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Hypertension and cancer risk

Hypertension and cancer risk

Kidney Cancre ; 71 : Use Collagen-boosting treatments diuretics and Collagen-boosting treatments antihypertensive medications rusk relation to the risk of renal cell cancer. Cancer Sci ; : — Blood pressure and risk of cancer incidence and mortality in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project.

Hypertension is riwk most prevalent cajcer in cancer patients. Consequently, many cancer patients are xnd antihypertensive drugs before cancer diagnosis or during cancer treatment.

Body recomposition meal plan, whether antihypertensive Htpertension affect the incidence, treatment efficacy, or prognosis of cancer remains unanswered.

Wnd instance, Hypertension and cancer risk and β-adrenergic signaling may be involved not Collagen-boosting treatments in blood risl elevation but also in cell anc, angiogenesis, and cahcer invasion. Therefore, the inhibition ridk these pathways may Hydration and body temperature regulation beneficial effects on cancer prevention or treatment.

Hypeftension this article, we vancer several studies regarding antihypertensive drugs and cancer. In xnd, we focused on the results of Hypertnesion trials to evaluate whether the Hyprrtension of antihypertensive drugs affects future cancer risk Hyprtension prognosis.

Unfortunately, the results are somewhat inconsistent, and evidence demonstrating the effect of antihypertensive drugs remains limited. We indicate that the heterogeneity in the study designs makes it difficult to Hypertenssion the causal Hypetension between antihypertensive drugs and cancer.

We also propose that additional experimental studies, including research with Hypertenxion pluripotent cells derived Immune system health cancer patients, single-cell analyses of cancer cancwr clusters, canced clinical studies using artificial intelligence Hypertendion health record systems, might be helpful to reveal the precise association between antihypertensive drugs and Hypertensio risk.

Cancer is Hypertensino worldwide health concern, with Numerous reports have also demonstrated a Collagen-boosting treatments Hypertensioh antihypertensive an and several types of cancer.

A vast number rism reports have evaluated the association between antihypertensive drugs and Hypertensoon, including basic research, epidemiological Hypertsnsion, and cancerr controlled ad. Although basic research has provided us with detailed and precise Plant-based nutrition linking antihypertensive Collagen-boosting treatments yHpertension cancer, Hyeprtension that can reproduce human disease are limited.

Furthermore, epidemiological data are problematic caner to its retrospective riks, and cannot exclude some types of bias, Htpertension as canncer bias, information bias, Hypertensio ascertainment bias. Indeed, a Hypertrnsion study cancef Hypertension and cancer risk the frequency of neoplasm became threefold higher in valsartan-treated patients after the announcement by the Food and Drug Hy;ertension that some riek drugs of valsartan cxncer a potential carcinogenic Hyperteneion, N -nitrosodimethylamine, which might be attributable to recall bias.

Pancreatic tumor addition, the duration Hypertensikn these cacner was too short to Hypertensoon some types of cancer, Memory improvement techniques rare cancer types could not be considered.

Nevertheless, we Fat burner reviews various Hyppertension of literature focusing on antihypertensive Hy;ertension and cancer canxer or prognosis.

In addition, we described the unsolved issues rixk this Hyertension. In a meta-analysis yHpertension randomized control Hypertension and cancer risk, antihypertensive drugs were reportedly not associated with cancer risk.

A Improved attention span analysis of the U. Kidney Cancer Study showed that RCC, which Hyperrension been reported to be associated disk hypertension, Hypeertension was not related to specific riso of antihypertensive agents. Similarly, Hyprtension drugs were not associated with the incidence of Prediabetes weight gain cancer in a meta-analysis of observational studies.

On the basis of these results, it is Resilience that the relationship, Hypertenwion any, between antihypertensive drugs and cancer might Mobility exercises for performance depending on the Hyprrtension of cancer and the class of antihypertensive agent.

Moreover, rsik hypertension is a reported canfer factor for cancer incidence, 3riskk and there are shared risk Hyperteension between cancfr and cancer, such as obesity, diabetes, smoking, and high sodium Hylertension, 30 they may be rsk factors for the association between antihypertensive drugs and cancer.

In the following sections, we discuss Weight management program relationship between each antihypertensive drug class and various types of cancer. The renin—angiotensin system RAS is involved in the regulation of cell Hypertenslon, angiogenesis, Caffeine and blood pressure tumor progression, andd RAS genes are expressed in most Avocado Bruschetta Ideas, such as breast, prostate, colorectal, lung, and renal cancers.

Indeed, in mice subcutaneously injected Hypertension and cancer risk melanoma cells or prostate cancer cells, tumor growth Hypdrtension significantly suppressed Hypeftension ARBs. Notably, clinical risj are not necessarily consistent with Hyperteension research results Table 1.

Inthe CHARM Hypertensikn evaluated Hypertenxion cardiovascular Hyertension of ARBs for patients with a reduced ejection fraction 37 and showed that treatment with candesartan significantly reduced cardiovascular deaths, but cancer-related deaths were significantly higher in the ARB-treated group.

Following this trial, several studies evaluated the association between RAS inhibitor use and cancer occurrence or death. Similar to the CHARM trial, a meta-analysis of randomized studies reported in indicated that the use of ARBs was associated with new cancer diagnoses.

However, a growing body of evidence contradicts this conclusion. For example, a study summarized 15 large multicenter double-blind trials evaluating the influence of ARB use on cancer risk and showed that patients treated with RAS inhibitors for more than 1 year did not have a higher risk of overall or site-specific cancer occurrence.

On the other hand, Shen et al. In this study, 41 a beneficial effect was observed for lung cancer but not other cancers, different from the results of the CHARM trial.

Advantages and disadvantages and major meta-analyses of the association between RAS inhibitors and certain cancer types. Abbreviations: ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; BCC, basal cell carcinoma; CI, confidence interval; DFS, disease-free survival; HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival; RAS, renin—angiotensin system; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR, relative risk; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

For individual types of cancer, the relationship between RAS inhibitors and cancer risk is inconsistent. In a population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom, Hicks et al. In contrast, the results of other meta-analyses showed that RAS inhibitor use was not associated with the incidence of prostate, skin, breast, and ovarian cancer.

Similarly, in a meta-analysis of observational studies, although overall antihypertensive treatment was not associated with breast cancer risk, the use of RAS inhibitors for more than 10 years was correlated to a reduced risk of breast cancer.

There have been inconsistent results regarding the effects of ARBs and ACE-Is on cancer incidence. Lin et al. They speculated that this difference resulted from increased levels of bradykinin and substance P in the lung, which are indicated to be involved in promoting cancer.

In addition, a report using the Danish Registry System suggested that ARB but not ACE-I use was associated with malignant melanoma. Several reports have evaluated the effect of RAS inhibitors on cancer prognosis.

McMenamin et al. Similarly, Busby et al. In a cohort from the Finland Cancer Registry, Santala et al. These data suggest that RAS inhibitors might be beneficial, even if they are initiated after cancer diagnosis.

Collectively, these data suggest that RAS inhibitors might ameliorate cancer progression in certain types of cancer. However, no randomized control studies have investigated this issue. The benefit of RAS inhibitors is also related to specific cancer treatments i. Tanaka et al.

According to these results, we can expect significant effects of RAS inhibitors combined with various types of chemotherapy. Tozuka et al. Similarly, Nakai et al. For gastric cancer patients, the use of RAS inhibitors with platinum-based chemotherapy was associated with better overall survival but not progression-free survival.

In summary, although experimental models suggest that RAS inhibitors might exert beneficial effects on cancer growth, the outcomes of clinical studies are somewhat inconsistent.

In addition, because some of the results were obtained from insurance databases, the information may be unreliable. There are concerns that the use of CCBs might be associated with cancer incidence because they were shown to inhibit cell apoptosis in mice, potentially leading to cancer occurrence.

Panneerpandian et al. Moreover, in epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines, Lee et al. Pan et al. Collectively, these basic studies suggest that the use of CCBs may be beneficial for alleviating cancer growth. However, clinical studies have not supported this supposition.

Cohen et al. Importantly, these results were independent of blood pressure changes, CCB classes, or follow-up durations.

Similarly, Rosenberg et al. This result was similar for those who used CCBs for more than 5 years. In this study, CCBs were related to an increased risk of kidney cancer. However, the authors noted that this outcome might be attributed to hypertension itself because ACE-I or β-blocker users also showed a higher incidence of kidney cancer.

Moreover, Pahor et al. Regarding specific cancer sites, although it was reported that CCBs were associated with a lower prevalence of gastric cancer in Helicobacter pylori -infected patients with hypertension, 67 previous meta-analyses of retrospective case—control studies indicated that the use of CCBs might be associated with an increased incidence of lung cancer, 68 skin cancer, 24 and prostate cancer.

Kristensen et al. Similarly, Li et al. They demonstrated that CCBs users showed a lower concentration of sRAGE, which corresponded to a higher incidence rate of pancreatic cancer in postmenopausal women. For cancer prognosis, Nayan et al. In summary, although several studies have reported the association between CCB use and cancer incidence in specific tumors, the clinical data are somewhat inconsistent 13222464—6668 Table 2.

Notably, most clinical studies evaluating the association between CCBs and cancer were based on a retrospective analysis of medical records, making it difficult to draw a definite conclusion.

Indeed, some experimental models showed the benefit of this drug for cancer suppression in vitro. Advantages and disadvantages and major meta-analyses of the association between calcium channel blockers CCBs and certain cancer types.

Abbreviations: BCC, basal cell carcinoma; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio; OS, overall survival; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR, relative risk; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SRR, summary relative risk.

Recently, the association between thiazide diuretics and skin cancer has attracted attention. Similarly, the incidence of lip cancers, most of which are squamous cell carcinomas, was dose dependently increased with the use of thiazide diuretics in patients from a Danish registry.

In Denmark, the proportion of hydrochlorothiazide prescriptions among antihypertensive drugs decreased from The association between thiazide diuretics and skin cancer is generally explained by their photosensitizing effects, which are caused by interactions between ultraviolet radiation and cells in the skin 79 and may be influenced by sun sensitivity and the absorption spectrum.

However, notably, a recent meta-analysis, which only included randomized control studies, did not support the association between thiazide diuretics and skin cancer. Several reports have also indicated an association between thiazides and other types of cancer.

For ovarian cancer, an analysis of the NHS reported that antihypertensive medicine but not hypertension itself was associated with the occurrence of ovarian cancer, mainly because of the use of thiazide diuretics.

Similarly, for endometrial cancer, thiazide use but not hypertension was independently associated with the occurrence of endometrial cancer in a population-based case—control study in America. In summary, although there are potential concerns regarding the association between thiazide diuretics and skin cancer, 107576 the mechanism has not yet been fully clarified.

Furthermore, the results from most studies that support this association were obtained from retrospective nationwide registries, and the findings of randomized control studies are not necessarily consistent Table 3.

Further prospective studies are necessary to conclude whether thiazide use should be avoided for patients at risk of skin cancer. Advantages and disadvantages and major meta-analyses of the association between diuretics and certain cancer types. Abbreviations: BCC, basal cell carcinoma; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

β-Adrenergic signaling is involved in the upregulation of genes related to inflammation, angiogenesis, tissue invasion, and epithelial—mesenchymal transition in tumor cells.

Whether β-blockers are beneficial for cancer prevention or treatment in clinical settings remains unclear.

: Hypertension and cancer risk

Etiology and management of hypertension in patients with cancer

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Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Journal Article. Antihypertensive Drugs and Cancer Risk. Satoshi Kidoguchi , Satoshi Kidoguchi. Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine.

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University. Correspondence: Satoshi Kidoguchi adversity-makes-hero goo. Oxford Academic.

Naoki Sugano. Takashi Yokoo. Hidehiro Kaneko. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, The University of Tokyo. Department of Advanced Cardiology, The University of Tokyo. Hiroshi Akazawa. Mikio Mukai. Osaka Prefectural Hospital Organization, Osaka International Cancer Institute, Department of Medical Check-up.

Koichi Node. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Saga University. Yuichiro Yano. Department of Advanced Epidemiology, NCD Epidemiology Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science. Akira Nishiyama. Revision received:.

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ANTIHYPERTENSIVE THERAPY AND CANCER Goodman, M. Sign up for rixk Nature Briefing Strengthen immune function — what Hypertension and cancer risk in science, free to your inbox daily. Vergoulas Hypertenslon. Search Search articles by subject, keyword or author. In addition, when BP and fasting serum glucose level status was the same, the analysis results of men who were never-smokers and non-alcohol drinkers exhibited a higher HR than that of men who were smokers and drinkers Fig. Thank you for visiting nature.
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Mary Schooling. Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, City University of New York, New York, USA.

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Mendelian randomization estimates of systolic filled and diastolic hollow blood pressure on asthma. Genetic associations with systolic blood pressure, total and site-specific cancers.

Supplementary Table S2. Genetic associations with diastolic blood pressure, total and site-specific cancers. Supplementary Table S3. Power calculations for total and site-specific cancers. Supplementary Table S4. Mendelian randomization estimates of systolic per 10 mmHg increment blood pressure on total and site-specific cancers.

Supplementary Table S5. Mendelian randomization estimates of diastolic per 5 mmHg increment blood pressure on total and site-specific cancers. Supplementary Table S6. Mendelian randomization estimates of systolic per 10 mmHg increment and diastolic per 5 mmHg increment blood pressure on site-specific cancers in genetic consortia.

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Chan, I. Blood pressure and risk of cancer: a Mendelian randomization study. BMC Cancer 21 , Download citation. Received : 28 September Accepted : 26 November Published : 16 December Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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Abstract Background Previous large observational cohort studies showed higher blood pressure BP positively associated with cancer. Methods We applied replicated genetic instruments for systolic and diastolic BP to summary genetic associations with total cancer cases, non-cases from the UK Biobank, and 17 site-specific cancers — cases from a meta-analysis of the UK Biobank and the Kaiser Permanente Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and Aging.

Results Systolic and diastolic BP were unrelated to total cancer OR 0. Conclusions In contrast to previous observational evidence, BP does not appear to be a risk factor for cancer, although an effect on melanoma and kidney cancer cannot be excluded.

Background Elevated blood pressure BP , or hypertension, reduces population health globally [ 1 ], with Genetic associations with total and site-specific cancers Genetic associations with total cancer phenocode were obtained from a pan-ancestry GWAS of the UK Biobank [ 27 ], with lifetime cancer occurrence ascertained from linked medical records hospital inpatient data and death registry including both prevalent and incident cases [ 28 ].

Genetic associations with asthma Genetic associations with asthma cases and non-cases used as a negative control outcome were obtained from the UK Biobank phenocode: , given BP is not known to cause asthma [ 41 ], but both share similar confounders [ 42 ].

Statistical analysis Instrument strength was assessed using the F-statistic [ 43 ], approximated by the squared SNP-phenotype association divided by its variance. Results There were and strong, independent and replicated SNPs predicting systolic Supplementary Table S 1 and diastolic Supplementary Table S 2 BP with a mean range F-statistic of Table 1 Genome-wide association studies of total and 17 site-specific cancers Full size table.

Full size image. Discussion Consistent with secondary analyses of RCTs [ 9 ], but less consistent with observational studies [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ], this MR study found little evidence of BP increasing risk of cancer.

Conclusions In this MR study, BP does not appear to be a risk factor for total cancer contrary to previous observational evidence, although an effect on melanoma and kidney cancer cannot be excluded. Availability of data and materials We thank the participants and researchers for providing the publicly available summary data used in this study.

Abbreviations BMI: Body mass index BP: Blood pressure CI: Confidence interval CVD: Cardiovascular disease EAF: Effect allele frequency GERA: Kaiser Permanente Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and Aging GWAS: Genome-wide association studies ICBP: International Consortium for Blood Pressure ICD-O Third revision of International Classification of Diseases for Oncology IVW: Inverse-variance weighted InSIDE: Instrument strength Independent of direct effect MAF: Minor allele frequency MR: Mendelian randomization NOME: No measurement error OR: Odds ratio PC: Principal component RCT: Randomized controlled trial SD: Standard deviation SE: Standard error SNP: Single nucleotide polymorphism.

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