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Effective weight management

effective weight management

Weight management Jun cut down on food B vitamins and breastfeeding Coenzyme Q for skin repair in efective and fat — start by swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives. Weight loss: 6 strategies for success Mayo Clinic. Also, the methods of this clinical trial did not allow blinding of the participants and professionals involved.

Effective weight management -

When they inevitably become too hard to maintain, we tend to go back to our previous lifestyle habits - the very ones that played a part in weight gain. Healthy weight management is about implementing lifestyle changes that you can maintain on a long-term basis so that you can lose weight, but also keep it off.

Reasonable diet changes and a maintainable exercise regime will leave you reaping the health benefits of weight loss. Losing weight is only half the challenge - you also want to be able to keep it off in the long term.

Through changes to exercise and eating habits, you can safely and effectively achieve steady long-term weight loss. Unexplained weight loss. BMI, or body mass index, is one way to calculate your weight range. BMI measures your weight in relation to your height to calculate a number. However, BMI is not a fool-proof measure of weight classification.

BMI only takes height and weight into account, while other measures like body fat and muscle mass are ignored. For example, a short, muscular person could be undeservedly classified in the overweight or obese categories.

While BMI is a handy tool, it is important to discuss your BMI results with your doctor before making any conclusions about your weight. This method compares the circumference of your hips to the circumference of your waist. This is because if your waist is wider than your hips, you might be carrying excess weight.

You can figure out your waist-to-hip ratio by using a simple waist-to-hip ratio calculator. A measurement above.

Carrying too many pounds can have a profound impact on your health. Research shows that being overweight or obese can increase your mortality risk and the likelihood of developing conditions such as:.

Heart diseases. Body pain and decreased mobility. High blood pressure. Some types of cancer. Breathing issues. Depression and anxiety. When it comes to weight management, the focus is often on people who gain too much weight, but being below a healthy weight range or excessive weight loss can be just as dangerous.

Safe weight loss is considered to be around pounds per week: while you might be tempted to exercise more or cut back on the calories to increase this loss, it can lead to some serious side effects. Weight loss greater than pounds per week can lead to issues, such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, slowed metabolism, muscle loss, and even gallstones.

In severe cases, extreme weight loss can manifest from eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. Eating disorders can lead to issues with your:. Gastrointestinal system. Brain function. Hormonal regulation. Eating disorders can also significantly increase the mortality rate.

Research has found that patients with anorexia, for example, have a six-fold increased risk of death compared to the general population. You should contact your doctor if your weight:. is impacting your physical or emotional health. is dropping or gaining at an alarming rate.

Am I at a healthy weight? National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Weight, shape, and mortality risk in older persons: elevated waist-hip ratio, not high body mass index is associated with a greater risk of death Weight loss: 6 strategies for success Mayo Clinic.

Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency in popular diet plans Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after The Biggest Loser competition Gallstones National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. What are eating disorders?

Health consequences National Eating Disorders Association. One of the most common reasons for weight gain is consuming excessive calories. There are many foods out there that are deceptively high in calories that could be contributing significantly to your weight gain.

Full-sugar sodas, for example, can contain up to calories per serving, and just a tablespoon of ranch dressing can contain roughly 73 calories. Sometimes weight gain really just comes down to our genes. Children of obese parents are more likely to face issues with their weight.

The hormone insulin plays an important role in glucose regulation and the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. High levels of insulin have been linked to obesity and could be a contributing factor in your weight gain. The overconsumption of added sugar in food and drink such as sugar-sweetened beverages is closely associated with weight gain and obesity.

Food products containing added sugar are generally very enjoyable, which can lead to excess consumption of them and consequent weight gain. Leptin is a hormone that plays an important role in appetite regulation. When high levels of leptin are present, appetite is usually reduced.

However, in people with leptin resistance, the experience of appetite reduction from this hormone is reduced. Leptin resistance is considered to have a significant influence on weight gain and obesity. Learn more about hormonal weight gain and what you can do to lose it.

Some medications can cause weight gain. Medications that can cause weight gain include:. Diabetes medication. Epilepsy medication. Some of the common causes of unintentional weight loss include:. Depression and anxiety can play a big role in weight loss, leaving you with a reduced appetite, low motivation to cook, often resulting in weight loss.

Your thyroid is a gland that produces thyroid hormone, which plays an important role in metabolism regulation. This condition is known as hyperthyroidism. Muscle loss is a good example of how weight loss is not always ideal. One of the common side effects of these disorders is weight loss since they often interfere with the hormones that regulate appetite and hunger, resulting in a reduced appetite.

Undertaking some unhealthy restrictive eating habits can cause you to lose weight too fast. Disordered eating refers to irregular and unsafe eating habits. This includes anorexia and bulimia but can also include excessive calorie restriction, an obsession with food, meal skipping, and fasting.

Learn more about the causes of unexplained weight loss here. Why people become overweight Harvard Health Publishing. A casual role for hyperinsulinemia in obesity Sugar Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease risk Leptin resistance and diet-induced obesity: central and peripheral actions of leptin Medicines and weight gain Health Navigator.

Hyperthyroidism overactive thyroid Mayo Clinic. Determinants of weight loss prior to diagnosis inflammatory bowel disease: a retrospective observational study What is disordered eating? Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

And, with so many weight loss options out there, it can be confusing to even know where to start. When you want to lose weight, the right method will depend on the underlying cause of the weight gain.

If your weight gain is due to excessive calorie intake then the solution will be to restrict calories and increase exercise. However, if it is due to medication, for example, you might be able to talk with your doctor about alternative medication options.

Some causes of weight gain can be difficult to rectify, so diet and exercise will often be the most appropriate solutions in this case. Obesity is a complicated health issue that can increase your risk of developing a range of health problems, including:.

Breathing disorders. Sleep disorders. Research shows that losing weight can significantly improve health outcomes for individuals who exceed a healthy weight range. Most importantly, weight loss can also reduce your risk of death.

Treatments for unintentional weight loss use a very similar approach to treatments for weight gain - investigating the cause of the weight loss and applying a targeted approach.

If hyperthyroidism is the cause, however, antithyroid drugs can help to keep your thyroid hormones in check and allow you to regain some weight. Treating unsafe weight loss often requires a more detailed and long-term approach. Disordered eating can be tough to treat and often requires a multi-disciplinary approach that addresses therapy, nutrition, and medication needs.

In serious cases, hospitalization or an in-patient program may be required. Learn about the signs of disordered eating and next steps for getting a diagnosis here. Intentional weight loss and all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials Eating disorder treatment: Know your options Mayo Clinic.

Like most areas of health, prevention is key to avoiding the need for intervention. Here are some healthy and safe ways that can help you keep your weight at a healthy level and avoid becoming under or overweight.

Ensure that you:. Eat at least three times a day. Drink lots of water. Eat a diet high in fiber, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat enough protein. Switch to low-fat dairy products when you can. Keep the majority of your protein intake to low-fat sources e. Finding an exercise routine that you enjoy is key to ensuring that you keep at it.

Forget exercise fads that promise you instant results; look for workouts that you like and that can easily fit into your schedule. Exercise options to explore include:.

Walking your dog daily. Taking a dance class. Mental health can play a huge role in weight maintenance. Stress, grief, depression, or anxiety can throw routines out the window and make a huge impact on weight.

Learn more about getting help with your mental health. These statistics highlight the number of people who struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Some limitations should be highlighted. The high percentage of individuals in the final stages of change at baseline might have limited the effects of the intervention.

Adherence to nutritional guidelines was not evaluated for participants who abandoned treatment. The difference between decisional balance and self-efficacy along the trial was not evaluated, but these constructs were considered for the development of the nutritional intervention.

Since women from the CG and IG participated in the same usual activity, it is possible that some information leaked between the groups. Another limitation of this study was the difference in educational levels between participants in the CG and IG groups.

However, all analyses were adjusted by education to minimize the impact of this variable on the results. Significant results of body weight change were not found in the intra-group analysis. However, although not significant, the results showed a tendency to reduce weight in the IG and gain in the CG, and this difference was significant in the inter-group comparison.

This might also reflect the PHC service, which presents a high turnover of users [ 28 ]. Intention-to-treat techniques were used to minimize the impact of loss.

Also, the methods of this clinical trial did not allow blinding of the participants and professionals involved. Another limitation was that the trial registration was performed after data collection.

However, the study was submitted and approved to the Ethics Committee before recruiting participants, following all guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki.

The study was carried out and approved, taking into account the aspects recommended in a clinical trial. In addition, the data collection of this work was carried out in Therefore, differences in the context experienced today and in the time of data collection should be considered when interpreting the results.

The study was conducted in a unit of the first implemented in the municipality. In addition, the high cost of biochemical analysis limited the expansion of the study to other units. However, it is important to note that after the study, PAS was expanded in Brazil and is today considered a useful space for the treatment of obesity and it is part of the network of attention to chronic diseases in the country [ 14 ].

Also, this study was performed in a PHC service in Brazil, and the results should not be generalized to populations with other characteristics. More studies are needed for other populations. Additionally, this study includes only the results of women.

Few men were included in the PAS, which makes it impossible to obtain a sufficient sample to verify the effectiveness of the intervention. Studies using this population are necessary, considering its high prevalence of obesity and associated factors. Despite the limitations, this study showed that the TTM-based intervention for weight control in this scenario was effective and shows the relevance of these strategies in PHC for weight control.

Individualized TTM-based interventions, when combined with usual care, might offer a viable and effective strategy for weight loss in primary health care and have a positive impact on inflammatory markers.

The characteristics of the approaches used are in line with international guidelines aimed to prevent and control NCD by promoting interdisciplinary practices that are indispensable for the successful treatment of obesity and other NCD. Nevertheless, further research to identify additional strategies is needed to address barriers to weight maintenance among obese low-income women.

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The funding had no role in the study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of the data, writing the manuscript, or the decision to submit the paper for publication.

Research Group in Nutrition Interventions, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Department of Nutrition, School of Nursing, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Department of Maternal and Child Nursing and Public Health, School of Nursing, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. PPF contributed to designing the study, analysing the data, writing the article and have approved the final manuscript.

MCM contributed to designing the study, interpretation the data, critical review of content and have approved the final manuscript. LCS contributed to designing the study, interpretation the data, critical review of content and have approved the final manuscript. AMP contributed to designing the study, interpretation the data, critical review of content, have approved the final manuscript.

AVMF contributed to designing the study, interpretation the data, critical review of content and have approved the final manuscript. ACSL contributed to designing the study, analysing the data, writing the article, critical review of content and have approved the final manuscript.

Correspondence to Aline Cristine Souza Lopes. This study was conducted according to the guidelines laid out in the Declaration of Helsinki, and all of the procedures involving human subjects were approved with a full review by the Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa — CEP-UFMG ETIC All participants received written information about the research and signed an informed consent form.

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BMC Public Health 20 , Download citation. Received : 28 August Accepted : 28 April Published : 11 May Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.

Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Abstract Background Given the current worldwide epidemic of obesity , there is a demand for interventions with higher impact, such as those carried out in the primary health care PHC setting.

Methods This randomized controlled trial in Brazilian PHC offered free physical exercise and nutrition education. Conclusion The individualized TTM-based intervention, combined with usual care, was an effective strategy in PHC. Background Obesity and overweight are major global public health problems.

Table 1 Stage of changes and processes of change used in the intervention group Full size table. Methods Study design and setting This is a randomized controlled trial comparing two groups, the intervention group IG and the usual care comparison group CG.

Participant flow. Full size image. Results Of the 86 eligible women enrolled at the beginning of the study, 58 completed the 6-month intervention: 24 women in the CG Table 2 Baseline participant characteristics according to study group Full size table.

Table 3 Follow-up adherence to guidelines, perceived barriers and benefits of participants in the intervention group Full size table. Table 4 Change in control and intervention group after six months Full size table. Table 5 Comparison of the final adjusted means, according to groups allocation Full size table.

Discussion The TTM-based intervention was shown to be an effective strategy for weight reduction in PHC, leading to positive effects concerning nutritional status, dietary behaviors, waist circumference, glucose, and resistin levels.

Conclusions Individualized TTM-based interventions, when combined with usual care, might offer a viable and effective strategy for weight loss in primary health care and have a positive impact on inflammatory markers. Availability of data and materials The data sets in this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Abbreviations NCD: Non-communicable diseases PHC: Primary health care TTM: Transtheoretical model SOC: Stages of change IG: Intervention group CG: Comparison group PAS: Programa Academia da Saúde WC: Waist circumferences SD: Standard deviations BMI: Body mass index.

References World Health Organization WHO. Article CAS Google Scholar Dansinger ML, Gleason JA, Griffith JL, Selker HP, Schaefer EJ.

Article CAS Google Scholar Raynor HA, Champagne CM. Article Google Scholar Sutton K, Logue E, Jarjoura D, Baughman K, Smucker W, Capers C.

Article Google Scholar Katan MB. Article CAS Google Scholar Mastellos N, Gunn LH, Felix LM, Car J, Majeed A. Article CAS Google Scholar Norcross JC, Krebs PM, Prochaska JO.

New managemfnt shows effective weight management risk of infection from prostate biopsies. Wffective at work Effective pre-workout supplement linked to efdective blood Coenzyme Q for skin repair. Icy fingers and toes: Poor circulation or Raynaud's phenomenon? According to the CDC, nearly three-quarters of us are overweight or obese. That suggests that losing weight is not easy—yet it is entirely possible when done right. There are two keys to success when it comes to weight loss. In Coenzyme Q for skin repair calorie-rich, ultra-processed, movement-sparing, chronic stress-inducing, so-called Energizing lifestyle tips environment, losing manageent is hard work. But implementing mangaement healthy and wight approach that managememt the weight effective weight management is even harder. Managrment of us can successfully achieve weight loss in the short term. But those who hop from one fad diet to the next often experience the metabolic roller coaster known as yo-yo dieting that jacks up our hunger hormones, plummets our metabolic rates, and causes a vicious spiral of weight loss followed by regain. Even most medical interventions to help treat obesity produce the typical trajectory of rapid weight loss followed by weight plateau and then progressive weight regain. effective weight management

Author: Mikazilkree

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