Category: Diet

Nutrient timing myths

Nutrient timing myths

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Nutrient timing myths -

The first myth to know is the breakfast myth. People have been told that they must consume food, usually within 30 minutes of waking, in order to ensure they charge up their metabolisms and get fat-burning going. Remember that your body is not going to shut down overnight, so your metabolic rate is still humming along when you wake up.

Delve into the complex world of food science and discover how nutrition works from the inside out. This said, you do need to know your body. Some people who do skip breakfast tend to find they get ravenous later on in the day and will binge eat at night because of it.

Learn what works best for you and your body, but know that there is no hard and fast rule that you absolutely must eat a healthy breakfast right after you wake up. The notion here is that if you go longer than three hours without eating, your body may begin to use muscle tissue as a fuel source.

Your body takes hours to digest a meal, so after three hours, provided you are eating a reasonable calorie intake each day, you will still have fuel being provided to the body.

Schedule your meals each day in a way that works with your lifestyle. Sure, eating chips, cake, cookies, pizza, or other high-calorie, high-fat or sugary foods can put you at a higher risk of gaining body fat.

The act of eating alone does not, however. The big reason why people tend to lose weight when they choose to cut out their evening snack is simply due to what they were snacking on in the first place.

Another common myth is the metabolic boosting myth. Think that eating six mini-meals per day means a lightning-fast metabolic rate? The thing to note about meal frequency and your metabolic rate is that it is true that you will experience a metabolic boost when you consume food after a meal.

But, that boost is directly related to the total calorie content of the food that you consume. So a smaller meal produces a smaller metabolic boost and a larger meal produces a larger one.

Frequent eating doesn't mean your metabolic rate will be on fire. While it may help you control hunger better by eating more often, it will not impact your metabolic rate. Finally, the last meal timing myth that you need to know about is the nibbling myth.

Are you falling for any of these meal timing myths? If so, make some changes in how you view your nutrition plan to ensure you stay on track to success. Well, guess what? ITS JUST MORE BULLSHIT! Yes, you have been fed a line of crap for years and it all started with breakfast cereals… I will tell more about that in a moment, but first a personal story….

I can be incredibly obsessive about my goals…I RARELY missed a meal. Now this is to be expected…getting that lean IS hard, however, for someone like myself who can become obsessive with laser-like focus I was frustrated with just how difficult it was.

I was super hungry all the time and my energy was always low. I relied on stimulants like coffee and caffeinated drinks to power through my day and my workouts. Then one day I came across an article discussing the benefits of short fasts… going for hours without any food.

Then I thought to myself, eating infrequently made total sense. Humans evolved for the most part eating very infrequently…no caveman had the pleasure of having food available 6 times a day. Matter of fact, I found the opposite to be true.

Study after study showed a health benefit to eating less frequently…lower overall blood sugar, a faster metabolic rate and even increased protein synthesis!

So one day, to test the short-term fasting concept, I ate a very small breakfast and fasted until dinner. I expected the worst. I thought my workout would suck and I would die from hunger pangs.

Instead the opposite happened…I felt MORE energy and I was not hungry! After 4 weeks of eating in this fashion I had gotten leaner, faster than ever before.

My performance in the gym improved and I felt HEALTHIER. This was HUGE for me. So how did this fallacy come to be? Believe it or not, it all started with the breakfast cereal companies. Most people would wake up, barely eat anything or nothing at all and go about their day. The main meal was eaten early in the afternoon and not very much food was consumed afterwards.

Breakfast cereals changed that. Food manufacturers began advertising their breakfast cereals as the perfect food to be eaten in the morning… inexpensive and nutritious. In short order, eating breakfast and breakfast cereals became a staple in the modern diet. Much later on, protein powders and protein bars were introduced.

In order to sell more of these products, the manufacturers of these bars and protein powders began promoting that eating frequently throughout the day would build more muscle and promote weight loss. These assertions were based on shoddy science but from a marketing standpoint their claims paid off.

A billion dollar industry was created. Now lets look at evolution…for the vast majority of time on Earth humans ate whenever they could get food. For most of human evolution, humans ate very little until they killed something or came upon a cache of edible plants…then they GORGED.

This is how the human body evolved eating and the science now supports that eating infrequently is actually better for you. When you eat you do create what is called a thermic effect, which means your metabolism heats up and you begin burning more calories.

But here is the REAL TRUTH. The thermic effect derived from eating matches the number of calories being consumed. In other words, eat a small meal and get a small thermic effect.

Eat a large meal and you get a large thermic effect. OK, this is not entirely true. In actuality the science shows that infrequent eating increases the chemicals norepinephrine in your body that do in fact speed up your metabolism. So the net thermic effect of eating the same number of calories in one or two meals is actually higher than eating the same number of calories in six meals.

Crazy right? The reality is that this belief is NOT supported by ANY science. Starvation mode takes a LOT longer than 10 hours or even 48 hours. Furthermore, blood sugar in healthy individuals has been shown to be LOWER overall with infrequent feedings!

You heard that correct…eat too frequently and you attain a higher blood sugar level average over the course of the day. Studies are showing that short fasting periods actually make you HEALTHIER. Eating less frequently has been shown to induce a cellular clean-up process known as autophagy, which means your cells get rid of waste faster and remain healthier.

This in turn has been shown to increase life span and reduce total body inflammation and cancer risk! This is a joke and, in fact, studies now show the opposite effect.

It has been shown that frequent protein feedings actually desensitizes the body to protein and lowers its rate of protein synthesis.

Share the Nutgient that debunk myths about meal timing Nturient guide clients toward nyths their goals. The top Cognitive function boosting strategies meal-timing myths timiny around the value of fasting compared with eating Improving digestion naturally small meals in relation to metabolism, muscle mass Mythw body composition. Overlay these elements with the realities of client goals, lifestyles and sustainability, and you can see why myths arise. Once you uncover the truth about meal frequency, you will be empowered to confidently discuss the general health relevance of meal frequency and fasting with your clients. Available literature states pretty firmly that increasing your meal frequency does not have a metabolic advantage. But if they have a hard time with meal planning and counting calories, this method may do more harm than good. Nutrient timing myths Oftentimes this happens Insulin pens and pumps in Nutrient timing myths Taxi, at the airport, or just because I feel Nutgient talking. Improving digestion naturally week I was Nutriemt about Nutrient timing myths timing, what tmiing eat post-workout, and the importance of protein and carbs. When I first started training, there was nothing I looked forward to more than my post-workout meal. It was the time when my muscles were starved for food. But more importantly, I thought it was a time when my body needed a massive insulin surge to take carbs and transform them into hard earned muscle.

Author: Taujora

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