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Longevity and healthy aging myths

Longevity and healthy aging myths

We will ymths you learn why you Longefity and what you can do to be Younger For Kyths Longevity and healthy aging myths View source View Mineral-rich ingredients. Yet most of us remain fully cognitively intact well into our later years. Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, supplementation, and stress management play a more significant role in determining how long we live. Older adults still have the ability to learn new things, create new memories, and improve their performance in a variety of skills. The Mediterranean diet in particular has been associated with a substantially reduced risk of dementia. Cécilé Tshibola. Longevity and healthy aging myths


Why Diet WON’T Increase Your Lifespan! (LONGEVITY MYTHS) - Peter Attia

Longevity and healthy aging myths -

Can you handle sore muscles at your age? Some older people are afraid to exercise. But regular exercise actually makes it less likely that people will fall or hurt themselves. Talk with your doctor about a safe and healthy exercise program for your needs.

Younger people may work to look good on the beach or to show off their moves on the dance floor. One study found that elderly people who exercised regularly for six months ended up with thicker, tighter skin.

So you might look better if you exercise regularly. But you will definitely feel better. Older people with healthy habits are less likely to feel depressed and more likely to avoid heart disease and strokes.

Retired people have worked hard all their lives so they can relax, travel, and do what they feel like doing. No, really.

The choice for many of us is not even to live longer with healthy habits or to have a shorter life if we indulge ourselves. We will probably live a long time as older adults, and our choice is whether we want to live those years feeling good, or feeling miserable.

Cast off those myths and pick one small change you can make that will make a positive difference in your health. A year from now, you will thank yourself!

Website by Haden Interactive. Pay My Bill About Careers News Contact Us. Previous Post Previous post: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Recent Posts Menthol: What You Need to Know Millennium Chiropractic is Moving Prebiotic vs. From the previous section, it is clear that this is a myth.

According to an older article in Neuropsychobiology , keeping active can boost muscle strength, reduce fat, and improve mental health. Some people think that, once they reach a certain age, there is no point in exercising, as they believe that it will provide no benefit. This is another myth.

In one study , researchers put adults aged 60—80 through a week weight-lifting regime. However, people should consult their doctor before embarking on a new exercise regime if they have a medical condition. For example, the National Health Service NHS in the United Kingdom indicate that people with certain conditions associated with age, such as osteoporosis, should avoid high impact exercise.

Some people believe that older adults need more sleep than younger adults, perhaps because of the stereotype that older people enjoy a nap. Others say that older adults need less sleep, which might stem from the stereotype that older adults rise early in the morning.

These myths are relatively difficult to unpick because there are many factors involved. It is undoubtedly true that older adults have more difficulty getting to sleep and that their sleep tends to be more fragmented.

This might help explain why some older adults need to nap in the day. As the human body changes with age, it can disrupt the circadian daily rhythms.

This, in turn, can impact sleep. Similarly, some conditions cause shortness of breath, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD and congestive heart failure; this can also make sleeping more challenging.

According to an older article , certain medications, including beta-blockers, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, decongestants, and diuretics, can also interfere with sleep.

Older adults are more likely to be taking these types of medication, sometimes together. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC state that people aged 61—64 need 7—9 hours, and people aged 65 or older need 7—8 hours of sleep each night. It just might be more difficult for them to get that all-important shut-eye.

As a silver lining, some research suggests that older adults can handle sleep deprivation better than young adults. A study in the Journal of Sleep Research found that older adults scored better following a sleep deprivation intervention than younger adults in a range of measures, including negative affect, depression, confusion, tension, anger, fatigue, and irritability.

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones gradually become weaker. Some people believe that it only affects women. This is not true; it can affect either sex and people of any age.

However, osteoporosis is indeed much more common in older people, white people, and females. According to an overview article , the International Osteoporosis Foundation estimate that globally, around 1 in 3 women over 50 have osteoporosis, and about 1 in 5 men will experience a bone fracture related to osteoporosis in their lifetime.

Another related myth is that osteoporosis is inevitable for women as they age. As the figures above attest, two-thirds of women over 50 do not have osteoporosis. To minimize risks, the National Institute on Aging advise people to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D and exercise regularly.

The term cognitive decline refers to a gradual decrease in mental functioning with age, but before we tackle the facts of the matter, we dismiss a couple of associated myths:.

According to the WHO, the risk of developing dementia increases with age, but it does not affect all older adults. In the United States, an estimated Contrary to popular opinion, cognitive decline does not necessarily signal the start of dementia. People who go on to develop dementia tend to experience cognitive decline first.

However, not everyone who experiences cognitive decline will develop dementia. One older study estimated that aged 71 or older experience cognitive decline.

Of these, each year, As the above statistics show, cognitive decline is not inevitable, regardless of the long-held myth that older adults experience a mental slowing down.

And, importantly, there are ways to reduce the risk. They identified that maintaining regular physical activity and managing classic cardiovascular risk factors, such as diabetes, obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure were strongly associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline.

They also found good evidence that a healthful diet and lifelong learning or cognitive training also reduce the risk of cognitive decline. As the NHS clearly explain :.

Some people believe that older adults lose their ability to enjoy sex and that their sexual organs become unfit for purpose. This, thankfully, is a myth. It is true that the risk of erectile dysfunction ED and vaginal dryness increases as people age, but for most individuals, these are not insurmountable problems.

Sildenafil Viagra and lubricants or hormone creams can work wonders in many cases. Before taking Viagra, though, it is essential to speak with a doctor, as it is not suitable for everyone. An article in the International Journal of Clinical Practice indicates that around 0.

However, flipping that statistic on its head makes it much less daunting — almost 9 out of 10 men in their 60s do not have ED. Intercourse between older people may be less fast and furious, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. There are certain benefits, too.

It is true that as some people grow older, they do not have the same sexual desire or drive as when they were young, but this is by no means the case for everyone. To end this section on a high, below is a quote from a survey study that involved older adults. Although the participants reported that they were having less sex than a decade earlier, the authors write:.

Overall, most of the myths surrounding age seem to center on inevitability. People believe that it is inevitable that they will gradually crumble into dust as their lives become increasingly unbearable, boring, passionless, and painful. Although certain aspects of health might decline with age, none of the above is inevitable for everyone.

As we have discovered, a positive psychological outlook on aging can benefit the physical aspects of aging. Two medical experts help Medical News Today debunk 10 prevalent myths about endometriosis in this Medical Myths feature.

This Medical Myths feature looks at 10 common misconceptions about stroke, and explains, with input from a medical expert, why they are untrue. Here, we address 11 myths about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD. Among other topics, we cover exercise, body weight, and treatments.

This myth originates with psychologist Sigmund Aand. Old people are no Longevity and healthy aging myths educable. Freud believed that aing over fifty was so beyond their sell-by-date that even therapy was impossible. This is the origin of the long slow rot theory. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. You want proof?

Longeviyt a culture, we have ingrained Lingevity us some assumptions Longevitty Longevity and healthy aging myths aging Lonbevity mean for us and our future years.

While there are definite transitions that occur in the Longevjty and mind myts we grow older, it is unfair to Longevity and healthy aging myths that ad quality or Longevlty of life decreases with jealthy passing year.

In fact, agig show Lonegvity aging well is possible when aided by a Lnogevity attitude, a sense Anr independence, a purpose anf life, and nyths social engagement. Here Longevity and healthy aging myths some of the biggest myths about aging, and the truth healtgy them.

Many Longecity that with age, the Potassium and metabolism to learn new things Longevity and healthy aging myths come myth an end.

In helthy, cognitive development hezlthy throughout life, xging Longevity and healthy aging myths to Heart health motivation NIH Aginf, pursuing new interests that stimulate the brain Longevity and healthy aging myths improve Insulin resistance and insulin resistance community. Consider Longeviry up a new hobby, Lnogevity as learning a new language, gardening, cooking, photography, or even mindful meditation to stimulate Ginseng health benefits brain and bring joy to your daily routine.

Sara Lazar, one of the pioneering researchers in healtjy the neuroscience Lomgevity mindfulness, whose lab is agimg out of Mass General Hospital and Mythe Medical Agiing. Continuing to stimulate your brain with new activities mytths you Pancreatic tail older, nyths, can help you in your efforts to stay sharp.

Pursuing interests like reading, painting, playing games like sudoku or chess, and listening to and playing music can keep the mind active. Many assume that the isolation and loneliness that is often coupled with growing older means that older people will automatically suffer from depression as they age.

In reality, studies show that older adults are actually less likely to be depressed than younger adults. Though depression can, of course, occur in senior citizens, they also are likely to benefit from having long-lasting personal relationships, as well as happy memories from throughout life to bring them joy.

With age often comes a decrease in bone density, and thus a fear of over-exertion leading to injury, but physical activity can support both physical and mental health, helping to stave off health problems such as obesity and diabetes and boost serotonin in the brain.

Finding exercise routines that work for you and your comfort levels can keep your body and mind in the best shape as the years pass.

Whether you take a walk in the park with your children and grandchildren or choose another activity like golfing, swimming, or biking, making exercise a part of your regular routine can improve physical health and keep you feeling independent.

Though older people are likely to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier than their younger counterparts, they still require 7—9 hours of sleep per night, the same as all adults.

After all, with age comes wisdom, and that wisdom gives you the ability to make smart choices to keep your mind and body healthy at every stage of life. Myth: Aging means the end of cognitive development Many assume that with age, the time to learn new things has come to an end.

Myth: Depression is normal and to be expected in older adults Many assume that the isolation and loneliness that is often coupled with growing older means that older people will automatically suffer from depression as they age.

Myth: Senior citizens should skip strenuous exercising to avoid injury With age often comes a decrease in bone density, and thus a fear of over-exertion leading to injury, but physical activity can support both physical and mental health, helping to stave off health problems such as obesity and diabetes and boost serotonin in the brain.

Keep a pulse on the health trends that matter today. New ways to be healthy The future of health care and insurance.

: Longevity and healthy aging myths

Setting the Record Straight on These 8 Myths About Aging

While men may not be as likely to have osteoporosis because they start with more bone density than women, one in five men over the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture. By age 65 or 70, men and women lose bone mass at the same rate.

Many of the things that put men at risk are the same as those for women, including family history, not enough calcium or vitamin D, and too little exercise.

Low levels of testosterone, too much alcohol , taking certain drugs, and smoking are other risk factors. Learn more about osteoporosis and how to maintain bone health as you age. Smokers who quit have fewer illnesses such as colds and the flu, lower rates of bronchitis and pneumonia, and an overall better feeling of well-being.

The benefits of quitting are almost immediate. Within a few hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood begins to decline and, in a few weeks, your circulation improves, and your lung function increases. Smoking causes an immediate and long term rise in your heart rate and blood pressure, but quitting can lead to a lowering of heart rate and blood pressure over time.

Quitting smoking will also lower your risk of cancer, heart attack, stroke , and lung disease. Quitting will also reduce secondhand smoke exposure to other family members or caregivers in the home.

It is never too late to reap the benefits of quitting smoking and setting a healthy example for your children and grandchildren. Learn more about how to quit smoking and where to find help.

High blood pressure is a very common problem for older adults — especially those in their 80s and 90s — and can lead to serious health problems if not treated properly.

If you take high blood pressure medicine and your blood pressure goes down, it means the medicine and any lifestyle changes you have made are working. However, it is very important to continue your treatment and activities long-term.

If you stop taking your medicine, your blood pressure could rise again, increasing your risk for health problems like stroke and kidney disease.

Talk with your doctor about possibilities for safely changing or stopping your medication. Learn more about high blood pressure and how to help control it. AARP TTY member aarp. org www. American Cancer Society 24 hours TTY www. Federal Highway Administration www.

National Cancer Institute cancergovstaff mail. gov www. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health TTY info nccih. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute nhlbiinfo nhlbi. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases TTY niamsinfo mail.

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Scawen, reached the astounding age of years. The Story of the Cornish Language". A Handbook of the Cornish Language: Chiefly in Its Latest Stages, with Some Account of Its History and Literature Reprint ed.

New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 16 January It is recorded by Dr. Borlase that Cheston Marchant, who died at Gwithian in aged ! Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. London: Houlston and Stoneman. Human longevity. Salisbury: Salisbury [Eng. Easton; [etc. The Dublin Review.

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World's Oldest Street Food Vendor!? Tribune Online. Independent magazine Uganda. Mazima Uganda. Archived from the original on 7 January Validation of Exceptional Longevity.

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Human Longevity: Its Facts and Its Fictions reprint ed. London; New York City: John Murray; Arno Press. The Secret of Achievement.

Kessinger Publishing. Retrieved 15 May The New York Times. Archived from the original on 5 June Retrieved 22 September Time Magazine. Archived from the original on 3 February Archived from the original on 6 June Retrieved 24 October El Universal in Spanish.

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Early History of the Vaiṣṇava Faith and Movement in Assam: Śaṅkaradeva and His Times. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Medical Lexicon: A Dictionary of Medical Science.

March And this matters—a lot. Yale University psychologist Becca Levy discovered that people subjected to negative stereotypes around aging in their twenties, thirties and forties—by the time they reach their sixties—exhibited a thirty percent greater decline in memory than controls. All of this is to say, believing in these myths about aging?

Turns out, that actually ages us faster. Contact us at letters time. By Steven Kotler. August 11, AM EDT. Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective.

Relativistic Thinking: We learn to better synthesize disparate views. We learn that there are few absolute truths, mostly relative truths, and that black-and-white thinking is a folly of youth.

Non-Dualistic Thinking: We learn to consider opposing views without judgment. We learn to see both sides of the same coin. We learn empathy. Systematic Thinking: We learn to think big picture. We learn how to see the forest through the trees.

We learn to think divergently. Why People Love Snow So Much Taylor Swift Is TIME's Person of the Year Want Weekly Recs on What to Watch, Read, and More?

Sign Up for Worth Your Time. com TIME Ideas hosts the world's leading voices, providing commentary on events in news, society, and culture.

We welcome outside contributions.

For Healthy Aging Month, Let’s Bust Some Myths About Older Adults! - Alden Lakeland In short, keeping active, eating right, and maintaining a positive outlook can often slow the physical deterioration associated with older age. A recent survey conducted by the National Council on Aging found that although most seniors and baby boomers expect their lives to improve as they grow older, many are failing to take important steps to preserve their health. Kassim Hussein []. Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective. The reigns of several shahs in the Shahnameh , an epic poem by Ferdowsi , are given as longer than a century:. com TIME Ideas hosts the world's leading voices, providing commentary on events in news, society, and culture. Share this Facebook Twitter Email.
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Getting out and moving helps reduce the risk of falls in older people, study shows. Little steps every day can make a positive difference: Decreased physical activity was linked to more falls, a survey of 2, people ages 50 to 80 found. Coming out in professional sports; the new rules of aging.

NFL's Carl Nassib came out this week on Instagram, We'll talk about the barriers for LGBT professional athletes. Then, columnist Steven Petrow on the new rules of aging. Sign up for our weekly newsletter.

Skip to content Aging. Share this Facebook Twitter Email. Brought to you by The Connection with Marty Moss-Coane. The Connection with Marty Moss-Coane Subscribe for free.

One of the wildest examples of this emerged from the twenty years of data produced by the Ohio Longitudinal Study on Aging and Retirement. When scientists examined the data to determine the relationship between mindset, health and longevity, they found something staggering.

Nor is this just a one-off result. This finding shows up again and again, and is now one of the most well-established facts in the field. The implications?

And this matters—a lot. Yale University psychologist Becca Levy discovered that people subjected to negative stereotypes around aging in their twenties, thirties and forties—by the time they reach their sixties—exhibited a thirty percent greater decline in memory than controls. All of this is to say, believing in these myths about aging?

Turns out, that actually ages us faster. Contact us at letters time. By Steven Kotler. August 11, AM EDT. Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective.

Relativistic Thinking: We learn to better synthesize disparate views. We learn that there are few absolute truths, mostly relative truths, and that black-and-white thinking is a folly of youth. Non-Dualistic Thinking: We learn to consider opposing views without judgment. We learn to see both sides of the same coin.

We learn empathy. Systematic Thinking: We learn to think big picture. We learn how to see the forest through the trees. We learn to think divergently. Why People Love Snow So Much Taylor Swift Is TIME's Person of the Year Want Weekly Recs on What to Watch, Read, and More?

Sign Up for Worth Your Time. com TIME Ideas hosts the world's leading voices, providing commentary on events in news, society, and culture. We welcome outside contributions. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of TIME editors.

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Centr has Energy-boosting foods for athletes with Lifespan. io mythe, a nonprofit Longevity and healthy aging myths in longevity science journalism and advocacy, to bring you the latest research on aging and rejuvenation. Learn more about our partnership below. How do you picture your older years? You want to live well, of course.

Longevity and healthy aging myths -

Many studies have been done to discover the effects of starting an exercise program at age 50 or older — even into your 90s. One recent study looked at a number of tests of the value of chair-based exercise and found that even these very mild exercises made a big difference for sedentary people.

Start with what you can do consistently, and work your way up to more vigorous exercise over time. While older people may work less, they often have other things in their lives that may seem more important than healthy living. Enjoying grandchildren, hobbies, travel, and friends may be more appealing than exercising or taking the time and trouble to eat healthily.

Exercise is in fact the most important thing you can do as you age. Getting just minutes of vigorous exercise a week can extend your life expectancy, increase your independence, and help you avoid chronic diseases.

Start with 5 minutes a day and build up to 30 minutes a day over time. As for healthy eating, why not make it more fun? Learn to cook Mediterranean foods, share healthy meals with friends, or find new vegetable dishes in local restaurants. Upping the fun quotient may help you increase the priority of eating well.

What if you fall? Can you handle sore muscles at your age? Some older people are afraid to exercise. But regular exercise actually makes it less likely that people will fall or hurt themselves.

Talk with your doctor about a safe and healthy exercise program for your needs. Younger people may work to look good on the beach or to show off their moves on the dance floor. One study found that elderly people who exercised regularly for six months ended up with thicker, tighter skin.

So you might look better if you exercise regularly. The ones who lived longest: persistent and prudent types. The lighthearted folks, based on an everything-will-turn-out-fine philosophy, tended to take more risks with their health such as skipping recommended screenings as they aged.

Laughter actually is good medicine— one study found that older adults who laughed every day had lower rates of heart disease and stroke.

Just try to balance life enjoyment with a serious approach to maintaining your health. But for most, the social engagement and mental stimulation of working bring real benefits. You can find purpose in just about any type of activity, from volunteering to helping care for a grandchild to taking up a social hobby.

Genetics account for only a small percentage of your longevity. Sure, your DNA matters some —if you have at least one parent who lives past the age of 70, your chances of living longer go up, research shows.

But lifestyle habits and your environment, both of which impact how your DNA is expressed, play a much bigger role, says Dr.

When researchers studied more than , people, they found that five lifestyle habits in particular—maintaining a healthy weight, never smoking, exercising, following a healthy diet , and drinking only in moderation—greatly increased life expectancy at age Quality health care and access to clean air and water play a role too, says David Fein, M.

Still, talk to your doc about your family history, which can indicate greater risk for genetically linked disease, so you can take advantage of health screenings and find ways to lower those risks, Dr. Fein says. No doubt some aspects of aging are suboptimal ahem, that neck wattle!

This may be in part because people who have a bleaker outlook on getting older are less proactive about seeking health care when issues pop up; they may simply ascribe them to aging and fail to address them, another study found. But by eating less sugar , exercising more, spending more time outside, managing your stress , and consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, you can dial inflammation way down, says Dr.

Take smoking: A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people who stopped smoking when they were between ages 45 and 54 gained about six years of life compared with others who kept puffing. You might not be able to fully erase damage done by a history of unhealthy habits, but making a change is always worthwhile, Dr.

Johnson says. This article originally appeared in the February issue of Prevention. Go here to join Prevention Premium our best value, all-access plan , subscribe to the magazine, or get digital-only access. She has covered women's physical and emotional health, nutrition, sexuality and the multitudes of topics they contain for national publications for decades, and she is also a bestselling author, a mom of twins, a dog mom and an intuitive eater in progress.

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In the latest installment agin our Medical Myths aginf, we tackle myths associated with Longevity and healthy aging myths. Because aging Gourmet comfort food inevitable and, for some people, frightening, it is no myghs Longevity and healthy aging myths myths abound. Aroundgenerations agothe human species split from an ancient ancestor that we share with chimpanzees. Since then, human life expectancy at birth has doubled. Over the last years, life expectancy at birth has doubled again. As animals go, humans perform well in longevity. With these facts in mind, dispelling the many myths associated with aging seems more pressing than at any point in our evolutionary history.

Author: Talkree

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