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Berry Muffin Recipes

Berry Muffin Recipes

I discovered Berry Muffin Recipes page recently and I am loving all your Reciprs and your energy!! I tried many recipes before trying your one. They were the only batch of muffins that got all eaten up amongst a few other recipes other people brought in! Close Menu Home Recipes. Berry Muffin Recipes

Berry Muffin Recipes -

Fold in the berries by hand. If you use frozen berries, the batter will become even stiffer; don't worry about it, it's fine. Again, the batter will be thick and stiff; don't expect it to settle.

Sprinkle with regular granulated or coarse white sugar, if desired. Bake the muffins for 18 to 24 minutes, until a cake tester inserted in the center of one comes out clean. Remove them from the oven, and take them out of the baking pan as soon as you can and transfer to a rack to finish cooling.

Leaving hot muffins in the pan creates steam that will toughen the muffins as they sit. Store leftovers for a couple of days at room temperature in an airtight container, or freeze for up to 1 month. You can use any kind of fresh berry, dried fruit, diced peaches, bananas, or nectarines in this recipe.

View our privacy policy. Facebook TikTok Instagram Threads Pinterest LinkedIn YouTube. Save Recipe. Bake Mode. Preheat the oven to °F.

Line a muffin pan with papers, and grease the papers. Add the vanilla and sour cream or yogurt, and mix until incorporated. Tips from our Bakers If you're using frozen berries, mix them into the batter while still frozen.

They'll turn the batter a streaky blue color. They'll also increase the baking time by as much as 5 minutes. To make handling baked muffins easier, use a potholder to tilt the hot pan at a 45° angle.

The muffins will tilt enough that you can lift them out of the cups easily. Place them on a rack to finish cooling. All-Purpose Flour. King Arthur Pure Vanilla Extract - 16 oz. Great to hear that your substitutions worked great and you loved the result!

These were absolutely delicious. I used only Boysenberries as I have a large patch in garden. I will try half white flour and half wheat next time.

Thanks Natasha this is my go-to muffin recipe. Sometimes I replace 1 cup flour with 1 cup almond flour finely ground almonds and top each muffin with a crumble mix before baking.

Everyone asks for the recipe. Came out great! I replaced the oil with applesauce and replaced one egg with flaxseed and increased the milk a bit to loosen the batter. Thank you for the delicious recipe. I used 1, 5 oz cup of vanilla coconut milk yogurt instead of greek yogurt,and I didnt have vanilla so I used one half tsp of almond extract,about a tsp of cinnamon,and a tsp of lemon extract ,and I used frozen wyman mixed berries,and they tasted great!

Very yummy! I also did everything in a stand mixer except for combining the berries. From my changes I would have cut down on sugar since whole wheat can add sweetness.

The muffin was super delicious and fluffy! I will definitely make it again! Hi Erin, we make them in cupcake tins to make them salle, but they can also be made in a muffin tin. These sound super good! Would it work for mini muffins?

If so how many would it make? How long would it take to bake? These are perfect muffins! Have made them probably 15 times in the last 6 months since discovering the recipe. It all works! Perfect muffins! A really good berry muffin recipe!

Everything is perfect with this one. I happened to have a thick Greek style yogurt on hand that was berry flavored so I used it. I had blueberries, strawberries diced and large raspberries halved. The muffins are not too sweet. Some of my berries were a bit tart but that is the nature of berries of course.

I can see where someone may add a bit more sugar or a light glaze if more sweetness is desired for tart berries. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe!!! Only had mixed berry Chobani Greek yogurt 5. Hi Michelle, good to know that the revisions worked well too!

Thank you for giving this recipe a try. I loved this, Natasha! I had some fresh raspberries and blueberries to use, and I came upon your recipe. I had to use sour cream, not yogurt. Also I only had a few drops of vanilla left!! So minus more vanilla, I followed it exactly, and I love how they are not overly sweet!

Allows the fruit flavor to be the focus! Thanks so much! Fabulous recipe. Hi Maj, that will work! I actually made it into a loaf instead of muffins. And it took 50 minutes in my oven. Hi Sheba, 1 cup should be perfect for muffins, especially paired with the sweetness of the berries but you can add it to taste if you like very sweet muffins.

I agree, 1 cup sugar is plenty enough! It is great with any berry combination! My partner cheekily eats them straight from the freezer, but I prefer to microwave them for 30 seconds 🙂 About to make blueberry and raspberry ones today!

Hi Lavinia, it only makes 12 muffins. But iff you click on the serving size in the recipe card, you can slide it up or down to scale the recipe ingredient lists.

I hope that helps! These turned out perfect! I used canola oil and sour cream, and they turned out exactly like the photos. In my oven they took 22 minutes to cook, and in my muffin pan, I was able to make 15 muffins filling to the top for each muffin.

Taste incredible, texture is so lovely. Will come back to this recipe again and again, forever…. Hi Abigail, that should work too. I hope that helps. Let me know how you like it.

At last a simple to follow recipe that works exactly as it says. Thank you 🙏 these are delicious, I will be making them regularly 🥰. I used virgin coconut oil to replace the olive, I also used frozen berries its all I had … They are good!

Do you need to defrost frozen berries? I was wondering if I court use my mixed frozen berries as well. Hi Phuong, You can check out the portion Can I Use Frozen Berries for Muffins?

in the recipe for more information. This recipe is gooooood!! I did miss having brown sugar in my muffins, but these triple berry babies were eaten up quickly in my house.

Thank you!! I made these a couple of weeks ago. I only had frozen mixed berries 2cups so I used all of them. I thought they were delicious. Today my husband came home with two huge bags of frozen mixed berries and asked if I would make them again!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing recipe. Yes the house did smell wonderful too! Wow, he loved it! I love the mixed berry muffins so much!! But does anyone knows the best way to substitute the eggs?

Im trying to make the vegan version!! Thank you in advance!! To make a flax egg, mix one tablespoon ground flaxseed meal with three tablespoons of water. Mix together, and let sit in your fridge for 15 minutes to set up and thicken. You could leave it up to 30 minutes if you w.

Thank you so much for sharing that. Have you tested this for this recipe yet? Asking in case someone else has the same question. Thanks again! I always use aquafaba the liquid in a can of chickpeas to veganize my baked goods.

When we use a can of chickpeas, I save the liquid, put in an ice cube tray, freeze, then store a bunch in a ziplock bag. Thaw and whisk until foamy when ready to add to a recipe.

my daughter and I made these this morning as part of our homeschooling baking challenge…. everyone in Ireland is homeschooling these days they were delicious!

we used slightly less sugar and used frozen berry mix along with some fresh blueberries. we also used Rape Seed oil instead of the olive oil and everything turned out beautifully. We will definitely make them again, thank you for the great recipe.

Thank you for sharing this with me! I love the idea of doing a baking challenge! this made a dozen regular muffins and a dozen mini muffins for me I added 2 cups of frozen berries just sweet enough!

Ok, my husband and I just had one, delicious!!! Definitely a repeat. Thanks again. These just came out of the oven and look fantastic. I made it as recipe called for except use blueberries and raspberries. Mine did brown a tad on top. Also, this made 15 muffins for me. Thanks for a great recipe.

Immediately bookmarking this recipe as a favorite! I was wanting to use up berries that were too dry and old to eat and plain Greek yogurt leftover from another recipe that no one wanted, and found this.

Sounds perfect! Thank you so much for your awesome comments and review, Lisa. I also used canola oil instead thank you.

Hi Abby, you are very welcome. Thank you for trying out this recipe and for sharing your experience with us. Yes you can, Amanda. You can check out the portion Can I Use Frozen Berries for Muffins?

Can you suggest what can be used as a replacement for sugar maple syrup or honey? Will it change the consistency of the batter and texture of the muffins? Or some ripe bananas and brown sugar. I just want to cut down the sugar to at least half the quantity in the recipe. Hi Samina.

Made these muffins today with some changes. I inserted a tooth pick after 22 mins to check if done but some crumbs did stick to the toothpick so baked for another mins still the muffins were bit soggy. My batter looked exactly like yours but the texture of the muffin was different.

Hi Samina, it is hard to say what the culprit is when so many substitutions were made. I recommend trying the recipe as written before making major substitutions. Made these muffins this morning they were wonderful! Thank you for a great recipe. I used coconut Greek yogurt, saffron oil and added chia seeds.

They turned out great anyway and everyone in my family had two, that is a very good compliment. Dear Natasha, We are a family of four, two growing boys, my hubby and I. We all love muffins, especially the berry muffins. I tried many recipes before trying your one.

On all previous occasions they came out soggy and were unable to win my band of boys. But these berry muffin recipes of yours are just perfect.

As always, I follow your recipes exactly as you instruct. And without fail they came out perfect out of the oven. Thank you, Natasha. Hello there, thank you for sharing that with us. I hope that you and your family will love all the other recipes that you will try.

Natasha hello from Greece!! I have been watching your videos for the past few weeks and today I decided to give these mixed berry muffins a try.

What an amazing recipe!! My daughter loves muffins and I have tried soooo many recipes. But this one is truly superb! The sweetness is balanced by the fruits actually I only used gr of sugar, instead of the gr in the recipe , the muffins are super soft and moist. The perfect breakfast!

I followed the recipe for the most part but made substitutes to use the ingredients I had on hand. I baked for 27 minutes. The muffins are moist and delicious.

Natasha your recipes are always a hit 🙂. Hello Amanda. Thank you for sharing that with us. So great to hear that you were able to use substitutes and it worked well too! Thank you for your great review and feedback. Natasha, I made these muffins today and they are delicious!

However, mine never got brown on top, although they were completely done. I used sour cream. Was looking for a muffin recipe to make for morning tea in the park. A recipe to use up overripe strawberries and yoghurt.

So glad I used your recipe because they came out perfect and deliciously moist. I was just going thru the comments to see if anyone has tried gluten free version of these muffins and glad to see you did!! Can you please mention the exact brand and name of the gluten free flour that you used?

Will appreciate it. Thanks for the recipe! Thanks for sharing your experience making this recipe with us, so glad everyone loved these muffins! I have done it with just strawberries, just blueberries, raspberries and blueberries and raspberries and strawberries.

You May lose extra tartness from the raspberries if you only use strawberries. Please share with us how it goes.

Wow I love this! I used dice strawberries cut up raspberries and cut up blueberries. Will definitely be making this again whether a loaf or I will try it as muffins. Thank you again for another great recipe. Made these today and they were excellent. I also subbed plain yogurt for the Greek.

This recipe is a keeper! I have made these many times the past few months, often giving them to others. We all absolutely love this recipe! It is definitely my go to muffin. Note to others: I did skip using the electric beater one time, opting to use a wisk for just a couple of minutes.

Great recipe. I made it with cherries and peaches that were about to go bad. The muffins turned out so tasty. I bet your home smells amazing baking this! I love your use of cherries and peaches in this recipe! Thank you for the recipe. They smell yummy and look delicious!

I did use a mixture of frozen berries cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries and added some mini chocolate chips. I also subbed the oil for coconut oil. Fingers crossed they taste as delicious as they look! Hi Danielle, I have tried all of those but I bet that could work!

If you experiment please let me know how you like that! These were perfect! Not too sweet and so light and fluffy. Super simple too. I was looking for a good muffin recipe and so glad I found this one.

I am now on my second batch today and am trying with pineapple, coconut and apricot…also using some palm sugar and coconut oil. Made them tonight. Half blueberries, half strawberries. Half Greek yogurt, half sour cream. Next time with the lemon glaze. Great recipe!

Awesome recipe! Made them a few weeks ago and everyone loved them. Today I made them again and swapped out the berries for mango, shredded coconut, lime zest and lime juice and did half and half vanilla and coconut extract and they taste amazing!!!

Thanks Natasha! I made them a few weeks ago and everyone loved them. Today I used your base ingredients but swapped out berries for mango, added lime zest, little lime juice and shredded coconut. I also did half vanilla and half coconut extract.

That is so great! So glad to know that the additional ingredients that you used worked so well too. Made these this morning. They were wonderful! So, I had several Chobani fruit on the bottom yogurts and just scraped the yogurt part out leaving the fruit bottom out and used that.

It worked great! Saving this recipe to make again! Hi Natasha! I was wondering, could you use coconut oil instead of the extra light olive oil?

Or does it have to do with the consistency? Hi, Natasha. They were amazing, even if I used just strawberries. My parents asked me to cook more. Thanks so much for these amazing recipes.

I started cooking after yours, instead of our local blogs! Thanks for your good feedback and I hope that you and your family will love every recipe that you are going to try!

These are sooo good! So, I used that and it worked great! I have couple more yogurts left, so will go make another batch. Best muffins ever! Holy cow these are amazing! I used coconut oil, and frozen raspberries. They came out fantastic! Loved the slight hint of coconut by using the coconut oil.

Tossed the frozen berries in a little flour before folding them into the batter worked perfectly. Im planning to make another batch in the morning. Love it! Thank you so much for sharing your experience making this recipe. I hope that you love every recipe that you try! Hi Kayla, that should work!

Thank you for responding! I just made these and they are really good! Do you think I overwhipped the egg and sugar or had too much yogurt?

They still turned out good but I had left over batter. I measured everything carefully. Hi MS, that may be the culprit, without being there it is hard to say. I just made these for the first time and OMG! I posted them on FB so the world can discover them and try them.

They will be a staple in my house from now on. Thank you Natasha! I have tried many of your recipes and have found all to be easy, delicious, as well as kid and husband friendly. Sounds like you found a new favorite! MY yogurt expired buy i wanted to save them so I made these.

I substituted the fruits with chocolate chips and they turned out great! I also added some tiny cream cheese squares on top of some of the muffins which I definitely recommend as well. Hello Natasha! I discovered your page recently and I am loving all your recipes and your energy!!

I wanted to ask if for this recipe, would it be possible to use almond or coconut oil instead of olive oil? Thanks in advance, love your recipes! Hi, I would usually opt for using the whisk when making the batter. It is a little more effective. I hope you love the berry muffins!

I make these muffins every weekend and freeze them for a fast go-to daily breakfast! I made this recipe and it came out amazing!!! Nice and moist with the berries. Perfect texture!

Thanks alottt!! Unfortunately the fruit is this turned the bottom of the muffins into mushy fruit. Did your batter look thick? How well do they freeze? I have 5 lbs. of BC blueberries to take care of……. They freeze beautifully. For the freezer I make mini muffins, 3 to a snack size baggie.

Then into a freezer bag for longer storage. Perfect for a snack at work, on the go with kids, etc. They look great and taste great! Good morning Getting ready to make this recipe and I realize I only have extra virgin olive oil. Should I use a combination of that with butter?

Thank you for your input. Hi Cathy, since baking is so much a science, without experimenting, it is difficult to make that recommendation. Your recipe is delicious — even with mixed ratio of half melted butter abt. I am going to try these what in grams or ounces is 1 cup equivalent to not used to measuring this way love your recepies.

Hi Mary! I have used many of muffin recipes in my 30yrs of being a chef and by far these muffins are the best I have ever made Thank You Natasha. I just made these with my two-year-old daughter and they surprisingly turned out fantastic despite some of the spills and approximate measures.

Also we used the frozen organic mixed fruit from Costco. Rhubarb was awesome. Made these muffins a while ago. Turned out soooooo good and fluffy. Recipe says it makes 12 but that pan must hold bigger muffins than mine.

Loved them! I brought a dozen to office, six to a neighbor and six for home. Really delicious muffins Second time making 2 days in a row: Husband ate almost all the first time Thanks for the recipe:. These are the BEST muffins EVER. We just cant get enough of them. I made a batch replacing the berries with apple and cinnamon, so yummy!!!

Hi Natasha and thanks so much for sharing! Or if there is any other dessert u have that maybe sugerfree? Hi Helene, please see the note above on baking with frozen berries for instructions.

I hope you love the recipe! Thank you for sharing that awesome review! HJI, I was wondering for a dairy free option, I can sub out the yogurt with a non-dairy version, will it alter the taste or texture at all?

Hi Kristen, several of our readers have reported trying dairy-free yogurt in muffins. Looks so yummy! My son has milk allergy.

Hi Jane, several of our readers have reported trying dairy-free yogurt in muffins. Hey Natasha! Can I use canola oil instead of the olive oil? If you experiment please let me know how you like that recipe.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I'm Natasha Kravchuk. Here you'll find delicious, trusted recipes with easy step-by-step photos and videos. Learn more Recipes Menu. Close Search Search this site Find a recipe.

Close Menu Home Recipes. About Us Life. Instagram Facebook Follow me on Pinterest YouTube. Mixed Berry Muffins. Jump to Recipe Save Saved. Share the Post: Share on Pinterest Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Yummly Share via Email. Author: Natasha Kravchuk. These fluffy and moist triple berry muffins come together quickly and are loaded with juicy strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Save Saved Pin Review Print. Prep Time: 10 minutes mins. Cook Time: 20 minutes mins. Total Time: 30 minutes mins. Ingredients US Customary Metric. Servings: 12 muffins. Cook Mode Prevent your screen from going dark.

Instructions Line a count muffin tin with cupcake liners and preheat oven to ˚F. In a large mixing bowl, using an electric mixer, beat 2 eggs with 1 cup granulated sugar on high speed 5 minutes, or until thick and light in color.

Set mixer to low speed and mix just until combined. DO NOT OVERMIX or muffins will be dense. Divide batter into prepared muffin tip, filling to the top or until all of the batter is used up.

Bake in the center of the oven at ˚F for minutes or until tops are golden and a toothpick inserted into the center come out clean.

Transfer muffins to a wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature. Nutrition Per Serving kcal Calories 52 g Carbs 7 g Protein 11 g Fat 1 g Saturated Fat 35 mg Cholesterol 61 mg Sodium mg Potassium 1 g Fiber 21 g Sugar 50 IU Vitamin A 5.

Full Nutrition Label Nutrition Disclosure. Nutrition Facts. Amount per Serving. Saturated Fat. Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Course: Breakfast, Dessert.

Cuisine: American. Keyword: mixed berry muffins. Skill Level: Easy. Calories: Hashtag them natashaskitchen. Natasha Kravchuk. Read more posts by Natasha https https https https. Natasha's Kitchen. Hey Tanya, great to hear that you loved it!

Christine Chiasson. Dawn Carvalho. Sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing. Can I make these as mini muffins? Natashas Kitchen. Sounds wonderful, Irene! Thank you for the feedback.

That sounds wonderful! Thank for sharing, Mark. Hi Angelica!

Effective body toning berry muffin Berr is super easy to make and even easier to Muffi I Reciipes them the other day and ate three in one afternoon. Natural immune booster daughter, Madelyn said she likes them better than my family-favorite coffee cakewhich is a very bold statement! Hey, it happens! For these berry muffins, I used a mix of blackberries, blueberries and sliced strawberries. You can really use any combination of berries that you like, and also frozen berries work too. Selenium automation testingThe Recieps published a recipe for the Reecipes muffins served at the Ritz-Carlton Effective body toning in Boston, which Reicpes Burros, who adapted uMffin recipe, judged Berry Muffin Recipes her favorite Effective body toning in the city. A few Refipes later, a reader wrote Marian to say that the best blueberry muffins in Boston were in fact from the now-closed Jordan Marsh department store. Marian tracked down and adapted that recipe so you can judge for yourself. But the origins of the Jordan Marsh recipe were unclear untilwhen Mara Richmond of Burlington, Vt. This version has a lot more sugar and butter and fewer eggs than the Ritz-Carlton muffins.

Author: Dushakar

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