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Healthy Gut Foods

Healthy Gut Foods

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The 5 things you NEED to know for better GUT HEALTH with Professor Tim Spector

Healthy Gut Foods -

Pure, air-popped popcorn without any added sugar, fats, or chemicals contains an impressive One of the main benefits they have to offer is their fibre content.

As well as boasting 6. Scientists have observed that almonds can improve the microbiota profile and change intestinal bacterial activity. Some studies have shown garlic to help with the growth of bifidobacteria in the gut. Equally as important in cooking as garlic, onions also offer more bang for your buck than you might think.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered that sealing a food away from oxygen meant bacteria started eating the sugar and starch — turning it into acids or alcohol. We all eat fermented foods without really thinking about it. Yoghurt, beer, sourdough bread, sour cream, chutney, sauerkraut, and its Korean cousin, kimchi, all fall into the fermentation category.

Other fermented products may be less familiar to you, including kefir — a milk drink made from a combination of fermented bacteria and yeast — and kombucha , a fermented sweet tea drink.

One of the benefits of fermented foods is that they are naturally teeming with the healthy bacteria your body needs — and scientists think this may play an important role in keeping your own community of friendly gut bugs thriving.

Each of us has over trillion live bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, aka our gut, which help our body to perform a number of different tasks. However, our gut bacteria need to be balanced to work at their best.

In a review, published in the journal Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, researchers found that having a varied community of gut bugs may play a role in easing a range of bowel conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome IBS.

As well as helping your digestive health, feeding your gut bacteria may also support other aspects of your wellbeing — for example, your mental health.

In , researchers at University College Cork reported that giving healthy people cocktails of friendly bacteria for four weeks altered their brain activity in MRI scans.

Participants were less likely to experience negative thoughts when they felt low. Milk fermentation became popular in the late 19 th century, when the technology required to produce it on a commercial scale became available.

People have been practising cheese fermentation and milk fermentation for centuries to preserve dairy products, but the live bacteria is usually stripped from them via pasteurisation before they are sold.

Food fermentation can have some pretty tasty and healthy! Here are 9 of the best fermented foods:. Kefir is a fermented dairy drink that shepherds used to drink in the Caucasus mountains.

People make kefir by using starter grains called kefir grains, which contain live bacteria like lactic acid and yeast. It tastes a little like yoghurt, but is said to have even more benefits, and makes a good snack or breakfast. Yoghurt is one of the best and most well-known fermented foods.

Buttermilk was more popular back in the day, but if you can get your hands on some now, it makes a fantastic, fermented treat. This is because most of the cheese found in supermarkets will have been processed in a way that kills the live bacteria. Friendly bacteria can sometimes survive the ageing process in some cheese types, including mozzarella, gouda, cottage cheese and cheddar.

Make sure you always check the label for live and active cultures, though, if you want some probiotic goodness along with the protein, vitamins and minerals cheese provides.

Miso is another fermented soybean product from Japan and is most popular for its use in miso soup. Miso is full of friendly live bacteria, as well as protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamins K and B Only in the last hundred years or so have we discovered the full benefits of using bacteria in this process for our health.

You may have already experienced sauerkraut on your frankfurter sausage or Reuben sandwich, where it provides a deliciously sour and salty flavour. Sauerkraut has been enjoyed by many European countries for centuries and is made by fermenting finely shredded cabbage with lactic acid bacteria.

Alongside its probiotic benefits, sauerkraut also provides fibre and vitamins, C and K, as well as sodium, manganese, and iron. Make sure you choose unpasteurised sauerkraut, though, as pasteurisation kills any live bacteria.

Similar to sauerkraut, kimchi is another fermented vegetable dish usually cabbage but with a lot more seasoning. As well as being a great source of probiotics, it also contains vitamin B2, vitamin K and iron.

Kombucha is popping up here, there, and everywhere in recent years as a tasty, drinkable way to get your fill of probiotics.

This yeast fermentation process makes it naturally fizzy. Then, fruity flavours are usually added Researchers agree that a healthy community of gut bugs depends on eating a wide variety of different foods — so including some fermented foods in your diet is a good move.

Eat natural yoghurt or kefir layered with fruit for breakfast. Tuck into Korean kimchi as a starter. Keeping your gut healthy is important for everyone — but it might be even more so if you have allergies or intolerances.

The old rule is true: everything in moderation! Alcohol can reduce beneficial bacteria in the gut and promotes the growth of negative microbial species. This results in an imbalance in gut bacteria that can have a negative impact on immune functioning, digestion, sleep, mood and weight.

Studies show that a high intake of sugar suppresses the growth of positive bacteria. Common sweeteners, such as saccharin, aspartame and sorbitol, can prevent the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut.

Feel your waistband digging in? Or find yourself getting gassy in less-than-ideal moments? The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements, treatments or remedies.

Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. pdf Shop now. Save article. What should you eat to keep your gut healthy? And can bacteria really be good for you?

What disrupts our gut bacteria? The most common is our diet:. Diet and the gut. Shop all gut health foods. What happens in the gut? The gut is a nine-metre-long tube that starts at the mouth, moves from the oesophagus to the stomach, through the small and large intestines, and ends at the back passage.

The wellness benefits of a healthy gut In the gut exists a thriving community of bacteria. Visit Our Gut Health Wellness Hub. What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut?

As a starting point, you may want to include these good gut foods in your diet: Fibre High-fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, beans, and legumes may help to feed gut bacteria, allowing them to thrive and grow. Prebiotics Prebiotic foods such as garlic, onion, chickpeas, beans, artichoke, banana, and leeks are special fibres that good gut bacteria love to feed on.

Probiotics The live bacteria in foods such as sauerkraut, live yoghurt, kombucha , kefir, and tempeh contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. Polyphenols These antioxidants are found in certain plant foods, including berries, purple carrots, spinach, green tea, grapes, and dark chocolate.

Read on for our top 9 gut health-supporting foods Black beans Perfect in chillis, curries, and stews, black beans are another great gut health-supporting food.

This means that it feeds the gut bacteria, helping it to work at its best. Can fermented food support gut health? Find out all about fermented food and how it can help your gut below. What are fermented foods? This preserved the food, but it also gave it a unique, tangy flavour 6 We all eat fermented foods without really thinking about it.

Polyphenols are large molecules in plants that help protect them against disease. Consuming polyphenols seems to have a beneficial effect on gut microbial composition , suppressing pathogens and encouraging the growth of microbes that are good for us.

How much to eat: No recommendations yet. Good sources: berries including blueberries, blackberries, lingonberries and sea buckthorn , nuts , olive oil and olives, coffee and tea, black beans , red grapes, red wine , apples, dark chocolate , turmeric. It also helps boost the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

Good sources: salmon , trout, sardines, eggs, and vitamin-D-fortified milk, mushrooms portabella, white, crimini, maitake. There are plenty of good reasons to minimize refined sugar intake.

One compelling reason is that too much sugar eliminates healthy gut bacteria, which can cause inflammation in the body—opening the door to bigger health problems.

Also, refined sugars are rapidly digested by the first part of the small intestine, spiking your blood sugar and leaving the rest of your gut microbes hungry. Refined sugars include sucrose table sugar , high-fructose corn syrup, agave syrup despite its marketing , sweetened beverages like soda.

Industrial meat producers routinely administer antibiotics to their livestock to treat disease in the confined, crowded spaces where the animals are raised. For this and a variety of other reasons, we recommend steering clear of meat produced factory-style on a massive scale, including: industrial beef, industrial poultry, industrial pork you get the idea.

Simple carbs, empty calories, processed carbs—call them what you will, refined grains are stripped of their fiber, and most of their vitamins and minerals too.

Some common refined grains: white flour, white bread, white rice; pastries, pastas and snacks made with white flour. A study in the UK found that artificial sweeteners can promote pathogenic changes in certain gut bacteria. Another study explored the effect of a dozen different sweeteners on the gut microbiome, and concluded that many were highly likely to raise the risk of both inflammation and glucose intolerance, which increases risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Steer clear of artificial sweeteners, including saccharin, sucralose and aspartame, as well as artificially sweetened drinks. Eat too much meat and high-fat dairy and the microbes in your gut will change.

That might not be the best thing for your gut health. According to a Harvard study , volunteers who ate an animal-based diet started to develop an abundance of Bilophila—microbes that like bile—to adapt to the bile needed to break down all that fat.

Kind of gross, to be sure, but also a problem because Bilophila can cause inflammation. Try to minimize animal products, especially fatty meats bacon, ribs, salami, pork rinds and cheeses. They may also be rough on your microbes, according to a study reported in Diabetes Care.

In the study, a test group that ate fried meat ended up with less diverse gut microbiota than the control group, with impaired blood-sugar balance and higher toxin and inflammation levels. Hang on to those microbes by avoiding fried meat, like chicken-fried steak; french fries; corn dogs; doughnuts and other fried desserts.

Variety is the spice of life—and the preferred diet of your various gut bacteria. Skip to content. Patagonia Worn Wear Provisions.

We're in business to save our home planet. View all results. The Best and Worst Gut Health Foods. In The Article. But how, exactly?

Earth is now our only shareholder. Note: The suggestions here have been reviewed Healtthy a registered dietitian nutritionist RDN. Foode, they should Brown rice salad recipes used for Healtyy Metabolism Boosting Smoothies purposes Metabolism Boosting Smoothies and not construed as customized medical advice or care. A diverse, plant-based diet like the well-known, easy-to-follow Mediterranean Diet will give you the range of fiber and nutrients that your gut bacteria need in order to thrive. How much to eat: 3 cups of assorted vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day for a person who eats 2, calories a day. It helps satisfy your hunger longer, too, and decreases your cholesterol levels. Healthy Gut Foods New Herbal liver detoxification shows little risk of Gkt from prostate biopsies. Discrimination at Guut is Healtthy to high blood pressure. Metabolism Boosting Smoothies fingers and Metabolism Boosting Smoothies Poor circulation or Raynaud's phenomenon? If you want a healthy gut, you have to feed it well. This nourishment should include both probiotics and prebiotics — two dietary components that are increasingly being recognized as essential to your intestinal and overall health, says Teresa Fung, adjunct professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health.

Author: Mele

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