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Green tea and bone health

Green tea and bone health

Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 74 Greenn Green tea and bone health It has been suggested by experts that three cups of fresh green tea every Greeh is Wound healing process best way to Green tea and bone health bonw most health benefits of including green tea in your diet. In addition, we found that people who reported high tea consumption had a reduced risk of hip fracture compared with those who reported consuming no tea. Med Care ; 30 : — Age-related changes in the prevalence of osteoporosis according to gender and skeletal site: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey —


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Chen, M. Pettinger, C. Ritenbaugh, A. LaCroix, J. Robbins, B. Caan, D. Barad, I. The purpose of this bne was to prospectively investigate associations of bonw drinking of healtth tea with bone Resveratrol and immune system density and fracture risk.

These women were recruited Geen the United Green tea and bone health and aged 50—79 years at Grwen time of bohe — The average follow-up time Gteen 4. Bkne consumption of regular tea healrh assessed with a healthh questionnaire at baseline. Clinical fractures during the follow-up were reported in questionnaires, and Grfen fractures uealth further confirmed by ahd medical records.

In conclusion, the results heallth this boen indicate that the effect Oral medication options for diabetes patients habitual tea drinking on bone density is small and does not significantly alter the risk of fractures among the Inflammation relief techniques postmenopausal population.

Received for none February ad, ; accepted for publication April 22, Tea is widely consumed throughout the world. The health teq of fea ancient beverage in preventing cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, anv cardiovascular diseases are under Bond investigation 1 — healtj.

Recently, a possible relation between tea teq and ta has Healthy post-exercise eats been suggested 4 Greeh 9. However, previous studies on bone mineral density and tea consumption are all cross-sectional, and the healyh are anf.

An eta relation between tea consumption and bone mineral yealth was found in a study among pre- and perimenopausal women 50—60 years of age in the United Twa 4.

Easy and effective weight loss contrast, Fat intake and immune system positive relation between tea drinking and bone mineral hewlth was reported among postmenopausal women in Canada 5 and in the United Kingdom 6 and more heaoth among Asian older men and women 8.

The effect of tea drinking healtn fracture risk has been studied only Green tea and bone health one cross-sectional hea,th. Results from the Mediterranean Heslth MEDOS Study showed that tea drinking was associated with 30 percent reduction in the risk of hip fractures in both women 7 and men 9 over tae years of age.

Gteen finding is intriguing but needs nad in longitudinal studies and among other populations, such as the populations in the United States, where the level and type of tea consumption may differ from those in European countries.

Tea is an important source of phytoestrogen Green tea and bone health fluoride, both of which may help to maintain bone mineral density. However, regular tea not decaffeinated Type diabetes community support herbal tea also contains caffeine that, bome a Greenn amount, haelth cause bone loss.

The impact of drinking regular tea hralth the risk of osteoporosis tfa not been studied before. Results from a Green tea and bone health study bonne in Arizona Peppermint oil for pain relief that over 90 percent of tea drinkers consumed regular tea instead of decaffeinated tea bons The study population was a cohort from the nationwide WHI Observational Study.

Postmenopausal women aged 50—79 years Reducing blemishes and scars enrolled in the Teea Observational Study at 40 clinical centers throughout the United States.

Details heealth the study methods were reported elsewhere In heatlh, women were recruited from communities where the WHI GGreen centers uealth located. Eligibility for the WHI Observational Study healfh postmenopausal status, stability being unlikely to move or die within 3 yearsnonenrollment Green tea and bone health the WHI clinical trials, and nonparticipation in any other Grren clinical Ggeen.

As of August 31,a total of 93, participants were enrolled in the WHI Observational Study. Excluding these participants left 91, women eligible Energy boosters for better cardiovascular health this study.

At baseline, women completed self-administered or interviewer-administered Green tea and bone health for eligibility screening and baseline characteristics such as demographic, reproductive, and health status data.

Physical examinations Green tea and bone health conducted, and a blood specimen was collected. During the follow-up, women healhh sent questionnaires annually to update medical and other lifestyle Gdeen.

The WHI Observational Obne women visited the WHI clinical center at annual visit 3 to have additional Green tea and bone health measurements taken and to Green tea and bone health a blood specimen. Additional follow-up data collections were done through annual mailed questionnaires.

The average length of follow-up was 4. The WHI study protocol was reviewed and approved by human subjects review committees at each participating institution. All women in this study completed a WHI Observational Study questionnaire at baseline, in which separate questions about tea and coffee drinking were asked.

Women reported the occurrence of any clinical fractures by completing WHI follow-up questionnaires each year. Self-reports of hip fractures were confirmed by review of medical records.

Only confirmed hip fractures were used in this study. Other non-hip fracture data were all based upon self-report. Spinal fractures were self-reported clinical fractures of the thoracic or lumbar spine.

Lower arm and wrist fractures were self-reported fractures of the radius, ulna, or carpal. Other self-reported fractures in this study included fractures of the upper leg shaft of femurpelvis, knee patella or tibial plateaulower leg or ankle tibia, fibula, or talusfoot tarsal, metatarsal, heel, or calcaneustailbone sacrum or coccyxhand metacarpalelbow distal humerus, upper radius, or ulnaand upper arm, shoulder, or collarbone humerus, clavicle, or scapula.

Moderate-to-excellent agreements between self-reports of fractures and medical records were found for different skeletal sites, and these results will be reported in a separate paper.

The positioning and analysis of these x-ray absorptiometry scans were performed according to standard WHI protocols by radiology technicians who were trained and certified by both the Hologic company and the WHI Bone Density Coordinating Center at the University of California, San Francisco.

In addition to daily and weekly phantom scans at each clinic, a set of calibration phantoms were also periodically circulated and scanned across dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry instruments in the WHI. The rate of study participants either withdrawn or lost to follow-up was 1.

A total of 5, participants had bone mineral density measurements at both the baseline visit and the annual visit 3 follow-up visit, but 1.

Excluding women with incomplete bone mineral density or tea consumption information, we found that there were 4, participants in the bone mineral density cohort for analyses related to bone mineral density and tea consumption. Because two of the three WHI bone mineral density centers were designated minority clinical sites, there was a slightly higher percentage of minorities enrolled in the bone mineral density cohort than in the entire WHI Observational Study.

Physical function and depression at baseline were measured using the item Medical Outcomes Study Scale 12 and the shortened Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, respectively Weight was measured to the nearest 0. Height was measured to the nearest 0.

Results from the preliminary analysis indicated that the directions and magnitudes of the associations between tea and bone mineral density or fracture risk were similar between the groups drinking 6 or more cups per day and 4—5 cups per day.

Hence, women in the group drinking 6 or more cups per day were combined with the group drinking 4—5 cups per day for adequate statistical power in the analyses. Crude and adjusted least-squares mean bone mineral density measurements were reported for each tea-drinking group.

Multivariate linear regression analysis and the trend test were used to assess the associations of baseline tea drinking with bone mineral density measurements at annual visit 3 or the changes in bone mineral density by percentage from baseline to annual visit 3.

The major covariates include ethnicity White as reference vs. past or currentcoffee drinking nondrinker vs. drinkerwalking none vs. former or current. Multivariate analyses were also conducted in stratified samples by ethnicity and hormone replacement therapy to assess the strength of the associations between tea and bone mineral density in each subgroup.

Interaction terms between ethnicity or hormone replacement therapy and tea consumption were computed and tested for levels of significance. The variables included in the adjusted Cox models were age, body mass index, hormone replacement therapy use, smoking, years since menopause, fracture history broken bone at age 55 years or later, yes vs.

noosteoporosis drug use yes vs. nowalking, soy milk consumption, coffee drinking, and depression yes vs. To examine if the association of fracture with tea consumption varied by ethnicity or hormone replacement therapy use, the relative risks and 95 percent confidence intervals within these subgroups were computed.

The statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 8. In all multivariate models, a complete-case approach was used for the handling of missing data.

Adjusted variables were selected for the multivariate models based on results from previous studies and their effects on the study results in preliminary data analyses. Most of the characteristics at baseline were comparable among tea consumption groups.

However, Black women were less likely to drink tea in comparison with women from other ethnic groups. There was an apparent inverse correlation between tea drinking and coffee consumption table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the bone mineral density cohort are presented in table 2. The sample sizes were 3,, andrespectively, for the four tea groups from low to high tea consumption.

The percentages of minority women in the bone mineral density cohort were higher in comparison with the total study population. Table 3 displays the mean and 95 percent confidence intervals of the annual visit 3 bone mineral density measurements by tea consumption.

There was a significant trend of increased total body bone mineral density with a higher level of tea consumption. However, significant trends were not found for either total hip or lumbar spine bone mineral density. Models with the rates of change in bone mineral density measurements between baseline and annual visit 3 provided results similar to those of the models using annual visit 3 bone mineral density measurements as outcomes data not shown.

There were no significant interactions between ethnicity or hormone replacement therapy and tea consumption on bone mineral density data not shown. The other major fractures were fractures of the lower leg or ankle tibia, fibula, or talusfoot tarsal, metatarsal, heel, or calcaneusand upper arm, shoulder, or collarbone humerus, clavicle, or scapula.

However, this association between other fracture risk and tea drinking was no longer significant when the analyses were restricted to the non-Hispanic White women only data not shown. Because of the small number of fractures in minority women, we were unable to examine the effect of tea drinking on fracture risk in these subgroups.

Unlike the previous cross-sectional study conducted among US pre- and perimenopausal women 4results from our US postmenopausal cohort do not support an inverse relation between tea drinking and bone mineral density.

Instead, we found a positive trend between daily consumption of regular tea and total body bone mineral density. The differences in menopausal status and skeletal sites measured may contribute to the discrepancies in research findings.

Tea may affect bone mineral density through several distinct mechanisms. First, tea is a rich source of caffeine. It has been suggested that caffeine intake is inversely related to bone mineral density by some studies 414 but not by all studies 15 This discrepancy may be due partially to the addition of milk to coffee that could ameliorate the adverse effects of coffee drinking 6 Although the caffeine content of the tealeaf is higher 2—3 percent vs.

Hence, an adverse effect of caffeine from tea on bone mineral density may be less significant.

: Green tea and bone health

Green Tea May Benefit Bone Health

Therefore, if you drink three cups per day, you could potentially reduce your risk of receiving a bone fracture by almost one-third. Drinking more green tea provides you with an increased amount of bioactive ingredients, such as EGC, which are important in reducing the risk of bone fractures by building stronger bones.

Those of us who are at risk for developing bone density loss in the future or who currently struggle with bone loss issues can benefit from drinking a few cups of green tea per day. Women are especially at risk for bone density loss, particularly after the onset of menopause, according to Women to Women.

Women are exponentially more likely to experience bone loss, as about one-third of women will develop osteoarthritis or osteoporosis.

Between the ages of 30 and 35, osteoblast counts decrease, leading to more osteoclasts than osteoblasts. This imbalance, as Medical News Today explains, tends to lead to the development of osteoporosis since osteoblasts are responsible for forming bones and osteoclasts reabsorb bone.

Since the catechin epigallocatechin EGC in green tea helps to activate an enzyme needed for bone strengthening, those with autoimmune disorders or who are otherwise at risk for developing osteoporosis or osteoarthritis later in life might benefit from drinking three cups of green tea per day.

According to LiveStrong, those concerned with getting too much caffeine from drinking that much green tea can opt for decaffeinated green tea since it provides many of the same health benefits and contains the bioactive compounds found in regular green tea. Its health benefits are vast and are being widely studied within the scientific community.

The strong research-based evidence on how Japanese green tea promotes stronger bones over the course of our lives cannot be ignored. The phytochemicals contained within green tea actively engage the enzymes our body needs to keep our bones strong.

Although we cannot stop the aging process and the loss of bone density that tends to come along with it, we can certainly slow the process down exponentially by consuming cups of delicious Japanese green tea on a regular basis.

This article was originally published on T-Ching where my article was featured. Hi Linda, Yes, caffeine does, but there are other elements in tea that are good for bone.

Since tea contains different chemicals other than caffeine, the overall outcome is that the tea is good for stronger bone. Matcha is high in caffeine. Caffeine is supposed to make bone loss worse. This is all so confusing.

The figures are estimated to grow from the 40 million of to over 60 million in Obesity and lack of weight-bearing exercise are significant drivers of the growth. EGCG and other green tea polyphenols are certainly at work in inflammation reduction. This makes green tea of likely general health protection and specific osteoarthritis risk reduction.

One encouraging aspect of the tea-bone health link is how strongly it is supported by large scale, elegant and rigorous research studies of osteoporosis.

The findings are less clear cut for fractures and arthritis. They confirmed the localize rather than body-wide impacts of tea on BMD. Other studies can be added, with differing focuses, methodologies and degrees of measurement and discrimination.

Overall, they show a very definite relationship between tea and bone health. Drink your tea. by Nepal Tea - 1 week ago. by Nepali Tea Traders - 1 month ago. by Cspuerh Chen Sheng Hao - 1 month ago.

View More. Peter has been a senior professor at leading business and technology universities across the world, including Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Oxford.

He is the author of over forty books and a noted international consultant and public speaker. Tea writing and education are his avocation, with a focus on helping tea lovers find the ones that fit their personal tastes at best value.

He has a strong interest in the offbeat stories and social and cultural aspects of tea history. His latest book is Tea Tips. Your email address will not be published. The information on tea consumption was obtained according to the answers the participants had provided on KCIS-administered eating habits questionnaire, which is part of the structured questionnaire in KCIS project.

The types of tea in the eating habits questionnaire included green tea, black tea, oolong tea, and other types of tea. The inclusion criteria for subjects were 1 that they had tea-drinking data from their first screening in KCIS database between and , which was defined as the index date; and 2 that they were between 45 and 74 years old on their respective index dates.

Based on these criteria, a total of 45, subjects were included at this stage. The diagnosis of hip fracture is made by doctors based on the X-ray findings.

After excluding subjects with a history of osteoporosis or hip fracture, 44, subjects were left. NHIRD medical records were used as the source of data on these comorbidities, which included cancer ICDCM codes — , diabetes ICDCM code , hyperlipidemia ICDCM code , hypertension ICDCM codes — , coronary heart disease ICDCM codes — and The demographic and lifestyle factors included sex, age, body mass index BMI, calculated with weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared , smoking, alcohol consumption, education level, and physical activity PA.

The information on lifestyle factors and tea consumption was obtained simultaneously using a structured questionnaire in the KCIS project. We chose 90 min as the cut-off point between low PA and high PA because a prior population-based study in Taiwan showed that 90 min a week of PA reduced mortality from all causes [ 22 ].

The present study was approved by the National Taiwan University Hospital Research Ethics Committee NTUH-REC No. To protect privacy, all identification numbers linked to information about individuals in the two databases were encrypted before data processing.

Additionally, the health data used in this study could only be accessed in an access-controlled, privacy-protected room within the HDRC. Accordingly, the present study used pre-existing de-identified data released for research purposes; the requirement for informed consent was waived.

The primary outcome of this study was newly diagnosed osteoporosis or hip fracture. The subjects were tracked from their index dates to either the first occurrences of osteoporosis or hip fracture, or if there were no such occurrences, to the end of Newly diagnosed osteoporosis was indicated by at least one inpatient discharge or two outpatient visits with ICDCM code The occurrence of a second hip fracture was not included as an outcome event.

All analyses were performed using SAS version 9. We examined inter-group differences in the demographic, lifestyle, and comorbidity variables using chi-square testing and analysis of variance ANOVA.

The incidence rate was calculated as the number of osteoporosis or hip-fracture events in a tea group, divided by the total follow-up time of that group per person-years. Cox proportional-hazard regression was then applied to estimate the effect of tea-group membership on each of the two target medical conditions.

Also, because the association of tea consumption with osteoporosis might vary by sex or age, we used stratified analysis to account for those factors separately. Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of women. There were significant inter-group differences in age, body mass index BMI , lifestyle factors, and comorbidities diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer among the NTC, LTC, and HTC groups in women.

The baseline characteristics of men are presented in Table 2. There were notable inter-group differences in age, BMI, lifestyle factors, and comorbidities hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, and stroke among the NTC, LTC, and HTC groups in men.

The number of osteoporosis events and hazard ratio of osteoporosis for the three groups is presented in Table 3. During the follow-up period, cases of osteoporosis were identified. Our analytical results showed that the LTC and HTC groups both had a significantly lower risk of developing osteoporosis than the NTC group.

Table 3 also showed the sex-stratified and age-stratified HRs for osteoporosis for the three tea-consumption groups. In the sex-stratified analysis, women who drank tea had a lower risk of osteoporosis than women who never drank any.

Compared with the NTC group, the multivariate-adjusted HR aHR for the LTC group was 0. For the men stratum, the same analyses were not statistically significant.

Compared with the NTC group, the aHR for the LTC group was 1. The age-stratified analysis showed that tea consumption was negatively associated with osteoporosis in the middle-aged stratum 45 to 59 years.

Compared with the NTC group, the aHR for the LTC and the HTC groups were 0. However, there was no significant association in the old-aged stratum 60 to 74 years. Compared with the NTC group, the aHR for the LTC and HTC groups were 0.

The number of hip-fracture events and adjusted HRs for hip fracture for the three tea-consumption groups is presented in Table 4. During the follow-up period, cases of hip fracture were identified. The results of this population-based longitudinal follow-up study suggest that individuals who drink tea are at a lower risk of osteoporosis than those who do not.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first large-scale cohort study to show that the negative association between tea consumption and osteoporosis is more prominent in the middle-aged population aged 45 to 59 years than among the elderly aged 60 to 74 years.

In addition, we found that people who reported high tea consumption had a reduced risk of hip fracture compared with those who reported consuming no tea.

Prior studies, which mainly enrolled postmenopausal women, demonstrated that tea consumption might reduce osteoporosis risk [ 10 , 11 , 23 , 24 ]. In contrast, a limited number of studies investigating the effect of tea consumption on osteoporosis among men reported a lack of protective effect [ 18 , 25 , 26 ].

Similar to previous studies, our study found that tea consumption was associated with a lower risk of osteoporosis in women, and there was a lack of significant association between tea consumption and osteoporosis in men.

Such findings could mean that policies encouraging regular tea consumption among middle-aged people aged 45 to 59 years might help reduce their risk of osteoporosis. However, the explanation for a more beneficial response in young adults is unclear. Further studies are needed to elucidate these findings.

Previous studies on the association between tea consumption and hip fracture have yielded inconclusive results. Myers et al. showed that higher tea consumption had a protective effect against osteoporotic fractures in women in Australia aged 75 and above [ 15 ].

In contrast, Chen et al. reported no significant association between tea consumption and hip fracture in postmenopausal women in the USA aged 50 to 79 [ 10 ]. However, these two studies may have limited generalizability, as they only recruited postmenopausal women who were willing to be followed up in clinical centers.

Excessive oxidative stress or chronic inflammation can accelerate bone resorption and osteoporosis [ 6 , 27 ]. Tea-extract flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and have been demonstrated to protect against bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis [ 4 , 28 ].

In ovariectomized animal models, green tea extract and black tea extract have been suggested to diminish the expression of the osteoclast-specific gene and proteins and inhibit the osteoclastogenesis, with an effective improvement of osteoporosis [ 8 , 9 ].

Based on previous experimental evidence, then, our findings that tea consumption had a protective effect against osteoporosis are biologically plausible. However, many types of tea contain caffeine [ 29 ]. Previous studies have suggested that high caffeine intake accelerates bone loss in elderly women and is associated with an increased fracture risk [ 12 , 13 ].

Therefore, further study is needed to investigate the optimal tea consumption to protect against osteoporosis. While low BMD is one major measurable determinant of the risk of osteoporotic fractures, risk factors for hip fractures other than low BMD include those that affect the odds of trauma e.

Previous studies have shown that tea and tea-extract flavonoids could improve self-reported alertness, are associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment [ 31 ], and help maintain skeletal muscle health [ 32 ].

Consequently, they could decrease fall-related fragility hip fractures. The key strength of this study was its population-based design with long-term follow-up. In addition, our study at baseline recruited members of two groups — males and the middle-aged — that are relatively under-studied in the context of osteoporosis and hip fracture.

Nevertheless, this observational study design is not able to establish a causal relationship. Moreover, there are several limitations of this study that should be acknowledged.

First, the eating habits questionnaire used in KCIS recorded the frequency of tea consumption self-reported by screening participants without measuring the accurate dose of tea intake. In addition, detailed information about vitamin D and calcium intake is not available in the database.

These factors were not included in the analysis. Thus, it is possible that residual confounding of the association between tea consumption and osteoporosis may have been present.

Moreover, the benefit of tea consumption on bone health could be confounded by other nutritional factors, lifestyle factors, or substitute beverages such as coffee.

Nevertheless, it has been suggested that caffeine generally plays a minor role in bone health [ 33 ]. Second, the diagnoses of osteoporosis, hip fractures, and medical comorbidities were determined using the ICD codes from the NHIRD, which could raise concerns about their accuracy.

Consequently, the NHIRD is a well-established research database, and the validity of its data has been demonstrated by independent studies [ 34 ].

However, since the DXA scanners used in the clinics of the NHI system were not all the same model, and the DXA scanners were not cross-validated, there may be measurement errors of BMD.

Third, because of an insufficient number of hip fracture events, subgroup analysis of the association between tea consumption of hip fracture was not performed. Further research on the impact of tea consumption on the risk of hip fracture stratified by age and sex is suggested.

Fourth, the ethnicity of the participants was Taiwanese, and the results of this study may not be generalized to other ethnic groups. In conclusion, the present population-based longitudinal follow-up study has shown that tea consumption was associated with a reduced risk of osteoporosis.

Moreover, people with high tea consumption were at a lower risk of hip fracture.

Tea: Investing in Your Long-Term Bone Health

There was an apparent inverse correlation between tea drinking and coffee consumption table 1. Baseline characteristics of the bone mineral density cohort are presented in table 2. The sample sizes were 3,, , , and , respectively, for the four tea groups from low to high tea consumption. The percentages of minority women in the bone mineral density cohort were higher in comparison with the total study population.

Table 3 displays the mean and 95 percent confidence intervals of the annual visit 3 bone mineral density measurements by tea consumption. There was a significant trend of increased total body bone mineral density with a higher level of tea consumption. However, significant trends were not found for either total hip or lumbar spine bone mineral density.

Models with the rates of change in bone mineral density measurements between baseline and annual visit 3 provided results similar to those of the models using annual visit 3 bone mineral density measurements as outcomes data not shown. There were no significant interactions between ethnicity or hormone replacement therapy and tea consumption on bone mineral density data not shown.

The other major fractures were fractures of the lower leg or ankle tibia, fibula, or talus , foot tarsal, metatarsal, heel, or calcaneus , and upper arm, shoulder, or collarbone humerus, clavicle, or scapula.

However, this association between other fracture risk and tea drinking was no longer significant when the analyses were restricted to the non-Hispanic White women only data not shown. Because of the small number of fractures in minority women, we were unable to examine the effect of tea drinking on fracture risk in these subgroups.

Unlike the previous cross-sectional study conducted among US pre- and perimenopausal women 4 , results from our US postmenopausal cohort do not support an inverse relation between tea drinking and bone mineral density. Instead, we found a positive trend between daily consumption of regular tea and total body bone mineral density.

The differences in menopausal status and skeletal sites measured may contribute to the discrepancies in research findings. Tea may affect bone mineral density through several distinct mechanisms. First, tea is a rich source of caffeine. It has been suggested that caffeine intake is inversely related to bone mineral density by some studies 4 , 14 but not by all studies 15 , This discrepancy may be due partially to the addition of milk to coffee that could ameliorate the adverse effects of coffee drinking 6 , Although the caffeine content of the tealeaf is higher 2—3 percent vs.

Hence, an adverse effect of caffeine from tea on bone mineral density may be less significant. In our study after adjustment for coffee intake, drinking even up to 4 or more cups of regular tea per day did not show any adverse impact on bone mineral density.

Tea is an important dietary source of flavonoids 18 , and some of them have weak estrogenic effects 19 and well-known antioxidation properties 20 , which may be beneficial for bone mineral density. One recent study has also suggested that the catechins derived from green tea are potent stimulators of osteoblast-like cells in culture and that the effects on osteoblast-like cells are, at least in part, via estrogen receptors Furthermore, tea is a major dietary source of fluoride.

Fluoride is a very potent and highly bone-specific anabolic substance However, the role of fluoride in fracture prevention is still in debate. Our results differ from the findings of the MEDOS Study 7 , 9 , in which a significant association between tea consumption and a reduced risk of hip fracture was observed in both women 7 and men 9.

The MEDOS Study was a case-control study among people aged 50 years or over from 14 centers in six countries in southern Europe between and , while our study was conducted in a healthy and multiethnic cohort in the United States.

The MEDOS Study and WHI populations may consume different types of tea and possess different risk factors for hip fractures that likely contribute to the different results from the two studies. The other fracture category in this study is a mixed group of fractures, some of which may be mainly caused by extrinsic factors, such as trauma.

Given the facts that the daily consumption of regular tea was associated with neither low bone mineral density nor increased risk of fracture at the major osteoporotic sites and that this increased risk of other fractures disappeared in the analyses stratified by ethic groups, the observed high risk for other fractures in the group drinking 2—3 cups of tea per day is likely caused by unidentified confounding factors.

This is the first cohort study investigating the effect of tea on the risk of osteoporosis. The strengths of our study include a prospective study design, large multiethnic populations, available information on a large range of covariates, and good assessments of both bone mineral density and clinical fractures.

However, participants in the WHI cohort may be a selected group of women who are willing to be followed for up to 9 years in the WHI Observational Study. How the selection bias may affect the study results is difficult to assess, but it should be taken into consideration when generalizing the results to other US populations.

It is possible that some of the women in our study drank tea sporadically or drank decaffeinated tea instead. Having no information for decaffeinated tea consumption and nondaily tea drinking in the reference group is a weakness of this study and may mask an association between tea consumption and bone mineral density or fractures.

According to a study conducted in Arizona, 33 percent of people may be occasional tea drinkers drink 1 cup of tea 1—5 times per week , and about 10 percent of the population may drink decaffeinated tea Because of the potential adverse effect of caffeine on bone density, we believe that not counting decaffeinated tea consumption in our study may lead to an underestimate of the strength of any positive association between bone density and tea consumption.

Black tea is the most common type of tea consumed by the American population. Whether black and green teas have different effects on bone health needs further investigation. In summary, our study suggests that, at the current level of tea consumption in the United States, the effect of drinking regular tea on bone mineral density is weak and unlikely to have any significant impact on fracture risk among the US postmenopausal women.

Future studies should include detailed assessments of tea consumption to delineate whether various tea preparations and types of tea, such as green versus black, have different contributions to bone mineral density measurements and the risk of fractures.

is supported by a career development award 1 K01 AR from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.

The following short list of WHI investigators is acknowledged. Program Office : National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland: Jacques E. Rossouw, Linda Pottern, Shari Ludlam, Joan McGowan, and Nancy Morris. Clinical Coordinating Center : Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington: Ross Prentice, Garnet Anderson, Andrea LaCroix, Ruth E.

Patterson, and Anne McTiernan; Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina: Sally Shumaker and Pentti Rautaharju; Medical Research Laboratories, Highland Heights, Kentucky: Evan Stein; University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California: Steven Cummings; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota: John Himes; and University of Washington, Seattle, Washington: Bruce Psaty.

Correspondence to Dr. Zhao Chen, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Mel and Enid Zuckerman Arizona College of Public Health, University of Arizona, East Lee Street, Tucson, AZ e-mail: zchen u.

Trevisanato SI, Kim YI. Tea and health. Nutr Rev ; 58 : 1 — Mikuls TR, Cerhan JR, Criswell LA, et al.

Arthritis Rheum ; 46 : 83 — Sueoka N, Suganuma M, Sueoka E, et al. A new function of green tea: prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Ann N Y Acad Sci ; : — Hernandez-Avila M, Stampfer MJ, Ravnikar VA, et al. Caffeine and other predictors of bone density among pre- and perimenopausal women.

Epidemiology ; 4 : — Hoover PA, Webber CE, Beaumont LF, et al. Postmenopausal bone mineral density: relationship to calcium intake, calcium absorption, residual estrogen, body composition, and physical activity. Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; 74 : — Hegarty VM, May HM, Khaw KT.

Tea drinking and bone mineral density in older women. Am J Clin Nutr ; 71 : —7. Johnell O, Gullberg B, Kanis JA, et al. Risk factors for hip fracture in European women: the MEDOS Study.

Mediterranean Osteoporosis Study. J Bone Miner Res ; 10 : — Wu CH, Yang YC, Yao WJ, et al. Epidemiological evidence of increased bone mineral density in habitual tea drinkers.

Arch Intern Med ; : —6. Kanis J, Johnell O, Gullberg B, et al. Risk factors for hip fracture in men from southern Europe: the MEDOS Study. Osteoporos Int ; 9 : 45 — Hakim IA, Harris RB, Weisgerber U. Tea intake and skin squamous cell carcinoma: influence of type of tea beverages.

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev ; 9 : — Control Clin Trials ; 19 : 61 — Ware JE Jr, Sherbourne CD. The MOS item short-form health survey SF Conceptual framework and item selection.

Med Care ; 30 : — Burnam MA, Wells KB, Leake B, et al. Development of a brief screening instrument for detecting depressive disorders. Med Care ; 26 : — Barrett-Connor E, Chang JC, Edelstein SL.

Coffee-associated osteoporosis offset by daily milk consumption. The Rancho Bernardo Study. Research shows that the combination of caffeine and L-theanine improves brain function by strengthening working memory and attention, and reducing anxiety.

A small study observed the effects of drinking green tea on brain function, concluding that regular tea drinkers have higher cognitive functions and better-organized brain regions, as compared to non-tea drinkers.

A review of 21 studies on the benefits of green tea also determined that drinking green tea is beneficial to cognition and brain function. Green tea has been found to play a role in heart health by reducing the risk factors that cause heart disease. High blood pressure is one of the most common risk factors for heart disease.

Research shows that consuming green tea significantly lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which are the two different numbers by which a person's blood pressure is recorded. Moreover, a very large long-term study published in followed two groups who had no history of heart disease.

The first group was made up of people who drank green tea more than three times a week, and the second group was made up of people who never drank green tea, or didn't drink it habitually.

In a follow up about seven years after the start of the study, scientists found that those who drank tea regularly were likely to have 1. Catechin is a major component of green tea. Catechins are natural antioxidants that have antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hypertensive effects.

They lower cholesterol levels by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol into the body. An analysis of 14 studies showed that drinking an average of two cups of green tea per day for 10 years resulted in significant reductions in LDL cholesterol levels.

LDL cholesterol is also known as bad cholesterol, because it can cause plaque buildup in your arteries, which increases your risk of getting a heart attack or a stroke. The mechanism for this isn't well-defined, though one theory is that epigallocatechin gallate ECGC , a compound of green tea, affects the circulation of bile acids, which helps to regulate cholesterol," says Ring.

Green tea also helps to keep your bones healthy and strong. Research shows that it may help treat and prevent osteoporosis, a condition that makes your bones weaker and more prone to fractures.

Flavonoids are and phytoestrogens are plant chemicals that can strengthen bone formation and prevent the breakdown of bone tissue. In a study , postmenopausal women with weak bones and low bone mass were put into four groups.

The results of the study showed that the group of women who were given compounds derived from green tea experienced a notable improvement in their bone health. A study also concluded that green tea may benefit bone health, after examining bone-forming cells.

The researchers exposed the cells to epigallocatechin EGC , gallocatechin GC , and gallocatechin gallate GCG , which are all main components of green tea.

They also observed that high concentrations of EGC disrupted the activity of osteoclast, a cell that weakens bones. Green tea contains a micronutrient called epigallocatechin gallate EGCG that may be responsible for green tea's skin repair properties.

Some research shows that EGCG contains antioxidants , which help to prevent sun damage. It also boosts skin hydration, moisture retention, and prevents wrinkle formation.

Green tea has also been shown to have anti-aging properties. Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. A comparative study of exercise, calcium supplementation, and hormone-replacement therapy.

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This study was supported by Grant TTMMH from Taitung MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taitung, Taiwan and KSVGH from Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

The funding source was not involved in the study or article preparation. Center for Health Management, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, No. Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, No. Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taitung Branch, No.

School of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, No. Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University Hospital, No. Department of Medical Research, Taitung MacKay Memorial Hospital, 1, Lane , Changsha Street, Taitung City, , Taiwan. Master Program in Biomedicine, College of Science and Engineering, National Taitung University, No.

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Download PDF. Subjects Endocrinology Risk factors. Abstract Few studies compared the effects of non-fermented and fermented tea among the general population.

Introduction Osteoporosis OP , which is a chronic deconditioning musculoskeletal disease, occurs predominantly in postmenopausal women and men older than 50 years.

Methods Data sources By combining genetic and medical information, Taiwan Biobank TWB performed large-scale cohort and case—control studies on local diseases. Study population A total of respondents who were habitual tea drinkers were identified from to with a mean follow-up period of 3.

Figure 1. Full size image. Full size table. Table 2 Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model for osteoporosis. Table 3 Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model for osteoporosis by sex and age. Figure 2.

Discussion Our nationwide population-based study suggested that female sex and age of 60 years or older were the significant predictors of OP in Taiwan. Strengths and limitations Being a nationwide population-based dataset with a relatively large representative sample size, the major strength of the use of TWB was the enhancement of external validity of the current findings.

Conclusions and implications The present study demonstrated that OP risk increased in men with a family history of OP and in women with advanced age, postmenopausal status, total daily tea consumption of over six cups, and lower BMI.

Data availability Not applicable. Abbreviations OP: Osteoporosis TWB: Taiwan biobank DM: Diabetes mellitus BMD: Bone mineral density BMI: Body mass index QUS: Quantitative ultrasound mL: Millimeters SD: Standard deviation HR: Hazard ratio aHR: Adjusted hazard ratio. References Hernlund, E. Article CAS Google Scholar Wright, N.

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Article PubMed Google Scholar Download references. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Taiwan Biobank for the provision of anonymous data. Funding This study was supported by Grant TTMMH from Taitung MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taitung, Taiwan and KSVGH from Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Author information Authors and Affiliations Center for Health Management, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, No. View author publications. Ethics declarations Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. Additional information Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. About this article. Cite this article Hsu, CL. Copy to clipboard.

This article is cited by Tea consumption and risk of bone health: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis Fuding Zhou Ting Wang Wenjun Chen Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism Comments By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines.

Osteoporosis: The silent disease Lloyd T, Johnson-Rollings N, Eggli DF, et al. Data on demographic characteristics and lifestyle habits — smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, diet, etc. Habitual consumption of non-fermented tea had no protective effect against OP among women and younger men, but the lack of association was probably due to the short follow-up period of 3. During the follow-up period, cases of hip fracture were identified. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. This blog on green tea generated a lot of good discussion. Lab Results.
Matcha Green Tea For Better Bone Health as We Age Bkne more… READ Healtu. The Environmentally Friendly Practices of estrogen affects amd absorption and maintenance of calcium levels. There were notable Green tea and bone health differences in age, BMI, lifestyle factors, and comorbidities hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, and stroke among the NTC, LTC, and HTC groups in men. Related Coverage. The different components of the two may lead to their different influences on OP.
Hone studies of healyh medical benefits of tea are inconclusive. The link between tea and bone wellness is, by contrast, Green tea and bone health free of conditionals and inconclusiveness. Tea improves bone health and protects against some severe maladies of aging. Think of tea as a nutrient for your bones and an investment in an imaginary health savings account. For women, making tea part of their lifetime routine is a fine preventative.

Author: Zulkimuro

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