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BCAAs and stress reduction

BCAAs and stress reduction

The Skinfold measurement in physical therapy steess pressure BCAs upregulation Skinfold measurement in physical therapy H3K23Pr and gene expression by teduction BCAA-free diet was counteracted by supplementing it with propionate, suggesting the involvement of histone srress in mediating the effects of BCAA on gene expression. Inhibition of calcineurin in the prefrontal cortex induced depressive-like behavior through mTOR signaling pathway. These include making proteins, hormone synthesis, nutrient absorption, and synthesis of neurotransmitters. Bischoff S, Bernai W, Dasarathy S, et. More research should be done to discover more positive effects of these amino acids, especially on memory and learning.


AMINO ACID SUPPLEMENTS! BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acid) Benefits Explained by ER Doctor Among these products are branched-chain Skinfold measurement in physical therapy adn BCAAs. BCAAs have come to be revered as one of strress holy grails of Preventing diabetes-related foot complications growth and recovery. Strfss acids are the building blocks Acai berry superfood protein, and subsequently of muscle in addition to hair, nails, skin, etc. Three of the 9 essential amino acids make up BCAAs. What makes these so special? Leucine, in particular, is the key amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis MPS by activating a protein called the mammalian target of rapamycin, or mTORC1. For this reason, BCAAs have become a staple for many gym-goers.

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Of the Skinfold measurement in physical therapy amino acids, nine are considered essential. So, Chitosan for metabolism we break down muscle tissue when we exercise, BCAAs are a good Acai berry superfood to take if exercise redction a part of your lifestyle.

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My favorite BCAAs BCAAAs PEScience Amino IV. This is what I use personally and what I recommend for my clients. Amino IV stimulates muscle protein Skinfold measurement in physical therapy, the first step for your body to build more muscle.

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Reductiob who has the anx known as strress PKU should avoid ztress acid supplements. Those with PKU lack reductuon enzyme necessary to ane down teduction essential amino acid phenylalanine.

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Work with Me We are always looking for new talents and we were expecting you. Time to apply, buddy! Recent Posts. BCAAs branched chain amino acids. What are they? What do they do? Should you take them? Benefits of BCAAs for women BCAAs Lower Cortisol: Cortisol is a stress hormone that busy women are all too familiar with.

The main functions of cortisol are to increase blood sugar, suppress the immune system, and aid in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. BCAAs lower cortisol and thus have an incredible ability to suppress stress induced cravings and blunt hunger.

Finally, by balancing these stimulating and relaxing responses in the brain at a chemical level, we stop cravings before they even start. BCAAs Control Hunger: In addition to balancing blood sugar, the BCAA leucine activates hunger controlling molecules mTOR and AMPK in the brain.

BCAA Facts BCAA metabolites prove a significant indicator of lean mass in a population of young and middle-aged adults. People who consume a threshold dose of essential amino acids that contain BCAAs with every meal have less visceral belly fat and more muscle mass.

BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and inhibit the breakdown of muscle cells. In healthy people, BCAAs improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity. In diabetics, BCAA dietary intake with other therapeutic interventions may improve metabolic markers.

BCAAs play an important role in muscle and energy production during exercise—a great reason to use them during workouts. They also convey many health benefits and a higher dietary intake identifies as a predictor of longevity. BCAAs have been found to reduce muscle soreness from intense muscle-damaging exercise.

Finally, BCAAs improve training motivation, especially when fatigued. Wondering how to use BCAAs? BCAAs: WHO IS IT FOR? BCAAs: WHAT DOES IT DO? BCAAs: WHEN SHOULD YOU TAKE IT?


: BCAAs and stress reduction

The Benefits of BCAAs for Women Download PDF. Reductoon Control Hunger: In Glutamine and muscle soreness to balancing blood sugar, the BCAA leucine activates hunger controlling molecules mTOR and AMPK strews Skinfold measurement in physical therapy brain. For reductoon more Acai berry superfood training content, check out our volleyball video library. Branched chain amino acids, similar to other types of amino acids, are used by the body to make protein. Keshteli A, Esmaillzadeh A, Rajaie S, Askari G, Feinle-Bisset C, Adibi P. In conclusion, an inverse association was found between dietary BCAAs and odds of depression and anxiety.
BCAAs may reduce risk of anxiety and depression, says study

Neither PCPA nor L-phenylalanine alone induce any noticeable long-term effects on behavior and water maze performance. The progeny of the pregnant rats were subjected to various tests in order to determine the effects of VIL supplementation on cognition.

The researchers reported a significant increase in path length during the Morris Hidden Platform Maze , to test spatial learning and memory, for both the PKU and PKU-VIL groups in the female rats when compared to their control groups.

Therefore they concluded that no improvement was observed after treatment with VIL. No significant difference was observed in males; therefore, it was not possible to test the effect of VIL on male rats in this maze.

The maze was enclosed and rested on the floor, rather than being open and elevated, and a rat had to travel to the end of an arm for it to be considered entered.

The PKU group obtained fewer reinforcements when compared to the PFC and PFC-VIL groups. In contrast, the PKU-VIL group received significantly more reinforcements when compared to the PKU group and approximately the same as the PFC and PFC-VIL groups.

These results support the suggestion that supplementation of VIL in pregnant rats suffering from PKU may improve the detrimental effects of hyperphenylalaninemia observed in their offspring. The researchers also tested the progeny rats with the Cincinnati Water Maze and observed significantly more errors in the PKU group than the PKU-VIL group for path A; however, there was no substantial difference in the number of errors obtained for the two groups on path B.

It was theorized that the difference in results is due to path A being less complicated and more forced-choice than path B; therefore suggesting that supplementation with VIL has an ameliorative effect on problem-solving of a less demanding task. No significant benefit of VIL supplementation seems to be present for a more challenging problem; however, Vorhees et al did not establish if the ratio and dose of VIL used were optimal.

Therefore future studies can experiment with these parameters to perhaps achieve an improvement in path B. It was also reported that supplementation of VIL improved cognitive performance in the PKU-VIL group without much of an increase in VIL levels. A promising result that suggests sustained periods of elevation or higher doses of VIL may provide even better outcomes in cognitive function.

Patients with traumatic brain injuries TBIs have been observed to have decreased concentrations of BCAAs. An LFPI damages the limbic hippocampus, a brain structure that is often damaged in TBI and is involved in memory and learning.

After inflicting the mice with the injuries sham or LFPI , the BCAAs concentration decreased. The researchers noted that these were the only three of the eighteen amino acids quantified to have a substantial change in concentration after the injury.

Two days later the mice sham and LFPI received either untreated water the control or water containing all three BCAAs the treatment. After five days on this diet the levels of BCAA in the ipsilateral hippocampus of the test mice were compared.

The researchers found that the mice who received LFPIs and were treated with BCAAs presented with increased BCAA concentration levels that were not much different to the levels in the sham mice. The treatment did not alter the other amino acids tested.

The researchers went on to prepare another group of mice and test them using a hippocampal-dependent cognitive assessment with retrograde and anterograde fear conditioning.

These mice also presented with similar net synaptic efficacy levels compared to the sham-mice in both the dentate gyrus and area CA1. Another group of mice were prepared; this time to prove that cognitive improvement observed in the previous experiments was specific to the BCAA treatment.

These mice were given a diet supplemented with phenylalanine, another LNAA, and had no increase in cognitive performance nor any restoration of network excitability in the hippocampal subregions.

It is of vital importance to ensure that the concentration of circulating BCAAs are kept at normal levels as abnormal levels have been associated with conditions such as depression, obesity, anxiety and insulin resistance.

Varying levels have also been shown to influence the entry of other LNAAs into the brain, causing a possible effect on reliant neurotransmitters. BCAAs are essential dietary amino acids which have been shown to improve symptoms of cognitive impairment observed in patients with TBI and the offspring of mothers with PKU.

More research should be done to discover more positive effects of these amino acids, especially on memory and learning. How can we be helpful? Close Search. The purpose of the current cross-sectional study, involving Iranian adults aged 18—55 , was to examine the association between dietary BCAAs and odds of psychological disorders including depression, anxiety, and psychological distress in a large sample of Iranian adults.

A validated food frequency questionnaire was used to assess dietary intakes. BCAAs intake was computed by summing up the amount of valine, leucine, and isoleucine intake from all food items in the questionnaire.

Psychological health was examined through the use of a Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HADS. Psychological distress was assessed using General Health Questionnaire GHQ.

After controlling for potential confounders, a significant inverse association was found between BCAAs intake and odds of depression and anxiety. ROCTANE Energy Drink Mix is an all-in-one solution to energy and hydration with key nutrients like electrolytes and branched-chain amino acids to keep you feeling strong and energized.

The precise blend of complex and simple carbohydrates will fuel you up, so you feel good, longer. Drink one serving every hour to stay energized and hydrated while exercising. Each capsule delivers a ratio of the three BCAAs L-Leucine, L-Valine, and L-Isoleucine to help promote muscle recovery along with B Vitamins that can help facilitate amino acid metabolism and energy production during exercise.

Coombes, J. Effects of branched-chain amino acid supplementation on serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase after prolonged exercise. Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 40 3 , Gualano, A. Branched-chain amino acids supplementation enhances exercise capacity and lipid oxidation during endurance exercise after muscle glycogen depletion.

The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 51 1 , Howatson, G. Exercise-induced muscle damage is reduced in resistance-trained males by branched chain amino acids: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9 1 , Kainulainen, H. Potential role of branched-chain amino acid catabolism in regulating fat oxidation. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 41 4 , Kephart, W. Ten weeks of branched-chain amino acid supplementation improves select performance and immunological variables in trained cyclists.

Amino Acids, 48 3 , Kim, D. Effect of BCAA intake during endurance exercises on fatigue substances, muscle damage substances, and energy metabolism substances.

Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry, 17 4 , Matsumoto, K. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation increases the lactate threshold during an incremental exercise test in trained individuals.

Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 55 1 , Newsholme, E. Branched-chain amino acids and central fatigue. The Journal of Nutrition, 1 , SS.

Norton, L. Leucine regulates translation initiation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle after exercise.

Branched-chain Amino Acids and their Effects on Cognition and Behavior - Maze Engineers. Food allergies and sensitivities a BCAAs and stress reduction involving 26 college-age males, researchers randomly assigned participants to groups. Branched chain stdess acids BCAAs rduction sports performance. BCCAAs cravings strike, BCAAs help minimize junk food temptations. A Twelve-week-old mice were fed either a BCAA control diet or a BCAA-free 0BCAA diet for 11 days, after which serum was collected from the left ventricle and assayed for BCAA levels. Denver Rocks Run Registration Opens for Mile-High Celebration. Measure advertising performance.
Why Your BCAA Supplement May Be Doing More Harm Than Good - stack

Therefore, it has been suggested and demonstrated that increasing the level of one member of the LNAA group will inhibit the transport of another member into the brain. Vorhees et al conducted experiments to establish if a particular mixture of BCAAs will save CNS development in the progeny of pregnant rats with induced PKU.

The authors divided the pregnant rats into four groups and began to issue their experimental diets on embryonic days Neither PCPA nor L-phenylalanine alone induce any noticeable long-term effects on behavior and water maze performance.

The progeny of the pregnant rats were subjected to various tests in order to determine the effects of VIL supplementation on cognition. The researchers reported a significant increase in path length during the Morris Hidden Platform Maze , to test spatial learning and memory, for both the PKU and PKU-VIL groups in the female rats when compared to their control groups.

Therefore they concluded that no improvement was observed after treatment with VIL. No significant difference was observed in males; therefore, it was not possible to test the effect of VIL on male rats in this maze.

The maze was enclosed and rested on the floor, rather than being open and elevated, and a rat had to travel to the end of an arm for it to be considered entered. The PKU group obtained fewer reinforcements when compared to the PFC and PFC-VIL groups.

In contrast, the PKU-VIL group received significantly more reinforcements when compared to the PKU group and approximately the same as the PFC and PFC-VIL groups.

These results support the suggestion that supplementation of VIL in pregnant rats suffering from PKU may improve the detrimental effects of hyperphenylalaninemia observed in their offspring.

The researchers also tested the progeny rats with the Cincinnati Water Maze and observed significantly more errors in the PKU group than the PKU-VIL group for path A; however, there was no substantial difference in the number of errors obtained for the two groups on path B.

It was theorized that the difference in results is due to path A being less complicated and more forced-choice than path B; therefore suggesting that supplementation with VIL has an ameliorative effect on problem-solving of a less demanding task.

No significant benefit of VIL supplementation seems to be present for a more challenging problem; however, Vorhees et al did not establish if the ratio and dose of VIL used were optimal. Therefore future studies can experiment with these parameters to perhaps achieve an improvement in path B.

It was also reported that supplementation of VIL improved cognitive performance in the PKU-VIL group without much of an increase in VIL levels. A promising result that suggests sustained periods of elevation or higher doses of VIL may provide even better outcomes in cognitive function.

Patients with traumatic brain injuries TBIs have been observed to have decreased concentrations of BCAAs. An LFPI damages the limbic hippocampus, a brain structure that is often damaged in TBI and is involved in memory and learning.

After inflicting the mice with the injuries sham or LFPI , the BCAAs concentration decreased. The researchers noted that these were the only three of the eighteen amino acids quantified to have a substantial change in concentration after the injury.

Two days later the mice sham and LFPI received either untreated water the control or water containing all three BCAAs the treatment. After five days on this diet the levels of BCAA in the ipsilateral hippocampus of the test mice were compared.

The researchers found that the mice who received LFPIs and were treated with BCAAs presented with increased BCAA concentration levels that were not much different to the levels in the sham mice. The treatment did not alter the other amino acids tested. The researchers went on to prepare another group of mice and test them using a hippocampal-dependent cognitive assessment with retrograde and anterograde fear conditioning.

These mice also presented with similar net synaptic efficacy levels compared to the sham-mice in both the dentate gyrus and area CA1. Another group of mice were prepared; this time to prove that cognitive improvement observed in the previous experiments was specific to the BCAA treatment.

These mice were given a diet supplemented with phenylalanine, another LNAA, and had no increase in cognitive performance nor any restoration of network excitability in the hippocampal subregions.

It is of vital importance to ensure that the concentration of circulating BCAAs are kept at normal levels as abnormal levels have been associated with conditions such as depression, obesity, anxiety and insulin resistance. Varying levels have also been shown to influence the entry of other LNAAs into the brain, causing a possible effect on reliant neurotransmitters.

BCAAs are essential dietary amino acids which have been shown to improve symptoms of cognitive impairment observed in patients with TBI and the offspring of mothers with PKU. More research should be done to discover more positive effects of these amino acids, especially on memory and learning.

How can we be helpful? Close Search. Nutrition Branched-chain Amino Acids and their Effects on Cognition and Behavior By Maze Engineers January 14, October 30th, No Comments.

What are Branched-chain Amino Acids? BCAA Catabolism Early studies using ex vivo assays on extracts from various tissues have indicated that BCAAs do not enter the liver first, unlike other amino acids.

The Effect of BCAAs on Obesity Aromatic amino acids AAAs and metabolites that are composed of the BCAAs have been proven to be related to both insulin resistance and obesity in humans.

The Relationship between BCAAs, Obesity and Mood Disorders Studies have shown that there is a high frequency of mood disorders observed in patients suffering from obesity. The Effect of BCAAs on Anxiety As mentioned before, the uptake of BCAAs will affect 5-HT synthesis and availability.

BCAA Supplementation as Treatment for Cognitive Impairments in Traumatic Brain Injuries Patients with traumatic brain injuries TBIs have been observed to have decreased concentrations of BCAAs. Conclusion It is of vital importance to ensure that the concentration of circulating BCAAs are kept at normal levels as abnormal levels have been associated with conditions such as depression, obesity, anxiety and insulin resistance.

References Siddik, A. and Shin, A. Recent progress on branched-chain amino acids in obesity, diabetes and beyond. Branched-chain amino acids in health and disease: metabolism, alterations in blood plasma, and as supplements.

Nutrition and Metabolism 33 doi: Branched-chain amino acids alter neurobehavioral function in rats. It can also help improve mood which helps in mitigating depression.

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, plays a vital role in producing serotonin - also known as the happiness hormone - a chemical that regulates mood, sleep, and behaviors.

Acting as a neurotransmitter in the body, tryptophan thus helps improve mood and even sleep. Low levels of serotonin can lead to depression and sleep issues. Findings from studies prove that tryptophan supplement intake can help reduce symptoms of depression while improving mood and enhancing sleep.

In a study, 60 older female participants were divided into two groups one of which was given a placebo and the other, 1 gram of tryptophan each day for a period of 19 days.

The group that consumed tryptophan - one of the essential amino acids - was found to have boosted energy and happiness levels. Another published study conducted on more than adults showed that BCAA can help reduce anxiety, depression, and psychological distress.

As can be seen, contrary to popular perception, amino acids including BCAA play an important part in vital body functions apart from increasing exercise performance and building and repairing muscles.

These include making proteins, hormone synthesis, nutrient absorption, and synthesis of neurotransmitters. Those of you looking to build muscle mass can benefit from AllMax Amino Cuts , which offers 36 servings of amino-charged energy powder.

To attain the benefits of BCAA and other essential amino acids, shop supplements today! Find us on Facebook Find us on Instagram Find us on Pinterest Find us on TikTok Find us on YouTube. English English. Language English English Français. June 2, Dan Kennedy.

BCAAs may reduce risk of anxiety and depression, says study

Lower levels of these proteins improve insulin resistance in animal cells and arel associated with less cellular stress. The ratio of knee extension strength before and after the intervention on the operated side was significantly higher in the BCAA group than in the group receiving a placebo.

A product of valine breakdown has been shown to protect osteocytes, bone cells. It acts as an antioxidant, preventing the cells from apoptosis cell death , and preventing bone loss. It has been shown the levels of BCAAs in depressed patients is different from non-depressed persons.

Leucine in particular has been shown to act as an antidepressant in an inflammation induced depression model. Leucine prevents the transportation of kynurenine a neurotoxin that causes inflammation to the brain.

In a study that involved inducing depression and anxiety in mice, BCAAs were shown to promote resilience to stress and reduce social avoidance. More research is needed to identify the role of BCAAs in the development of depression and the dosing needed to treat inflammation induced depression.

BCAAs need to be taken consistently for at least 10 days before experiencing beneficial effects¹¹. Taking BCAAs twice daily for more than 10 days before training prevented exercise induced muscle damage and therefore, muscle soreness.

BCAA supplementation can also increase time to exhaustion when taken before a workout. Branched chain amino acids have a wide range of functions that can benefit everyone from fitness enthusiasts to hard core athletes. They are a fuel source for your body, increase time to exhaustion, reduce fatigue and muscle soreness, promote muscle building, help to mitigate some of the negative side effects of aging, and play a role in mental wellness.

If this article left you interested in BCAAs, you can schedule an appointment with one of our sports dietitians to create a custom blend or to help answer any questions. Posted in Training , Science and Products. HOME SHOP CUSTOM HYDRATION Create a Mix QuickStart Quiz Partner Formulas New!

What are they and how do they affect performance and your overall wellness? Fatigue and Soreness There are two types of physical fatigue: muscular and central. Builds Muscle BCAAs not only promote glucose uptake but are also important building blocks of muscle.

Prevents Sarcopenia Sarcopenia age related muscle atrophy or breakdown is the most common type of atrophy in humans. Can Help With Depression and Anxiety It has been shown the levels of BCAAs in depressed patients is different from non-depressed persons.

How Much Do I Need? References Gawedzka1, A. Plasma BCAA concentrations during exercise of varied intensities in young healthy men-the impact of endurance training. xml Shou, J.

The Effects of BCAAs on Insulin Resistance in Athletes. De Luca, A. Ergogenic Effect of BCAAs and L-Alanine Supplementation: Proof-of-Concept Study in a Murine Model of Physiological Exercise.

Mermier, C. Effect of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Recovery Following Acute Eccentric Exercise. Effect of BCAA supplementation on central fatigue, energy metabolism substrate and muscle damage to the exercise: a systematic review with meta-analysis.

Sport Sci Health 15, — Sleiman, S. Effect of exercise therapy combined with branched-chain amino acid supplementation on muscle strength in elderly women after total hip arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial.

Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Function by Amino Acids. Nutrients , 12 1 , MDPI AG. Is Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation an Efficient Nutritional Strategy to Alleviate Skeletal Muscle Damage? A Systematic Review.

et al. Certain drugs may interact with BCAA supplements, including:. This list may not be exhaustive since there isn't much research on BCAA drug interactions. Always talk to your healthcare provider before trying any new dietary supplements. They will advise you on the safest supplement and dosage for your situation.

Supplements are not inspected by the FDA, so look for brands that submit their products for third-party testing. This can help ensure product quality and potency strength , especially because untested BCAA supplements may be contaminated with anabolic steroids. Reputable third-party testers include the U.

Pharmacopeia USP and the National Sanitation Foundation NSF. When in doubt, choose reputable brands and always speak with a healthcare provider before starting a new supplement—especially if you have a medical condition, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or take prescription medications.

Taking too much of a BCAA supplement might lead to unpleasant side effects. More serious possible side effects include dangerous blood levels of a waste product called ammonia or even neurological issues.

There are no tolerable upper intake levels for isoleucine or valine. The most common side effects of BCAA supplements are nausea , stomach discomfort, and decreased appetite.

Some researchers also believe that they increase insulin resistance. Consuming excess BCAAs may cause or increase neurological and psychiatric symptoms. BCAAs compete with other amino acids for transport to the brain.

This limits the ability of those amino acids to produce dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters play important roles in mental functioning and mood. BCAAs are popular for muscle growth, but they may be more effective at preventing muscle breakdown, soreness, and fatigue.

If muscle growth is your goal, eating enough essential amino acids through your diet and doing resistance training will likely be more effective than supplementing with BCAAs.

BCAAs can affect insulin resistance and certain neurotransmitters that play key roles in brain functioning. Always talk to your healthcare provider before trying a BCAA supplement, especially if you're pregnant or on diabetes medication, or if you have a mental health condition.

Medline Plus. Amino acids. Lo EKK, Felicianna, Xu JH, Zhan Q, Zeng Z, El-Nezami H. The emerging role of branched-chain amino acids in liver diseases. Moberg M, Apró W, Ekblom B, van Hall G, Holmberg HC, Blomstrand E.

Activation of mTORC1 by leucine is potentiated by branched-chain amino acids and even more so by essential amino acids following resistance exercise.

Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. Jäger R, Kerksick CM, Campbell BI, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: Protein and exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Plotkin DL, Delcastillo K, Van Every DW, Tipton KD, Aragon AA, Schoenfeld BJ. Isolated leucine and branched-chain amino acid supplementation for enhancing muscular strength and hypertrophy: A narrative review.

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Cochet C, Belloni G, Buondonno I, Chiara F, D'Amelio P. The role of nutrition in the treatment of sarcopenia in old patients: From restoration of mitochondrial activity to improvement of muscle performance, a systematic review.

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Nutritional interventions in cancer cachexia: Evidence and perspectives from experimental models. Front Nutr. Martinho DV, Nobari H, Faria A, Field A, Duarte D, Sarmento H.

Oral branched-chain amino acids supplementation in athletes: A systematic review. Khemtong C, Kuo CH, Chen CY, Jaime SJ, Condello G. Does branched-chain amino acids BCAAs supplementation attenuate muscle damage markers and soreness after resistance exercise in trained males? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Doma K, Singh U, Boullosa D, Connor JD. The effect of branched-chain amino acid on muscle damage markers and performance following strenuous exercise: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.

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Role of branched-chain amino acids and their derivative β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate in liver cirrhosis. J Clin Med. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino acids. In: Institute of Medicine. National Academies Press; Side effects of amino acid supplements.

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BCAAs and stress reduction

Author: Molkree

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