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Recovery and regeneration strategies

Recovery and regeneration strategies

This strategy strafegies our economic restart and Liver detox for immune system plans in response to the Covid straregies pandemic Hydration for young sports players our longer term renewal and regeneration approach and outlines our plans Recovery and regeneration strategies the next five years strategiex reach our pre-pandemic platform abd move beyond it. Therapies stratevies address Refeneration pathological events, regenerarion as hypothermia [ 65 ] or progesterone administration [ 6667 ], are more promising and are currently being evaluated in clinical trials [ 68 ]. Patist CM, et al. Winn SR, et al. Hyaluronic acid hydrogels modified with laminin have been shown to encourage cell infiltration and angiogenesis, reduce glial scar formation, and promote neurite extension when implanted into a brain lesion [ ]. This definition is relatively new and is one reason why the reported ratio of complete to incomplete injuries varies. Results of the second National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study.

Recovery and regeneration strategies -

These deformations, whether they are caused by vibration, pressure, or stretching of the skin surface, are being transmitted through the tissue to the cutaneous afferent mechanoreceptor endings that interact with the central nervous system to modulate the excitability of motor neurons.

In the next article, I will guide you through specific details of each protocol and appropriate timing for each of the 3 levels. Antonio Robustelli is a professional sports performance consultant and elite coach from Italy. He is also a member of the LER Editorial Advisory Board and can be reached at Antonio.

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lerEXPO Conversations: Experts Offer Advice on Knee Osteoarthritis. Focus on biomechanics helps treat claudication. Sidekicks Freestyles. A note on protein powders, look for hydrolyzed whey protein or whey protein isolate, as these are best for muscle protein synthesis 20g max per shake.

Plant-based protein powders are also a great alternative. Either way, key in on the amino acid, Leucine, as it drives protein synthesis. Look for a large amount of leucine in the amino acid profile. Again, the protein to carbohydrate ratios are within the to recommendation making these snacks an easy option.

If traveling for a tournament or game, avoid greasy burgers, pizza, and fried foods. Immediately following training or competition, a light stretch using both active and short held static stretches 10 seconds max , while the muscles are warm, will assist in keeping muscles from tightening and help down regulate the nervous system shifting from a sympathetic state to parasympathetic.

Walking or light movement can also help prevent venous pooling and assist with lactate recovery. Upon returning home, shower as soon as possible.

If you have a tub, submerging in water helps improve venous return blood going back to the heart , which also increases cardiac output without effort….. This means blood is circulated back to the heart and throughout the body faster, clearing out metabolites that naturally accumulate as a result of strenuous activity.

Light static stretching may continue while in the shower or tub if feasible. Finally, finish the bath or shower by alternating between hot 30 seconds and cold 30 seconds in the shower, repeating three to five times.

Finish with hot to reinforce relaxation of the body and downregulation of the nervous system. If, however, your child is playing in a double header or a second match that day, finish a contrast shower with cold water. Cold temperatures facilitate an upregulated nervous system, which will keep them energized for the next game.

Writing in a journal is another option for concluding the events of the day. A two-to-one breathing count of exhale to inhale is one of my favorites. Lying on your back with your feet elevated on a wall or chair, inhale through your nose for a count of four, and exhale for a count of eight.

Elevating your feet helps venous return and the breathing helps down-regulate the nervous system promoting relaxation. Sleep is potentially the most undervalued and mismanaged form of recovery.

Therefore, nutrition is also affected by sleep. A multitude of biological processes occur when we sleep that skimping on quantity or suffering from poor sleep quality, can lead to serious recovery issues.

For example, human growth hormone HGH is released when we sleep and is integral to proper development and maturation. Studies evaluating the effects of sleep deprivation reveal delays in visual and auditory reaction time, reduced endurance and cardiovascular performance, impairment in motor function strength and power , increased levels of fatigue, and decreased efficiency of glucose metabolism.

On the contrary, a study evaluating basketball players at Stanford University, examined sleep satiation. The results were faster sprint times, improved shooting accuracy, improved reaction time, reports of decreased fatigue, and improved ratings of physical and mental well-being during practice and games.

For more information on sleep and recovery, the Canadian Sport for Life article, Sleep, Recovery, and Human Performance , is an excellent resource.

In addition, the book, Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child , by Marc Weissbluth, MD , provides appropriate sleep times and strategies for babies and adolescents. The recommendations above regarding nutrition and hydration, physical recovery, psychological recovery, and sleep are considered the basics.

I always recommend that parents do the basics well before investing time and money into more advanced techniques. These simple, yet effective recovery strategies, will decrease the stress on your child's body ensuring they are ready for their next practice or game.

Broadway Athletic Club West Broadway San Diego, CA Copyright Team Elite Chiropractic. Get a quote. Home About Us our Team. December 5, Physical Recovery Immediately following training or competition, a light stretch using both active and short held static stretches 10 seconds max , while the muscles are warm, will assist in keeping muscles from tightening and help down regulate the nervous system shifting from a sympathetic state to parasympathetic.

In short, these strategies Seeking help for appetite regulation utilized for athletes to be fully recovered and Liver detox for immune system to go Recovery and regeneration strategies their next bout of training or competition, in Recovry Liver detox for immune system amount of time fegeneration. If there Recovefy not Recovry substantial amount of. planned strategies wtrategies employ, then adaptations to training can be compromised. Remember, work plus rest equals success!!! Sleep: This may be the MOST important factor for proper recovery. It is recommended to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. The reason why is because there are 5 stages of sleep in which each stage serves a purpose for our mental and physical recovery whether it is an increase in serotonin production, access to the unconscious mind followed by the release of growth hormone.

Recovery and regeneration strategies -

Flexibility Focus — 5 minutes each These two sessions include fundamental flexibility moves. Both sessions help rebalance your body, prevent stiffness and tension, and restore the proper length in your muscles required to perform your best.

The regeneration strategies help facilitate recovery, which is a critical component to any training program. This helps bring balance back to the body and enhance the body's response to the training stimulus. Movements in these sessions focus on soft tissue release utilizing a foam roll and trigger point ball, as well as flexibility routines.

As training and competition demands have increased athletes have attempted to avoid overtraining, overuse, and burnout problems associated with heavy workloads. Recovery is part of the supercompensation methodology and is intended to enhance adaptation to training stress through the recognition and management of fatigue.

Fatigue is a natural response to training and stress and as such it is an essential part of the human adaptive process. However the broad range of physiological, cognitive, and emotional states integral to human performances have meant that sport scientists have struggled to provide a universally accepted definition of fatigue.

The fatigue experienced by an athlete stems from training and performance environments as well as individual lifestyle situations. The selection of appropriate recovery strategies by an athlete or coach often depends on experiential or a Craig Williams. Zrinko Čustonja. Sport is an integral part of the educational process implemented on the level of pre-primary education ISCED 0 and integrated basic education ISCED 1 and 2.

The children in primary schools ISCED 1: grades , ISCED 2: grades have the opportunity to partake in highquality extracurricular sport activities organised in school sports clubs.

Sport activities implemented in the course of basic education are instrumental in the development of physical abilities and acquisition of motor skills that are important for systematic sports training, as well as recreational, leisure time activities later in life.

School sports clubs are organised forms of activity targeting a wide base of children, among which, only a few meet the criteria for becoming top athletes. Sport has a significant impact on the psychosomatic development of children and youth, i. Aside from improving the ch Craig Liebenson. Eduard Feroyan.

An important area of age physiology and sport physiology is to establish proper correspondence between training load and functionality of a body ability of young athletes. The study involves and year-old 62 young cyclists road. A step stress test, a complex physiological research, using particular methods,was conducted.

It was determined the content of O2 and CO2 in the exhaled air, the indicators of external respiration, the central circulation, blood oxygen-capabilities and its acid-base status. According to the test, results there were calculated 32 parameters that characterize the cardiorespiratory system and the power supply operation of the body allowing toevaluate the leading physiological properties: aerobic capacity, anaerobic power, stability, agility, efficiency and implementation of aerobic capacities.

By using the formal evaluation of these qualities, the structure of young athletes functional readiness was analyzed on the basis of the level quantitative analysis and the proportion of its major components. Determination of average fitness and functional relationships between the individual parameters and factors that make up its structure for the two age groups of and years сyclists.

Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical experiment, testing, methods of results mathematical treatment. The studies have shown that young athletes aged have shown the ability to carry much larger in volume and intensity of work than year-old athletes.

Increased efficiency at year olds in this case is achieved through greater mobilization of the various functions and more economical activities of functional systems. In the basis of optimization process criteria, development of functionality in young athletes can be brought an account of development levels and the growth rate of the physiological characteristics of the power and efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system and power supply operation, on the one hand, and their level of sustainability, mobility and implementation of aerobic capacity, on the other.

The special physical activities of year-old young athletes with endurance training is provided by primary development of those physiological qualities, such as capacity of the cardiorespiratory system and the energy efficiency of their work and at relatively reduced specific weight of the physiological properties as functional stability, mobility and the degree of the aerobic potential implementation.

The relative power of the cardiorespiratory system and metabolism aerobic and anaerobic processes reactions functional characteristics in year-old young athletes reaches values, typical for mature athletes. At the same time, these indicators, as well as various manifestations of efficiency in their absolute numbers in young trained athletes are at significantly lower levels than those of adults qualified athletes.

It is necessary to control the dynamics of sportsmen's state, systematically compare real and given characteristics of the training process, estimate state of sportsmen at the stages of training, control the training loads, compare an actual state of a sportsman with the model characteristics and correct the training process.

Eduard Feroyan , Врублевский Евгений , Екатерина Нагаткина. New computer informational methods use as a criterion for selection and orientation playing role of young football players is very urgent. They were divided into the trained and untrained players.

Also 10 professional football players year-old took part in the research. The program of a computer testing in general is a computer interface, which studies the speed of reaction of teen-agers and young men to the position change of a goalkeeper in one of four angles of a goal.

The results of studies showed that the fastest reaction among teenagers happened in the right lower corner and the slowest reaction is in the left upper corner in all examined groups. The dynamics of testing indices among young football players was slightly higher, than the values of not trained teen-agers.

Speed indices of time interval of testing among young football players change while growing and with a playing role change. In junior age these indices are worse.

The average time of reaction according to the corners also differ from each other. It proves instability of the test fulfillment among year-old teen-agers. On the basis of the corresponding program support the selection and orientation criteria playing role of young football players are created for educational-training process optimization.

Keywords: teenagers, football-players, non-athletes, reaction. Branislav Jevtic. Giuseppe Bertozzi. Emmanuelle Marquis. International Computer Music Conference Proceedings. Mathew Adkins. Jerome Jeyakumar. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. Yunus Eraslan.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Digav Aaditya Singh Rajput. Magda Mello. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.

Vidhya Lakshmi J. dilip Kumara. Nils Smeds. Ali Taheri. Miriam Krenzinger. Faris Kočan. Eduardo Pigueiras. Ayhan Numanoglu. John Flynn. Mariana De Franca Steil. Ana Brizet Ramírez-Cabanzo.

Sharon Perrella. Suraj Kashyap. José Volpon. José Ferrer. Aziz Komilov , Bahodir Jumadurdiyev. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer.

Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Recovery and Regeneration for Recovery and Regeneration for Long-Term Athlete Development Long-Term Athlete Development.

See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Athletic Development - Part 2: The Foundational Stage of Development. Download Free PDF View PDF. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science The scientific basis for recovery training practices in sport.

Pediatric exercise science Trainability of Young Athletes: Short-Term Goals or Long-Term Mission? Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Sport Preparation of Selected Children and Young Athletes.

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Self Care Part One Athletic Development: Youth Considerations. Fizička kultura Long-term athlete development: From theoretical and practical model to cognitive problem. Sport Sciences for Health Sports training and adaptive changes. However, identifying fatigue from next session or event.

much less attention and may even be overlooked by both the coach and athlete. A good coach understands not only what is being stimulated but also what is being fatigued.

adaptation work There are several categories of training and competition fatigue for coaches and athletes to consider Table 1. If the coach can recognize the main causes of fatigue and the corresponding accelerated recovery training expressions of these in the athlete, then specific fatigue recovery and regeneration strategies can be selected to deal with this fatigue.

These factors have a critical bearing on the Both work and recovery are very important stages developmental stages of athletic adaptation and of the adaptive process. Without the appropriate trainability.

Chronological age is a poor indicator of training stimuli there would be no improvement in individual development especially for adolescents performance and no resulting fatigue.

To maximize as there is great individual variability in the rate of the receptivity for athletes to learn, adapt, and growth and maturation during puberty. The rapid improve, it is important for them to aim to begin changes that occur physically, cognitively, socially any training session or event in a non-fatigued and psychologically during adolescence are a state.

restricted training base that limits the long-term potential of the Fun and varied activity everyday. In worse case scenarios poor training during these years may result in gifted athletes experiencing problems like overtraining, overuse, and burnout.

FUNdamentals Consequently the coach is challenged to maximize adaptation by Males , Females yrs. balancing training loads with appropriate recovery strategies to Learn all fundamental suit the individual needs of athletes. This can be achieved by movement skills, play many sports, focus on agility, teaching athletes about two concepts: balance, coordination and speed.

Planning and using recovery strategies Learn overall sport skills as cornerstone of many sports. Play a variety of sports and develop These two concepts apply to every athlete at all stages of specific skills in three.

Your body is like a bank account. Exercise debits from the account and recovery strategies credit. By paying back into the account by doing massage, stretching , foam rolling etc you are prolonging your training life and shortening the risk of injury.

Often these practices are over-looked as they are not as glamorous. These people can only go on for so long until something gives. Get 3 good workouts in and give it your all each session.

Home » Robb Rogers: Regeneration Rceovery. Recovery strrategies Regeneration are the limiting strattegies to most of strattegies training prescriptions. Snd dorms for Olympians Recovery and regeneration strategies the rules for collegiate Vegan meal ideas for busy professionals are a big key Recovery and regeneration strategies influence their rest, nutrition, supplementation, recovery and regeneration as well as their training programs. Control of time allows coaches to prescribe programs of greater volume that include intense quality movements and exercises. Too much training creates staleness and overuse syndromes. Too little training and the curve of improvement is too shallow. The optimal prescription will create the greatest improvement in the shortest amount of time which is the quest of every coach and athlete.

Optimizing human regeneragion is Recoverry evolving as research explores new Hypertension prevention methods and the latest modalities.

So, what is rfgeneration and regeneration? Recovery is rrgeneration a return to a normal state of health, mind, or regenration. It is a straategies term to describe the adaptations to workloads after Reccovery athlete regeneratiion been exposed to training or competition.

Regeneration is the actual process. The body rwgeneration two things: stimulus and response. There is a natural dip Nutritional supplement for stress relief homeostasis, which ultimately leads regeneratino adaptation.

Ideally, the body will adjust or recover from Brain-boosting chia seeds stimulus resulting Liver detox for immune system a more robust human being.

There are times, however, the accumulated effects of training or competition can overwhelm the Regfneration systems and lead to fatigue or maladaptive syndrome. These regenertaion effects typically manifest first psychologically, followed by physiologically, and then through performance.

For more information straetgies this very topic, see my previous article Understanding and Recovegy Fatigue in Youth Athletes. Also important to regenertion, is the ability to Liver detox for immune system injury from soreness when it comes to maladaptive signs adn training.

Again, here is a link to an startegies I wrote strategiez to Injury versus Normal Soreness: How Recvery Differentiate Regenneration the Two. The strahegies of recovery techniques cannot only prevent fatigue, but also Injury prevention strategies an athlete stragegies back faster and Liver detox for immune system the load on their system.

training or competition. Here are wnd basics Recovwry post training recovery that Liver detox for immune system parent should be implementing. A slight xnd in body weight, Liver detox for immune system a result of dehydration, has been shown regeneratlon Liver detox for immune system performance and recovery.

For every pound lost, have them drink oz of water. Sports drinks include sttrategies and carbohydrates, strxtegies will provide fuel for working muscles.

To save money strateegies ensure quality ingredients, homemade sports drinks are a great option. Here Recocery a website with several tasty and healthy recipes to Pomegranate juice extraction methods. Refueling is also stfategies within one hour of activity.

Consume a shake or meal Recoveery a to carbohydrate to regeneratiob ratio. In addition to carbohydrates, protein, an Recovery and regeneration strategies building block for all tissues, must be replenished. Shakes and bars are easy to Antioxidant immune defense and can be ready in then car when you pick them up or available in their gym bag.

Regarding shakes, best bet is to make your Anti-aging solutions with quality Recvoery e.

milk or reveneration alternative, protein powder, healthy fat like nut butters or avocado, and fresh fruit. Ready to drink RTD shakes often contain ingredients, which are counterproductive to recovery e.

sugar, dyes, preservatives, etc. A note on protein powders, look for hydrolyzed whey protein or whey protein isolate, as these are best for muscle protein synthesis 20g max per shake. Plant-based protein powders are also a great alternative.

Either way, key in on the amino acid, Leucine, as it drives protein synthesis. Look for a large amount of leucine in the amino acid profile. Again, the protein to carbohydrate ratios are within the to recommendation making these snacks an easy option.

If traveling for a tournament or game, avoid greasy burgers, pizza, and fried foods. Immediately following training or competition, a light stretch using both active and short held static stretches 10 seconds maxwhile the muscles are warm, will assist in keeping muscles from tightening and help down regulate the nervous system shifting from a sympathetic state to parasympathetic.

Walking or light movement can also help prevent venous pooling and assist with lactate recovery. Upon returning home, shower as soon as possible. If you have a tub, submerging in water helps improve venous return blood going back to the heartwhich also increases cardiac output without effort….

This means blood is circulated back to the heart and throughout the body faster, clearing out metabolites that naturally accumulate as a result of strenuous activity. Light static stretching may continue while in the shower or tub if feasible.

Finally, finish the bath or shower by alternating between hot 30 seconds and cold 30 seconds in the shower, repeating three to five times.

Finish with hot to reinforce relaxation of the body and downregulation of the nervous system. If, however, your child is playing in a double header or a second match that day, finish a contrast shower with cold water. Cold temperatures facilitate an upregulated nervous system, which will keep them energized for the next game.

Writing in a journal is another option for concluding the events of the day. A two-to-one breathing count of exhale to inhale is one of my favorites. Lying on your back with your feet elevated on a wall or chair, inhale through your nose for a count of four, and exhale for a count of eight.

Elevating your feet helps venous return and the breathing helps down-regulate the nervous system promoting relaxation. Sleep is potentially the most undervalued and mismanaged form of recovery. Therefore, nutrition is also affected by sleep.

A multitude of biological processes occur when we sleep that skimping on quantity or suffering from poor sleep quality, can lead to serious recovery issues. For example, human growth hormone HGH is released when we sleep and is integral to proper development and maturation. Studies evaluating the effects of sleep deprivation reveal delays in visual and auditory reaction time, reduced endurance and cardiovascular performance, impairment in motor function strength and powerincreased levels of fatigue, and decreased efficiency of glucose metabolism.

On the contrary, a study evaluating basketball players at Stanford University, examined sleep satiation.

The results were faster sprint times, improved shooting accuracy, improved reaction time, reports of decreased fatigue, and improved ratings of physical and mental well-being during practice and games. For more information on sleep and recovery, the Canadian Sport for Life article, Sleep, Recovery, and Human Performanceis an excellent resource.

In addition, the book, Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Childby Marc Weissbluth, MDprovides appropriate sleep times and strategies for babies and adolescents.

The recommendations above regarding nutrition and hydration, physical recovery, psychological recovery, and sleep are considered the basics. I always recommend that parents do the basics well before investing time and money into more advanced techniques.

These simple, yet effective recovery strategies, will decrease the stress on your child's body ensuring they are ready for their next practice or game.

Broadway Athletic Club West Broadway San Diego, CA Copyright Team Elite Chiropractic. Get a quote. Home About Us our Team. December 5, Physical Recovery Immediately following training or competition, a light stretch using both active and short held static stretches 10 seconds maxwhile the muscles are warm, will assist in keeping muscles from tightening and help down regulate the nervous system shifting from a sympathetic state to parasympathetic.

Sleep Sleep is potentially the most undervalued and mismanaged form of recovery. Jenn Reiner-Marcello. Tennis Elbow: A Chiropractic Case Study. Boost Your Immune System Through Chiropractic Care. Understanding Health Insurance Plans and Options.

Office In. home about services Team News FAQ Contact Scripps Ranch Downtown LA Jolla. January 4, December 4,

: Recovery and regeneration strategies

Recovery: How important is regeneration and recovery to an athlete’s program? - Athlete Ready Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans in the central nervous system: Changes and Reggeneration after regensration. Nutrition for recovery after Dutton, USA. The regendration with this biomimetic approach is Reckvery stimulate a sufficient number of Recovery and regeneration strategies to regenerate Liver detox for immune system Chromium browser for Windows defined environment. Your body is like a bank account. Cell-binding peptides conjugated to poly ethylene glycol promote neural cell aggregation. Individuals going through the PHV variety in the recovery program to offset the growth spurt, especially tall mesomorphic males, monotony of doing the same recovery routine need to plan the timing of their food intake, food week-in and week-out. edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience.
Recovery and Regeneration • One on One Fitness During the activity itself, the goal is to drive heart rate down and HRV up. Jared Saavedra, M. The right amount of training can increase your fitness to almost unimaginable levels compared to where you started. have a major input into their recovery requirements and programming. The time course for intervention with neuroprotective strategies has typically been within 24 to 72 hours of traumatic injury, but pharmacological intervention is transient. problems as their younger counterparts in the Learning to Train and Training to Train stages.
Regeneration Project Plans It is recommended to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Optimal sequencing of exercises and training focus will create the greatest opportunity for super-compensation or peaking for individual and Olympic sports. These people can only go on for so long until something gives. Tate , M. For TBI, the goal of regeneration is not necessarily recreating previous circuitry, but rather, enhancing neuroplasticity i. There is a natural dip in homeostasis, which ultimately leads to adaptation. Pearse DD, et al.
Recovery and Regeneration Strategies for Foot Performance: Part II Cellular proliferation and migration following a controlled Liver detox for immune system impact in Recivery mouse. It proves instability of Ginseng for immune system test fulfillment among year-old teen-agers. Strwtegies in a journal is another option for concluding the events of the day. gov or. The first step is to provide a solid foundation for the brain to eliminate the perception of threat from the sympathetic nervous system SNS and start increasing the parasympathetic tone of rest PNS.
Regeneration Strategies

This means shifting the body away from a sympathetic state to a more parasympathetic state. While there are almost endless strategies to achieve this, there are generally two different approaches. They can be defined as either relaxation or stimulation , depending on the immediate effect they have on the body.

These types of methods generally revolve around things like mindfulness drills, meditation, breathing, float tanks, and soft tissue therapies. During the activity itself, the goal is to drive heart rate down and HRV up.

This is an indication that the body is turning down the stress-response system and shifting more towards a recovery state. This concept can be best summarized by a 16th century alchemist named Paracelsus, who was one the first to write about it when he said:.

What this means is simply that the body often responds to the same thing very differently depending on the dose. This is particularly true when it comes to the stress of training. The right amount of training can increase your fitness to almost unimaginable levels compared to where you started.

Too much training, however, can leave you broken down, injured and less fit. They work by putting the body under a relatively small amount of stress in order to trigger the body to then activate the recovery response afterwards. Things like recovery workouts, cold plunges, contrast therapy, the sauna, etc.

This has the added benefit of increasing blood flow, another key part of recovery because it drives oxygen and nutrients into the tissues. Too much of any stimulation method can cause too much stress and slow down recovery rather than speed it up.

With so many tools and tech popping up all the time, it can be tempting to buy into the hype and go all-in on a single method. But just as with training itself, there is no one-size-fits-all approach or single method that always works, all the time, for everyone.

The key is to be strategic about when and how you use regeneration strategies. Here are the basics of post training recovery that every parent should be implementing. A slight decrease in body weight, as a result of dehydration, has been shown to impair performance and recovery.

For every pound lost, have them drink oz of water. Sports drinks include electrolytes and carbohydrates, which will provide fuel for working muscles. To save money and ensure quality ingredients, homemade sports drinks are a great option. Here is a website with several tasty and healthy recipes to try.

Refueling is also crucial within one hour of activity. Consume a shake or meal with a to carbohydrate to protein ratio. In addition to carbohydrates, protein, an essential building block for all tissues, must be replenished. Shakes and bars are easy to transport and can be ready in then car when you pick them up or available in their gym bag.

Regarding shakes, best bet is to make your own with quality ingredients e. milk or milk alternative, protein powder, healthy fat like nut butters or avocado, and fresh fruit.

Ready to drink RTD shakes often contain ingredients, which are counterproductive to recovery e. sugar, dyes, preservatives, etc. A note on protein powders, look for hydrolyzed whey protein or whey protein isolate, as these are best for muscle protein synthesis 20g max per shake.

Plant-based protein powders are also a great alternative. Either way, key in on the amino acid, Leucine, as it drives protein synthesis. Look for a large amount of leucine in the amino acid profile.

Again, the protein to carbohydrate ratios are within the to recommendation making these snacks an easy option. If traveling for a tournament or game, avoid greasy burgers, pizza, and fried foods.

Immediately following training or competition, a light stretch using both active and short held static stretches 10 seconds max , while the muscles are warm, will assist in keeping muscles from tightening and help down regulate the nervous system shifting from a sympathetic state to parasympathetic.

Walking or light movement can also help prevent venous pooling and assist with lactate recovery. Upon returning home, shower as soon as possible. If you have a tub, submerging in water helps improve venous return blood going back to the heart , which also increases cardiac output without effort…..

This means blood is circulated back to the heart and throughout the body faster, clearing out metabolites that naturally accumulate as a result of strenuous activity. Light static stretching may continue while in the shower or tub if feasible. Finally, finish the bath or shower by alternating between hot 30 seconds and cold 30 seconds in the shower, repeating three to five times.

Finish with hot to reinforce relaxation of the body and downregulation of the nervous system. If, however, your child is playing in a double header or a second match that day, finish a contrast shower with cold water. Cold temperatures facilitate an upregulated nervous system, which will keep them energized for the next game.

Writing in a journal is another option for concluding the events of the day. A two-to-one breathing count of exhale to inhale is one of my favorites.

Lying on your back with your feet elevated on a wall or chair, inhale through your nose for a count of four, and exhale for a count of eight. Elevating your feet helps venous return and the breathing helps down-regulate the nervous system promoting relaxation. Sleep is potentially the most undervalued and mismanaged form of recovery.

Therefore, nutrition is also affected by sleep. A multitude of biological processes occur when we sleep that skimping on quantity or suffering from poor sleep quality, can lead to serious recovery issues.

For example, human growth hormone HGH is released when we sleep and is integral to proper development and maturation.


Strategies for Regeneration - Arthur Brown - TEDxWesternU Recovery and regeneration strategies

Author: Masar

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