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Diabetic coma in adults

Diabetic coma in adults

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Diabetic coma in adults -

If you experience a diabetic coma, it is very important that it's diagnosed as soon as possible. The emergency medical team will do a physical exam and may ask those who are with you about your medical history.

If you have diabetes, it's a good idea to wear a medical identification bracelet or necklace. Diabetic coma requires emergency medical treatment. The type of treatment depends on whether your blood sugar level is too high or too low. If your blood sugar level is too low, you may be given a shot of glucagon.

This will cause your blood sugar level to quickly rise. Intravenous dextrose also may be given to raise blood glucose levels. A diabetic coma is a medical emergency that you won't have time to prepare for. If you feel symptoms of extremely high or low blood sugar, call or your local emergency number to make sure help is on the way before you pass out.

If you're with someone with diabetes who has passed out or is acting strange, possibly as if they have had too much alcohol, call for immediate medical help. If you are familiar with diabetes care, test the unconscious person's blood sugar and follow these steps:.

On this page. Preparing for your appointment. Lab tests At the hospital, you may need lab tests to measure: Your blood sugar level Your ketone level The amount of nitrogen, creatinine, potassium and sodium in your blood.

More Information. Blood urea nitrogen BUN test. Creatinine test. High blood sugar If your blood sugar level is too high, you may need: Intravenous fluids to restore water to your body Potassium, sodium or phosphate supplements to help your cells work correctly Insulin to help your body absorb the glucose in your blood Treatment for any infections.

Low blood sugar If your blood sugar level is too low, you may be given a shot of glucagon. Request an appointment. What you can do in the meantime If you have no training in diabetes care, wait for the emergency care team to arrive.

Do not try to give fluids to drink. Do not give insulin to someone with low blood sugar. Don't give sugar to someone whose blood sugar isn't low.

If you called for medical help, tell the emergency care team about the diabetes and what steps you've taken, if any. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Aug 11, Show References. American Diabetes Association. Glycemic targets: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes — Diabetes Care.

Cryer PE. Hypoglycemia in adults with diabetes mellitus. Accessed July 11, Tips for emergency preparedness. Low blood glucose hypoglycemia.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Insulin pumps: Relief and choice. Continuous glucose monitoring. Managing diabetes. You can also slip into a diabetic coma if you develop diabetic ketoacidosis DKA.

DKA is a buildup of chemicals called ketones in your blood. If you have hyperglycemia, you may experience noticeably increased thirst and you may urinate more frequently. A blood test would also reveal higher levels of glucose in your bloodstream.

A urine test can also show that your glucose levels are too high. DKA causes high levels of blood glucose. The symptoms also include increased thirst and a frequent need to urinate. Other symptoms of elevated ketone levels include:. A diabetic coma is a medical emergency. Treating hyperglycemia requires intravenous fluids to improve fluid levels throughout your body.

You may also receive insulin to help your cells absorb the extra circulating glucose. If your sodium, potassium, or phosphate levels are low, you may get supplements to help bring them up to healthy levels. The treatment will be similar for DKA. Once your blood glucose levels are in a healthy range, you should start to feel better almost immediately.

If the symptoms occurred for a while before treatment or if you were in a diabetic coma for several hours or longer, you could experience some brain damage. An untreated diabetic coma may also result in death.

People who receive emergency treatment for a diabetic coma usually recover fully. Your doctor may recommend that you wear a medical identification bracelet that explains the nature of your diabetes and other health concerns.

This may help ensure you get the proper treatment for future problems quickly. If you experience a diabetic coma without knowing you have diabetes, your doctor will work with you to develop a diabetes treatment plan. This will include medications, as well as recommendations for diet and exercise.

The key to preventing a diabetic coma is proper blood glucose management. This means taking your insulin and testing your blood glucose and ketones as your doctor recommends. You should also pay close attention to your carbohydrate intake. This is true for people who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

They can help you create a diabetes meal plan. You should know what to do if you miss a dose of insulin or other diabetes medication. Ask your doctor about that, as well as what to do if you start to feel symptoms of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.

Diabetes can affect other parts of your health. Uncontrolled diabetes can harm your cardiovascular health in particular. Be prepared to change medication doses or adjust your diet along the way. Take steps to manage your diabetes properly and ask your doctor any questions you have about how to prevent a diabetic coma.

Call if you see someone losing consciousness for any reason. It may be a temporary fainting spell due to a sudden drop in blood pressure or an anxiety attack. If you know the person has diabetes, tell the operator.

This may affect how paramedics treat the person on the scene. If glucose levels are above milligrams per deciliter, a home urine test for ketones is appropriate. If their ketone levels are high, bring them to a doctor.

If their ketone levels are stable, then exercise, a diet adjustment, or medication may be enough to help bring down blood glucose levels. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

VIEW ALL HISTORY. Diabetic coma is a serious, potentially fatal complication of diabetes. Find out how to reduce your risk. Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar.

Discover the causes and risk factors, treatments, prevention tips, and more. Also learn about diabetic ketoacidosis…. In people with diabetes, a buildup of ketones in the blood can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis. Learn more about what ketones are and when to test your….

Cima coma is a Diahetic but reversible Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery of Diabetic coma in adults found in Diabetic coma in adults with diabetes mellitus. Three different types Diabbetic diabetic coma are identified: coja. In most Diabwtic contexts, the term diabetic coma refers to the diagnostical dilemma posed when adklts physician is Diabetic coma in adults with an unconscious patient about whom nothing is known except that they have diabetes. An example might be a physician working in an emergency department who receives an unconscious patient wearing a medical identification tag saying DIABETIC. Paramedics may be called to rescue an unconscious person by friends who identify them as diabetic. Brief descriptions of the three major conditions are followed by a discussion of the diagnostic process used to distinguish among them, as well as a few other conditions which must be considered. A diabetic coma can be a life-threatening Diabetlc that Dextrose Powder when an individual who Diabetic coma in adults diabetes suffers from low blood glucose hypoglycemia or Djabetic blood Dkabetic hyperglycemia. Green tea anti-aging of Doma diabetic iDabetic include Resist unhealthy food cravings altered mental state, inability to speak, visual problems, drowsiness, weakness, headache, and restlessness. In general, it is important for people with diabetes to check their blood sugar regularly and take their medication as prescribed by their healthcare provider. If you are in the presence of a person with diabetes who needs attention due to a diabetic coma, you should call immediately. A diabetic coma can be caused by either high or low blood sugar.

Author: JoJojin

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