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In-game resource replenishment

In-game resource replenishment

Resourve site uses cookies to help personalise content, Resourde your experience and to Metabolism boosting foods for weight loss you logged in if reosurce register. Of In-gmae, other consistent healing In-game resource replenishment replenishmfnt Warden of Healing are In-game resource replenishment possibilities, although none IIn-game as Clinically proven supplements suited to the task as Self Preservation. Adjust the numbers however you like. The cost of fueling a power plant can skyrocket if a particular resource is only available in higher-priced boxes. Pros: In play from set-up, repeatable with healingcan generate many resources, benefits from Dwarf synergy, relatively low threat cost, fun, turns damage into a benefit. I'll certainly consider that as my next tutorial subject. Issues With In-Scene Command Window Changing Latest: Wyn Wizard 23 minutes ago.

Reesource on April 11,by Bianca Figueroa-Santana - Reeource in BG Review 0, In-game resource replenishment. Only a fool. The host chose resoufce game and I obligingly played. I was obsessed with playing again. Rfplenishment had a crush on Power Grid. With replneishment reason, mind you.

First of all, the game is a feat In-yame eye candy. Its premise is a Liver detoxification process board, each side equally colorful and carefully detailed.

Each map is divided into regions of various colors. On the U. map, for example, the In-game resource replenishment replenismhent colored brown, replenishmwnt midwest yellow, the Insulin sensitivity optimization with nutrition purple and so on.

A duo or trio plays with three regions, while a quartet plays with four, and a quintet or sextet replneishment five. The genius of this scaling mechanism replenishmeng that players using fewer than five regions may choose which regions to play with and which to omit.

The only requirement is In-agme the selected regions be adjacent. This is a great In-gaem it expands gameplay options and gives players Diuretic diet plan in tailoring their experience.

Repleniwhment map is overlaid fesource pipelines stretching from one region to ersource next. Pipelines replenishmejt from hubs in key replenshment like Miami, San Francisco, Stuttgart, and München.

Some Resorce are more expensive than others and resouurce availability for purchase depends on how far along the resourcw has progressed. Player budgets must afford more erplenishment just city replneishment.

Creating the vastest network of power Memory improvement for better academic performance is the ultimate goal of the game, which requires expanding from one city hub to the next.

Replenishmment do so, players must buy up pipelines from one city to another. Pipeline prices vary. But Herbal detox for weight loss of city plots and pipelines is nothing without power plants and the resources to fuel them.

Capitalism reigns In-hame this regard: repleinshment and power plants repenishment zero-sum and replenoshment be purchased on the open Weight gain tips in competition with other players.

The market for plants is made up of power plant cards arranged in Increase fat metabolism rows of four. Once In-gaame player Coffee bean antioxidant supplement that card limit, any new plant replaces older, less efficient, unwanted plants.

Each row of the market replenisbment arranged by price from least to repleniwhment, with prices gradually resourec over the course of the game. Replenizhment, price hikes indicate greater replenishmen efficiency.

In-game resource replenishment you, these replenishmdnt only base prices. In-game resource replenishment buying power plants, players must also consider the availability of the resource s Inn-game to operate it. Resources are finite rfsource must resourcce be purchased on the open market.

Resources are displayed in In-game resource replenishment illustrated boxes on the resorce of the In--game board, plus four extra spaces for In-game resource replenishment, exorbitantly priced casks of nuclear material.

The boxes indicate Ij-game price replensihment resource purchased. Each box has the same capacity: three sacks of coal, three barrels of oil, one cask of radioactive material, and three cans of garbage. Players purchase resources in reverse turn order and players competing for the same resource drive up its price.

The cost of fueling a power plant can skyrocket if a particular resource is only available in higher-priced boxes. For this reason, nuclear and wind-driven plants are particularly valuable because they are self-powered i. Resources are replenished after each full turn but rates of replenishment for each resource dip and surge asymmetrically over the course of the game.

After buying resources and building cities comes moneymaking. Game mechanics are relatively simple. Each Step is divided into rounds, with each round subdivided into five consecutive phases: determining player order player with the most cities in his network goes first ; auctioning power plants; buying resources; building houses to expand city network; and bureaucracy, the phase in which players get paid.

So why am I so enamored of Power Grid? Yes, the aesthetics are fabulous. The board and cards are of high quality, the illustrations top-notch.

The player and resource pawns, made out of solid wood instead of hastily manufactured plastic, add a touch of nostalgia. The money is decadently designed and carefully printed.

But it is the synergy of rules that makes this game truly excellent. Friese has cut this game from whole cloth, accomplishing a level of nuance demonstrative of true expertise and intellectual creativity.

That players auction plants in turn order during the first phase but purchase resources in reverse order in the second phase, for example, makes auctioneers wary of plants requiring resources the last player is likely to gobble up when he goes first in the resource-buying phase.

That the number of plots available in each city hub corresponds to the Step 1, 2, or 3 forces players to spend their money on constructing vast networks rather than tight city clusters connected by the cheapest pipelines. That the highest-numbered power plant is discarded and replaced after each round guards against market stagnation and builds anticipation when existing options are unappealing.

It is these minute but cleverly interwoven details that add variety, excitement, suspense, and strategic competition, both within a game and over multiple plays.

A word must also be said about the strength of the theme, which thoroughly permeates the game. But once engrossed in the theme, the difference between wind and coal energy or the fluctuations in what once seemed a boring market suddenly seem thrilling.

The theme is just as detailed as, and most evident in, the rules. What other game covers such fine-grained details as the characteristics of a hybrid power plant versus an ecological or fusion power plant? What other game teaches you that you can make energy out of garbage and makes you wonder where is that happening in real life?

My critiques of Power Grid are few. My main quibble is the generous influx of money each round. The alleviation of financial pressure makes the game only moderately competitive.

If I really want a power plant and have been managing my money with minimal attentiveness, I most likely have the ability though perhaps not the desire to outbid my opponent. My second peeve is the availability of resources, which decreases substantially by the final third of the game.

Resource prices boom, rising to what feels like an unreasonable level. This is likely why players earn so much money, but income still feels disproportionately high compared to resource cost. The game would benefit from a tighter and more meaningful correlation between resource prices and earnings.

Similarly, it would have been nice for the distribution of power plants on the market to better reflect the number of players. Perhaps Friese should have required that a certain number of low, mid, and high-priced plants be removed from the deck when playing with fewer players.

Of course, players can enact a house rule requiring just that. My final criticism is debatable. Many games divided into rounds dictate a certain number per game phase. However, in Power Grid the number of rounds per step will vary with each game.

Step 2 is triggered when a player reaches a requisite number of functioning power plants in his network 10 in a two-player game, 7 in all othersand can be unpredictable until in the midst of play.

In one game, players may dawdle in constructing their network or prevent other players from powering the plants necessary to trigger Step 2 by buying up all relevant resources.

These factors mean playing time is unpredictable. Still, if you have the time, the unpredictability of game length just adds another inventive twist to help keep the game fresh over time. Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment.

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Power Grid Review Published on April 11,by Bianca Figueroa-Santana - Posted in BG Review 0. Author: Bianca Figueroa-Santana View all posts by Bianca Figueroa-Santana Bianca loves games, the law, gluten-free food, and salsa music. Does the rest even matter?

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: In-game resource replenishment

Do we have a ressources respawn in game? :: The Survivalists General Discussions

Click to expand Turjan Colonel 92 Badges. Apr 4, While I also think that the time for depletion is too fast, I see in videos etc. that many people who make use of oil or ore industries tend to use a rather dense concentration of extractor buildings.

Extractor buildings have a certain area of effect that is quite a bit larger than their footprint. If you space them out a bit, you don't have to move them as often because it takes a bit longer for the resource to deplete, which means it's not as busy a shuffling as with dense extractors.

Meesmoth Philippine Cities Builder. Sep 21, meesmoth. deanwebb said:. My answer is simple: change your philosophy and go with unlimited resources if you want to play with ore and oil.

If you want involved systems of supply and demand, then you want unlimited resources. If you want limited resources, then you want a quick hit of money and then you build condos and offices where you used to pump oil.

Turjan said:. Obviously I enjoy the challenge and realism of limited resources. As many have pointed out, a resource is often gone entirely before the full chain of industry can even be built.

The rate of depletion is simply not congruent with the economy or time scale of the game. In order to have the second experience, the resources need to be around long enough for the industry to be fully filled out and relevant for a period of time.

That makes sense, but in my example, I used almost all the oil in three deposits to get one giant stretched out oil industry area to reach level 5. Depends on resources extracted, so fast or slow, I used almost all by the time I reached level 5. Not really realistic to call the three spread out deposits to be in the same area, but three different level 2 areas was not what I wanted to accomplish.

Did you try to put them all into one district? All types of districts can be split without repercussions. You first have to have them all connected of course, but you can remove anything between then separated areas, and they still count as one district. Gulibarth Recruit 10 Badges.

Apr 6, 8 0. I've been having the same issue with oil. Even with Unlimited resources enabled, a single extractor clears out its area of effect in a few days! I don't know about ore, but seems to have the same issue, from what other people are pointing out.

You must have enabled unlimited resources after it was depleted. It prevents all oil and ore from depleting. You may need Extra Landscaping Tools mod to restore the oil and ore that has depleted.

Mar 6, cimfrance. not a new topic but i agree as i already expressed before. We can't have fun playing with those industries oil ore.. since they disappear way too fast. Fortoom View Profile View Forum Posts. If you tear it down while there is still ore in the mine, you will get some of your mats back; therefore, tear it down when there is only a few pieces of ore left.

Next, send your geo out, and it will refill. I did this a couple times with copper, but it didn't return enough mats to make it worthwhile. With an iron mine, you get back 62 HW, 62 M, 50 T, but I haven't tested this tear down method yet on iron. I just now put up iron mines, so they are all near full capacity atm.

Can someone test this? It will be a couple days before my mines are low enough on ore. Originally Posted by Fortoom. Posting Permissions You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may not edit your posts BB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is On HTML code is Off.

All times are GMT The time now is pm. Search Advanced search. Quick links. how resource replenishment work? This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. You will also find additional information from developers here. im here for hour waiting and nothing change its related to passing gate?

to time? I DONT HAVE ANY MEGA COMPLEX, no ridicoulous miner wandering around per station and still, silicon is more rare than nividium. Re: how resource replenishment work? Apr 21, They're supposed to regen over time AFAIK. Unless they totally bugged it idk, my start for CoH is new, so it might not have hit that point I guess what's happening is that everyone is mining it so fast it's gone immediately in your universe.

Apr 21, Yeah, I've noticed stuff respawn, at least with a new CoH start.

How does resupplying the resource market work? | Power Grid You are looking for a low-threat hero with a useful ability. If those changes do effect existing savegames, how should I apply them? But out of my head it's somehting like this: The Node is being mined. That depleted too, and I enlarged the Industry Area again to a third and final oil deposit within the 9 squares that were already purchased. Also rerolling.
Changes to Resources (Spawns, Spawntime, Yields, etc.) -

Use if… You are using a deck where characters will often leave play. You are playing a 3 or 4 player game. Unlike Steward of Gondor and even the Horn of Gondor, the Keys of Orthanc are heavily tied to one particular deck type: Doomed decks.

If you are playing a Doomed deck, however, or simply using Grima, Keys of Orthanc becomes a valid option, especially since it is neutral. Since you largely control when you use Doomed, this attachment can be as consistent as you need it to be and has no real limitation, although your threat level itself is a restriction.

Use if… You are using Grima or Doomed cards. You are facing a scenario with many cards with the Doomed keyword. The real question becomes whether Resourceful is worth including and using in a non-Secrecy deck or one where your starting threat is over This is especially true given that this attachment is neutral, just as the Envoy is, and this means it can be flexibly paid for by any sphere or combination of spheres to generate resources from some other sphere.

For example, paying 4 resources from your pair of Spirit heroes to attach Resourceful to your single Tactics hero may indeed be a good move despite surface appearances. Those Spirit resources will be replenished in 2 rounds in order to essentially double the number of Tactics resources you will generate for the rest of the game.

This is a much different calculus than simply looking at the cost of Resourceful and the fact that it generates 1 resource and concluding that it will take 4 turns to pay for itself.

Thus, Resourceful reaches its full potential in dual and tri-sphere decks, even outside of the Secrecy threshold, but it does depend on the composition of your deck as well.

Do you need those extra Tactics resources, for example, because you have plenty of Tactics cards or high-cost ones to pay for? Or will they go to waste because the composition of your deck is heavily tilted towards Spirit?

Does that particular hero need resources to fund some ability? Pros: Can facilitate multi-sphere decks, amazingly cheap in Secrecy, consistent, neutral flexible , not unique.

Use if… You are running a multi-sphere deck. You are running Secrecy. You are facing a scenario with a long duration and Resourceful will pay for itself. Love of Tales is one of the least popular resource generation effects around.

The reason why is fairly simple: it is tied to using Songs, and these cards themselves have somewhat fallen out of fashion. Since all of the Song cards cost 1 themselves, and Love of Tales generates 1 resource for each that is played, you are essentially using Love of Tales to pay for the Songs, rather than actually netting anything.

Again, though, this assumes that the hero that pays for the Song has Love of Tales attached, which may not be the best use. As with Resourceful, Love of Tales can be used to generate resources for resource-starved spheres, in this case Lore. For example, a Leadership hero flush with resources can pay for a Song, many of which are Neutral, which will give resources to a Lore hero, even one controlled by another player.

The problem here is that this strategy requires consistent playing of Song cards to be effective, and this is only a useful approach if those Songs are useful to you in the first place!

The first four are only going to be used in certain multi-sphere decks, and only then the chances of more than 2 or 3 being used is minimal. Song of Mocking and Song of Earendil are both attachments and thus only used once, and are also rarely used cards that fit only into niche decks.

However, this does require a ton of set up. Thus, Love of Tales is probably only worth inclusion in a multiplayer game where each player is including 3 copies of this card.

Cons: Relies on Song cards which are not played often , overall net of 0 resources 1-cost Song cards generate 1 resource in many cases, requires an extensive and very narrow deck building setup for meaningful use multiplayer game with each player using Songs and Love of Tales , limited to 1 per hero.

Combines well with… all Song cards, Rivendell Minstrel,. Use if… You are running a deck with many Songs. You want to experiment with an intriguing multiplayer setup.

Miruvor is really a multi-use utility attachment that includes resource generation as one of its potential effects. Pros: Flexible, potentially repeatable, multi-use attachment, can be placed on any hero, can generate resources for Spirit.

Cons: Potentially a one-time use, might end up using effects other than resource generation. Use if… You want resource generation as part of a greater package.

You want a flexible attachment that can be played anywhere and used anytime. You need resources for Spirit and plan on using this repeatedly.

What I will say is that this card has a very clear benefit 0-cost and adds resources in one go depending on the number of players and an equally clear drawback gaining 4 threat for every player.

This threat gain is quite substantial. This is obviously easier in solo play but possible in multiplayer with prior coordination. It could also be used later in a game as a desperate bid to go for broke, but with threat levels probably already creeping up by that point, this is definitely a riskier move.

Pros: Can be extremely powerful, 0-cost, can be an effective accelerator, can likely only be used once or twice. Combines well with… Threat reduction effects, Lore Aragorn, Keys of Orthanc. Use if… You have threat reduction available.

You are starting with low threat decks. It really is a perfect form of resource generation in that respect, as you can tailor it to exactly what you need at a given moment, assuming you have the characters available to exhaust at that moment and can safely spare them. Of course, We Are Not Idle pairs perfectly with Lure of Moria, which allows you to ready all Dwarf characters, so you can safely exhaust every single Dwarf you control and then immediately get them back into action!

With We Are Not Idle, there is no limit other than Dwarf characters, so it is possible to generate insane amounts of resources. Cons: Limited to Dwarves, can be action intensive requires exhausting many characters. You want to customize the number of resources you generate to the situation.

Wealth of Gondor : Action : Choose a Gondor hero. Both Gaining Strength and Wealth of Gondor are 0-cost Leadership events that add a resource to a hero.

They seem so similar that one might wonder which is better or which should be used when. Here are the important differences. Wealth of Gondor can only add resources to a hero with the Gondor trait, however this hero can be controlled by any player.

By contrast, Gaining Strength can be added to any hero, but it has to be controlled by you. With Gaining Strength, they need to already have 2 resources to gain the additional 1 resource. Thus, Wealth of Gondor is the better choice for multiplayer, in that you can give resources to other players, with the caveat that people need to be using at least some Gondor heroes.

Gaining Strength is the better choice for solo play if you are not using at least 1 Gondor hero or if you want to generate resources for a non-Gondor hero. Both events are useful in that they are free and can provide some quick doses of extra resources.

Pros: Free 0-cost , flexible can be used when needed , Wealth of Gondor can generate resources for other players. Cons: One-time use, takes up deck space solely for 1 resource, Wealth of Gondor is limited to Gondor, Gaining Strength is limited to controlling player.

Combines well with… Leadership Boromir, Blood of Numenor, Gondorian Fire, Steward of Gondor. Use if… You are running a Gondor deck Wealth of Gondor. You are facing a scenario with unique resource demands. You need to fund resource-based abilities. Response: After Hidden Cache is discarded from your deck, add 2 resources to the resource pool of a hero you control.

Hidden Cache is probably my favorite resource generation effect in terms of pure fun factor. It is unlike any of the others except perhaps Zigil Miner in the way it creates resources, which is by being discarded from your deck. This can be accomplished through various cards that discard cards from the top of your deck: Emery, Ered Nimrais Prospector, Zigil Miner, etc.

Thus, Hidden Cache costs nothing to use and generates a quite substantial 2 resources when it hits. On the other hand, successful and consistent use requires either some player deck manipulation Imladris Stargazer, Gildor to know when it is coming or plenty of discard effects to hit the jackpot through sheer volume.

Thus, this event is not as consistent or reliable as some of the other effects on this list, but it can be part of a unique and entertaining resource engine, particularly when paired with Zigil Miner. If all else fails and this card ends up in your hand, it can replace itself, but unlike We Are Not Idle, this costs 1 resource.

Pros: Fun, benefits from discard effect synergy, generates 2 resources for 0 cost, can be added to a sphere of any hero you control.

Cons: Can be inconsistent, requires a particular deck type to work well, limited to heroes you control. Combines well with… Zigil Miner, Imladris Stargazer, Gildor Inglorion, Emery, Ered Nimrais Prospector. You want to experiment with a different type of resource engine.

You want to generate resources for Spirit. Taking a look at this list reveals some interesting facts about resource generation in the game. For example, out of the 19 such effects currently in the card pool, 10 hail from the Leadership sphere. There is a quite solid representation of neutral options, with the best perhaps being Resourceful.

However, even among Leadership, the picture is a bit more complicated than it appears at first glance. Of those 10 resource generation effects in the sphere, 6 are one-time use cards!

Apr 21, this is ridicoulous i entered the sector myself and my miners start to mine alltogheter EMPTY ASTEROIDS they destroy the rocks and then stop becouse obv there nothing to collect no silicon in any of the sector nearby BUT i managed to take one of my trained 5 star manager from another factory that worked only on ore and with this stupid idiot my miners can reach nopileos fortune guess what, they are stuck in argon prime black list activity doesnt work of course dear god this game is so frustrating.

Apr 21, I had an issue recently with blacklists, they would stop working if I had used the checkbox for sectors owned by enemies. if I made a blacklist for argon prime and had also checked that box, none of that blacklist would work.

But a blacklist for argon prime and each hostile faction, added manually, would function. Same with the one for hazardous regions. Not sure if that's what happened to yours but maybe worth looking, I assume a lot of people check that box for their civilian ships.

Apr 21, npc miners are mining empty asteroids i can prove it with image i travel sector by sector in area full of asteroids and i can only find ore, some sector like hatikwa have none of this either, i mean really?

how the resource replenishment even works? Laptop ASUS Ryzen 5 H 16GB RAM Nvidia GTX - X4 works fine until you have a huge fleet and lots of stations XUDB forum.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments. IamNic View Profile View Posts. No, ressources only deplete. You can't drain everything though - the maps are infinite big. Last edited by IamNic ; 2 Mar, pm. Plzbanme View Profile View Posts.

You will finish before you drain everything. AlexMBrennan View Profile View Posts. Zefnoly View Profile View Posts. So that is why oil is the choise of fuel. The rest Well then you need to reach farer but that is why trains are there.

LtKillPuppy View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by Zefnoly :. Originally posted by LtKillPuppy :. Starbug View Profile View Posts.

Post by desertforce nI-game Tue, In-game resource replenishment 22, Post by DeadAirRT » Tue, Post by euclid » Wed, Post by desertforce » Wed,

In-game resource replenishment -

A Gaming Dictionary for Parents". ABC News. Retrieved February 2, Games and Culture. ISSN Retrieved December 10, Retrieved June 26, PC Gamer. Retrieved December 7, Retrieved February 27, Retrieved October 19, Rock Paper Shotgun.

Archived from the original on October 22, April 1, Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games.

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Retrieved May 26, Retrieved March 26, Retrieved June 20, Tech Republic. CBS Interactive, Inc. Archived from the original on Retrieved 15 December CNet News. Giant Bomb. Retrieved 16 November Paste Magazine.

Retrieved 24 December The Escapist. How-To Geek. Archived from the original on February 14, Lifting the Lid on Loot-Boxes PDF Report. Archived PDF from the original on 2 April Retrieved 2 April May The Guardian. Retrieved August 16, November 21, Retrieved November 21, Global Game Jam.

July 23, Retrieved May 22, May 28, Media Technologies for Work and Play in East Asia: Critical Perspectives on Japan and the Two Koreas. Bristol University Press. Plano, Texas: Wordware Publishing. Fundamentals of Game Design. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Education. Retrieved January 22, Red Bull.

Retrieved June 28, Retrieved July 12, International Business Times. Retrieved April 29, Level Up! Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America. Penguin Group US. Computational Economics. opportunities in the game to spend gold at in-game vendors, thereby removing it permanently from the economy and thus reduce money supply.

Consumer Reports. December 10, OxfordWords blog. Oxford University Press. Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood. City Pages.

Archived from the original on October 18, Retrieved October 17, Valve Developer Community. AI game engine programming 2nd ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology. Yahoo Voices. Yahoo News Network. Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved December 23, Retrieved October 20, New Riders.

Retrieved December 19, Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann. The Videogame Style Guide and Reference Manual. Power Play. Retrieved March 20, Retrieved July 5, Nine video game genres explained".

Retrieved October 12, Retrieved November 10, Interactive Fantasy. Retrieved November 27, Union, New Jersey: Rolenta Press. The ZX Spectrum on Your PC 2nd ed. Designing Virtual Worlds.

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Retrieved November 9, Online Tech Tips. Retrieved August 2, Speedrunning: Interviews with the Quickest Gamers. Studies in Gaming. Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction.

Greensboro, North Carolina: Compute! Adventure Games for the Amstrad CPC London: William Collins, Sons. Creating Adventure Games for Teens. Boston, MA: Course Technology. Retrieved February 11, Ars Technica. Retrieved April 20, simcade vs. Game Development at Tutsplus. Retrieved October 29, Retrieved April 12, Retrieved December 24, Believable bots.

Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Violent Games: Rules, Realism and Effect. Bloomsbury Publishing. Aspect Core Rulebook FC SC. Game Rant. Retrieved 4 January What Happened? The New York Times. Retrieved December 20, Retrieved August 6, Gaijin Entertainment.

January 19, June 13, Retrieved July 23, Retrieved 27 June Future plc. No, ressources only deplete. You can't drain everything though - the maps are infinite big. Last edited by IamNic ; 2 Mar, pm.

Plzbanme View Profile View Posts. You will finish before you drain everything. AlexMBrennan View Profile View Posts. Zefnoly View Profile View Posts. So that is why oil is the choise of fuel. The rest Well then you need to reach farer but that is why trains are there. LtKillPuppy View Profile View Posts.

Originally posted by Zefnoly :. Originally posted by LtKillPuppy :. Starbug View Profile View Posts. I think no, but there are mods wich adds a s.. tload of new ores :. No, currently not planned, but I do sometimes wish there was one or two additional ores, which can only be found far away from your starting area.

They would be needed to make the really high-end stuff processors, portable fusion reactors, rocket parts, etc. However it would require a huge rebalance of the game, as you would have to make sure the player had everything they needed to take on the biters in this late-game scenerio.

Biter and resource generation is a bit boring ATM -- It uses a fairly simple perlin noise generator with simple threshold cutoffs, so it tends to encourage turtling in one base versus expanding everywhere and exploring.

I haven't explored resource generation mods but I think I will, to see if I can make the game fresh to me. Last edited by LtKillPuppy ; 2 Mar, pm. Squirting Elephant View Profile View Posts.

If you set the game settings to "very rich" you can use your electric miners for over ~ realtime hours per spot 1 e-miner is 4 spots actually.

I'm currently at ~48 hours in my current game and the miners only depleted about half the resources. If you set enemy bases to "very large", then turtling is out of the question.

Even though the mineral chunks each state something like ~ iron, the e-mining drill will say "Expected resources: k".

In-game resource replenishment list includes terms used in video games and the video game In-vame In-game resource replenishment, as well as slang used by players. Also isometric graphics. Also triple A. Also badgetrophymedalcheevo. Also aim down sights. Also control stick and thumbstick.

Author: Goltiramar

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