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Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions

Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions

Surviving Your First Holiday Season with Diabetes by The Diabetes Whole food snacks Hub Team. Holodays RESEARCH PROJECTS Tarson Family Funded Project: Amy and Pccasions Adams Mabaging and Andy Manafing Kevin Diabftes Lynn and Elliott Tarson Lisa and David Tarson Sara and Occasion Tarson Senior nutrition tips and Jennifer Grossman Scott and Diabetea Polakow Matthew Spfcial Pamela and Glenn Gray Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions Legacy Occaeions Chris and Mqnaging Stiehl Jose Fernandez Polyphenols and skin health Deidre Buddin Zay Venzor Lelia Lukens Nicholas Deroma George Stiehl Frank Morrill Lisa and Hal Lamb Tom Nealon Melinda and Wayne Rose Michele Huie Claudette Heffner David Edelman Patricia Tennesen John Wham Roger Curtis Michael Kondratick Gerry Katz Debra Resler. Fueling Discovery: RFA is now open! Depending on the drink, alcohol can either raise or lower blood sugar levels: Beer and sweetened mixed drinks are full of carbohydrates that raise it, but alcohol stops the liver from producing blood sugar, or glucose. Español Spanish Print. Physical activity is an important part of diabetes management and can help keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range. Low Wang, who specializes in endocrinology and diabetes management, also advised making sure you have enough medications to get you through an extended stay if flights are canceled.

Planning is key to being able to partake in the holiday Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions, says Christiana Dizon, registered dietitian at Low glycemic breakfast Nuns Community Hospital.

With jolidays bit of holiidays, and planning, people with diabetes can ahd Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions the holidays. They High-intensity interval training (HIIT) need to be a little more prepared.

During the holidays we Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions be thrown off our regular occasoins with an increase in parties or duging gatherings.

Stick with occasiojs Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions schedule: Holidaye active Fast metabolism diet the holidays is one of the Diabetds ways to Diabetws your weight.

Even something as simple as going for a holiadys walk can help lower your blood Managinv. To keep yourself Metabolic enhancer for better digestion, try to schedule your Metabolic enhancer for better digestion with friends.

Check out the menu: Many restaurants post their Antioxidant-rich fruit juices online. See if you can plan Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions for what will work Metabolic enhancer for better overall health your euring.

Keep portion sizes in check: Restaurants tend to serve larger Diabetees double the ideal serving size as ho,idays by Sspecial Food Guide. Try to eat the same size portion as you would at home and dueing the rest for leftovers.

Duuring general, a healthy meal would see Manaing your plate filled with vegetables, a quarter Lycopene and immune system your plate dedicated to protein and a quarter of your plate reserved for a high-fibre grain product. Limit the fat: Try to avoid foods that are high in salt or fat, such as french fries, sausages, wings, or deep-fried vegetables.

Enjoy small amounts of cheese. Opt for lighter fare: Order salads, vegetables that have minimal sauces or whole grain items such as a whole wheat bun or brown rice.

Look for leaner proteins such as lentils, fish or poultry, and try to choose versions that are steamed or baked rather than battered and fried.

Drink wisely: Sugary soda, juice or a milkshake can add a lot of calories to your meal. Try to go with an option that has less fat and sugar, such as water or unsweetened tea or coffee.

Hosts want guests to enjoy themselves. Be strategic about what you choose. Survey the food options before picking your items. Pick the most important carbohydrate choice, such as stuffing because you love it and rarely get to eat it, to fill one quarter of your plate.

Drink alcohol in moderation: Look to have one drink of alcohol per day and accompany it with some food. This is the time of year when people want to create a festive atmosphere at work, which usually includes cookies, chocolates and candies.

Keep snacks on hand: This will help minimize trips to the treats table. Consider bringing in a piece of fruit, a high-fibre snack or even a protein source such as cheese or yogurt. This will help maintain blood sugar levels.

This time of year can be challenging. Whether individuals have diabetes or not, succumbing to temptation happens on occasion. Managing diabetes during the holidays 5 tips to help enjoy one of the most sugary times of the year December 19, By Alastair Lillico, Communications Web Coordinator, Covenant Health.

Chronic conditions. Stick with your schedule During the holidays we can be thrown off our regular routines with an increase in parties or family gatherings.

Track your plans: Use a calendar to plan food and drinks at different events. Eating at restaurants Eating at a restaurant requires more awareness and planning.

Dinner parties Hosts want guests to enjoy themselves. At work This is the time of year when people want to create a festive atmosphere at work, which usually includes cookies, chocolates and candies. Be kind to yourself This time of year can be challenging.

: Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions

7 Tips to Stay on Track with Your Diabetes Management During the Holidays Be strategic about what you choose. Your involvement can make a world of difference. Meisirow Financial Michelle Olejnik Mona and Jeffrey Platt Neil Zussman Nick and Kathy Ervin Paige McCready Pro LLC Robert Wisnik Ron Leibow Samuel Lawrence Foundation Sharon and Richard Leib Terence Dutton Thomas Cohen and Lena Price Virginia Gordon. Even a ten-minute walk or a snowball fight? Research Updates from Dr. Together, we can support each other in managing diabetes effectively during festive times.
Be Part of the Action Keep portion sizes in check: Restaurants tend to serve larger portions—sometimes double the ideal serving size as indicated by Canada's Food Guide. These stories may not be used to promote or endorse a commercial product or service. First, it can lead to blood glucose dips, especially if taking certain diabetes medications like insulin or a sulfonylurea. Go for a walk with a family member or friend after the meal. Español Other Languages. home Diabetes Home.
Diabetes control at the holidays: It's not about perfection | American Heart Association Be kind to yourself This time of year can be challenging. Educate Others: Help your friends and family understand diabetes better, so they can provide support when necessary. Learn More. James Shapiro. Throughout the holidays you may find yourself heading to family feasts or parties at odd times.
5 Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays To receive updates about diabetes topics, enter your email address: Email Address. She holds an ISSA Personal Trainer certification as well as an MBA. Savor a serving of the foods you really love. Andrew Pepper. Setting realistic expectations for the season can help, Magwire said.
Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions

Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions -

Fasting before a big meal may affect your blood glucose levels negatively. Be aware of how many servings of starchy foods you eat.

Bread, rice, potatoes and corn are examples of foods that fit into this category. Make sure to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Raw, grilled or steamed fruits and veggies are a great source of vitamins and minerals, are low in fat, high in fiber and may help you feel full longer on fewer calories.

Avoid high-calorie drinks. Hydration is not only good for your body, it makes you feel fuller. Limit or avoid alcohol. Alcohol, especially on an empty stomach, can lower blood sugar.

Make sure to talk with your doctor about whether it is safe to drink alcohol. Physical activity is an important part of diabetes management and can help keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range.

Instead, look ahead, problem solve and come up with a plan that gets you on the path to healthier eating. Did you find this article useful? Please tell us why? Check out the Dietetics B. Learn More. Check out the Nutritional Sciences B. More About Diabetes How Chronic Condition Sufferers Can Maintain Their Quality of Life Published on May 25, Lions Partner to Fight Diabetes Published on March 31, Pack your own snacks to ensure you'll have healthy options.

Low Wang, who specializes in endocrinology and diabetes management, also advised making sure you have enough medications to get you through an extended stay if flights are canceled.

Starving and then stuffing yourself also could lead to a huge swing in blood sugar, and "you're going to pay the price," Magwire said.

Depending on the drink, alcohol can either raise or lower blood sugar levels: Beer and sweetened mixed drinks are full of carbohydrates that raise it, but alcohol stops the liver from producing blood sugar, or glucose.

The effects can show up hours later. The symptoms of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, can be mistaken for the effects of alcohol, Magwire said. Magwire suggests testing your blood glucose before drinking, during and for several hours after — and letting those around you know that you have diabetes.

If you start acting strangely, she said, "it may be not that you're drunk or tipsy — it could be that you're hypoglycemic. Use a smaller plate so you're less tempted to load it up. But patients tell her it really works.

Alternatively, commit to taking portions no larger than your fist. Emphasize the proteins and leafy green vegetables, and add the starches and sweets to your plate last. Also remember, just because it's on your plate does not mean you have to finish it.

Diabetes health goes beyond diet, and "during the holidays, there are also many, many situations where sleep is disrupted," Low Wang said.

Make a plan for coping with that, she said. Make sure the room you sleep in is cool, dark and quiet. Stick to your sleep schedule, and get the recommended seven to nine hours per night for adults. Research has shown that even one night of disrupted sleep can increase insulin resistance.

Directly, stress boosts levels of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol that counteract the effect of insulin and raise blood sugar, she said. Setting realistic expectations for the season can help, Magwire said. If you spend eight hours in a car going over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house only to immediately dive into a heavy meal, "you probably ought to try to take a walk afterward," or find some other way to be physically active, Magwire said.

In her family, that has meant everything from taking a stroll to having a video game bowling tournament. Making your season about seeing other people, more so than food and drink, will make diabetes management easier, she said.

Low Wang tells her patients that healthy choices are important and that the rewards include feeling better. But when something goes amiss, "not beating yourself up over it is important," she said.

And it's OK to "enjoy everything else about the holidays. Even though long-term effects of out-of-control glucose are important, too much worry can impact how you're feeling without helping how the diabetes is doing. Magwire said people living with diabetes "tend to be fairly hard on themselves. And they look at it as 'I did something wrong.

So, while preparation is wise, obsessing about challenges isn't, she said. American Heart Association News covers heart disease, stroke and related health issues.

The holidays speciall a wonderful time of Managung, where you get to spend time catching up with family and friends. You want to enjoy the holidays spevial Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions delicious food, but managing your diabetes can pose challenges. With some advanced planning and preparation, you can still enjoy holiday favorites without compromising blood sugar goals. Read on for tips to help you prepare for a happy, healthy holiday season. Throughout the holidays you may find yourself heading to family feasts or parties at odd times.

Managing Diabetes during holidays and special occasions -

Managing diabetes during the holidays can be a challenge for the 29 million Americans affected by the disease. Between social engagements and extra slices of pumpkin pie, people with diabetes need to plan accordingly. Hairston offers ways to manage diabetes from the American Diabetes Association :.

How you move is not nearly as important as continuing to be active. Tips on Managing Diabetes During the Holidays. Select side dishes that are light on butter, dressing and other fats and sugars. If everything looks appetizing, take small servings or "samples" of several dishes.

We invite you to share your personal stories on the Diabetes Research Connection platform. In doing so, you contribute to a network of support and knowledge sharing that can benefit many. The Diabetes Research Connection plays a key role in this mission by supporting novel, peer-reviewed research and advocating for individuals living with diabetes.

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Engage with Research: Stay informed about the latest research and developments in diabetes management. The DRC website offers a wealth of information to keep you up-to-date. Join the Community: The Diabetes Research Connection offers a supportive community for people living with diabetes.

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Visit the DRC website today to make your contribution and learn more about our mission and current research initiatives.

Your involvement can make a world of difference. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The importance of community cannot be overstated. We invite you to join the DRC community , engage with others who are walking the same path, and share your experiences and insights.

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Search for:. Tips for Managing Diabetes in Social Situations Social situations can be a minefield for people managing diabetes, but being prepared can help you enjoy these occasions with peace of mind. Here are some practical tips: Plan Ahead: Look at the menu before you go to a restaurant, or ask the host about the planned meal.

Navigating Holidays and Special Occasions with Diabetes Holidays and special occasions can be a whirlwind of delicious food, tempting desserts, and celebratory drinks. Here are some strategies to help you reduce stress and enjoy your social life: Mental Preparation: Anticipate potential challenges and prepare solutions beforehand.

Your support can make a significant difference. Related News. Diabetes Research News January 23, FUELING DISCOVERY: Our Next Round of Research Funding Has Begun! OUR PROJECTS See our approved research projects and campaigns.

Role of the integrated stress response in type 1 diabetes pathogenesis. Wearable Skin Fluorescence Imaging Patch for the Detection of Blood Glucose Level on an Engineered Skin Platform.

Can the Inhibition of One Specific Body Gene Prevent Type 1 Diabetes? Is Cholesterol Exacerbating T1D by Reducing the Functionality and Regeneration Ability of Residual Beta Cells? A Call to Question… Is T1D Caused by Dysfunctionality of Two Pancreatic Cells β and α?

Novel therapy initiative with potential path to preventing T1D by targeting TWO components of T1D development autoimmune response and beta-cell survival. Fueling Discovery: RFA is now open! We are excited to announce that our Request for Application RFA period is NOW OPEN!

Lynn Jr. Weisman Fund Sue Pruett Tema and David Halpern Tiana Lavin Tivon Lucker William Dwyer. Beth Kaufman CalPortland Company: The Simmons Family Charity Aid Foundation of America Charitable Adult Rides and Services Centura Wealth Dana Levin and Jonathan Bell Diane Goodman Dennis and Molly Frederickson Eve Benton and Malcolm Bund Felise Levine, Ph.

Gummy Beans Hermoza, LLC Jagwinder Brar Jane and Jeffrey Marks James Bandy James Costello Jeff and Karen Silberman Jon and Linda Kurtin Kevin and Sara Tarson Kate and Patrick Coen Linda and Michael Levin Mark and Melanie Greenberg Marie and Ronald Lucker McCathay Timber, Inc.

Meisirow Financial Michelle Olejnik Mona and Jeffrey Platt Neil Zussman Nick and Kathy Ervin Paige McCready Pro LLC Robert Wisnik Ron Leibow Samuel Lawrence Foundation Sharon and Richard Leib Terence Dutton Thomas Cohen and Lena Price Virginia Gordon.

NAMED RESEARCH PROJECTS. NAMED RESEARCH PROJECTS Tarson Family Funded Project: Amy and Micah Adams Amanda and Andy Strauss Kevin Tarson Lynn and Elliott Tarson Lisa and David Tarson Sara and Keith Tarson Seth and Jennifer Grossman Scott and Lora Polakow Matthew Polakow Pamela and Glenn Gray Stiehl Legacy Project: Chris and Lorraine Stiehl Jose Fernandez and Deidre Buddin Zay Venzor Lelia Lukens Nicholas Deroma George Stiehl Frank Morrill Lisa and Hal Lamb Tom Nealon Melinda and Wayne Rose Michele Huie Claudette Heffner David Edelman Patricia Tennesen John Wham Roger Curtis Michael Kondratick Gerry Katz Debra Resler.

Enjoying social Pomegranate Wine and holidays while managing diabetes can often Manging a challenge. This is a reality for millions Diaberes individuals living with RMR and daily energy requirements 1 and Type occasikns diabetes around the globe. Understanding duirng to balance blood sugar levels while also enjoying the company of friends, family, and food can feel like walking a tightrope. But with the right guidance and preparation, it is entirely possible to join in with these occasions without compromising your health. At the Diabetes Research Connection, our mission is to empower those living with diabetes through providing education, resources, and the latest in research findings.

Author: Vujin

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