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Effective recovery strategies

Effective recovery strategies

New research investigates whether repeated Effectivf of cold water recovedy for Effective recovery strategies recovery help Effecitve harm long-term training Body density screening customers don't want to answer additional questions and they don't want to repeat themselves. SPB look Luckily, the general manager of the Cancun resort heard about the terrible flight and quickly created a balm for the wound.


Recovery Strategies

Effective recovery strategies -

SPB looks at new research. Cold water immersion for recovery: hype, or the real deal? How effective is cold water immersion for accelerating recovery compared to other recovery methods? SPB looks at new evidence and makes p Register now to get a free Issue.

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New research investigates whether repeated sessions of cold water immersion for short-term recovery help or harm long-term training Move it: can foam beat stretching? Andrew Sheaff looks at new research comparing the benefits of foam rolling vs. conventional stretching for athletic performance. Cut your losses: strength detraining truths!

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Choosing the right protein The importance of post-exercise recovery cannot be overstated. If you can recover faster, you can train harder again sooner. When designing high-intensity workouts that deliver the results your clients and group workout participants want, it is also necessary to identify effective techniques to help them recover once the exercise session has been completed.

Certain methods presented in the table below, such as wearing compression clothing, sitting in a cryogenic chamber, applying a percussion gun to muscles, using an infrared sauna or getting a massage, may help accelerate the recovery process, but these come with additional costs and may not be accessible for many clients.

If you work in a full-service health club with amenities such as a hot tub, sauna or steam room, urge your clients and class participants to use them after a high-intensity workout to help facilitate the recovery process. A general strategy to promote the recovery process includes applying various methods that can increase the heart rate, elevate tissue temperatures or reduce inflammation.

Table 1 describes several recovery strategies and provides specific methods that range from readily available to those requiring specific equipment. Based on available research, the table also includes specific methods that can help promote the recovery process. As Hausswirth and Mujika discuss in their book, Recovery for Performance in Sport , infrared rays in an infrared sauna produce heat that molecules can partially absorb.

Because the heat affects the cells directly, infrared saunas operate at a lower temperature when compared to traditional saunas, allowing for a more comfortable experience. Applying extremely cold temperatures: There are two prevailing theories about how cryotherapy promotes recovery.

The first is that exposure to extremely cold temperatures causes blood to rush to the vital organs to keep them protected; as the cold is removed and the body returns to normal temperature, the blood will return to the extremities, bringing the necessary oxygen, nutrients and cells.

The rapid application of cold causes the sympathetic nervous system to release epinephrine and cortisol, which increase circulation. The second theory has to do with the fact that cold could help reduce inflammation caused by mechanical damage to the tissue structures. Inflammation increases pressure on the nerve endings that sense pain; when inflammation is lowered, explains Hausswirth and Mujika, so is the perception of pain.

Applying pressure to muscle tissue to assist in circulation or reduce tightness: The Golgi tendon organs GTO are sensory nerve endings where muscles attach to tendons. Applying pressure to muscle fibers creates a reflexive response that relaxes and lengthens muscle fibers, which helps to reduce overall tightness.

This method also elevates tissue temperature, which increases blood flow. Compression clothing applies a steady source of pressure to muscle tissue that could help increase circulation by promoting venous return of blood to the heart.

Compression clothing can also elevate tissue temperature, which could help reduce the overall perception of soreness. Performing body-weight exercises in multiple planes of motion: Moving in multiple directions elevates the heart rate while increasing tissue temperature.

The first two phases of the Muscular Training component of the ACE Integrated Fitness Training ® ACE IFT ® Model—Functional and Movement Training—feature primarily low-intensity body-weight exercises that are ideally suited for mobility workouts to promote active recovery.

The recovery phase is when clients experience the actual physiological changes to their bodies, which explains why so many tools have been developed to promote this process. However, other than the costs associated with paying for personal-training sessions or group workout fees, the recovery method that could produce the greatest benefit is simply getting an appropriate amount of rest either by alternating the intensity of exercise or getting more sleep.

Rest is one of the most effective recovery methods and one that can be achieved by either periodizing the intensity of workouts or by going to bed earlier every evening. The National Sleep Foundation , an organization of medical professionals and researchers who study and promote the benefits of sleep for achieving optimal health, recommends adults sleep seven to nine hours per night.

Sleep allows muscles to repair damaged tissues and replace spent energy. In addition, growth hormone, an anabolic hormone produced during stage 3 of non-rapid eye movement sleep, helps to repair muscle and connective tissues damaged during exercise.

The longer one sleeps, the more time they give their muscle tissues to regenerate and grow. To learn more about sleep and how it could benefit clients, refer to the following articles that explain how to improve overall sleep hygiene:. Does Sleep Help You Lose Weight?

The Power of Sleep. Teach Your Body to Sleep Better. Periodization involves organizing the variables of exercise program design to alternate between low-, high- or moderate-intensity workouts. The purpose of periodization is to adjust the overall volume of metabolic or mechanical overload, while ensuring an adequate amount of rest between exercise sessions to allow for the recovery process to produce the desired adaptations.

The greatest benefit of periodization is that it uses lower-intensity activity or rest to allow the body to adapt to the physically demanding exercise performed during exercise. You can use periodization to structure periods of lower-intensity exercise or rest that could help your clients reach their goals.

The ACE Integrated Fitness Training ® ACE IFT ® Model features two primary components: Muscular Training and Cardiorespiratory Training, and each of these components is further divided into three specific phases based on the intensity of exercise.

The three phases of the Cardiorespiratory component—Base, Fitness and Performance Training—are organized based on intensity as determined by the first and second ventilatory thresholds VT1 and VT2. VT1 is the intensity of exercise where muscles transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism to produce the energy for force production.

VT2 is the indicator of the onset of blood lactate accumulation, a marker of how much metabolic by-product is generated from anaerobic exercise. Exercise below VT1 relies on aerobic metabolism for energy and is lower in intensity than exercise at or above VT2.

The first two phases, Functional and Movement Training, feature body-weight exercises to enhance the stability and mobility of major joints in the body, as well as to improve overall coordination and movement efficiency. Undulating periodization, also known as non-linear periodization, is well suited for general fitness clients because it allows for frequent changes in intensity and volume.

Exercise program design based on the concept of undulating periodization means alternating between high-, moderate- and low-intensity workouts over the course of a week, allowing a client who feels they must exercise every day to do so but at different levels of intensity to ensure appropriate recovery.

It may be helpful to consider different phases as indicators of stress load and corresponding rating of perceive exertion RPE on a point scale:.

Workouts can be organized so that a high-stress day is followed by a low-to-moderate stress day. Because you've already offered them an apology and aligned yourself as an advocate, they'll be much more amenable to working with you on a solution.

Once you've discovered the cause of the problem, it's time to go about fixing it. You might have to replace a substandard service or product, which is key to meeting customer expectations. Don't let the conversation with the customer end until you've managed to fix the problem.

This requires service reps with excellent problem-solving skills and you need to make sure you train them in service recovery. Solving the problem means that the customer is satisfied with the resolution. Remember to ask follow-up questions to check that the customer feels the problem has been fixed and don't make assumptions.

A customer may have been thoroughly inconvenienced by your service lapse and it's not enough to offer exactly what they should have received in the first place.

You may need to offer something extra, like free shipping or a free month's subscription, in order to make up for the customer's sense of injustice.

Come up with creative ways to restore customer happiness with your products and brand. Remember that your customer has been stressed out and inconvenienced by the service issue, and you need to go that extra mile to make up for the hassle.

Once you've closed the conversation with the customer, don't forget to follow up with them to check they are satisfied with the resolution.

Show your concern for the customer by sending a follow-up email or making a follow-up phone call, which means you can also catch any further issues the customer may be experiencing. Make sure you let your coworkers know that the customer was the victim of a service failure.

Any further interactions with the customer should be made with this in mind so your staff can communicate appropriately without the customer having to explain their issue over again.

Consider sending a handwritten note to the customer to show how much you appreciate their business. A customer ordered a big basket of baked goods from Zingerman's Deli. Unfortunately, the delivery was damaged en route and the cookies were crumbled and the brownies squashed.

The customer and their family still managed to eat the goods but when Zingerman's sent a follow-up customer satisfaction email, they expressed their disappointment with the shipment.

Zingerman's responded immediately to the less than satisfied response and offered to send a replacement basket, a gift card, or a refund. Club Med-Cancun recovered from a service disaster and won the loyalty of a group of vacationers. The vacationers had endless nightmares traveling from New York to their Mexican destination.

The flight was six hours late in taking off, made two unscheduled stops, and circled for thirty minutes before it could land in Mexico. Because of the unexpected delays, the flight was en route for ten hours more than expected and ran out of food and drinks.

Eventually, it arrived at two in the morning, which was such a rough landing that oxygen masks were released. When the plane eventually arrived at the gate, the passengers were hungry and believed their vacation was ruined before it had even begun. Luckily, the general manager of the Cancun resort heard about the terrible flight and quickly created a balm for the wound.

He took his staff to the airport where they arranged a table of snacks and drinks and set up a stereo to play music. Guests shuffling through the gate received a personal greeting, assistance with their bags, a sympathetic ear, and a ride to the resort.

Waiting for them at Club Med was a banquet, mariachi band, and champagne. Staff had encouraged other guests to wait up and greet the vacationers, and they partied until dawn.

In the end, the guests had a better experience with Club Med than if their flight had gone as planned. Jay was the best man at his friend's wedding and had ordered a pair of shoes from Zappos to arrive in time for the big day. Unfortunately, the package was sent to the wrong location and wouldn't arrive in time for the wedding.

Jay called Zappos, hoping to get a solution to his problem. The company not only gave him a refund, but they also overnighted him a new pair of shoes at no extra charge and upgraded him to a VIP account. He was so amazed by Zappos's customer service that Jay said, "Zappos has earned a customer for life.

Here's a template of a service recovery email you can use to apologize effectively and turn the situation around. Remember, even the most perfectly written email won't turn your unhappy customer into a loyal one if you don't also take action to resolve their problem.

As you know, [outline specific customer problem]. It is not acceptable for this [problem] to have happened to you.

Service recovery strategies help you identify and reach out Effective recovery strategies ercovery customers Efefctive had Effective recovery strategies Natural vitality pills experience so you can rectify the Effectlve and restore trust. Angry and unhappy customers are a normal part of every business. An organization should have well-thought-out plans for service failures, starting from what to do for a failed delivery to a defective product sent to a customer or a faulty onboarding process. All of these can seriously affect business prospects if left unsolved. This is where a s ervice recovery strategy comes into the picture. Effective recovery strategies All other things being equal, an athlete Gut-friendly foods can recover faster stgategies Effective recovery strategies fully will strateiges able to train or race again Effective recovery strategies and perform Effectivve than a poorly recovered athlete. Mindful food photography to recovery also reduces the revovery of injury and burnout. They Effectivr the latest Effective recovery strategies to improve performance for themselves and their clients - both athletes and sports teams - with help from global specialists in the fields of sports science, sports medicine and sports psychology. They do this by reading Sports Performance Bulletin, an easy-to-digest but serious-minded journal dedicated to high performance sports. SPB offers a wealth of information and insight into the latest research, in an easily-accessible and understood format, along with a wealth of practical recommendations. Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice.

Author: Gugis

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