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Strategies for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels

Strategies for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels

This page choleaterol been produced in consultation with and approved by:. Cholesterol levels vary by age, weight, and sex. Know your numbers.

Strategies for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels -

About Cholesterol. HDL, LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides. Genetic Conditions. Causes of High Cholesterol. How To Get Your Cholesterol Tested. Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol. Cholesterol Tools and Resources. Do you have questions about cholesterol?

We have answers. Our FREE cholesterol guide will help you understand and manage your cholesterol, so you can take action and live healthy! Home Health Topics Cholesterol Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol.

Play without Auto-Play Play Video Text. Know your numbers. And what to do about them. Lifestyle changes include: Eating a heart-healthy diet From a dietary standpoint, the best way to lower your cholesterol is reduce your intake of saturated fat and trans fat.

To be smarter about what you eat, pay more attention to food labels. As a starting point: Know your fats. Cook for lower cholesterol. A heart-healthy eating plan can help you manage your blood cholesterol level. Becoming more physically active A sedentary lifestyle lowers HDL cholesterol.

Learn more about getting active. Mozaffarian D, et al. Dietary fat. Accessed March 15, Mahmassani HA, et al. Avocado consumption and risk factors for heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Products and Services A Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition Nutritional Supplements at Mayo Clinic Store Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Digital Edition.

See also Arcus senilis: A sign of high cholesterol? Birth control pill FAQ Cholesterol level: Can it be too low? Cholesterol medications: Consider the options Cholesterol ratio or non-HDL cholesterol: Which is most important? Cholesterol test kits: Are they accurate? Cholesterol-lowering supplements may be helpful Coconut oil: Can it cure hypothyroidism?

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Supplier Information. Admissions Requirements. Degree Programs. Research Faculty. This lowers the level of LDL cholesterol in your blood.

Some people get muscle aches from statins. However, diet and exercise will still be important, even if you are taking medication. Your doctor may also refer you to a specialist who treats cardiovascular disease. This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only.

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Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is important How cholesterol moves around the body How to check your cholesterol levels Safe blood cholesterol levels Risk factors for high cholesterol Effects of high cholesterol levels Foods that contain cholesterol Dietary tips to avoid cholesterol How to avoid saturated fats Foods that may lower cholesterol levels Lifestyle tips to cut cholesterol Medication may be needed for high cholesterol Where to get help.

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is part of all animal cells. Cholesterol is important Cholesterol is produced by the liver and also made by most cells in the body. We need a small amount of blood cholesterol because the body uses it to: build the structure of cell membranes make hormones like oestrogen, testosterone and adrenal hormones help your metabolism work efficiently, for example, cholesterol is essential for your body to produce vitamin D produce bile acids, which help the body digest fat and absorb important nutrients.

How cholesterol moves around the body Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance. It is carried around the body by 2 key transport systems in the blood, which include: Low-density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol — carries most of the cholesterol that is delivered to cells.

How to check your cholesterol levels Your doctor can check your cholesterol levels through a blood test. The blood test measures: total cholesterol HDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol triglycerides , another type of fat in the blood.

There are no symptoms for high cholesterol. Safe blood cholesterol levels Many factors influence your cholesterol levels. Total cholesterol levels should be lower than 5. Risk factors for high cholesterol There is no single cause of high cholesterol, but there are some controllable risk factors smoking and non-controllable risk factors age.

Risk factors for high cholesterol include: age smoking lack of physical activity overweight or obesity family history unhealthy diet.

Effects of high cholesterol levels The liver is the main processing centre for cholesterol and dietary fat. Foods that contain cholesterol Research has shown that cholesterol in food has a neutral relationship with blood cholesterol levels.

Dietary tips to avoid cholesterol Following a healthy diet and lifestyle can help to lower your cholesterol levels over time, including: Increase the amount and variety of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods you have each day.

Air displacement method research shows little otpimal of infection from prostate biopsies. Discrimination at work is linked to high foe pressure. Icy fingers and toes: Optimall circulation or Strategies for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels phenomenon? If you're one of those people, lowering your cholesterol level can lower your chances of having a heart attack. You can't change your age or family medical history, both of which can affect your cholesterol levels. However, you can lose weight if you need to and boost physical activity which is good for everyone. These two steps can help lower your cholesterol. Strategies for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels

Author: Kagatilar

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