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Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery

Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery

Musccle any Citrrus Protein Baking Mixes, Get 1 Free. Dig Dis Anti-aging innovations. Fruir of uspplement soreness was reported dupplement h after exercise, Anti-aging innovations to the general knowledge that muscle soreness peaks Performance diet for food allergies h or 48 h after damaging exercise [ 1 ]. Citrus fruits contain flavonoids, which are plant-based compounds with powerful antioxidant properties. A review suggested that a plant-based diet was beneficial in improving levels of proteins that stimulate inflammation response. Fruits such as berries, bananas, and cherries, along with vegetables like spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes, are known for their ability to promote muscle recovery and enhance muscle growth. Fruits and vegetables are known for their rich nutrient content, including essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that can support overall health and well-being.

Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery -

The evening before the study days, subjects ate a standardized dinner low in polyphenols noodles with cheese sauce. During the study days, they received a standardized breakfast cereal bars and a standardized snack white wheat roll with butter and cheese. Amount and time were also standardized.

Alcohol intake and exhaustive activities were prohibited 48 h before the study days until 96 h after the exhaustive exercise. Subjects were asked for changes in nutrition habits and sportive activity at the end of the study.

Subjects were randomly assigned to the study groups and stratified by gender after assessing eligibility during screening. To ensure double-blind performance, the randomization scheme was created by the sponsor using the software Randlist. All subjects, the investigator, and study staff involved in study performance, and data analysis were blinded until database lock.

Disposition of subjects is summarized in Fig. The investigated commercial product Recoverben® batch number 16P is a proprietary lemon verbena extract obtained by water extraction out of organic dried lemon verbena leaves. is a member of the family Verbenaceae. The extract is hydrophilic and can easily be dissolved in water, and has a high ORAC level of Lemon verbena extract Recoverben® as well as the placebo were formulated in capsules, matching in size and color, and were supplied by Vital Solutions GmbH, Germany.

Each capsule contained mg lemon verbena extract or placebo maltodextrin. All subjects were instructed to take two capsules daily in the morning. Products were consumed 10 days before an exhaustive exercise test, during the test day and four days after the test. The ingredient is safe for human consumption and its quality complies with EU legislation concerning hygiene, contaminants, and maximum residue levels of pesticides of foodstuff [ 31 , 32 ].

Additionally, the extract has been tested for and shown to be free of banned substances by a specialist anti-doping laboratory LGC Limited, UK , therefore demonstrating suitability as a sports nutrition product. In the current study, maximal eccentric loading of the lower extremity was induced by an intensive jump-protocol 10 days after the start of supplementation, which was modified based on a jump protocol used previously [ 33 ].

The countermovement jumps were performed in 10 sets of 20 jumps every four seconds with 90 s rest between sets. Knee joint angle between the jumps had to be 90°, which was controlled by the observer.

At the end of the test, rating of perceived exertion RPE was obtained using the Borg RPE scale [ 34 ]. Borg RPE scale and jump repetitions were used to ensure subjective exhaustion after exercise and to control comparability of jump protocol between groups. Massive deviation from jump protocol was defined as exclusion criteria from VCAS analysis for exclusion of confounding factors.

Changes in muscle function appear to be the best marker for the degree of exercise induced muscle damage [ 1 ]. Therefore, in the current study, MVC was investigated by assessing isometric strength of the M. quadriceps femoris, with 90° knee angle, using a dynamometer KM40 2kN from ME-Messsysteme GmbH and a strength chair from fasttwitch, TTI GmbH.

Subjects were fixed in a seated position with a hip belt, had their arms crossed in front of the chest, and had the free leg hanging without contact to any surface to reduce support by other body parts during the test. Before each measurement, subjects performed a 3 min warm-up level 7, 70 rpm on a cycle ergometer Crane Power Studio Ergometer.

The strength measurement was performed for the dominant leg. This was identified at screening by a shove-test, where the subject was pushed unexpected by the observer and the leg which was used by subject to balance was defined as dominant leg.

All examinations were performed in triplicates, immediately before and 3, 24, and 48 h after the exhaustive exercise protocol. The highest value was used for analysis. Subjects were familiarized to the measurement at screening.

For each subject, the settings of the strength chair position of back rest, leg rest and position of measurement arm were documented. All further measurements were performed with the individual settings.

First measurement was performed during screening visit to avoid training effects during study visits. Variability was checked between screening and pre-exercise measurement. Subjects were asked to sit down into and get up from a chair and to rate the pain they experienced in doing so using a mm visual analogue scale VAS , which consisted of a from zero mm no pain to mm worst imaginable pain.

This assessment was conducted immediately before and 3, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after the exhaustive exercise protocol. Using VAS is frequently described in literature for assessing acute exercise induced pain [ 2 , 33 , 35 ].

A seven point retrospective pain questionnaire 7 point Likert-scale for muscle soreness by Vickers et al. The subjects were asked to answer the questionnaire immediately before the exhaustive exercise and 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after the jump test.

Different biomarkers were analyzed to evaluate muscle damage and antioxidative capacity to describe exercise-induced oxidative stress.

CK is a biomarker for muscle damage typically increased after intense exervcise. In our study, CK was determined from blood samples obtained before and 3, 24, and 48 h after the exhausting exercise protocol.

Analyses were carried out at Synlab Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Leinfelden using an enzymatic-kinetic test method [ 37 ]. Exercise training is accompanied with oxidative stress via production of reactive oxygen species ROS , and modulating the endogenous antioxidant defense system, including GPx.

In a healthy organism, exercise induces GPx levels, inactivating ROS and maintain them in physiological levels [ 38 , 39 ]. The determination in plasma GPxP was carried out at the study lab via GPx-Assay-Kit Cayman Chemical Company, Ann Arbor, MI, USA pre-exercise and 3, 24, and 48 h post exercise.

IL-6 is a multifunctional cytokine involved in pro- as well as anti-inflammatory processes. Exercise-induced IL6 response is dependent on intensity and duration of the exercise [ 40 ]. At each visit, changes in physical conditions since the last visit were reviewed with subjects. Based on entries in subject diaries, complete blood count, and adverse events were assessed.

Tolerability of the study product was assessed 96 h after exercise, and at the end of study. The study was planned as an exploratory trial. Sample size was calculated based on different studies observing the effects of lemon verbena and using a similar design [ 19 , 35 ]. With these suggestions, a total sample size of 36 subjects was calculated.

Objectives were the difference of muscle strength, muscle soreness, retrospective pain, CK, IL-6, and glutathione peroxidase after exhaustive exercise under lemon verbena in comparison to placebo. Data were analyzed using SAS Version 9.

All statistical tests were performed two-sided. Significance level was set to 0. For evaluation of treatment effects, a linear mixed model with repeated measures was used.

For retrospective pain, a generalized linear mixed model with Poisson-distribution for count data was used. Due to explorative data analysis, no correction for multiple comparison was performed. Gender, its interaction with treatment and the respective pre value was included as covariates for the biomarkers and MVC.

For movement induced pain and retrospective pain only gender and its interaction with treatment were defined as covariates. Changes within groups were assessed using one way ANOVA or Friedmann test, as appropriate. All efficacy parameters were checked for baseline differences.

Results presented below refer on valid case analysis set VCAS. Out of 44 subjects allocated to intervention, 40 subjects 19 men and 21 women completed the study according to the protocol full analysis set; FAS. Four subjects dropped out after start of supplementation and before efficacy testing.

Three of these suffered from a common cold, which did not allow them to perform the exhaustive exercise test, and one dropped out due to personal decision. Thirty-seven subjects were analyzed for valid case analysis set VCAS.

One subject had a strong common cold during the exhaustive exercise test, which may have influenced biomarker results.

Another subject did not meet compliance criteria for study product intake and the third subject had major deviation of the exhaustive exercise protocol. As these three subjects did meet exclusion criteria for VCAS analysis, they were not considered in final analysis VCAS.

Gender, age, BMI, blood routine markers, and blood pressure did not differ significantly between the groups prior to the study. Subject characteristics are summarized in Table 2.

The nutrition frequency questionnaire scores were Intake of fruit and vegetables, as supplier for polyphenols, were comparable between groups. The protocol compliance of study product intake was very good. Therefore, burden of subjects by the exhaustive exercise and jump protocol was comparable between groups, so a comparable stress could be expected.

In the lemon verbena group, muscle strength was completely back to baseline after 48 h, whereas strength was still reduced at that time point in the placebo group.

Maximal voluntary contraction. Retrospective pain was comparable between groups without significant difference Fig. Both groups showed significant increase in soreness 24, 48, and 72 h after exercise in relation to pre-exercise. Movement induced pain. Retrospective pain.

Creatine kinase. In the lemon verbena group, CK was significantly increased above baseline at 24 h but not 3- or h post-exercise. In contrast, the placebo group showed significant elevations of CK at all three time points relative to baseline.

Glutathione peroxidase. Only distinct increase of IL-6 could be observed after exercise, without significant differences but high inter-individual variability. Blood chemistry, vital signs, adverse events, and concomitant medication did not indicate any safety concerns over 15 days.

None of the adverse events were serious or related to the study products. The intervention was well tolerated. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementing with mg of lemon verbena extract Recoverben® on muscle strength and recovery in healthy, moderately active adults.

We found that consumption of lemon verbena significantly attenuated loss of muscle strength compared to placebo. Muscle strength loss is considered a reliable and valid functional marker for assessing muscle damage [ 1 ].

Therefore, our preliminary findings suggest that lemon verbena may reduce exercise-induced muscle damage. It is generally accepted that two to seven days are necessary for full recovery following exercise induced muscle damage [ 1 ].

Furthermore, complete recovery was reached after 48 h. Based on these findings, lemon verbena appears to not only speed recovery, but also reduce fatigue directly after exercise.

These results were reflected by findings for perceived muscle soreness. Movement induced pain, which estimated actual perceived pain showed discrimination between study groups with slight superiority of lemon verbena extract by trend. The less pronounced muscle damage, seen by significantly less reduction of MVC, seems to be reflected by less perceived pain under lemon verbena extract if compared to placebo.

Maximum of muscle soreness was reported 48 h after exercise, fitting to the general knowledge that muscle soreness peaks 24 h or 48 h after damaging exercise [ 1 ]. The extent of muscle soreness was medium for both groups, supporting that the exercise protocol caused mild to moderate muscle damage.

After 96 h, subjects were, on average, not completely painless, even if muscle strength at that time was already recovered in this group.

However, the same phenomenon has already been observed by others [ 9 , 33 ]. Increasing concentration of CK in the blood is an indication of muscle damage, being frequently used in sports nutrition studies [ 9 , 35 ]. The time course of CK increase peaked at 24 h after exercise, which is comparable to findings reported in literature [ 9 , 35 ].

Exercise-induced increases in CK are known to exhibit high interindividual variability, with some people showing large increases responders and others showing only moderate increases non-responders [ 1 ].

In our study, high levels of interindividual variation in CK concentrations were present, which could explain why we failed to observe a significant between-group difference despite other markers of muscle damage, such as MVC, favoring the lemon verbena group.

Many research studies have shown that supplementation with dietary polyphenols has the potential to positively influence symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage [ 2 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 41 , 19 ].

However, underlying processes are still unclear and it is not sure if antioxidative effects are the primarily mechanisms [ 41 ]. Furthermore, the benefit of reducing oxidative stress has been discussed diversely [ 41 , 42 ].

Increased of oxidative stress can lead to progressive cell damage and decline in physical function [ 42 , 43 ]. However, ROS act as biological stimuli in cellular processes of adaption to training [ 41 , 42 ] and cells can adapt to repetitive increases of ROS by improving antioxidant capacity [ 44 , 45 ].

During the current study, glutathione peroxidase in plasma was selected as a parameter to supply information about antioxidative capacity. Our results indicate an activation of the antioxidative defense under lemon verbena extract by up-regulating GPxP shortly after exercise.

In contrast to this, baseline GPxP was not increased by supplementation with lemon verbena extract. Therefore, it appears, that supplementation with lemon verbena extract strengthens the antioxidative defense system and enables effective counteraction of oxidative stress, but only if needed.

Both groups experienced significant exercise-induced increases in IL-6 without significant difference between one another. Some evidence suggests that changes in IL-6 depend in part on exercise intensity and duration [ 1 , 46 , 40 ].

Similar results were found in other human studies investigating natural ingredients for effects of muscle strength and muscle damage, such as ashwagandha extract [ 47 ], curcumin [ 48 ], pomegranate extract [ 10 ], and blueberry [ 2 ].

These natural ingredients are high in polyphenols, a trait shared by lemon verbena. It has been proposed, that polyphenols could be useful to prevent muscle damage or improve recovery [ 4 ].

The major biological functions of polyphenols are as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Enhanced production of vasodilation factors and the inhibition of synthesis of vasoconstrictors have also been shown [ 49 ]. These could be additionally beneficial by improving tissue oxygen supply and removal of metabolic waste products.

The proprietary lemon verbena extract Recoverben® investigated in the current study has shown anti-inflammatory effects [ 26 ] and is characterized by a high polyphenol content and high ORAC level. Influences by trend on muscle soreness and antioxidative capacity emphasizes the potential of the product accelerating recovery after exhaustive exercise.

Larger studies could provide statistical evidence also for the parameter, which only showed improvements by trend in the study. Paulsen G, Mikkelsen UR, Raastad T, Peake JM. Leucocytes, cytokines and satellite cells: what role do they play in muscle damage and regeneration following eccentric exercise?

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Citrus musce supplements are made from citrus fkr. Citrus Anti-aging innovations supplements are most commonly used to increase metabolism. Although Senior nutrition tips bioflavonoid Anti-aging innovations alone will not help Cktrus lose weight, they can give you the boost you need with proper diet and exercise. Citrus bioflavonoid supplements can benefit your overall health and be extremely beneficial to athletes and bodybuilders. If you feel good, you can train longer and harder. Since citrus bioflavonoid supplements are a natural supplement, the side effects are minimal. Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery

Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery -

Broccoli and okra are also good sources of calcium. Almonds contain a significant amount of calcium. Sunlight is an excellent source.

Egg yolks are a good source of Vitamin D. Fatty fish such as sardines, herring, salmon and mackerel are also good sources. Red meat and liver contain Vitamin D. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with Vitamin D. Hard cheeses such as cheddar contain Vitamin D. Carrots are also an excellent source of Vitamin A.

Leafy greens contain significant amounts of Vitamin A. Broccoli also contains Vitamin A. Spinach is another good source of Vitamin E. It is found it nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils. Asparagus, mango, pumpkin and red bell peppers are also good vegetable sources of Vitamin E.

Blackberries, raspberries, dark cherries, and blood oranges are other fruits that contain anthocynanins. They are also found in red cabbage, purple potatoes and carrots. They can be found in purple or darkly tinted plants such as purple or black rice, or black soy. Other vegetable sources include celery, lettuce, radishes, spinach and bok choy.

Animal sources of nitrates such as ham should be avoided — those nitrates are added to meats through processing, and do not occur naturally. Blog Archives November How Can Physiotherapy Help With Arthritis?

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If you have any questions, please Contact Us. The burning sensation during strenuous exercise may be related to the buildup of lactic acid in our muscles. Find out in Reducing Muscle Soreness with Berries. For more on what citrus phytonutrients can do, see Keeping your Hands Warm with Citrus.

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Journal of the Fruif Society recovry Sports Nutrition volume 15Recofery number: 5 Cite this Citrus fruit supplement for muscle recovery. Rexovery details. Exhaustive exercise Gor muscle damage accompanied by oxidative stress and inflammation leading Turmeric health products muscle fatigue and muscle soreness. Lemon verbena leaves, commonly used as tea and refreshing beverage, demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a proprietary lemon verbena extract Recoverben® on muscle strength and recovery after exhaustive exercise in comparison to a placebo product. The study was performed as a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study with parallel design.

Author: Vudoramar

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