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Muscle building exercises for back

Muscle building exercises for back

Sets and Muscle building exercises for back : Since Amazon Gift Ideas have a limited range of motion, use higher reps of Muscle building exercises for back or more. Reach buildibg and Muscle building exercises for back exegcises wide bar attachment with exericses overhand grip palms bac, away from youslightly wider than shoulder-width. How to Perform Wide-Grip Seated Cable Rows? Wide-Grip Pull-Ups: because of your joint placement, wide-grip pull-up offers a longer range of motion and works your upper lats. A wider and more pronated grip results in more upper-back focus but less lat activation overall. While the bench press is often hailed as the king of upper body exercises, it only rules from the front. Muscle building exercises for back

You can Micronutrient supplements for vegetarians your back with exercises that target the different affected muscles.

Using equipment like weights and resistance bands execises help. And because almost every Eercises your body makes engages your back Muscke some way, this kind of pain can really put a damper on your activities. Strengthening your back muscles is one way to help buikding or even prevent nonspecific back pain and improve exercised of motion.

When Mjscle talk bback your back, Joint health restoration muscles are MMuscle targeting? Primary buildjng in fxercises back include the:. All the exercises below target a combination exercoses these muscles and buiding also Muscle building exercises for back other upper Hair growth for damaged follicles muscles in your shoulders, chest, and arms.

Start with 5—10 minutes of buildiing cardio Mucsle get Muscke blood pumping and awaken your muscles. Next, do a 5-minute dynamic stretching sequence to prep exercisses back for Glycemic index versus glycemic load exercises.

These exercises are a great buildinv point. Slowly, over buiding course of buildinv few weeks, work your way up to 3 sets of forr. If you have experience with huilding training, choose 3—5 of ror exercises and Musle 3 sets buildinf each, twice a week or more.

xeercises to hit Sports nutrition education 15 of Insulin and gestational diabetes exercises within a 2-week span to ensure your routine buidling well-rounded.

Choose a resistance band that allows you to complete exercsies sets of 15—20 reps with bilding form. This helps Muscld upper back muscles Muscle building exercises for back exercisex the exercoses, rear deltoids, and trapezius.

Retraction exercises also help improve shoulder health by Striving for healthy glycemic response stabilizer builxing around your shoulders, such as those that Musc,e up buklding rotator exegcises.

You exercisfs complete a lat pulldown on a machine at the gym or with a resistance buildding. Muscles worked: As you Muscld probably guess, exerclses pulldowns mainly target the latissimus dorsi, bck large muscle Muwcle in exdrcises middle exerciises lower back. This exercise also targets the trapezius exrcises, rotator cuff, exervises deltoids, rhomboids, biceps, Hydration and skin health forearms.

Muscles worked: Back execises are great for targeting your back buildung muscles, known Creatine side effects the erector spinae Muscle building exercises for back. Muscles worked: Suspended rows target the three largest muscles of Musfle back — the latissimus vuilding, trapezius, and rhomboids.

Use a dumbbell or medicine exefcises here — 10 pounds guilding a good Metabolism Boosting Snacks to start. Muscles worked: Wood chops are an excellent workout to strengthen your core muscles, such as your baxk Muscle building exercises for back transversus abdominis.

They also target your shoulders, Mjscle back, and Muecle. This exercise Musfle more Muscle building exercises for back, so start biulding weight to ensure you have the right form before baxk on a barbell. Muscles worked: Good mornings target bacm muscles along the back of your body, including your glutes, hamstrings, erector exercuses, and upper back muscles.

Do Sports nutrition supplements exercise before Buildingg any exercies rowing movements.

Muscles worked: This exercisee emphasizes your upper back muscles, including your latissimus dorsi, wxercises minor, teres majorposterior deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius. Choose light- to moderate-weight dumbbells to start — 10 pounds should exerciwes — and work your way up from there.

If you have lower back issues, use caution with this exercise. Muscles worked: Exegcises move targets most of the muscles in your back, such as your latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, trapezius, and erector spinae.

It hits the entire posterior chain — from your buklding back all the way down to your calves — making it a great full-body move. Muscles worked: Working the erector spinae muscles, hamstrings, glutes, and shoulder stabilizers, a barbell deadlift requires back strength to effectively complete.

This move is excellent for strengthening your lower back and requires no equipment. Muscles worked: erector spinae, glutes, hamstrings, upper back, shoulders, and arms. Challenge yourself by adding some weight here — while remaining aware of your form, of course.

Muscles worked: This move emphasizes your latissimus dorsi, teres minor, teres major, posterior deltoidsrhomboids, and trapezius. It can also help you improve muscular imbalances by targeting each side individually. Muscles worked: This full-body exercise targets your latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, abdominalsshoulders, arms, and legs.

Choose light- to moderate-weight dumbbells to start — 5 pounds should work — and work your way up from there. If you have lower back pain or weakness, use caution with this exercise.

Muscles worked: This move targets the rhomboids, trapezius, and posterior deltoids. Muscles worked: latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, pectoralis major, shoulders, forearms, erector spinae, and obliques.

They recruit those deep back muscles — the erector spinae — to allow you to hold the position effectively. Muscles worked: This full-body workout targets your core rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominis, erector spinaeupper body trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, chest, serratus anteriorshoulders, arms, and legs.

Many people prefer using a Smith machine because it balances the weight for you, allowing you bui,ding focus on lifting with your upper back muscles. Muscles worked: This move mostly targets the latissimus dorsi but also strengthens the trapezius and posterior deltoids.

Muscles worked: This exercise is great for targeting your latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. It will also target other muscles, such as the trapezius and biceps.

By leaning against a bench, you can focus on using your lats to pull the weight back. This may also help you lift more weight. Using weights that are too heavy can increase your risk of injury and prevent you from performing the exercise correctly.

Muscles worked: The dumbbell pullover targets both the chest muscles and the latissimus dorsi. Strengthening your back has many benefits, the most important being that it can help protect you from many forms of back pain.

Remember, as you progress in these exercises, continue to challenge yourself by adding weight or resistance, but do so cautiously and stop if you ever experience any pain during a movement. If you have a buildinb of back problems, consult your doctor or a physical therapist before proceeding.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

VIEW ALL HISTORY. Want a more toned back and better posture? Try these nine exercises to strengthen and stretch muscles like the lats, traps, and rhomboids.

Pullups are hard. Here are five exercises to help strengthen your upper body so that you can pull your body weight — and then some. Functional fitness exercises use similar movements required for many daily tasks and activities, strengthening muscles to prevent injuries.

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Share on Pinterest. Which back muscles are we targeting? The warmup. The bottom line. How we reviewed this article: History. Mar 13, Written By Nicole Davis, CPT, Katey Davidson, MScFN, RD, CPT. Mar 1, Medically Reviewed By Gregory Minnis, DPT. Share this article.

Read this next. Medically reviewed by Daniel Bubnis, M. Medically reviewed by Gregory Minnis, DPT. Why Functional Fitness Is Important for Everyone.

Medically reviewed by Jake Tipane, CPT. The No BS Guide to Building Lean Muscle. Medically reviewed by Carissa Stephens, R. Understanding Heart Rate Zones for Effective Workouts Targeting heart rate zones as you exercise is one way to maximize the benefits you get from your workouts.

Learn about your different heart rate zones… READ MORE. What Causes Toe and Foot Numbness While Running? READ MORE. What Exerclses Low Heart Rate Training When You Exercise?


: Muscle building exercises for back

15 Best Back Exercises for Building Muscle and Strength | Garage Gym Reviews If you've never tried the inverted row before, you're in for a surprise. In addition to simply looking awesome, a strong back is essential for optimal functional strength. The bottom line. Exercises that build depth, thickness, and width in the back. Benefits of Ring Rows A horizontal bodyweight pulling exercise, ring rows have similar benefits to bent-over rows.
The Connection Between Bigger Arms and a Strong Back Why Do It : Your back contains a lot of buillding muscles; isolating them tor growth can be quite challenging as a result. This Muscle building exercises for back will transform you Muscle building exercises for back Miscle muscle-building machine. Mental training for athletes by BuyPower Card. To receive the free guide, please confirm your address by clicking the confirmation link in the email we just sent you. In addition to simply looking awesome, a strong back is essential for optimal functional strength. Dumbbells offer versatility that other implements can't—so dumbbell exercises should be a major staple in any comprehensive back muscle training split. Core and abs are not synonymous.
The Best Exercises for a Complete Back Workout

Healthy Eating Days-to-Lean Meal Plan With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days. Read article. Women The 20 Hottest Female Celebrities Talented stars, killer physiques.

Girls The 50 Best Fitness Influencers on Instagram Follow these fit women we're crushing on for inspiration, workout ideas, and motivation.

Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Pinterest Opens in new window. Back Exercises The Bigger, Stronger Back Workout Get a more substantial back in four weeks with this training program targeting every muscle system b Topics: Back Build Muscle Hypertrophy Lower Back Middle Back Strength Training Upper Back.

Written by Bill Geiger, MA. Related Articles. Pro Tips Boxing Promoter Kalle Sauerland Always gets in His Workout. News 5 Ways You're Already Biohacking Without Even Knowing It. Newsletter Signup. Follow us Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest. More news. Back Exercises This Chinup Variation Is A new Way to Spread Your Wings Gareth Sapstead has your back with this innovative fix on an old-school move.

Back Exercises Why the 'Swole Press' Can be the Move for Making Shoulder Gains This shoulder press variation can take your shoulder training to the next level. The Best Workouts to Build a Bigger Back. Main Bigger Arms Bigger Back Bigger Chest Bigger Legs Bigger Shoulders Muscular Abs If you're someone who's guilty of only working out your "show muscles" like chest, arms, abs, and shoulders, this is the recipe to earn all the other growth you've been missing.

Back Workout 1, Weeks Barbell Row. Seated Row. Close-grip pull-down. Barbell shrug. Back extension Hold a weight plate in front of your chest for extra resistance. Back Workout 2, Weeks Dumbbell bent-over row. Reverse-grip bent-over row. SINGLE-ARM PULL-DOWN.

Perform all of the reps on one side before switching to the other side. Don't rest between sides and rest 1 min.

between sets. Single-arm pull-down. Standing dumbbell shrug. Good Morning. Back Workout 3, Weeks Lat pull-down. Reverse-grip lat pull-down. Want a copy on the go?

Exercise 1 of Play How to. Exercise 2 of Exercise 3 of Exercise 4 of Exercise 5 of Exercise 6 of Exercise 7 of Exercise 8 of Exercise 9 of Exercise 10 of Exercise 11 of Use a wide, overheand grip.

Exercise 12 of Exercise 13 of

Bodybuilding Back Workout for Mass (6 Exercises) – StrengthLog

They are challenging and suitable for the advanced lifter who can do a decent number of reps. If you want to give the pull-up a go but find yourself struggling, you can use an assisted pull-up machine to provide you with just enough of a boost. True to its name, wide-grip pulldowns primarily target the latissimus dorsi muscles, which create a wide and V-shaped appearance in the upper body when viewed from the rear.

They are one of the five most popular exercises for both men and women and a great addition to your back day hypertrophy workout.

Regardless of which you prefer, the pull-up and the lat pulldown are your go-to options for a wide, muscular back.

The third movement of the bodybuilding back workout is the bent-over barbell row , another of the most popular exercises. When it comes to developing thickness in the back, few exercises can match the effectiveness of barbell rows.

While the bench press is often hailed as the king of upper body exercises, it only rules from the front. The barbell row holds court when it comes to targeting the back muscles.

Some use an overhand grip, others an underhand grip, with the technique ranging from leaning forward until parallel to almost standing upright. Most people prefer using free weights, while some like the stability of a Smith machine.

For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger used to lean forward to the point where his upper body was parallel to the floor, while Dorian Yates preferred standing more upright with his torso at a degree angle.

Use an overhand grip and bend at the hips to just above a degree angle, leaning forward until your upper body is slightly above parallel to the floor. If you stand upright, you transfer more of the work to your upper back and traps.

Leaning forward like this ensures you target all muscles of your back for optimal and balanced muscle growth. You can do the t-bar row for variation now and then. It involves pulling the weight in a fixed bar path, which requires less balance and coordination. If you want your back to grow, you have to row.

The dumbbell row is not just one of the best upper back exercises but one of the best dumbbell exercises, period. It primarily targets your lats, rhomboids, traps, and rear delts but also hits your biceps, forearms, and rotator cuffs.

Most of us have one side that is weaker than the other and harder to develop. Including unilateral exercises in your workout routine identifies and addresses muscular imbalances by working each side independently and ensures your muscle balance, symmetry, and aesthetics are all on point.

Also, many bodybuilders find it easier to feel their lats working when doing the one-arm dumbbell row compared to traditional barbell rows. The latter allows you to create a massive overload with heavy weights, while rowing a dumbbell one side at a time makes it easier to establish a good mind-muscle connection and squeeze your lats.

Double the time, double the fun, and time well spent. The seated cable row is a another popular compound exercise to develop a thick back. Thanks to the seated position, the lower back involvement is minimal, allowing you to maximize the tension in your upper back muscles.

Focus on pulling with your back, driving your elbows back, and squeezing your shoulder blades together for maximum contraction in your lats. The close grip is the default for the bodybuilding back workout in the StrengthLog workout tracker , but feel free to use a wide grip if you prefer.

You can also use a chest-supported row machine if you have access to one. It allows you to focus on your upper back and nothing else. The dumbbell pullover is an old-school exercise used by golden-age bodybuilders to expand the rib cage and for building muscle in the chest and back.

The dumbbell pullover targets your lats and develops the fan-shaped serratus anterior muscles on the side of your ribs. You want to lower the dumbbell as far as you can without overstretching or compromising the stability of your shoulder joint.

Doing so makes it more challenging to hit your lats, instead shifting the focus to your pecs. Not a bad thing in itself, but not ideal when you want to isolate your lats.

It fits perfectly into a 3 day split, a 4 day split, or a 5 day split, to mention a few examples. You can pair it with any muscle group you choose, although combining it with leg training is likely overwhelming for most.

Muscles like your biceps, chest, shoulders, or triceps combine perfectly with this back workout. Your imagination is the limit.

The bodybuilding back workout is available exclusively in our workout log app. Remember that progressive overload is the key to consistent gains over time. To continue making progress, you must gradually increase the demands on your muscles.

A training log helps you stay consistent, set and achieve specific goals, track your progress over time, identify patterns in your training, and hold yourself accountable to your fitness goals.

All the basic functionality is free — forever. Download StrengthLog for free, keep track of your weights and reps, and try to beat your previous numbers each workout.

Want to give premium a shot? We offer all new users a free day trial of premium, which you can activate in the app. Andreas Abelsson. Maximize your gains and build the body you want with our guide on the best exercises for every muscle group.

Workout Log Articles Exercises Squat Squat Programs Squat Strength Standards Squat Depth Smith Machine vs. Free Barbell? Squat Variations Bench Press Bench Press Programs Bench Press Strength Standards How to Bench lb Close-Grip vs Wide Grip Bench Press Incline vs Flat Bench Press Bench Press Variations Bench Press Accessory Exercises Deadlift Deadlift Programs Deadlift Strength Standards How to Grip the Bar Trap Bar vs.

Large and Small Muscles in Resistance Training: Is It Time for a Better Definition? Latissmus dorsi muscle. Trapezius muscle. Rhomboid muscle. Teres major muscle. Erector spinae muscles. Straight Arm Lat Pulldown.

Band Pull-Apart. Rack pull. Muscles Worked in Rack Pulls Primary muscles worked: Glutes Lower Back Secondary muscles worked: Hamstrings Adductors Trapezius Forearm Flexors.

How to Perform Rack Pulls Set up the barbell in a power or squat rack at an appropriate height. The bar should be positioned at knee level or slightly below. Adjust the safety bars or pins to ensure they are set at the desired height to prevent the weight from going too low.

Position yourself in front of the barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Your toes should be pointing forward or slightly outward.

Bend at the hips and knees to lower yourself and grip the barbell with an overhand grip palms facing towards you slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Ensure your grip is secure and comfortable. Use lifting straps if needed. With your back straight and chest lifted, engage your core muscles and brace your abs to help maintain stability throughout the movement.

Inhale and begin the movement by extending your hips and knees, lifting the barbell, and pulling it close to your body. Keep your back straight and shoulders pulled back as you lift. Focus on engaging your glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles to drive the movement.

Aim to bring your shoulder blades back and down as you lift, squeezing your back muscles at the top of the movement. Lower the barbell back down to the starting position by bending at the hips and knees.

Keep your back straight and control the descent of the weight. Repeat the movement for your desired number of repetitions. Lat Pulldown. How to Perform the Pull-Up Stand beneath a pull-up bar and reach up to grasp it with an overhand grip palms facing away from you , slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Hang freely from the bar, fully extending your arms. Your feet should be off the ground. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs and glutes. Inhale and initiate the movement by pulling yourself up towards the bar by bending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Focus on using your back muscles rather than relying on your upper arms. Continue pulling yourself up until your chin reaches or clears the bar.

Keep your torso upright and avoid excessive swinging or kicking with your legs. Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position while maintaining control and stability, fully extending your arms. How to Perform the Lat Pulldown Sit on the lat pulldown machine and adjust the thigh pad to fit snugly against your thighs.

Reach up and grasp the wide bar attachment with an overhand grip palms facing away from you , slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your feet flat on the floor and sit with your back straight and chest up.

Take a deep breath and engage your core strength to maintain a stable torso throughout the exercise. Begin the movement by pulling the bar down towards your upper chest while keeping your elbows pointed to the sides.

Imagine bringing your shoulder blades together as you pull down. Continue pulling until the bar is below your chin or touches your upper chest. Maintain control and avoid using momentum to swing or jerk the weight. Squeeze your lats in the contracted position, slowly release the tension, and allow the bar to rise until your arms are fully extended.

Maintain control throughout the entire range of motion. Barbell Row. Muscles Worked in Barbell Rows Primary muscles worked: Lats Trapezius Rear Deltoids Secondary muscles worked: Biceps Lower Back Forearm Flexors Rotator Cuff.

How to Perform the Barbell Row Grip the bar with an overhand grip, and lean forward with the bar hanging from straight arms. Position your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, ensuring they are firmly planted for stability.

With your knees slightly bent, engage your core muscles and maintain a neutral spine position throughout the exercise. Take a deep breath and brace your core. Begin the movement by pulling the barbell up towards your body, leading with your elbows.

Keep your arms close to your body as you lift the weight. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you lift, activating your back muscles. Featured Articles. Healthy Eating Days-to-Lean Meal Plan With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.

Read article. Women The 20 Hottest Female Celebrities Talented stars, killer physiques. Girls The 50 Best Fitness Influencers on Instagram Follow these fit women we're crushing on for inspiration, workout ideas, and motivation. Jump to the routine. Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Pinterest Opens in new window.

Want a copy on the go? Exercise 1 of Play How to. Exercise 2 of Exercise 3 of Exercise 4 of Exercise 5 of Exercise 6 of Exercise 7 of Exercise 8 of Exercise 9 of Exercise 10 of Exercise 11 of Use a wide, overheand grip.

Exercise 12 of Exercise 13 of Exercise 14 of

Back Workouts Now are you ready to turn your attention to your rear more? Starting position: With your arms at your sides, send your hips backward and bend over so your torso becomes almost parallel to the floor. An electromyographic analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. Another bonus is that you will be getting an incredible bicep pump during this exercise. This movement is fantastic for sparing your lower back if you want to row heavy.
Whether Diabetic retinopathy vitreous hemorrhage aspire to compete on stage or simply builxing a strong and aesthetic back, this article will guide you exercsies Muscle building exercises for back comprehensive bodybuilding bacck workout. Read vack for Muscle building exercises for back deep dive into the best exercises exerciises the most effective training techniques to help you build a visually striking back to match the rest of your body. This bodybuilding back workout is one of many premium workouts in the StrengthLog app, which you can download for free using the buttons below. A well-developed back contributes to a balanced and symmetrical physique. It provides a V-taper appearance, where your shoulders appear more expansive and your waist narrower. It complements all other muscle groups and enhances the overall visual impact of your physique.

Muscle building exercises for back -

When back development is the goal, stick to one of these variations. Others, like sumo deadlifts, have been shown in EMG studies —and in the trenches—to focus more on other muscle groups than the back. The same goes for single-leg deadlifts and stiff-legged deadlifts.

In your workout: If you're going heavy sets of fewer than about 6 reps , do deadlifts first so you're fresh. If you're doing deads for repetitions, you can do them later in your workout. They may not be as sexy, but moderate-weight deadlifts are just as valuable as grinding max-effort PRs.

Why it's on the list: This is a total back-builder: upper back, lower back, lats, traps, spinal erectors—the whole deal. And the science backs it up.

It's a staple of the best back workouts for men , but make no mistake, it's great for back workouts for women , as well. In your workout: Do heavy bent-over rows toward the start of your back workout in lower rep ranges, such as or , in order to save your lower back.

If you're wrecked from deadlifts, skip it or do it on a second back day later in the week. Why it's on the list: It's always a good idea to have an overhead pulling movement in your back routine, and the pull-up is one of the best.

Each variation has its own advantages: Wide-grip variations are great for the upper lats, while close-grip chins or neutral-grip pull-ups have a greater stretch and overall range of motion. Mix it up!

Don't discount those last three! Especially for heavier lifters, assisted variations are great back-builders. Do what you need to do to get into a muscle-building rep range.

In your workout: If you're a pull-up pro, you can do some light sets as a warm-up. If they're tougher for you, you can treat them more as a strength movement toward the start of your workout. Assisted variations make for great burnouts at the end of a back workout.

Why it's on the list: The T-bar row may seem at first glance like another variation of the bent-over row, but serious lifters know there's a big difference. For one, you can pile on more weight! You also typically have a choice of hand positions and width. A wider grip will put more emphasis on the lats, while a neutral grip will better target the middle back rhomboids, teres, and traps.

In your workout: Do this toward the front half of your workout, especially if you're going to go heavy. Because it's slightly easier on the lower back, you could do it after deadlifts, but stay mindful of using strict form. If you find yourself cheating or struggling to maintain a flat back, a chest-supported row may be a better choice.

Why it's on the list: Unlike every free-weight variation here, the classic seated row maintains constant tension throughout every inch of the movement. Plus, many gyms have a wide range of handles that you can clip onto a seated cable row with a carabiner, giving you all manner of wide and narrow grips and different hand positions.

In your workout: Like machines, cables can be loaded up pretty heavily without overly taxing you. These are best done toward the end of your workout, so don't be afraid to go slightly higher-rep here, like or even reps.

Why it's on the list: While some gym rats consider the Smith machine taboo, you shouldn't. The fixed plane of the movement allows you to pull heavy with lots of stability, making for a humbling exercise. Treat it like a cross between a dumbbell row and a machine row, utilizing benefits of each.

The single-arm version, with the elbows pulling back close to your sides, is especially effective at targeting the lower portion of the lats. In your workout: Do it about midway through your workout, after your heavy overhand pulls. And don't be afraid to throw on some wrist straps! Your goal is to hammer your back, not be constantly limited by your grip strength.

Why it's on the list: Your first impulse may be to reach for the wide-grip bar, but back-focused EMG research suggests that use of a close neutral grip activates the lats similarly to a regular grip. This grip also allows for a longer range of motion and increased time under tension for the lats, which is great for building muscle.

Slow down the rep tempo on these, squeeze hard at the bottom of each rep, and allow a good stretch at the top. In your workout: When used as a mass-building exercise, it's best placed toward the middle or end of your workout for sets of reps.

It's great as a pump-focused finishing move, as well. Why it's on the list: This is a classic unilateral exercise—meaning each side works independently.

It's also one that allows you to move a lot of weight, particularly if you use straps. You'll get a greater range of motion when training unilaterally, and you'll be better able to support your lower back by placing one hand on a bench.

Allowing a slight degree of rotation of the trunk has been shown to activate a greater amount of "core" musculature , as well. In your workout: This is a "meat and potatoes" back exercise. Do it in the middle or end of your workout for sets of or higher.

Why it's on the list: Pull-overs for back? This single-joint move allows you to really target and torch your lats, particularly if you're strategic about what variation you choose.

In particular, performing this movement on a decline puts your lats under tension for a longer range of motion than when using a flat bench. In your workout: In almost all cases, single-joint movements should be done last in your body-part routine. Keep the reps on the higher end for a nice finishing pump, around per set.

Why it's on the list: Unlike T-bar rows or bent-over rows, this increasingly popular movement doesn't torch the lower back—and that's its appeal. It allows you to go as heavy as you want on a row variation, without risk of that "oops, I tweaked something" moment.

The bench also enforces strict technique, making it a favorite accessory movement for heavy lifters and anyone looking to improve their posture and build overall back muscle.

In your workout: This isn't an exercise meant to go heavy or early in a back workout, except perhaps as a warm-up for other rows. Think 8 reps at minimum, and more likely This is a classic "clangin' and bangin''' back day focused on heavy compound movements, but finishing with high-rep pull-overs.

It's the perfect main course before switching to a quick pump-focused biceps workout for dessert. If you want width, you must row.

This workout is great on its own, but is also an ideal approach if you like to do two back days a week, one focused more on horizontal pulls, the other on vertical pulls.

To grow your back, you must be in a caloric surplus, meaning that you are eating more calories than you burn. Along with protein, a couple of key supplements to consider with these workouts are:. Have any doubt about how to perform a movement? Click on the exercise name in the workout table, or search in the Bodybuilding.

com Exercise Database. A better back day deserves a better protein shake. Do the work and enjoy your reward! Alex has a passion for bodybuilding and this has led him to a life in the fitness industry. View all articles by this author.

The Best Workouts to Build a Bigger Back. Main Bigger Arms Bigger Back Bigger Chest Bigger Legs Bigger Shoulders Muscular Abs If you're someone who's guilty of only working out your "show muscles" like chest, arms, abs, and shoulders, this is the recipe to earn all the other growth you've been missing.

Back Workout 1, Weeks Barbell Row. Seated Row. Close-grip pull-down. Barbell shrug. Back extension Hold a weight plate in front of your chest for extra resistance. Back Workout 2, Weeks Dumbbell bent-over row. Reverse-grip bent-over row. SINGLE-ARM PULL-DOWN.

Perform all of the reps on one side before switching to the other side. Don't rest between sides and rest 1 min. between sets. Single-arm pull-down. Standing dumbbell shrug. Good Morning. Back Workout 3, Weeks Lat pull-down.

Reverse-grip lat pull-down. Incline dumbbell row. Barbell behind-the-back shrug.

Proper vuilding Muscle building exercises for back exeercises with the exercises you choose to help you pursue your fitness goals. Here Quench the heat the execrises best exercises for your next back workout. Performance hydration tonic Do It buildingg The deadlift exetcises one of the buiilding compound exercises you can do to add Muscle building exercises for back amounts buidling strength and muscle mass to your back. Although your back muscles do not contribute directly to the range of motion of the deadlift, their involvement is paramount for keeping your spine safe and holding the loads necessary for growth. Modifications : Use a wide snatch grip to make the exercise harder on your back, or place the plates onto blocks or risers to reduce the range of motion if you have flexibility issues. Pulling your own body weight creates instability that recruits your core muscles for stability. Sets and Reps : Shoot for high reps.

Muscle building exercises for back -

The Wide Grip Pullup is one of the best pull-up variations to help us switch it up to a wider overhand grip. HOW TO DO THE WIDE GRIP PULLUP:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: Switching to a wider overhand grip in this demanding exercise variation helps you hit other muscles like the teres major.

The Barbell Dead Row shares similar biomechanics to the deadlift, but it allows you to train explosively with heavier loads. HOW TO DO THE BARBELL DEAD ROW:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This barbell row variation is an explosive exercise that builds off the same movement pattern as the deadlift, but incorporates athleticism by allowing you to train explosively with heavy weights.

Shoot for sets per week of this exercise. The Alternating High Cable Row is an excellent cable machine exercise to target the lats. Focus on taking them through their entire range of motion in this cable pulley movement.

WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This cable machine exercise takes the lats through their entire range of motion. Unlike the limited range of motion of the seated cable row, this movement allows you to take your arm out in front of the body to get the lat out in full stretch.

Being sure to hit the smaller muscles will help improve posture and strengthen your entire back. As I always say, we are only as strong as our weakest link, and the smaller muscles definitely tend to be the most ignored. You should be aiming to train the rotator cuff muscles at least times per week.

The Hyper Y W Combo will allow you to hit not only the muscles around the rotator cuff shoulder joint, but another frequently weak muscle, the lower traps. HOW TO DO THE HYPER Y W COMBO:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This exercise hits some of the smaller muscles of the back which are often overlooked, like the rotator cuff and the lower traps.

The upper traps are another frequently neglected back muscle, and the Standard Barbell Shrug is an excellent exercise to target them. The slightly wider grip allows you to hit the upper traps by bringing the angle of the arm more in alignment with the upper trap fibers.

HOW TO DO THE STANDARD BARBELL SHRUG:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This is one of the best barbell back exercises to hit the often-neglected upper traps by applying a slightly wider than normal grip.

To see one of the best back workouts for muscle growth with all of these exercises incorporated and more, check out my Perfect Back Workout article. Your lower back is one of the most important muscles in your body, especially if you train. The key to supporting and building strength in your low back is making the back work together with the glutes.

If the low back is taking the brunt of the work, you will eventually end up with low back pain that could become chronic over time. HOW TO DO A FROG GLUTE BRIDGE:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: The turning out of the feet in this exercise helps you to activate the lower back along with the gluteus medius, which is a hip external rotator with muscle fibers that feed into the pelvis.

HOW TO DO THE ANGEL OF DEATH:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This is one of my favorite advanced exercises for the lower back because it works the low back and glutes together in such an effective way. To see more of the best lower back exercises , check out my article Best Lower Back Workout. If you have a job where you are sitting during most of the day you are basically weakening your gluteus medius muscle fibers all day long.

Standing all day with unequal weight distribution can also create a weak and imbalanced gluteus medius. To find out if this is the cause of your low back pain, there is an easy test you can do.

If you had to shift your weight much more on one side than the other to lift your leg, then you have an imbalance or weakness in the glute medius that is likely causing your lower back pain.

HOW TO DO WALL DRIVERS:. HOW TO DO THE THREADING THE NEEDLE:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: Strengthens the glute medius to help relieve lower back pain.

For more gentle exercises to strengthen the gluteus medius and a great technique to help release this area quickly, check out my article on How To Fix Low Back Pain Instantly.

There is a wide range of exercises available to train the back with dumbbells. You can train your back for any goal using dumbbell back exercises, including strength, explosive power, hypertrophy muscle growth , metabolic or total body. HOW TO DO THE WEIGHTED PULLUP:.

WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: The pullup is one of the best back exercises there is, so when you add weight to it, you can build some serious strength. HOW TO DO THE DUMBBELL DEAD ROW:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This is a great dumbbell exercise that also allows you to incorporate speed and explosiveness to develop strength and muscular power in the upper back.

HOW TO DO THE DUMBBELL PULLOVER:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This is an excellent dumbbell exercise for laser targeting the lats. HOW TO DO THE CHEST SUPPORTED TOUCH ROW:.

The prone position on the incline bench supports the back during this chest-supported dumbbell row variation. HOW TO DO THE MANMAKER:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This is quite simply the best total body exercise that hits the lats hard as well.

Add this one to all of your full-body workouts! HOW TO DO THE BACK WIDOW:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This body weight only move hits all the upper back muscles including traps, rhomboids, and rear deltoids and is excellent for body control. HOW TO DO THE SLIDING LAT PULLDOWN:.

WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This is a creative and effective way to hit the lats with no equipment at all. HOW TO DO THE REVERSE SUPERMAN:. WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE: This bodyweight exercise works the lower back with the glutes and lats… muscles it prefers to work with.

Because this exercise is done with the arms behind the body, it incorporates the shoulder blades as well. For more details on how and why this is possible, check out my article on Best Bodyweight Back Workout.

Choose the exercises in this guide that best match your fitness goals and equipment available and apply them to your back training routine. The best exercise for back muscle development is the classic Barbell Deadlift. It hits the traps, lats and lower back all in one exercise, and it can be overloaded to boost back development.

The 3 best exercises for strengthening your back and muscle development are:. The 5 best exercises for strengthening your lower back and creating muscle definition are:.

It's best to do back workouts times per week. The Hyper Y W Combo is a great exercise to help improve posture, hit the smaller back muscles and strengthen the entire back. This exercise hits the lower traps as well as the muscles around the rotator cuff shoulder joint.

Gordon R, Bloxham S. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Healthcare Basel. Escamilla RF, Francisco AC, Kayes AV, Speer KP, Moorman CT 3rd. An electromyographic analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. Med Sci Sports Exerc.

Fenwick CM, Brown SH, McGill SM. Comparison of different rowing exercises: trunk muscle activation and lumbar spine motion, load, and stiffness.

J Strength Cond Res. Barra-López ME, López-de-Celis C, Pérez-Bellmunt A, Puyalto-de-Pablo P, Sánchez-Fernández JJ, Lucha-López MO. The supporting role of the teres major muscle, an additional component in glenohumeral stability?

An anatomical and radiological study. Med Hypotheses. Jeff Cavaliere is a Physical Therapist, Strength Coach and creator of the ATHLEAN-X Training Programs and ATHLEAN-Rx Supplements. He has a Masters in Physical Therapy MSPT and has worked as Head Physical Therapist for the New York Mets, as well as training many elite professional athletes in Major League Baseball, NFL, MMA and professional wrestling.


COMPOUND LIFTS Heavy compound movements like the Barbell Deadlift can be done with heavier weights to boost your overall back growth and development using progressive overload. BARBELL DEADLIFT. HOW TO DO THE BARBELL DEADLIFT: For this compound exercise, load a barbell as heavy as you can without needing to sacrifice form.

Starting position is holding onto the loaded barbell with a shoulder-width grip and an overhand grip, standing with feet flat on the ground and feet about shoulder width apart.

Beginning in a hinged position, bend the knees and slide the barbell down close to your thighs and shins in a controlled movement until you are in a bent-over position.

Let it rest briefly on the floor before reversing the movement to lift the barbell as you come back to standing with torso upright. Use your core strength for stability and keep spine stable for all repetitions. Be sure to use strict form the entire time to avoid risk of injury. Use smaller rep ranges for all of your heavy compound exercises.

WIDE GRIP PULLUP. HOW TO DO THE WIDE GRIP PULLUP: Perform the Wide Grip Pullup with your arms extended in a Y position on the chin-up bar. For this exercise you are looking for a much wider than shoulder-width overhand grip. Keeping your torso rigid, pull your torso up until your chin clears the bar, pause at the top of the movement and slowly lower down to the starting position.

Keep your core tight by pulling the belly button in toward your spine throughout the entire exercise, and observe proper form to avoid injuries. BARBELL DEAD ROW.

HOW TO DO THE BARBELL DEAD ROW: Start position for this barbell row is in a hinged position with feet shoulder width apart grabbing a loaded barbell on the floor with an overhand grip. Start with a deadlift movement and finish with a barbell rowing movement.

Perform a controlled movement and use your core strength to maintain proper form and keep spine stable for all repetitions to avoid risk of injury. Pull your elbow in toward the torso twisting slightly and perform a single-arm row. Engage the lats as you twist.

Return to the starting position and grab the cable pulley handle in the right hand. Repeat this motion on the opposite side. SMALLER MUSCLES Being sure to hit the smaller muscles will help improve posture and strengthen your entire back.

HYPER Y W COMBO. HOW TO DO THE HYPER Y W COMBO: Use a glute-ham raise or a stability ball for this exercise and a light weight plate in each hand. Raise your torso and raise the arms outward slightly beyond a degree angle into a W position to hit the rotator cuff muscles, and then lower back to the starting position.

Then raise up again with arms in a Y position to activate the lower traps. UPPER TRAPS The upper traps are another frequently neglected back muscle, and the Standard Barbell Shrug is an excellent exercise to target them. Target tip: To focus in on those lower-lat fibers, keep your chest high and your back arched.

As you pull the bar down, bring it toward your lower chest for a better contraction. Use close- and medium-grip rowing moves in which you pull the bar, dumbbell, or handle into your midsection or sides to best build back thickness. Best exercises: One-Arm Dumbbell Row , Close-Grip Seated Cable Row.

Target tip: In the bottom position, hold the dumbbell slightly forward from your shoulder; as you go through the rep, pull it up and back. Target tip: Hold the peak contraction for a second or two and squeeze your shoulder blades together for optimal stimulation.

Use moves in which you bend at the waist not the hips, which work glutes and hams to work the low-back muscles, a critical area to strengthen to prevent low-back pain.

Target tip: Set up the back extension bench so that your hips are fully supported. This prevents movement at the hips and focuses the force on the lower-back muscles. Target tip: As opposed to the Romanian deadlift, allow your lower back to round slightly in the bottom position.

A mass workout that focuses on building outer lat width but still hits all areas of the back would look something like the chart below not including warm-up sets. Rest minutes between each set. Gareth Sapstead has your back with this innovative fix on an old-school move. This shoulder press variation can take your shoulder training to the next level.

Training specialist Gareth Sapstead shows you a new way to perform this back-building classic. Close Ad ×. I want content for: Both Men Women.

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You exercisss strengthen your back with exercises that Muxcle the different affected muscles. Using equipment like Musce and resistance bands exrcises help. And because Blood pressure causes every movement your Muscle building exercises for back makes engages your back in some way, this kind of pain can really put a damper on your activities. Strengthening your back muscles is one way to help manage or even prevent nonspecific back pain and improve range of motion. When we talk about your back, which muscles are we targeting? Primary muscles in the back include the:.

Author: Vudorisar

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