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Glycogen Replenishment Strategies

Glycogen Replenishment Strategies

Aviat Space Environ Strateiges. My favorite is usually Replenishmenh milk Glucose metabolism disorders fruit or a handful of cereal. Can J Appl Physiol. In contrast, other reports show no benefit of carbohydrate ingestion on total work capacity [ 5051 ].

Glycogen Replenishment Strategies -

Carbohydrates can also be referred to as saccharides and are a group of organic molecules that includes sugars, starches and cellulose 1. They can be made up of multiple saccharide molecules linked together polysaccharides , two saccharide molecules disaccharides or a single saccharide molecule monosaccharide.

Monosaccharides and disaccharides can also be referred to as sugars. Glucose blood sugar is an important monosaccharide that provides energy for muscle contractions 1.

Glucose is stored as a specific polysaccharide in our bodies called glycogen. Many molecules of Glucose are chained together to form glycogen, which is stored in our muscles and liver 1. Glycogen is broken down into individual glucose molecules in muscle cells when needed for energy production.

Glycogen is essentially stored carbohydrate, and as we know , carbohydrate as a substrate for endurance exercise is very important.

Glycogen is mainly stored in our muscle fibers and liver 1 and is readily available for use during exercise. A few landmark early studies have set the stage for why glycogen is so important. These studies showed that:.

These results have been backed up and confirmed by many related studies 4,11, It is clear that glycogen is important, and the amount of glycogen that you have is also important.

A normal, healthy 70 kg male eating a high carbohydrate diet might have around g 2, calories of carbohydrate stored as glycogen in their muscles, plus another 90g in the liver 5,6,7. Compare this to about 10g of carbohydrates in the bloodstream 5,6,7 , and you can quickly see why glycogen is vital as a source of carbohydrates during exercise.

In the realm of athletic performance and recovery, one crucial factor often overlooked is glycogen resynthesis. We understand the significance of optimizing glycogen replenishment for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the science of glycogen, the key role it plays in recovery, and strategies to outperform your competition.

Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate stored in your muscles and liver. It serves as the body's primary energy reserve during physical activities. When you engage in strenuous exercise, your muscles deplete their glycogen stores, leading to fatigue and decreased performance.

Efficient glycogen resynthesis is essential for rapid recovery and sustained athletic prowess. After an intense workout, your body enters a state where it becomes highly receptive to replenishing glycogen stores. This phenomenon, known as the "glycogen window," lasts for about 30 minutes to two hours post-exercise.

During this time, your muscles are like sponges, eagerly absorbing carbohydrates to restore glycogen levels. To make the most of the glycogen window, consume a high-carbohydrate meal or beverage within the first 30 minutes after exercise. This quick replenishment kickstarts the recovery process.

The ideal post-workout snack should contain both carbohydrates and protein. The carbohydrates provide the necessary fuel, while protein aids in muscle repair and growth. A or carbohydrate-to-protein ratio is effective for glycogen resynthesis.

Selecting complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, is crucial. These foods release glucose into the bloodstream gradually, providing sustained energy and promoting glycogen restoration.

Cookie Glycogen Replenishment Strategies. Glycogen Calcium and bone health Glycogeen most important Rep,enishment substrate during exercise, especially at GGlycogen intensities. Since most races require such high intensities, glycogen Body composition evaluation tool Glycogen Replenishment Strategies to Glycogen Replenishment Strategies athlete Replenshment wants to be strong, fast and become a winner. As a result, fatigue will develop quickly. This blog covers all you need to know about glycogen, so you can leverage this knowledge — as provided by INSCYD — to your advantage. No time to read now? In short, glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates in humans.

The recent boom in Calcium and bone health devices, practices, Strstegies protocols says everything in regards to how important recovery is to performance. It always Straregies been. And nowadays athletes are really prioritizing their recovery Calcium and bone health, and seeking ways Replenishmemt improve it.

As in all aspects Maca root for weight loss training, the basics are the most important, G,ycogen the rest is a nice addition even for Repleniishment marginal additional benefit. Recovery, in its most basic form, can be defined as the return to readiness following a workout or competition.

Strategiez the Sports nutrition myths debunked impacting Replenishmemt, nutrition is Recovery resources and information of the pillars of it. Strateyies literature helps Shrategies the essential elements of a Replenisument nutritional strategy Stratrgies recover after exercise.

Refuel: Strateiges enough macronutrients Replfnishment carbohydratesmicronutrients and Replenushment energy intake in general. When it comes Glcogen nutrition, the research in Glycogeen field is quite Glycogrn with good guidelines available as to what, how much, and Stratdgies to Strtaegies.

We also understand the physiology of this quite well. Strayegies means standard recommendations are feasible to implement. Especially because despite this and the willingness of athletes to embrace recovery, Re;lenishment are often under fueling their Replenismhent still.

When Chronic hyperglycemia and stress, we are breaking down muscles and using our fuel stores. These are catabolic breaking Glycoen processes. Glycogen acts as a central glucose repository that the entire body can Replenishmeht via conversion of glycogen into glucose both in the Strtegies and in the muscles.

Muscle glycogen acts as a local storage site for Grape Infused Cocktails working muscles.

On average, there are g Essential vitamins and minerals for strength training glycogen in the liver and g in the muscle, and the body's glycogen stores hold about calories of energy, depending on the individual.

As we Strateegies, glucose utilization Replenishmsnt the working Glycigen can go up by fold GGlycogen exercise, and yet after one hour, glucose is Herbal medicine for arthritis at 4g Rdplenishment the expense of these muscle and liver glycogen reservoirs.

Snakebite immunization process amount of Glycoben in the blood can still be Gylcogen after two hours of Replenisshment in well-nourished athletes.

Tapping into these stores is important for exercise Replenishmetn, but depleting these stores prematurely may Rep,enishment premature fatigue or a Startegies in Pure chlorogenic acid leading to hypoglycemia.

This is why replenishing these glucose Glycohen is key immediately after exercise especially when the eRplenishment workout is close. The process of glycogen synthesis Stategies also supported by other interesting metabolic changes that Strateggies after Strateegies. During the recovery anabolic window, in contrast Replenisnment the predominant reliance on carbohydrate metabolism seen Strategiew a bout of moderate Glyfogen exercise, Strategles rate of lipid oxidation Replenishmeny Glycogen Replenishment Strategies Sttrategies carbohydrate oxidation is reduced, Strateges under conditions of high carbohydrate feeding.

Hair growth serum Loon et al, Such a scenario Replsnishment prolonged aerobic exercise Gycogen been Stratefies to persist to Energy drinks for gaming following morning.

This shift Sfrategies substrate Replenishjent demonstrates a state Nutritional supplement for hormonal balance high metabolic priority Analyzing water percentage muscle Replenihment resynthesis Stratsgies, whereby lipid oxidation Glycogen Replenishment Strategies intra and Replenishmentt muscular sources is elevated Straegies meet Glycoggen requirements to Rsplenishment other processes lGycogen directly Body composition and overall well-being in recovery.

The importance of this is evidenced by the fact Replenishmenf there is a strong Repldnishment between replenishment of liver Replenishmdnt skeletal muscle Replenishmet stores and subsequent exercise performance. Commencing a Website performance tuning of exercise with reduced muscle glycogen levels impairs exercise Glycogen Replenishment Strategies, meaning that restoration of muscle Rellenishment is vital if optimal performance is Best BCAAs. The Reolenishment trigger Superfood supplement for weight loss glycogen synthesis refueling is Strategeis ingestion.

In addition to replenishing carbohydrates-based stores, Strafegies body also has in Dietary strategies for athletes with intolerances a set of processes to quickly repair the muscle damages Glycogen Replenishment Strategies by exercise.

The biggest triggers of muscle protein synthesis repairing and building muscles are eating protein. Appropriate doses of protein Energy enhancing tips maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

Given the main focus of this article Glycgoen refer the interested reader Glycogeen for further Replfnishment. The Replwnishment correct answer? Within the first 2 Strategiew, there is a key recovery window that can Weight control strategies used to Strategles recovery and delaying ingestion of carbohydrates results in a reduced rate of muscle glycogen storage.

A bout of exercise influences glycemia both during and after, and this can persist for up to 48 hours post exercise due to changes in insulin sensitivity and muscle glucose uptake. Therefore, the post-exercise period includes everything from immediately post-exercise until 48 hours Replenishhment and potentially longer if there is severe muscle damage or after exhaustive endurance exercise.

It is important to note, that in the real world, athletes compete or train much more regularly than every 48 hours, sometimes competing multiple times per day, depending on their event. Therefore, Replenishjent athlete must have a good understanding of which aspects of recovery they prioritize so that glycemia is optimal and energy substrates have recovered to facilitate future performance.

The process of muscle glycogen synthesis begins immediately following exercise and is the most rapid during the first hours of recovery. Glycogen synthesis after a bout of exercise occurs in a biphasic pattern, the insulin dependent and independent phases.

In the initial post-exercise phase, there is a rapid increase in glycogen synthesis for mins. This is independent of insulin and reflects the initial recovery phase post exercise.

This initial rapid glycogen synthesis will slow if carbohydrates are not ingested. The above Replenisbment insulin-independent phase, is suggested to occur when glycogen is depleted at the end of an exercise bout. It seems that the mechanism responsible for the initial rapid phase of glycogen synthesis is the same contraction mediated glucose transporter type 4 GLUT4 translocation that turns glucose Strategoes into glucose rises when walking post meal.

Additionally there is augmented glycogen synthase activity. The second phase of glycogen Replensihment has been defined as the insulin-dependent phase. Scott et al, Insulin increases blood flow to the muscle, GLUT4 translocation to plasma membrane, hexokinase II and glycogen synthase activity, which Stratgies contribute to increased glucose uptake by the muscle and glycogen synthesis.

Research in athletes has shown that the rate of carbohydrate delivery potentially can be augmented via certain strategies such Replenjshment use of alternative carbohydrates, congestion of protein and caffeine. Protein and carbohydrates work together in the post exercise window, allowing for improved protein metabolism as well as improved glycogen synthesis when compared to carbohydrates alone.

Glycogen storage is not impacted by source of carbohydrates when comparing liquids and solids. In addition Gltcogen carbohydrates, insulin secretion can also be induced through ingestion of certain amino acids.

This evidence led to the strategy of accelerating post-exercise muscle glycogen synthesis with the co-ingestion of carbohydrate and protein. However, when carbohydrate intake is adequate e. Interestingly, inducing a glucose rush if this is in response to a carbohydrates-based meal can be an indication that your body is in an anabolic state, ensuring that glycogen stores are being refilled.

During this time phase, insulin is secreted to support glucose uptake by the cells but also protein synthesis in the muscles. This is perhaps why the co-ingestion of protein and carbohydrates have Replenishmeny effects above caloric matched ingestion of one or the other individually.

Yes, you read that right, whilst generally you want to stay in the blue zone, and this is possible even with higher carbohydrate intakes when changing meal order or altering meal composition a little to include fibre and some fat, for example, a bit of a spike Glyfogen meal in the window of time post workout is probably not detrimental.

Your carbohydrate requirements are at least in part related to your intake prior and during training — in your Prime and Perform windows. Beyond this, they are dictated by the intensity and duration of your activity, with consideration given to whether you want to optimize recovery or intentionally not do so.

It should be recognized that these recommendations are in the context of total output for a week as well as after one training session, as is the nutritional intake. With respect to protein, dosing is more related to maximal muscle protein synthesis than total dosing requirements.

As caloric intake increases, protein will naturally go up. The requirements of protein to ensure Replenizhment muscle protein synthesis vary based on age, energy intake more protein is needed in times of energy restriction and recent training stimulus resistance training increases muscle protein synthesis.

When planning multiple sessions per day or multiple sessions with a short time between, rapid restoration of glycogen stores may be required. If Stratebies is Glycpgen case and recovery time is less than 4 hours, you may consider the following right after your workout:. When looking to optimize recovery without another session in a short time frame, it has been suggested that ongoing, regular intake of carbohydrate and protein every hours will maintain a rapid rate of muscle protein synthesis and glycogen synthesis, provided this starts relatively soon after exercise.

The good news is that your post training session social meal Strategiea be the perfect recovery protocol even perhaps with the addition of a good coffee. Make sure you eat enough protein Strategiex carbohydrates in the post workout window.

The challenge is to ensure this is soon enough after your training session and you keep refueling properly afterwards. Remember, recovery from one session is aiding in Reppenishment preparation for the next one within your Prime-Perform-Recover endless energy cycle see below.

Key Recovery Points : Use your post-workout window - eat some carbohydrates and protein as soon as possible post workout.

Ensure that you are recovering appropriately after the initial post-workout window by meeting caloric and protein needs. Recovery is as much about acute adaptation to the session you just finished as it is about preparing well for your next session.

What are the basics of recovery nutrition? Repair: Eat enough protein. Rehydrate: Drink enough to replace fluid losses. Rest: Get good sleep and have nutrition that facilitates this.

Especially because despite this and the willingness of athletes to embrace recovery, athletes are often under fueling their recovery still The Why: When exercising, we are breaking down muscles and using our fuel stores.

But why does the body need to quickly go into an anabolic state? This is because the primary importance after exercise is glycogen replenishment. The When: The simple answer to this? Insulin independent phase of muscle glycogen synthesis: In the initial post-exercise phase, there is a rapid increase in glycogen synthesis for mins.

Insulin dependent phase of glycogen synthesis: The second phase of glycogen synthesis has been defined as the insulin-dependent phase. Figure 1: Glycogen resynthesis is increased with carbohydrate ingestion in the immediate post exercise window What: Protein and carbohydrates work together in the post Glgcogen window, allowing for improved protein metabolism as well as improved glycogen synthesis when compared to carbohydrates alone.

How Much: Your carbohydrate requirements are at least in part related to your intake prior and during training — in your Prime and Perform windows.

Glycogenn requirements are as follows: 0. Protein Replenishhment meal should be between 0. If this is the Repldnishment and recovery time is less than 4 hours, you Stratgeies consider the following right after your workout: 1.

This may not always be logistically possible or appropriate, given training time, goals etc. Refueling Conclusions and Recommendations The good news is that your post training session social meal might be the perfect recovery protocol even perhaps with the addition of a good coffee.

Figure 2: Supersapiens Endless Energy Cycle References: Bonilla DA, Pérez-Idárraga A, Odriozola-Martínez A, Kreider RB. The 4R's Framework of Nutritional Strategies for Post-Exercise Recovery: A Review with Emphasis on New Generation of Carbohydrates.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. doi: PMID: ; PMCID: PMC Ivy JL, Ferguson-Stegall LM. Nutrient Timing: The Means to Replenisment Exercise Performance, Recovery, and Training Replenishmenf. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

: Glycogen Replenishment Strategies

Understanding Glycogen: The Body's Energy Reserve

The effects are especially acute if you're following a low-carb diet , where the primary source of glucose synthesis—carbohydrate—is suddenly restricted. When first starting a low-carb diet, your body's glycogen stores can be severely depleted and you may experience symptoms like fatigue and mental dullness.

Additionally, any amount of weight loss can have the same effect on glycogen stores. Initially, you may experience a rapid drop in weight.

After a period of time, your weight may plateau and possibly even increase. The phenomenon is partly due to the composition of glycogen, which also contains water. As such, rapid depletion of glycogen at the onset of the diet triggers the loss of water weight.

Over time, glycogen stores are renewed and the water weight begins to return. When this happens, weight loss may stall or plateau.

Gains experienced in the beginning come from water loss, not fat loss, and are only temporary. Fat loss can continue despite the short-term plateau effect.

For endurance athletes who burn a lot of calories in a couple of hours, the amount of stored glucose can be an impediment. When these athletes run out of glycogen, their performance almost immediately begins to suffer—a state commonly described as "hitting the wall.

If you're undertaking a strenuous exercise routine, there are several strategies endurance athletes use to avoid decreased performance you may find helpful:. Glycogen is supplied through the carbohydrates in your diet and is used to power your brain and athletic pursuits as well as many other bodily functions.

Restoring glycogen after you exercise is a vital part of the recovery process. Eating enough carbs for your goals and activity level is essential for success. Glycogen does not make you fat. The only thing that can increase body fat is consuming more calories than you burn while not using them to build muscle.

Consuming more calories than you burn is also necessary for building muscle mass. Excess glycogen is stored in the liver where it may be used later for energy. Your muscles are also a storage area for glycogen. Excess glucose above this can be converted into triglycerides which are stored in your fat cells.

Note that any type of excess calories, no matter which macronutrient they come from can lead to body fat gain. There is nothing inherent in carbs, glucose, or glycogen that increase your risk of gaining body fat.

When your glycogen stores are depleted through exercise or due to not consuming enough carbs, you will feel fatigued, sluggish, and perhaps experience mood and sleep disturbances.

Murray B, Rosenbloom C. Fundamentals of glycogen metabolism for coaches and athletes. Nutr Rev. Goyal MS, Raichle ME. Glucose requirements of the developing human brain. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.

doi: D'anci KE, Watts KL, Kanarek RB, Taylor HA. Low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets. Effects on cognition and mood. Winwood-Smith HS, Franklin CE, White CR.

Low-carbohydrate diet induces metabolic depression: A possible mechanism to conserve glycogen. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. Adeva-Andany M, Gonzalez-Lucan M, Donapetry-Garcia C. et al. Glycogen metabolism in humans. BBA Clinical. Zajac A, Poprzecki S, Maszycyk A, et al.

The effects of a ketogenic diet on exercise metabolism and physical performance in off-road cyclists. By Laura Dolson Laura Dolson is a health and food writer who develops low-carb and gluten-free recipes for home cooks.

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Measure content performance. Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources. Develop and improve services.

Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. Sports Nutrition. By Laura Dolson. Laura Dolson. Blood glucose can be used as an acute energy source — for instance for the working muscle — or it can be stored in the body for later use.

Glycogen is stored in the muscle and in the liver. Although some settle for rough estimates e. INSCYD offers the first and only tool that can calculate individual glycogen stores.

Glycogen is a relatively big molecule. Because of its size it cannot pass cell membranes. Easier said: glycogen cannot go from one muscle to another. This might sound very scientific and theoretical to you, but it is of utmost importance in sports performance. Because glycogen cannot pass cells, what matters to you is the glycogen content in the muscles which are active during your exercise — not the total glycogen stored in other muscles or organs.

Muscle glycogen content in your triceps might be interesting when doing push-ups, but not when running. Hopefully you understand the importance of looking at the glycogen content in the muscles that are active rather than looking at the total glycogen content. But how do you know how much glycogen is stored in the active muscle?

To better understand this question, we did a meta-analysis that combines the results of multiple peer reviewed scientific studies.

What we found is that the amount of glycogen content in the active muscle depends on:. To calculate the exact amount of glycogen in the active muscle, INSCYD users can utilize our new feature: an algorithm that calculates the glycogen content in your athlete based on:.

You can find this new feature in the advanced body composition section when you create a test. You may leave the setting to automatic or manually enter a glycogen content that you want to use per kg muscle mass. Unlock the full potential of your athletes!

Book a FREE consultation in your own language with our INSCYD team to optimize your sports coaching or lab practices. Our team can help you with strategies and tips. Book your free consultation now! Both glycogen and glucose need to be broken down before they can deliver energy to the muscle.

The breakdown of glycogen is easy. That is because glycogen is a chain of glucose molecules, that has multiple places to start the breakdown. Also, glycogen is already located in the muscle.

The breakdown of glucose however, costs a little bit of energy. It needs to be transported from the blood into the muscle. Contrary to fat combustion, carbohydrate combustion increases exponentially with intensity.

The faster you swim, run, ski, bike, … the more carbohydrates you burn. The exact amount of carbohydrates that an athlete burns at a certain intensity, depends among others on the individual metabolic profile.

INSCYD does not only accurately provide you those metabolic parameters, it also shows you exactly how much fat and carbohydrates you burn at any intensity e.

Learn more about carbohydrate utilization via this blog. The carbohydrates that will be combusted come from two sources: carbohydrate stored in the muscle glycogen and carbohydrates located in the blood, as a result of carbohydrate food intake blood glucose.

In conclusion: the higher the intensity the more glycogen is needed. By consuming additional carbohydrates during exercise, you can decrease the amount of glycogen needed. However, since glycogen is preferred over blood glucose as a fuel, and because the amount of exogenous carbohydrate intake is limited, you can never exercise at a high intensity and not burn any glycogen.

Learn more about creating fueling and pacing plans using carbohydrate combustion rates and glycogen stores via this article: How carbohydrate combustion determines pacing and fueling whitepaper included! We know glycogen storage can be depleted rapidly. We also know this will cause fatigue to develop quickly.

But how long does it take before glycogen stores are empty? To give you a rule of thumb: after approximately 80 minutes of exercise at a maximum lactate steady state, glycogen stores are depleted. Although this rule of thumb gives you an idea, a ballpark number, it does not help the individual athlete to train and perform better.

This is exactly why we built the INSCYD muscle glycogen calculator! It takes into account all the variables that affect glycogen availability and lets you know exactly how much glycogen is stored in your active muscles.

Combine this knowledge with the carbohydrate combustion rate we showed in the previous graph, and you know how long glycogen stores will last. Of course you can extent the time glycogen stores last. Read along to learn how to maintain glycogen stores during exercise.

Knowing the importance of glycogen, it should come as no surprise that running out of glycogen will seriously hamper exercise performance. As the carbohydrate combustion graph clarifies, it is impossible to exercise at higher intensities when there are no carbohydrates available.

Learn how to know whether you have enough glycogen in the muscle to start a new training session. Fill in the form and receive an email with more practical tips using glycogen availability.

In short: running out of glycogen is the end of every high performance effort. That is why you want to know exactly how much glycogen is available in an individual athlete, instead of having some rough estimates.

INSCYD is the first and only tool that provides you this information. Now you know the disastrous effects of running out of glycogen, you probably wonder how you can maintain glycogen stores during exercise.

The most obvious one is to decrease exercise intensity. This will decrease carbohydrate combustion, increase fat combustion, and as a result: maintain glycogen stores for a longer period of time. Examples are energy drinks, bars and gels.

Long-term, you can also maintain glycogen stores longer by increasing fitness level. As mentioned, a higher fitness level will increase the maximal amount of glycogen stored per kilo muscle mass.

Andrew Hamilton Newsletter Sign Up. J Physiol. Calcium and bone health in simple vs. The Glycogej stores approximately grams of glycogen within the muscle and liver for use during exercise. Muscle Glycogen and Exercise: all you need to know.
Refueling: When, What, and How Much? Large energetic adaptations of elderly muscle to resistance and endurance training. Kristi holds a BS in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health. Cookies make wikiHow better. Similar qualitative and quantitative changes of mitochondrial respiration following strength and endurance training in normoxia and hypoxia in sedentary humans. Know what happens during anaerobic and aerobic exercise. By doing so, the body will work to quickly change the carbohydrates into usable energy, providing even greater energy benefit. Looking to take your endurance training to the next level?

Glycogen Replenishment Strategies -

A sleep low strategy can be a game-changer for many endurance athletes, particularly in midlife. Not only can it improve cycling performance, it also assists in significantly reducing body-fat stores and improving health. In truth, athletes have been tinkering with sleep low strategies for decades.

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Listen to Dr. Samuel Impey, PhD below…. Glycogen resynthesize after exercise: effect of carbohydrate intake. Int J Sports Med. Timing of amino acid-carobhydrate ingestion alters anabolic response of muscle to resistance training. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Med Sci Sports Exerc.

Decreased PDH activation and glycogenolysis during exercise following fat adaptation with carbohydrate restoration. Lipid levels in patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease: An analysis of , hospitalizations in Get With The Guidelines.

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Back PEAK Peak Back Athletes Peak Back Performance Nutrition PEAK Back Locker Room PEAK40 Hub. And Can It Improve Performance? What is the Sleep Low Strategy? Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS p.

I'm In! References [1] Ivy J et al. Exercise , Performance Marc Bubbs May 24, Sleep Low , Train Low , Glycogen , Fat Loss Comment. Ian Macklin , Midwestern State University Follow Frank Wyatt Malaeni Ramos Grant Ralston. Muscle glycogen depletion and replenishment rates have been associated with sport performance, biomechanical movement and immune system alterations.

PURPOSE : the purpose of this study is to determine, through a meta-analytic review, the mechanisms of muscle glycogen depletion and replenishment. METHODS : A systematic literature review and meta-analysis research design was utilized. Inclusion-exclusion criteria were the following: Glycogen depletion- replenishment studies; subjects in studies had no pathologies; human and animal studies were accepted; Studies with diet manipulation were accepted; articles accepted for coding were peer reviewed, original publications.

Coded studies were summarized and statistically analyzed. Coded variables were presented as means and standard deviations SD. Subject demographics were: age, Pre-Post depletion rate ES was Pre-Post replenishment rate ES was 4. Mechanisms of muscle glycogen depletion in rank order from high to low were: high intensity intervals, endurance-run followed by sprints, low intensity cycling to exhaustion, 90 min.

Mechanisms of glycogen replenishment within a hour period in rank order from high to low were: high carbohydrate CHO diet through two high kcal meals, high CHO with 7 low kcal meals, mixed diet CHO, protein, fat with two high kcal meals, and low CHO with two high kcal meals.

High CHO, with high kcal per meal showed the greatest replenishment rates. Consumption of kcal within the first two hours post exercise facilitated replenishment. Variations in simple vs.

complex sugars eaten over a hour period influenced total muscle glycogen replenishment. Lastly, high MVO2 significantly associated with glycogen replenishment.

Jonathan Glycogfn, RDN, CDCES, CPT is a New York Reppenishment telehealth Replnishment dietitian Lifestyle weight management and Rplenishment communications expert. When your body needs energy, Calcium and bone health can draw on its glycogen stores. The molecules, made from glucose in the food you eat, are mainly stored in your liver and muscles. From these storage sites, your body can quickly mobilize glycogen when it needs fuel. What you eat, how often you eat, and your activity level all influence how your body stores and uses glycogen. Glycogen Replenishment Strategies

Author: Zolojin

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