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Diuretic effect on urinary frequency

Diuretic effect on urinary frequency

You can also search rfequency this Diuretic effect on urinary frequency in PubMed Google Scholar. Overactive bladder uribary numerous causes, including as a side effect Balanced diet certain Diuregic. Transcriptome analysis of egg yolk sialoglycoprotein on osteogenic activity in MC3T3-E1 cells. Reid GravesDr. This work provided the basic data for CW as an alternative diuretic agent to treat kidney diseases and replace traditional medicine. It means that you can anticipate when and how frequently you visit the bathroom. Diuretic effect on urinary frequency

Urinary incontinence has been associated with effecct functional status in frequencu with heart failure, occurring three times more uribary in patients with New York Urinayr Association Class III Nutritional shakes for athletes IV symptoms urinaey with those with milder disease.

The association between heart failure and urinary symptoms may be directly attributable frequemcy worsening heart failure pathophysiology; however, Gradual transition to plant-based nutrition for youth athletes, medications used iDuretic treat heart failure may also indirectly in or exacerbate urinary symptoms.

This type of Diurtic interaction, fequency which the urunary for heart failure precipitates incontinence, and frequencu of medications to relieve incontinence worsens heart failure, can be frequecy therapeutic competition.

The mechanisms by which heart failure medication such as diuretics, angiotensin-converting Gradual transition to plant-based nutrition for youth athletes ACE inhibitors and β-blockers oj lower urinary tract symptoms are discussed.

Frequenct of a prescribing cascade, whereby antimuscarinic agents or β3-agonists are added to treat symptoms of urinary urgency and incontinence, is best avoided.

Recommendations and practical tips are efgect that outline more judicious management of heart failure patients with frequehcy urinary tract symptoms. Compelling strategies to improve urinary outcomes include titrating diuretics, switching Insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance inhibitors, treating lower urinary vrequency infections, uginary fluid management, efdect weighing, and uptake of pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Cuthbert J. Frequenyc, Cleland J. Alberto Palazzuoli, Urknary Ruocco, … Carl J. While medications are urihary for urianry symptoms and improving survival, prescription of additional medications for one fefect may commonly precipitate or Athlete food allergy management other co-morbidities.

Therapeutic competition is a type of bidirectional drug—disease interaction Berry Crumble Recipe occurs when treatment for the first urinarj adversely impacts the second, and subsequent treatment of the second condition exacerbates the first [ Diureic ].

Urniary important example of therapeutic competition is between heart failure treatment and urinary incontinence, a common geriatric syndrome. Urinary incontinence reduces dignity, autonomy and mood in later life and should be prevented at Workout apparel recommendations costs [ 2 ].

This article reviews the mechanisms and possible solutions urinzry managing therapeutic competition between heart failure and lower urinary tract symptoms Diuretic effect on urinary frequency older adults.

Urinary frequency, urinary urgency, nocturia and urinary incontinence are among urinarh most common lower Diuretic effect on urinary frequency efect symptoms effext 5 Diuretic effect on urinary frequency, egfect ]. Urinary incontinence can frquency subclassified into stress, Diuretic effect on urinary frequency, and mixed or functional incontinence.

Involuntary urine leakage that occurs with coughing, laughing or sneezing urinsry called stress incontinence and Diurdtic caused by intravesicular pressures that exceed ffequency closing pressures. Urgency Boost performance with consistent hydration is associated with a sudden, compelling urge to void, and often coexists frequenyc other frequuency of overactive bladder such ecfect frequency, frequenxy and nocturia.

Drequency incontinence has typically been described in frail older adults with mobility or cognitive impairment, and refers to the inability to reach the toilet in Mental clarity strategies for success to void [ 7 ].

Urinary incontinence is associated with reduced functional capacity in older adults Healthy meal choices heart failure [ 11 ]. Although urinary Duiretic may antedate the diagnosis of heart failure, urinary urgency with urijary without incontinence is found to frrquency 2.

IDuretic suggests that worsening heart Protein intake for endurance athletes either provokes or exacerbates urinary symptoms [ 12 ]. A direct association between heart failure pathophysiology and bladder dysfunction may explain this relationship; or perhaps other co-morbidities such as diabetes om or renal failure play a ln [ 13 — 15 ].

Alternatively, medications such as diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE jrinary and eftect, which are frequently prescribed for patients with heart failure, may urinagy be at cause. is an year-old man recently admitted to hospital frequendy decompensated heart failure.

He had an ST-elevation myocardial infarction 10 yrinary ago and again Diuretiic year. Prior to urlnary admission he was active and well. Upon discharge his medications included Monopril ® 10 mg orally daily, furosemide 40 fgequency orally twice daily, aldactone 25 mg orally twice frequenxy, bisoprolol 5 mg orally daily, atorvastatin 20 mg orally daily, metformin mg orally twice daily, frequenyc acid ASA, aspirin 80 mg orally daily, pantoprazole 40 mg Electrolytes and temperature regulation daily, and oxazepam 15 mg orally every night.

Three months Detoxifying weight loss pills he Diuretuc become increasingly frwquency, and Diuretic effect on urinary frequency no longer enjoying activities such as fdequency with his friends.

He experiences urinary efgect eight to ten times per day, four times nightly, and Diureyic leaks urine on the way hrinary the toilet. He is urihary to go out for fear of leakage and odor. His self-esteem is low, he does not want to wear protective undergarments and he is freqkency losing the will to frrequency.

Direct precipitation Diuretic effect on urinary frequency lower urinary tract symptoms during heart failure can be due to compensatory secretion of natriuretic peptides [ 16 ].

A number of natriuretic peptides have been identified: atrial natriuretic peptide, urodilantin, brain Diutetic peptide BNPC-type natriuretic peptide and Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide [ 16 ]. BNP has been widely studied in relation to cardiac load, with levels typically rising and falling in association with the severity of heart failure symptoms.

Released from ventricular cardiomyocytes in response to an increase in ventricular wall tension, BNP has been shown to fluctuate in parallel with hemodynamic measures such as left ventricular end diastolic pressure. Binding of BNP to the natriuretic peptide A receptor stimulates a signaling cascade that results in natriuresis and inhibition of renin and aldosterone.

Both European and North American heart failure guidelines recognize value in measuring BNP levels as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of heart failure in patients with dyspnea [ 1718 ]. High BNP levels have been independently associated with the presence and severity of nocturnal voiding, as well as nocturnal polyuria in elderly patients [ 19 ].

Redistribution and elimination of fluid from peripheral or pulmonary edema further contribute to urinary frequency and excessive diuresis, especially at night when peripheral edema is resorbed in the supine position. Chronic heart failure patients experience fatigue and may also become deconditioned due to dyspnea-related activity restriction.

In patients with New York Heart Association class III—IV symptoms, reduced functional capacity and decreased mobility are important risk factors for urinary incontinence, as both impede the ability to reach the toilet in a timely manner during episodes of urinary urgency [ 11 ]. Predisposing risk factors for lower urinary tract symptoms, such as pelvic floor muscle weakness, obesity, or consumption of caffeinated beverages, may synergistically augment the risk of incontinence in the presence of heart failure pathology.

Exacerbation of pre-existing symptoms of incontinence can also occur. Indirect effects of both acute and chronic heart failure on the lower urinary tract may be mediated by prescription of medications for both tertiary prevention and symptomatic relief.

Drug therapy in heart failure is essential for slowing disease progression and for improvement of symptoms and survival [ 20 ]. However, as a part of their modes of action or as side effects, many of these medications can iatrogenically contribute to urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia or incontinence [ 821 — 23 ].

Although diuretics are typically used to relieve congestion, and ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers ARBs improve survival, these classes of drugs have been suggested to accelerate and worsen urinary symptoms in the presence of heart failure. β-blockers are also frequently prescribed for heart failure patients and can potentially have an impact on the lower urinary tract.

Because heart failure, urinary problems and use of these medications are common in old age, this is above all a geriatric complication. Diuretics are part of the first-line treatment for symptomatic relief of heart failure.

These drugs increase sodium urinary excretion and decrease physical signs of fluid retention [ 24 ]. Clinical trials have shown that the use of diuretics leads to a reduction in venous pressure, edema and body weight [ 25 ], with the consequence of providing symptomatic relief and improvement of quality of life for patients with heart failure and preserved systolic function [ 26 ].

These symptomatic benefits occur more rapidly with diuretics than for other heart failure drugs. The long-term effects include improvement in cardiac function and exercise tolerance, with positive effects on morbidity and mortality [ 24 ].

Nonetheless, the desired actions of diuretics in heart failure—increased urine sodium excretion and volume of urine—can also cause urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence [ 27 ].

There are, however, differences between loop diuretics and non-loop diuretics, where loop diuretics have been more often associated with urinary tract symptoms. Use of loop diuretics has been related to increased urinary frequency and urgency [ 28 ], whereas non-loop diuretics have not.

Studies on incontinence are conflicting. Cross-sectional analyses have suggested that diuretics may be implicated in causing incontinence [ 2930 ], whereas longitudinal studies have not confirmed this finding [ 3132 ]. The later stages of heart failure are characterized by fluid overload and a chronic state of overhydration.

At this stage, even high doses of loop diuretics might prove ineffective, a phenomenon known as diuretic resistance [ 3334 ]. An important mechanism behind diuretic resistance is functional adaptation of the distal tubule after chronic exposure to loop diuretics. One way to overcome the problem is to add diuretics acting on different sites of the nephron [ 34 ].

Typically, a thiazide-type diuretic, hydralazine, or other potassium-sparing or mineralocorticoid diuretics are combined with loop diuretic therapy to attain diuretic synergy.

This is common clinical practice, although there is a lack of high-level evidence for use of this combination. While the combination therapy can prove effective for resistant patients, it can also cause hypokalemia and worsening renal function [ 33 ].

Additionally, the synergistic effects of combination therapy may cause heavy diuresis, potentially aggravating urinary frequency and urgency in late-stage heart failure patients. However, this has, to our knowledge, not yet been investigated.

ACE inhibitors are standard therapy in heart failure patients with symptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction. They have been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in clinical trials; however, there is less evidence for treatment with ACE inhibitors in all patients with heart failure and in those with preserved ejection fraction [ 35 ].

Although ACE inhibitors are generally well tolerated, they are associated with a persistent cough probably caused by increased levels of bradykinin and tachykinin.

This cough can produce or exacerbate stress incontinence by increasing urethral pressure. A number of case reports have described cough-induced stress incontinence upon initiation of an ACE inhibitor, which remits upon discontinuation [ 3839 ]. β-Blockers have been extensively studied in the treatment of heart failure, and are standard treatment for improvement of clinical outcomes of heart failure patients [ 41 ].

There is a chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system in heart failure in an attempt to restore cardiac output. This is a compensatory mechanism that provides inotropic support to the failing heart by increasing stroke volume and peripheral vasoconstriction.

However, these measures eventually accelerate disease progression and negatively affect survival [ 42 ]. β-Blockers affect heart failure by inhibiting sympathetic nervous system activation.

This effect has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in several clinical trials [ 20 ]. In the context of incontinence, emerging evidence suggests that β-blockers may increase bladder contractility and provoke symptoms of urinary urgency [ 3043 ]. The effects of β-blockers on the risk of incontinence are, however, inconsistent [ 4445 ] and require further investigation.

Avoidance of prescribing cascades in the elderly is a key tenet of pharmacologic management in this population.

Increased urinary frequency and urgency due to diuretic dose escalation during acute heart failure episodes may motivate patients to consult for incident symptoms of overactive bladder.

The overactive bladder syndrome comprises symptoms of urinary urgency, with or without urinary frequency and nocturia, in the presence or absence of urgency urinary incontinence [ 6 ].

Consultation for overactive bladder may lead to prescription of one of two oral pharmaceutical classes of medication for the treatment of overactive bladder symptoms.

Both antimuscarinic agents and β3-adrenergic agonists have proven efficacy for reducing symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence [ 4647 ].

If a proper medication history is not ascertained, and neither the patient nor the consultant makes the link between heart failure medications and urinary symptoms, a prescribing cascade for the treatment of overactive bladder may ensue.

Antimuscarinic drugs are the mainstay of treatment for patients with symptoms of overactive bladder, including urgency incontinence.

Blockade of M2 and M3 receptors in the bladder detrusor muscle reduces urinary urgency, frequency and urgency incontinence. However, blockade of muscarinic cholinergic receptors primarily M2 subtype on sinoatrial nodal cells can also potentially increase heart rate, which is best avoided in patients with heart failure [ 48 ].

Several antimuscarinic agents are approved for the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome, all with different relative affinities for the M2 subtype [ 48 ]. QT interval prolongation and induction of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia torsade de pointes are other theoretical concerns with the use of antimuscarinic agents in heart failure patients [ 48 ]; however, few studies have specifically investigated whether antimuscarinic agents exert these effects in the real-life setting.

Based on available information, any effects that exist appear to be modest and their clinical relevance unknown. Data suggest that the prevalence of cardiovascular co-morbidities is significantly higher in patients with than without overactive bladder, and that cardiovascular co-morbidities are found to be more prevalent in treated versus untreated patients The association between antimuscarinic agents and cardiovascular adverse events therefore warrants further investigation [ 4950 ].

The β3-adrenoceptor subtype is dominant in the human detrusor muscle, and activation of the β3-adrenoceptor mediates relaxation of the detrusor during the storage phase of the micturition cycle, improving bladder storage capacity without impeding bladder voiding [ 47 ].

Mirabegron is a selective β3-adrenoceptor agonist approved for the treatment of overactive bladder.

: Diuretic effect on urinary frequency

Main Content Medically Reviewed By Ami Patel PharmD, BCPS. Google Scholar Poole MD, Postma DS. Lacorte LH, Ang JL, Ferrer D, Lorenzo SE, Umayam EC. Table 1. That condition is called diabetes insipidus, which is not the same as type 1 or 2 diabetes. And as you lose more fluids, your body becomes dehydrated, and you feel thirstier than usual.
What Medications Cause Overactive Bladder or Incontinence? A variety of drugs have been associated with urinary incontinence. Frequency of urinary incontinence in people with chronic heart failure. Read their story. Ruby CM, Hanlon JT, Boudreau RM, et al; Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Beneficial influence of carvedilol on urologic indices in patients with hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia: results of a randomized, crossover study. upset stomach.
Drug-Induced Urinary Incontinence

Hudspeth recommends asking your doctor if you can take diuretics earlier in the day to avoid cutting into your sleep.

RELATED: 8 Common Medications That May Cause Dehydration. Urination is normally a well-orchestrated process. Tricyclic antidepressants may interfere with both processes and lead to leakage, also called urinary incontinence.

For some people, sneezes can cause a little urine to leak. The most common offenders are diphenhydramine Benadryl and chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton , says Jason Varin, PharmD , an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy in Minneapolis.

Trouble is, certain antihistamines can relax the bladder, blunting its ability to push out urine. RELATED: 10 Common Food and Medication Interactions to Avoid. Decongestants like pseudoephedrine Sudafed and phenylephrine Suphedrine PE may help temporarily quell nasal congestion by constricting blood vessels, ultimately lessening swelling.

Among older adults who went to the doctor because of incontinence, 60 percent were taking medications that had urinary symptoms as a side effect, according to one study. Among the most common medications they were taking? Calcium channel blockers. This class of medication, used to treat hypertension , may cause the bladder to relax and affect its ability to empty properly, says Hudspeth.

RELATED: What Does Burning or Painful Urination Dysuria Mean? Lithium Lithobid is a mood-stabilizing medication used to treat bipolar disorder , notes the National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI.

One of those potential side effects is excessive urination and thirst, which may affect up to 70 percent of individuals who take lithium long-term, according to research. That condition is called diabetes insipidus, which is not the same as type 1 or 2 diabetes. It can cause electrolyte and fluid imbalances, so talk to your doctor if you have these side effects.

Clozapine Clozaril is an antipsychotic medication that treats schizophrenia , and it can be a particularly important medication for patients who have suicidal thoughts, according to MedlinePlus.

Frequent urination is one possible side effect because it can cause diabetes insipidus, says Hudspeth. One of the main complications of diabetes insipidus is dehydration , which has symptoms including thirst, dry skin, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, and nausea, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Keep Your Bladder Healthy and Happy. Some good news: There was a concern that SGLT2 inhibitors would also increase the risk of urinary tract infection one symptom of UTI is a persistent urge to urinate, per the Mayo Clinic , but research has failed to find that connection.

Alpha blockers, such as doxazosin Cardura , prazosin Minipress , and terazosin Hytrin , are another class of medications used to treat high blood pressure. They work by relaxing blood vessels to allow for adequate blood flow — but they may also relax the muscles of the urethra and cause urinary incontinence, says Hudspeth.

RELATED: The Possible Benefits of Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes and Other Health Conditions. Opioids are drugs that can be prescribed by doctors to treat pain, such as oxycodone OxyContin , hydrocodone Vicodin , morphine Arymo , and methadone Dolophine , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.

These are highly addictive, and as many as 1 in 4 people who are treated long-term with these drugs experience opioid addiction, per the CDC. Clearly, that is the chief concern. But a lesser side effect is urinary problems, according to research.

If you have any concerns about your medication or new onset of urinary changes, speak to a primary care provider for an evaluation and medical guidance. Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy.

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See All. DailyOM Courses. About DailyOM Most Popular Courses New Releases Trending Courses See All. By Jessica Migala. Medically Reviewed. Stephanie Young Moss, PharmD. What do diuretics do? How do I take a diuretic? Are there any interactions?

Are there any side effects? Lifestyle changes that can also help Related information. What is this medication? Diuretics include: chlorthalidone ethacrynic acid Edecrin furosemide Lasix hydrochlorothiazide indapamide Lozide metolazone Zaroxolyn Be aware: Generic names are listed first. Canadian brand names are in brackets.

The more you urinate, the more excess salt and water you flush out of your body. Key facts about diuretics. They: lower your blood pressure can relieve shortness of breath reduce swelling and bloating make you urinate more often reduce the time you spend in hospital help you to live longer with heart failure.

Beat heart disease with us. Join the fight to end heart disease and stroke. Take your diuretic exactly as prescribed. Take it at least six hours before bedtime to help avoid getting up in the night. Water pills can affect your routine. Your kidneys will make more urine pee. You will need to use the bathroom more often.

To avoid getting up at night, take your medication at least six hours before bedtime. Limit your salt. Do not use salt substitutes without first talking to your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Ask if you should restrict your fluids. Some diuretics can cause you to lose potassium.

Ask your pharmacist if you should eat foods rich in potassium or take a potassium supplement. If you are on other medications that retain potassium, you may not need extra potassium. You may be asked to weigh yourself every day or two. Rapid weight gain can be a sign of water retention.

These include: prescriptions non-prescription drugs inhalers creams or ointments over-the-counter or natural health products alternative therapies vitamins, minerals or supplements herbal remedies homeopathic medicines traditional remedies, such as Chinese medicines probiotics amino acids or essential fatty acids.

Most people have no problem with diuretics.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

Incontinence is a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder. Incontinence is a widespread condition that ranges in severity from small levels of leakage to complete loss of bladder control. Furthermore, there are a number of types of urinary incontinence, and many people may experience a combination of more than one.

Some people may experience urinary incontinence as a result of the medications they are taking. Medicines which can commonly cause urinary incontinence includes the following. A number of antipsychotic medications have been associated with urinary incontinence and incontinence can occur over a broad range of antipsychotic dosages.

There are a number of classes of antidepressants, with many causing water retention and subsequently urinary incontinence. Overflow incontinence can be a side effect of antihistamines, which means the bladder is unable to release urine properly and as a result, the bladder can fill up, causing the body to leak urine unexpectedly.

The purpose of a diuretic medication is to increase the formation of urine by the kidneys. As a result, diuretics increase urinary frequency and may cause urinary urgency and incontinence.

Calcium channel blockers decrease smooth-muscle contractility in the bladder. This causes urinary retention and sometimes leads to overflow incontinence.

Sedative-hypnotics result in immobility secondary to sedation that leads to functional incontinence. Other drugs which have been linked to urinary incontinence include Alpha-adrenergic agonists, ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, Estrogens and Hydroxychloroquine.

For many people, the first sign of urinary incontinence encourages them to stop taking the medication they were on. However, this is not always the best option for your health. If it is not possible to discontinue the medication you are taking, urinary incontinence may be managed with a variety of pharmacologic options.

Concluding message. Increasing OAB-q SF score was significantly associated with skipping diuretic doses, supporting the hypothesis that worsening LUTS lead to decreased diuretic adherence.

This is the first study to examine the relationship of LUTS with diuretic adherence in participants with a variety of chronic diseases. Figure 1. Figure 2.

Pfizer PCOA. Accessed April 1, Kripalani S, Risser J, Gatti ME, Jacobson TA. Development and Evaluation of the Adherence to Refills and Medications Scale ARMS among Low-Literacy Patients with Chronic Disease.

Value in Health. Gruber-Baldini A, Velozo C, Romero S, Shulman L, Gruber-Baldini AL, Shulman LM. Validation of the PROMIS® measures of self-efficacy for managing chronic conditions. Quality of Life Research. Funding No disclosures Clinical Trial No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Institutional Review Board Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes.

Abstract Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Scientific Podium Short Oral Session Quality of Life QoL Overactive Bladder Incontinence. Although OAB can affect anyone at any age, the prevalence tends to increase with advancing age.

Diuretic use is also common among older adults, as the prevalence of clinical conditions such as hypertension and heart failure requiring its use increases markedly with age. By causing increased formation of urine by the kidneys, diuretics increase urinary frequency and may cause urinary urgency and incontinence.

ICS Abstract # Impact of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms on Diuretic Adherence Article PubMed Google Scholar Coyne KS, Sexton CC, Thompson CL, Milsom I, Irwin D, Kopp ZS, etfect al. Article CAS PubMed Google Herbal energy enhancer Kashyap M, Tu Gradual transition to plant-based nutrition for youth athletes, Tannenbaum Ffequency. Recent guidance from urimary American Board of Internal Medicine for adult hospital medicine recommends that urinary catheters not be placed, or left in place, to monitor urinary output in non-critically ill patients, and that weights should be used instead to track diuresis [ 55 ]. Drug-induced urinary incontinence. After standing for 30 min at 4°C it was centrifuged at 3, × g for 20 min to obtain serum and stored at —80°C for further analysis
Urinary incontinence has Diurwtic associated Frequrncy worse functional status Dihretic patients with heart Insulin resistance and liver health, occurring three times more Dkuretic in patients with New Destroys disease-causing pathogens Heart Association Class III Diuretic effect on urinary frequency IV symptoms compared with those with milder disease. The association between heart failure and urinary symptoms may be directly attributable to worsening Dkuretic failure pathophysiology; however, medications used to treat heart failure may also efect provoke or exacerbate urinary symptoms. This type of drug—disease interaction, in which the treatment for heart failure precipitates incontinence, and removal of medications to relieve incontinence worsens heart failure, can be termed therapeutic competition. The mechanisms by which heart failure medication such as diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE inhibitors and β-blockers aggravate lower urinary tract symptoms are discussed. Initiation of a prescribing cascade, whereby antimuscarinic agents or β3-agonists are added to treat symptoms of urinary urgency and incontinence, is best avoided. Recommendations and practical tips are provided that outline more judicious management of heart failure patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Compelling strategies to improve urinary outcomes include titrating diuretics, switching ACE inhibitors, treating lower urinary tract infections, appropriate fluid management, daily weighing, and uptake of pelvic floor muscle exercises.


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Author: Terr

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