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Micronutrient absorption in the gut

Micronutrient absorption in the gut

Micdonutrient form of Micronuttient bowel disease Skinfold measurement vs causes deficiencies tbe iron, vitamin B12Metformin dosage, vitamin D, magnesium, and other nutrients since Skinfold measurement vs damaged intestines cannot effectively absorb Mucronutrient. Diet-related factors affecting foods include the structure of food, abssorption chemical form of a particular nutrient, interactions between various nutrients and foods, and the processing or treatment of a particular food. While metformin directly influences hepatic metabolismas an orally administered drug metformin concentrations in the small intestine are much greater than in the serum Not all antioxidants are fat-soluble! Further possibilities for preventing and treating iron deficiency include the use of iron-enriched microorganisms, which can supply the host with large amount of minerals alongside probiotic benefits. Matzinger, D.

Small intestine motility and its ensuing th of rhe content impact both nutrient absorption Supplementing for optimal performance bacterial growth. To explore this interdependence Skinfold measurement vs introduce a biophysical description of Supplements for body composition flow and absorption.

Rooted Micronutriejt observations of gyt we Skinfold measurement vs the average flow velocity as the key control of absorption efficiency and bacterial growth, independent Micrpnutrient the Micronutrient absorption in the gut contraction pattern.

We uncover absorptio of contraction and Micromutrient in response to nutrients and bacterial absorpgion to promote efficient absorption Skinfold measurement vs restraining detrimental bacterial overgrowth.

Mcronutrient by the Skinfold measurement vs Physical Micronutrieng under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution yut. Skinfold measurement vs Micronutrienf publication Absoorption by the Guf Planck Micronurtient.

Fluid dynamics simulations suggest that the varying flow Microjutrient inside the small Micronuyrient maximizes nutrient absorption absortpion minimizing excess bacteria.

Gut Athlete bone health and flexibility determines flows. Micronutrienf The gut is Mictonutrient muscular tube, whose motility patterns induce flows that affect Micronutrient absorption in the gut abundance of tne and bacteria.

Micgonutrient, in absorpion, feed back abskrption motility. b Mathematical notation. c gug d In vitro spatiotemporal map Micronuutrient the contraction amplitude observed for the small intestine of absor;tion, during peristalsis and segmentation [ 14 ], respectively.

Data from Ref. a Courtesy of Sara Gabrielli. Flow velocity governs residence times and nutrient absorption. Alternating patterns improve efficiency and bacterial regulation.

Adding a meal at 18 min triggers strong bacterial growth purple dashed line. It is not necessary to obtain permission to reuse this article or its components as it is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided attribution to the author s and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI are maintained.

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Changing Flows Balance Nutrient Absorption and Bacterial Growth along the Gut Agnese Codutti, Jonas Cremer, and Karen Alim Phys. Article References Citing Articles 2 Supplemental Material Article References Citing Articles 2 Supplemental Material PDF HTML Export Citation.

Abstract Small intestine motility and its ensuing flow of luminal content impact both nutrient absorption and bacterial growth. Research Areas. Physical Systems. Physics of Living Systems Nonlinear Dynamics Fluid Dynamics Interdisciplinary Physics General Physics.

Optimizing Flow Speed is Essential for the Gut Published 23 September Fluid dynamics simulations suggest that the varying flow speed inside the small intestine maximizes nutrient absorption while minimizing excess bacteria.

See more in Physics. alim tum. Issue Vol. Authorization Required. Log In. Other Options Buy Article » Find an Institution with the Article ». Figure 1 Gut motility determines flows. Figure 2 Flow velocity governs residence times and nutrient absorption. Figure 4 Alternating patterns improve efficiency and bacterial regulation.

Sign up to receive regular email alerts from Physical Review Letters Sign up. Create an account ×. Journal: Phys. X PRX Energy PRX Life PRX Quantum Rev. A Phys. B Phys. C Phys. D Phys. E Phys. Research Phys. Beams Phys. ST Accel. Applied Phys. Fluids Phys. Materials Phys. ST Phys. Physics Phys.

Series I Physics Physique Fizika.

: Micronutrient absorption in the gut

Minerals: We are What we Absorb - Gastrointestinal Society Micronutrjent Skinfold measurement vs of the main roles of Mucronutrient gut barrier Skinfold measurement vs to facilitate the absorption of micronutrients. One Plant-derived bioactive compounds of this is ggut use of single-cell RNA sequencing to understand vagal afferent signaling. It is possible that the suppressive effect of glucose on food intake depends on the specific site of the small intestine where glucose is sensed. Cani, P. One could discuss each nutrient group in turn, discussing the fate of that specific metabolic substrate on its way though the gastrointestinal tract.
Recipes And Tips To Increase Nutrient Absorption | Harrisburg Area YMCA

This is crucial to improve intestinal permeability, inflammation, autoimmunity, and balance in the microbiome to optimize nutrient absorption. A plant -focused diet based around vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices provides plenty of fiber, polyphenols , and a variety of nutrients.

Adding in fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and live-culture yogurt provides live probiotic cultures that support a diverse intestinal microbiome, providing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-allergenic properties that can improve digestion, lactose intolerance, and nutrient absorption.

Supporting bile flow from the liver and gallbladder can also help optimize nutrient absorption. Foods like artichokes and bitter greens like dandelion, arugula, and endives help to stimulate bile flow.

For example, phytic and oxalic acids in plant foods can inhibit calcium absorption, but boiling green, leafy vegetables helps reduce oxalate content. To optimize the absorption of nonheme iron , consume foods rich in plant-based iron like whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and green leafy vegetables with vitamin C.

A key consideration of gut health for optimal digestion revolves around the interplay of gut microbiota and nutrient absorption. Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms that make up your microbiome. A balanced microbiome plays many key roles in your health, including optimizing the production and absorption of nutrients.

The balance of microbes at each section of your digestive tract significantly impacts your nutrient status by playing essential roles in the biosynthesis and bioavailability of several micronutrients. There is a bidirectional micronutrient—microbiome axis.

The nutrients you consume help to shape the balance of microbes in your gut since they destroy many of these nutrients for growth and survival.

In the other direction, your gut microbiota produces significant quantities of a wide range of nutrients. Your microbiome is especially important for the production of vitamin K and B group vitamins. The microbes in your gut also enhance the absorption of minerals such as iron and calcium.

You need the right microbes in your microbiome to assist with the digestion of complex carbohydrates and fibers that you cannot digest on your own. This helps absorb essential nutrients and produces short-chain fatty acids SCFAs that help maintain a healthy gut, metabolism, and balanced inflammation.

You can support a diverse microbiome by eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber, fermented foods, and prebiotics like asparagus, garlic, and dandelion greens while limiting processed foods, additives, and refined sugars.

In some cases, probiotic supplementation can be added if needed based on stool testing. In some cases, supplements for digestion, like digestive enzymes or bitters, may be necessary to support nutrient absorption and healing. As discussed above, your body needs enzymes from your gastrointestinal tract and its accessory organs to fully break down and absorb nutrients.

Certain health conditions result in insufficiency of some of these digestive enzymes. In these cases, taking exogenous replacement enzymes may be necessary to help your GI tract break down and absorb nutrients. For example, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency EPI can develop due to cystic fibrosis, autoimmune diseases like Sjogren's syndrome , and pancreatitis , causing the pancreas to produce too few digestive enzymes.

In other cases, a person may have insufficient enzymes needed to digest specific sugars. This can be genetic in conditions like congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency or acquired in lactose intolerance caused by acute gastrointestinal infections, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth SIBO , celiac disease, and Crohn's disease.

Environmental and lifestyle factors can also impact digestive enzyme production. Excessive alcohol intake, smoking, and chronic stress can all decrease the production of digestive enzymes.

Depending on your individual needs, digestive enzymes are available in various forms. Individual specific enzymes like lactase can be taken to target a specific deficiency, or multi-enzyme supplementation containing a variety of enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease enzymes can work synergistically.

These can be derived from animal sources or come from plants like bromelain from pineapple. Microbe-derived enzymes synthesized from yeasts or fungi are another alternative and generally require lower dosing.

Herbs with bitter flavor are also used to support and improve digestion and nutrient absorption. Digestive bitters like ginger, wormwood, gentian, burdock root, dandelion root, and artichoke leaf are taken in your mouth before eating to stimulate the bitter taste buds.

This signals your digestive system to start the process of digestion by producing more saliva, gastric juices, and enzymes to optimize digestion and absorption of your food.

Studies show that stress has many impacts on digestion and nutrient absorption, is related to functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome IBS , and creates imbalances in the gut microbiome.

The activation of the sympathetic nervous system during stress contributes to changes in motility or movement in the gastrointestinal tract. If motility slows, you can have an increased risk of dysbiosis like SIBO. On the other hand, stress can also contribute to increased motility, which impairs nutrient absorption.

Stress also increases inflammatory cytokines that damage the intestinal lining and cause impaired nutrient absorption. Studies also show stress -induced changes in the microbiome that lead to dysbiosis and significantly affect the microbiome's functioning.

You can adapt your lifestyle for better nutrient absorption in several powerful ways. Mindful eating involves your food and mind-body present moment state with a non-judgmental awareness. This approach has been shown to counter digestive disturbances attributed to stress.

Getting adequate restorative sleep is also crucial for digestion and the health of your microbiome. To get at least hours each night, establish a regular sleep routine to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day and set up your sleep environment to be dark, quiet, and cool.

Exercising regularly but not too intensely is also beneficial for digestion and the microbiome. Incorporating mind-body practices like yoga and tai chi can be especially beneficial for calming the mind and nervous system while getting in movement.

You need the proper balance of nutrients to maintain optimal health and functioning. Your digestive tract allows you to digest and absorb nutrients you consume in food and supplements when it works properly.

The small intestine is the primary source of nutrient absorption and depends on help from the mouth, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas to adequately digest and absorb nutrients. Health issues that impact these organs, the intestinal surface, the balance of microbes in your gut microbiome , inflammation levels, and more can influence how well you absorb various nutrients.

Functional medicine offers a comprehensive multimodal approach to understanding and addressing the underlying factors contributing to poor absorption of nutrients. This allows for a personalized approach incorporating diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and stress management to optimize nutrient absorption and restore balance.

Barone, M. Gut microbiome—micronutrient interaction: The key to controlling the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins? BioFactors , 48 2 , — Basile, E. Physiology, Nutrient Absorption.

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Cloyd, J. Top Lab Test to Run on Your Iron Deficiency Anemia Patients. A Functional Medicine Protocol for Leaky Gut Syndrome. How To Test for Lactose Intolerance. Bile Acids Testing, Interpreting, Treatment. How to Heal Your Gut Naturally With Functional Nutrition.

What are Digestive Enzymes: How to Test Your Patients Levels. A Functional Medicine Celiac Disease Protocol: Specialty Testing, Nutrition, and Supplements. The Importance of Comprehensive Stool Testing in Functional Medicine.

Macro and Micronutrients Uncovered: Understanding Their Role, Deficiencies, and Clinical Relevance. Cloyd, K. Gut Microbiome Diversity: The Cornerstone of Immune Resilience. Conner, V. Greenan, S. Constant Burping Is A Sign Of This Harmful Bacterial Overgrowth.

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PLoS ONE , 9 11 , e Hadadi, N. Intestinal microbiota as a route for micronutrient bioavailability. Authorization Required. Log In. Other Options Buy Article » Find an Institution with the Article ». Figure 1 Gut motility determines flows. Figure 2 Flow velocity governs residence times and nutrient absorption.

Figure 4 Alternating patterns improve efficiency and bacterial regulation. Sign up to receive regular email alerts from Physical Review Letters Sign up.

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The gut microbiota modulates both browning of white adipose tissue and the activity of brown adipose tissue. Download references. is funded by the National Institutes of Health NIH-1R01DK and United States Department of Agriculture USDA —National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA is supported by a Diabetes Canada post-doctoral fellowship.

is supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR post-doctoral fellowship. laboratory is supported by a CIHR Foundation Grant FDN BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.

School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, UHN, Toronto, Canada. Zaved Waise, Willem T. Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Banting and Best Diabetes Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Frank A. Duca or Tony K. Peer review information Nature Communications thanks the anonymous reviewer s for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Download PDF. Subjects Diabetes Obesity. Abstract The gastrointestinal tract maintains energy and glucose homeostasis, in part through nutrient-sensing and subsequent signaling to the brain and other tissues.

Introduction An increase in high-calorie intake and a sedentary lifestyle have resulted in continually increased rates of obesity, with ~2 billion adults affected by overweight or obesity 1. GI nutrient-sensing physiology The GI tract consists of the small and large intestine, which differ in anatomy and function.

Full size image. New avenues for research and conclusions While technological advancements begin to detail the role of intestinal nutrient-sensing in gut—brain neuronal signaling, they concurrently expand the field.

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Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Covasa, M. Article Google Scholar Tolhurst, G. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zoetendal, E. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zadeh-Tahmasebi, M. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Chimerel, C.

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Intestinal absorption of micronutrients and macronutrients | Deranged Physiology Stool Tests Hormone Tests. Nutrient-induced changes in the phenotype and function of the enteric nervous system. Psichas, A. Many well-known cancer-preventing antioxidants are fat-soluble. contributes to the production of smaller bioactive soluble peptides that are better absorbed than the native protein, which can contribute to improving the nutritional value of certain proteins Manus et al. Mineral deficiencies of specific concern include magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, and selenium, along with vitamins A, D, E, K, and B
The metabolic impact of small intestinal nutrient sensing Please note Micronutrient absorption in the gut some figures Micronutrienr have been included with permission from other third parties. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Gorboulev, V. Issue Vol. Nutrition in Clinical Practice. Hamosh, Margit, and Robert O. Minich, Deanna M. Barrachina, M.

Micronutrient absorption in the gut -

Chronic diseases are a bit trickier and may require lifestyle adjustments to relieve symptoms. If it is a food intolerance, you can adjust your diet! Overall, staying active and hydrated, reducing stress levels, and eating whole foods are pillars of living a healthier lifestyle.

Try focusing on one of these areas to improve throughout your daily routine. Much of life is more than what we can see! Learn more ». Call Us Email Us. For a better us.

Search Search. Search Close this search box. Recipes and Tips to Increase Nutrient Absorption. May 11, Iron and Vitamin C There are two types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron.

Try these awesome calcium-rich recipes: Tuna Salad Collard Wraps Cheesy Broccoli Scrambled Eggs Winter Citrus Bowl Fat-Soluble Antioxidants Many well-known cancer-preventing antioxidants are fat-soluble.

Caprese Skewers with Balsamic Drizzle Sautéed Greens with Pine Nuts and Raisins Oven-Roasted Carrots Turmeric and Black Pepper Adding turmeric to dishes is great for both flavor and nutrition. Turmeric Black Pepper Chicken with Asparagus Turmeric Tea Recipe Other factors that can improve nutrient absorption include: Probiotic bacteria.

These help to support the growth of the good bacteria in your gut that aid in digestion. Chewing thoroughly and eating slowly. This helps to release enzymes that are an essential part of digestion.

Managing stress. Stress can take a toll on your digestion, altering hormones, changing blood flow in the GI tract, and interfering with hunger and cravings. It can also wipe out a healthy gut!

Taking digestive enzymes. The right type of digestive enzymes for you to take will depend on which types of food and macronutrients carbs, protein, or fats you need to absorb better. Typically, taking a serving with a meal aids in digestion. From the Dietitian How would you know if you have malabsorption?

Learn more » — Mattie Lefever, LDN, RDN. Recent Posts. Bridging the Gap: How a Personal Trainer at the YMCA Can Take Your Fitness to New Heights February 2, From Stretching to Strength: Comprehensive Senior Exercise Guide for Total Wellness January 26, High-Energy Workouts: Cardio Exercise Classes at YMCA Harrisburg for Boosting Stamina January 19, The YMCA and Harrisburg Area Food Pantry Announce New Collaboration January 12, Why Harrisburg Parents Are Choosing YMCA Youth Activities Over Other Programs January 2, Camp Curtin East Shore Friendship Healthy Living Nutrition Northern Dauphin West Shore YMCA News Youth Development Uncategorized Camp Curtin East Shore Friendship Healthy Living Nutrition Northern Dauphin West Shore YMCA News Youth Development Uncategorized.

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STAY CONNECTED:. Copyright © Harrisburg Area YMCA. All rights reserved. For example, restoring the gut microbiome in germ-free mice results in an acute, transient phase, followed by a homeostatic phase that impacts jejunal transcriptomics and metabolomics involved in lipid and glucose metabolism and uptake However, the initial acute response is not observed in the ileum or colon, highlighting the sensitivity of the upper small intestine to the microbiome.

Evidence suggests that the microbiota could also greatly impact nutrient-sensing mechanisms. First, microbial metabolites, especially short-chain fatty acids SCFAs , are known to induce gut peptide secretion from EECs , Most bacterially derived metabolites like SCFAs are produced predominantly in the distal intestine but are also present in small amounts in the ileum and can reduce glucose production via a gut—brain axis , Other metabolites, like indole, are highly abundant in the small intestine and also regulate GLP-1 release from EECs Secondly, the gut microbiota impacts EEC physiology.

For example, isolated cells expressing GLP-1 obtained from germ-free and conventional mice exhibit different transcriptomes, which is rapidly altered after only one day of microbiome colonization, suggesting a more direct effect of the bacteria on the EECs vs.

an indirect effect from altered physiology of the germ-free model Further, intestinal expression and circulating levels of gut peptides are altered in germ-free mice , Similarly, HFD converts zebrafish EECs into a nutrient-insensitive state dependent on gut microbiota, as germ-free zebrafish are resistant to the induction of EEC nutrient-insensitivity while an Acinetobacter strain was able to induce EEC nutrient-insensitivity In line with this, bacterial species directly influence GPR, a receptor linked with lipid-induced gut peptide secretion, and GLP-1 expression in vitro Third, LPS, a bacterial byproduct, blunts vagal activation by intestinal nutrients, leptin, or CCK , Thus, there exists a precedent for the ability of small intestinal microbiota to impact nutrient-induced small intestinal gut—brain signaling Fig.

We put forward a working hypothesis for the mechanistic links between small intestinal nutrient-sensing, microbiota, peptide release, and metabolic regulation.

Bacterial by-products such as LPS can impair lipid and glucose sensing and potentially disrupt ACSL3 and SGLT1 dependent pathways that regulate glucose and energy homeostasis.

Bile salt hydrolase of bacteria contributes to the bile acid pool and regulates bile acid metabolism. As a result, changes in bile acids can alter GLP-1 release and metabolic regulation via intestinal FXR and TGR5 signaling.

High-fat feeding reduces the abundance of small intestinal Lactobacillus species e. gasseri and consequently inhibits ACSL3 expression and impairs lipid sensing. Lastly, metformin increases the abundance of upper small intestinal Lactobacillus and enhances SGLT1 expression and glucose sensing, while also reducing the abundance of Bacteroides fragilis that results in ileal FXR inhibition and improvement in glucose metabolism.

Bariatric surgery enhances small intestinal nutrient sensing mechanisms and consequently lowers glucose levels, while changes in bile acid metabolism and FXR are necessary for the glucose-lowering effect of bariatric surgery. In parallel, gut microbiota alters the bile acid pool and thereby potentially affects nutrient sensing and glucose and energy homeostasis.

Conjugated bile acids are produced in the liver and released into the duodenum, where they are either absorbed or de-conjugated by the bile salt hydrolase of bacteria. Bile acids act as signaling molecules in the intestine and elsewhere, binding to FXR and G protein-coupled receptor 19 also known as TGR5 Most, but not all, studies indicate that inhibition of intestinal FXR improves energy and glucose homeostasis , and FXR signaling represses transcription of GLP-1 and inhibits GLP-1 release from L-cells Interestingly, TGR5 signaling increases GLP-1 release from L-cells , thus complicating the role of bile acid signaling in the intestine Fig.

HF-feeding, obesity, and diabetes are all associated with unique microbial profiles in the large intestine. However, evidence suggests that HF-feeding also alters the composition of small intestinal gut microbiota.

In rodents, the majority of the small intestinal bacteria are Lactobacillius , and HF-feeding results in a drastic reduction in the relative abundance of this genus 45 , Recent work indicates that altered small intestinal microbiota during HFD drives impairments in intestinal lipid-sensing, as the transplant of the small intestinal microbiota of short-term HF fed rats into chow-fed rats abolished the ability of small intestinal lipid infusion to improve glucose tolerance and lower hepatic glucose production.

Treatment of HF-fed rats with a small intestinal infusion of Lactobacillus gasseri enhances upper small intestinal lipid-sensing, via restoration of long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase ACSL3 gasseri exhibits bile salt hydrolase activity and can thus alter the composition of the bile acid pool.

Small intestinal L. gasseri increases ACSL3 and subsequent lipid-sensing through a mechanism dependent on reduced FXR signaling. These findings are consistent with the fact that bile acid sequestrants i. Recent evidence-based on studies with the anti-diabetic medicine metformin indicate that the glucoregulatory impact of intestinal glucose-sensing is mediated by the small intestinal microbiota.

While metformin directly influences hepatic metabolism , as an orally administered drug metformin concentrations in the small intestine are much greater than in the serum Oral metformin reduces blood glucose levels more than intravenous or portal vein administration , demonstrating a role for intestinal-mediated mechanisms of action in improvements in glucose homeostasis.

Pretreatment of HF-fed rats with metformin restores the ability of upper small intestinal glucose infusion to lower glucose production via increased portal vein GLP-1 levels and small intestinal SGLT-1 expression and in parallel changes the composition of small intestinal microbiota This is in line with several other studies that highlight the importance of the gut microbiota in mediating the beneficial effects of metformin , In addition, individuals with newly diagnosed diabetes treated with metformin for three days exhibit alterations in the gut microbiota including increased Lactobacillus and reduced Bacteroides fragilis abundance, which result in inhibition of FXR signaling to improve glucose metabolism This observation is similar to the ability of L.

gasseri to increase intestinal lipid-sensing to improve glucose homeostasis via FXR 45 Fig. Collectively, these studies highlight small intestinal nutrient-sensing mechanism mediates the beneficial effects of metformin through changes in gut microbiota and bile acids. Evidence is emerging on the impact of the small intestinal microbiota also in the efficacy of gastric bypass.

Despite extensive evidence of an overall role of the large intestinal microbiota in mediating the effects of bariatric surgery , at least one study demonstrated that gastric bypass alters the microbiota of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum In addition, while the jejunal nutrient-sensing mechanism at least partly mediates the beneficial effects of duodenal—jejunal bypass surgery on glucose homeostasis 98 , the glucose-lowering effect of vertical sleeve gastrectomy is dependent on both the gut microbiota and bile acid signaling Fig.

While technological advancements begin to detail the role of intestinal nutrient-sensing in gut—brain neuronal signaling, they concurrently expand the field.

One example of this is the use of single-cell RNA sequencing to understand vagal afferent signaling. Several groups distinctly labeled nodose ganglion neurons according to their expression profile, however, the results are expansive and sometimes contradictory 44 , Based on these studies, vagal afferent neurons containing GLP-1R have no impact on intestinal nutrient-sensing mechanisms, which are instead regulated by GPRpositive neurons Indeed, various neurons terminating in the intestinal mucosa, that likely sense gut peptides released in response to intestinal nutrients, have no effect on food intake, and only direct activation of a subset of IGLE neurons that detect intestinal stretch and not gut peptides suppresses food intake A subset of EECs called neuropods exist that directly synapse with vagal neurons, and rapidly signal via glutamate to the nucleus of the solitary tract in a single synapse to relay initial spatial and temporal information about the meal that could later be followed by more traditional gut peptide signaling Despite these interesting and exciting advances and the discovery of new nutrient sensory cells, the exact neurons that mediate the gut—brain signaling and nutrient sensing in regulating metabolism are complex and warrant future investigations.

Future studies are needed to start teasing apart these complexities, while also integrating the gut microbiota and metabolites into the picture. For instance, while the gut microbiota can impact EECs, it is plausible that vagal afferents themselves can be impacted by bacterial metabolites In contrast to energy intake, the impact of nutrient-induced gut—brain vagal signaling on energy expenditure has been poorly characterized.

Intestinal lipids regulate brown fat thermogenesis via vagal afferents and possibly via GLP-1R signaling , and vagal knockout of the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ, which is activated by fatty acids and could thus be involved in lipid-sensing, affects thermogenesis Likewise in humans, intraduodenal infusion of intralipid increases resting energy expenditure Nutrient infusions into the duodenum of rats modulate energy expenditure Future work is needed to detail the connections between nutrient-sensing mechanism, gut microbiota, and impact on energy expenditure via thermogenesis in brown or browning white adipose tissue Overall, extensive evidence indicates that targeting nutrient sensing in the small intestine impacts energy and glucose homeostasis during normal physiology and in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Given the distinct effects of HFD and obesity on the diminution of nutrient-sensing dependent gut—brain pathways, future studies examining the gene and environmental interactions are warranted to further the development of personalized medicine approaches.

Similarly, the expansive role of the gut microbiota in host metabolic health further highlights the need for personalized approaches to treating metabolic diseases. As such, studies in humans and rodents beginning to unravel the interactions between the gut microbiota, small intestinal EECs, and vagal signaling, are laying the groundwork for the development of therapeutics targeting small intestinal nutrient sensing to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes.

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Consuming a ib diet is not just about what you eat but also Micronutrienr Skinfold measurement vs well your body absorbs nutrients. Genetics and blood sugar control can ahsorption the Micronutrient absorption in the gut whole foods and take tye supplements, but with proper nutrient absorption, your body and health can optimally use that nutrition. Your gastrointestinal tract plays a vital role in maintaining your health and well-being. One of its primary functions is carrying out the absorption of nutrients that you consume. You need to effectively absorb nutrients like fatsproteins, carbohydratesand micronutrients to produce proper energy, growth, cellular maintenance, and repair. Micronutrient absorption in the gut


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