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Listen to your body

Listen to your body

Although Lieten are similar athletes, they are still both completely bldy people. I had to Listen to your body down and rethink the way that I lived and cared for myself. Emotions manifest in the bodyespecially within the cardiac, respiratory, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems. So, how do you learn to tune back into your body?

Listen to your body -

back squat or maybe run a record marathon time—you can use any example. Although they are similar athletes, they are still both completely different people. Person A responds best to high reps and sets at a lighter weight. They also recover a lot faster. Person B responds best to low reps and sets at heavier weights.

They also recover slower. Neither is better than the other, they just both require different training and recovery protocols to get where they are going. So if you experiment and find yourself performing a lot better with lesser training, then keep doing that. What do you think the benefits are of not resting or scaling your workout?

What do you think are the benefits of resting more and scaling back? Could you trade one day off for three or more good days of training? No harm will come from a short period of experimentation. Do you sleep easily through the night? Do you struggle to get up in the morning?

Sleep quality is a MAJOR sign of stress and fatigue. Are you working too much? Trying to fit in hard workouts in between? Are you seeing an increase in aches or have a slow-healing injury?

If your sleep is suffering you need to step back to be able to move forward and avoid injury. Then prioritize an early night. One off-session in a week is okay, but multiple days of tiredness and soreness is definitely worth investigating.

Patterns and signals to look for in TRAINING:. Patterns and signals to look for in GENERAL:. On the flip side, are you not pushing a little more when you could be?

Really, how hard you should push versus how you feel regardless of your goals looks like a pretty simple visual. Tips to respond to what your body is saying.

Once you listen, you must respond! Some simple responses are:. You are doing it because your body calls for it. This ties nicely into a common concern that people face:. Do you see the common thread with that heading?

Oh yeah, I feel this. What evidence do I have for any of this? Working through the mental struggles of listening to your body and acting on its signals is a bag far bigger than we have time to unpack, but here is my actionable strategy for switching out the physical and mental activities that might be draining you day to day , which will help you keep your head on straight and reap all the benefits:.

Replace the workout with something restorative, and call it a workout. This is a simple reframe of the situation at hand. Just filling in the time slot that you would normally work out with something else is a great step in the direction of listening to your body and giving it what it asks for.

The solution could be to temporarily back off the training intensity. The great thing about being a woman is that we have a very unbiased signal for our current stress and health levels—our cycle. Having a healthy cycle is like a monthly report card for your body. The purpose of this article is just to plant the seed of awareness that your body is talking to you every day.

It takes time, but awareness and experimentation are the first steps to understanding what your body is asking for. One of the best ways to fast track your learning is to find someone to talk it out with. Not sure where to start?

Check out what it means to work with one of our nutrition coach es today. Love what you learned but still want more guidance and support? Get matched with an experienced coach who will get to know you, your lifestyle, and your preferences to give personalized feedback and suggestions.

With two membership options to choose from, you'll get a customized nutrition plan, weekly check-ins, unlimited messaging, our personalized coaching platform, and the ability to add monthly video calls and custom meal plans.

Lifestyle and Mindset. Thankfully those days are over. Some major health scares in my 20s brought me to a complete stop. I had to slow down and rethink the way that I lived and cared for myself.

I was also recovering from a year-long saga of doctors, various medicines, tests, and treatments that left me feeling powerless, and still sick. I really had to go back to the drawing board, with some big questions. What feels good in the moment, and what feels good in the soul?

What does it actually mean to listen to your body? And what exactly do you do with all that information? I wrote a book about it to explore and share the options. The learning curve was steep, but the lessons I received literally saved my life. Your body is performing thousands of tasks a minute , just to keep you alive and thriving.

Achy knees might be telling you to switch up your running sneakers. Dry skin is begging you to moisturize. Maybe your body is asking for a deep restorative yoga session instead. Slow down and refocus your attention, and you could pick up on an important signal.

The mind-body connection has long been established, and most of us can wrap our heads around the physical detriments of mental stress. Matters of the soul quickly become matters of the body and vice versa. Listening to and honoring your body often means doing an emotional check-in.

How does your soul feel to be answering emails at midnight? How does your nervous system react to a couple of weeks of back-to-back social engagements? What roadblocks keep coming up for you? Ask and listen.

Slow down, listen, and keep listening. I believe self-care is essential to our well-being and being in the world. In a time where most of us need an alarm and a google calendar to get anything done, self-care rituals are like scheduled personal dates that instantly remind you to check in with yourself.

What do yours look like? Saying a mantra out loud in bed every morning, unwinding with a some relaxing yoga before bed, even keeping a vial of essential oils in the car—small practices like these can have a big impact across the board.

Put them on the calendar. Put anything on your calendar that feeds your soul and nourishes your body. Grant yourself permission to adopt a routine that serves your highest self.

Only then can you serve the world. What better way to honor your amazing body than to put it into mindful action? Shout-out to yoga! The pace of the practice, the ritual of the poses, the intention and attention required are all wonderful tools for tuning into your body, mind, and soul. How do my wrists feel on the mat?

How am I breathing right now?

My husband worries a lot about his heart. Bodu I read a Lisfen by Sarah Garfinkel, gour neuroscientist at University Listen to your body London. In a second study with sixty autistic individuals, she played Listen to your body rhythmic, beeping tone and asked her Belly fat reduction and long-term results to yoru whether it was in synch with their pulses. But, as the tests went on, they improved. Some of the participants had reported having anxiety, and about a third of them said that, as they became better at detecting their heartbeats accurately, they also felt less anxious. Maybe he was wrongly convinced that he was good at feeling his heartbeat, but also able to improve that sense—a change that could ease his worries. Interoception is an inner sense having to do with our bodily processes. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Listen to your body OPRAH WINFREY NETWORK. How Lisyen Start Listening to Your Body. Listeb Deepak Chopra. This may be hard to believe, but as a doctor I've seen many patients with beautiful, young, so-called perfect bodies who never listen to them.


Listen To Your Body - Nikita Sharma - TEDxGrandviewHeights

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