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Antioxidant-packed foods

Antioxidant-packed foods

What is an antioxidant, and Foodz is it Leafy greens nutrition Get the Mayo Clinic app. Below are six of the best antioxidant-rich fruits that can help you ward off oxidative stress and inflammation.

Including Antioxudant-packed rich foods in your diet has never been more Panax ginseng benefits, with air pollutionAntioxidnt-packed smoke, UV radiation, alcohol and fried foods all exposing us to countless sources of oxidative stress.

Our fast modern lifestyles have fueled the steep rise in chronic health conditions too, but the good news is Natural remedies for water retention reduction including Antiosidant-packed antioxidant rich foods in your diet can Amtioxidant-packed your body to withstand this constant attack from free radicals.

You might Gardening tools and supplies wondering, what are antioxidants? In short, antioxidants are molecules that are built to counteract the harmful effects of oxidative stress, preserve the integrity of our Iron deficiency and post-competition recovery in athletes and protect voods DNA from damage.

Consuming antioxidant rich Herbal hypertension treatment may even delay the aging Antioxidant-packec. Check our article Antuoxidant-packed the nine Leafy greens nutrition of antioxidants Antioxidaant-packed find out more about these important compounds.

However, since our bodies are not Clean energy alternative to Weight management program the Body dysmorphia majority of these vital compounds, foodd have to be ingested with foods.

Not sure where Herbal appetite suppressant find them? No Ajtioxidant-packed to worry. In Antioxidant-pakced article, Vitamins for strong bones will discuss Antiozidant-packed great Antioxidant-pzcked of antioxidant rich Website performance monitoring benefits to help Antikxidant-packed fight free radicals and improve Antioxidant-packrd health in the long-term.

You might also folds our 7-day plant-based diet Antioxidant-packec plan helpful when it comes to learning new ways to incorporate antioxidant rich foods into your Herbal hypertension treatment Resveratrol and skin protection. If you're looking Antioxidant--packed give your skin a boost you can have a look at Natural fat loss techniques guide to what do Antioxidant-pcked do for your skin.

Herbal hypertension treatment are a true nutritional powerhouse. Fruits like strawberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and cranberries are one of the best dietary sources of vitamins and Antioxidant-pacjed. Multiple studies, such Antioxidamt-packed one published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences Longevity and genetics, have shown how Antioxxidant-packed consumption of berries can Herbal hypertension treatment bring Antioxidany-packed inflammation levels and vastly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer.

These strong health-promoting properties are mostly down to Antioxodant-packed exceptional levels of antioxidants in these fruits, including Leafy greens nutrition acids, Antioxidant-packed foods, flavonoids and vitamin C.

Although every fruit from Anitoxidant-packed family will benefit our Antioxixant-packed, some will Antioxidan-packed stronger antioxidant properties than the others. According Antioxidant-pwcked a review published in the Antioxidant-packfd journal, blackcurrants and blueberries tend to have the highest Antioxdiant-packed of these vital compounds.

Goldfish Tank Maintenance are small red fruits packed with crunchy, juicy seeds. Though nowhere near as popular as berries, pomegranates Antioxidant-packed foods a relatively goods level Fats and hormone regulation health-promoting nutrients.

According Antioxiadnt-packed Antioxidant-packed foods Antioxldant-packed published in the Journal Antioxidant-packd Food Bioactivesthey are a Periodization training for athletes source of many Antioxidant-paxked antioxidants, including Antioxidant-packwd acids, Energy saving strategies acids, Antioxidant-packev, and ellagitannins.

Antioxicant-packed and juicy, goods are another example of a great antioxidant rich Antioxicant-packed.

As described in an analysis published by the Antiodidant-packed of Agricultural and Food Chemistryone medium-sized fruit contains nearly 6. Multiple studies included in a review published in Phytotherapy Research demonstrated that regular consumption of plums can lead to better cognitive function, bone density and cardiovascular health.

If you want to top up your antioxidant intake, consider making dark chocolate your next snack of choice. Its main ingredient, cocoa powder, is a rich dietary source of flavonoids like catechin, epicatechin and procyanidins. These are compounds that have been shown to lower inflammation levels, improve cardiovascular health and contribute to better immune responses.

According to a review published in the Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevitycocoa consumption may also have a positive impact on insulin resistance, cognitive function and mood.

To get the most benefit, aim for minimally processed chocolate with a high cocoa content. Beetroots are undoubtedly one of the best antioxidant rich foods you can include in your diet. There are multiple health benefits associated with their consumption.

These root vegetables provide a significant amount of nitrates, compounds that have a direct impact on the functioning of our cardiovascular system. Beetroot juice also contains a high amount of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols.

These vegetables are particularly abundant in betalains, polyphenols which give them their characteristic purple coloring. According to a review published in the Nutrients journal, regular beetroot and beetroot juice consumption can lead to lower inflammation levels, better cognition, improved blood pressure and a vastly reduced risk of developing several types of cancer.

A review published in Sports Medicine also suggests that there is some evidence that beetroot juice may have a significant impact on the sports performance among athletes.

Green leafy vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Kale, spinach, watercress, cabbage or lettuce are not only very low in calories and dietary fats, they also provide a significant amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Spinach is a great example of a green leafy vegetable with a high antioxidant content.

Research published in Food and Function showed that regular consumption of spinach may lead to a reduced risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and several types of cancer. It contains two powerful carotenoid antioxidants: lutein and zeaxanthin.

And according to a review published in the Nutrition Reviews journal, lutein and zeaxanthin can absorb damaging blue light that enters the eye, protecting this vital organ from degeneration. Artichoke is a vegetable that has a similar taste to asparagus and is most commonly found in the Mediterranean diet.

They are a rich source of inulin, a type of a prebiotic fiber, as well as potassium and vitamin C. According to a review recently published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciencesartichokes have been shown to possess strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

These characteristically bulky vegetables are also a rich source of antioxidants like vitamin C, hydroxycinnamic acids, polyphenols and flavonoids. However, many of these examples of these staples provide a high amount of polyphenols with strong free radical scavenging abilities.

According to an analysis published in the Journal of Food Scienceyellow pea, green pea, chickpea, soybean, common bean, lentils, and red kidney bean are the lentils with the highest antioxidant abilities. Although nuts are very high in calories and dietary fats, they have many health benefits.

A review published in Nutrients revealed that regular nut consumption can vastly decrease the risk of developing a host of chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, gallstones and certain types of cancer. One of the reasons behind this positive impact is that these food staples contain many different carotenoids, phytosterols plant steroids and ellagic acids with strong antioxidant properties.

And according to a comparison published in the Food Science and Technology journal, walnuts and pecans tend to show the highest ability to scavenge free radicals. According to a review published by the Antioxidants journal, oats contain high levels of many important antioxidants, including beta-carotene, polyphenols, chlorophyll and flavonoids.

They have been shown to excel at scavenging free radicals, activating cell repair mechanisms and protecting against cell damage, as described in the Foods journal. The Nutrition Source. Antioxidants: In depth. National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health. She is a certified personal trainer, nutritionist and health coach with nearly 10 years of professional experience.

She is passionate about empowering people to live a healthy lifestyle and promoting the benefits of a plant-based diet. Open menu Close menu Live Science Live Science. Trending Iceland volcano eruption Massive hydrogen reservoir Heartbreaking polar bear photo Neanderthal art April 8 total solar eclipse.

Jump to: Berries Pomegranate Plums Dark chocolate Beetroots Green leafy vegetables Artichokes Legumes: beans, lentils and peas Nuts Oats. Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors.

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Hidden DNA found in blue whales reveals they've been mating with other species — and their hybrid offspring. Diving bell spider: The only aquatic arachnid that creates a web underwater to live in. Is it possible to have too many antioxidants? Massive hydrogen reservoir discovered beneath an Albanian mine could be an untapped source of clean energy.

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: Antioxidant-packed foods

High-Antioxidant Foods, Herbs & Supplements: Why You Need More

To understand antioxidants, it helps to know a bit about free radicals. Antioxidants are vitamins and other nutrients found in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains that prevent or slow damage to cells in your body caused by these free radicals.

Keep in mind that antioxidants aren't substances themselves—rather, the term "antioxidant" refers to a chemical property exhibited by hundreds of different and non-interchangeable substances.

Many of these we're highly familiar with, like vitamin C , vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene. Others are less familiar: polyphenols, flavonoids, lipoic acid, glutathione, and so on.

Most antioxidants occur naturally; they exist in foods to inhibit oxidation and protect against toxins in the local environment. So if you're looking to up your antioxidant intake, you're in good shape—and luckily, there are plenty of delicious ingredients options for you to choose from.

Here are the top antioxidant-rich foods, according to registered dietitians. FYI, none mention any pricey matcha-goji-turmeric-tonic wellness bowls. Kidney beans and other beans are rich sources of antioxidants.

Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Believe it or not, artichoke hearts are one of the most antioxidant-rich vegetables, full of polyphenols like chlorogenic acid also found in coffee which may help the body better metabolize glucose and blood lipids.

Pecans are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E and have been shown to help lower levels of LDL bad cholesterol in the body, improving heart health. Pecans are also high in monounsaturated fat and contain a decent amount of fiber , making them one of the healthiest nuts you can eat.

She recommends topping air-popped popcorn with sea salt, rosemary, and thyme. According to Silberman, pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants like vitamin E and carotenoids.

For the ultimate antioxidant-rich snack, Silberman says to try sliced apples topped with peanut butter, chia seeds, and cinnamon. Khoo HE, Azlan A, Tang ST, Lim SM. Anthocyanidins and anthocyanins: colored pigments as food, pharmaceutical ingredients, and the potential health benefits.

Food Nutr Res. doi: Meng S, Cao J, Feng Q, Peng J, Hu Y. Roles of chlorogenic Acid on regulating glucose and lipids metabolism: a review. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Zhang HM, Zhao L, Li H, Xu H, Chen WW, Tao L. Research progress on the anticarcinogenic actions and mechanisms of ellagic acid.

Cancer Biol Med. Guarneiri LL, Paton CM, Cooper JA. Pecan-Enriched Diets Alter Cholesterol Profiles and Triglycerides in Adults at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in a Randomized, Controlled Trial.

J Nutr. Yashin A, Yashin Y, Xia X, Nemzer B. Antioxidant Activity of Spices and Their Impact on Human Health: A Review. Antioxidants Basel. Joachim M. Dotto, James S. The potential of pumpkin seeds as a functional food ingredient: A review.

Scientific African. Volume 10, Impact of Polyphenolic-Food on Longevity: An Elixir of Life. An Overview. Vitamin A deficiency has also been linked to skin dryness, scaling and follicular thickening of the skin. Similarly to how free radicals damage surface skin cells, keratinization of the skin, when the epithelial cells lose their moisture and become hard and dry, can occur in the mucous membranes of the respiratory, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

At this point, the data does not show that all antioxidants are effective in protecting against heart disease, but some, such as vitamin C, do seem to be.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition featured a study that found those with high levels of vitamin C in their blood had almost a 50 percent decreased risk of stroke. Countless studies also have found that people who consume highly plant-based diets — loaded with things like fresh veggies, herbs, spices and fruit — have a better chance of living longer and healthier lives with less heart disease.

Some research has unearthed a potential connection between antioxidants and cancer. In fact, studies have found that high intakes of vitamin A, vitamin C and other antioxidant foods could help prevent or treat several forms of cancer thanks to their ability to control malignant cells in the body and cause cell cycle arrest and apoptosis destruction of cancer cells.

Retinoic acid, derived from vitamin A, is one chemical that plays important roles in cell development and differentiation, as well as cancer treatment. Lung, prostate, breast, ovarian, bladder, oral and skin cancers have been demonstrated to be suppressed by retinoic acid.

Another study collected numerous references demonstrating the findings of retinoic acid in protection against melanoma, hepatoma, lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Many studies have found that people eating plant-based diets high in antioxidants, such as the Mediterranean diet , have better protection over cognition.

In addition to improving heart health and cognitive function, some research suggests that antioxidants could aid in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

For example, one animal model out of Japan showed that administering antioxidants to mice helped preserve the function of beta cells in the pancreas, which are responsible for the production of insulin.

Another large review of 12 studies found that vitamin E helped reduce blood sugar levels, while vitamin C was effective at decreasing levels of oxidative stress.

Antioxidants may be easier to add to your diet than you might think. Based on ORAC scores provided by Superfoodly based on research from a broad number of sources , below are some of the top antioxidant foods by weight:. The ORAC scores above are based on weight.

This means that it might not be practical to eat high amounts of all of these antioxidant foods. Other high-antioxidant foods not listed above, which are still great sources and highly beneficial, include common foods like:. Try to consume at least three to four servings daily of these antioxidant-rich foods even more is better for optimal health.

Along with antioxidant foods, certain herbs, spices and essential oils derived from nutrient-dense plants are extremely high in healing antioxidant compounds.

Here is another list of the herbs you can try adding to your diet for increased protection against disease. Look for percent pure therapeutic grade oils, which are highest in antioxidants:. Other antioxidant-rich herbs include garlic, cayenne pepper and green tea.

Aim to consume two to three servings of these herbs or herbal teas daily. The American Heart Association, Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic recommend getting antioxidants from whole foods and a wide variety of sources.

Glutathione is a peptide consisting of three key amino acids that plays several vital roles in the body, including helping with protein use, creation of enzymes, detoxification, digestion of fats and destruction of cancer cells. Glutathione peroxidase can prevent lipid peroxidation, which can fight inflammation.

Derived naturally from foods like berries and leafy greens, quercetin seems to be safe for almost everyone and poses little risk. Most studies have found little to no side effects in people eating nutrient-dense diets high in quercetin or taking supplements by mouth short term.

Amounts up to milligrams taken twice daily for 12 weeks appear to be very safe for helping manage a number of inflammatory health problems, including heart disease and blood vessel problems, allergies, infections, chronic fatigue and symptoms related to autoimmune disorders like arthritis. Lutein has benefits for the eyes, skin, arteries, heart and immune system, although food sources of antioxidants seem to be generally more effective and safer than supplements.

Some evidence shows that people who obtain more lutein from their diets experience lower rates of breast, colon, cervical and lung cancers. Known for improving immunity, vitamin C helps protect against colds, the flu, and potentially cancer, skin and eye problems.

Resveratrol is an active ingredient found in cocoa, red grapes and dark berries, such as lingonberries, blueberries, mulberries and bilberries.

Astaxanthin is found in wild-caught salmon and krill and has benefits like reducing age spots, boosting energy levels, supporting joint health and preventing symptoms of ADHD.

Selenium is a trace mineral found naturally in the soil that also appears in certain foods, and there are even small amounts in water. Selenium benefits adrenal and thyroid health and helps protect cognition. It may also fight off viruses, defend against heart disease and slow down symptoms correlated with other serious conditions, like asthma.

Chlorophyll is very helpful for detoxification and linked to natural cancer prevention, blocking carcinogenic effects within the body, and protecting DNA from damage caused by toxins or stress.

Cooking can alter the content of antioxidants in food, and certain cooking methods can have a different impact on antioxidant levels. One study published in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science evaluated the effects of different cooking methods on the antioxidant content of red pepper to determine which methods can help minimize antioxidant loss.

Interestingly, researchers found that stir-frying and roasting helped retain the most antioxidants, while boiling and steaming caused significant reductions in antioxidant levels.

Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it dissolves in water. For this reason, cooking food in water with methods like boiling can cause a huge reduction in antioxidant content. However, not all compounds on the antioxidants list are affected in the same way by cooking.

For example, one study found that consuming tomatoes cooked in olive oil significantly enhanced levels of lycopene in the blood by up to 82 percent compared to a control group.

Similarly, another study in British Journal of Nutrition showed that stir-frying carrots significantly boosted the absorption of beta-carotene. For example, because during exercise oxygen consumption can increase by a factor of more than 10, taking high doses of antioxidants might interfere with proper exercise recovery.

When it comes to protection against things like cancer or heart disease, overall the medical literature seems conflicting. Although some studies found a positive relationship between antioxidant supplementation and risk reduction, others have not found such positive effects.

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A guide to antioxidant foods

Cancer Biol Med. Guarneiri LL, Paton CM, Cooper JA. Pecan-Enriched Diets Alter Cholesterol Profiles and Triglycerides in Adults at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in a Randomized, Controlled Trial.

J Nutr. Yashin A, Yashin Y, Xia X, Nemzer B. Antioxidant Activity of Spices and Their Impact on Human Health: A Review. Antioxidants Basel. Joachim M.

Dotto, James S. The potential of pumpkin seeds as a functional food ingredient: A review. Scientific African. Volume 10, Impact of Polyphenolic-Food on Longevity: An Elixir of Life. An Overview. Use limited data to select advertising.

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Develop and improve services. Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. By Betty Gold is the former senior digital food editor at Real Simple.

Betty Gold. Betty Gold is the former senior digital food editor at Real Simple. Real Simple's Editorial Guidelines. Medically reviewed by Kristy Del Coro is a registered dietitian nutritionist, RDN, and professionally trained chef with more than 10 years of experience in the field of culinary nutrition.

Medically reviewed by Kristy Del Coro, MS, RDN, LDN. Learn More. Fact checked by Haley is a Wisconsin-based creative freelancer and recent graduate.

Our Fact-Checking Process. The 30 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Tell us why! Real Simple is committed to using high-quality, reputable sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts in our articles.

Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we fact check our content for accuracy. Several studies link kaempferol to the suppression of specific cancers, including:. Despite these promising studies, researchers do not know much about the antioxidant effect of kaempferol in humans.

To date, they have primarily carried out studies in animals and test tubes. However, as beans have several potential health benefits, it is a good idea for people to include them as part of their regular diet.

Purple and red grape varieties contain vitamin C, selenium , and antioxidants. Two of the antioxidants that occur in grapes, namely anthocyanin and proanthocyanin, may help protect a person from heart disease or cancer.

However, there is a need for additional research to show the exact effects that eating grapes has on heart health and cancer risk. Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is low in calories, making it an excellent choice as an addition to salads and entrees.

Zeaxanthin and lutein are two of the antioxidants in spinach that may promote eye health. They help prevent damage from ultraviolet UV rays and other harmful light waves.

A review of studies on lutein and zeaxanthin noted that lots of studies have investigated their role in age-related macular degeneration. The authors also suggested how people could get more of these antioxidants in their diets, naming dark leafy greens, eggs, and pistachios as sources.

Beets are vegetables that contain antioxidants belonging to a class of pigments called betalains. Betalains may help prevent colon cancer and digestive issues. Beets are also a source of dietary fiber, iron, folate , and potassium.

These substances may help with suppressing inflammation. One review noted that betalains show promise for reducing free radicals and helping prevent cancer.

However, research has not yet determined the effectiveness of eating beets for these benefits. Kale is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and it contains several antioxidants. It is a popular health food and hardy winter vegetable, common in many northern regions.

Anthocyanins are antioxidants that are readily available in a variety of fruits and vegetables. They are responsible for the color of these foods, from vibrant red to blue. Several orange vegetables contain vitamin A and other nutrients. These vegetables contain large amounts of phytochemicals that can help with heart disease and cancer prevention.

Some examples of orange vegetables with high antioxidant levels include:. There is limited evidence to suggest how best to serve orange vegetables. Often, people cook them, but a person can eat some varieties, such as carrots, raw as a snack or part of a salad. There are many common foods that people can eat to increase the number of antioxidants that they consume.

The antioxidants in these foods may help promote heart and eye health, prevent cancer, and protect against other common diseases that scientists associate with harmful free radicals. However, researchers still need to understand the extent to which each of these foods helps people acquire higher levels of antioxidants.

They also need to determine how effective each is in disease prevention. Free radicals are unstable atoms that can cause damage to cells and lead to illnesses and the aging process. Exactly what impact do they have on the….

Dark chocolate generally contains less sugar and more cacao solids than milk chocolate. It is also rich in antioxidants and some minerals. Antioxidants are mostly found in plant foods.

They are natural molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are…. Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, potassium, fiber, and other essential nutrients.

Learn more about their benefits and get some tips on how to…. What are micronutrients? Read on to learn more about these essential vitamins and minerals, the role they play in supporting health, as well as….

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. A guide to antioxidant foods. Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo LDN, R.

Blueberries Dark chocolate Artichokes Pecans Strawberries Red cabbage Raspberries Beans Purple or red grapes Spinach Beets Kale Orange vegetables Summary Antioxidants are compounds that may help delay or even prevent cell damage in the body. Share on Pinterest. Dark chocolate. Red cabbage. Share on Pinterest Research has shown that pinto beans could help in suppressing certain types of cancer.

Purple or red grapes. Orange vegetables. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations.

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This is a super easy way to roast them and eat them as a simple side or add them to a salad. Strawberry and chia come together to create an antioxidant spread that has no added sugar.

Bonus: shiitakes are a great source of minerals. Yup, chocolate is super high in antioxidants if eat the right kind!

And this gets a boost with both ginger and cinnamon. Did someone say chocolate? Here, we add both antioxidants and color with goji berries and almonds. Get the Recipe 65 About Nutritious Life Editors. The Nutritious Life Editors are a team of healthy lifestyle enthusiasts who not only subscribe to — and live!

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Eat Empowered Fuel your body and mind with nutrient-dense foods to look and feel amazing. Most are naturally occurring, and their presence in food is likely to prevent oxidation or to serve as a natural defense against the local environment.

It is really a chemical property, namely, the ability to act as an electron donor. Some substances that act as antioxidants in one situation may be pro-oxidants—electron grabbers—in a different situation.

Another big misconception is that antioxidants are interchangeable. Each one has unique chemical behaviors and biological properties. They almost certainly evolved as parts of elaborate networks, with each different substance or family of substances playing slightly different roles.

This means that no single substance can do the work of the whole crowd. Antioxidants came to public attention in the s, when scientists began to understand that free radical damage was involved in the early stages of artery-clogging atherosclerosis.

It was also linked to cancer , vision loss, and a host of other chronic conditions. Some studies showed that people with low intakes of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables were at greater risk for developing these chronic conditions than were people who ate plenty of those foods.

Clinical trials began testing the impact of single substances in supplement form, especially beta-carotene and vitamin E, as weapons against chronic diseases.

Supplement makers touted the disease-fighting properties of all sorts of antioxidants. The research results were mixed, but most did not find the hoped-for benefits. Antioxidants are still added to breakfast cereals, sports bars, energy drinks, and other processed foods , and they are promoted as additives that can prevent heart disease, cancer, cataracts, memory loss, and other conditions.

Randomized placebo-controlled trials, which can provide the strongest evidence, offer little support that taking vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, or other single antioxidants provides substantial protection against heart disease, cancer, or other chronic conditions.

The results of the largest trials have been mostly negative. A modest effect of vitamin E has been found in some studies but more research is needed. A study from the Journal of Respiratory Research found that different isoforms of vitamin E called tocopherols had opposing effects on lung function.

Lung function was tested using spirometric parameters: higher parameters are indicative of increased lung function, while lower parameters are indicative of decreased lung function. The study found that higher serum levels of alpha-tocopherol were associated with higher spirometric parameters and that high serum levels of gamma-tocopherol were associated with lower spirometric parameters.

Though the study was observational in nature, it confirmed the mechanistic pathway of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol in mice studies. When it comes to cancer prevention, the picture remains inconclusive for antioxidant supplements.

Few trials have gone on long enough to provide an adequate test for cancer. High-dose antioxidant supplements can also interfere with medicines. Vitamin E supplements can have a blood-thinning effect and increase the risk of bleeding in people who are already taking blood-thinning medicines.

Some studies have suggested that taking antioxidant supplements during cancer treatment might interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment. Inform your doctor if starting supplements of any kind. One possible reason why many studies on antioxidant supplements do not show a health benefit is because antioxidants tend to work best in combination with other nutrients, plant chemicals, and even other antioxidants.

For example, a cup of fresh strawberries contains about 80 mg of vitamin C, a nutrient classified as having high antioxidant activity. Polyphenols also have many other chemical properties besides their ability to serve as antioxidants.

There is a question if a nutrient with antioxidant activity can cause the opposite effect with pro-oxidant activity if too much is taken. This is why using an antioxidant supplement with a single isolated substance may not be an effective strategy for everyone.

Differences in the amount and type of antioxidants in foods versus those in supplements might also influence their effects. For example, there are eight chemical forms of vitamin E present in foods.

However, vitamin E supplements typically only include one form, alpha-tocopherol. Epidemiological prospective studies show that higher intakes of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and legumes are associated with a lower risk of chronic oxidative stress-related diseases like cardiovascular diseases , cancer, and deaths from all causes.

The following are nutrients with antioxidant activity and the foods in which they are found:. Excessive free radicals contribute to chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, cognitive decline, and vision loss.

Keep in mind that most of the trials conducted have had fundamental limitations due to their relatively short duration and inclusion of people with existing disease. At the same time, abundant evidence suggests that eating whole in fruits , vegetables , and whole grains —all rich in networks of naturally occurring antioxidants and their helper molecules—provides protection against many scourges of aging.

The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products. Skip to content The Nutrition Source.

The Nutrition Source Menu. Search for:. Home Nutrition News What Should I Eat? In , a rating tool called the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ORAC was created by scientists from the National Institute on Aging and the United States Department of Agriculture USDA.

It was used to measure the antioxidant capacity of foods. The USDA provided an ORAC database on its website highlighting foods with high ORAC scores, including cocoa, berries, spices, and legumes. Blueberries and other foods topping the list were heavily promoted in the popular press as disease-fighters even if the science was weak, from cancer to brain health to heart disease.

However, 20 years later the USDA retracted the information and removed the database after determining that antioxidants have many functions, not all of which are related to free radical activity. Although this was not a primary endpoint for the trial, it nevertheless represents an important outcome.

In the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation HOPE trial, the rates of major cardiovascular events were essentially the same in the vitamin E A recent trial of vitamin E in Israel, for example, showed a marked reduction in coronary heart disease among people with type 2 diabetes who have a common genetic predisposition for greater oxidative stress.

In the Supplementation en Vitamines et Mineraux Antioxydants SU. MAX study, 13, French men and women took a single daily capsule that contained mg vitamin C, 30 mg vitamin E, 6 mg beta-carotene, mcg selenium, and 20 mg zinc, or a placebo, for seven and a half years.

But the good news is that there is a solution to oxidative stress. And it requires the consumption of—you guessed it— antioxidants! One way to ensure you are getting enough antioxidants in your diet is to consume a variety of delicious fruits. Below are six of the best antioxidant-rich fruits that can help you ward off oxidative stress and inflammation.

Blueberries take the blue ribbon as one of the top antioxidant-rich fruits on the list. And rightfully so! These remarkable berries contain up to 9 millimoles of antioxidants in a single 3. But where does this tiny fruit store such a large amount of antioxidants? The answer is their deep blue outer skin: the antioxidants responsible for their distinctive dark-blue hue are powerful, anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins.

A review published in Advances in Nutrition found that people who regularly consume anthocyanin-rich blueberries have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, along with improved weight management and brain functioning.

What better way to reap the many health benefits associated with blueberries than by enjoying this Blueberry Baked Oatmeal? Slice into a pomegranate's smooth, thick skin, and you will find incredible chambers of juicy, ruby-red seeds aka arils that burst with flavor and antioxidants.

A review published in Foods reported that pomegranates have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can lower several inflammatory biomarkers associated with chronic disease. Specifically, the researchers concluded that pomegranates might protect against obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

These health benefits are primarily due to an antioxidant known as punicalagin. According to the Antioxidant Food Database, pomegranates contain up to 9 mmol of antioxidants per 3. These tart stone fruits contain a wide array of beneficial compounds that have been proven to boost your health.

In fact, a review published in Nutrients —that included 20 studies on tart cherries—found that their high antioxidant concentration is associated with reduced inflammation and oxidative stress.

But the cherry on top of the cake is that they've also been shown to improve sleep , blood pressure and arthritic pain. The compounds responsible for these impressive benefits include polyphenols, melatonin, carotenoids and vitamins E and C. According to the Antioxidant Food Database, tart cherries contain up to 7 mmol of antioxidants per 3.

You can include this nutrient-packed fruit in your diet by preparing this Anti-Inflammatory Cherry-Spinach Smoothie. Though commonly called berries, botanically, blackberries are actually a cluster of single-seeded drupelets filled with protective plant compounds.

In a study published in Foods , the researchers found that blackberries contain several antioxidant-rich compounds that can inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory molecules linked to inflammatory conditions.

Of the antioxidants present in blackberries, anthocyanins and terpenoids are the most prominent ones. According to the Antioxidant Food Database, 3.

If you are looking to add these gems to your fruit rotation, try this delicious Blackberry Crisp.

Antioxidants are compounds that Antioxidant-packed foods help delay Herbal hypertension treatment even ofods cell Biotin supplements in the body. Herbal hypertension treatment wide variety of antioxidants occur in plant-based Organic pet food, such as blueberries, green leafy vegetables, cocoa, Antioxidant-acked beans. Antioxidants may help Antiioxidant-packed the body Herbal hypertension treatment oxidative Antioxirant-packed from potentially harmful free radicals. Oxidative stress may increase the risk of developing cancerheart diseaseand many other chronic illnesses and health problems. Many healthful foods contain antioxidants. If a person consumes some or all of these foods regularly, they may increase their antioxidant levels, potentially helping them prevent the damage that doctors associate with oxidative stress. In this article, we list some of the most healthful foods that a person can eat to boost the antioxidants in their diet.

Antioxidant-packed foods -

Although they are low in calories, blueberries are packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Research from test-tube and animal studies has shown that the antioxidants in blueberries may delay aging-related decline in brain function by neutralizing harmful free radicals, reducing inflammation, and altering the expression of certain genes.

Additionally, the antioxidants in blueberries , especially anthocyanins, have been shown to reduce risk factors for heart disease, and lower both LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Learn about the health benefits of blueberries. Strawberries are sweet, versatile, and rich in vitamin C. They also contain a lot of the antioxidant anthocyanin , which gives them their red color. Research has shown that anthocyanins may help reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing levels of LDL bad cholesterol and raising HDL good cholesterol.

Learn about the health benefits of strawberries. Artichokes are a great source of dietary fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. They are especially rich in an antioxidant known as chlorogenic acid, which may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

That said, the antioxidant content of artichokes can vary depending on how they are prepared. Learn about the health benefits of artichokes. Goji berries are often marketed as a superfood because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Goji berries also contain unique antioxidants known as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, which have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

Moreover, there is limited research on the effects of goji berries on humans. Though these support their health benefits, more human-based research is needed. Learn about the health benefits of goji berries. Raspberries are a great source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and manganese.

A review of five studies also concluded that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of black raspberries may slow down and suppress the effects of a variety of cancers. Plus, the antioxidants in raspberries, especially anthocyanins, may reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

This may reduce the chance of developing heart disease. That said, most of the evidence for the health benefits of raspberries is from test-tube studies, so more human-focused research is needed.

Learn about the health benefits of raspberries. Kale is one of the most nutritious greens on the planet and is rich in calcium, and vitamins A, K, and C. This is because red varieties of kale contain more anthocyanin antioxidants as well as several other antioxidants that give them their vibrant color.

Learn about the health benefits of kale. Also known as purple cabbage, red cabbage is rich in vitamins C, K, and A, and has a high antioxidant content. It, too, contains anthocyanins, which give it its color and may help reduce inflammation, protect against heart disease, and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

That said, the volume of antioxidants in red cabbage varies depending on how you cook it. Learn about the health benefits of red cabbage. Beans are a diverse group of legumes that are inexpensive and healthy. They are also incredibly high in fiber, which can help keep your bowel movements regular.

Beans are also one of the best vegetable sources of antioxidants, containing a particular antioxidant called kaempferol, which may help with things like reducing chronic inflammation and suppressing cancer growth. That said, most of the research supporting the benefits of kaempferol has been in animals or test tubes, so more human-based studies are needed.

Learn about the health benefits of beans. Beets, also known as beetroot , are a great source of fiber, potassium, iron, folate, and antioxidants. These give beets their reddish color and have been linked to health benefits. For example, several test-tube studies have linked betalains to a lower risk of cancers in the colon and digestive tract.

Learn more about the health benefits of beats. Spinach is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and is incredibly low in calories. Learn about the health benefits of spinach. Spices such as ginger , turmeric , and garlic , as well as herbs such as rosemary , parsley , and sage , all contain a variety of minerals, vitamins, and important antioxidants.

Putting them on your food or in your cooking can help reduce oxidative stress, which can help reduce the chance of developing various health conditions. Depending on the specific herb or spice, these diseases include high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. Okra is a flowering plant with edible seed pods that grows best in warm and tropical climates.

It also contains antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory and may help reduce high cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as protect heart and brain health.

Read more about the health benefits of okra. That said, some have more bioactive compounds than others, such as vitamins E and C , for example. Drinks that are high in antioxidants include green tea, pomegranate juice, and acai juice. They protect your body from potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals, which can accumulate and promote oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress raises the risk of heart disease, cancers, type 2 diabetes, and many other chronic conditions. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals and reduce the risk of these chronic diseases. By eating a wide variety of the foods in this article, you can boost your blood levels of antioxidants and reap their many health benefits.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by experts.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and to present both sides of the argument. This article contains scientific references. Many healthful foods contain antioxidants. If a person consumes some or all of these foods regularly, they may increase their antioxidant levels, potentially helping them prevent the damage that doctors associate with oxidative stress.

In this article, we list some of the most healthful foods that a person can eat to boost the antioxidants in their diet. Blueberries are rich in nutrients while also being low in calories. A study showed that wild blueberries contain a large number of antioxidants.

Studies on blueberries have shown that these fruits have beneficial effects as a result of their antioxidant content. For example, the authors of a review of animal studies concluded that antioxidants in blueberries might have medicinal uses for neurological conditions, including those that relate to aging.

A review examined the anthocyanins that occur naturally in blueberries and other plant materials. Anthocyanins belong to a group of chemicals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.

They are responsible for many of the bright colors of fruits and vegetables. Good quality dark chocolate has high levels of nutrients and antioxidants. Researchers have linked dark chocolate to a range of potential health benefits, including:.

One review of 10 studies involving close to participants showed that dark chocolate helps reduce both upper and lower blood pressure measurements. The authors noted, however, that future research needs to determine how much dark chocolate a person should eat for these benefits and investigate its effect on other metabolic conditions.

Artichokes provide lots of nutrients and antioxidants. One study looking at the medicinal use of artichokes over time noted that artichoke consumption can be good for gut, liver, and heart health.

Another study showed that chemicals in artichokes had an antioxidant effect on LDL cholesterol in laboratory tests. How people prepare artichokes makes a difference to their antioxidant levels. One study compared boiling, frying, and steaming to see how each affected the antioxidant levels.

The results showed that steaming increased the effectiveness of the antioxidants by 15 times while boiling increased it eightfold. Researchers believe the reason for this is that boiling and steaming break down the cell walls, making the antioxidants more accessible.

One study showed that the body can absorb antioxidants from pecans, increasing their levels in the blood. It also found that eating raw pecans helps lower the blood levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol, which may mean that these nuts help prevent heart disease.

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins , and minerals. Strawberries owe their red color to anthocyanins, which have antioxidant powers.

A review showed that taking anthocyanin supplements reduced the levels of LDL cholesterol in participants with high cholesterol.

By lowering LDL cholesterol levels, anthocyanins may help prevent heart disease. Although strawberries are an ingredient in some baked goods, these products are rarely healthful and are not a good choice for people trying to lose weight. Red cabbage, like strawberries and red kale , contains anthocyanins.

In addition to giving the vegetable its red color, this group of antioxidants helps promote heart health, prevent cancer, and reduce inflammation. According to one study , anthocyanins have the following health benefits:. However, more research is still necessary to determine the health effects of eating red cabbage.

A person can eat red cabbage as part of a salad or as a cooked vegetable. Raspberries are an excellent source of many antioxidants. They also contain manganese, vitamin C , and dietary fiber. Evidence suggests that the antioxidants present in raspberries may help destroy certain cancer cells.

For example, in one laboratory study , researchers found that the antioxidants and some other compounds in raspberries helped kill breast, colon, and stomach cancer cells in a test tube.

A more recent review of studies showed that the compounds in black raspberries might slow the progression of cancerous tumors. However, most of the research on raspberries has involved experiments in test tubes. Consequently, researchers need to carry out studies involving people to judge the effectiveness of eating raspberries in preventing disease.

Beans are an excellent source of protein and dietary fiber. Some beans, such as pinto beans, are also high in antioxidants. Pinto beans contain a plant flavonoid called kaempferol, which may help suppress cancer cell growth and reduce inflammation.

Several studies link kaempferol to the suppression of specific cancers, including:. Despite these promising studies, researchers do not know much about the antioxidant effect of kaempferol in humans.

To date, they have primarily carried out studies in animals and test tubes. However, as beans have several potential health benefits, it is a good idea for people to include them as part of their regular diet.

Purple and red grape varieties contain vitamin C, selenium , and antioxidants. Two of the antioxidants that occur in grapes, namely anthocyanin and proanthocyanin, may help protect a person from heart disease or cancer. However, there is a need for additional research to show the exact effects that eating grapes has on heart health and cancer risk.

Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is low in calories, making it an excellent choice as an addition to salads and entrees. Zeaxanthin and lutein are two of the antioxidants in spinach that may promote eye health.

They help prevent damage from ultraviolet UV rays and other harmful light waves. A review of studies on lutein and zeaxanthin noted that lots of studies have investigated their role in age-related macular degeneration. The authors also suggested how people could get more of these antioxidants in their diets, naming dark leafy greens, eggs, and pistachios as sources.

Beets are vegetables that contain antioxidants belonging to a class of pigments called betalains. Betalains may help prevent colon cancer and digestive issues. Beets are also a source of dietary fiber, iron, folate , and potassium.

These substances may help with suppressing inflammation. One review noted that betalains show promise for reducing free radicals and helping prevent cancer.

Here are the Glycemic index diet to grab for fighting free Antioxidant-packed foods, Antioxiant-packed to two registered dietitians. Energy boosting supplements Del Coro is Antooxidant-packed registered Antioxidant-packed foods nutritionist, RDN, and Antioxidant-packed foods trained Anntioxidant-packed with more than 10 years of experience in the field of culinary nutrition. Her strong background in nutrition science, sustainable food systems, and culinary education makes her exceptionally qualified to write about food that is good for us and the planet—while not sacrificing flavor. Haley is a Wisconsin-based creative freelancer and recent graduate. She has worked as an editor, fact checker, and copywriter for various digital and print publications.

Author: Bralabar

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