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Diabetic ketoacidosis vs hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome

Diabetic ketoacidosis vs hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome

Protocol Hyperodmolar Use of Phosphate Therapy in DKA. Hyperglycemia vs. These include :. ris Mendeley, Papers, Zotero. Spurious laboratory values in diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperlipidemia. Diabetic ketoacidosis vs hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome


DKA diabetic ketoacidosis vs. HHS (HHNS) NCLEX

Diabetic ketoacidosis vs hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome -

iv regular insulin in DKA. Data are means ± se. Data adapted from elsewhere 53 , NS, Not significant; BG, blood glucose. Treated in intensivie care units: insulin dose 0.

These findings are discussed in the American Diabetes Association ADA in-depth technical review on DKA and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state HHS , which was completed in 55 , as well as in the ADA position paper on therapy for hyperglycemic crises This document was recently revised in 57 and updated later 58 , 59 Fig.

Protocol for management of adult patients with DKA or HHS modified from Ref. There are several areas of clinical research in DKA and HHS that need further investigation:. The use of bicarbonate in DKA. Available studies suggest that for pH greater than 7. Studies for pH of 6. Prospective randomized studies are not available to establish the efficacy of the use of bicarbonate in DKA for pH less than 6.

Additionally the status of cardiac function in such severe acute acidotic states is not known. Priming dose of insulin. The use of a priming dose in DKA during iv infusion of insulin has not been thoroughly investigated, but has remained the recommended treatment method for adults.

However, in the most recent ADA Consensus Report, the use of a bolus method has not been recommended for children Therefore, the need for the use of a priming or bolus dose of insulin in adult DKA requires further investigation.

The mechanism for lack of ketosis in HHS. Despite the fact that some studies suggest fatty acids and counterregulatory hormones are comparable in DKA and HHS 3 , 55 , head-to-head comparative studies are lacking. Additional studies are needed to confirm the levels of C-peptide in HHS, compared with DKA.

The mechanism of production of elevated proinflammatory cytokines as well as cardiac risk factors in patients with hyperglycemic crises who demonstrate no cardiac history, infection, or injury is not known.

Interestingly these elevated values return to near normal levels with insulin therapy and hydration within 24 h.

This nonspecific effect of stress requires further investigation. The sc use of regular insulin in DKA. However, it is not known whether a similar result could be obtained with standard regular insulin given every 2 h by the sc route in general wards to such patients.

The use of regular insulin, if found effective, could certainly save additional money because the cost of insulin analogs is at least 2- to 3-fold higher than regular insulin.

These 31 yr of study of hyperglycemic crises have been rewarding and could not have been possible without many contributors. Foremost among them have been more than patients who so kindly agreed to participate in these studies.

Other support was also provided by the Regional Medical Center in Memphis and Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. The tremendous help of many nursing and technical staff of the General Research Clinical Center and the two hospitals are greatly appreciated. Last but not least, the help and contributions of our colleagues at the institutions at Emory University Atlanta, GA , The University of Washington Seattle, WA , Virginia Mason Clinic Seattle, WA , and University of Tennessee College of Medicine Memphis, TN as well as more than trainees and house staff of the Regional Medical Center and Grady Hospital have been immeasurable, without whom we could not have carried out these works successfully.

Secretarial assistance by Ms. Brenda Scott is greatly appreciated. This work was supported by the U. The work was also supported in part by the American Diabetes Association, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and the Abe Goodman Fund for Diabetes Research.

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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Endocrine Society Journals. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation.

Volume Article Contents Abstract. DKA Protocols. Protocol I: High-Dose vs. Low-Dose Insulin in Adult DKA. Protocol II: Route of Insulin Administration. Protocol III: Loading vs. No-Loading Insulin. Protocol IV: High-Dose vs.

Low-Dose Insulin in Pediatric Patients with DKA. Protocol V: Metabolism of Low-Dose Insulin in DKA. Protocol VI: Use of Phosphate Therapy in DKA. Protocol VII: Use of Bicarbonate Therapy in DKA. Lipid Metabolism in DKA. Atypical or Ketosis-Prone Diabetes. Leptin Status in DKA and Its Response to Low-Dose Insulin.

Cardiac Risk Factors and Proinflammatory Cytokines in DKA. Mechanism of Activation of T Lymphocytes in DKA. Additional Risk Factor for DKA Readmission. Rapid-Acting Insulin Analogs in DKA. Recommendation for Future Clinical Research. Journal Article. Thirty Years of Personal Experience in Hyperglycemic Crises: Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State.

Kitabchi , Abbas E. Kitabchi, Ph. Oxford Academic. Guillermo E. Joseph N. Mary Beth Murphy. Frankie B. PDF Split View Views. Cite Cite Abbas E. Select Format Select format. ris Mendeley, Papers, Zotero. enw EndNote. bibtex BibTex.

txt Medlars, RefWorks Download citation. Permissions Icon Permissions. Abstract Context: Diabetic ketoacidosis DKA and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state HHS cause major morbidity and significant mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus. Open in new tab Download slide. TABLE 1. Protocol I b. Protocol II low dose c.

Protocol III low dose d. High dose. Low dose. of patients 24 24 15 15 15 15 15 Age range yr a Values, when applicable, are mean ± sem after initial hydration in the emergency room prior to any other therapy.

b Kitabchi et al. c Fisher et al. d Sacks et al. Open in new tab. TABLE 2. P values. Age yr TABLE 3. Lean DKA. Obese DKA. Obese hyperglycemia. Lean Control. Obese Control. lean DKA on admission Adm. admission value of each group.

TABLE 4. Aspart sc, 2 h a. Lispro sc, 1 h a. Regular iv b. Length of hospital stay d 3. a Treated in general medical wards.

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Medically reviewed by Michelle L. Griffith, MD — By Jaime Herndon, MS, MPH, MFA on September 13, Symptoms Symptom chart Causes Treatments Prevention When to seek care Bottom line Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome HHNS is also known as hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome HHS.

Symptom chart. When to seek care. The bottom line. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

Sep 13, Written By Jaime R. Herndon, MS, MPH, MFA. Medically Reviewed By Michelle L. Griffith, MD. Share this article. Read this next. Diabetes Risk Factors. Medically reviewed by Maria Prelipcean, M. What Does It Mean to Have High Blood Sugar? READ MORE. Hyperglycemia vs.

Medically reviewed by Harshil Matta, DO. Gangrene and Diabetes: Know the Facts.

Diabetic ketoacidosis vs hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome hjperosmolar DKA and hypetosmolar hyperosmolar state HHS are the hypergltcemic serious and life-threatening hyperglycemic emergencies in diabetes. Superior training adaptation is more hyperpsmolar in young people with type 1 diabetes and HHS in adult and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Features of the 2 disorders with ketoacidosis and hyperosmolality may coexist. Both are characterized by insulinopenia and severe hyperglycemia. Early diagnosis and management are paramount. Treatment is aggressive rehydration, insulin therapy, electrolyte replacement, and treatment of underlying precipitating events. This article reviews the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management of hyperglycemic emergencies. Hyperosmolar syndrime syndrome HHS Diabetic ketoacidosis vs hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome diabetic ketoacidosis DKA are two hyperosmolxr diabetic Weight loss supplements. Both conditions cause very high blood ketoacidosks levels, but there are essential ketoaidosis between the two. Learn more about the differences between HHS and DKA, including the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis. This article will also discuss HHS and DKA treatment and prevention. The symptoms of HHS and DKA are very similar. DKA tends to produce symptoms slowly, with thirst and frequent urination happening first.

Author: Arashakar

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