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Precise ingredient selection

Precise ingredient selection

The Precize foods or ungredient that may cause severe adverse reactions must be Precise ingredient selection on the Percise no matter how small the amount. The last Precise ingredient selection listed is present Precise ingredient selection the least amount Factors affecting hydration in young athletes weight. Food additives can be used to improve quality of a food or improve the flavour or appearance of a food. Some foods do not have any characterising ingredients or components, such as cheese or white bread. The use of digestibility studies, laboratory analysis, review of the scientific literature, and ingredient databases such as those coordinated by amino acid suppliers are useful sources of information. You can also email us at info loganconsulting.

Precise ingredient selection -

Fermentation now spans industrial chemistry, biomaterials, therapeutics and medicine, fuels, and advanced food ingredients. Within biology, it refers to a specific metabolic pathway used to generate energy in the absence of oxygen.

Within the alternative protein industry, fermentation is used in three primary ways:. Traditional fermentation results in products with unique flavor and nutritional profiles and modified texture.

Examples are using the fungus Rhizopus to ferment soybeans into tempeh, as well as using various lactic acid bacteria to produce cheese and yogurt. The microbial biomass itself can serve as an ingredient, with the cells intact or minimally processed — for example, the cells can be broken open to improve digestibility or enrich for even higher protein content.

This biomass serves as the main ingredient of a food product or as one of several primary ingredients in a blend. These ingredients typically require greater purity than the primary protein ingredients and are incorporated at much lower levels.

These functional ingredients can improve sensory characteristics and functional attributes of plant-based products or cultivated meat. Precision fermentation can produce enzymes, flavoring agents, vitamins, natural pigments, and fats. The vast biological diversity of microbial species, coupled with virtually limitless biological synthesis capabilities, translates to immense opportunity for novel alternative protein solutions to emerge from fermentation-based approaches.

Opportunities for advancing fermentation can be segmented into five key areas spanning the value chain: target selection and design, strain development, feedstock optimization, bioprocess design, and end-product formulation and manufacturing. When microorganisms are used as production hosts to create specific high-value ingredients, identifying and designing the right target molecules to manufacture is key.

Biology provides food developers with an almost boundless palette of molecules from which to assemble flavors, textures, and aromas. However, not all these ingredients are easily sourced at large volumes and low prices.

By using microbial cells as the production host, precision fermentation allows for highly scalable manufacture of virtually any ingredient. Target selection and design is the starting point for the process of precision fermentation.

The molecule or molecules of interest are referred to as the target. The target can be a protein, a lipid, a flavor compound, a fragrance, an enzyme, a growth factor, a pigment, or another class of molecule. The majority of vitamins in nutritional supplements and fortified processed foods, such as B12 and riboflavin, are produced through fermentation, as are many flavoring components.

The food industry was among the first to leverage fermentation to displace animal products in everyday use. Other recombinant proteins, such as casein and whey, are key targets because of their unique functionality in dairy products. These proteins can be combined with plant-derived ingredients to create a final product.

Target molecules such as animal-origin-free growth factors are used in the production of cultivated meat. Several companies, including ORF Genetics , Richcore , and Peprotech , already work in this space. Furthermore, proteins such as collagen or fibronectin produced through fermentation may serve as key animal-free components of scaffolding for more complex, highly-structured cultivated meat products.

Depending on the target, both engineered and non-engineered approaches may be possible. For example, the soy leghemoglobin protein produced by Impossible Foods is engineered into a yeast host strain for efficient, scalable production.

On the other hand, microalgae company Triton Algae Innovations is commercializing heme proteins that are native to their algal strains, so no engineering is involved. Instead, the genome encodes a series of enzymes that compose the biosynthetic pathway for producing the target molecules.

For example, the target molecules for algal omega-3 production are the fatty acids DHA and EPA, but the instruction manual for manufacturing these fatty acids consists of several gene-encoded enzymes that convert precursor fatty acids into these desirable fatty acids within the cell.

As with protein targets, molecules like fats or flavoring molecules can be produced in microbial hosts either with or without the use of engineering techniques, depending on the specific target and the choice of host organism. One of the most basic challenges for target selection is simply determining which molecules contribute the most to specific properties of animal products.

A litany of volatile compounds, many of which differ by species type and cut, contribute to the taste of different kinds of meat.

In many cases, several variants of a candidate target may already exist in nature. For example, almost every living organism contains heme proteins of some sort, but which ones perform the best as flavor enhancers for meat products? Which are the most stable — not only during their production, but also through the downstream processing of the final food product and throughout its shelf life?

Which target accumulates at the highest titers within host cells, thus allowing for the most favorable economics? All of these answers must be ascertained through a combination of thorough empirical screening and predictive approaches. For target molecules that are not proteins, there are additional challenges: identifying biosynthetic pathways that can manufacture these molecules, and then determining whether these pathways already exist in suitable host organisms or if they must be engineered or enhanced for higher productivity.

For example, fermentation-derived lipid production is relatively unexplored for food applications but has a fairly robust history for industrial chemicals.

The alternative protein industry may be able to develop an open-access research foundation and accelerate the commercialization of fermentation-derived fats by aggregating lipid synthesis pathway insights from the chemicals industry. Each of these aspects feed into one of the key challenges within precision fermentation: improving the economics of production.

To compete with animal-based proteins, researchers and companies must increase the titer amount of an expressed target molecule relative to the volume of total upstream-produced liquid containing the agent — the primary benchmark of upstream efficiency and yield the ratio of the mass of final purified protein relative to its mass at the start of purification — the primary benchmark of downstream efficiency of target molecules and protein biomass.

While strain development and feedstock optimization can contribute substantially to the overall economics, the target selection is a critical factor in achieving economic viability.

Fermentation allows for a decoupling of the original source of a target molecule and its production method. This decoupling vastly expands the search landscape for biomolecules with unique and valuable functions.

First, ideal targets may originate in species that are extraordinarily rare, difficult to harvest, expensive, or otherwise inaccessible or impractical. Fermentation provides a mechanism for manufacturing these molecules at scales and prices suitable for commercial viability.

Second, targets are not limited to those found in nature: Novel variants of target molecules can be engineered through random alteration and screening directed evolution or through rational design, leading to targets that exceed the performance of any naturally occurring version.

Gelatin a form of collagen from conventional animal sources is limited to a few species predominantly pig and cow, although fish gelatin is also commercially available that are processed in large quantities.

But collagen is ubiquitous in the animal kingdom, and Geltor can manufacture collagen proteins from any species, including extinct species. In , the company showcased the versatility of their platform with an animal-free leather binding made from jellyfish collagen and gummy snacks made with mastodon collagen.

Geltor also makes bespoke versions of collagen that are precisely tuned to the characteristics desired for a particular application — for example, gelatin that exhibits a specific gelling viscosity, elasticity, or melt temperature.

Similarly, fermentation allows for enzymes to be adapted or engineered to exhibit higher activity, novel substrate specificity, greater stability, or robustness under specific processing conditions, with dramatic implications for cost reduction.

Such enzymes serve many purposes across the alternative protein industry. These examples show that fermentation holds immense potential to screen for natural variants of targets and to design new variants for augmented sensory, functional, or nutritional properties or for attributes that reduce costs and streamline manufacturing processes.

Learn how cellular agriculture makes it possible to produce genuine animal protein through microbial precision fermentation.

Additional research…. As the alternative seafood industry scales up, a low-cost and abundant source of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids will become necessary. Several means of producing these compounds have been investigated…. Deeper fundamental knowledge of the causes and prevention of oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids before, during, and after addition to alternative seafood products is needed to improve their nutritional and….

Microbial strains offer immense biological diversity, which can be leveraged to identify or create strains with enhanced growth potential, nutritional characteristics, flavor profiles, or feedstock preferences.

In theory, microbial fermentation encompasses an enormous variety of species with vast biological diversity, ranging from fungi to bacteria to microalgae. However, exceedingly few microbial species have ever been commercialized for use in food.

The emergence of high-throughput screening and characterization tools, in addition to in silico capabilities, merit a recanvassing of all known microbial species for their potential suitability as protein sources.

For example, the strain Fusarium venenatum , the filamentous fungus first commercialized by Quorn, emerged from precisely such a screening effort. Likewise, the catalog of host strains used as microbial factories for producing high-value targets is also overdue for an overhaul.

For decades, the fermentation sector has relied predominantly on a small number of well-established staple species. While there is room to further design these species for higher yields, more robust cultivation, faster growth, and other ideal production traits, the sector has been limited to these species because of their longstanding use and familiarity, as well as regulatory barriers to commercializing new host species.

Comprehensive strain discovery and development programs require massive data sets and specimen libraries to ensure broad capture of sufficient biological diversity, genomic data, and distinct growth conditions. These data sets and libraries — sometimes called biofoundries — are expensive to create and intensive to maintain.

Thus, few private companies are capable of committing the time and resources required to create them, and those that do are incentivized to retain proprietary access to justify their investment. These data limitations restrict and delay commercial adoption of novel or improved strains, and limit access to only certain players.

Some publicly-funded biofoundries have been established, such as the Department of Energy-funded Agile BioFoundry and a handful of global efforts within the Global Biofoundries Alliance , but dedicated resources are needed to apply screens for identifying strains suitable for alternative protein applications.

Strain development efforts that are more targeted — such as improvements to existing strains rather than comprehensive screening efforts — are likely to contribute incremental advances but may not achieve the step changes or paradigm shifts in capabilities that the alternative protein field requires.

These disaggregated approaches may also fail to generate deeper insights about microbial biology — such as how metabolism can be shifted in desirable ways to enhance productivity, or which genetic signatures indicate suitability for various feedstocks or growth conditions — that could accelerate efforts across multiple strains.

Companies hoping to commercialize novel or significantly altered strains also face regulatory barriers, which present a hurdle to innovation but provide relatively little competitive advantage when addressed in the private sector. Coordinated strain discovery and development efforts that would standardize and streamline the generation of safety data could accelerate more widespread adoption of new strains.

This could drive improvements in nutritional quality, production efficiency, sustainability, or even end-product traits like flavor and texture. High-throughput methods of strain selection, adaptation, screening, and engineering enable innovators to iterate new strains with greater speed and precision.

They can select for more nuanced attributes, such as precise flavor-enhancing metabolite profiles, rather than simple traits like growth rates or temperature tolerance. While some of the strain development work in this sector is likely to involve biotechnological tools, such as gene editing and genetic engineering, vast progress remains to be made through simple adaptation and breeding strategies powered by advanced genomic insights.

Strain development research can pave the way for new workhorse strains that can significantly outperform the incumbents. We also need visionary regulatory leadership to streamline commercial adoption of new candidates. Fermentation should not be stymied by historical allegiance to legacy host strains or outdated regulatory procedures.

In addition, comprehensive efforts should be undertaken to assimilate systems biology insights regarding metabolic pathways across species to aid in identification and design of novel hosts with ideal attributes.

The integration of formulas in systems like Dynamics Supply Chain Management enables companies to manage their production processes with higher precision and control, resulting in superior quality products and improved business performance. If you are interested in learning more about the power of formulas in Dynamics Supply Chain Management for precise ingredient management in the pharm industry and more, contact us here to find out how we can help you grow your business.

You can also email us at info loganconsulting. com or call Posted on: February 14, Microsoft's Dynamics Supply Chain Management is enhancing supply chain precision with a new ship date feature. The landscape of Posted on: February 12, In this blog we will explore batch task management in Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Supply Chain Formulas are the Backbone of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulas provide an outline for the composition of a particular drug, detailing the specific quantities and combinations of various ingredients.

Co-Products and By-Products Management In the pharmaceutical industry, the production process can sometimes result in the creation of additional substances, known as co-products or by-products. Reducing Waste and Improving Efficiency Formulas also play a significant role in waste reduction and process optimization.

Next Steps If you are interested in learning more about the power of formulas in Dynamics Supply Chain Management for precise ingredient management in the pharm industry and more, contact us here to find out how we can help you grow your business. Volume is often the measure used when portioning sizes of finished product.

For example, portion scoops are used to dole out vegetables, potato salad, and sandwich fillings to keep serving size consistent. Ladles of an exact size are used to portion out soups and sauces.

Often scoops and ladles used for portioning are sized by number. On a scoop, such a number refers to the number of full scoops needed to fill a volume of one quart.

Ladles and spoodles are sized in ounces. Weight is the most accurate way to measure ingredients or portions. When proportions of ingredients are critical, their measurements are always given in weights. This is particularly true in baking where it is common to list all ingredients by weight, including eggs which, as mentioned earlier, in almost all other applications are called for by count.

Whether measuring solids or liquids, measuring by weight is more reliable and consistent. Weighing is a bit more time consuming and requires the use of scales, but it pays off in accuracy.

Digital portion scales are most commonly used in industry and come in various sizes to measure weights up to 11 lbs.

This is adequate for most recipes, although larger operations may require scales with a larger capacity. The reason weight is more accurate than volume is because it takes into account factors such as density, moisture, and temperature that can have an effect on the volume of ingredients.

For example, 1 cup of brown sugar measured by volume could change drastically depending on whether it is loosely or tightly packed in the vessel.

On the other hand, 10 oz of brown sugar, will always be 10 oz. Even flour, which one might think is very consistent, will vary from location to location, and the result will mean an adjustment in the amount of liquid needed to get the same consistency when mixed with a given volume.

Another common mistake is interchanging between volume and weight. There is no other ingredient that can be measured interchangeably because of gravity and the density of an item. Every ingredient has a different density and different gravitational weight, which will also change according to location.

This is called specific gravity. Water has a specific gravity of 1. Liquids that are lighter than water such as oils that float on water have a specific gravity of less than 1.

Those that are heavier than water and will sink, such as molasses, have a specific gravity greater than 1. Unless you are measuring water, remember not to use a volume measure for a weight measure, and vice versa.

Recipes often need to be adjusted to meet the needs of different situations. The most common reason to adjust recipes is to change the number of individual portions that the recipe produces. For example, a standard recipe might be written to prepare 25 portions. If a situation arises where 60 portions of the item are needed, the recipe must be properly adjusted.

Other reasons to adjust recipes include changing portion sizes which may mean changing the batch size of the recipe and better utilizing available preparation equipment for example, you need to divide a recipe to make two half batches due to a lack of oven space.

The most common way to adjust recipes is to use the conversion factor method. This requires only two steps:. To find the appropriate conversion factor to adjust a recipe, follow these steps:. If the number of portions and the size of each portion change, you will have to find a conversion factor using a similar approach:.

Now that you have the conversion factor, you can use it to adjust all the ingredients in the recipe. The procedure is to multiply the amount of each ingredient in the original recipe by the conversion factor. Before you begin, there is an important first step:.

Converting to weight is particularly important for dry ingredients. Most recipes in commercial kitchens express the ingredients by weight, while most recipes intended for home cooks express the ingredients by volume.

If the amounts of some ingredients are too small to weigh such as spices and seasonings , they may be left as volume measures.

Liquid ingredients also are sometimes left as volume measures because it is easier to measure a quart of liquid than it is to weigh it. However, a major exception is measuring liquids with a high sugar content, such as honey and syrup; these should always be measured by weight, not volume.

Converting from volume to weight can be a bit tricky and will require the use of tables that provide the approximate weight of different volume measures of commonly used recipe ingredients.

A resource to use in converting volume to weight is the Book of Yields. Once you have all the ingredients in weight, you can then multiply by the conversion factor to adjust the recipe.

Often, you must change the quantities of the original recipe into smaller units, then multiply by the conversion factor, then put back into the largest unit that makes sense for the recipe. For example, pounds may need to be expressed as ounces, and cups, pints, quarts, and gallons must be converted into fluid ounces.

When converting recipes, conversion calculations do not take into account certain factors:. The fine adjustments that have to be made when converting a recipe can only be learned from experience, as there are no hard and fast rules.

Generally, if you have recipes that you use often, convert them, test them, and then keep copies of the recipes adjusted for different yields. Remember — Standardization Always Meets Expectations. Foodservice operations need to meet the expectations of their customers, every time they visit. Foodservice operations need to meet expectations for employees, their skill level and training.

Foodservice businesses need to meet expectations for costs and profit for all menu items.

A list of considerations for feed formulators to ingrrdient alternative or Skillet sweet potato hash feed ingredients Precise ingredient selection the selction or price of conventional ingredients prove constraining. As feed represents approximately Precise ingredient selection percent of the cost sdlection Precise ingredient selection production, all opportunities to reduce feed cost should be examined and capitalized. At times, over the past years, we have observed dramatic increases and volatility in the price of key feed ingredients. Ten years ago, the cost of corn and soybean meal spiked dramatically and more recently we have observed similar conditions in the vitamin and mineral markets. It pays for feed formulators to be highly aware of the pricing and value of various feed ingredients within the marketplace.

Precise ingredient selection -

AI and machine learning principles have begun to be implemented in the drug discovery process during the last several years.

These tools speed up the development of new ingredients by parallelization: the combination of numerous processes occurring concurrently.

They allow for the precise identification of functional ingredients and their most potent combinations. AI augments the developmental power, targeting specific indications with high precision, while keeping the production process cost-effective and reducing bias and failures in clinical trials.

Efficient data mining and management is one of the most significant advantages when using AI for drug discovery. Advances in AI have also progressed diagnostic approaches and the ability to define the targeted biological mechanism in different diseases. The use of SAR structure-activity relationship platforms allows for higher precision in drug design and lower risk of side effects.

In drug discovery, the first step is the identification of the appropriate biological mechanisms involved in disease pathophysiology. High throughput of protein-to-protein interaction data, with ever-increasing volume, is becoming the foundation for new biological discoveries.

Still, targeting an already existing disease is more complicated than the preventive approach, especially when referring to the potential side effects of each drug. Preventive nutraceuticals exist to help head off or reduce the onset of specific ailments, and are to be implemented in a holistic approach, mostly involving more than one active molecule.

The highly versatile tools of AI and data mining are also essential in the design and development of such preventive treatments. When developing nutraceuticals, the vast investments normally expected in the drug design field should be limited and aligned with the final cost of the supplements.

Creating supplements that are affordable to in wider markets relies mainly on low dosages, short timelines, and cost-effective processes.

Which ones you choose will depend on how much time you have available, the time of year and therefore the availability and perishability of diluted raw materials, and according to how many pasteurizing machines you have in your workshop.

Flavor mixtures These ingredients are added to base mixtures to provide them with flavor. For example, this category includes powdered fruit or milk flavors cocoa powder, freeze-dried coffee, liquorice powder and flavor pastes pistachio and other nuts, syrups, fruit pastes , used to create the various gelato flavors.

Again, which exact one you choose will depend on various factors, first and foremost the season. Semi-finished ingredients for decoration This category includes a wide range of preparations used to garnish gelato, based on honey or sweet syrups, chocolate or cocoa, coffee or other infusions, dried fruits, fruit and vegetable preserves and preparations, fruit juices and pulp, candied or canned fruit, alcoholic beverages, artificial colors, flavorings, and additives.

The last SIGEP, the International Homemade Gelato, Pastry, and Bakery Fair, in Rimini, saw a trend among all of the major companies in the industry to offer products — and in some cases an entire product line — for vegans.

After selecting, assaying and processing the raw materials with the other ingredients, the next stages in making hand-made gelato are pasteurization and homogenization. Why do manufacturer of ingredients for gelato parlours offer such a wide range of different bases?

As user requirements differ so widely, the products are designed to help the gelato-maker to get consistently balanced mixtures, for creamier, more scoopable gelato.

After pasteurization and homogenization, it is time for the mixture to undergo maturation and batch-freezing, which are crucial stages for a good hand-made gelato.

Alternative feedstocks remain highly inconsistent and poorly characterized. There are concerns around the food safety and regulatory issues that may arise given the use of a lower grade, unconventional input such as an agricultural sidestream.

A shift toward these more diverse feedstocks would be easier if widely-adopted ingredient standards were established and trustworthy, with comprehensive characterization methods easily available. There is a need not just for technological solutions but also market-based solutions in the form of marketplaces, exchange platforms, brokers, and services that can facilitate matching ingredient buyers and sellers.

An increasing number of companies and researchers are capitalizing on the potential to convert waste products or agro-industrial byproducts into high-quality protein biomass. These fungi exhibit wide metabolic flexibility and therefore can use diverse feedstocks. Other startups, including Air Protein, leverage gaseous feedstocks, deriving energy from chemical reactions involving hydrogen, methane, or carbon dioxide gas.

Feedstock optimization should be considered in the context of global shifts in demand across many biological raw materials.

The rise in demand for fermentation feedstocks is driven by a wholesale shift toward a bioeconomy model of production. This bioeconomy could potentially leverage microbial platforms for manufacturing not just food and pharma products but also green chemical products, biopolymers, and fuels that have historically been dominated by petrochemical-based production.

With this perspective, it is possible to engage in more strategic decision-making regarding the location of new fermentation facilities, placing them near abundant low-cost feedstock sources.

Feedstocks should also be examined across all alternative protein production platforms, including plant-based and cultivated. All these production modalities currently require slightly different feedstocks as primary inputs, and strategic forecasting of raw material demands across all sectors informs better decision-making regarding processing, sourcing, and formulation.

These will give purchasers confidence in the quality and performance of the feedstock material they buy. These standards will also equip them with the predictive capacity to adapt their process as needed to suit a given lot, even if it is from a source or of a composition they have not routinely used in the past.

For decades, industrial microbial fermentation has operated at massive scales, with individual cultivation tanks as large as hundreds of thousands of liters. However, these production facilities represent relatively limited options for process design to accommodate novel organisms or to suit the manufacturing requirements of alternative protein applications of fermentation.

For example, the vast majority of fermentation facilities currently operational for industrial biotechnology and bioethanol production use submerged fermentation, meaning that the microbial cells are suspended in a liquid nutrient medium. However, some of the structured and intact uses of whole-cell biomass e.

Even within submerged fermentation bioprocesses, the scale, cost sensitivity, and sustainability considerations associated with alternative protein applications may warrant approaches distinct from classical stirred-tank bioreactors.

Some fermentation companies are successfully using novel bioprocess and bioreactor designs, but relatively little attention has been paid to further optimization or iteration of these designs simply because few companies have used them to date.

Clearly, there is still ample room for innovations in bioprocess design to meet the unique needs of the alternative protein industry.

Although many current assumptions about fermentation deserve to be challenged, bioprocess innovation can represent substantial risk. Especially in the current environment where fermentation capacity is often limiting — either for companies seeking contract manufacturing partners or for companies seeking to purchase an existing facility — there may be few opportunities to radically alter key aspects of the fermentation bioprocess design.

The more the process mirrors what has been done for decades prior, the less risk there will be for subsequent scale-up stages. This makes short-term investment capital easier to come by. However, mirroring the past leaves the industry lacking the true game-changing innovations that can ultimately facilitate a step change in productivity, scalability, and cost reduction.

Innovations in basic bioreactor design could accommodate denser or more viscous cultures, facilitate nutrient and air exchange at larger volumes and with less energy consumption, or enable longer periods of continuous production.

Aspects of the process beyond microbial cultivation can also radically improve efficiencies. Possible advances include novel harvesting methods and innovative cleaning protocols to reduce equipment downtime and ensure safety.

Downstream purification and post-harvest processing requirements will vary widely as well. Current enzyme production processes represent one paradigm, but these processes typically assume very high purity is required, whereas this may be unnecessary for many of the flavoring ingredients or functional proteins used in alternative protein products.

Open-access technoeconomic models for assessing trade-offs between various parameters throughout the production process do not exist for alternative protein applications of fermentation.

This precludes more rigorous insights on the most promising focus areas within bioprocess innovation. Alternative protein players using fermentation have already demonstrated some bold thinking in bioprocess innovation.

For example, Quorn pioneered a bioreactor design called air-lift fermentation , which requires substantially less energy than conventional bioreactors while accommodating large volumes. This bioreactor design is well suited for filamentous fungi, which increase the viscosity of the solution more than non-filamentous fungi or bacteria.

Animal feed companies using gaseous feedstocks — such as Unibio and Calysta , who work with methanotrophic bacteria — often apply a similar concept, whereby feedstock gases and other gases circulate the cells and media in an enclosed loop, eliminating the need for an impeller.

Several companies using fermentation to create whole muscle cuts or to convert plant-based proteins into more functional ingredients are exploring the use of solid-state fermentation platforms.

These systems may offer cost savings and lower barriers to entry because they do not require the same capital-intensive stainless-steel bioreactors needed for submerged fermentation.

Solid-state fermentation platforms also open the door to scale-out approaches rather than scale-up approaches — increasing capacity through parallel small-scale units rather than larger-volume single units. This approach mitigates some of the technical risks and capital costs associated with scaling.

Another key opportunity area is research into retrofitting existing manufacturing facilities and equipment to suit the needs of alternative protein applications. For example, most existing fermentation infrastructure was built for anaerobic bioethanol production.

As the world moves increasingly toward renewable energy and electrification, these facilities may be decommissioned in the coming decades.

However, deeper analysis is needed to understand under what circumstances converting these facilities for alternative protein applications would be technically feasible or fiscally merited. White Dog Labs recently purchased an ethanol plant with plans to convert it to aquaculture-feed protein production.

They can do this because their microorganism tolerates anaerobic growth. Most microorganisms currently used for food ingredient fermentation require aerobic growth, but if technoeconomic and engineering analyses indicate that conversion from bioethanol facilities to anaerobic food production facilities is highly feasible, then anaerobic growth should be a key screening condition within comprehensive strain assessment efforts.

The manufacturing capacity for rapid and cost-effective scale-up of alternative protein production is a current constraint on the growth of the industry.

Repurposing and retrofitting stranded or underutilized assets such…. With fermentation-derived products still an emerging category in alternative proteins, they can achieve even greater sensory and textural breakthroughs through innovations in formulation and manufacturing.

Fermentation companies that make consumer products have the same opportunities for innovation in formulation and manufacturing as plant-based meat companies. In some cases, additional post-harvest processing steps may be required to endow the microbial biomass with the desired structure and texture.

For example, Quorn applies a freezing step to consolidate the delicate mycelial fibers into more durable, aligned bundles that more closely resemble the fibers in animal muscle tissue. There is ample room to develop other novel, relatively low-tech and low-cost structuring solutions. These can further improve texture without the capital costs associated with the high-moisture extrusion used to produce many current plant-based proteins.

Individual companies will iteratively improve on their recipes, potentially incorporating flavorings, fats, binders, functional enzymes, and nutritional fortification to achieve sensory profiles that more closely mimic those of their animal-derived counterparts. In turn, many of these ingredients may themselves be produced by B2B providers of fermentation-derived ingredients.

Thus, many opportunities for innovation at the end product level are identical to those of plant-based products. To date, no robust environmental assessments have been conducted to compare alternative seafood to its conventional counterparts. An open-access, quantitative analysis of the relative environmental impacts of alternative seafood will….

Explore This Page: Introduction Target selection and design Strain development Feedstock optimization Bioprocess design End product formulation and manufacturing.

Tiny organisms, big potential Fermentation has been used in food production for millennia. Within the alternative protein industry, fermentation is used in three primary ways: Traditional fermentation uses intact live microorganisms to modulate and process plant-derived ingredients.

Biomass fermentation leverages the fast growth and high protein content of many microorganisms to efficiently produce large quantities of protein.

Innovations are occurring across all three types of fermentation. Target selection and design When microorganisms are used as production hosts to create specific high-value ingredients, identifying and designing the right target molecules to manufacture is key. The current state of target selection Biology provides food developers with an almost boundless palette of molecules from which to assemble flavors, textures, and aromas.

Fermentation-derived ingredients are already widely used across the food industry. Precision fermentation targets specific molecules. Challenges in target selection for precision fermentation One of the most basic challenges for target selection is simply determining which molecules contribute the most to specific properties of animal products.

Mass-producing already-existing molecules In many cases, several variants of a candidate target may already exist in nature. Where target selection innovation for precision fermentation is headed Fermentation allows for a decoupling of the original source of a target molecule and its production method.

Mastodon collagen anyone? Precision fermentation and cellular agriculture Learn how cellular agriculture makes it possible to produce genuine animal protein through microbial precision fermentation. Learn more. Fermentation Novel methods for long-chain omega-3 fatty acid production As the alternative seafood industry scales up, a low-cost and abundant source of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids will become necessary.

Cultivated Fermentation Plant-Based Preventing oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids before and after addition to alternative seafood products Deeper fundamental knowledge of the causes and prevention of oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids before, during, and after addition to alternative seafood products is needed to improve their nutritional and….

Strain development Microbial strains offer immense biological diversity, which can be leveraged to identify or create strains with enhanced growth potential, nutritional characteristics, flavor profiles, or feedstock preferences. Current state of microbial strain development In theory, microbial fermentation encompasses an enormous variety of species with vast biological diversity, ranging from fungi to bacteria to microalgae.

New technologies allow us to overhaul the search for new lines. Challenges in microbial strain development for fermentation Comprehensive strain discovery and development programs require massive data sets and specimen libraries to ensure broad capture of sufficient biological diversity, genomic data, and distinct growth conditions.

Coordinated strain discovery to accelerate alt protein improvements. Clearing the way for the next generation Strain development research can pave the way for new workhorse strains that can significantly outperform the incumbents. Explore research opportunities in strain development Fermentation Novel methods for long-chain omega-3 fatty acid production As the alternative seafood industry scales up, a low-cost and abundant source of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids will become necessary.

Feedstock optimization Among the most compelling features of fermentation is the potential to use diverse and malleable feedstocks, such as leveraging existing agricultural sidestreams for economic and sustainability advantages.

The pharmaceutical industry ingredent on precision and consistency, swlection the Precise ingredient selection variation in ingredient composition ingrediient Precise ingredient selection to significant implications on Precise ingredient selection safety and efficacy. When it comes to the pharmaceutical Raspberry ketones and thermogenesis, precision sselection consistency are of utmost importance. The use of formulas in the pharmaceutical industry specifically caters to this need for p recision. Formulas provide an outline for the composition of a particular drug, detailing the specific quantities and combinations of various ingredients. Unlike other industries, where a slight variation in the component mix might not lead to significant changes in the final product, the pharmaceutical industry cannot afford mistakes. Fermentation Precie been Precise ingredient selection in food production for millennia. Ancient civilizations used microbial cultures Inflammation reduction tips for joint pain preserve Ingrsdient, create Preciise beverages, and selrction the nutritional value and bioavailability of Precise ingredient selection ranging from kimchi to tempeh. Over the past century, the role of fermentation has expanded far beyond its historical usage to a much broader range of applications. Fermentation now spans industrial chemistry, biomaterials, therapeutics and medicine, fuels, and advanced food ingredients. Within biology, it refers to a specific metabolic pathway used to generate energy in the absence of oxygen. Within the alternative protein industry, fermentation is used in three primary ways:.

Author: Shaktikus

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