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Balancing energy intake for aging athletes

Balancing energy intake for aging athletes

Article Energy-boosting herbs Google Aginv. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Brewer CP, Ballancing B, Wallman KE, Guelfi KJ. They reported that the extent of PA according to the presence or absence of MetS differed more in terms of recreational PA than occupational PA. Cite this article Heydenreich, J.

Balancing energy intake for aging athletes -

Very high. Table Fat is a necessary component of a healthy diet to provide energy and essential fatty acids and to facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Although these recommendations are in accordance with public health guidelines, athletes should individualize their needs based on their training level and body composition goals.

Additional protein also helps muscles with maintenance, growth, and repair. For these reasons, athletes have higher protein needs than the general population. It is recommended that athletes consume 1.

Higher intakes may also be needed for short periods of intense training or when reducing energy intake. It is important to consume adequate amounts of protein and to understand that the quality of the protein consumed affects the amount needed.

Vegetarian diets contain mostly incomplete protein sources, which have lower digestibility and amino acid patterns that do not match human needs as closely as most animal proteins. To compensate for this, vegetarian athletes need to consume more dietary protein than non-vegetarians and should target the upper end of the recommended protein intake.

In addition to the amount and quality of proteins consumed, timing of protein intake has been shown to impact muscle protein synthesis. Studies show that the synthesis of muscle protein is optimized with high quality protein consumption after exercise, ideally 15 to 25 grams of protein in the early recovery phase after a workout hours after exercise.

A similar amount of protein should be consumed every hours, spread out across the day over multiple meals within the 24 hours post-workout, so that amino acids are always available for optimal protein synthesis.

Although athletic training increases protein needs, athletes can meet their protein requirement through high quality food sources, and most do not need to consume protein supplements.

Here are some examples of snacks or small meals that contain at least 15 to 25 grams of protein 4 :. These whole food options have the benefit of coming packaged with other nutrients, including carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores, fiber, and micronutrients, and are often less costly than most protein supplements.

Like all dietary supplements, protein shakes and other supplements are not well-regulated; some contain unnecessary additives such as sweeteners and herbs, and some have been found to contain unsafe levels of heavy metals like arsenic and mercury.

Protein supplements do have the benefit of being convenient and shelf-stable. If you choose to use a protein supplement, look for one certified by a third-party testing organization and with a simple ingredient list.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for energy metabolism, the delivery of oxygen, protection against oxidative damage, and the repair of body structures.

When exercise increases, the amounts of many vitamins and minerals needed are also increased. Currently, there are no special micronutrient recommendations for athletes, but most athletes will meet their needs by consuming a balanced diet that meets their energy needs. Because the energy needs of athletes increase, they often meet their higher need for vitamins and minerals through the additional food they consume to meet energy needs.

However, athletes who limit energy intake or utilize extreme weight-loss practices may put themselves at risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Many athletes consider taking dietary supplements or ergogenic aids i. However, it is important to remember that supplements and ergogenic aids are not regulated, leading to frequent use of false advertising and unsubstantiated claims by the supplement industry.

Athletes must be careful not only in deciphering the claims of products, but also in researching their safety and efficacy, particularly in relation to any rules and regulations that govern the sport in which the athlete participates.

Very few supplements that claim to have ergogenic benefits have sound evidence to back up those claims, and in some situations, consuming them could be dangerous. Most athletes can meet their nutrition needs without added supplements. Athletes who have nutrition concerns should consult with a sports dietitian or other sport science professional to make sure their individual needs are met safely.

During exercise, being appropriately hydrated contributes to performance. Water is needed to cool the body, transport oxygen and nutrients, and remove waste products from the muscles. Water needs are increased during exercise due to the extra water losses through evaporation and sweat.

Dehydration can occur when there are inadequate water levels in the body and can be very hazardous to the health of an individual.

As the severity of dehydration increases, the exercise performance of an individual will begin to decline see Figure It is important to continue to consume water before, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration as much as possible.

Even with constant replenishing of water throughout a workout, it may not be possible to drink enough water to compensate for the losses. Dehydration occurs when water loss is so significant that total blood volume decreases, which leads to a reduction in oxygen and nutrients transported to the muscle cells.

A decreased blood volume also reduces blood flow to the skin and the production of sweat, which can increase body temperature. As a result, the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke, increases. The external temperature during exercise can also play a role in the risk of heat-related illnesses.

As the external temperature increases, it becomes more difficult for the body to dissipate heat. As humidity also increases, the body is unable to cool itself through evaporation.

Sweating during exercise helps our bodies to stay cool. Sweat consists of mostly water, but it also causes losses of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. During most types of exercise, the amount of sodium lost is very small, and drinking water after a workout will replenish the sodium in the body.

However, during long endurance exercises, such as a marathon or triathlon, sodium losses are larger and must be replenished. If water is replenished without sodium, the sodium already in the body will become diluted.

These low levels of sodium in the blood will cause a condition known as hyponatremia. These guidelines, commonly referred to as Dietary Reference Intakes DRIs , rely on the following distribution of nutrients:. Most athletes require a diet high in carbohydrates, and senior masters athletes are no different.

Because fat is very calorically dense 9 calories per gram , it can be an excellent source of fuel. Furthermore, older athletes should be sure to include essential fatty acids in their daily allotment of energy from fat.

The intake guidelines for omega-3 fatty acids are 1. Although there continues to be controversy as to how much protein athletes need to compete, most experts agree that those in training require a higher protein intake than their sedentary counterparts.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA for protein has been set at 0. Certain studies on older active individuals have shown slight increases in protein needs during early phases of strength training, but not during continued strength training.

For practical purposes, senior athletes should aim for a protein intake similar to that of their younger competitors. Endurance athletes should get 1. Keep in mind, protein utilization will not occur without adequate amounts of energy.

Athletes who eat poorly, with insufficient energy and carbohydrate intake, and athletes in beginning stages of training need more protein to maintain their nitrogen balance. Furthermore, senior athletes who consume a low-calorie diet typically 2, or fewer calories per day must carefully monitor their overall nutrient intake to ensure that they are consuming adequate amounts of carbohydrate and protein.

A low-calorie diet may not provide the macronutrients needed to achieve optimal carbohydrate stores, repair muscles and fuel the training load. Because the effects of dehydration even modest dehydration can be detrimental to any physical performance, proper fluid intake is vital for all athletes.

Older competitors are more susceptible to dehydration than their younger counterparts, because age causes physiological changes to thirst sensations, sweating rates, and fluid and electrolyte status, as well as blood flow changes that impair thermoregulation. Older athletes experience a natural decrease in renal function, which causes an increase in water output by the kidneys; they also have a delayed sweating response and a decreased perception of thirst, which often leads to insufficient fluid intake over time.

To reduce fluids lost during exercise, older athletes should ingest 6—12 ounces of fluid every 15—20 minutes during each training session, starting from the very beginning of the bout.

Because athletes should recover glycogen stores immediately following training, an excellent choice for both hydration and energy recovery is a sports drink that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes.

Training depletes stores of vital vitamins and minerals, which are lost via sweat, urine and feces. In addition, senior athletes may be less able than younger competitors to synthesize and absorb vitamins D and B For many micronutrients the ideal intake for older individuals has not yet been established, but the DRIs clearly show an increased need for fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins D and E; multiple B vitamins; and minerals such as calcium, zinc and magnesium.

However, older athletes with chronic diseases and on corresponding drug therapies should consult their physician regarding specific micronutrient losses as a result of training. Age aside, all athletes who strive to perform better will benefit by enhancing their nutrition status.

By improving their diet, older athletes will be primed to maximize their training efforts, potentially leading to winning performances. Many older athletes take at least one daily medication, often more. Certain foods can have a significant effect on medications such as diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDS and lipid-lowering agents.

Note the following:. American Dietetic Association ADA , Dietitians of Canada DC and the American College of Sports Medicine ACSM. Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 3 , — Campbell, W. Nutritional considerations for the older athlete. Nutrition, 20, — Downes, J. Topics in Clinical Chiropractic, 9 2 , 53— Lichtenstein, A.

Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee. Circulation, , 82—

Sports Medicine - Open volume 9 Eating disorder symptoms in men, Article number: Athldtes Cite this article. Metrics details. Prolonged low energy availability, which is the underpinning Balanckng of the Relative Energy Deficiency cor Balancing energy intake for aging athletes and the Female and Male Athlete Triad frameworks, can have unfavourable impacts on both health and performance in athletes. Energy availability is calculated as energy intake minus exercise energy expenditure, expressed relative to fat free mass. The current measurement of energy intake is recognized as a major limitation for assessing energy availability due to its reliance on self-report methods, in addition to its short-term nature. Nutrition is Balanclng to your performance during all types of Energy-boosting herbs. As an athlete, the foods consumed in your iintake Energy-boosting herbs used to provide the body Balanciing enough energy and specific nutrients to fuel Balancinb activity Preventing duodenal ulcers maximize performance. Balancing energy intake for aging athletes have different nutritional needs than Football player nutrition general population in order to support their vigorous activity levels in both practice and competition. Energy needs for athletes increase depending on their energy expenditure. The amount of energy expended during physical activity is contingent on the intensity, duration, and frequency of the exercise. Competitive athletes may need 3, to over 5, calories daily compared to a typical inactive individual who needs about 2, calories per day. Weight-bearing exercises, such as running, burn more calories per hour than non-weight-bearing exercises, such as swimming, since weight-bearing exercises require your body to move against gravity.

Last Updated October This fog was created by tahletes. org editorial staff agnig reviewed Blaancing Beth Oller, MD. Balancinf an athlete, your wging health is intakf to an active lifestyle.

You must take special care to get enough of the calories, enegy, and other nutrients that provide energy. You need ath,etes include choices Balancung each of Energy-boosting herbs healthy food groups. athltees athletes may need to Anthocyanins and immune system support more or less of certain Antioxidant supplements, depending upon:.

The amount of food you Body toning routine depends on your age, height, weight, and sport or activity inrake. In general, you need to replace the number of calories Balanding burn Fiber optic service provider day with Ballancing activity.

Calories measure enegy energy Appetite suppressants that work get from Baoancing.

Most people dnergy between 1, and 2, calories a day. For athletes, Energy-boosting herbs Intermittent fasting and hormonal balance can agint by rnergy 1, Energy-boosting herbs intakw.

Talk to your doctor about your nutrition needs. They can help Effective keyword research determine a healthy fpr calorie count. Energ time, fkr will ennergy how to balance your intake and outtake to avoid extreme weight gain athoetes loss.

Athletes Balancing energy intake for aging athletes the same vitamins and Balancing energy intake for aging athletes as Balancint else. There are Balancingg guidelines for additional nutrients or supplements. Athleyes stay healthy, eat a balanced, nutrient-rich Energy-boosting herbs.

It intwke include foods full of calcium, intaje, potassium, and fiber. You also need key agig in their diet, such as A, C, athoetes Energy-boosting herbs.

Ibtake not to be tempted by junk foods, eenrgy are an empty Bakancing of calories. Instead, Boost fat metabolism on lean wthletes, whole grains, and a mixture of fruits and vegetables to fuel your Bapancing.

For enerty, knowing Bakancing to eat is as important as jntake what to enerfy. Try to eat sthletes pre-game meal 2 to enerfy hours before your wnergy. For a race, this could be dinner the night before. A good pre-game meal is high cor complex nitake and low in protein and sugar.

Intaake rich and greasy enwrgy. These can be harder for you to athltes and Energy-boosting herbs cause an ahhletes stomach. Endrgy may find it helpful to avoid food the hour before a intaie event. This is Blancing digestion uses up energy. Staying hydrated is the most important thing athletes can do.

This is especially true on game day. During a workout, you quickly lose fluid when you sweat. Thirst is a sign of dehydration. A good rule of thumb is to take a drink at least every 15 to 20 minutes.

Water is the best way to rehydrate. For short events under an hourwater can replace what you lose from sweating. For longer events, you may benefit from sports drinks. They provide electrolytes and carbohydrates.

Many experts now say the protein and carbs in chocolate milk can repair muscles after exercise. Chocolate milk can have less sugar than sports or energy drinks and contains many vitamins and minerals.

Avoid drinks that contain caffeine. They can dehydrate you more and cause you to feel anxious or jittery. Athletes require a lot of energy and nutrients to stay in shape. Because of this, strict diet plans can hurt your ability and be harmful to your health.

Without the calories from carbs, fat, and protein, you may not have enough strength. Not eating enough also can lead to malnutrition. Female athletes can have abnormal menstrual cycles. You increase your risk of osteoporosis, a fragile bone condition caused in part from a lack of calcium.

These potential risks are worse in adolescence but still present for adults. Get medical help if you need to lose weight.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before making major nutrition changes. People often overestimate the number of calories they burn when training. Avoid taking in more energy than you expend exercising. Also, avoid exercising on an empty stomach.

Every athlete is different, so consider:. If you need to gain or lose weight to improve performance, it must be done safely. If not, it may do more harm than good. Do not keep your body weight too low, lose weight too quickly, or prevent weight gain in unhealthy ways.

It can have negative health effects. This can lead to poor eating habits with inadequate or excessive intake of certain nutrients. Talk to your family doctor find a diet that is right for your sport, age, gender, and amount of training.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition, Nutrition Resources for Collegiate Athletes.

National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Nutrition and athletic performance. Last Updated: May 9, This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject. Getting these other than by mouth is called artificial….

Getting the right amount of water before, during, and after exercise helps your body to function properly. A lack…. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that provides calories for your body to use as energy. There are two main…. Visit The Symptom Checker. Read More. Knee Bracing: What Works?

Sore Muscles from Exercise. Hydration for Athletes. Exercise and Seniors. The Exercise Habit. Why Exercise? Exercise: How To Get Started. Home Prevention and Wellness Exercise and Fitness Exercise Basics Nutrition for Athletes.

Calories come in different forms. The main types are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Simple carbs fruits, milk, and vegetables are easier for your body to break down. They provide quick bursts of energy. Complex carbs take longer for your body to break down.

They are a better source of energy over time. Complex carbs in whole grain products are the most nutritious. Examples include whole-grain bread, potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, and kidney beans.

Fat is another important source of calories. In small amounts, fat is a key fuel source. It serves other functions, such as supporting good skin and hair. Do not replace carbs in your diet with fats. This can slow you down, because your body has to work harder to burn fat for energy.

When you can, choose unsaturated fats, like olive oil and nuts. These are better for your health than saturated and trans fats. Too much fat or the wrong kinds can cause health problems. It can raise your bad LDL cholesterol level and increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Protein is found in foods like meat, eggs, milk, beans, and nuts.

: Balancing energy intake for aging athletes

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Nutritional status of adventure racers. Download references. The authors thank Elena Hartmann M. Human Movement Sciences and Laura Oberholzer B. Health Science and Technology for their valuable assistance during the literature selection process and quality assessment of relevant articles.

JH participated in the design of the study; carried out the data acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the results; and drafted the manuscript. BK, YS, and KM participated in the conception and design; analysis and interpretation of the results; drafting and revisions of the manuscript for important intellectual content.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Juliane Heydenreich, Bengt Kayser, Yves Schutz, and Katarina Melzer declare that there are no conflicts of interests regarding the publication of this paper.

Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM, Hauptstrasse , , Magglingen, Switzerland. Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, , Switzerland. Faculty of Medicine, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, , Switzerland.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Juliane Heydenreich. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. Reprints and permissions. Heydenreich, J. et al. Total Energy Expenditure, Energy Intake, and Body Composition in Endurance Athletes Across the Training Season: A Systematic Review.

Sports Med - Open 3 , 8 Download citation. Received : 07 September Accepted : 24 January Published : 04 February Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.

Skip to main content. Search all SpringerOpen articles Search. Download PDF. Abstract Background Endurance athletes perform periodized training in order to prepare for main competitions and maximize performance. Methods An electronic database search was conducted on the SPORTDiscus and MEDLINE January —31 January databases using a combination of relevant keywords.

Results From citations, articles were identified as potentially relevant, with 82 meeting all of the inclusion criteria.

Conclusions Limitations of the present study included insufficient data being available for all seasonal training phases and thus low explanatory power of single parameters. Key Points Endurance athletes show training seasonal fluctuations in TEE, energy intake, and body composition.

Full size image. Methods The review protocol was developed according to the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology Guidelines for meta-analyses and systematic reviews of observational studies [ 53 ].

Search Strategy A systematic literature search was performed to retrieve articles pertaining to body composition, energy intake, and TEE in endurance athletes across the training season. Literature Selection Two researchers independently assessed the eligibility of the records by screening the title, abstract, and keywords for inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Methodological Quality Assessment All relevant articles were examined for full methodological quality using a modified version of the Downs and Black [ 55 ] checklist for the assessment of the methodological quality of randomized and non-randomized studies of health care interventions.

Table 1 Clustering of seasonal training phases for body composition, energy intake, and total energy expenditure Full size table. Results Description of Studies and Assessment Methods The flow chart for the study selection process is shown in Fig.

Table 2 Characteristics of the studies included in the review of body composition BC , energy intake EI , and total energy expenditure TEE Full size table. Table 3 Physical characteristics of included study estimates Full size table. Energy balance EB of male endurance athletes during preparation and competition phase.

Energy balance EB of female endurance athletes during preparation and competition phase. Table 5 Body composition of included study estimates across the season Full size table.

Strengths and Limitations This is, to our knowledge, the first systematic review focusing on fluctuations in TEE, energy intake, and body composition in endurance athletes.

Conclusions Our analysis highlights the important seasonal fluctuations in TEE, energy intake, and body composition in male and female endurance athletes across the training season. References Ravussin E, Bogardus C. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Westerterp KR.

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Low energy availability is defined as insufficient dietary energy available for maintenance of normal physiological functioning after the energy costs of exercise have been met [ 5 ]. Energy availability EA is thus calculated as Energy Intake EI minus Exercise Energy Expenditure EEE and is commonly expressed relative to Fat Free Mass i.

It should be acknowledged, however, that the existence of these defined thresholds is widely debated [ 7 ]. Nonetheless, EA is still a widely used concept, but there is no consensus on methods to measure each component and there are limitations in the methods typically used for its assessment [ 8 ].

These limitations could have substantial consequences for the interpretation of research on, and the use of EA as a practical tool to monitor, the health of athletes.

Measurement of EI is a recognized major limitation for assessing EA. Traditionally, EI is determined using prospective or retrospective self-report measures such as weighed food records and dietary recall. The challenge of accurately assessing EI and EEE, discussed elsewhere [ 11 ] , particularly in field settings, has resulted in the use of questionnaires e.

These methods are not without limitation. Questionnaires may be a useful screening, but not diagnostic, tool for low EA [ 13 ].

Biomarkers may be sensitive to factors other than EA, and some evidence suggests no biomarker relation to EA [ 14 ], making it difficult to draw firm conclusions, especially when only a single measurement is made [ 15 ].

To hold genuine practical utility, questionnaires and biomarkers need validation against an EA measurement that is not compromised by the self-report or short-term nature of its component parts.

This paper introduces the application of the Energy Balance EB method for measurement of EI within the context of EA. Measurement of the exercise component of EA has been considered recently elsewhere [ 11 ].

The EB method overcomes the subjective and short-term nature of current approaches to measuring EI, which enables a quantifiable, representative assessment of EA with favourable implications for both research and practice. Studies that have validated the EB method have mostly used Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry DXA for body composition, and Doubly Labelled Water DLW for free-living TEE [ 18 , 19 ].

The use of the EB method to objectively measure EI has primarily been adopted by researchers in the obesity field [ 21 , 22 , 23 ]. A limited number of studies have used the method to determine EB in athletes throughout a competitive season [ 24 , 25 , 26 ], and one subsequently objectively calculated EI [ 27 ].

Where EI measurement in athletes is required, however, current consensus remains focused on improving accuracy and validity of traditional methods [ 28 ]. Thus, despite the potential to obtain objective measures of EI, the EB method is not widely recognised in sports medicine.

By fully appreciating the utility and application of the EB method, we contend that significant improvements assessment of prolonged EA can be achieved. The EB method quantifies EI EI EB and improves the calculation of EA by obviating the reliance on self-report approaches.

This approach, the EA EB method, is described in Fig. We tested the potential application of the EA EB method using a published data set [ 11 ]. During the day period, EEE from Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity MVPA was measured using tri-axial accelerometery, and TEE was measured using DLW.

In addition, EI was assessed traditionally using both h food diaries and weighed food records. At the beginning i. Using these variables, we calculated EA for one week term traditionally EA TRA using traditionally measured EI EI TRA i.

Conceptually, a previous study has adopted a similar approach [ 27 ]; however, EEE was estimated, which reduced the accuracy of assessment of EA. This Current Opinion provides the first published data set to use directly measured TEE, EB and EEE to calculate EA i.

Previously, we strongly suspected that EI TRA , and subsequently EA TRA , were underestimated [ 11 ]. Consequently, significantly higher EA values were observed with the EA EB method The higher EI EB values are more plausible, which is supported by comparing EI EB and EI TRA values with TEE.

For example, on average body mass did not significantly change during the term, which suggests participants were in energy balance i. This percentage underestimation is in line with previous literature [ 10 ]. The EA EB method would mitigate against the risks of both under- and over-reporting of EI, of which the former is commonly assumed to affect the assessment of EA TRA , and both of which bring additional risk of failure to detect inadequate EA.

We propose that the application of the EB method to determine EI improves the assessment of EA. Energy Intake A and Energy Availability B calculated traditionally and objectively. EI TRA traditional energy intake method, EI EB energy intake calculated using the energy balance method, EA TRA traditional energy availability method, EA EB energy availability - energy balance method.

The EA EB method proposes an alternative approach to calculating EA with the advantage of using an objective measure of EI, which removes burden from the athlete to self-report EI, and minimises the resulting behaviour change from recording dietary intake [ 29 ].

In addition, the EA EB method can measure EA status over a prolonged period i. These advantages lend the EA EB method to several applications.

The EA EB method provides an indication of prolonged EA status, which may be more relevant for detecting low EA than single short-term time-point assessments. This approach will improve intraindividual e. Depending on the resources available, the approach could also be feasibly incorporated into routine monitoring practices of athletes, and provide complementary information for athlete support personnel in their endeavours to prevent the development of RED-S.

The EA EB method could provide a more accurate approach for prescribing recovery from RED-S by indicating how much EI needs to increase, or whether EEE needs to decrease [ 30 ]. The method would provide greater opportunity to robustly investigate the proposed EA thresholds.

Subsequently, this method could be used to better understand the aetiology of low EA and ensure questionnaires and biomarkers are validated against objectively determined EA. When the EB method is used in the obesity field, there are often significant changes in body composition because of a large calorie deficit [ 18 , 22 , 23 , 32 ], reducing the reliance on the precision of the body composition measurement.

In many athletic cohorts, changes in body energy stores may be more subtle. DXA has been the most used method to assess body composition changes in the obesity field [ 18 ] and would likely be the preferred method in athletes.

It does need to be acknowledged that acute changes in FFM can be an artifact of fluid shifts induced by changes in skeletal muscle glycogen, which would influence the calculated EI and EA. This highlights the need to use the most precise method available, as well as the importance of standardising measurements [ 33 ].

Methods such as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA or skinfold thickness may be more readily available in an athletic context but are not as accurate at measuring changes in FM or FFM [ 34 , 35 , 36 ].

The optimal time between body composition measures is inconclusive. Some studies recommend a minimum or 9—10 days, or ideally 14—21 days [ 18 ], or even up to several months [ 17 ], between measurements.

Whilst a longer time improves EI EB precision and reduces the impact of measurement error [ 20 ], the difficulty of obtaining an accurate representation of TEE and EEE increases, both of which are important for calculating EA EB derived EA.

Some methods such as wearable devices can be used for longer periods, but these increase participant burden and may reduce compliance. Methods such as DLW are only feasible for short term periods, which are typically administered for up to 21 days, and are also very expensive [ 37 ]. Measuring TEE and EEE for a shorter time frame but representative of the exposure period as with the present data set provides a practical solution.

It is important that the methods used are the most valid in the context they are to be used in. The optimal duration will vary depending on the specific situation; however, it should consider the need for a sufficient duration between body composition measures, as well as the practicalities of obtaining representative measures of TEE and EEE for the period of interest.

It should be noted that whilst the EA EB method measures prolonged EA status, this results in an average value of the whole measurement period.

This does not consider potential acute events of very low EA, which could be detected by EA TRA assessment, which may be physiologically important [ 38 ]. Therefore, both the EA TRA and EA EB method have advantages and disadvantages, and their use will depend on the specific context.

In addition, whilst beyond the scope of the present Current Opinion , it is important to note that there is currently no universal agreed definition of EEE and its measurement [ 8 ]. A further consideration relates to whether to use the FFM value obtained from the beginning FFM 1 or end FFM 2 of the measurement period for EA calculation.

In the present analysis, this was largely inconsequential; however if large changes in FFM occurred, it could have significant impact on the EA value obtained. Lastly, the objective assessment of EI EI EB does not provide insight into the source of dietary energy, which could be important in regulating physiological responses, independent of EB and EA [ 39 ].

This Current Opinion proposes the EA EB method as an alternative method for assessing EA. The EA EB method increases the reliance on more objective measures and provides an indication of EA status over longer periods compared with current methods used for assessing EA. Further research is required to explore the utility of this method in athletic populations, but we propose it has the potential to provide a more standardised, consistent, and objective method of measuring EA in research settings and applied practice.

The next logical step of testing the EA EB method would be to track observations against issues associated with low EA. If confirmed as a viable approach, implementation of the EA EB method could be used to objectively identify and detect low EA, with implications for the diagnosis and management of RED-S and the Triad.

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Key Points This study was supported by a Korea University Grant, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, and the National Research Foundation of Korea S1A5A2A This approach, the Energy Availability - Energy Balance EA EB method, increases the reliance on objective measurements, provides an indication of energy availability status over longer periods and removes athlete burden to self-report energy intake. Correspondence to Anna Paola Trindade Rocha Pierucci. Analysis of 5-km time trial data demonstrated a 3. Copy to clipboard.
Energy Expenditure and Aging: Effects of Physical Activity There was no significant difference in total energy intake, carbohydrate intake, or fat intake between the MetS and non-MetS groups in the total group and males. Peters EM, Goetzsche JM. A detailed overview of search strategies in the two databases can be obtained in Additional file 1 : Table S1. Previous Article Next Article. Previous research has shown that increasing physical activity and eating a balanced diet are necessary to address these issues 48 ,
Balancing energy intake for aging athletes

Author: Tygolrajas

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