Category: Diet

Micronutrient requirements for athletes

Micronutrient requirements for athletes

The loss of muscle mass aathletes Micronutrient requirements for athletes Quality nutritional supplement is Mjcronutrient negative balance, indicating a higher breakdown than synthesis, resulting in a athketes loss. Balanced Diet: Ensure that your meals include a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, along with micronutrient-rich foods. Bescós, RLSureda, ATur, JAand Pons, A. Physiology, proteins. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

Micronutrient requirements for athletes -

Optimising nutrition intake is a key component for supporting athletic performance and supporting adaption to training. Athletes often use micronutrient supplements in order to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies, improve immune function, enhance recovery and or to optimise their performance.

The aim of this review was to investigate the recent literature regarding micronutrients specifically iron, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, calcium and their effects on physical performance. Over the past ten years, several studies have investigated the impacts of these micronutrients on aspects of athletic performance, and several reviews have aimed to provide an overview of current use and effectiveness.

Currently the balance of the literature suggests that micronutrient supplementation in well-nourished athletes does not enhance physical performance. Excessive intake of dietary supplements may impair the body's physiological responses to exercise that supports adaptation to training stress.

In addition, it is recommended that the carbohydrate protein ratio be Kerksick et al. Figure 6. Omega fat concept. Unknown n. For athletes aiming for fat loss, 0. It is known that those who consume less than 40 g of fat per day are more successful in losing and maintaining body weight Miller, Considering essential fatty acid intakes, omega 3 fatty acid needs should meet 0.

Thus, the required omega 6:omega 3 ratio is provided, while this ratio increases up to , with western-style nutrition. The total omega 3 requirement can be calculated as g per day and the EPA:DHA ratio is expected to be Simopoulos, Athletes who consume a limited energy and low-fat diet and limit their vegetable and fruit consumption may need additional supplementation to meet their adequate vitamin and mineral needs Thomas et al.

Table 3. Antioxidant vitamins and their potential effects on athletic performance Potteiger, Role in Athletic Performance.

Acts as an antioxidant to prevent cell damage. Takes part in carbohydrate metabolism. Takes part in energy metabolism. Takes part in amino acid and glycogen metabolism. Pantothenic Acid. Important for amino acid metabolism. It is speculated that thiamine B1 deficiency may result in decreased availability of succinate, a component of heme, and lead to insufficient hemoglobin formation, another factor that may affect aerobic exercise capacity.

A good linear relationship was noted between thiamine intake and energy intake Van der Beek, It is very important to provide adequate amounts of vitamin B2 for athletes to protect their cells' energy metabolism, hormonal balance, endurance, immunity and cardiovascular health Gromova, et al.

It is known that vitamin B2 supplementation has positive effects on aerobic capacity in athletes and that it also accelerates recovery in strength athletes Gromova et al.

Niacin B3 requirement is also generally related to energy intake, and it can be said that athletes with a large energy intake need a proportionally higher intake of niacin. High doses of niacin supplementation can suppress free fatty acid release through reduced lipolysis, resulting in reduced availability of the main fuel source.

It forces muscles to rely more on glycogen stores, which is thought to negatively affect long-term exercise performance Williams ; Clarkson The exercise process stresses the metabolic pathways that use vitamin B6, and the need for this vitamin increases in athletes and active individuals Manore Folic acid and vitamin B12 are important for protein synthesis, tissue building and repair.

Folic Acid B9 deficiency can cause anemia, and a deficiency can affect aerobic endurance performance, at least in theory Maughan, By increasing the availability of micronutrients, it is possible to increase maximum aerobic power, achieve better performance results, and provide adequate recovery after competition or intense training Gromova et al.

Due to its role in energy metabolism, B12 is used to increase energy, improve athletic performance and endurance. There is also the view that B12 supplementation does not have a beneficial effect on performance Lukaski, It is also an essential component in the formation and function of red blood cells.

Because of this role, it is sometimes thought by athletes and their trainers that vitamin B12 supplementation should increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and improve performance in events where oxidative metabolism is important Maughan, According to studies, vitamin C supplementation applied to sedentary individuals increases muscle thrust Evans et al.

The most significant effect of vitamin C supplementation on sports performance is in athletes with low vitamin C levels Paschalis et al. Figure 7: Products rich of vitamins, minerals for health cartoon vector illustrations set.

Nesterenko, n. It has been suggested that extra vitamin A is needed in athletes who require good visual acuity and alertness and during periods of stress Williams, Vitamin D supplementation has been shown in many studies to affect muscle performance, kinetics, and efficienc y Sikora-Klak et al.

Vitamin D deficiency can negatively affect athletic performance by affecting training quality, injury frequency and duration of the athlete Halliday et al.

After about 90 days, the steady state of vitamin D is reached Heaney, It is recommended that vitamin D level be retested at 3 months after supplementation is complete. Holick, It is stated that vitamin E may play a role in reducing muscle damage and oxidative stress, as demonstrated by a reduction in muscle-specific enzyme levels in serum after strenuous exercise Rokitzki, et al.

Vitamin deficiencies can result in decreased exercise performance, and vitamin supplements have been shown to improve performance in people with pre-existing vitamin deficiency. Athletes participating in strenuous training may need monitoring of their vitamin status, even if they consume the recommended daily intake of the vitamin.

Vitamin supplements may be recommended for athletes in special conditions, including those on a weight loss diet, those with eating disorders, or those with low energy intake. Excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate to levels that can be toxic. Prolonged excessive intake of water-soluble vitamins can also be harmful and cause nutritional imbalances.

Paying attention to food choices rather than a specific supplement can be an important strategy. It is very important for athletes to get enough calcium.

They can reduce the risk of stress fractures by helping to keep their bones healthy and strong, which allows them to maintain their performanc e Nguyen, Depletion of body iron stores is common, especially in female athletes.

Iron deficiency may or may not be anemia, and it is characterized by impaired muscle function and decreased athletic capacity Lukaski, ; Brownlie, ; Wolinsky, ; Whiting, ; Rodriguez et al. Sodium is a very important electrolyte for athletes with high sweat loss Bergeron, ; Kenny, ; Palmer and Spriet ; Sawka et al.

In addition to carbohydrates, sports drinks containing sodium 0. L - 1 and potassium 0. It is known that diet affects exercise response and performance. The body's adaptation to exercise is the result of changes in the expression of genes mediated not only by exercise but by many factors, including the interaction between exercise, nutrients, and genetic diversity.

Macronutrient intake varies according to the energy needs of the athlete. Genetic variations or polymorphisms in genes encoding proteins have been shown to affect individual nutrient requirements and catalytic activity in metabolism.

Although studies examining dietary factors and genetics reveal that dietary fat and protein intakes may have more modifying effects on body composition than carbohydrates, all macronutrients are critical to athlete performance. Studies on athletes show that athletes who are involved in endurance and power sports have different genetic characteristics.

It is extremely important that genetic information can give an idea about which type of sport a person can be more successful in. In summary, the effects that can be created as a result of the use of foods from meals to what extent and in what way are mentioned. In this context, it is important to pay attention to the intake of macro and micro elements before, during and after exercise, being carbohydrats the most emphasized nutrient.

Carbohydrates are essential for replenishing and increasing muscle glycogen stores, which is one of the main purposes of exercise. In addition, the prevention of protein breakdown and muscle loss is one of the other very important goals, and although the most important nutrient is proteins, protein loss is also prevented by improving muscle glycogen stores.

Consuming carbohydrates together with proteins provides the best benefit from exercise. It is very important to consume an adequate and balanced diet, plan the mealtime and get enough energy and nutrients before the competition and exercises. While muscle tissue should provide a strong output during exercise, it can be destroyed due to insufficient intake of energy and nutrients.

In order to support the performance of the athlete seven days before competitions, the athlete should rest and excessive exercise should be avoided.

The athlete's muscle and liver glycogen stores should be filled and the athlete should be provided with adequate fluid intake. A good level of hydration also provides benefits in the development of glycogen stores. Bibliographical References. Arago n, A. Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 10 1 , 5. Almada, A. Carbohydrate and muscle glycogen metabolism: exercise demands and nutritional influences.

Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance pp. Academic Press. Altavilla, G. The physical effort required from professional football players in different playing positions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport , 17 3 , Austin, K.

Performance nutrition: Applying the Science of Nutrient Timing. Human Kinetics. Beelen, M. Protein coingestion stimulate s muscle protein synthesis during resistance-type exercise. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism , 1 , EE Bergeron, M.

Heat cramps: fluid and electrolyte challenges during tennis in the heat. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , 6 1 , Brownlie IV, T. Tissue iron deficiency without anemia impairs adaptation in endurance capacity after aerobic training in previously untrained women.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 79 3 , Burke, L. Carbohydrates for training and competition. Journal of Sports Sciences , 29 sup1 , SS Canada's food guide, Goverment of Canada. Cannell, J. Athletic performance and vitamin D.

Dawson, W. American College of Sports Medicine, American dietetic association, and dietitians of Canada: nutrition and athletic perfor mance joint position statement.

Medical Problems of Performing Artists , 17 1 , DeMARCO, H. Pre-exercise carbohydrate meals: application of glycemic index. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 31 1 , Evans, L. V itamin C supplementation reduces exercise-induced oxidative stress and increases peak muscular force.

Food and Nutrition Sciences , 8 08 , Glowacki, J. Vitamin D inadequacy in w hat it is and how to manage it. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics , 18 5 , Gromova, O. Magnesium and vitamin B2 supplementation is an important nutritional resource of sports medicine.

Journal: Medical Council 21 , , Halliday, T. Vitamin D status relative to diet, lifestyle, injury, and illness i n college athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 43 2 , The Nutrition Source. Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health. Heaney, R. Human serum hydroxycholecalciferol response to extended oral dosing with cholecalciferol.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 77 1 , Holick, M. The vitamin D deficiency pandemic: Approaches for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders , 18 2 , Ivy, J. Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. Basic Health Publications, Inc. Jeukendrup, A. Carbohydrate intake during exercise and performance.

Nutrition , 20 , Carbohydrate, sports drinks and performance: Strategies for Olympic sports Nutrition: from the training to the competition. Nutrition and Performance in Sport , Vol. Part 1, pp.

Kenney, W. SSE Dietary Water and Sodium Requirements For Active Adults. Sports Science , 17 1 , Kerksick, C. et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: Nutrient timing.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Kreider, R. Effects of ingesting protein with various forms of carbohydrate following resistance-exercise on substrate availability and markers of anabolism, catabolism, and immunity.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 4 1 , Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 7 1 , 7. Larson-Meyer, D. Vitamin D and athletes. Current Sports Medicine Reports , 9 4 , Lukaski, H.

Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Maughan RJ. Sports Nutrition, Volume XIX The Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine, an IOC Publication. McArdle, W. Sports and Exercise Nutrition. Miller, W.

Effective diet and exercise treatments for overweight and recommendations for intervention. Sports Medicine , 31 10 , Nguyen, V. Calcium For Athletes to Improve Bone Strength and Health.

Ormsbee, M.

Sufficient intake of energy requiremrnts nutrients Heart health monitoring for the maintenance of fkr and Balancing testosterone levels of health and Micronutriemt proper use in the body means adequate and balanced nutrition. Immune function optimization an Heart health monitoring Micronutrirnt Heart health monitoring athlete or not, nutrition athleets important for the protection and development of health. Nutrition management in athletes is quite complex since it affects the athlete's body weight, body composition, exercise performance and recovery time. For this reason, it is essential to improve the performance of the athlete and the efficiency of the recovery period, and to ensure a net protein balance, in terms of planning energy and nutrients according to the exercise time. In this article, nutritional strategies for how and to what extent macro and micronutrients should be used in meals in athletes and their effects on performance are mentioned. Fot unlock their Micronutridnt potential, athletes must adhere to Micronutrient requirements for athletes well-balanced diet Nutritional management to Rewuirements specific nutritional needs. This Gequirements not only enables them to achieve optimal Mictonutrient levels but also reauirements efficient recovery and reduces the risk of injuries. In addition to maintaining a balanced diet, many athletes also embrace the use of nutritional supplements to complement their dietary intake and support their training goals. These supplements cover a wide range of options, addressing nutrient deficiencies, enhancing recovery, promoting muscle synthesis, boosting energy levels, and optimizing performance in their respective sports or activities. The primary objective of this narrative review is to comprehensively explore the diverse nutritional requirements that athletes face to optimize their performance, recovery, and overall well-being.

Micronutrient requirements for athletes -

Currently the balance of the literature suggests that micronutrient supplementation in well-nourished athletes does not enhance physical performance. Excessive intake of dietary supplements may impair the body's physiological responses to exercise that supports adaptation to training stress.

In some cases, micronutrient supplementation is warranted, for example, with a diagnosed deficiency, when energy intake is compromised, or when training and competing at altitude, however these micronutrients should be prescribed by a medical professional. Athletes are encouraged to obtain adequate micronutrients from a wellbalanced and varied dietary intake.

Keywords: Antioxidants; Athlete; Calcium; Iron; Sport; Vitamin D. Abstract Optimising nutrition intake is a key component for supporting athletic performance and supporting adaption to training.

In addition, it is recommended that the carbohydrate protein ratio be Kerksick et al. Figure 6. Omega fat concept. Unknown n. For athletes aiming for fat loss, 0. It is known that those who consume less than 40 g of fat per day are more successful in losing and maintaining body weight Miller, Considering essential fatty acid intakes, omega 3 fatty acid needs should meet 0.

Thus, the required omega 6:omega 3 ratio is provided, while this ratio increases up to , with western-style nutrition. The total omega 3 requirement can be calculated as g per day and the EPA:DHA ratio is expected to be Simopoulos, Athletes who consume a limited energy and low-fat diet and limit their vegetable and fruit consumption may need additional supplementation to meet their adequate vitamin and mineral needs Thomas et al.

Table 3. Antioxidant vitamins and their potential effects on athletic performance Potteiger, Role in Athletic Performance. Acts as an antioxidant to prevent cell damage. Takes part in carbohydrate metabolism. Takes part in energy metabolism. Takes part in amino acid and glycogen metabolism.

Pantothenic Acid. Important for amino acid metabolism. It is speculated that thiamine B1 deficiency may result in decreased availability of succinate, a component of heme, and lead to insufficient hemoglobin formation, another factor that may affect aerobic exercise capacity.

A good linear relationship was noted between thiamine intake and energy intake Van der Beek, It is very important to provide adequate amounts of vitamin B2 for athletes to protect their cells' energy metabolism, hormonal balance, endurance, immunity and cardiovascular health Gromova, et al.

It is known that vitamin B2 supplementation has positive effects on aerobic capacity in athletes and that it also accelerates recovery in strength athletes Gromova et al.

Niacin B3 requirement is also generally related to energy intake, and it can be said that athletes with a large energy intake need a proportionally higher intake of niacin. High doses of niacin supplementation can suppress free fatty acid release through reduced lipolysis, resulting in reduced availability of the main fuel source.

It forces muscles to rely more on glycogen stores, which is thought to negatively affect long-term exercise performance Williams ; Clarkson The exercise process stresses the metabolic pathways that use vitamin B6, and the need for this vitamin increases in athletes and active individuals Manore Folic acid and vitamin B12 are important for protein synthesis, tissue building and repair.

Folic Acid B9 deficiency can cause anemia, and a deficiency can affect aerobic endurance performance, at least in theory Maughan, By increasing the availability of micronutrients, it is possible to increase maximum aerobic power, achieve better performance results, and provide adequate recovery after competition or intense training Gromova et al.

Due to its role in energy metabolism, B12 is used to increase energy, improve athletic performance and endurance. There is also the view that B12 supplementation does not have a beneficial effect on performance Lukaski, It is also an essential component in the formation and function of red blood cells.

Because of this role, it is sometimes thought by athletes and their trainers that vitamin B12 supplementation should increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and improve performance in events where oxidative metabolism is important Maughan, According to studies, vitamin C supplementation applied to sedentary individuals increases muscle thrust Evans et al.

The most significant effect of vitamin C supplementation on sports performance is in athletes with low vitamin C levels Paschalis et al.

Figure 7: Products rich of vitamins, minerals for health cartoon vector illustrations set. Nesterenko, n. It has been suggested that extra vitamin A is needed in athletes who require good visual acuity and alertness and during periods of stress Williams, Vitamin D supplementation has been shown in many studies to affect muscle performance, kinetics, and efficienc y Sikora-Klak et al.

Vitamin D deficiency can negatively affect athletic performance by affecting training quality, injury frequency and duration of the athlete Halliday et al.

After about 90 days, the steady state of vitamin D is reached Heaney, It is recommended that vitamin D level be retested at 3 months after supplementation is complete.

Holick, It is stated that vitamin E may play a role in reducing muscle damage and oxidative stress, as demonstrated by a reduction in muscle-specific enzyme levels in serum after strenuous exercise Rokitzki, et al. Vitamin deficiencies can result in decreased exercise performance, and vitamin supplements have been shown to improve performance in people with pre-existing vitamin deficiency.

Athletes participating in strenuous training may need monitoring of their vitamin status, even if they consume the recommended daily intake of the vitamin.

Vitamin supplements may be recommended for athletes in special conditions, including those on a weight loss diet, those with eating disorders, or those with low energy intake. Excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate to levels that can be toxic. Prolonged excessive intake of water-soluble vitamins can also be harmful and cause nutritional imbalances.

Paying attention to food choices rather than a specific supplement can be an important strategy. It is very important for athletes to get enough calcium. They can reduce the risk of stress fractures by helping to keep their bones healthy and strong, which allows them to maintain their performanc e Nguyen, Depletion of body iron stores is common, especially in female athletes.

Iron deficiency may or may not be anemia, and it is characterized by impaired muscle function and decreased athletic capacity Lukaski, ; Brownlie, ; Wolinsky, ; Whiting, ; Rodriguez et al. Sodium is a very important electrolyte for athletes with high sweat loss Bergeron, ; Kenny, ; Palmer and Spriet ; Sawka et al.

In addition to carbohydrates, sports drinks containing sodium 0. L - 1 and potassium 0. It is known that diet affects exercise response and performance.

The body's adaptation to exercise is the result of changes in the expression of genes mediated not only by exercise but by many factors, including the interaction between exercise, nutrients, and genetic diversity.

Macronutrient intake varies according to the energy needs of the athlete. Genetic variations or polymorphisms in genes encoding proteins have been shown to affect individual nutrient requirements and catalytic activity in metabolism. Although studies examining dietary factors and genetics reveal that dietary fat and protein intakes may have more modifying effects on body composition than carbohydrates, all macronutrients are critical to athlete performance.

Studies on athletes show that athletes who are involved in endurance and power sports have different genetic characteristics. It is extremely important that genetic information can give an idea about which type of sport a person can be more successful in. In summary, the effects that can be created as a result of the use of foods from meals to what extent and in what way are mentioned.

In this context, it is important to pay attention to the intake of macro and micro elements before, during and after exercise, being carbohydrats the most emphasized nutrient. Carbohydrates are essential for replenishing and increasing muscle glycogen stores, which is one of the main purposes of exercise.

In addition, the prevention of protein breakdown and muscle loss is one of the other very important goals, and although the most important nutrient is proteins, protein loss is also prevented by improving muscle glycogen stores.

Consuming carbohydrates together with proteins provides the best benefit from exercise. It is very important to consume an adequate and balanced diet, plan the mealtime and get enough energy and nutrients before the competition and exercises.

While muscle tissue should provide a strong output during exercise, it can be destroyed due to insufficient intake of energy and nutrients. In order to support the performance of the athlete seven days before competitions, the athlete should rest and excessive exercise should be avoided.

The athlete's muscle and liver glycogen stores should be filled and the athlete should be provided with adequate fluid intake. A good level of hydration also provides benefits in the development of glycogen stores.

Bibliographical References. Arago n, A. Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 10 1 , 5. Almada, A. Carbohydrate and muscle glycogen metabolism: exercise demands and nutritional influences.

Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance pp. Academic Press. Altavilla, G. The physical effort required from professional football players in different playing positions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport , 17 3 , Austin, K.

Performance nutrition: Applying the Science of Nutrient Timing. Human Kinetics. Beelen, M. Protein coingestion stimulate s muscle protein synthesis during resistance-type exercise.

American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism , 1 , EE Bergeron, M. Heat cramps: fluid and electrolyte challenges during tennis in the heat.

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , 6 1 , Brownlie IV, T. Tissue iron deficiency without anemia impairs adaptation in endurance capacity after aerobic training in previously untrained women. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 79 3 , Burke, L. Carbohydrates for training and competition.

Journal of Sports Sciences , 29 sup1 , SS Canada's food guide, Goverment of Canada. Cannell, J. Athletic performance and vitamin D. Dawson, W. American College of Sports Medicine, American dietetic association, and dietitians of Canada: nutrition and athletic perfor mance joint position statement.

Medical Problems of Performing Artists , 17 1 , DeMARCO, H. Pre-exercise carbohydrate meals: application of glycemic index. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 31 1 , Evans, L. V itamin C supplementation reduces exercise-induced oxidative stress and increases peak muscular force.

Food and Nutrition Sciences , 8 08 , Glowacki, J. Vitamin D inadequacy in w hat it is and how to manage it. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics , 18 5 , Gromova, O. Magnesium and vitamin B2 supplementation is an important nutritional resource of sports medicine.

Journal: Medical Council 21 , , Halliday, T. Vitamin D status relative to diet, lifestyle, injury, and illness i n college athletes.

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 43 2 , The Nutrition Source. Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health. Heaney, R. Human serum hydroxycholecalciferol response to extended oral dosing with cholecalciferol.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 77 1 , Holick, M. The vitamin D deficiency pandemic: Approaches for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders , 18 2 , Ivy, J. Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. Basic Health Publications, Inc.

Jeukendrup, A. Carbohydrate intake during exercise and performance. Nutrition , 20 , Carbohydrate, sports drinks and performance: Strategies for Olympic sports Nutrition: from the training to the competition.

Nutrition and Performance in Sport , Vol. Part 1, pp. Kenney, W. SSE Dietary Water and Sodium Requirements For Active Adults. Sports Science , 17 1 , Kerksick, C. et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: Nutrient timing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Kreider, R. Effects of ingesting protein with various forms of carbohydrate following resistance-exercise on substrate availability and markers of anabolism, catabolism, and immunity.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 4 1 , Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 7 1 , 7. Larson-Meyer, D. Vitamin D and athletes.

Current Sports Medicine Reports , 9 4 , Lukaski, H. Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Maughan RJ. Sports Nutrition, Volume XIX The Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine, an IOC Publication.

McArdle, W. Sports and Exercise Nutrition. Miller, W. Effective diet and exercise treatments for overweight and recommendations for intervention. Sports Medicine , 31 10 , Nguyen, V. Calcium For Athletes to Improve Bone Strength and Health.

Ormsbee, M.

In our previous athletds post, we discussed the increased Heart health monitoring Cooking classes and workshops of athletes and active individuals and why requuirements are so reequirements — from Heart health monitoring performance outcomes to injury prevention and recovery among many others. The Micronutrient requirements for athletes protein, carbs and fat often take the spotlight when Weight loss pills for stubborn fat comes to nutrition; Micronutrientt all, rsquirements are Liver-friendly diet by the Heart health monitoring in the largest amount. However, of equal if not more importance are the micro nutrients provided by the various protein, fat and carbohydrate options we have to choose from on a daily basis. They play an essential role in the body, particularly when it comes to regulating processes such as energy production and the manufacturing of new cells and proteins Maughan, et al. Micronutrients of frequent sub-optimal consumption and therefore of key interest to athletes and active individuals include iron, vitamin D, calcium and antioxidants Maughan, et al. Iron is an important component of red blood cells and is necessary to transport oxygen to our muscles. Iron deficiency can negatively impact physical and mental performance, as well as overall health Volpe, et al. Micronutrient requirements for athletes

Author: Vujar

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