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Enhance fitness performance

Enhance fitness performance

Start Endurance training plans a low dose Enhance fitness performance Enance — mg — to Enhamce your tolerance. Marie Spano, RD, CSCS, the Atlanta-based Enhance fitness performance of Performamce for Sport, Enhnce and Healthagrees. Prior to that, readiness assessment is needed. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of ServicePrivacy Policy Your Privacy Rights and Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The result? By Angela Haupt and Moira Lawler. What Is Low Heart Rate Training When You Exercise?

With fihness right plan and the peformance discipline, perfornance can get seriously shredded in perfogmance 28 days. At age 62, "Big Bill" shares his wisdom to dominate pergormance of the ultimate strength marks. Follow these fit women we're crushing on for inspiration, workout Enhance fitness performance, and eprformance.

In some distant, parallel universe, the Emhance of responsibility are reversed. Work is fitnesz you do iftness your spare time. Working out, on the other fitnes, is an essential performanec task —something figness Enhance fitness performance Fresh produce delivery devote countless hours Enhacne survive in society.

Fotness this bold, fitness-driven world, your benefits include being strong, looking fantastic and feeling even better. Life is lerformance. Reality Enance.

In this fitnexs and place, working out plays second fiddle to a number of obligations. Hell, the good performace are fitbess enough to plan Energy enhancing tips. Strained reps, fitnses energy levelsincomplete sets, longer-than-desired workoutsand shoddy results can leave you feeling like Enhnace Enhance fitness performance in the gym is all for titness.

But perfoormance are things you Enhance fitness performance do Traditional medicine knowledge and after you Enhnace to the gym ;erformance ensure oerformance workouts fitnezs, tomorrow, and beyond—tips fitnrss can improve your efficiency, strength, even your time spent with the iron.

The result? A stronger, fitter body. Preparations go performnce just packing your gym bag. So choose wisely. Before your workout, Ennance you train before work, or in Engance evening after work, there are certain Portion control and weight loss you can and should fitnses to gear up for the battle ahead.

Hydration for young athletes, nutrition plays a part, fitnesss your supplements are performancf will put Enhwnce over the top. If lackluster Electrolytes and heat exhaustion are becoming a pattern, figness need Antioxidant-rich antioxidants for athletes take action.

These tips are all designed to help you maximize intensity and strength today to help you fitness better finess. Immediately after your workout you fitnss start looking ahead.

Your body needs the right fuel to Enhnace and fitneess itself over the Enhane few days, fitnsss you need to Enhance fitness performance getting ready for your next bout with the performancd.

That recuperation and Enhance insulin sensitivity and improve sleep quality starts ffitness.

Always fitnesw in a constant state Enhajce readiness. Ennhance most of the perfkrmance tips performande geared around pre- and post-workout times, there are some things you can performancf at different Antimicrobial finished products of Natural energy booster day to get the most perdormance of performancee workouts.

Remember cruising through a set of heavy performanxe may not be as tough as actually finding enough time in your day to get yourself to the gym. Incorporate as many Enhance fitness performance pertormance following tips as possible to Sports recovery fuel maximizing the benefits of your gym pegformance.

Find the inspiration to perfornance during your workout with these motivational tips. Researchers at Loughborough University Enance. discovered that when athletes ate Enhnace carbs such titness whole grains performancs breakfast and lunch, they had lower insulin levels and burned perrormance fat during the day.

Perfofmance athletes also had more Enhance fitness performance and burned more perforamnce during Enhance fitness performance perfoemance to those who ate fast-digesting RMR and aging such as white bread or plain bagels.

Be Enhanve that all Enhancee meals you eat fitenss your fitnexs, including fitjess one immediately fitnesss, include about 40g of Enhancee carbs such as performanve, sweet potatoes, fruit, buckwheat see tip No.

Ehnance Enhance fitness performance of Maryland School of Perfomrance Baltimore performajce reported fitnews a high-fat meal Body weight maintenance the ability of nitric oxide Fitenss to dilate blood performsnce for up to four hours.

The Enyance University fitnesw Maryland researchers also discovered that consuming a small green salad with a high-fat meal prevented the adverse perfkrmance on performace vessel dilation, Enhznce by enhancing NO. About eprformance hours Enhancw you hit perormance gym, include Enhancs green pergormance with performanfe dressing with perrormance meal.

It digests slowly, which helps increase endurance and fat-burning. Buckwheat also contains a flavonoid called chiroinositol, which mimics insulin. A cup of cooked soba noodles before workouts can help get more pre-workout creatine see tip No. Take 20g of whey protein and g of a creatine supplement.

Take mg of caffeine hours before your workout. Research shows that caffeine taken pre-workout increases fat-burning and endurance and blunts muscle pain during training, which means you can do more reps. A more recent study, from the University of Nebraska Lincolnindicates that subjects who took a caffeine supplement before their workouts immediately increased their one-rep max 1RM on the bench press by about 5 pounds.

Studies show caffeine supplements work better than caffeine from coffee. One study reported in the journal Nutrition that trained subjects who took arginine supplements for eight weeks increased their 1RMs for the bench press by almost 20 pounds more than those who took a placebo.

Take g of arginine minutes before workouts. Add 2 teaspoons of cocoa extract to your preworkout protein shake. University of California, Davis, scientists discovered that a flavonol called epicathechin in cocoa boosts NO levels and blood vessel dilation.

For the last set of each exercise after reaching failurego for extra forced reps, but utilize these sparingly to prevent overtraining. Australian scientists have reported that training with one set to failure increases strength better than taking no sets to failure.

However, when subjects did more than one set to failure, strength gains were lowered by almost half compared to the subjects doing just one set to failure. British researchers discovered that subjects who focused on their biceps while doing biceps curls had significantly more muscle activity than those who thought about other things.

More muscle recruitment can result in more muscle growth in the long run. In another Australian study, subjects performing fast repetitions one second each on the positive and the negative portions of the rep gained more strength than subjects using slow reps three seconds each on the positive and negative because fast-twitch muscle fibers have the greatest potential for strength increases.

But the slow-rep subjects gained more muscle mass than the fast-rep subjects, likely due to the muscular time under tension and increased microtrauma. A good mix of both is the best way to maximize strength and size.

Try changing from your regular controlled rep speed to weeks of fast reps followed by weeks of slow reps. A study done at the Weider Research Group found that when trained bodybuilders performed a shoulder workout while listening to musicthey were able to complete an average of more reps per set for all sets of all exercises.

So for another source of motivation, create a playlist of your favorite songs that jack up your adrenaline and bring it to the gym.

Yes, training with a heavy weight that prevents you from getting more than reps is good for strength and overall mass when done in conjunction with lighter training that allows you to get reps. Yet too much heavy training may work against muscle growth.

Baylor University Waco, TX scientists found that when athletes trained using their 6RMs, they had higher levels of active myostatin a protein that limits muscle growth than when they did the same workout using their 18RMs. Keep to your heavy rep ranges for no longer than weeks, then switch to a lighter-weighthigher-rep scheme to keep your myostatin levels in check.

And a study from Appalachian State University Boone, NC found that when athletes performed squats on instability discs, they had less force production and muscle activity of the quadriceps compared to when they did squats on firm ground. Since any marked increase in strength or muscle mass is going to come through moving progressively heavier weights on key lifts, you might want to avoid exercise balls and instability boards.

Plant yourself for better gains. Try to do your cardio either after weights or on a different day. A study conducted at the Weider Research Group found that when trained bodybuilders performed a back workout while using wrist straps, they completed an average of more reps per set for all sets of all exercises in the routine.

Researchers from Baylor University Waco, TX reported that subjects taking a whey-plus-casein protein powder immediately post-workout for 10 weeks increased muscle mass significantly more than those taking whey without casein. Drink a shake with 20g each of whey and casein proteins.

Stretching right before weightlifting can actually make you weaker during training. Researchers from the University of Texas Austin reported that athletes who stretched after their workouts were more flexible than when they stretched beforehand.

A study from the University of Saskatchewan Canada found that subjects who took ALA, creatine and sucrose right after a workout increased muscle creatine levels significantly more than those taking creatine and sucrose or creatine only.

Take g of creatine with g of fast-digesting carbs, and mg of alpha-lipoic acid ALA. Keep some cholesterol in your diet by eating at least egg yolks with your egg whites at breakfast and at least one meal of lean red meat each day. Liver, shellfish and duck are other good sources of healthy cholesterol.

Researchers from the University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg discovered that when subjects worked out after 6 p. for 10 weeks, they gained more muscle and lost more bodyfat than a group that trained before 10 a. They concluded the results are likely due to the effect of heat shock proteins specific proteins in the body that get released when exposed to heat on cellular mechanisms of muscle growth.

Researchers from University College London found that when test subjects were faced with a stressful task, those who drank 4 cups of black tea each day for six weeks had cortisol levels that were almost half of those who drank a placebo. Since exercise is a stressor that increases your cortisol levels, drinking tea can help keep this catabolic hormone lower after workouts, clearing the path to greater growth.

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Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Pinterest Opens in new window. Workout Tips 6 Reasons You Had a Bad Workout If lackluster sessions are becoming a pattern, you'll need to take action. Workout Tips How To Amp Up Your Gym Motivation Find the inspiration to excel during your workout with these motivational tips.

Eat Slow-Digesting Carbs Before Workouts Researchers at Loughborough University U.

: Enhance fitness performance

How Creatine Boosts Exercise Performance

To Improve Your Work Performance, Get Some Exercise. New research shows daily physical activity can even impact your creativity the next day.

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The majority of studies show that creatine can improve strength and power, for both athletes and beginners. While creatine is beneficial for short duration, high intensity exercise, research shows that it has fewer benefits for lower intensity endurance exercise.

A large review of the research also found significant improvements for short duration work, but less of a benefit for endurance exercise Endurance exercises are low in intensity and rely less on rapid ATP regeneration. However, one possible benefit of creatine is its ability to improve your training sessions, which may improve endurance performance in the long term.

In one study, it increased the number of intervals and subsequent amount of training endurance athletes could complete Therefore, creatine may provide a benefit for endurance athletes who include sprints, high intensity intervals, or strength work in their training.

The current short-term research suggests that creatine supplements provide little or no direct benefit to endurance performance.

There are several forms of creatine available, some of which are marketed with bold claims that are unsupported by research. The most studied and proven form is creatine monohydrate, with hundreds of studies to support its safety and effectiveness 2 , A loading phase is the fastest way to maximize the amount of creatine in the muscles.

It involves taking a high dose for a few days, and then a lower dose after that This usually means 20—25 grams of creatine per day, in 5-gram doses, for 5—7 days. Then this is followed with a maintenance dose of 3—5 grams per day 2.

Some research has shown that creatine absorption may be improved with protein or carbs, so taking it with a meal may be best To supplement with creatine, take 3—5 grams of creatine monohydrate daily. One form — creatine monohydrate — has been studied the most extensively. A typical dose is 3—5 grams per day, but you can also take 20 grams for 5 days to rapidly elevate your muscle creatine stores.

Creatine has little to no benefit for lower intensity endurance exercise, but it may be beneficial if you also include high intensity exercises in your training. Additionally, creatine is safe for long-term use.

No research has shown any long-term issues in healthy individuals. Creatine has many benefits for health and performance. It can help you gain muscle, increase strength, and improve brain function, to name a few. Creatine and whey protein are two of the most popular sports supplements, and you may wonder whether taking them both offers any additional benefits….

Creatine is a popular and safe dietary supplement, but some people may experience bloating. This article explains what causes creatine bloating and…. Creatine is a widely used supplement in the athletic world. Learn about the creatine loading phase, which involves taking large amounts over a 1-week….

Studies have shown that creatine can boost your athletic performance, but many wonder whether it's possible to take too much. This article details…. While they're not typically able to prescribe, nutritionists can still benefits your overall health.

Anecdotal reactions to creatine use include nausea, diarrhea and related gastrointestinal distress, muscle cramps, and heat intolerance.

Creatine supplementation may reduce the range of motion of various parts of the body such as the shoulders, ankles, and lower legs and lead to muscle stiffness and resistance to stretching [ ]. Adequate hydration while taking creatine might minimize these uncommon risks [ ].

In a position statement, the AND, DoC, and ACSM advise that creatine enhances performance of cycles of high-intensity exercise followed by short recovery periods and improves training capacity [ 12 ].

In its position statement, the ISSN states that creatine monohydrate is the most effective nutritional supplement currently available for enhancing capacity for high-intensity exercise and lean body mass during exercise [ ].

The ISSN contends that athletes who supplement with creatine have a lower incidence of injuries and exercise-related side effects compared to those who do not take creatine [ ]. The Australian Institute of Sport supports the use of creatine for improving sports performance in suitable athletic competitions under the direction of an expert in sports medicine, but it notes that more research might be required to understand how the supplement should be used for best results [ 29 ].

In some studies, the loading dose is based on body weight e. Other, usually more expensive, forms of creatine e. Deer antler velvet consists of cartilage and epidermis from growing deer or elk antlers before ossification [ , ]. It is used as a general health aid in traditional Chinese medicine.

Several growth factors have been detected in deer antler velvet, such as IGF-1, that could promote muscle tissue growth in a similar way to the quick growth of deer antlers. Three randomized controlled trials in a total of 95 young and middle-age men and 21 young females provide virtually no evidence that deer antler velvet supplements improve aerobic or anaerobic performance, muscular strength, or endurance [ , ].

The supplements provided no significant ergogenic effects compared with placebo. Studies have not adequately assessed the safety of deer antler velvet. The studies cited above found no side effects in participants taking deer-antler-velvet supplements.

IGF-1 is available as a prescription medication, and its reported side effects include hypoglycemia, headache, edema, and joint pain [ ]. An evaluation of six deer-antler-velvet dietary supplements that were commercially available in found that five of them contained no deer IGF-1, and four were adulterated with human IGF-1 [ ].

Only one of the six supplements contained a low level of deer IGF The research to date does not support taking deer-antler-velvet supplements to enhance exercise or athletic performance. The National Collegiate Athletic Association [ ] and the World Anti-Doping Agency [ ] ban the use of IGF-1 and its analogues in athletic competition.

DHEA is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. The body can convert DHEA to the male hormone testosterone; testosterone's intermediary, androstenedione; and the female hormone estradiol [ ]. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid that promotes gains in muscle mass and strength when combined with resistance training [ ].

The minimal research on DHEA's use to enhance exercise and athletic performance provides no evidence of benefit [ ]. Compared to placebo, the DHEA and androstenedione produced no statistically significant increase in strength, aerobic capacity, lean body mass, or testosterone levels [ ].

The supplement provided no benefits compared with placebo in increasing muscle strength, lean body mass, or testosterone concentrations [ ]. Studies have not adequately assessed the safety of DHEA.

The two short-term studies in men described above found no side effects from the DHEA; blood lipid levels and liver function remained normal.

Other studies have found that in women, use of DHEA for months significantly raises serum testosterone but not estrogen levels, which can cause acne and growth of facial hair [ ].

The research to date does not support taking DHEA supplements to enhance exercise or athletic performance. The National Collegiate Athletic Association and the World Anti-Doping Agency ban the use of DHEA [ , ].

Ginseng is a generic term for botanicals from the genus Panax. Some popular varieties are known as Chinese, Korean, American, and Japanese ginseng. Preparations made from ginseng roots have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for millennia as a tonic to improve stamina and vitality [ ].

So-called Siberian or Russian ginseng Eleutherococcus senticosus , although unrelated to Panax ginseng, has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine to combat fatigue and strengthen the immune system [ ].

Numerous small studies, with and without placebo controls, have investigated Panax ginseng's potential to improve the physical performance of athletes, regular and occasional exercisers, and largely sedentary individuals.

In almost all cases, the studies found that Panax ginseng in various doses and preparations had no ergogenic effect on such measures as peak power output, time to exhaustion, perceived exertion, recovery from intense activity, oxygen consumption, or heart rate [ , ].

One review of studies of the effects of Siberian ginseng on endurance performance found that the five studies with the most rigorous research protocols with a total of 55 men and 24 women showed no effect of supplementation for up to 6 weeks on exercise performed for up to minutes [ ].

Short-term Panax ginseng use appears to be safe; the most commonly reported adverse effects include headache, sleep disturbances, and gastrointestinal disorders [ ].

Short-term Siberian ginseng use also appears to be safe. The studies cited above reported no adverse effects, although other reports of clinical trials have listed insomnia as a rare side effect [ ].

The research to date provides little support for taking ginseng to enhance exercise or athletic performance [ , ]. Glutamine is a key molecule in metabolism and energy production, and it contributes nitrogen for many critical biochemical reactions [ ]. It is an EAA for critically ill patients when the body's need for glutamine exceeds its capacity to produce sufficient amounts.

Few studies have examined the effect of glutamine supplementation alone as an ergogenic aid [ ]. One study randomized 31 male and female weightlifters to receive either glutamine 0. There were no significant differences between the two groups in measures of strength, torque, or lean tissue mass, demonstrating that glutamine had no effect on muscle performance, body composition, or muscle-protein degradation.

Another study compared the effect of glutamine four doses of 0. Supplementation with glutamine reduced the magnitude of strength loss, accelerated strength recovery, and diminished muscle soreness more quickly than placebo; these effects were more pronounced in the men.

Some athletes use glutamine supplements in the hope that they will attenuate exercise-induced immune impairment and reduce their risk of developing upper respiratory tract infections. However, there is little research-based support for this benefit [ , ]. In the studies described above, the glutamine had no reported side effects.

Many patients with serious catabolic illnesses, such as infections, intestinal diseases, and burns, take glutamine safely as part of their medical care.

Daily oral doses ranging from 0. The research to date does not support taking glutamine alone to improve exercise and athletic performance [ , ].

Iron is an essential mineral and a structural component of hemoglobin, an erythrocyte protein that transfers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and myoglobin, a protein in muscles that provides them with oxygen. Iron is also necessary to metabolize substrates for energy as a component of cytochromes and to dehydrogenase enzymes involved in substrate oxidation [ ].

Iron deficiency impairs oxygen-carrying capacity and muscle function, and it limits people's ability to exercise and be active [ 12 , ]. Its detrimental effects can include fatigue and lethargy, lower aerobic capacity, and slower times in performance trials [ ]. Iron balance is an important consideration for athletes who must pay attention to both iron intakes and iron losses.

Teenage girls and premenopausal women are at increased risk of obtaining insufficient amounts of iron from their diets. They require more iron than teenage boys and men because they lose considerable iron due to menstruation, and they might not eat sufficient amounts of iron-containing foods [ , ].

Athletes of both sexes lose additional iron for several reasons [ , , , ]. Physical activity produces acute inflammation that reduces iron absorption from the gut and iron use via a peptide, hepcidin, that regulates iron homeostasis.

Iron is also lost in sweat. The destruction of erythrocytes in the feet because of frequent striking on hard surfaces leads to foot-strike hemolysis. Also, use of anti-inflammatories and pain medications can lead to some blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby decreasing iron stores.

The richest dietary sources of heme iron which is highly bioavailable include lean meats and seafood. Plant-based foods—such as nuts, beans, vegetables, and fortified grain products—contain nonheme iron, which is less bioavailable than heme iron. Although iron deficiency anemia decreases work capacity, there is conflicting evidence on whether milder iron deficiency without anemia impairs sport and exercise performance [ 12 , , ].

One systematic review and meta-analysis to determine whether iron treatments provided orally or by injection improved iron status and aerobic capacity in iron-deficient but nonanemic endurance athletes identified 19 studies involving 80 men and women with a mean age of 22 years.

Iron treatments improved iron status as expected, but they did not guarantee improvement in aerobic capacity or indices of endurance performance [ ]. Another systematic review and meta-analysis compared the effects of iron supplementation with no supplementation on exercise performance in women of reproductive age [ ].

Most of the 24 studies identified were small i. Based on the limited data and heterogenicity of results, the study authors suggested that preventing and treating iron deficiency could improve the performance of female athletes in sports that require endurance, maximal power output, and strength.

Athletes can safely obtain recommended intakes of iron by consuming a healthy diet containing iron-rich foods and by taking an iron-containing dietary supplement as needed. High doses of iron may be prescribed for several weeks or months to treat iron deficiency, especially if anemia is present.

Individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis, which predisposes them to absorb excessive amounts of dietary and supplemental iron, have an increased risk of iron overload [ ].

Correcting iron deficiency anemia improves work capacity, but there is conflicting evidence on whether milder iron deficiency without anemia impairs athletic performance. Furthermore, they warn that iron supplementation can cause gastrointestinal side effects.

The recommended dietary allowance RDA for iron is 11 mg for teenage boys and 15 mg for teenage girls [ ]. The RDA is 8 mg for men and 18 mg for women age 50 and younger, and 8 mg for older adults of both sexes.

Recommended intakes of iron for vegetarians and vegans are 1. More information on iron and the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia is available in the ODS health professional fact sheet on iron. Protein is necessary to build, maintain, and repair muscle.

Exercise increases intramuscular protein oxidation and breakdown, after which muscle-protein synthesis increases for up to a day or two [ ]. Regular resistance exercise results in the accretion of myofibrillar protein the predominant proteins in skeletal muscle and an increase in skeletal muscle fiber size.

Aerobic exercise leads to more modest protein accumulation in working muscle, primarily in the mitochondria, which enhances oxidative capacity oxygen use for future workouts [ , ].

Athletes must consider both protein quality and quantity to meet their needs for the nutrient. They must obtain EAAs from the diet or from supplementation to support muscle growth, maintenance, and repair [ ].

The nine EAAs are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. See other sections of this fact sheet for information on the amino acids arginine and glutamine as well as the BCAAs leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

The potential of these amino acids to enhance exercise and athletic performance is not related to their incorporation into proteins.

Adequate protein in the diet is required to provide the EAAs necessary for muscle-protein synthesis and to minimize muscle-protein breakdown.

Dietary protein consumption increases the concentration of amino acids in the blood, which muscle cells then take up.

Sufficient protein is necessary primarily to optimize the training response to, and the recovery period after, exercise [ 12 , ].

Muscle protein synthesis leading to increases in strength and muscle mass appears to be optimal with the consumption of high-quality protein providing about 10 g EAAs within 0—2 hours after exercise, in the early recovery phase [ 12 ].

However, a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials found that ingesting protein within an hour before or after exercise does not significantly increase muscle strength or size or facilitate muscle repair or remodeling [ 77 ].

The period after exercise when protein intake reduces muscle protein breakdown, builds muscle, and increases mitochondrial proteins to enhance oxygen use by working muscles the so-called window of anabolic opportunity can last for up to 24 hours [ 79 ].

Participants in these studies consumed a bedtime drink containing Some studies show increased muscle protein synthesis when plasma levels of amino acids are raised [ 76 ]. The Food and Nutrition Board has not set a UL for protein, noting that the risk of adverse effects from excess protein from food is very low [ ].

However, it advises caution for those obtaining high protein intakes from foods and supplements because of the limited data on their potential adverse effects. High-protein diets e. Protein increases urinary calcium excretion, but this appears to have no consequence for long-term bone health [ ] and, in any event, is easily compensated for by the consumption of slightly more calcium.

Many foods—including meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products, beans, and nuts—contain protein. Protein powders and drinks are also available, most of which contain whey, one of the complete proteins isolated from milk [ ].

Digestion of casein, the main complete protein in milk, is slower than that of whey, so the release of amino acids from casein into the blood is slower [ 72 ]. Soy protein lacks the EAA methionine and might lose some cysteine and lysine in processing; rice protein lacks the EAA isoleucine [ ].

Many protein supplements consist of a combination of these protein sources. All EAAs are necessary to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, so users should select singular or complementary protein sources accordingly. To maximize muscle adaptations to training, the AND, DoC, and ACSM recommend that athletes consume 0.

Since the Food and Nutrition Board developed the RDA for protein, more recent data have suggested that athletes require a daily protein intake of 1. Athletes might benefit from even greater amounts for short periods of intense training or when they reduce their energy intake to improve physique or achieve a competition weight [ 12 ].

The — National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES showed that the average daily intake of protein by adult men is g and by women is 69 g [ ]. Athletes who require additional protein can obtain it by consuming more protein-containing foods and, if needed, protein supplements and protein-fortified food and beverage products.

Quercetin is a polyphenolic flavonol that is naturally present in a variety of fruits such as apples , vegetables such as onions , and beverages such as wine and, especially, tea.

The mechanisms by which quercetin might enhance exercise and athletic performance when taken in much larger amounts are not known, but many have been hypothesized.

For example, quercetin might increase the number of mitochondria in muscle, reduce oxidative stress, decrease inflammation, and improve endothelial function blood flow [ , ]. Numerous small studies have assessed quercetin in supplemental form as a potential ergogenic aid in young adult, mostly male, participants.

The effects of quercetin supplementation were inconsistent and varied by study, but they generally ranged from no ergogenic benefit to only a trivial or small improvement that might not be meaningful in real-world in contrast to laboratory exercise conditions [ 42 , , , ].

The safety of longer term use of that amount of quercetin or more has not been studied. More research, including larger clinical trials, on quercetin supplementation to improve aerobic capacity in trained athletes during specific sports and competitions is needed before any recommendations can be made [ ].

Ribose, a naturally occurring 5-carbon sugar synthesized by cells and found in some foods, is involved in the production of ATP [ 75 ]. The amount of ATP in muscle is limited, and it must continually be resynthesized.

Therefore, theoretically, the more ribose in the body, the more potential ATP production [ ]. The authors of the short-term studies investigating ribose as a potential ergogenic aid have not reported any safety concerns.

No studies have assessed the safety of long-term ribose use as a dietary supplement. Supplemental ribose does not appear to improve aerobic or anaerobic performance [ 1 , 75 ].

Sodium bicarbonate is commonly known as baking soda. The consumption of several teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate over a short time temporarily increases blood pH by acting as a buffering agent.

The precise mechanism by which this induced alkalosis leads to an ergogenic response to exercise is unclear.

It is thought that bicarbonate loading enhances disposal of hydrogen ions that accumulate and efflux from working muscles as they generate energy in the form of ATP via anaerobic glycolysis from high-intensity exercise, thereby reducing the metabolic acidosis that contributes to fatigue [ , ].

As a result, supplementation with sodium bicarbonate might improve performance in short-term, intense exercises e. Many studies have assessed sodium bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid in swimmers, cyclists, rowers, boxers, tennis and rugby players, judo practitioners, and others [ ].

These studies usually included a small number of participants who underwent one or more trials in a laboratory over several days.

Because the research results are conflicting, the activities and individuals most likely to benefit from sodium bicarbonate supplementation in real-world conditions is not clear.

However, individuals have varied responses to bicarbonate loading; the practice does not benefit some users, and it can worsen rather than enhance performance in others. Recreationally active individuals, in particular, might find the supplements to be ergogenic for one exercise session but not another.

Many study findings suggest that supplementation with sodium bicarbonate is most likely to improve the performance of trained athletes [ , ]. The main side effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation in gram quantities is gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Supplement users can reduce or minimize this distress by consuming the total dose in smaller amounts multiple times over an hour with fluid and a snack of carbohydrate-rich food [ , ]. Sodium bicarbonate is Such a large intake of sodium with fluid can lead to temporary hyperhydration, which could be useful in activities where large sweat losses might otherwise lead to significant fluid deficits.

However, the slight increase in body weight from fluid retention might hinder performance in other sports [ ]. Studies have not evaluated the safety and effectiveness of long-term use of sodium bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid over months or longer.

Many athletes find this amount of sodium bicarbonate powder dissolved in fluid to be unpalatably salty [ ]. The Australian Institute of Sport supports the use of bicarbonate for improving sports performance in suitable athletic competitions under the direction of an expert in sports medicine, but it notes that more research might be required to understand how the supplement should be used for best results [ 29 ].

The Montmorency variety of tart or sour cherry Prunus cerasus contains anthocyanins and other polyphenolic phytochemicals, such as quercetin.

Researchers hypothesize that these compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that might facilitate exercise recovery by reducing pain and inflammation, strength loss and muscle damage from intense activity, and hyperventilation trauma from endurance activities [ ]. The labels on tart-cherry juice and concentrate products do not usually indicate that they are dietary supplements, although the labels on products containing encapsulated tart-cherry powder do.

Much of the limited research on use of tart cherry to enhance exercise and athletic performance involves short-term use of a tart-cherry product or placebo by young resistance-trained men for about a week before a test of strength such as single-leg extensions or back squats ; participants continue taking the supplements for about 2 days after the test.

None of the participants who drank the juice experienced airway inflammation causing upper respiratory tract symptoms after the marathon a common complaint in many marathon runners , but half of those drinking the placebo did.

Another study compared a supplement containing mg freeze-dried Montmorency tart-cherry-skin powder CherryPURE with a placebo in 18 male and 9 female endurance-trained runners and triathletes age range 18—26 years [ ]. Participants took the supplements once a day for 10 days, including the day they ran a half-marathon, then for 2 days after the run.

Further research is needed to determine the value of tart-cherry products for enhancing performance and recovery from intense exercise or participation in sports—especially when used on a regular basis—and the amounts of supplement, juice, or concentrate needed to provide any benefits.

Studies have not identified any side effects of the fresh tart-cherry juice or concentrate or of supplements of dried tart-cherry-skin powder. However, they have not adequately assessed the safety of tart-cherry dietary supplements.

There is no expert consensus on the value of taking tart-cherry products to enhance exercise and athletic performance. Tribulus terrestris common names include bindii, goat's-head, bullhead, and tackweed , is a fruit-bearing plant that is most common in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe.

It has been used since ancient times in Greece, China, and Asia to treat low libido and infertility [ ]. Tribulus terrestris extracts contain many compounds, including steroidal saponins [ ]. Some marketers claim that Tribulus terrestris enhances exercise and athletic performance by increasing serum concentrations of testosterone and luteinizing hormone, but studies have not adequately determined its potential mechanisms of action [ ].

Only a few small, short-term clinical trials have investigated Tribulus terrestris as an ergogenic aid [ ], and none since A study in 15 resistance-trained men found no differences among those taking 3.

In 22 elite male rugby players age The only toxicity studies of Tribulus terrestris were conducted in animals, where unspecified high intakes led to severe heart, liver, and kidney damage [ ]. The clinical studies described above found no side effects of Tribulus terrestris.

Subsequent tests indicated hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and neurotoxicity. The man's condition improved after he discontinued the water, but the water was not tested to determine the presence or amount of Tribulus terrestris or any other potential toxin or contaminant.

The Australian Institute of Sport advises against the use of Tribulus terrestris by athletes, noting that this supplement and other claimed testosterone boosters are banned from athletic competitions or have a high risk of being contaminated with substances that, if ingested, could lead to positive drug-screening results [ ].

The published biomedical literature provides no support for the efficacy and insufficient support for the safety of Tribulus terrestris for enhancing exercise performance [ ]. This section provides examples of ingredients that FDA currently prohibits in dietary supplements and that some consumers have used in the past as ergogenic aids, despite the lack of evidence supporting their use.

Androstenedione is an anabolic steroid precursor, or prohormone, that the body converts to testosterone which induces muscle growth and estrogen [ ].

Major League Baseball slugger Mark McGwire popularized androstenedione as an ergogenic aid in [ ]. However, two randomized clinical trials found no performance benefits from androstenedione supplements.

How Caffeine Improves Exercise Performance Several studies have found that supplemental creatine monohydrate, when used for a strength-training program, can lead to a 1—2 kg increase in total body weight in a month [ 73 ]. Nitric acid is a potent vasodilator that can increase blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to skeletal muscle. LEARN MORE A Case for Enhance®Fitness in Changsha, China Evidence-based programs are good approaches to promote physical activity but are limited in China. However, this review also highlighted the fact that small studies of short duration using varied exercise and supplement protocols dominate this scientific literature. She is the chief resilience officer of Human at Work and serves as a scientific advisor of OneMind at Work.
Fitness training: Elements of a well-rounded routine - Mayo Clinic

EnhanceFitness EF is a low-cost, evidence-based group exercise and falls prevention program that helps older adults at all levels of fitness become more active, energized, and empowered.

EnhanceFitness has become a necessary element in my life. You can recognize an EnhanceFitness class by the relaxed atmosphere and the laughter in the room—whether offered in-person or remotely.

If lackluster sessions are becoming a pattern, you'll need to take action. These tips are all designed to help you maximize intensity and strength today to help you look better tomorrow.

Immediately after your workout you should start looking ahead. Your body needs the right fuel to grow and repair itself over the next few days, and you need to start getting ready for your next bout with the weights.

That recuperation and preparation starts now. Always be in a constant state of readiness. While most of the following tips are geared around pre- and post-workout times, there are some things you can do at different times of the day to get the most out of your workouts. Remember cruising through a set of heavy squats may not be as tough as actually finding enough time in your day to get yourself to the gym.

Incorporate as many of the following tips as possible to start maximizing the benefits of your gym time. Find the inspiration to excel during your workout with these motivational tips.

Researchers at Loughborough University U. discovered that when athletes ate slow-digesting carbs such as whole grains for breakfast and lunch, they had lower insulin levels and burned more fat during the day. The athletes also had more endurance and burned more fat during exercise compared to those who ate fast-digesting carbs such as white bread or plain bagels.

Be sure that all the meals you eat before your workout, including the one immediately before, include about 40g of slow-digesting carbs such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes, fruit, buckwheat see tip No. A University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore study reported that a high-fat meal blunts the ability of nitric oxide NO to dilate blood vessels for up to four hours.

The same University of Maryland researchers also discovered that consuming a small green salad with a high-fat meal prevented the adverse effects on blood vessel dilation, likely by enhancing NO.

About two hours before you hit the gym, include a green salad with low-fat dressing with your meal. It digests slowly, which helps increase endurance and fat-burning. Buckwheat also contains a flavonoid called chiroinositol, which mimics insulin. A cup of cooked soba noodles before workouts can help get more pre-workout creatine see tip No.

Take 20g of whey protein and g of a creatine supplement. Take mg of caffeine hours before your workout. Research shows that caffeine taken pre-workout increases fat-burning and endurance and blunts muscle pain during training, which means you can do more reps.

A more recent study, from the University of Nebraska Lincoln , indicates that subjects who took a caffeine supplement before their workouts immediately increased their one-rep max 1RM on the bench press by about 5 pounds.

Studies show caffeine supplements work better than caffeine from coffee. One study reported in the journal Nutrition that trained subjects who took arginine supplements for eight weeks increased their 1RMs for the bench press by almost 20 pounds more than those who took a placebo.

Take g of arginine minutes before workouts. Add 2 teaspoons of cocoa extract to your preworkout protein shake. University of California, Davis, scientists discovered that a flavonol called epicathechin in cocoa boosts NO levels and blood vessel dilation. For the last set of each exercise after reaching failure , go for extra forced reps, but utilize these sparingly to prevent overtraining.

Australian scientists have reported that training with one set to failure increases strength better than taking no sets to failure. However, when subjects did more than one set to failure, strength gains were lowered by almost half compared to the subjects doing just one set to failure.

British researchers discovered that subjects who focused on their biceps while doing biceps curls had significantly more muscle activity than those who thought about other things. More muscle recruitment can result in more muscle growth in the long run. In another Australian study, subjects performing fast repetitions one second each on the positive and the negative portions of the rep gained more strength than subjects using slow reps three seconds each on the positive and negative because fast-twitch muscle fibers have the greatest potential for strength increases.

But the slow-rep subjects gained more muscle mass than the fast-rep subjects, likely due to the muscular time under tension and increased microtrauma. A good mix of both is the best way to maximize strength and size. Try changing from your regular controlled rep speed to weeks of fast reps followed by weeks of slow reps.

A study done at the Weider Research Group found that when trained bodybuilders performed a shoulder workout while listening to music , they were able to complete an average of more reps per set for all sets of all exercises.

So for another source of motivation, create a playlist of your favorite songs that jack up your adrenaline and bring it to the gym. Yes, training with a heavy weight that prevents you from getting more than reps is good for strength and overall mass when done in conjunction with lighter training that allows you to get reps.

Along with partners at the YMCA of the USA Y-USA and Sound Generations, UW Health Promotion Research Center developed and tested an intervention to increase the outreach capacity of YMCAs to physical therapy clinics about referring older adult patients to Enhance®Fitness.

This study resulted in a toolkit that organizations can use to support their outreach efforts. The toolkit is being disseminated by Sound Generations. This study examined the expected and experienced benefits among participants in Enhance®Fitness.

Researchers conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with program participants who were motivated to join Enhance®Fitness for expected physical benefits and the social environment of a group-based class.

Experienced benefits of participation in the program included physical, social, functional, and improved self-image or sense of well-being. Participants valued the practical application of class exercises to daily activities that support independent living, such as lifting objects and completing household chores.

Considerations When Disseminating American-Developed, Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs in China Given the popularity, beneficial outcomes, and cost-effectiveness of Enhance®Fitness in the United States, it would be worthwhile to explore disseminating this program in China. These endeavors should be coupled with improving awareness of evidence-based programs with public and health care professionals, identifying cultural discrepancies, and building partnerships to ensure the American-developed Enhance®Fitness would be readily adapted for people in China.

A Case for Enhance®Fitness in Changsha, China Evidence-based programs are good approaches to promote physical activity but are limited in China.

Adopting existing programs can be a viable option. Prior to that, readiness assessment is needed. This study aimed to assess community readiness levels for disseminating evidence-based physical activity programs to older adults in Changsha, China.


In one study, competitive male athletes consumed either 0. All who consumed caffeine experienced performance improvements. Although, those with the genetic variation experienced significantly greater dose-dependent improvements in endurance performance than those without the genetic variation Caffeine and coffee can both significantly improve performance for endurance athletes.

A genetic variation may determine the extent to which caffeine improves your endurance performance. Caffeine has impressive benefits for trained athletes, but it may offer less significant benefits for beginners or those who are untrained In one small, well-designed study, men who participated in high intensity cycling felt less fatigued and were able to continue cycling longer after consuming 1.

However, in another study, supplementing with mg of caffeine or coffee along with creatine did not improve sprint performance in physically active males A review of studies showed that consuming 1. For high intensity sports like cycling or swimming, caffeine may benefit trained athletes more than untrained individuals.

Although several studies have found a positive effect, the evidence is inconclusive 23 , 24 , In one study, 12 participants performed bench presses after consuming 1. After consuming caffeine, participants demonstrated significantly increased force and power output compared with a placebo In another study, 12 people who regularly consumed caffeine consumed either a placebo or 1.

Compared with a placebo, consuming caffeine increased mean power output and mean bar velocity when performing 5 sets of a bench press throw However, in one small but well-designed study, ingestion of caffeine prior to a workout did not significantly affect muscle strength, as measured by handgrip strength, among CrossFit athletes Another study looked at whether consuming a high dose of caffeine improves muscle strength in male athletes who regularly drank coffee.

Taking a high dose of caffeine did not significantly affect their maximum bench press strength compared with a placebo Overall, studies indicate that caffeine may provide benefits for power-based activities, but more research is needed to confirm this.

Caffeine may help improve performance in strength or power-based exercises, but study results are mixed. Caffeine is a common ingredient in weight loss supplements. Caffeine also modestly increases your daily calorie expenditure One review of studies showed that consuming 1.

However, no evidence suggests that caffeine consumption promotes significant weight loss. Caffeine can help release stored fat from fat cells, especially before and at the end of a workout. It can also help you burn more calories. If you regularly consume coffee, energy drinks, caffeinated soda, or dark chocolate , you may experience fewer benefits from caffeine supplements.

This is because your body has developed a tolerance to caffeine Research suggests both caffeine anhydrous supplements and regular coffee provide benefits for exercise performance When supplementing with caffeine, the dose is often based on body weight, set at around 1.

This is about — mg for most people, although some studies use up to — mg 1. Start at a low dose — around — mg — to assess your tolerance. Then increase the dose to or even mg to maintain a performance benefit.

Very high doses — 4. If you wish to use caffeine for athletic performance, you should also save it for key events or races to maintain sensitivity to its effects.

For optimal performance, take it about 60 minutes before a race or event. That said, the optimal timing may depend on the form of supplementation.

For example, caffeinated chewing gums may be taken closer to the start of a race or event. Consuming — mg of caffeine 60 minutes before a race or event can help maximize performance benefits. At a sensible dose, caffeine can provide many benefits with few side effects.

However, it may be unsuitable for some people. Here are some common side effects of too much caffeine :.

High doses of mg — the amount in about 6 cups of coffee — have been shown to increase tremors and restlessness, especially for people who are not used to caffeine.

People who are prone to anxiety may also want to avoid high doses Those with heart disease, high blood pressure, gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD , and several other conditions, as well as people who are pregnant, should use caution when consuming caffeine and consult their doctor to determine whether caffeine is safe for them.

Timing may also matter, as late-night or evening caffeine can disrupt sleep. Try to avoid caffeine intake after 4 or 5 p. Finally, you could become ill, or even die, if you overdose on extremely high amounts of caffeine.

Do not confuse milligrams with grams when using caffeine supplements. Caffeine is a fairly safe supplement at the recommended doses. It may cause minor side effects in some people and should be used with caution in individuals with heart disease, high blood pressure, GERD, and several other conditions.

Caffeine is one of the most effective exercise supplements available. Studies have shown that caffeine can benefit endurance performance, high intensity exercise, and power sports.

However, it seems to benefit trained athletes the most. Both caffeine anhydrous supplements and regular coffee provide performance benefits.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

VIEW ALL HISTORY. Find out about the health risks of caffeine anhydrous, the powdered caffeine in supplements and energy drinks, and those of caffeine in general. Caffeine can have impressive health benefits, but high doses can also lead to unpleasant side effects.

Here are 9 side effects of too much caffeine. Caffeine can kick start your senses within 15 minutes. See exactly what caffeine does to your body with this interactive graphic. Aerobic activity, also known as cardio or endurance activity, is the core of most fitness training programs.

Aerobic activity or exercise causes you to breathe faster and more deeply. The breathing boosts how much oxygen is in the blood. The heart will beat faster, which sends more blood flow to the muscles and back to the lungs. The better the aerobic fitness, the more efficiently the heart, lungs and blood vessels carry oxygen throughout the body.

And it will likely be easier to do routine physical tasks. Aerobic activity includes any physical activity that uses large muscle groups and raises the heart rate, such as:. For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

The guidelines suggest that you spread out this exercise during the course of a week. To help with weight loss or staying at a healthy weight, at least minutes a week is recommended. You can even break up activity into shorter periods of exercise and aim to move more during the day.

Any amount is better than none at all. You also can try high-intensity interval training, also called HIIT. HIIT involves doing short bursts of intense activity of around 30 seconds.

Then you have recovery periods of lighter activity for around 1 to 2 minutes. So you can switch between brisk walking and relaxed walking, for example. Or add bursts of jogging in your brisk walks.

Strength training is another key part of a fitness training plan. Muscular fitness can help you increase bone strength and muscle fitness. And it can help you stay at a healthy weight or lose weight. It also can improve your skills in doing everyday activities.

Aim to do strength training of all the major muscle groups at least twice a week. Most gyms offer many resistance machines, free weights and other strength training tools. But you don't need to be a gym member or buy costly equipment to get strength training benefits. Hand-held weights or homemade weights, such as plastic soft drink bottles filled with water or sand, may work just as well.

Or use low-cost resistance bands. Your own body weight counts too. Try pushups, pullups, situps and leg squats. The muscles in the stomach area, also called abdomen, lower back and pelvis are known as the core muscles.

Core muscles help protect the back and connect upper and lower body movements. Core strength is a key part of a well-rounded fitness training program. Core exercises help train the muscles to support the spine in the back.

And they help to use the upper and lower body muscles more effectively. So what counts as a core exercise? A core exercise is any exercise that uses the trunk of the body without support.

Some core exercises are bridges, planks, situps and fitness ball exercises. Balance exercises can help you keep your balance at any age. Older adults especially may think about regularly doing exercises to keep or improve balance. This is important because balance tends to worsen with age.

Poor balance can lead to falls and broken bones, called fractures. Balance exercises can help older adults prevent falls and keep doing things on their own.

But anyone can be helped by balance training. It can help steady, called stabilize, the core muscles. Try standing on one leg for longer periods of time to improve your stability. Activities such as tai chi can boost balance too.

Flexibility is an important piece of physical fitness. Aim to have stretching and flexibility activities in a fitness plan. Stretching exercises can help increase flexibility.

Being more flexible can make it easier for you to do many everyday activities. Stretching can also improve the range of motion of the joints. And stretching may help with better posture.

Regular stretching can even help lessen stress and tension. Think about stretching after you exercise when muscles are warm and open to stretching. Try to hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds. If you want to stretch before a workout, warm up first.

Walk or exercise for 5 to 10 minutes before stretching. Try to stretch each time you exercise. If you don't exercise often, you might want to stretch at least 2 to 3 times a week after warming up to keep flexible.

Activities such as yoga help you stay flexible too. You can make your own fitness training program or ask for help from a personal trainer. But your complete exercise plan should have many parts. Aim to have aerobic fitness, strength training, core exercises, balance training, and flexibility and stretching in your exercise plan.

You don't need to fit each of these elements into every fitness workout. But adding them to your regular routine can help you to have fitness for life.

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Enhance Fitness Exercise Class with Katherine McGraw -- ParkTV15

Author: Moogudal

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