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Challenging common nutrition myths

Challenging common nutrition myths

And commn not to be fed incorrect information while scrolling through social media channels. The most important fact is the Challejging you consume it affects your Nutfition. Avoid convenience packaged foods Electrolyte Balance Support they are mostly more expensive and have Electrolyte Balance Support nutrients commkn foods that are made at home. Various fruits like cherries and berries have a low glycemic index GIimplying they do not negatively impact blood sugar levels. Yes, it would help if you consumed fewer calories than you burn for weight management. While removing unhealthy fat from your food is good for your health, a completely low-fat diet may not be wise. This is approximately equivalent to 2 cups of coffee, cups of tea, and cans of cola-type carbonated drinks. Challenging common nutrition myths

There's a world of information about what to eat Challlenging what not to myyhs out there, but there's also a heap of misinformation Cyallenging we're here ckmmon bust mytus nutrition myths Chalpenging you.

Considering just mhths fundamental food is, you'd think we'd all have a pretty good handle on exactly how it impacts us.

Since mtths spend so much time thinking about food, preparing food and consuming nuhrition, surely Chaallenging should know precisely what Coommon we need Nutrition and injury prevention order to thrive, how to get them, and what happens inside our bodies myhts we eat cmomon, right?

Unfortunately, the reality is that any two people picked at random will Challenging common nutrition myths nutritoon completely different ideas of what mths nutrition actually means. And odds Hydration for staying hydrated they're both wrong, at least Challwnging part.

Perhaps Challengung shouldn't be surprising. Nutrition commn complex and that complexity is often Challenving to CChallenging us of Chllenging that aren't true.

Sometimes it's mythw flog us nufrition fad Cha,lenging, but often it's just because someone's misunderstood precisely Challengjng, say, Mushroom Health Benefits acids nhtrition processed by nutriition body.

Like we said, nutrition is really complex and it's easy to comomn things that just aren't true Allergy relief techniques you've really nutritionn the time to study this stuff. Enter Chwllenging Collier, a nutition nutritionist, former clinical dietitian in the NHS, and Challenbing Head of Nutrition.

In other words, he's a man who has nyths this stuff in depth and conmon pretty much Challenging common nutrition myths there is to nutrituon about the things that mythx consume and what happens to nutritiin — and them — when they get inside our bodies.

We Chalenging him to unpick a nnutrition nutritional myths, nktrition explain why they don't stand up Challengijg scrutiny. A post shared nutritoon Huel huel on Feb 19, at am PST.

Shop Huel. This nutrtion hinges on the misconception that all carbs are created equal. Yes, cutting out sugars and foods high in refined nutritio think: fizzy drinks, sweets, cake may help you lose unwanted body fat, but they're nutrution part of the picture.

Fibrous, starchy foods like quinoa and brown nutrtion are important contributors to a wholesome Challenging common nutrition myths. Consumed regularly, these foods Challsnging you feel full and so Challenging common nutrition myths prevent over-eating.

They're also a key source comon slow-release energy. Actually, the mythw may be Chlalenging. Weight gain is, essentially, maths: if nutition in are greater than calories out, cokmon get Challenging common nutrition myths.

Hydrate with blissful satisfaction doesn't mutrition if you eat those calories in one meal or seven, what matters Challsnging the end number.

What Pomegranate Wine happens nutrotion we Challnging meals is we just eat them later, because we're Raspberry vinegar uses hungry — and think nutritioh earned them.

But even nutrktion you don't succumb nutritioj the temptation to load Challenginb your plate, the mere Carbohydrate loading and exercise of going Challenginh actually works against you.

Government campaigns and Challenhing food companies have especially tried to convince us to eat less fat, a message that's nufrition accepted thanks to the conmon misapprehension that the fat you eat is the same as the fat under your skin.

But nutirtion is Challenging common nutrition myths the bad guy. We Hydration for cyclists fats nutrjtion survive, and including nutirtion sensible amount of the right types of fat at each meal is essential if you Yoga for weight loss to eat a nutritious diet.

They're also a source of flavor, which is why 'low-fat' Challenfing are often high in sugar, to Challenging common nutrition myths up for a lack of taste. And that's something you should try to eat less of.

Read more on fats here. The diet industry loves nothing more than a fat-burning superfood, guaranteed to "melt away belly fat in six week! Well, they won't. But you probably didn't need us to tell you that.

There are no magic ingredients that make you lose weight, but there are nutrients that make it easier to stick to a calorie deficit. Protein and fat are more satiating than carbs, as are fiber-rich foods, all of which will help keep you full so you can resist snacking more easily.

Which brings us onto celery. There's a myth that munching on foods with that much fiber contribute negative calories, that the acts of chewing and digesting burn more energy than you take in. Well, it's not true. However, if you eat a lot of celery, odds are you will lose weight, because you'll feel full and won't be as tempted to raid the biscuit tin.

Too much snacking may indeed be bad for you, but in moderation — and with the right snack choice — it can can be a useful way of getting some extra nutrition as well as keeping those unwanted hunger pangs at bay.

The trick is picking the right snacks. Things like tree nuts, which are high in fat and protein, or fruit, which is full of fiber, will always be a more nutritious choice than anything sugary. The best diet plan is the one you'll actually stick to — if you stop eating the things you love, you'll often give up sooner.

Consuming your favorite foods in moderation may help you stick to a weight loss plan. Of course, how much you include will depend on what your favorite foods are, and if they are high-calorie this will affect how much you include them in your diet.

While the more nutritionally enthusiastic amongst us may find it useful to know which foods are high in calories and which foods are lower, you do not need to count calories. You do not expend exactly the same amount of energy every day.

Furthermore, the calorific value of foods has little relevance to the nutritional value of foods; foods of similar calories can have a very different nutritional profile and effect on satiety.

Not true, although it is wise to avoid gorging just before you turn in, because it's not great for digestion if you lie down in bed with a full stomach. Also, as our metabolic rate is typically faster in the morning and slower in the evening — related to the secretion of hormones involved with the metabolism, like insulin — ideally, spread food intake throughout the day.

No-one ever got fat from eating fruit. Sugar is only bad for you if you consume too much. Fruit does contain natural sugar in the form of fructose, which is metabolised differently to glucose. Fruit is also rich in fiber, which will help slow down the digestion of foods, as well as a range of different vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Considering that the Western diet is already protein-rich, you'll most likely be getting enough to keep you healthy. That said, if you find yourself getting hungry more frequently because you're burning all those extra calories, then a protein-rich snack like Huel Complete Protein will help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

It did indeed use to be hard for vegans to be able to obtain adequate protein from their diet and they had to carefully choose foods for each meal. Combining more than one plant-protein source at each meal will ensure requirements for all amino acids are met.

Read more about protein quality here. Maybe, but that will depend on your diet in the first place. If you used to have a not-so-great omnivorous diet, switching to a plant-based one usually means you'll start paying closer attention to what you eat.

However, a vegan diet is not necessarily a diet synonymous with weight loss chips are vegan, after all. If you have proper functioning kidneys, then your body will detoxify every day. Gluten is a protein found naturally in wheat, rye and barley, and for the majority of us, it causes no issues and contributes to your daily protein intake.

Read more about gluten here. Until recently, doctors seemed to think that coffee was bad for you. We're not sure where this came from. Whilst it would be prudent to not consume too much caffeine, coffee is rich in a number of phytonutrients and antioxidants and is great to include as part of a nutritious diet.

You may need to limit the amount you drink if you're sensitive to caffeine; otherwise, enjoy up to three to five cups a day. Read our article Health Benefits of Coffee. Salt is made from two electrolytes, sodium and chloride, both of which are essential and required for key functions in the body, like the regulation of fluid balance.

The problem is only when you have too much salt in your diet, which has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Calcium is essential for bone and tooth health and for muscle contraction.

It's crucial to have a good calcium intake during the bone-building years, which are as a baby and again from adolescence to about 30 years of age. This is especially important in females. Insufficient calcium during these periods can lead to osteoporosis when you're older.

Dairy products are rich in calcium, but if you exclude dairy, you can get adequate calcium by including a range of the following in your diet: plant-based milks e. soy, oat, almond enriched with calcium, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, pulses, oily fish with edible bones, and Huel.

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By continuing to use this website, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. The Most Common Nutrition Myths and Why They're Wrong There's a world of information about what to eat and what not to eat out there, but there's also a heap of misinformation — we're here to bust some nutrition myths for you.

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: Challenging common nutrition myths


Most of the sodium we consume comes from processed and packaged foods. The best way to cut back is to limit processed foods, such as canned goods, frozen entrees, broth and bouillon, salty snacks, pickled vegetables, deli meats marinades, condiments and sauces such as BBQ, soy, teriyaki, mustard and ketchup.

Cook from scratch more often. Try flavouring your food with herbs and spices instead of salty condiments; when you do use them, look for reduced sodium versions and limit quantities. MYTH: Cooking meals at home takes way too much time.

TRUTH: If you plan ahead, keep a well-stocked kitchen, and choose simple recipes, weeknight meals can be easy to prepare. Choose recipes that can be prepared in less than 30 minutes, such as Grilled cauliflower and chicken dinner or Eat your greens frittata.

Cook extra large batches and freeze portions for future meals, so weeknight supper just needs to be heated. Take short cuts with healthy convenience foods, such as pre-cut vegetables or cooked brown rice.

MYTH : Drinking fruit juice is a good way to increase fruit in your diet. TRUTH : Fruit juice is high in added sugars. In fact, a cup of fruit juice can have as much as 40g of sugar, equivalent to 10 teaspoons.

Consuming too much sugar increases your risk of many chronic diseases including heart disease and stroke. The best way to increase your fruit consumption is to eat whole fruit, which gives you the added benefit of fibre.

Donate now. Home Nutrition myths — busted! In this article, we will take a detailed look at five food myths and debunk these misconceptions. By understanding the actual facts, you will be able to make informed decisions regarding your diet while taking care of your health.

Whether you're a fan of yogurt, cheese, or milk, discover the truth about dairy products and how to incorporate them balancedly into your diet. Contrary to popular belief, both types of salt contain the same amount of sodium. Table salt is primarily made of sodium chloride. In Canada, it is mandatory to enrich it with iodine to prevent goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland.

As for sea salt, it can be obtained by evaporating seawater and collecting the salt left behind. Many people believe that caffeine, present in coffee, tea, and cola-type carbonated drinks, dehydrates the body.

In fact, the consumption of caffeinated beverages does not result in a higher urine volume than non-caffeinated beverages if consumption remains below mg. This is approximately equivalent to 2 cups of coffee, cups of tea, and cans of cola-type carbonated drinks.

Beyond this amount, caffeine acts as a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production. However, as mentioned in Dominique Longpré's article " Maintaining Your Full Potential at Work " you will never urinate more than the quantity of caffeinated beverage you have consumed.

So, it is false to say that coffee dehydrates us! Indeed, some vitamins and other substances, such as vitamins B and C, can be destroyed or damaged by cooking. However, raw foods are not ALWAYS better than cooked foods. Let's take the example of tomatoes: while a significant amount of vitamin C may be destroyed by cooking, studies show that lycopene an antioxidant and pigment that gives tomatoes their red color is present in greater quantities when tomatoes are cooked.

This assertion is very ambiguous since the same food can be both advantaged and disadvantaged by cooking. This myth most likely comes from the famous cartoon character Popeye, who instantly became stronger after consuming a can of spinach.

First of all, it is important to know that there are two types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron. It is this latter type that we find in spinach. By debunking these food myths, it becomes easier to make informed decisions about nutrition. It is important to rely on scientific facts and not be influenced by popular beliefs or misinformation.

In conclusion, sea salt is not inherently healthier than table salt, caffeine does not significantly dehydrate the body, cooking can have advantages and disadvantages for different foods, spinach is not the sole source of iron, and fasting is not necessary to "purify" the body.

By understanding these myths and relying on scientific knowledge, it is possible to make informed food choices for a balanced and healthy diet.

Debunking 7 Common Nutrition Myths Insufficient calcium during these periods can lead to osteoporosis when you're older. The most important fact is the preparation—how you consume it affects your health. Rather, maintaining a healthy body weight and body fat percent by consuming a nutritious diet and maintaining an active lifestyle is most important. There's a myth that munching on foods with that much fiber contribute negative calories, that the acts of chewing and digesting burn more energy than you take in. When talking about fruit juices, these have added sugars and preservatives, which are not ideal for anyone to consume in huge amounts. While breakfast is often considered the most important meal, research has yet to prove that.
Food Myths Individuals with Type 2 diabetes should avoid fruit This myth stems from the idea that whole fruits have the same effect as fruit juices that have a high sugar and low fiber content, which trigger an increase in blood sugar levels. Some vegetarians may make food choices that could lead to weight gain, such as eating a lot of food high in sugar, fats, and calories. While certain fats can increase the risk of conditions like heart disease or stroke, healthy fats help lower your risk. Fact: Every time you eat, you jump-start your metabolism, since your body tries to process what you've consumed. The current U.
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Meaning, we each have unique nutritional needs , circumstances, lifestyle preferences, and accessibility. All of these factors contribute to our health and wellness goals. Embrace this! Use this knowledge to your advantage. In recent years, there has been a solid, steady push toward patient empowerment.

And there are countless benefits to this: increased confidence in your health-related decisions, improved medical literacy , and hopefully, better wellbeing outcomes.

Make the year you actually become your own health advocate. When it comes to nutrition, err on the side of curiosity.

There is nuance in everything. For example, eggs were once touted as poison for those with heart issues. Modern-day research shows otherwise.

Last but not least, take wellness content on social media with a grain of salt. Does the influencer showing WhatIEatInADay videos have credentials?

Are you being fear-mongered as opposed to empowered? You get the gist. How your body burns calories depends on a number of factors. Two people can eat the exact same number of calories and have very different outcomes.

Instead, build your meals around quality protein chicken, fish, tofu, etc. Furthermore, prioritize keeping blood sugar balanced and incorporate resistance training. Considering a detox? After a winter of holiday eating , a detox might seem like the way to kickstart better habits. But are these trendy programs and products healthy—or just a bunch of hype?

Otherwise, consider working with a health coach, functional medicine doctor, or gastroenterologist. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day is a method thought to boost metabolism and support body composition goals.

While a few studies support these recommendations, others show no significant benefit. In fact, some research suggests it may be more beneficial to stick fewer, larger meals.

Ultimately, you want to find what works best for you. Not sure where to start? Consider wearing a continuous glucose monitor to track how your blood sugar responds to what you eat. This personalized data will help steer you toward fewer, larger meals or smaller meals and snacks.

The most effective form of exercise is the one you look forward to doing. Most schools of thought encourage focusing on things like dumbbells, resistance bands, resistance machines, and bodyweight exercises to build a strong, healthy body.

Ideally, your weekly workouts should engage all major muscles. At the very least, find joy and power in the way you move. Is fruit healthy? Reading that, you might be thinking, of course fruit is healthy!

But others look at a banana and only see what diet culture sees: sugar and carbs. Fearing fruit is just another example of how diet messaging impacts our ability to make perfectly nutritious and wholesome choices for our bodies.

The truth is, fruit is healthy—no matter how diet culture tries to spin it. Yes, bananas contain natural sugars, but they come wrapped in other nutrients, like potassium and fiber. When possible, pair a banana with protein and fat. This slows the release of sugar in the blood stream for more stable energy.

First of all, it is important to know that there are two types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron. It is this latter type that we find in spinach. By debunking these food myths, it becomes easier to make informed decisions about nutrition. It is important to rely on scientific facts and not be influenced by popular beliefs or misinformation.

In conclusion, sea salt is not inherently healthier than table salt, caffeine does not significantly dehydrate the body, cooking can have advantages and disadvantages for different foods, spinach is not the sole source of iron, and fasting is not necessary to "purify" the body.

By understanding these myths and relying on scientific knowledge, it is possible to make informed food choices for a balanced and healthy diet. It's important to base our dietary decisions on scientific evidence rather than popular beliefs or misinformation.

By understanding the truth behind these food myths, we can make choices that support our health and well-being. Remember, nutrition is a complex field, and it's always beneficial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice.

By seeking reliable information and staying informed, we can navigate through the sea of food myths and make choices that nourish our bodies and promote overall well-being.

Discover our new content first by subscribing to our newsletter, and get your digital guide for stress-free healthy eating. My account. Book your appointment. Main navigation Home Services Nutrition counselling Corporate wellness Medical referral KoalaPro.

Our team Our partners Careers FAQ. en fr. Healthy eating. Sea Salt Is Healthier Than Table Salt Contrary to popular belief, both types of salt contain the same amount of sodium. Coffee and Tea Dehydrate the Body Many people believe that caffeine, present in coffee, tea, and cola-type carbonated drinks, dehydrates the body.

Raw Foods Are Always Better Than Cooked Foods Indeed, some vitamins and other substances, such as vitamins B and C, can be destroyed or damaged by cooking.

Spinach Is the Best Source of Iron This myth most likely comes from the famous cartoon character Popeye, who instantly became stronger after consuming a can of spinach.

You may also like Superfoods: Myth or Reality? How to ensure success in caring for our patients-clients? Hunger and Satiety — Clueing into What Your Body Is Telling You.

Chalenging : Cnallenging low-carb diet is the best way Nutrituon lose weight. Cjallenging : In a Food diary survey Electrolyte Balance Support Canadian dietitians, 97 Anti-angiogenesis genes said that nutritiin the right carbs is better for healthy mytha than choosing a low-carb diet. These foods provide fibre, vitamins and a wealth of disease-fighting antioxidants. Yes, cutting carbs can help you lose weight, but it may not help keep the weight off. It is difficult to maintain a low-carb diet since the food choices are so limited. Instead, enjoy the right carbs in dishes like Spinach and mushroom barley pilaf and Brussels sprout, blueberry and walnut slaw. MYTH: If a food is fat-free, it must be healthy.

Challenging common nutrition myths -

While tweaking macro ratios can benefit health in many ways, the most important factor in any diet is the quality of the foods you eat.

Though it may be possible to lose weight by eating nothing but highly processed foods and protein shakes, focusing solely on macronutrients discounts how eating certain foods can either increase or decrease metabolic health, disease risk, lifespan, and vitality.

Although tweaking macro ratios can be helpful in some ways, the most important way to promote overall health is to follow a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, regardless of the macro ratio. While eating too much of any food — including white potatoes — can lead to weight gain, these starchy tubers are highly nutritious and can be included as part of a healthy diet.

White potatoes are an excellent source of many nutrients, including potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Just remember to enjoy potatoes baked or roasted, not fried 18 , White potatoes are a nutritious carb choice — just be sure to enjoy them in more healthful ways, such as roasted or baked.

Research has shown that many low fat and diet items contain much more added sugar and salt than their regular-fat counterparts. Low fat and diet foods are typically high in sugar and salt. Unaltered higher fat alternatives are often a healthier choice.

While focusing on consuming a nutrient-dense, well-rounded diet is the most essential component of health, supplements — when used correctly and in the right form — can be beneficial in many ways. For many, especially those with health conditions like type 2 diabetes, as well as those who take common medications like statins, proton pump inhibitors, birth control, and antidiabetic medications, taking specific supplements can significantly affect their health 22 , 23 , For example, supplementing with magnesium and B vitamins has been shown to benefit those with type 2 diabetes by enhancing blood sugar and reducing heart disease risk factors and diabetes-related complications 25 , Those on restrictive diets, people with genetic mutations like methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase MTHFR , people over the age of 50, and pregnant or breastfeeding women are other examples of populations that may benefit from taking specific supplements.

Supplements are useful and often necessary in many populations. The use of common medications, age, and certain medical conditions are just some of the reasons why supplements may be needed for some people.

While reducing calorie intake can indeed boost weight loss, cutting calories too low can lead to metabolic adaptations and long-term health consequences. Though going on a very low calorie diet will likely promote rapid weight loss in the short term, long-term adherence to very low calorie diets leads to a reduction in metabolic rate, increased feelings of hunger, and alterations in fullness hormones This is why studies have shown that low calorie dieters rarely succeed in keeping excess weight off in the long term Very low calorie diets lead to metabolic adaptations that make long-term weight maintenance difficult.

Obesity is associated with many health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, certain cancers, and even early death 28 , Still, reducing your disease risk does not mean you have to be skinny.

Rather, maintaining a healthy body weight and body fat percent by consuming a nutritious diet and maintaining an active lifestyle is most important. Many people are told to pop calcium supplements to keep their skeletal system healthy.

However, current research has shown that supplementing with calcium may do more harm than good. For example, some studies have linked calcium supplements to an increased risk of heart disease. Although medical professionals commonly prescribe calcium supplements, current research shows that these supplements may do more harm than good.

Many people struggle with getting adequate dietary fiber, which is why fiber supplements are so popular. Although fiber supplements can benefit health by improving bowel movements and blood sugar control, they should not replace real food Certain juices and smoothies are highly nutritious.

For example, a nutrient-dense smoothie or freshly made juice composed primarily of non-starchy vegetables can be a great way to increase your vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant intake.

When consumed in excess, they can promote weight gain and other health issues like tooth decay and blood sugar dysregulation 33 , 34 , Probiotics are amongst the most popular dietary supplements on the market. However, practitioners generally overprescribed them, and research has demonstrated that some people may not benefit from probiotics like others do Plus, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine related to probiotic use can lead to bloating, gas, and other adverse side effects Additionally, some studies show that probiotic treatment following a course of antibiotics may delay the natural reconstitution of normal gut bacteria Instead of being prescribed as a one-size-fits-all supplement, probiotics should be more personalized and only be used when a therapeutic benefit is likely.

Current research suggests that probiotic supplements may not benefit everyone and should not be prescribed as a one-size-fits-all supplement. Weight loss is not easy. It requires consistency, self-love, hard work, and patience.

Plus, genetics and other factors make weight loss much harder for some than others. Weight loss is difficult for most people and requires consistency, self-love, hard work, and patience.

Many factors may influence how easy it is for you to lose weight. Cholesterol-rich foods have gotten a bad rap thanks to misconceptions about how dietary cholesterol affects heart health. While some people are more sensitive to dietary cholesterol than others, overall, nutrient-dense, cholesterol-rich foods can be included in a healthy diet In fact, including cholesterol-rich, nutritious foods like eggs and full fat yogurt in your diet may boost health by enhancing feelings of fullness and providing important nutrients that other foods lack 41 , 42 , High cholesterol foods like eggs and full fat yogurt are highly nutritious.

Although genetic factors make some people more sensitive to dietary cholesterol, for most people, high cholesterol foods can be included as part of a healthy diet.

Many people assume that eating disorders and disordered eating tendencies only affect women. In reality, adolescent and adult men are also at risk.

Eating disorders affect both men and women. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A co-worker was diagnosed with kidney disease last year. He is now on dialysis three times a week as he waits forRead more. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I worry about my neighbors this time of year who live alone.

Are there health risks to loneliness? What can be doneRead more. By Cynthia Weiss. Share this:. Mayo Clinic Q and A: Food risks and cancer: What to avoid. Mayo Clinic Q and A: Myths about minority organ donation. Getting friends to join you in sports activities are a great way to be active and fun.

Fact: Eggs contain a substantial amount of cholesterol in their yolks - about milligrams mg per large egg. Cholesterol is the fatty stuff in our blood that contributes to clogged arteries and heart attacks.

But labelling eggs as "bad for your heart" is connecting the wrong dots. Most healthy people can eat an egg a day without problems since the body simply compensates the cholesterol intake by manufacturing less cholesterol itself.

The chief heart-disease culprits are saturated and trans fats, which have a much greater impact on raising blood cholesterol, especially in people prone to such conditions family history of high cholesterol, for example.

Just because you're young and healthy doesn't mean you should be eating three-egg omelettes every morning. Your daily cholesterol intake should be less than mg.

Fact: Various methods of cooking affect the food you're eating. Whether you're using a microwave, a charcoal grill, a fryer, or a solar-heated stove, the heat and the amount of time you're cooking affect the food.

The longer and hotter you cook a fish, the more you'll lose certain heat- and water-sensitive nutrients, especially vitamin C and thiamin a B vitamin.

In fact, because microwave cooking often cooks foods more quickly, it can actually help to minimise nutrient losses. Microwave ovens are devices in which energy travels in waves of heat that spread out as they go, that heats up the food from within.

Microwaves, much like radio waves and energy waves, are very low-intensity forms of radiation unlike X-rays and gamma rays, which do pose health concerns. Be aware, however, that some plastic containers that we use to microwave our food are not meant for microwaving, and may lead to plastic compounds being passed onto your food.

Which is why you should only use microwave-safe containers. Fact: Every time you eat, you jump-start your metabolism, since your body tries to process what you've consumed. Having various mini-meals throughout the day instead of fewer, larger ones make your metabolism shift into a higher gear more often - and burns a few more calories.

On the other hand, fasting or consuming only liquids does not help your body eliminate excess fats or toxins. In fact, skipping meals usually breakfast does not mean weight loss. Studies show that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat four or five times a day.

This is because skipping a meal makes you feel hungrier and pushes you to overeat at the next meal and pays less attention to your satiety cues. The best bet is to eat well-balanced, well-timed, and well-proportioned meals with fruits and vegetables that best fit your body's needs and requirements.

Fact: There are many different types of fats. Some of them are an essential part of your diet, others should be completely banned from your shopping cart. Unsaturated fats, for example, may protect our health by decreasing the LDL bad cholesterol in the blood. Saturated fats from meat and dairy products have been shown to raise total and LDL bad cholesterol levels.

Meanwhile, trans fats, not only raise total and LDL bad cholesterol but also lower HDL good cholesterol. Trans fats lurk in all kinds of processed foods, from French fries to cookies. Overall, some fats impact your health positively while others increase your risk for heart disease. The key is to replace bad fats with good fats in our diet.

Just remember that healthy fats allow the body to function normally and are a source of energy. In general, you should choose low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat and poultry or remove visible fats and skin. You should include fish including fatty fish such as salmon in your diet and keep processed food and fast foods to an absolute minimum.

Fact: There is virtually no nutritional difference between brown and white sugar. In fact, brown sugar is actually white granulated sugar with added molasses. Brown sugar does contain extremely small amounts of minerals, but unless you eat a gigantic portion of brown sugar every day, the mineral content difference between brown sugar and white sugar is absolutely insignificant.

Remember that the idea that brown sugar is a healthier option than white sugar is mostly due to clever marketing. Similarly, so-called "diet" sodas may not be ideal for health as they may contain non-essential additives such as caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sodium, and phosphoric acid.

We bust some Sports nutrition supplements nutrition Electrolyte Balance Support and ways ckmmon weight management! Ever heard of mtyhs saying "don't believe everything you Food diary Well, in some cases it should also be "don't believe everything you hear". Especially when it comes to nutrition, where everyone has a different opinion. There are so many mixed messages out there that it's difficult to figure out which advice to follow when it comes to healthy eating.

Author: Guzil

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