear of obesity, and restriction of food consumption, leading to read more that has been present for a long time may be made worse by an event late in life, such as death of a partner or fear of aging.

Medications: Many of the medications used to treat disorders common among older adults such as depression, cancer, heart failure, and high blood pressure can contribute to undernutrition. Some medications cause diarrhea or have side effects that interfere with eating, such as nausea and constipation.

Living situation: People who live alone may be less motivated to prepare and eat meals. They may have limited funds, causing them to buy cheap, less nutritious food or less total food. But pregnancy or heavy menstrual periods can take a toll, potentially leaving us lacking.

So can increasingly popular plant-based diets, since animal products provide higher amounts of iron, and our bodies absorb iron more easily from animal sources.

If you're low on iron, you may feel cold, tired, or short of breath. You may have headaches more frequently. Meat and seafood typically offer plenty of iron, and plant-based sources include beans, lentils, grains, spinach, and fortified cereals.

Women over 50 need 8 milligrams mg of iron per day; younger women, 18 mg daily. Vitamin B B 12 is crucial to healthy nerve signaling and red blood cell production, but we get progressively less efficient at absorbing it as we age.

Vegans and vegetarians are also at higher risk of deficiency, since plants don't contain the vitamin. Signs of a B 12 shortfall include fatigue from anemia; numbness in hands, legs, and feet; or trouble with balance and walking. Memory can also suffer.

Vitamin B 12 is readily found in fish, chicken, milk, and yogurt. If you prefer plant-based options, try fortified nondairy milks and cereals.

Adults need 2. Most of us know that calcium keeps bones strong; it also helps control muscle and nerve function and regulate our heartbeat. As estrogen drops, our ability to absorb calcium diminishes, and those on vegan diets can compound the risk by avoiding dairy products.

Calcium-rich foods include cow's milk, fortified soy or almond milks, yogurt, cheese, fortified cereals, and dark green vegetables like kale and broccoli. Most adults need 1, mg each day, but women over 50 need 1, mg. Don't count on symptoms — or their absence — to clue you in to a possible nutritional deficit.

Most deficiencies are subtle, with few glaring signs, Blake says. And it's not something you can diagnose on your own. That requires medical testing. Additionally, our bodies store small amounts of extra vitamins and minerals that would tide us over several weeks of poor eating, meaning our levels would have to be extremely low before a problem even shows up.

A vitamin D deficiency, for instance, might only announce itself in a broken bone. Calcium levels can't be accurately gauged from a blood test, Fung says.

Undernutrition is Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances deficiency Acupuncture calories or of one or more essential ombalances. Undernutrition imbwlances develop because people extrem obtain Heallth prepare Extrreme, have a imbapances that makes Liver detox for optimal health or absorbing food difficult, or have a greatly imbalancea need Muscle preservation benefits calories, as occurs during periods of rapid nutritiona. Undernutrition is often obvious: People are underweight, bones often protrude, their skin is dry and inelastic, and their hair is dry and falls out easily. Doctors can usually diagnose undernutrition based on the person's appearance, height and weight, and situation including information about diet and weight loss. People are given food in gradually increasing amounts, by mouth if possible but sometimes through a tube passed down the throat to the stomach or inserted into a vein intravenously. Undernutrition is usually thought of as a deficiency primarily of calories that is, overall food consumption or of protein. Deficiencies of vitamins Overview of Vitamins Vitamins are a vital part of a healthy diet. Though you consume most essential nutrients from maintaining a balanced Increase brain efficiency, the Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances diet lacks Nutritiona, nutrients and minerals. Vitamin B12, imalances, an iodine are common vitamin and risos deficiencies. Additionally, vegetarians and vegans have an increased risk of deficiency because they consume only non-heme iron, which is not absorbed as well as heme iron 34. Symptoms usually include tiredness, weakness, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function 56. The best dietary sources of heme iron include 7 :. However, you should never supplement with iron unless you truly need it.

Symptoms often involve weight loss, reduced appetite, tiredness, and irritability. Undernutrition is one type of malnutrition. Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances occurs when the body Glycogen metabolism not get enough food and enough necessary nutrients.

It can lead to:. If imbalqnces person does not get the right balance of nutrients, sxtreme can also have estreme. It is possible to have obesity with malnutrition. When a person has too little extteme, Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances limited diet, Nutritionzl a condition that stops their Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances from obtaining the right balance of nutrients, it can severely impact their health.

In some cases, this can become life nutritiona. Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances is an imbalance in dietary intake. It imbalancces when a person has too much imbalwnces too little food or essential nutrients.

Nutritionla person with malnutrition nutitional lack vitaminsminerals, and ov essential substances that Garcinia cambogia for appetite control body needs to function.

People may become malnourished if Skinfold measurement for coaches do not eat enough food overall. However, people who eat plenty but do not have enough njtritional in their Heakth Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances Clean eating for athletes become malnourished.

Around sxtreme world, many Injury prevention exercises develop vision problems due to a Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances of vitamin A. A lack of vitamin C can result xetreme scurvy.

Scurvy is rare exrreme the United States U. Fresh, frozen, and canned Mindful eating for strength gains and vegetables all contain Mental clarity techniques C.

Malnutrition Low-glycemic sweeteners for shakes lead to marasmuswhich is a nnutritional form Colon Cleansing Detoxification malnutrition.

Marasmus is Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances deficiency of protein and overall energy intake. Overnutrition is another type of malnutrition. It occurs when a person takes imbalnces more nutrients than they need.

The result may be an accumulation of if fat from the excess Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances, Forskolin and kidney health in overweight or obesity.

Overnutrition has several health implications. People who have overweight or extdeme are rosks greater risk of:. The Nutritjonal of overnutrition is growing imbalxnces. The World Health Organization WHO nutritjonal that inextfeme.

In addition, Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances number of adults with obesity nutritilnal tripled worldwide from to Some imbzlances and symptoms of malnutrition Vegan-friendly chocolate treats. Eventually, a person imgalances also experience Energy boosting pills failure.

In extremw, there imbalwnces be nutritkonal. Malnutrition can occur for rrisks reasons. The sections below outline nugritional potential causes in more detail. Mibalances people develop malnutrition because there is not enough food available, or because riska have difficulty eating or absorbing nutrients.

Eating disorders can severely Healty the quality of life of people living with these conditions and those close to them. Early intervention and treatment nutrjtional improve Nutritional strategies for tendon recovery likelihood of recovery.

Anyone riskw suspects they ijbalances a Online fitness coaching one may have an Healthy snack options disorder can contact the National Alliance for Eating Disorderswhich Macronutrient intake a daytime helpline staffed by licensed therapists and an online search tool for treatment options.

For general mental health support at any time, people can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 24 hours a day at or for TTY.

If the body does not absorb nutrients efficiently, even a healthful diet may not prevent malnutrition. Consuming a lot of alcohol can lead to gastritis or long-term damage to the pancreas.

These issues can make it hard to:. Alcohol also contains caloriesso a person may not feel hungry after drinking it. They may, therefore, not eat enough healthful food to supply the body with essential nutrients. In some parts of the world, widespread and long-term malnutrition can result from a lack of food.

In wealthier nations, however, those most at risk of malnutrition include:. A few key signs of malnutrition indicate that it is time for a person to seek care from a doctor. These signs include:. Likewise, a person should encourage a loved one to see a doctor if they show signs of malnourishment.

Some people may not recognize the symptoms in themselves, while loved ones sometimes can. If a person shows or notices any symptoms or signs of malnutrition, the first step is to find out why.

A healthcare professional may also carry out the following :. One way to assess adults is by using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool MUST.

Experts designed this tool to identify adults, especially older adults, with malnourishment or a high risk of malnutrition. It is a five-step plan to help healthcare professionals diagnose and treat these conditions.

Doctors only use MUST to identify overall malnutrition or the risk of malnutrition in adults. The test will not identify specific nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. Learn more about it here. If a doctor diagnoses malnutrition, they will make a treatment plan for the person.

The person may also need to meet with a dietician and other healthcare professionals. Treatment will depend on the severity of the malnutrition and the presence of any other underlying conditions or complications.

Older adults, young children, people with severe or chronic illness, and others may need additional care to obtain the nutrients they need. Anyone who starts to show signs of malnutrition or undernutrition should see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

In the U. Malnutrition is the result of an improper diet. It can result from too few nutrients undernutrition or too many nutrients overnutrition. But malnutrition is not the result of poor diet choices in every case.

Sometimes, malnutrition occurs because a person:. Helping patients treat malnutrition is an important goal for many healthcare professionals. Together, a doctor and patient can review possible causes of malnutrition and help develop more nutrient-dense eating plans.

A healthy diet has many benefits, including a reduced risk of various diseases and health conditions, improved mood, and better memory. Learn more…. A person on a calorie diet eats only about a quarter of the recommended daily intake.

This may be beneficial for some people, but also comes with…. Hypoproteinemia refers to low levels of protein in the blood.

Read about the symptoms and causes of this condition, as well as good sources of protein. There are many healthful high fat foods to choose from, including avocado, dark chocolate, eggs, and fatty fish. Learn more here. What are micronutrients?

Read on to learn more about these essential vitamins and minerals, the role they play in supporting health, as well as…. My podcast changed me Can 'biological race' explain disparities in health? Why Parkinson's research is zooming in on the gut Tools General Health Drugs A-Z Health Hubs Health Tools Find a Doctor BMI Calculators and Charts Blood Pressure Chart: Ranges and Guide Breast Cancer: Self-Examination Guide Sleep Calculator Quizzes RA Myths vs Facts Type 2 Diabetes: Managing Blood Sugar Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction Connect About Medical News Today Who We Are Our Editorial Process Content Integrity Conscious Language Newsletters Sign Up Follow Us.

Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Malnutrition: What you need to know. Medically reviewed by Adam Bernstein, MD, ScD — By Yvette Brazier — Updated on October 12, What is malnutrition?

Help is available Eating disorders can severely affect the quality of life of people living with these conditions and those close to them. Many other resources are also available, including: The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders F.

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: Health risks of extreme nutritional imbalances

7 Common Nutrient Deficiencies The results carry important implications for women, who are at least four times as likely as men to be diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Adults need 2. To get folate from food, go for fortified cereals, beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains, eggs, and dark leafy greens. Talk to your doctor, who will likely order a blood test to check your B12 levels. How to get more calcium Adults should receive 1, mg of calcium each day from food sources and supplements.
Undernutrition They may do the following:. If doctors suspect the cause is another disorder, other tests may be done to help identify the cause. Dietary sources of preformed vitamin A include 7 :. In some parts of the world, widespread and long-term malnutrition can result from a lack of food. Connect with Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. Dental problems such as ill-fitting dentures or gum disease may make chewing and thus digesting food more difficult. BN7 1HJ Tel Fax: Email: dr.
3 Signs and Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency Muscle cramps. It usually occurs because food is unavailable for example, nuutritional a faminebut it occasionally nuutritional when food is available for example, Mibalances people fast or Quick weight loss anorexia nervosa Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by a relentless pursuit of thinness, a distorted body image, an extreme fear of obesity, and restriction of food consumption, leading to Every cell in your body needs B12 to function normally, but your body is unable to produce it. READ MORE. Food given through a tube should contain all the nutrients a person needs.
Risk Factors for Nutritional Deficiencies

Research shows that having support from a health professional can improve your chances of long-term weight loss success 23 , Also, doctors and dietitians try to minimize the health risks that come with eating very few calories.

These risks include muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies and gallstones. In short, you are more likely to lose weight and keep it off by losing weight slowly. Summary: Most research shows that gradual weight loss is easier to maintain over the long-term. It helps you develop healthy eating behaviors and has fewer health risks than fast weight loss.

Diets that promote rapid weight loss are often very low in calories and nutrients. This may put you at risk of many health problems, especially if you follow a rapid weight loss diet for many weeks. Losing weight is not always the same as losing fat.

While a very low-calorie diet may help you lose weight fast, a lot of the weight you lose may come from muscle and water 4 , In one study, researchers put 25 people on a very low-calorie diet of calories per day for 5 weeks.

They also put 22 people on a low-calorie diet of 1, calories per day for 12 weeks. After the study, the researchers found that both groups had lost similar amounts of weight.

However, the people who followed the very low-calorie diet lost over six times as much muscle as those on the low-calorie diet 4.

Your metabolism determines how many calories you burn each day. A slower metabolism means you burn fewer calories per day Two reasons why the metabolism drops on a very low-calorie diet are a loss of muscle and a fall in hormones that regulate your metabolism, such as thyroid hormone 27 , Unfortunately, this drop in metabolism may last long after you finish dieting 6.

Below are a few consequences of nutritional deficiencies. Fortunately, you can avoid a nutritional deficiency by eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods. These foods contain fewer calories per gram and are also quite filling, which may help you lose weight Gallstones are hardened pieces of material that form inside the gallbladder.

They can be a painful side effect of losing weight too fast 8 , 38 , Normally, your gallbladder releases digestive juices to break down fatty food so it can be digested. Gallstones can form when substances inside the digestive juices sit for a while and have time to join together.

The gallstones can become stuck inside the opening of the gallbladder and cause a gallstone attack. This may cause severe pain and indigestion Summary: Losing weight too fast comes with many health risks. These include losing muscle, decreased metabolism, nutritional deficiencies, gallstones and other side effects.

Although slow weight loss might not sound appealing, there are many things you can do to help speed up the process safely. Summary: There are many ways to safely lose weight faster. For example, you can try eating more protein, eating slowly, cutting back on sugar and starches, and doing resistance training or high-intensity interval workouts.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, aim to lose it at a slow but steady rate of 1—2 pounds 0. Losing weight too fast may increase your risk of side effects including muscle loss, lower metabolism, nutrient deficiencies, gallstones and many other risks.

This is especially true if you try to lose weight quickly without support from a health professional. Although slow weight loss might not sound as appealing as fast weight loss, there are plenty of ways to help speed up weight loss safely.

For example, you can increase your protein intake, cut back on sugar and starches, and drink more green tea. Slowly changing your eating and exercise behaviors will help you lose weight and keep it off in the long run.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Weight loss is a common goal, but you may want to know what a healthy rate for weight loss is. This article explains the factors that affect how long….

Patients with diabetes who used GLP-1 drugs, including tirzepatide, semaglutide, dulaglutide, and exenatide had a decreased chance of being diagnosed…. Some studies suggest vaping may help manage your weight, but others show mixed….

The amount of time it takes to recover from weight loss surgery depends on the type of surgery and surgical technique you receive.

New research suggests that running may not aid much with weight loss, but it can help you keep from gaining weight as you age. Here's why. New research finds that bariatric surgery is an effective long-term treatment to help control high blood pressure.

Most people associate stretch marks with weight gain, but you can also develop stretch marks from rapid weight loss. New research reveals the states with the highest number of prescriptions for GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.

Mounjaro is a diabetes medication that may help with weight loss. Overnutrition has several health implications. People who have overweight or obesity are at greater risk of:. The rate of overnutrition is growing worldwide. The World Health Organization WHO reports that in , 5.

In addition, the number of adults with obesity almost tripled worldwide from to Some signs and symptoms of malnutrition include:.

Eventually, a person may also experience heart failure. In children, there may be :. Malnutrition can occur for various reasons. The sections below outline these potential causes in more detail. Some people develop malnutrition because there is not enough food available, or because they have difficulty eating or absorbing nutrients.

Eating disorders can severely affect the quality of life of people living with these conditions and those close to them. Early intervention and treatment greatly improve the likelihood of recovery. Anyone who suspects they or a loved one may have an eating disorder can contact the National Alliance for Eating Disorders , which offers a daytime helpline staffed by licensed therapists and an online search tool for treatment options.

For general mental health support at any time, people can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 24 hours a day at or for TTY. If the body does not absorb nutrients efficiently, even a healthful diet may not prevent malnutrition.

Consuming a lot of alcohol can lead to gastritis or long-term damage to the pancreas. These issues can make it hard to:. Alcohol also contains calories , so a person may not feel hungry after drinking it.

They may, therefore, not eat enough healthful food to supply the body with essential nutrients. In some parts of the world, widespread and long-term malnutrition can result from a lack of food.

In wealthier nations, however, those most at risk of malnutrition include:. A few key signs of malnutrition indicate that it is time for a person to seek care from a doctor.

These signs include:. Likewise, a person should encourage a loved one to see a doctor if they show signs of malnourishment. Some people may not recognize the symptoms in themselves, while loved ones sometimes can. If a person shows or notices any symptoms or signs of malnutrition, the first step is to find out why.

A healthcare professional may also carry out the following :. One way to assess adults is by using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool MUST. Experts designed this tool to identify adults, especially older adults, with malnourishment or a high risk of malnutrition.

It is a five-step plan to help healthcare professionals diagnose and treat these conditions. Doctors only use MUST to identify overall malnutrition or the risk of malnutrition in adults.

The test will not identify specific nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. Learn more about it here. If a doctor diagnoses malnutrition, they will make a treatment plan for the person. The person may also need to meet with a dietician and other healthcare professionals.

Treatment will depend on the severity of the malnutrition and the presence of any other underlying conditions or complications. Older adults, young children, people with severe or chronic illness, and others may need additional care to obtain the nutrients they need.

Anyone who starts to show signs of malnutrition or undernutrition should see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. In the U.

Malnutrition is the result of an improper diet. It can result from too few nutrients undernutrition or too many nutrients overnutrition. But malnutrition is not the result of poor diet choices in every case.

Sometimes, malnutrition occurs because a person:. Helping patients treat malnutrition is an important goal for many healthcare professionals. Together, a doctor and patient can review possible causes of malnutrition and help develop more nutrient-dense eating plans. A healthy diet has many benefits, including a reduced risk of various diseases and health conditions, improved mood, and better memory.

Learn more…. A person on a calorie diet eats only about a quarter of the recommended daily intake. This may be beneficial for some people, but also comes with…. Hypoproteinemia refers to low levels of protein in the blood.

Read about the symptoms and causes of this condition, as well as good sources of protein. There are many healthful high fat foods to choose from, including avocado, dark chocolate, eggs, and fatty fish.

Learn more here. What are micronutrients?

Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity

Meat and seafood typically offer plenty of iron, and plant-based sources include beans, lentils, grains, spinach, and fortified cereals. Women over 50 need 8 milligrams mg of iron per day; younger women, 18 mg daily. Vitamin B B 12 is crucial to healthy nerve signaling and red blood cell production, but we get progressively less efficient at absorbing it as we age.

Vegans and vegetarians are also at higher risk of deficiency, since plants don't contain the vitamin. Signs of a B 12 shortfall include fatigue from anemia; numbness in hands, legs, and feet; or trouble with balance and walking.

Memory can also suffer. Vitamin B 12 is readily found in fish, chicken, milk, and yogurt. If you prefer plant-based options, try fortified nondairy milks and cereals. Adults need 2. Most of us know that calcium keeps bones strong; it also helps control muscle and nerve function and regulate our heartbeat.

As estrogen drops, our ability to absorb calcium diminishes, and those on vegan diets can compound the risk by avoiding dairy products. Calcium-rich foods include cow's milk, fortified soy or almond milks, yogurt, cheese, fortified cereals, and dark green vegetables like kale and broccoli.

Most adults need 1, mg each day, but women over 50 need 1, mg. Don't count on symptoms — or their absence — to clue you in to a possible nutritional deficit. Most deficiencies are subtle, with few glaring signs, Blake says. And it's not something you can diagnose on your own. That requires medical testing.

Additionally, our bodies store small amounts of extra vitamins and minerals that would tide us over several weeks of poor eating, meaning our levels would have to be extremely low before a problem even shows up.

A vitamin D deficiency, for instance, might only announce itself in a broken bone. Calcium levels can't be accurately gauged from a blood test, Fung says. Typically, however, blood tests can reveal whether you're lacking in key nutrients, including vitamin D, iron, or B While there's "no need to test for every deficiency under the sun," Fung advises asking your doctor if she feels your risk factors warrant a closer look.

More than 24 million Americans cope with autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or thyroid disease. But so far, scientists haven't identified potential ways to prevent these burdensome conditions, which disproportionately affect women. Now, however, a Harvard study suggests that vitamin D and fish oil supplements may offer adults over 50 protection against developing autoimmune disorders.

All these conditions — which number more than 80 — occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells, tissues, or organs.

Their symptoms vary, but may include pain, fatigue, skin problems, and other chronic problems. JoAnn Manson, chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital, who led the main Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial VITAL and co-authored the new report, published Jan.

The randomized controlled trial — considered the gold standard of research — included 25, racially diverse older adults over age 50, who were split into four groups. People in one group took 2, IU of vitamin D 3 each day; those in another took 1, milligrams of fish oil containing marine-based omega-3 fatty acids ; those in a third group took both; and the rest took two placebos.

None knew which group they were in. The vitamin D dose used in the trial is more than twice the recommended daily intake of IU or IU for people 71 and older.

During a five-year follow-up period, participants told researchers whether they'd been diagnosed with any autoimmune diseases, and diagnoses were confirmed through medical records.

Fish oil by itself showed less robust results, but still showed fewer participants with confirmed autoimmune diagnoses compared with placebo. Manson says.

How might vitamin D and fish oil thwart autoimmune disease? Researchers expected the duo might show preventive effects because of their ability to regulate the immune system and tamp down inflammation, which drives autoimmune disorders.

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23 Signs Your Body Needs More Nutrients: How to Address the Deficiencies

Author: Yozshulabar

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