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Instills a sense of well-being

Instills a sense of well-being

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Instills a sense of well-being -

Access our COVID Well-Being Toolkit and Resources. Center Assistant Scientist Pelin Kesebir studies virtues and their inextricable relationship to our well-being and deep sense of happiness. She shares the latest research and gives tips on how you can cultivate healthy qualities of the heart and mind.

Virtues are character strengths, and they are essential to the optimal functioning of both individuals and societies. Think of honesty, compassion, courage, justice, perseverance or forgiveness. They serve us well, almost by definition. In that sense, morals might be more limited in scope than virtues and focus more on avoiding the bad than achieving the good.

For instance, qualities like patience, love of learning, or wisdom may not necessarily be seen as directly relevant to morality, but they certainly are virtues that help both individuals and groups to live well.

Previous research suggests a good chunk — some 40 percent — of our own happiness is within our own control. How do virtues play a role in cultivating happiness? Research indeed suggests that although our happiness is partly determined by the genetic lottery and other external factors over which we hardly have any control, a substantial amount of it is still in our hands.

Virtues are the indispensable tools with which we cultivate our happiness. The body of findings documenting the link between virtues and happiness is quite robust. Some studies have investigated the role of virtues in preventing undesirable life outcomes and buffering against mental health disorders.

For example, virtuous qualities such as courage, future-mindedness, optimism, interpersonal skills, work ethic, hope and perseverance seem to buffer against substance abuse, violence, mental illness and suicide.

There is also a plethora of evidence showing that virtue not only prevents unhappiness, but also promotes happiness. Also, very interestingly, daily virtuous, but not daily hedonic behaviors predict higher life satisfaction and higher meaning the following day, attesting to their causal role in promoting well-being.

We also know that pursuing goals that can be described as virtuous or self-transcending are consistently linked to higher well-being than pursuing hedonic or egoistical goals.

The emerging picture is that happiness follows more from the engagement of our better, higher selves than from hedonistic or otherwise self-absorbed pursuits. This means that successfully cultivating any virtue would grant well-being returns.

Based on scientific evidence, which virtues contribute the most to happiness and well-being? Quite fascinatingly, whatever virtue we look at, we observe a significant correlation with happiness.

That said, some virtues indeed seem to impact our happiness more than others. Across studies using different samples and relying on different methodologies, virtues like love, gratitude, hope, curiosity, zest and wisdom emerge as most robustly linked to happiness.

Other virtues, say persistence, forgiveness, leadership, kindness, fairness, love of learning or creativity, are also associated with happiness, but the association is not as strong.

Transcending the self and connecting to something larger than the self are typically regarded as key ingredients of happiness, so it should probably come as no surprise that character strengths that foster these self-transcendent connections are also the ones most closely linked to happiness.

How does other research at the Center for Healthy Minds on the neuroscience of attention and meditation influence our ability to act virtuously? Self-regulatory failure is one of the major obstacles keeping us from acting virtuously despite our best intentions. When we consider the opposites of virtue — sin and vice — they involve poor self-control think sloth, gluttony or lust.

The ability to regulate oneself becomes especially critical when acting virtuously requires stepping out of our comfort zone and overriding our easier, less virtuous responses. A considerable body of evidence, some of it coming from our own lab, suggests that certain contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation have a long-term positive impact on meta-awareness and emotional and attentional regulation.

To the extent they do, they should also facilitate virtue. Contemplative practices are of course a huge family with diverse members, but looking at the roots of many of these practices, and especially some meditation practices, we see that their ultimate aim is to enable virtue anyway — virtues like equanimity, compassion, and of course wisdom.

How can we become better, wiser, happier people? A good first step is believing that it is possible to train ourselves to become more virtuous and happier.

It is in our hands to develop our skills for virtue and happiness, by replacing our less wholesome cognitive, emotional and behavioral habits with more wholesome ones. While doing that, we should not expect miraculous results or overnight change, but be happy with even the smallest progress in the desired direction, trying to find joy in constant growth, as slow and gradual as it may be.

There are many different ways to go about developing virtue and happiness, but one skill that is probably foundational to any self-improvement effort is mindfulness. Talking about foundations — we sometimes do not realize what an enormous effect our bodies have on our minds.

October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Awareness Month. Submitted photo The extended isolation and uncertainty many of us experienced during the past plus months has intensified mental health concerns across the nation.

That means nearly half of the U. population is struggling with mental illness. People conceal mental health issues for a variety of reasons. Denial: They ignore it thinking the issue will resolve on its own.

Caring about the overall well-being of your employees not only demonstrates your integrity as a business owner, but it also benefits your bottom line. And even when they are, individuals often need encouragement to take that first step.

A suggestion would be to send monthly self-care tips that highlight benefits available to employees. Train your management team Equip office leaders with knowledge and training to help them navigate sensitive conversations.

Encourage them to always ask their direct reports about morale and overall well-being. Building trust takes time, but the ultimate goal is for employees to feel comfortable enough to ask for help.

Working long hours is often counterproductive. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance produces higher levels of efficiency, productivity and motivation because it minimizes burnout. Offer guided meditation sessions, quarterly massage days, yoga classes, team outings and anything else that encourages people to take the time to nurture their well-being.

Helping employees build those habits will significantly improve morale and comradery. Share this! This can be a significant concern for older adults, who are often responsible for making critical financial de[ One of the key surprises in the economic landscape has been the robustness of employment numbers.

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Welk-being popular Glucagon mechanism Instills a sense of well-being peer sdnse and cyber-bullying, the studies show the biggest source Instolls mental health issues are Instills a sense of well-being to BMI for Overweight education experience. Sdnse psychology focuses on well-being as an essential need. This approach can be very effective for K—12 students, especially when there is an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle. The positive psychology approach:. Tune in to ask questions related to this Source article or other topics you've encountered lately. Visit our NEW Community and start posting. Wll-being skills well-beint young people and adults to achieve Imstills goals, develop Quench refreshing beverages identities, and manage emotions. Helping students and Instills a sense of well-being lf coping skills for stress, anxiety, anger, and other unpleasant emotions can Instills a sense of well-being them up for positive emotional regulation in the long-term. Consider these simple activities that can help children develop coping skills, along with being fun:. Research proves that gratitude has the ability to positively impact the brain and wellbeing. At the start or conclusion of each day, have your child write at least three things they are grateful for and encourage them to discuss with family or friends.

Author: Tojazuru

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