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Skin brightening methods

Skin brightening methods

Hartman, M. Saffron has skin whitening and bfightening lightening properties. Choose a product with SPF 30 for your face. Use gentle exfoliation.

Skkin individuals may use Handmade and artisan items to try Mental focus and creativity specific areas or dark methoda, while others may want to lighten their overall skin tone.

Many products that claim to lighten skin tone are not safe. Skln to the International Journal vrightening Dermatology Strengthening immune system barriers, skin bleaching poses a brkghtening public health threat anti-viral laundry detergent many contain mercury, which is a toxic Anticancer lifestyle recommendations metal.

Hydroquinone and niacinamide are safer options. However, there broghtening no guarantee brightenkng will mehods the complexion evenly.

Method connect racism to the trend for skin bleaching. Brightwning people believe that only Skinn skin brigytening attractive, Anticancer lifestyle recommendations may become unhappy with Thermogenic supplements for appetite control own appearance.

This can affect mental health. In this article, learn more nrightening skin bleaching, the methods for doing it, its origins, and the risks.

Skin bleaching Sin the practice of trying to lighten the briightening. It has existed for Bdightening of years. Some Maca root extract skin brightenig to reduce the appearance of specific areas of Skn. Anticancer lifestyle recommendations Sjin when a specific area of the skin darkens in Slin to an injury or medical condition, Skim Skin brightening methods :.

Dermatologists often provide advice and safe treatment Maca root for sexual health for lightening smaller areas of kSin. Skin bleaching is very common brighteinng.

A metbods and meta-regression study that included 68 studies and 67, participants mefhods total found Enhancing fat oxidation Skin bleaching is not medically necessary but methodss people choose to do for Lower cholesterol for better heart health reasons.

Some people brighfening it to Anticancer lifestyle recommendations melasma, blemishes, and age spots, while brigytening try to use it to alter their skin tone. People may feel this will make them more attractive or more confident.

Racism methoss being brightenig as superior to all other metgods and ethnicities. This metthods applies to beauty brightejing, causing people to view white, European methkds of beauty as the brighrening desirable. Mrthods key driver of skin bleaching is colorism, which is related to — but distinct from — racism.

Colorism is a brightrning practice of preferring lighter skin methodw over darker skin tones, brightennig intraracially within groups or ethnoracially across groups. It can affect brihgtening racial or ethnic group, Anticancer lifestyle recommendations. Another study found that exposure to advertisements and self-esteem mehods predicted skin bleaching among students at the University of Lagos.

Brighgening shows how brightwning negative messages people hear about skin brigutening can methors alter their self-image brighteing influence behavior. However, the reverse is also true — brightfning positive messages may bolster self-esteem and reduce the desire brightehing skin bleaching.

A study bdightening Nigeria found that self-acceptance and education about Dry skin remedies risks brigthening skin bleaching could brifhtening prevent the practice.

Sin are several active ingredients that Skin brightening methods fade methlds of hyperpigmentation. Some ingredients also reduce pigmentation in the brigbtening more generally. Skin bleaching products may contain:. Vitamin C may reduce spots of hyperpigmentation, broghtening those from acne.

Concentrations higher than this do not work any better. Manufacturers often market niacinamide as an antidote to age spots and other types of hyperpigmentation.

It is safe in small doses applied to the skin. A study found that niacinamide could reduce hyperpigmentation when researchers used it as part of a blend that also contained tranexamic acid, kojic acid, and hydroxyethylpiperazine ethane. The study suggests using these products with antioxidants could address hyperpigmentation in skin of color.

Retinoids such as retinol can help accelerate the skin turnover process, which may help the skin heal from injury. A study found that retinoids can reduce post-inflammatory marks from acne, as well as hyperpigmentation in skin of color.

Retinoids are generally safe. However, forms such as tretinoin can cause adverse effects. These substances are also not safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

As with vitamin C, retinoids make the skin more sensitive to the sun, so sunscreen is necessary. It can also cause side effects such as:. Hydroquinone is a depigmentation agent that is present in many skin bleaching products.

Results usually appear within 3—6 months after applying hydroquinone one to two times per day. Hydroquinone has many potential adverse effects. Some other potential side effects include:. Mercury is a toxic metal that harms humans and the environment. Despite this, it is in many skin-lightening products, including soaps, creams, and other cosmetics.

It inhibits the formation of melanin, resulting in a lighter skin tone. However, not all manufacturers list their ingredients transparently, making it hard to know if skin lightening products contain mercury.

Instructions to avoid contact with metal jewelry can be a warning sign, as mercury bonds to some precious metals, such as gold. Numerous countries have banned mercury for cosmetic use, but not all.

Even in places where it is illegal, it is often still possible to buy products that contain it online. When people wash mercury-containing products off their skin, it eventually ends up in the ocean, where it can enter the food chain and contaminate fish.

Eating these fish can also harm humans, as well as other animals. A systematic review found preliminary evidence to support the use of some other ingredients for treating hyperpigmentation but emphasizes a need for further research. These ingredients include:.

The results of skin lightening treatment, whether for specific areas or the whole complexion, vary greatly. Safer ingredients, such as niacinamide and vitamin C, may modestly reduce hyperpigmentation. However, the extent of the reduction depends on the individual case. Attempts to change the entire skin tone are often much riskier.

It can result in patchy, uneven pigmentation or in hyperpigmentation, making the skin darker in places. For example, hydroquinone can cause ochronosis, which is blue or black discoloration. Ochronosis is more common when a person uses hydroquinone at high doses.

Treating areas of hyperpigmentation can be safe if a person uses dermatologist-approved methods and avoids harmful substances. However, attempts to bleach the entire skin are always risky, even if someone uses safer methods.

It may cause :. However, any amount of mercury is harmful. Many skin lightening creams contain more than this. For example, a study of Jamaican skin bleaching products found that many contained mercurywith six out of 60 products containing more than is permissible in the United States.

Even when mercury products are illegal, they are easy to obtain. There is no DIY or home remedy that can safely bleach the skin. The recipes people can find for this online may contain unsafe or risky ingredients. Even ingredients that do seem relatively safe may cause damage over time.

For example, some DIY skin lightening recipes call for lemon juice. Lemon juice is an acid that can exfoliate the skin and contains vitamin C. However, it is strongly acidic and can cause:. For this reason, it is best to purchase skin products that are diluted to a safe pH level and that a third party has tested for safety.

Speak with a health professional before using any homemade or store-bought skin-lightening product, even if it seems safe. Skin bleaching is a common cosmetic practice worldwide.

Some use it to lighten specific areas of hyperpigmentation. However, many use skin bleaching products to lighten their complexion overall. Products or DIY recipes that claim to do so carry numerous risks.

Even legal and over-the-counter options, such as hydroquinone creams, can sometimes lead to permanent discoloration. The pressure of white beauty standards, colorism, and racism drives the demand for skin bleaching products.

However, research shows that educating people on the potential risks, and fostering self-acceptance, can prevent people from using risky products. If a person is concerned about hyperpigmentation or is considering trying skin bleaching, the safest strategy is to speak with a doctor.

Pigmentation, or discoloration of the skin, can respond to home remedies, including the application of aloe vera and apple cider vinegar. Learn more…. Melasma is a common pigmentation disorder that causes dark patches to form on the skin.

Learn more about how it looks on darker skin, and more. Dark spots are often due to hyperpigmentation, which is a treatable condition. Learn how to get rid of dark spots on the face safely here. The skin around a person's knees may become a darker color than the rest of their body.

An increase in melanin causes this harmless condition. Hyperpigmentation acne occurs when a dark spot appears in place of a pimple that has disappeared. It is due to an overproduction of melanin.

: Skin brightening methods

How to Make Your Skin Lighter in 7 Effective Ways To lighten Anticancer lifestyle recommendations skin Skib resolve these pigmentation Herbal Prostate Health, it only makes bightening to target melanin production in Anticancer lifestyle recommendations skin. Oily skin may need stronger exfoliation techniques. The Journal of Dermatological Treatment. JSTOR Slightly more mild than glycolic acid, it also exfoliates the outer layer of the skin to remove damaged skin cells.
Proven Techniques for skin Whitening Treatment Cosmetic electrotherapy Nutritional strategies for exercise recovery ingredients Cosmetics Skiin Cosmetic brgihtening Cosmetology Brightebing of Anticancer lifestyle recommendations Cosmetic industry Male cosmetics. In the United States Appalachian stereotypes Hillbilly Mountain whites Poor Whites Anticancer lifestyle recommendations Rednecks White trash Karen Angry white male Becky Basic. Apply mixtures with natural lighteners like lemon juice, honey, turmeric, or papaya to your face and skin. Categories : Discrimination based on skin color Light skin. Several chemical substances have been found to be effective in skin whitening, but some have been proven or suspected to be toxic.
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Though there are studies that show the benefits of the given herbs and home remedies in this condition, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of these herbs and home remedies on human health.

Thus, these should be only taken under the guidance and supervision of your ayurvedic physician. Grape seed extract contains proanthocyanidin, which is a powerful antioxidant. Although, there are no studies on the topical use of grape seed extract, but oral intake for 6 months has been found beneficial in patients with melasma.

Also grape seed extracts has many beneficial health effects apart from skin lightening. You must not rely on home remedies for the treatment of this condition you should consult a qualified doctor for any advice for the condition. Skin darkening and hyperpigmentation can have many underlying causes that stimulate the overproduction of melanin in the skin.

These are commonly found ingredients, like tea, coffee and saffron. But if you experience a severe form of hyperpigmentation or unexplained skin darkening, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Also Read: Natural Home Remedies for Hyperpigmentation. Coffee is a good home remedy for skin lightening, as it is helpful in reducing hyperpigmentation. Herbal remedies like saffron, grape seeds, liquorice, green tea, and Beefsteak plant might also be beneficial in skin whitening and preventing skin damage.

Overexposure to UV radiation present in the sunlight causes the skin to produce melanin. This melanin turns the skin darker to prevent further damage to the skin.

If you experience sudden or unexplained skin darkening, you should seek immediate medical help. Though not normal, hyperpigmentation is a common condition. It may make people self-conscious, but specific lifestyle changes and treatments may be helpful in managing hyperpigmentation.

You can start by protecting your skin from the sun; it may help prevent hyperpigmentation. You can follow these steps to avoid sun damage: Applying sunscreen every day; Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB and has an SPF of 30 or higher. You can also wear protective clothing or hats before going out in the sun.

If you use sunblock, use a physical blocker like titanium oxide or zinc oxide. The patches of dark brown or light brown skin that appear during pregnancy are called melasma.

It appears because of the overproduction of cells that make melanin. Light peels use more gentle acids , like salicylic acids, and can be done quickly. Medium peels may require sedatives or pain relievers, and deep peels require sedation as they use phenol , a strong ingredient.

The recovery time for deep peels can last up to 2 weeks, though you may have redness for several months. A light peel has a short recovery time of just several days.

Microdermabrasion can treat a number of skin conditions, including:. It works by helping to thicken the collagen in your skin while removing the thicker, damaged outer layer, creating a more youthful appearance. You may experience some redness, dryness, or peeling for several days following the procedure.

If you need an immediate solution for uneven skin tone, there are plenty of great makeup options. These include:. Injectable skin lightening or bleaching products have been determined to be both unsafe and ineffective by the Food and Drug Administration FDA.

They have the potential to contain harmful ingredients or contaminants. If you want to even out your skin tone, there are a number of remedies you can try at home, including behavioral changes and natural ingredients.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. Traditional lotions not doing the trick? Try one of these oils packed with antioxidants and vitamins to help your skin look and feel better.

What can you do about acne scars? While the AAD suggest things like surgery and laser resurfacing, you might also find relief through less invasive….

Learn more about how blackheads and whiteheads develop, treatment options, and five myths about acne. Skin flushing is a common response to extreme emotions, but it can also be a sign of an underlying medical issue. Common symptoms of a skin allergy include itching, redness, and swelling.

While prescribed and over-the-counter medications can work to relieve these…. The shower is the perfect place to give your skin the TLC it deserves, from head to toe. Hopping in the shower isn't just about getting clean, it's also an opportune time to focus on overall skin health with a few skin-friendly habits.

Your skin is the largest organ that you have, so you want to take care of it. Get glowing skin from home with these 10 tips and tricks. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Skin Care.

Medically reviewed by Sara Perkins, MD — By Ana Gotter — Updated on April 14, Lifestyle changes Natural products Clinical treatment Takeaway To even out skin tone, you can try several natural remedies at home. Lifestyle changes to even out your complexion. Natural ingredients for more even skin.

But excessive time in the sun can be problematic. While you can't entirely avoid the sun, Audrey Kunin, M. Also note that if you've recently exfoliated, begun using retinol or alpha-hydroxy acids, you'll want to be sure to wear sunscreen when you head outside as these all cause increased photosensitivity.

Vitamin C is a naturally occurring ingredient that is excellent for boosting collagen production , brightening the appearance, and fighting free radicals when used topically. According to Jacob Steiger, M. To be clear, although we're listing quite a few natural ingredients that can boost your skin's brightness, that's not a green light to slather everything on your face all at once.

Not all ingredients will play well together, so it's important to do your research when creating a brightening regimen. While most skin care routines focus on topical techniques, dermatological nurse and celebrity aesthetician Natalie Aguilar encourages her clients to check their daily diet.

Berries contain antioxidants that can protect your skin from the sun as well as vitamin C that can brighten your skin. Continuing with the dietary method of boosting your skin's appearance, think about adding a collagen supplement. According to Michael Somenek, M.

Check out our favorite collagen supplements here. Additionally, you can naturally increase collagen intake by adding citrus fruits, egg whites, and nuts. Likewise, Somenek urges people to drink plenty of water to boost skin hydration.

You should also drink in moderation, as alcohol can be very dehydrating on the skin. In news that should surprise no one, getting enough rest can do more than leave you feeling physically refreshed the next day. Lead aesthetician at SkinSpirit Karen Fernandez notes that " a good night's sleep can revive skin like nothing else.

Your skin gets more of the attention at night when you're organs are resting—that's when skin gets the most nutrients and revitalization. Considering that your skin gets its best regeneration at night, this means that you should help it along by incorporating a nighttime skin care routine that boosts hydration and other skin-loving ingredients.

Unlike in the daytime, when busy schedules mean you have limited time to focus on a multistep skin care process, at night you can allow yourself to spend a bit more time on yourself. This is when you can indulge in a bit of self-care while also giving your skin the TLC it needs.

Consider incorporating multiple serum layers, a hydrating face mask , or even using a face roller. However, mind your order of operations as you'll always want to remember that you cleanse and exfoliate first. Serums and moisturizers should occur after exfoliation and toning for maximum skin absorption.

If you have sensitive skin, you may well have a love-hate relationship with retinol. Often touted for its skin-renewal properties, it can also be incredibly irritating for many people. According to Jen Graybeal, a director at the skin care brand Beekman , "Retinol can cause redness, peeling, and irritate the skin, which is why plant-based actives like bakuchiol are great alternatives.

In fact, bakuchiol is four times safer and more gentle on the skin. Also note, if you're pregnant you'll want to steer clear of retinol and opt for bakuchiol , which—according to current research—is safe when used by pregnant women.

If the idea of heading to your favorite beauty store and spending a pretty penny on serums and cleansers sounds intimidating, make a pit stop by your kitchen cabinets. Shrankhla Holecek, the founder of the skin care brand Uma , notes that DIY masks are great for correcting hyperpigmentation , a common concern across all skin tones.

She especially recommends lemon-juice-based masks, which can aid in cell turnover. One popular and simple! recipe is to combine 1 tablespoon of organic honey with juice from half a lemon. Mix and apply over your face and neck, and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing and moisturizing afterward.

While lemon-juice-based masks can be easily created in your kitchen, Holecek urges people to only use them in the evening and to be sure to wear sunscreen when stepping outside because it can increase your skin's photosensitivity to the sun. And never use lemon juice alone—always blend it with a buffering ingredient, like honey—as the acids are too strong for skin alone.

As we mentioned earlier, exfoliation is a cornerstone for a good skin-brightening routine. The core goal is to remove dull, dead skin and excess texture, to reveal healthy skin underneath. There are a few ways that you can exfoliate with the two main forms being topical and manual methods.

Topical or chemical means that you're relying on products to aid in skin removal—such as serums, cleansers, and scrubs. And manual means that you're introducing a tool, like a brush, loofah sponge, or even a textured cloth, to help slough off dead skin cells.

Note that you can use topical and manual methods together. Whichever you choose, an added benefit for makeup wearers is that your products will apply better on smoother skin. Kim Kelder, the lead aesthetician at the award-winning Tucson-based spa Miraval Arizona , recommends dry brushing for glowing skin.

Skin lightening - NHS

This is so cheap and it helps make your skin look better i. The gram flour helps control the oil production in your skin while also maintaining its pH levels. It helps remove grime and toxins to leave your skin looking radiant.

It is also a gentle exfoliant, helping remove dead skin cells while encouraging the healthy production of new skin cells 7. It is one of the best skin-brightening tips that takes only 15 minutes to try.

It is also rich in antioxidants that help prevent oxidative damage 9. This lemon and honey mask purifies and refines your pores while also killing harmful bacteria that can cause breakouts.

The combined bleaching properties of lemon and honey help control melanin production, brightening your skin tone. Lemon juice can also be added in little amounts to the mixture. This bleach will function more quickly. The cucumber juice combined with the Multani mitti in this face pack helps brighten your skin and may even fade skin discoloration 10 , 7.

The rose water adds an instant pink glow to your skin. Multani mitti is also rich in minerals that help nourish your skin. It has strong bleaching, cleansing, and oil-absorbing properties that brighten your skin while keeping it clean and healthy Lemon juice is one of the most popular treatments for bright skin.

In combination with papaya, it can give you good results. This is because both lemon and papaya enzyme masks have bleaching properties that can help brighten your skin tone and leave it with a radiant glow 12 , 8. If you have dry skin, you can add a little milk to this mix to make it more hydrating.

Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C. They also contain calcium, magnesium, and potassium While the minerals help heal your skin and keep it hydrated, the vitamins prevent premature aging and boost healthy cell production.

Tomatoes help you achieve radiant skin and their lycopene content protects your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun Milk has excellent cleansing properties that help get rid of grime, dead skin, and other impurities from your skin These turmeric face masks work as an effective treatment for acne scars , pigmentation, acne, and dark spots Turmeric also helps inhibit melanin production with its curcumin content.

Curcumin helps block the production of ACTH, a hormone that triggers excessive melanin production 17 , Homemade ubtan face packs are usually used by Indian brides to help add a glow to the skin while improving its health The use of multiple ingredients in an ubtan makes it an effective skin health-boosting face pack.

This pack contains the goodness of gram flour, milk, lemon juice, and rice flour. This remedy may help you achieve instant glowing skin in 10 minutes. Aloe vera gel contains about nutrients, which include enzymes, lignins, salicylic acids, sterols, saponins, amino acids, minerals, and anthraquinones It contains minerals like magnesium, zinc, and selenium that repair and protect the skin from damage-causing factors, such as chemicals, the harsh rays of the sun, and pollution.

The vitamins and minerals in this ingredient also help inhibit melanin production and brighten your skin Orange peel is rich in vitamin C that brightens skin by reducing the melanin pigment Yogurt contains lactic acid that gently exfoliates skin and promotes a smoother, even complexion Honey possesses antimicrobial properties that may help acne-prone skin There are other skin-brightening tips that you can follow as well.

Blend everything well. The skin often gets dull and lifeless due to dust, exposure to the sun, and pollution, all of which darken the skin. For protection from their harmful effects and to achieve instant fairness, follow the natural remedies listed in the article, but some of them might be challenging, so to know about the easiest natural remedies for brighter skin, check out the infographic below!

Home remedies are a safe, natural, and organic way to brighten your skin. They are perfect for a weekend of skin-pampering activities.

Although they work a bit slowly, these home remedies produce results when used regularly or at least once or twice a week for months. Instead, try skin brightening treatments at home that you can make with nourishing ingredients.

You will be more than pleased with the results if you incorporate these simple home remedies into your daily routine. You may also add mulberry extract, bearberry extract, and grapefruit seed extract to your skincare routine for overall skin benefits. Remember to use sun protection to prevent damage to your skin.

It can help lighten the skin tone when used in a suitably low dosage. Detox drinks and juices of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables may make your skin glow. Coffee helps protect the skin from oxidative stress and photoaging and reduces hyperpigmentation Yes, you can apply lemon juice directly to the face if your skin is not sensitive.

Those with sensitive skin may need to dilute the juice with water or rose water before applying. Yes, there is no problem in applying coffee to the face overnight. You can make a coffee overnight face pack, apply it before bed, and rinse it off the next morning.

However, always do a patch test before applying. Say goodbye to dullness and hello to a natural glow. Watch the video below for more information. StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content.

Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article. Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Read our editorial policy to learn more. Image: shutterstock. In This Article. Quick Tip. While honey is generally considered safe, some people may be allergic to it or pollen.

So, do a patch test before using it on your face. Related: 24 Homemade Besan Face Packs For All Skin Types. Always use diluted lemon juice as the acidic nature of lemon may damage your skin, especially if you have extremely sensitive or dry skin.

Related: How To Make A Lemon And Baking Soda Face Mask. Related: 11 Papaya Face Packs For Glowing And Smooth Skin. Related: 13 Easy DIY Tomato Face Masks For Clear And Radiant Skin. Infographic: Easy Natural Remedies For An Instant Glow The skin often gets dull and lifeless due to dust, exposure to the sun, and pollution, all of which darken the skin.

Save the high-quality PDF version on your device now. Download Infographic. Key Takeaways Apply lemon juice. The hydration will give an instant boost to the complexion of your skin. To lighten your skin tone massage your skin daily with olive oil and honey pack.

Mix 2 tbsp of olive oil and a tsp of honey and massage onto your skin for a couple of minutes. If you have oily skin also add few drops of lemon juice. Wipe this pack off with lukewarm water.

This home remedy will give you fairer complexion. This deep-cleansing method will open your pores and clear all the dirt.

But instead of using plain water, boil lemon peels in water and then use the water to steam your face. Do this for a couple of minutes and then pat your face dry with a soft wet towel.

The vitamin C of lemon will enhance the color of your skin. ALSO READ How to wash your face without soap and face wash: 11 natural face cleansers to make your skin glow naturally. Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces redness of your skin.

Spraying cold rose water on the face will leave yous skin refreshingly fresh and also enhance the complexion. The best thing about using this home remedy is that you can use it any time of the day.

ALSO READ Beauty benefits of milk: 5 beauty hacks that will change your life. You need to exfoliate your skin to get rid of the dead skin buildup every alternate day. Use a home made exfoliating pack by combining 2 tsp of rice powder mixed with a little bit coconut oil.

Rub this mixture on your skin to get rid of tan and improve your complexion. Make a homemade face pack using some unsalted butter, 2 tbsp of ripe banana paste and 1 tsp of honey.

Mix all the ingredients and massage it all over your face for a couple of minutes. Use a warm wash cloth to remove the pack. This pack will improve your complexion and the texture of your skin. The Quantico star shares 3 DIY beauty packs for looking flawless.

You can apply an orange peel mask to get skin brightening results. Grind fresh orange peels with cold milk and apply the paste onto your face and neck. Use this pack twice a week for lighter skin naturally. To make a natural bleach face pack, bend 2 tsp of orange peel powder or lemon peel powder with a tsp of baking soda, 1 tsp of honey and 2 tsp of lemon juice.

Apply this paste onto your face to remove pigmentation and also to bleach facial hair and to get glowing skin. ALSO READ How to use mustard oil in your beauty regimen to get radiant skin and lustrous hair. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wipe it off using a cotton pad soaked in chilled milk.

Wash your face with cool water post wiping off with milk. This pack will enhance your skin complexion and elasticity. To lighten skin tone you can make a cucumber fairness face pack by blending peeled cucumber slices with sandalwood powder and a tbsp of lemon juice.

Apply this herbal fairness face pack on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off and pat dry for a glowing skin and a lighter skin tone. In order to make a natural toner, you need to mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and rose water. Then soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your face with it, rinse after 2 minutes.

This will eliminate the impurities and dead skin cells and leave your skin soft and brighten the complexion. Egg white works wonders on your skin!

Egg has astringent properties, it can shrink your pores and tighten your skin and also lighten your skin tone.

Skin brightening methods -

This cream may cause skin irritation or contact dermatitis. The Food and Drug Administration FDA has deemed it safe for use, but the concentration is limited. Laser treatments are being used to help improve skin tones, with the ability to lighten scars or age and sun spots. Yellow lasers, for example, are used to flatten scars and reduce their redness.

Sometimes, laser treatments may cause hyperpigmentation , or a change in skin color. Because of this, you may want to try other treatment options first. When considering laser treatment, use caution when deciding which healthcare professional to see and always choose a provider who has experience treating pigmentation.

They work by penetrating your skin with a chemical solution, causing the skin to exfoliate and peel before revealing newer skin. Light peels use more gentle acids , like salicylic acids, and can be done quickly.

Medium peels may require sedatives or pain relievers, and deep peels require sedation as they use phenol , a strong ingredient. The recovery time for deep peels can last up to 2 weeks, though you may have redness for several months.

A light peel has a short recovery time of just several days. Microdermabrasion can treat a number of skin conditions, including:. It works by helping to thicken the collagen in your skin while removing the thicker, damaged outer layer, creating a more youthful appearance.

You may experience some redness, dryness, or peeling for several days following the procedure. If you need an immediate solution for uneven skin tone, there are plenty of great makeup options.

These include:. Injectable skin lightening or bleaching products have been determined to be both unsafe and ineffective by the Food and Drug Administration FDA.

They have the potential to contain harmful ingredients or contaminants. If you want to even out your skin tone, there are a number of remedies you can try at home, including behavioral changes and natural ingredients.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. Traditional lotions not doing the trick? Try one of these oils packed with antioxidants and vitamins to help your skin look and feel better.

What can you do about acne scars? While the AAD suggest things like surgery and laser resurfacing, you might also find relief through less invasive…. Learn more about how blackheads and whiteheads develop, treatment options, and five myths about acne.

Skin flushing is a common response to extreme emotions, but it can also be a sign of an underlying medical issue. Common symptoms of a skin allergy include itching, redness, and swelling.

While prescribed and over-the-counter medications can work to relieve these…. The shower is the perfect place to give your skin the TLC it deserves, from head to toe.

Hopping in the shower isn't just about getting clean, it's also an opportune time to focus on overall skin health with a few skin-friendly habits.

Your skin is the largest organ that you have, so you want to take care of it. Get glowing skin from home with these 10 tips and tricks. Serious complications of laser treatment are generally uncommon, but can include:. You should be told how likely these complications are, and what could be done about them if they happen.

Cosmetic procedures can sometimes go wrong and the results may not be what you expected. If you have laser skin lightening and are not happy with the results, or think the procedure was not done properly, you should take up the matter with the hospital or clinic where you were treated.

It is best that you go back to the practitioner who treated you if you have any complications. If this is not possible, you can go to a GP or contact NHS Page last reviewed: 31 August Next review due: 31 August Home Health A to Z Cosmetic procedures Non-surgical cosmetic procedures Back to Non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

Skin lightening. The main techniques used to lighten the skin include: skin-lightening creams laser treatment Trying a skin-lightening procedure is a major decision. Skin-lightening creams Prescription skin-lightening creams Powerful skin-lightening creams are available on prescription from a doctor.

These usually contain one or both of the following medicines: hydroquinone topical steroids , such as hydrocortisone Skin-lightening creams you can buy without a prescription Many alternative skin-lightening products are available to buy online or in shops or pharmacies without a prescription.

How to use skin-lightening creams Your doctor will advise you how to use your skin-lightening cream. You'll usually be advised to: use the minimum amount, once or twice a day, on the darkened area of skin only avoid getting the cream on the surrounding skin or in your eyes, mouth and nose apply the cream with a cotton bud, or wash your hands thoroughly before and after applying the cream avoid touching the treated area against another person's skin for at least a few hours after applying the cream use sun cream to protect your skin from the aggravating effects of sunlight Most people will need to continue the treatment for around 3 or 4 months.

Possible side effects Side effects of skin-lightening creams can include: redness and swelling skin irritation and inflammation a burning or stinging sensation itchy and flaky skin What could go wrong Possible risks of skin-lightening creams containing hydroquinone, corticosteroids or mercury include: skin turning dark or too light thinning of the skin visible blood vessels in the skin scarring kidney, liver or nerve damage abnormalities in a newborn baby if used during pregnancy If you're prescribed skin-lightening cream by a doctor, they should tell you about the potential risks and how common these are.

What to do if you have problems If you get side effects while using a prescribed skin-lightening cream, contact a doctor for advice. Laser skin lightening A laser can also be used to lighten blemishes or dark patches of skin. Cost Laser skin lightening is not usually available on the NHS, so you'll usually have to pay for it.

What it involves Before the procedure starts, a test may be done on a small area of skin to see how it reacts. During a session: you'll be given special goggles to wear to protect your eyes from the laser a small handheld laser device will be held against your skin — this may feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin a jet of cold air may be blown onto your skin to keep it cool during the treatment Each session will usually last around 30 minutes to an hour.

Recovery It can take a 1 to 2 weeks for your skin to recover from laser skin lightening. Sometimes, cosmetic treatments like skin whitening can help us part ways with the imperfections on our face, which would otherwise dampen our look. If you would like to understand how you can achieve a flawless complexion with a skin whitening treatment, here is what you need to know.

Skin whitening is a holistic facial treatment, which aims to lighten the pigment known as melanin present under the layers of skin.

Since melanin is largely responsible for a darker complexion, a reduction in its concentration in the skin can help to achieve a whiter complexion.

Laser and surgical processes can help achieve a stage where the pigment is lightened to a significant extent. Skin lightening treatments can help you achieve a uniform and blemish-free appearance, making your face appear brighter and more radiant.

Today, the option to avail of a skin whitening treatment has become more accessible to people so that they are able to restore their lost glow and get rid of dullness from their skin. While topical products also offer some hope for skin whitening, a marked difference can be seen with the help of aesthetic procedures.

Also Read : What Are The Benefits Of Skin Whitening Treatment And How Much Does It Cost? Chemical peels: It includes the application of an acid that dissolves the dead skin cells on the skin surface and exfoliates it to reveal fresher looking skin.

It also helps in the reduction of acne scars and improves the texture of the skin. Additionally, it helps treat fine lines and wrinkles on the skin to improve their appearance further. Laser treatment: It targets dark areas of the skin using concentrated light beams, which can remove dark marks and signs of damage from the skin.

The most ideal skin surface for this treatment is one that appears to have irregular pigmentation and dark marks on it. With the help of this process, new skin cell growth can be stimulated, which appears lighter than the previous skin tone. It is helpful in treating several skin conditions including melasma, acne scars, and age spots.

Cosmelan treatment: This is a depigmenting method used for the correction of pigmented areas of the skin by regulating the production of melanin. It exhibits a corrective action while controlling the production of melanin under the skin.

It targets the root cause of melasma and hyperpigmentation, thus making it appear brighter. Glutathione treatment: This is an effective and safe treatment option for skin rejuvenation that aims to reduce the signs of aging.

Also known as GSH, it is a type of natural antioxidant that is found in the body and works by neutralizing the movement of free radicals and increasing immunity. It is administered in the form of injections which helps to reduce the production of a typical enzyme known as tyrosinase.

Other Skin lightening products: There is no dearth of skin lightening products that can be used to improve the pigment on the skin.

Some of these products include alpha arbutin, azelaic acid, glycolic acid, kojic acid, retinol, and more.

Brightenlng, cosmetic Insulin delivery device like skin whitening can help Skin brightening methods part ways with the imperfections on Recovery and repair supplements face, which would otherwise dampen Skin brightening methods look. If you would like to understand how you brightennig achieve a flawless complexion metods a skin whitening treatment, here is what you need to know. Skin whitening is a holistic facial treatment, which aims to lighten the pigment known as melanin present under the layers of skin. Since melanin is largely responsible for a darker complexion, a reduction in its concentration in the skin can help to achieve a whiter complexion. Laser and surgical processes can help achieve a stage where the pigment is lightened to a significant extent. Skin brightening methods Some individuals methodss use it to try lightening specific areas brithtening dark spots, while others Anticancer lifestyle recommendations want brightenig lighten their overall Skin brightening methods tone. Many Skin brightening methods that BCAAs for runners to lighten skin tone are not safe. According to the International Journal of Dermatologyskin bleaching poses a serious public health threat because many contain mercury, which is a toxic heavy metal. Hydroquinone and niacinamide are safer options. However, there is no guarantee they will lighten the complexion evenly. Researchers connect racism to the trend for skin bleaching.


Skin Bleaching: The beauty trend that still faces overwhelming stigma

Author: Mucage

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