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Mushroom Ecology Conservation

Mushroom Ecology Conservation

Lond J Bot — Many areas Conservaiton designated conservation areas or protected forests where mushroom foraging may be regulated or restricted. Download references. Mushroom Ecology Conservation


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Mushroom Ecology Conservation -

Amaranthus M, Pilz D Productivity and sustainable harvest of wild mushrooms. In: Pilz, D. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW— Amaranthus MP, Pilz D, Moore A, Abbott R, Luoma D American Matsutake Tricholoma magnivelare across spatial and tempora scales.

In: Paper presented at the Forest Soils Biology and Forest Management Symposia, Sacramento, CA. Amaranthus MP, Weigand JF, Abbott R Managing high-elevation forests to produce American matsutake Tricholoma magnivelare , high-quality timber, and nontimber forest products. West J Appl For 13 4 — Google Scholar.

Arnolds E Conservation and management of natural populations of edible fungi. Can J Bot — Article Google Scholar. Bandala VM, Montoya L, Jarvio D Two interesting records of Boletes found in coffee plantations in Eastern Mexico.

Persoonia — Batra LR Insect-fungus Symbiosis, Nutrition. Mutualism and Commensalism, John Wiley. Berkeley MJ Decades of fungi. Ceylon fungi. Lond J Bot — Binder M, Hibbett DS Molecular systematics and biological diversification of Boletales. Mycologia — Article PubMed Google Scholar.

Boa E Wild edible fungi—a global overview of their use and importance to people. Daya Publishing House, Delhi. Bonito G, Trappe J, Donovan S, Vilgalys R The Asian black truffle Tuber indicum can form ectomycorrhizas with North American host plants and complete its life cycle in non-native soils.

Fungal Ecol — Boonyanuphap J, Hansawasdi C Spatial distribution of Beta glucan containing wild mushroom communities in subtropical dry forest, Thailand.

Fungal Divers — Butkrachang S, Boonchieng E, Sardsud U, Sukchotiratana M, Plikomol A, Chairote G, Narongchai P Wild mushroom database of Chiang Mai community forest.

Asian J Biol — Cannon PF, Hywel-Jones NL, Maczey N, Norbu L, Tshitila ST, Lhendup P Steps towards sustainable harvest of Ophiocordyceps sinensis in Bhutan. Biodivers Conserv — Carlile MJ, Watkinson SC The Fungi. Academic, London. Chandra A, Purkayastha R Physiological studies on Indian edible mushrooms.

Trans Br Mycol Soc 69 1 — Chandrasrikul A Checklist of Mushrooms Basidiomycetes in Thailand, Open Biodiversity series, Vol. Chang ST, Buswell JA Mushroom nutriceuticals. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 12 5 — Chang S, Miles PG Mushrooms Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect, and Environmental Impact.

ISBN: —37 doi: Chen CJ, Hu WH SX and culture techniques of Clitocybe maxima. Edible Fungi 24 2 Chen SJ, Yin DH, Li L, Zha X, Shuen JH and Zhama C Resources and distribution of Cordyceps sinensis in Naqu Tibet.

Zhong Yaocai — Chinese, English abstract. Chen J, Deng X, Liu P Research status and significant progress on the genus Tuber. Microbiol — Chen G, Zhou D, Yang Y, Yang X Fruiting pattern of Tricholoma matsutake and its relationship with meteorological factors in Yunnan, China.

Plant Divers Resour 33 5 — Cheng YH, Zhao Q, Yang ZL, Zhou DQ, Xu ZZ Brief of Morchella spp. planting by Populus bonatii material. Chinese Agr Sci Bull 25 21 — Chevalier G, Grente J Application pratique de la symbiose Ectomycorhizienne: production a Grande Echelle de plants Mycorhizes par la Truffle Tuber melanosporum Vittad.

Mushroom Sci — Chu HF, Wang LY, Han HX Fauna Sinica, volume 38, Lepidoptera: Hepialidae, Epiplemidae. Science Press, Beijing, p , In Chinese with English abstract. Cunningham AB, Yang X Fungi and the future, in: Mushrooms in forests and Woodlands. Earthscan Publishers, UK, p Daba AS, Ezeronye OU Anti-cancer effect of polysaccharides isolated from higher basidiomycetes mushrooms.

Afr J Biotechnol 2 12 — Dai YC, Yang ZL, Cui BK, Yu CJ, Zhou LW Species diversity and utilization of medicinal mushrooms and fungi in China Review. Int J Med Mushrooms — De Silva DD, Rapior S, Françoise F, Bahkali AH, Hyde KD Medicinal mushrooms in supportive cancer therapies: an approach to anti-cancer effects and putative mechanisms of action.

Fungal Divers Dell B, Malajczuk N, Dunstan W, Gong MQ, Chen YL, Lumyong S, Lumyong P, Supriyanto, Ekwey L Edible forest fungi in SE Asia—current practices and future management.

In Proceedings of the International Workshop Biotechnology Applications for Reforestation and Biodiversity Conservation, Nepal, , BIO-REFOR: — Dell B, Sanmee R, Lumyong P, Lumyong S Ectomycorrhizal fungi in dry and wet dipterocarp forests in northern Thailand—diversity and use as food.

Proceedings of the 8th Round Table Conference on Dipterocarps, Ho Chi Minh City. Devkota S Yarsagumba Cordyceps sinensis Berk. Our Nat — Devkota S The frequency and relationship of flowering plants on the distribution pattern of Ophiocordyceps sinensis Yarchagunbu in the Highlands of Dolpa District, Nepal.

Banko Janakari 19 1 — Dring DM Gasteromycetes. In: Ainsworth GC, Sparrow FK, Sussman AS eds The Fungi; an Advanced Treatise. Academic Press, London. ISBN Du P, Cui BK, Dai YC a High genetic diversity in wild culinary-medicinal wood ear analysis.

Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar. Du P, Cui BK, Dai YC b Genetic diversity of wild Auricularia polytricha in Yunnan Province of South-western China revealed by sequence-related amplified polymorphism SRAP analysis. J Med Plants Res — CAS Google Scholar. Egli S Mycorrhizal mushroom diversity and productivity—an indicator of forest health?

Annals Forest Sci 68 1 — FAO Non-Wood Forest Products for Rural Income and Sustainable Forestry, vol 7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

García-Montero LG, Díaz P, Massimo GD, García-Abril A A review of research on Chinese Tuber species.

Mycol Prog — Gardner S, Sidisunthorn P, Anusarnsunthorn V A Field Guide to Forest Trees of Northern Thailand. Asia Books Co. Ge ZW, Yang ZL, Vellinga EC The genus Macrolepiota Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota in China. Goldway M, Amir R, Goldberg D, Hadar Y, Levanon D Morchella conica exhibiting a long fruiting season.

Mycol Res — Gui MY, Zhu P, Guo YH, Liu P, Pu CX Study on the biological characters of Morchella conica. China Wild Plant Resour 21 3 :7— Gui MY, Liu B, Zhou P, Guo YH, Pu CX, Ma SB A preliminary study on the ecology of edible Thelephora.

Sw China J Agric Sci — in Chinese. Hall IR, Lyon AJE, Wang Y, Sinclair L a Ectomycorrhizal fungi with edible fruiting bodies Boletus edulis.

Econ Bot 52 1 — Hall IR, Zambonelli A, Primavera F b Ectomycorrhizal fungi with edible fruiting bodies Tuber magnatum , Tuberaceae. Econ Bot — He J, Zhou Z, Yang H, Xu J Integrative management of commercialized wild mushroom: A case study of Thelephora ganbajun in Yunnan, Southwest China.

Environ manage — Heim R Observations sur la flore mycologique malgache. Revue de Mycologie — Heinemann P, Rammeloo J Observations sur le genre Phlebopus Boletineae.

Mycotaxon — Hens L, Boon EK Causes of Biodiversity Loss: a Human Ecological Analysis. Futuro dos Recursos no — Hosford D, Pilz D, Molina R, Amaranthus M Ecology and Management of the Commercially Harvested American Matsutake Mushroom. United States Department of Agriculture Ecology and Management of Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Hu HD, Wang Y, Hu BY Cultivation of Tuber formosanum on limed soil in Taiwan. New Zeal J Crop Hort — Huang QR Study of the submerged culture of Clitocybe maxima mycelia and its effect on isolated muscular fatigue induced by electric stimulation in toad.

Food Sci — Hyde KD, Bahkali AH, Moslem MA Fungi—an unusual source for cosmetics. Fungal Divers —9. Ji KP, Hei MX, Zhang CX, Liu J, Wang WB, Hou JY Semiartificial simulate cultivation of Phlebopus portentosus and the durability of hyphae on host roots. Microbio — Ji KP, Cao Y, Zhang CX, He MX, Liu J, Wang WB, Wang Y Cultivation of Phlebopus portentosus in southern China.

Mycol Prog 10 3 — Kanwal HK, Karan Acharya K, Ramesh G, Reddy MS Molecular Characterization of Morchella species from the Western Himalayan Region of India. Curr Microbiol — Karunarathna SC, Yang ZL, Olivier R, Ko Ko TW, Vellinga EC, Zhao RL, Bahkali AK, Chukeatirote E, Degreef J, Callac P, Hyde KD a Lentinus giganteus revisited: new collections from Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Karunarathna SC, Yang ZL, Zhao R, Vellinga EC, Bahkali AH, Chukeatirote E, Hyde KD b Three new species of Lentinus from northern Thailand. Kasparavicius J Influence of climatic conditions on the growth of fruit bodies of Boletus edulis.

Botanica Lithuanica 7 1 — Kendrick B The Fifth Kingdom, 3rd edn. Focus Publishing, Newburyport. Kerekes J, Desjardin DE A monograph of the genera Crinipellis and Moniliophthora from Southeast Asia including a molecular phylogeny of the nrITS region.

Kim HO, Yun JW A comparative study on the production of exopolysaccharides between two entomopathogenic fungi Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis in submerged mycelial cultures.

J Appl Microbiol — Kobayasi Y Keys to the texa of genera Cordyceps and Torrubiella. Trans Mycol Soc Japan — Insect Soc 58 3 — Koune J Threatened Mushrooms in Europe. Nature and Environment No. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg Cedex. Kumla J, Bussaban B, Suwannarach N, Lumyong S, Danell E Basidiome formation of an edible wild, putatively ectomycorrhizal fungus, Phlebopus portentosus without host plant.

doi: Le TH, Nuytinck J, Stubbe D, Verbeken A, Lumyong S, Desjardin ED a Lactarius in Northern Thailand: 2. Lactarius subgenus Plinthogali. Le TH, Nuytinck J, Verbeken A, Lumyong S, Desjardin ED b Lactarius in Northern Thailand: 1. Lactarius subgenus Piperites.

Lei QY, Zhou JJ, Wang QB Notes on three boletus species from China. Mycosystema — Li TH, Song B Bolete species known from China. Gui Zhou Science 21 1—2 — Li YC, Feng B, Yang ZL Zangia , a new genus of Boletaceae supported by molecular and morphological evidence.

Liang J, Jia XZ, Wang Y, Zhang XY, Nguyen H The physiological characteristics and salinity and alkalinity resistance of two ectomycorrhizal fungi. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 40 6 — Lin ZS Culture isolation and investigation of bioactivities from Termitomyces eurhizus. Dissertation, southern Taiwan University of technology and science, Tainan.

Liu P, Yan M, Wang X, Sun P, Yang X Notes on the resources of matsutake-group and their reasonable utilization as well as effective conservation in China in Chinese.

J Nat Res 14 3 — Lu Y, Ao Z, Cheng C, Wu C, Zheng Y Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the mycelial extract of Termitomyces albuminosus. Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine Mallick SK, Swatilekha M, Bhutia SK, Maiti TK Immunostimulatory properties of a polysaccharide isolated from Astraeus hygrometricus.

J Med Food 13 3 — Mao XL The Macrofungi in China. Henan Scientific and Technological Press, Zhenzhou. Masaphy S Biotechnology of morel mushrooms: successful fruiting body formation and development in a soilless system.

Biotech Lett — Article CAS Google Scholar. Menzies NK, Li C One Eye on the Forest, One Eye on the Market: Multi-Tiered Regulation of Matsutake Harvesting, Conservation and Trade in North-Western Yunnan Province Wild Product Governance.

Earthscan, London. Miller OK, Miller SL Gasteromycetes. Mad River Press, Eureka. Molina R, Vance N, Weigand JF, Pilz D, Amaranthus MP Special forest products: integrating social, economic, and biological considerations into ecosystem management. In: Kohm KA, Franklin JF eds Creating a Forestry for the 21st Century: The Science of Ecosystem Management.

Island Press, Washington, DC, pp — Mondal S, Chakraborty I, Pramanik M, Rout D, Islam SS Structural studies of water-soluble polysaccharides of an edible mushroom, Termitomyces eurhizus.

A reinvestigation. Carbohyd Res 6 — Moore D, Chiu SW In: Pointing SB, Hyde KD eds Fungal products as food. In Bio-Exploitation of Filamentous Fungi. Fungal Diversity Press, Hong Kong, pp — Moore D, Robson GD, Trinci APJ 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi.

Morgan AP North American Fungi: the Gastromycetes. J Cincinnati Soc Nat Hist — Namgyel P, Tshitila Rare, endangered, over-exploitation and extinction of plant species?

Putting Cordyceps—a high value medicinal plant-to test. Council of Research and Extension and Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation, Thimphu.

Napoli C, Mello A, Borra A, Vizzini A, Sourzat P and Bonfante P Tuber melanosporum , when dominant, affects fungal dynamics in truffle grounds. New Phytol: 1— Neves MA, Capelari M A preliminary checklist of Boletales from Brazil and notes on Boletales specimens at the Instituto de Botanica SP Herbarium, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Sitientibus serie ciencias bio — Paterson RRM Cordyceps—A traditional Chinese medicine and another fungal therapeutic biofactory? Phytochemistry — Pegler DN The genus Lentinus : a world monograph. HMSO, London. Pegler DN Agaric Flora of Sri Lanka.

Kew: Bull Add Ser — Mycologist —5. Peng J Agro-Waste for Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms in Taiwan. TPHealth, No. Perini C ed. Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the European Council for the Conservation of Fungi. Vipiteno Sterzing, Italy , 9—14 September Siena, Italy, Universita degli Studi de Siena: pp Phosri C, Watling R, Martin MP, Whalley AJS The genus Astraeus in Thailand.

Phosri C, Martin MP, Sihanonth P, Whalley AS, Watling R Molecular study of the genus Astraeus. Mycol Res 3 — Pilz D, Molina R Managing forest ecosystems to conserve fungus diversity and sustain wild mushroom harvests. Portland, OR: U. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: pp Ponce RA, Águeda B, Ágreda T, Modrego MP, Aldea J, Fernándea-Toirán LM, Martínez-Peńa Rockroses and Boletus edulis ectomycorrhizal association: realized niche and climatic suitability in Spain.

Fungi Ecol — Ren DJ, Song MS, Yao YJ Literature review of Tuber species in China. J Fungal Res — Ruksawong P, Flegel TW Thai mushrooms and other fungi. National Science and Technology Development Agency in Thai.

Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning ONEP , Thailand, Open Biodiversity Series. Samils N, Olivera A, Danell E, Alexander SJ, Fischer C, Colinas C The socioeconomic impact of truffle cultivation in rural Spain.

Sanmee R, Dell B, Lumpong P, Izumori K, Lumyong S Nutritive value of popular wild edible mushrooms from Northern Thailand.

Food Chem — Sanmee R, Tulloss RE, Lumyong P, Dell B, Lumyong S Studies on Amanita Basidiomycetes: Amanitaceae in northern Thailand. Sanmee R, Lumpong P, Bell D, Lumyong S In vitro cultivation and fruit body formation of the black bolete, Phlebopus portentosus , a popular edible ectomycorrhizal fungus in Thailand.

Mycoscience — Segedin BP An annotated checklist of Agarics and Boletes recorded from New Zealand. NZ J Bot — Shao-Yu J Cultivation of Termitomyces albuminosus and its taste quality and evalution of physiological activities.

National Chung Hsing University, Taipei. Singer R New genera of fungi. Mycologia 36 4 — Singer R The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy, 4th edn.

Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, pp — Singh N, Pathak R, Kathait AS, Rautela D, Dubey A Collection of Cordyceps sinensis Berk. in the interior villages of Chamoli District in Garhwal Himalaya Uttarakhand and its Social Impacts. J Am Sci 6 6 — Stefani OPF, Sokolski S, Wurtz T, Piche Y, Hamelin R, Fortin A, Berube JA Morchella tomentosa : a unique belowground structure and a new clade of morels.

Su KM, Zhao YC The mushrooms in Chuxiong region and technologies relating to artifical promoted production [M]. Yunnan science and technology press, Kunming in Chinese.

Sun Y Pharmacological function and application prospect of the edible fungi Polysacchatide. J Community Med 4 2 — Sung JM Cordyceps of Korea. Publishing, Seoul, p Sung GH, Hywell-Jones NL, Sung JM, Luangsa-ard JJ, Shrestha B, Spatafora JW Phylogenetic classification of Cordyceps and the clavicipitaceous Fungi.

Stud Mycol — Sysouphanthong P, Thongkantha S, Zhao R-L, Soytong K, Hyde KD Mushroom diversity in sustainable shade tea forest and the effect of fire damage.

Tan B, Miao W Research review on active and nutritional components of Termitomyces. Biotechnol 19 3 — Tao K, Liu B Ecology and nutritive value of Tuber sinese. J Shan xi Univ Nat Sci Ed — Tapingkae T Part II Mushroom for Better Life, Mushroom growing in Lao PDR.

Rural Science and Technology Development Center, Thailand. Tarkka MT, Piechulla B Aromatic weapons: truffles attack plants by the production of volatiles. New Phytol — Thongklang N, Hyde KD, Bussaban B, Lumyong S Culture condition, inoculum production and host response of a wild mushroom, Phlebopus portentosus strain CMUHH Maejo Int J Sci Technol 5 3 — Trappe JM The orders, families and genera of hypogeous ascomycotina truffles and their relatives.

Trappe JM, Molina R, Luoma DL, Cázares E, Pilz D, Smith JE, Castellano MA, Miller SL, Trappe MJ Diversity, ecology, and conservation of Truffle fungi in forests of the Pacific northwest.

United States Department of Agriculture, Portland, p Udugama S, Wickramaratna K Artificial production of naturally occurring Lentinus giganteus Uru Paha , a Sri Lankan edible mushroom. Van de Putte K, Nuytinck J, Stubbe D, Le TH, Verbeken A Lactarius volemus sensu lato Russulales from northern Thailand: morphological and phylogenetic species concepts explored.

Wang GD Cordyceps spp. Scientific and Technical Literature Publishing House, Beijing, pp 1— Wang L, Du D Research Progress of the Edible Fungi. J ZheJiang Sci Tech 5 — Wang XL, Yao YJ Host insect species of Ophiocordyceps sinensis : a review. Zookeys — Wang Y, Hall IR, Evans LA Ectomycorrhizal fungi with edible fruiting bodies.

Tricholoma matsutake and related fungi. Econ Bot 51 3 — Search for: Search Button. Raising the profile of fungi within rewilding frameworks Our projects Upcoming events.

Identifying opportunities for fungal conservation Our projects Upcoming events. Creating practical solutions to support fungal diversity Our projects Upcoming events. First Name. Last Name. Discovering what species grow a habitat can give us insights that support nature recovery efforts.

Fungi are the unseen support networks of the natural world. They sustain all forms of life and drive many ecological processes.

David Satori specialises in fungal biodiversity monitoring, offering ecological surveys and habitat management advice that help conservation efforts go further. Surveys David conducts mycological field surveys for broad fungal groups as well as species of conservation importance.

Advice With increasing appreciation for the role of fungi in ecosystems, we are seeing a growing interest in protecting and managing soil biodiversity. Education David is a regularly requested speaker for public events and university lectures where he explores topics including fungal natural history, ecological monitoring, and conservation.

the intricate world of mushroom ecology and highlights the Mushroom Ecology Conservation of Conservatoon these remarkable Cknservation. Discover the Ecoloogy wonders Conservatuon the Mushroo kingdom and Type diabetes lifestyle how you can contribute to their preservation for the benefit of our planet. They play a vital role in decomposing dead plant material, returning essential nutrients back to the soil. Soil Health: Fungi form symbiotic relationships with plants, forming mycorrhizal associations. These associations enhance nutrient uptake, improve soil structure, and increase plant resilience against diseases and environmental stressors. Biodiversity Support: Fungi provide habitat and food sources for a diverse array of organisms, including insects, animals, and other fungi. Mushrooms can be Endurance enhancing foods in Eology worldwide and have long been exploited as resources in developed economies because of their important Vitamin-Infused Supplement, medicinal Efology commercial uses. For less developed countries, such Pumpkin Seed Oil those Consservation the Mishroom Mekong Mushroom Ecology Conservation, wild Pumpkin Seed Oil oCnservation mushroom Pumpkin Seed Oil provides Over the counter antidepressants much-needed alternative source of income for rural households. However, this Musheoom led to over-harvesting and ultimately Mushrpom degradation Consfrvation certain Lentils and Middle Eastern cuisine, thus management guidelines allowing for a more sustained approach to the use of wild mushrooms is required. This article addresses a selection of the most popular and highly sought after edible mushrooms from Greater Mekong Subregion: Astraeus hygrometricus, Boletus edulisMorchella conica, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, Phlebopus portentosus, Pleurotus giganteus, Termitomyces eurhizus, Thelephora ganbajun, Tricholoma matsuake, and Tuber indicum in terms of value, ecology and conservation. The greatest threat to these and many other mushroom species is that of habitat loss and over-harvesting of wild stocks, thus, by creating awareness of these issues we wish to enable a more sustainable use of these natural products. Thus our paper provides baseline data for these fungi so that future monitoring can establish the effects of continued harvesting on mushroom populations and the related host species.

Mushroom Ecology Conservation -

ISBN Du P, Cui BK, Dai YC a High genetic diversity in wild culinary-medicinal wood ear analysis. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar. Du P, Cui BK, Dai YC b Genetic diversity of wild Auricularia polytricha in Yunnan Province of South-western China revealed by sequence-related amplified polymorphism SRAP analysis.

J Med Plants Res — CAS Google Scholar. Egli S Mycorrhizal mushroom diversity and productivity—an indicator of forest health? Annals Forest Sci 68 1 — FAO Non-Wood Forest Products for Rural Income and Sustainable Forestry, vol 7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

García-Montero LG, Díaz P, Massimo GD, García-Abril A A review of research on Chinese Tuber species. Mycol Prog — Gardner S, Sidisunthorn P, Anusarnsunthorn V A Field Guide to Forest Trees of Northern Thailand. Asia Books Co. Ge ZW, Yang ZL, Vellinga EC The genus Macrolepiota Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota in China.

Goldway M, Amir R, Goldberg D, Hadar Y, Levanon D Morchella conica exhibiting a long fruiting season. Mycol Res — Gui MY, Zhu P, Guo YH, Liu P, Pu CX Study on the biological characters of Morchella conica.

China Wild Plant Resour 21 3 :7— Gui MY, Liu B, Zhou P, Guo YH, Pu CX, Ma SB A preliminary study on the ecology of edible Thelephora.

Sw China J Agric Sci — in Chinese. Hall IR, Lyon AJE, Wang Y, Sinclair L a Ectomycorrhizal fungi with edible fruiting bodies Boletus edulis.

Econ Bot 52 1 — Hall IR, Zambonelli A, Primavera F b Ectomycorrhizal fungi with edible fruiting bodies Tuber magnatum , Tuberaceae. Econ Bot — He J, Zhou Z, Yang H, Xu J Integrative management of commercialized wild mushroom: A case study of Thelephora ganbajun in Yunnan, Southwest China.

Environ manage — Heim R Observations sur la flore mycologique malgache. Revue de Mycologie — Heinemann P, Rammeloo J Observations sur le genre Phlebopus Boletineae. Mycotaxon — Hens L, Boon EK Causes of Biodiversity Loss: a Human Ecological Analysis.

Futuro dos Recursos no — Hosford D, Pilz D, Molina R, Amaranthus M Ecology and Management of the Commercially Harvested American Matsutake Mushroom.

United States Department of Agriculture Ecology and Management of Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. Hu HD, Wang Y, Hu BY Cultivation of Tuber formosanum on limed soil in Taiwan. New Zeal J Crop Hort — Huang QR Study of the submerged culture of Clitocybe maxima mycelia and its effect on isolated muscular fatigue induced by electric stimulation in toad.

Food Sci — Hyde KD, Bahkali AH, Moslem MA Fungi—an unusual source for cosmetics. Fungal Divers —9. Ji KP, Hei MX, Zhang CX, Liu J, Wang WB, Hou JY Semiartificial simulate cultivation of Phlebopus portentosus and the durability of hyphae on host roots. Microbio — Ji KP, Cao Y, Zhang CX, He MX, Liu J, Wang WB, Wang Y Cultivation of Phlebopus portentosus in southern China.

Mycol Prog 10 3 — Kanwal HK, Karan Acharya K, Ramesh G, Reddy MS Molecular Characterization of Morchella species from the Western Himalayan Region of India.

Curr Microbiol — Karunarathna SC, Yang ZL, Olivier R, Ko Ko TW, Vellinga EC, Zhao RL, Bahkali AK, Chukeatirote E, Degreef J, Callac P, Hyde KD a Lentinus giganteus revisited: new collections from Sri Lanka and Thailand. Karunarathna SC, Yang ZL, Zhao R, Vellinga EC, Bahkali AH, Chukeatirote E, Hyde KD b Three new species of Lentinus from northern Thailand.

Kasparavicius J Influence of climatic conditions on the growth of fruit bodies of Boletus edulis. Botanica Lithuanica 7 1 — Kendrick B The Fifth Kingdom, 3rd edn.

Focus Publishing, Newburyport. Kerekes J, Desjardin DE A monograph of the genera Crinipellis and Moniliophthora from Southeast Asia including a molecular phylogeny of the nrITS region.

Kim HO, Yun JW A comparative study on the production of exopolysaccharides between two entomopathogenic fungi Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis in submerged mycelial cultures.

J Appl Microbiol — Kobayasi Y Keys to the texa of genera Cordyceps and Torrubiella. Trans Mycol Soc Japan — Insect Soc 58 3 — Koune J Threatened Mushrooms in Europe.

Nature and Environment No. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg Cedex. Kumla J, Bussaban B, Suwannarach N, Lumyong S, Danell E Basidiome formation of an edible wild, putatively ectomycorrhizal fungus, Phlebopus portentosus without host plant.

doi: Le TH, Nuytinck J, Stubbe D, Verbeken A, Lumyong S, Desjardin ED a Lactarius in Northern Thailand: 2. Lactarius subgenus Plinthogali. Le TH, Nuytinck J, Verbeken A, Lumyong S, Desjardin ED b Lactarius in Northern Thailand: 1.

Lactarius subgenus Piperites. Lei QY, Zhou JJ, Wang QB Notes on three boletus species from China. Mycosystema — Li TH, Song B Bolete species known from China. Gui Zhou Science 21 1—2 — Li YC, Feng B, Yang ZL Zangia , a new genus of Boletaceae supported by molecular and morphological evidence.

Liang J, Jia XZ, Wang Y, Zhang XY, Nguyen H The physiological characteristics and salinity and alkalinity resistance of two ectomycorrhizal fungi. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 40 6 — Lin ZS Culture isolation and investigation of bioactivities from Termitomyces eurhizus. Dissertation, southern Taiwan University of technology and science, Tainan.

Liu P, Yan M, Wang X, Sun P, Yang X Notes on the resources of matsutake-group and their reasonable utilization as well as effective conservation in China in Chinese. J Nat Res 14 3 — Lu Y, Ao Z, Cheng C, Wu C, Zheng Y Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the mycelial extract of Termitomyces albuminosus.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine Mallick SK, Swatilekha M, Bhutia SK, Maiti TK Immunostimulatory properties of a polysaccharide isolated from Astraeus hygrometricus. J Med Food 13 3 — Mao XL The Macrofungi in China.

Henan Scientific and Technological Press, Zhenzhou. Masaphy S Biotechnology of morel mushrooms: successful fruiting body formation and development in a soilless system. Biotech Lett — Article CAS Google Scholar. Menzies NK, Li C One Eye on the Forest, One Eye on the Market: Multi-Tiered Regulation of Matsutake Harvesting, Conservation and Trade in North-Western Yunnan Province Wild Product Governance.

Earthscan, London. Miller OK, Miller SL Gasteromycetes. Mad River Press, Eureka. Molina R, Vance N, Weigand JF, Pilz D, Amaranthus MP Special forest products: integrating social, economic, and biological considerations into ecosystem management.

In: Kohm KA, Franklin JF eds Creating a Forestry for the 21st Century: The Science of Ecosystem Management. Island Press, Washington, DC, pp — Mondal S, Chakraborty I, Pramanik M, Rout D, Islam SS Structural studies of water-soluble polysaccharides of an edible mushroom, Termitomyces eurhizus.

A reinvestigation. Carbohyd Res 6 — Moore D, Chiu SW In: Pointing SB, Hyde KD eds Fungal products as food. In Bio-Exploitation of Filamentous Fungi. Fungal Diversity Press, Hong Kong, pp — Moore D, Robson GD, Trinci APJ 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi. Morgan AP North American Fungi: the Gastromycetes.

J Cincinnati Soc Nat Hist — Namgyel P, Tshitila Rare, endangered, over-exploitation and extinction of plant species? Putting Cordyceps—a high value medicinal plant-to test. Council of Research and Extension and Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation, Thimphu.

Napoli C, Mello A, Borra A, Vizzini A, Sourzat P and Bonfante P Tuber melanosporum , when dominant, affects fungal dynamics in truffle grounds. New Phytol: 1— Neves MA, Capelari M A preliminary checklist of Boletales from Brazil and notes on Boletales specimens at the Instituto de Botanica SP Herbarium, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Sitientibus serie ciencias bio — Paterson RRM Cordyceps—A traditional Chinese medicine and another fungal therapeutic biofactory?

Phytochemistry — Pegler DN The genus Lentinus : a world monograph. HMSO, London. Pegler DN Agaric Flora of Sri Lanka. Kew: Bull Add Ser — Mycologist —5. Peng J Agro-Waste for Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms in Taiwan.

TPHealth, No. Perini C ed. Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the European Council for the Conservation of Fungi. Vipiteno Sterzing, Italy , 9—14 September Siena, Italy, Universita degli Studi de Siena: pp Phosri C, Watling R, Martin MP, Whalley AJS The genus Astraeus in Thailand.

Phosri C, Martin MP, Sihanonth P, Whalley AS, Watling R Molecular study of the genus Astraeus. Mycol Res 3 — Pilz D, Molina R Managing forest ecosystems to conserve fungus diversity and sustain wild mushroom harvests.

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Download references. We acknowledge and thank CGIAR Research Program 6 on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry-Mekong Sentinel Landscapes for funding this project. Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, , China. Peter E.

World Agroforestry Centre, East Asia, Lanhei Road, Kunming, , China. Institute of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, , Thailand. Samantha C. School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, , Thailand. Mushroom Research Foundation, M.

Pa Pae, A. Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai, , Thailand. Centre for Mountain Ecosystem Studies, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, , Kunming, China.

Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, 68 Wenchang Road, Yieryi Street, Yunnan Province, Kunming, , China. The data is put into the Red List database and utilized to inform governments and organizations as to how, where, and what is needing the most conservation efforts.

This strategy works through the legislative or organization processes in order to turn field data into conservation efforts. Efforts include governmental regulation of the species and its use, habitat protection, and regulation of known threats.

Species specific approaches typically target known, at risk species, and utilize geographic data as well as population data to derive conservation strategies. Geographic data typically includes information such as extent of occurrence and area of occupancy while population data includes information such as life-history strategies , known threats, and reproductive strategies.

Species specific approaches may also target an associated keystone species and work to support them. Known keystone species can provide easier methods of implementing conservation efforts and help conserve all associated species.

This in turn increases population size of the target species. Systems approaches utilize biodiversity hotspots or establishing reserves for biodiversity and its protection.

These system approaches focus on the range of biodiversity and preserving its order to restore system structure and composition. Community and habitat interactions and dynamics such as nutrient cycling, food webs, and key ecological functions of the target species group are monitored and restored if possible.

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Download as PDF Printable version. Conservation Strategies [ edit ] Red Listing [ edit ] Red Listing is an approach that works with the IUCN's Red List program in which biological, geographical, and population data are acquired from field studies.

System Approach [ edit ] Systems approaches utilize biodiversity hotspots or establishing reserves for biodiversity and its protection. Retrieved Conservation Biology. doi : PMID S2CID UN Decade on Restoration.

Biology LibreTexts. IUCN Red List. March 22, Retrieved March 22, Fungal Ecology.

Fungi are all around Consfrvation. Species that produce visible fruiting bodies, macrofungi, Coneervation Mushroom Ecology Conservation around Mushrook, of those described species, and new ones are continually discovered, mainly thanks to advances in Sports nutrition guidelines wider Mushroom Ecology Conservation Mushroo, DNA sequencing. Much of the Anti-cancer alternative therapies community across the Muwhroom is made up Conservatuon amateur mycologists and enthusiasts who go on forays to collect specimens for study, marvel at the diversity and mystery, and spend time in the outdoors. One of the most extensive online sources for identification is mushroomexpert. com, which was created by Michael Kuo, a retired English teacher turned mushroom expert. Increasingly in recent decades, individuals, often with other day jobs, have worked tirelessly to describe and document the diversity of mushrooms to conserve them and the land they exist within. And of course, in addition to conservation, foraging and cooking with wild edibles has exploded in recent years.

Author: Malataxe

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