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Thirst satisfaction at its best

Thirst satisfaction at its best

His presence and His truth should motivate and equip us Thirst satisfaction at its best make positive changes iits guide us to make steps eatisfaction the direction we should go. See Matthew You may be able to access this content by logging in via your Emerald profile. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.

Thirst satisfaction at its best -

Even the most atheistic person in his running and denial of God is humbled in the daily needs of his own body that require sustenance from God. But not all liquid is satisfying as it pertains to the quenching of thirst.

Ill give you an example from my adolescent years. I had just gotten done playing a very intense game of recreational football with a few friends one hot, summer afternoon.

And as we always did, we ran to the nearest gas station down the road to grab something to quench our thirst. A buddy of mine went to the cooler in the store and grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk.

As delicious as chocolate milk is, it is not a drink you want to drink when you are hot, tired, and exhausted, as was proved when my friend chugged his milk and immediately got sick. The chocolate milk looked enticing to him, but provided no real relief or satisfaction.

I grabbed a Gatorade and after paying, consumed the green liquid as fast as I could get it down. However, as I was walking home with empty bottle in hand, I realized that not only was I still thirsty, but I was even more thirsty than I had been before drinking the Gatorade.

I may be the only person that Gatorade has this effect on, but to this day the stuff still has the opposite effect on me.

Instead of quenching that deep down body thirst that its advertisements boast of, it increases my thirst. I busted into my house and headed straight towards the refrigerator.

Yanking it open, I pulled out the first cold beverage that I saw, that being a Diet Coke. But all the soda seemed to do was give me an after taste in my mouth that still left me feeling thirsty. I glanced over at the milk jug but quickly remembered the little experiment I had just witnessed in the gas station parking lot with my buddy who bought the chocolate milk and how fast it was expelled out of his body.

I made a quick mental note to self…milk and hot do NOT mix! So I resorted to the last thing that I could think of in order to satisfy this deep thirst in my body.

And ironically enough, it was not a manufactured, man made beverage! You would think that common sense would have enlightened me to realize this as a first choice of thirst quenchers. Maybe it was the neon green liquid that glistened in the gas station cooler that caught my eye.

What ever was the case, the fact of the matter is that the true, natural liquid that is known to quench thirst in our bodies which is water was the last thing I tried. And it proved to be the only thing that did the trick in satisfying what my body needed.

In our world today, we are constantly on a never ending search for fulfillment, happiness, and satisfaction. Money, cars, houses, alcohol, relationships, sex, electronics…you name it, we want it. This constant need for satisfaction within us has been capitalized on by businesses and Hollywood.

The world tells us so many things that are sure fire cures to us finding our joy in life. Just turn on your television for proof of this. But the reality of that situation is that although it may satisfy you for a few hours, you wake up the next morning feeling worse than you did with the same problems you had when you decided to have a few.

But the reality of that is just as fleeting as a person who looks for fulfillment in drinking. Pursuing sex or a relationship as a means to make a person happy will provide a temporary pleasure that will leave you longing for more.

But ask anyone who has alot of money if they are satisfied. They may tell you they are, but their constant need to consume more and more things proves that they are not satisfied. Just as with drinking and pursuits of sex, the are left wanting more. So why is it that we are never satisfied?

Humanity is never satisfied. We try to fill this void within all of us by looking to the world to meet this need. Sex, money, relationships, alcohol…regardless of what it is, we jump from vice to vice in hopes that finally we will find something to fill the emptiness within our soul.

Its like we we keep digging out these water wells that are made by the world to quench our thirst, but that thirst can never be quenched.

Because no matter how attractive the wells may seem, they are all broken and cracked. The hold no life giving water for long, so we are left to satisfy ourselves with tiny drops of water at the bottom. Never quenching our thirst and always leaving us wanting more.

But there is a well that is life giving, and that will quench our deep thirsts. The sad thing is, we forsake this beautiful well, full of water, and instead remain insistent on doing things our way. Digging our own wells, and constantly being disappointed. And the Lord pointed this very sin out to Jeremiah….

One of the central messages through out scripture is that Jesus is enough. The Bible practically screams this truth to us. Yet God says that all of our sins and lack of satisfaction in this world can be boiled down to two reasons.

That we have forsaken or ignored him, and instead of finding our joy in him that is eternal, we try to create our own happiness, like broken cisterns or wells that never satisfy. We are far too easily pleased. He compares the human race to a kid who has grown up living in the getto, who had no toy so he had to amuse himself with making mud pies.

To this kid who all he has ever known is the getto, making mud pies is a treat. But he has never known the riches of one who could take a vacation at sea, for if he did, he would realize how futile making mud pies was.

An example from my life was seen about three years ago. My son Andy loved his tinker toys and little match box cars. He said that was all he wanted for Christmas.

Easy on mom and dad. However, Andy saw a commercial for a video game system and those tinker toys which he so loved were immediately a thing of the past.

He had never known or seen anything like this before. I submit to you that if the Lord Jesus simply pulled back the curtain and we were able to just get a short glimpse of the wonders awaiting us in Heaven in his glory, things like money, sex, and drugs would be like staring at a pile of mud pies.

We would no longer thirst after the empty, fleeting pleasures of this world because we would see the joy found in Christ. It was about noon.

How can you ask me for a drink? Where can you get this living water? Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. What you have just said is quite true. When he comes, he will explain everything to us. The woman in the story was seeking out the world to fulfill her needs.

She was looking to the world instead of God to meet her satisfaction. And Jesus used the analogy of water to make his point because she was drawing water. I find it so amazing that Jesus meets people where they are, and explains himself as God to them in ways they can relate to!

This encounter recorded in scripture is amazing and drives home the point of what I am getting at. Lets look at some things you may not notice right off hand about his story. Notice in verse 6 that it tells us something very interesting.

This seems like an inconsequential fact. Why would this be included? What at all does the time of day have to do with this story? Jesus met the woman, who was drawing water from the well, at about noon.

Noon is the hottest part of the day. But for some reason, this woman whom Jesus met was drawing water alone at the hottest part of the day. Jesus goes on to ask her for some water.

To which she is perplexed, because she is a Samaritan woman, and Jesus was a Jewish man. As you can read in the verse, their conversation continues and Jesus points out to her that people will continue to return to the well daily, because they will continue to be thirsty. But Jesus tells her that if she would only drink the water he was offering, she would never thirst again.

He was speaking of the woman finding her satisfaction in God rather than in the things of this world, which he proved she was doing. Jesus asked her to go and bring her husband to meet Jesus, to which she replied that she had no husband.

Jesus through their conversation walked her into bringing her mind to the broken well she was seeking after in a means to find happiness, yet she found none. Toggle navigation. Home Baltasar Gracian Quotes Gratitude Quotes He that has satisfied his thirst turns his Cite this Page: Citation.

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Bet was Body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness beautiful satisfactionn day yesterday and we had a lot staisfaction traffic Thirst satisfaction at its best the Thirst satisfaction at its best. My Rock bes Roll satisfactoon curbed shortly after I became a Christian in but due to the recurring air play of this song in the sixties and seventies some of the words and the tune quickly come to mind even to this day. In many ways the title of the song summarizes the outlook of the world. Marketing strategy is intent on convincing us that we are not satisfied. If we buy the advertised product we will finally find satisfaction.


Dennis Burton - Come Hungry, Come Thirsty, Leave Satisfied Paul Tripp's popular Bible Study series continues Thrst The Gospel: Bwst Psalm At A Time. Thirst satisfaction at its best summarizing each book Alertness and Focus Enhancer Thirst satisfaction at its best Bible, diving deep satisfation Proverbs, and studying 1 Peter, Paul turns his attention to the Psalms. You are free to distribute and translate both the videos and transcripts of these episodes, available to download on this page. or search for "Paul Tripp's 5-Minute Bible Study" wherever podcasts are available! Download Transcript. Download Video. Thirst satisfaction at its best

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