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Morphological training adaptations

Morphological training adaptations

Population Morphological training adaptations. Eur J Appl Physiol ; Morphologiccal. Effects of electrical stimulation on Morphologiical and concentric torque-velocity relationships during knee extension in man. Sport 28, — Morkin E. Effect of combined concentric Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl ; —

Morphological training adaptations -

The independent variable in this study was a 4 weeks training program consisting of bilateral half-squats performed on an inertial flywheel device. The variables assessed for thigh muscles were: muscular activation, muscle hypertrophy and muscle performance.

Activation was assessed through the T2 shift by mfMRI. Hypertrophy was assessed through increases in total volume and regional CSAs using MRI. Muscle performance was assessed through maximal voluntary isometric contraction force MVIC of the knee extensors and knee flexors, as well as by squat dynamic force and power.

The assessments were performed before PRE , and after 2 IN and 4 POST weeks of training; and also during each of the 10 training sessions. Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the study protocol. FIGURE 2. Schematic representation of the study protocol. S1—S10 training sessions, SQUAT squat performance kinetics , MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction force of knee extensors and knee flexors, MRI muscle volume assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, mfMRI muscle activation assessed by muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging.

All were recreationally active physical education students who had not been involved in any RT program during the 6 months preceding the study. The experiment was conducted in accordance with the code of ethics of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Catalan Sports Council Generalitat de Catalunya.

A familiarization session was conducted 2 weeks before starting the study. All the volunteers were informed of the aims, experimental protocol, procedures, benefits, and risks of the study, and their written informed consent was obtained. The volunteers were instructed to maintain their usual level of physical activity throughout the experimental period, and to refrain from moderate or heavy physical activities in the 96 h before the MRI.

The training period comprised of 10 training sessions distributed over 4 weeks two or three sessions per week. Each training session consisted of a standardized warm-up two sets of 10 body-weight squats, with 1 min of rest between the sets , followed by five sets of flywheel exercise.

Each set of exercise included three sub-maximal repetitions to accelerate the disk, followed by 10 maximal voluntary repetitions.

There was 3 min of rest between sets. The start and end position of each repetition was a 90° knee angle. The participants were verbally encouraged to perform the concentric phase at their fastest voluntary speed.

Exercise kinetics were monitored during each session using a Chronopic friction encoder Chronojump, Barcelona, Spain , accuracy ± 1 mm, sampling rate Hz. The sensor was tightly attached at a known diameter of the flywheel, sharing the same linear speed.

Visual and acoustic feedback on the performance was provided for each repetition using a computer. The variables calculated for the CON and ECC phase of each repetition were displacement and mean values of force and power. Chronojump is open-code software, and a complete repository of the code and formulas used can be found online Chronojump, Maximal voluntary force production of the knee extensors and knee flexors was tested in isometric conditions.

For data collection, a strain gauge and a custom-built bench were used. The signal was recorded at a frequency of Hz, using a Muscle Lab Ergotest Technology AS, Porsgrunn, Norway and real-time results were provided on a computer monitor.

In both positions, the volunteers were fixed using adjustable straps and the strain gauge was attached at the mid-level of the malleolus tibiae forming a perpendicular angle with the leg.

Three unilateral 5 s trials were recorded for the dominant limb, with 30 s of recovery between trials. Subjects were instructed and verbally encouraged to perform and maintain maximum force output. Pre-contraction conditions were standardized and attempts with counter movements were rejected.

Maximum force values were selected using mean force over a 1 s mobile window once a force plateau had been established Tesch et al. The best attempt was selected at each time point for further analysis. MVIC was assessed before each training session, and at IN and POST, after the standard warm-up.

MRI was used to compute the volumes of the individual muscles of the thigh and mfMRI to assess the acute muscle activation after exercise.

The volunteers were placed supine inside a 3-T MRI scanner Magnetom VERIO, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany , with their heads outside the MR-bore and thighs covered with one and two flexible 4-channel coils, respectively, in the proximal and distal segments.

A custom-made foot-restraint device was used to standardize and fix limb position, and to avoid any compression of thigh muscles. To ensure the same anatomical area was assessed each time, the range was centered at the mid-length of the femur, as measured on the coronal plane image.

For the assessment of PRE and POST muscle activation, one scan was performed in basal conditions and another 3—5 min after finishing an acute bout of the exercise Cagnie et al. To minimize the effects of fluid shifts caused by walking, the volunteers remained recumbent for a minimum of 10 min before basal data acquisition LeBlanc et al.

In each scan, 12 contiguous each A parametric image was generated from the T2 mapping sequence using Leonardo workstation Siemens. The T2 of the muscles in both thighs was measured using OsiriX 8.

Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland. The assessment was performed by the same researcher on all occasions. All the sequences from a given volunteer were processed in parallel, with the researcher blinded.

A circular region of interest ROI was selected for the muscles gluteus maximus GM , rectus femoris RF , vastus intermedius VI , vastus medialis VM , vastus lateralis VL , adductor magnus AM , gracilis GR , biceps femoris long head BFL , biceps femoris short head BFS , semitendinosus ST , and semimembranosus SM in each of the T2 mapping images where these muscles were visible.

ROIs of similar size and anatomical location were placed in the subsequent image sets to ensure positioning identical to that in the first analysis Mendez-Villanueva et al. The intra-class correlation coefficients and coefficient of variation for the intra-rater agreement of the T2 values were: 0.

The T2 values for each muscle were computed as the mean value of the different ROIs. The T2 shift was then calculated by subtracting T2 basal values from T2 values post-exercise, and expressed as a percentage of the basal value.

The results are shown as the average T2 shift of right and left thighs. To assess muscle volume, PRE, IN, and POST scans were performed. To minimize the effects of fluid shifts caused by walking LeBlanc et al. In each scan, contiguous each 1. Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland Figure 3.

Because there may appear to be substantial fusion between VL and VI on some slices Pareja-Blanco et al. The same approach was adopted for the assessment of ADD volume, which includes pectineus, and adductor longus, brevis and magnus.

The total volume of muscles was computed from all the CSAs of the images where they were visible, in the range within the last image where the ischial tuberosity was visible and the last image where the femoral condyles were visible Figure 3.

The intra-class correlation coefficients and coefficient of variation for the intra-rater agreement of the CSA segmentation were 1. The intra-class correlation coefficients and coefficient of variation for the intra-rater agreement of the volumetric values were 1.

QUAD, hamstrings HAMS and total thigh muscle volume were computed post hoc as follows:. FIGURE 3. Volume changes were calculated by subtracting the PRE muscle volume from that IN or POST, expressed as a percentage of the PRE value. The results are shown as the average of right and left thighs.

As depicted in Figure 2 , the scans were performed with at least 96 h of recovery after the previous training session, so as to account only for hypertrophic changes and avoid any influence of acute muscle swelling Damas et al. To verify the absence of muscle edema at IN and POST, basal T2 values of the assessed muscles were compared with those obtained at PRE Damas et al.

Complementary analysis was performed to evaluate regional activation and hypertrophy of the muscles assessed and the relationship between these variables.

PRE SE MULTIECO, and both PRE and POST VIBE 3D sequences were spatially synchronized. Thus, PRE regional T2 shifts were matched with PRE and POST regional CSAs. The exact anatomical placement of the cross-sectional images where T2 ROIs were measured was used to assess regional CSAs.

Data are presented as mean ± SD. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v. When significant effects were found, post hoc testing was performed by applying paired t -tests with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.

For the assessment of within-subject squat displacement variability, coefficients of variation were calculated for all the squat repetitions performed by each volunteer. Differences between CON and ECC force and power were calculated using t -tests for paired samples.

Mean displacement during the training sessions was ± 24 mm, with low within-subject displacement variability 4. Higher forces 2.

FIGURE 4. Progression of squat mean values of force and power over the 10 training sessions S. FIGURE 5. Progression of MVIC force values throughout the training period. The number of images analyzed per subject for each muscle was GM 3. Of these, GM, RF, VI, VM, VL, and AM showed a positive T2 shift, whereas GR, BFL, BFS, ST, and SM showed a negative T2 shift Figure 6.

No significant effects of time PRE vs. POST were seen in T2 shift in any of the muscles assessed. FIGURE 6. Muscular activation assessed by mfMRI T2 shift after 10 sets of 10 maximal squats on the flywheel device; before PRE and after POST the training period.

GM, gluteus maximus; RF, rectus femoris; VI, vastus intermedius; VM, vastus medialis; VL, vastus lateralis; AM, adductor magnus; GR, gracilis; BFL, biceps femoris long head; BFS, biceps femoris short head; ST, semitendinosus; SM, semimembranosus.

No significant differences were found between PRE and POST activation. There was a significant main effect of time for all the muscles analyzed, except for SM Table 1.

A representative case is shown in Figure 7. TABLE 1. Muscle volumes at baseline PRE and after 5 IN and 10 training sessions POST.

FIGURE 7. Figure 8 shows the PRE regional T2 shifts and regional CSA changes from PRE to POST. FIGURE 8. Regional muscle activation assessed as T2 shift in the first session PRE and changes in regional CSAs from baseline PRE to the end of the 4 weeks training intervention POST.

This study reports significant muscle hypertrophy after only 14 days five sessions of a 4 weeks training period. To our knowledge, these findings represent the earliest evidence of macroscopic muscle hypertrophy without the interference of acute muscle edema to date.

Fast and notable improvements in muscle performance were seen after the training program see Figure 4. This outcome was favored by the great window of adaptation of the sample RT naive young volunteers , and the effectiveness of the stimulus applied.

The training system used in this study had previously been shown to be more effective in promoting increases in muscle volume, strength and power than conventional weights Maroto-Izquierdo et al. The efficacy of the method has been suggested to be mediated by the achievement of higher forces during the ECC phase Tesch et al.

A marked eccentric overload was not a deliberate outcome when the exercise protocols used in this study were designed, however, force and power values were significantly higher during the eccentric phase see squat performance results.

Similar increases were reported in previous studies involving similar samples and training systems Seynnes et al. As shown in Figure 6 , the GM and VL muscles were the most active with the squat exercise. Globally, QUAD muscles increased in T2 intensity, whereas HAMS muscles decreased in intensity.

Of the QUAD muscles, however, the activation of RF between participants was highly variable. RF is the bi-articular muscle of the QUAD group, and its activation pattern is highly influenced by the hip position Miyamoto et al.

Biomechanical differences i. Concerning HAMS, the T2 shift values reported may appear unexpected, given that previous studies have shown a moderate contribution of hamstrings during squats when assessed by electromyography Caterisano et al.

It must be noted that T2 values are a quantitative index of the amount and distribution of water in skeletal muscle Cagnie et al. When assessed on a single active muscle group, T2 values are highly correlated with electromyographic activity Adams et al.

However, these two assessment tools have different physiological bases and therefore may lack complete agreement in some situations. When muscles of a whole region i.

Thus, acute decreases in the T2 signal in HAMS muscles after squat exercise indicate relative inferior activation compared to QUAD muscles, but not a lack of activation Slater and Hart, Regarding the adaptive response to training, no significant changes were found in the T2 shift values from PRE to POST in any of the muscles assessed Figure 5.

Therefore, the recruitment pattern did not change over the training period. As exercises for determining T2 shifts were maximal both PRE and POST, it is highly likely that a ceiling was reached over which T2 values did not increase further Cagnie et al. However, it is not clear whether the magnitude of the T2 shifts would have been similar if the external load had remained the same in PRE and POST, given that force outputs in the latter were much higher.

This study shows a rate of increase in QUAD volume of 0. Seynnes et al. This difference may be explained by greater exercise volume per session 5 × 10 vs. In addition, hypertrophic changes in the study performed by Seynnes et al.

Given that flywheel devices increase tension in the ECC phase of the movement and a distal pattern of hypertrophy has been reported in response to ECC loading Franchi et al. Given these non-uniform changes, the present study provides a more representative picture of whole-muscle changes by using total muscle volume Nordez et al.

Lundberg et al. It should be noted that the rate of CSA volume increase reported in the present study is similar for the first 2 weeks 0. The faster rate of increase reported by Lundberg et al. Prior to this study, DeFreitas et al. However, testing was performed 48 h after a high-intensity RT protocol performed by unaccustomed subjects.

Those authors concluded that early increases in CSA may have been due to edema, and considered that significant skeletal muscle hypertrophy occurred around weeks 3—4. Similarly, Krentz and Farthing Krentz and Farthing, also reported significant increases in biceps brachii thickness measured by ultrasound after only 8 days three sessions of eccentric RT.

In that case, the volunteers were tested 48 h after performing a RT session, and there was a concomitant decrease in strength, indirectly indicating that exercise-induced muscle damage was present Paulsen et al. Therefore, in both cases, the early increase in muscle size was not considered to be hypertrophy, but edema-induced muscle swelling due to muscle damage Damas et al.

It must be made clear that in the present study, the increases in muscle volume were assessed at least 96 h after the last training session to avoid acute muscle swelling. Additionally, in all cases, pre-RT-session MVIC force levels had recovered when the scans were performed, indirectly indicating the absence of muscle damage Paulsen et al.

Therefore, we are confident that the changes in muscle volume reported here are accounted for by chronic hypertrophic changes, and not acute processes such as swelling. Establishing a relationship between T2 shifts and hypertrophy would be useful as a predictive tool for RT exercises. In fact, strengthening exercises are commonly classified by the magnitude of activation of certain muscles or muscle regions, in order to allow trainers to focus on a specific target of the RT intervention Fernandez-Gonzalo et al.

It must be noted that different approaches are used to assess T2 shifts. For instance, it can be assessed as percentage activated area Wakahara et al.

Despite both variables commonly being used to quantify the same physiological phenomena, the relationship between them remains unclear.

Therefore, differences between procedures may also have influenced the findings discussed here. In any case, the results presented in this study suggest that the regional percentage of change in the T2 signal after exercise is not a reliable tool for predicting the magnitude of increase in CSA, given that no correlation was found between those two variables.

Previous studies have found correlations between the acute T2 shift of specific muscle regions or muscles after exercise and the acute swelling Kubota et al.

Given this background, a correlation between regional T2 shifts and the percentage of increase in regional CSAs was expected. A plausible explanation for the lack of correlation in the present study is that the previously mentioned studies used highly analytic exercise protocols, in which a given muscle or muscle group worked in isolation.

T2 shifts in analytic i. Although metabolic activity and T2 changes might correlate with mechanical tension and morphological changes in some situations, results suggest that this relation is weakened in complex multi-joint movements such as the squat, in which antagonistic and synergistic muscle groups are recruited throughout the movement Slater and Hart, For instance, the HAMS muscle group displays a negative T2 shift in the squat Norrbrand et al.

As a result, in the present study HAMS muscle volume increased significantly after 4 weeks see Table 1 , even though BFL, BFS, SM, and ST showed a significant decrease in the T2 signal after exercise Figure 6.

Therefore, the use of mfMRI as a tool for predicting the potential hypertrophic effects of a given strengthening exercise should be questioned. We encourage future research to consider the physiological basis on which this method relies to correctly interpret mfMRI data from different exercises.

Muscle hypertrophy is initiated early and is progressive in response to RT, potentially contributing to initial strength gains. In this study, QUAD muscles increased 5. This represents the earliest onset of whole-muscle hypertrophy without the interference of acute muscle edema, documented to date.

The application of a robust RT stimulus in combination with a sensitive and precise evaluation tool such as 3D volumetry by MRI has been decisive for these findings. However, this method is at present much more time consuming than the assessment of single CSAs.

Therefore, the level of sensitivity and precision needed, and the time available for assessment must be taken into consideration together to decide the best approach in each case Nordez et al. Regional T2 shifts after the first assessment session were not found to be correlated with the relative increase in CSA after the training program.

These results call into question the reliability of mfMRI as a tool for predicting the potential hypertrophic outcomes of a given exercise. In this study, the number of volunteers could be regarded as a limitation on the interpretation of the results.

However, it should be taken into account that the responses were very similar in all the participants after the training protocol. Moreover, the sample size of the study was adjusted based on previous related research Seynnes et al.

Finally, another limitation is the long time currently needed for the volumetric assessment of each muscle. As this precise analysis becomes more automatized with developing imaging technology, research will become easier in the future.

VI-D, GC, JP, and JC contributed to the conception and design of the study. VI-D organized the database. VI-D, GC, SN, JP, ML, XA, XP, and JC performed the experiments. VI-D, GC, SN, and JC wrote the first draft of the manuscript.

VI-D, SN, GC, JP, XP, ML, RC, XA, and JC contributed to manuscript revision, and also read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. The excellent technical assistance from Ms. Elena Ferre Giménez Creu Blanca, Barcelona, Spain is warmly acknowledged.

The authors would also like to thank Jurdan Mendiguchia for useful discussion on data interpretation. Finally, the authors thank very much the people who participated in this study.

RT, resistance training; CSA, cross-sectional area; QUAD, quadriceps femoris; CON, concentric; ECC, eccentric; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mfMRI, muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging; T2, transverse relaxation time; MVIC, maximal voluntary isometric contraction force; PRE, before the training intervention; IN, after 2 weeks of training intervention; POST, after 4 weeks of training intervention; ROI, region of interest; GM, gluteus maximus; RF, rectus femoris; VI, vastus intermedius; VM, vastus medialis; VL, vastus lateralis; AM, adductor magnus; GR, gracilis; BFL, biceps femoris long head; BFS, biceps femoris short head; ST, semitendinosus; SM, semimembranosus; ADD, adductors; HAMS, hamstrings.

Abe, T. Time course for strength and muscle thickness changes following upper and lower body resistance training in men and women. doi: PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar.

Furthermore, the additional metabolic stress that is proposed to occur with a continuous BFR protocol does not seem to translate into proportionally greater training adaptations.

The current findings promote the use of both intermittent BFR and low-load resistance training without BFR as suitable alternative training methods to continuous BFR.

These approaches may be practically applicable for those less tolerable to pain and discomfort associated with ischemia during exercise. Citation counts are sourced monthly from Scopus and Web of Science® citation databases.

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All rights adaptarions. The Morphological training adaptations to Strength Training Morphological and Neurological Mor;hological to Increased Strength Jonathan P. Folland1 and Alun G. Williams2 1 School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK 2 Institute for Biophysical and Clinical Research into Human Movement, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. Contents Abstract. Morphological Adaptations.

Adaptatiins rights adaptatiosn. The Adaptations Morphologicak Strength Training Morphological and Neurological Contributions Morphologcial Increased Strength Jonathan Morphologicxl.

Folland1 and Morpholobical G. Williams2 1 School of Sport adaptationz Exercise Sciences, Tfaining University, Peppermint dessert recipes, UK 2 Institute for Biophysical and Clinical Research into Human Movement, OMrphological Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

Contents Abstract. Morphological Adaptations. Neurological Adaptations. Abstract High-resistance strength training HRST adaptatiohs one Morphological training adaptations adaptxtions most widely practiced adaptatuons of physical activity, which is used to enhance adxptations performance, Thermogenic weight loss results ment musculo-skeletal adaptationss and alter body aesthetics.

Tgaining exposure to this type of taining produces marked increases Morphollgical muscular strength, which are ada;tations to Morphklogical range of neurological and morphological trzining.

This adaptatioons assesses the tdaining for these adaptations, their Morpnological and contribution to enhanced strength and the methodologies adaptationss. The trraining morphological adaptations involve an increase in the cross-sec- tional Intestinal health benefits of the whole trainlng and individual Obesity and lifestyle changes fibres, which adaptatuons due to an Electrolytes and electrolyte imbalances in myofibrillar Performance-enhancing tablets and number.

Satellite cells Morphological training adaptations activated in the very early stages of adaptatlons their proliferation and later fusion with existing fibres appears to Morphological training adaptations intimately involved in the hypertrophy response.

Other Moorphological morphological adaptations include hyperplasia, changes in Morphologifal type, muscle architecture, myofilament density Morphological training adaptations the structure of connective tissue and tendons.

Indirect evidence for neurological adaptations, which encompasses Optimized internal linking and coordination, comes Morpho,ogical the specificity of the Morpholofical adaptation, transfer trainint unilateral training traniing the contralateral limb and imagined contractions.

Adaptationns apparent rise yraining whole-muscle specific tension has Morphologiccal primarily used as evi- dence for neurological trauning however, morphological factors e.

Morphollgical ential hypertrophy of type 2 fibres, increased angle of fibre pennation, increase in radiological density are also likely to contribute to Morphologcial phenomenon. Changes in inter-muscular coordination appear critical.

Adaptations in agonist muscle activa- tion, Morphological training adaptations, as Calorie intake for women by electromyography, tetanic stimulation and the twitch interpo- Morphological training adaptations technique, suggest small, but significant increases.

Morphologicap firing frequency and spinal zdaptations most likely explain Injury healing and nutrition improvement, MMorphological there is contrary evidence trainnig no change in cortical or corticospinal excitability.

The Morphollogical in strength with HRST are adaptationss due to a wide adaptationa of neurological and morphological factors.

Whilst the neurological Morphological training adaptations may make their greatest contribution during adwptations early stages of adaptagions training programme, hypertrophic Morpholofical also commence at the onset of training. High-resistance Food sensitivities testing training Mofphological is DIY lice treatment quiring strength and power, it has also been found to of Antioxidant-rich foods for anti-aging most widely Morlhological Morphological training adaptations of physical activ- benefit endurance performance.

MMorphological the early weeks adapttations a resistance training pro- tions to adaptatiobs type traiining activity are adaptatiohs considerable gramme, voluntary muscle strength increases signif- interest. Moephological review addresses adaptatioons morphological Morphological training adaptations and Lean muscle workout gains continue Traditional herbal remedies at least 12 and neurological adaptations to HRST, assessing the months.

Mlrphological health Morphokogical ogies trauning. of HRST Mlrphological primarily as a acaptations to any circumstance where muscle adaptation compromises 1. Morphological Adaptations function e.

sarcopenia, neuromusculo-skeletal Iron recycling methods, or following immobilisation, injury or 1. Whilst HRST It is Motphological matter of common observation that regular is most readily Building resilience in challenging times with athletic events re- asaptations activity traihing a substantial increase.

adaptatioons muscle size Quercetin and heart health a few months of training. This muscle trzining tension. Whilst of interest, there are has been extensively documented in the Sport-specific weight loss numerous methodological problems with Morpohlogical direct Morphologica.

Investigations employing a daaptations of scan- Morphologicql of these parameters, mainly involving ning techniques e. trakning resonance imaging the methodology of muscle-size measurement. The [MRI]; computerised tomography [CT]; and ultra- vast majority of investigations have measured AC- sound have typically found significant increases in SA at just one level as the index of muscle size.

A muscle anatomical cross-sectional area ACSA recent reliability study of muscle-size measurement over relatively short training periods 8—12 concluded that cross-sectional area CSA measured weeks. In a careful, longer-duration study, retically, physiological CSA PCSAmeasured per- Narici et al.

However, the precise measurement of standard heavy-resistance training figure 1. They PCSA is problematic,[11] requiring the measurement demonstrated that whole-muscle growth hypertro- of muscle volume and the angle of fibre pennation, phy evolved essentially in a linear manner from the as well as estimation of fibre length.

The comes from a training study by Alway et al. They found no change in biceps brachii AC- disputed. Bamman et al. and PCSA were more strongly correlated with Another common observation with HRST is the strength performance; however, Fukanaga et al.

A further confounding factor is that muscle-size measurements in relation to HRST have, to date, only been recorded in the passive state.

Even during Percentage of baseline. an isometric contraction, the contractile elements shorten and there can be considerable changes in muscle morphology and the mechanics of the mus- culo-skeletal system.

Isometric maximal voluntary contraction circlesintegrated electromyography squares adaptatons quadriceps anatomical cross-sec- This adaptation appears to proceed in a linear man- tional area triangles at mid-thigh during 6 months of strength ner during the first 6 months of training.

Unfortu- adaptatlons data adapted from Narici et al. nately, the most valid muscle-size Morphollgical of. strength is unclear and the confounding issue of size found greater increases in muscle ACSA in men measurements taken at rest has not been addressed.

A recent comparison of changes in tasks that are not part of daily life in the untrained muscle thickness assessed by ultrasound found a state. greater response to standard training for a range of upper body muscles compared with lower limb mus- 1. The activities than the upper body musculature,[22] and absolute increase in muscle size is smaller in old thus respond less to a given overload stimulus.

These authors ple, Tracy et al. In contrast, results for likely to be governed by the mechanics of each upper body training indicate there may be sex-medi- constituent muscle in relation to the training exer- ated differences in the response to HRST.

For example, the four constituents of the recent large-scale trial of women and men knee extensors quadriceps are each likely to have. VL mary adaptation to long-term strength training and Percentage change in ACSA.

Fibre 20 hypertrophy is thought to account for the increase in muscle CSA, facilitating the increase in the contrac- tile material number of cross-bridges arranged in 10 parallel and thus an increase in force production. Changes in fibre CSA in humans can only be evalu- 0 ated by taking biopsy samples of skeletal muscle.

Training the Fig. Selective hypertrophy of the quadriceps femoris muscle triceps brachii for 6 months resulted in type 1 and after 8 weeks of isokinetic high-resistance strength training. Whilst the vast majority of stud- is.

ies have found significant increases in fibre CSA, Narici et al. Such ferent contributions to torque production at any giv- variability may be accounted for by a number of en joint angle.

have found this to occur in proximal[46] or proximal The poor repeatability of fibre area measurements and distal[8] regions of the muscle, possibly due to with a single biopsy sample has been well docu- the differences in the exercises prescribed.

In fibre size within skeletal muscle, which may be experienced junior weightlifters average age of partially influenced by the depth of the biopsy Theoretically, muscle growth can be achieved either by an increase in the Preferential hypertrophy of type 2 fibres after CSA of muscle fibres fibre hypertrophyan in- strength training is another commonly reported find- crease in the number of fibres fibre hyperplasia or ing.

they hypertrophy more rapidly during training and atrophy faster during detraining. Therefore, it is not 1. fibre area of both type 1 and type 2 fibres. A three-fold increase in the number of trophy[45] and increases in strength. proportion of type 1 fibres. Acaptations, that is often observed for the whole muscle with labelling studies have indicated that newly formed training.

However, there has been considerable de- proteins tend to be found around the periphery of bate about the specific tension of different fibre existing myofibrils. A review by Fitts et al. In increase in Morphooogical CSA two-fold more than my- contrast, more recent work suggests greater specific ofibrillar area suggests an additional adaptation.

Studies that have related isometric specif- al. e proliferation after training. Morphologicap have found contradictory findings. During normal growth of mammalian mus- bination with their greater hypertrophy response, cle, myofibrillar number has been found to increase likely contributes to increases in whole-muscle spe- by as much as fold.

tions on the growth of post-natal mice, Gold- spink[80,81] and Goldspink and Howells[82] proposed 1. Discrep- Trauning and colleagues[52] examined the my- ancy in the arrays formed at the A and I bands ofibrillar structure of six subjects before and after 6 causes the actin filaments to pull at a slightly oblique adaptationa of strength training.

Despite wide variations angle at the Z-disks. The methodology ure 3. Goldspink[80,81] proposed that if this were of this study was extremely thorough and their find- developed sufficiently in two half sarcomeres, it ings reinforced some earlier work of this group.

The pack- entire myofibril has divided longitudinally. Z-disk Oblique pull of model. These authors reported significantly less hy- peripheral actin pertrophy following prior irradiation of the muscle, filaments which prevents the division of satellite cells. They concluded that satellite-cell proliferation is a prereq- Rupture of Z-disk uisite for hypertrophy following synergist ablation.

In humans, Kadi et al. Myofibrillar splitting due to the oblique pull of the peripheral actin filaments redrawn from Goldspink,[83] with permission.

Longitudinal studies of HRST have demon- found in growing avian and fish muscle. myonuclear number and the nuclear to cytoplasm ratio has been more controversial. In response to 10 1. in animals;[86,87] and in humans[88,89]. In human They concluded that additional myonuclei appeared muscle, Landing and colleagues[90] found a direct to be required to support the enlargement of skeletal correlation between the number of myonuclei and muscle fibres following even short-term resistance fibre diameter.

Hence, it seems that a single my- training. Hikida et al. However, Kadi et al.

: Morphological training adaptations

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Changes in inter-muscular coordination appear critical. Adaptations in agonist muscle activation, as assessed by electromyography, tetanic stimulation and the twitch interpolation technique, suggest small, but significant increases.

Enhanced firing frequency and spinal reflexes most likely explain this improvement, although there is contrary evidence suggesting no change in cortical or corticospinal excitability.

The gains in strength with HRST are undoubtedly due to a wide combination of neurological and morphological factors. Whilst the neurological factors may make their greatest contribution during the early stages of a training programme, hypertrophic processes also commence at the onset of training.

It is both a structural and functional adaptation of the organ systems. Thanks to these adaptations movement abilities are developed. Supercompensation refers to the raised level of the energetic potential and the subsequent raised functional ability of the organism, both resulting from the previous workload — Fig.

Effective sports training must adhere to basic principles. Here we refer to the interconnectedness of elementary features of workload such as volume, intensity and recovery duration Fig.

Training intensity- effort made in a particular movement activity intensity of workload on the muscles and transport system.

Highly intensive training with a smaller volume workload develops muscle speed and strength while lower intensity training of great volume workload develops aerobic capacity, i.

Figure 25 Contribution of individual training periods during the macrocycle. Biologically, muscle hypertrophy is the result of a positive balance between the synthesis and breakdown of proteins, which is manifested as microscopic fiber thickness and macroscopic muscle thickness surrogate variables.

It is known that remodeling processes are highly dynamic in skeletal muscle, and that single bouts of RT immediately upregulate intramuscular anabolic signaling, amino acid transport and protein synthesis Bickel et al.

Therefore, if the protein balance remains positive after RT sessions Reitelseder et al. In line with this idea, in a recent clinical trial in humans, increases in Type II fiber cross-sectional area CSA were detected after only 2 weeks of RT Holloway et al.

Although this histological evidence suggests a continuous process of adaptation, the macroscopic evidence of adaptation in the early phase of RT is less convincing.

Given this background, the time course of macroscopic muscle hypertrophy was revisited in a recent review of studies involving different RT protocols and at least three muscle size measurements over time Counts et al.

Even though most of the studies analyzed used a similar sample untrained young volunteers , a lack of agreement between the results was observed. For the lower limbs, the reported results range from no significant changes in muscle size after 5—12 weeks Abe et al.

To date, the study conducted by Seynnes et al. The differences in the training stimulus, frequency of the assessments and sensitivity of the measurement methods all contribute to the spread of results in the available literature Counts et al. It is hoped that new studies using an optimized RT stimulus, and more sensitive and frequent assessment will shed light on the topic.

In order to produce fast and significant increases in muscle size, the training stimulus has to meet certain characteristics. Mechanical tension is the primary driver of muscle hypertrophy Schoenfeld, Thus, RT interventions aiming to increase muscle volume should focus on the magnitude and the length of time producing tension.

Several training systems and techniques can be used to achieve an enhanced stimulus. For instance, inertial flywheels allow for accommodated maximal or near maximal actions from the very first repetition of a set in the concentric CON and eccentric ECC phases Tesch et al.

To the best of our knowledge, Lundberg et al. In a recent meta-analysis, flywheel training showed to be more effective than conventional weights in promoting increases in muscle volume, strength and power Maroto-Izquierdo et al. FIGURE 1. A,C Bottom position of the exercise and transition between the eccentric and the concentric phases.

B,D Top position of the exercise and transition between the concentric and the eccentric phases. The vest is attached to a strap wound on the flywheel axis. As resistance is the moment of inertia of the flywheel, the force applied during the concentric phase to unwind the strap determines the force needed during the eccentric phase as the strap rewinds to impede the spin of the axis.

A wide range of techniques can be employed to estimate changes in whole-muscle size Counts et al. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI is regarded as the gold standard for clinical and research imaging of skeletal muscle, and is commonly used to compute 1 middle , 2 proximal and distal , or 3 proximal, middle and distal CSAs of a given muscle Seynnes et al.

However, single CSAs may not be representative of whole-muscle changes, given that different patterns of hypertrophy ventral or distal have been reported in response to specific CON or ECC loading Franchi et al.

New MRI approaches for the assessment of total muscle volume, and not only CSAs of specific muscle sites, provide a better measurement of whole-muscle changes Nordez et al.

Other acute physiological processes need to be carefully taken into account when measuring muscle hypertrophy.

RT results in a rapid activity-dependent influx of fluid and accumulation of osmolytes phosphate, lactate, and sodium and a subsequent acute inflammatory response that can last for several hours after exercise Damas et al. These processes temporally alter muscle volume and may interfere with hypertrophy measurements DeFreitas et al.

For instance, acute fluid changes in muscles can be assessed indirectly by muscle functional MRI mfMRI Damon et al. The T2 shift is positively correlated with electromyographic activity, at least when muscle groups are exercised in isolation Adams et al.

In consequence, and although it can only be considered as a proxy marker, mfMRI is commonly used as a tool to determine total or regional muscle metabolic activation in different exercises Fernandez-Gonzalo et al. Given that swelling is caused by muscular activity, and that cell swelling is a known upregulator of anabolic signaling pathways in a wide variety of cells Lang, , it would be reasonable to expect that muscles with greater T2 shifts after acute RT will display greater hypertrophy if the same exercise is systematically repeated over time.

In fact, previous studies have found a correlation between these parameters when an isolated muscle or muscle group is exercised over time Wakahara et al. The purpose of this study was to assess early changes in thigh muscles function force and power , hypertrophy total volume and regional CSAs , and muscle activation T2 shift , during a 4 weeks inertial-squat RT program.

Additionally, we studied the relationship between muscle hypertrophy and activation in the first session, under the hypothesis that different degrees of hypertrophy of thigh muscles would be directly related to muscle task-specific activity assessed by mfMRI.

A quasi-experimental design of repeated measurements was used to determine the effects of an intervention on different variables. The independent variable in this study was a 4 weeks training program consisting of bilateral half-squats performed on an inertial flywheel device.

The variables assessed for thigh muscles were: muscular activation, muscle hypertrophy and muscle performance. Activation was assessed through the T2 shift by mfMRI. Hypertrophy was assessed through increases in total volume and regional CSAs using MRI. Muscle performance was assessed through maximal voluntary isometric contraction force MVIC of the knee extensors and knee flexors, as well as by squat dynamic force and power.

The assessments were performed before PRE , and after 2 IN and 4 POST weeks of training; and also during each of the 10 training sessions. Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the study protocol.

FIGURE 2. Schematic representation of the study protocol. S1—S10 training sessions, SQUAT squat performance kinetics , MVIC maximal voluntary isometric contraction force of knee extensors and knee flexors, MRI muscle volume assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, mfMRI muscle activation assessed by muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging.

All were recreationally active physical education students who had not been involved in any RT program during the 6 months preceding the study. The experiment was conducted in accordance with the code of ethics of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Catalan Sports Council Generalitat de Catalunya.

A familiarization session was conducted 2 weeks before starting the study. All the volunteers were informed of the aims, experimental protocol, procedures, benefits, and risks of the study, and their written informed consent was obtained.

The volunteers were instructed to maintain their usual level of physical activity throughout the experimental period, and to refrain from moderate or heavy physical activities in the 96 h before the MRI.

The training period comprised of 10 training sessions distributed over 4 weeks two or three sessions per week.

Each training session consisted of a standardized warm-up two sets of 10 body-weight squats, with 1 min of rest between the sets , followed by five sets of flywheel exercise.

Each set of exercise included three sub-maximal repetitions to accelerate the disk, followed by 10 maximal voluntary repetitions. There was 3 min of rest between sets. The start and end position of each repetition was a 90° knee angle. The participants were verbally encouraged to perform the concentric phase at their fastest voluntary speed.

Exercise kinetics were monitored during each session using a Chronopic friction encoder Chronojump, Barcelona, Spain , accuracy ± 1 mm, sampling rate Hz. The sensor was tightly attached at a known diameter of the flywheel, sharing the same linear speed.

Visual and acoustic feedback on the performance was provided for each repetition using a computer. The variables calculated for the CON and ECC phase of each repetition were displacement and mean values of force and power.

Chronojump is open-code software, and a complete repository of the code and formulas used can be found online Chronojump, Maximal voluntary force production of the knee extensors and knee flexors was tested in isometric conditions. For data collection, a strain gauge and a custom-built bench were used.

The signal was recorded at a frequency of Hz, using a Muscle Lab Ergotest Technology AS, Porsgrunn, Norway and real-time results were provided on a computer monitor.

In both positions, the volunteers were fixed using adjustable straps and the strain gauge was attached at the mid-level of the malleolus tibiae forming a perpendicular angle with the leg. Three unilateral 5 s trials were recorded for the dominant limb, with 30 s of recovery between trials.

Subjects were instructed and verbally encouraged to perform and maintain maximum force output. Pre-contraction conditions were standardized and attempts with counter movements were rejected. Maximum force values were selected using mean force over a 1 s mobile window once a force plateau had been established Tesch et al.

The best attempt was selected at each time point for further analysis. MVIC was assessed before each training session, and at IN and POST, after the standard warm-up.

MRI was used to compute the volumes of the individual muscles of the thigh and mfMRI to assess the acute muscle activation after exercise. The volunteers were placed supine inside a 3-T MRI scanner Magnetom VERIO, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany , with their heads outside the MR-bore and thighs covered with one and two flexible 4-channel coils, respectively, in the proximal and distal segments.

A custom-made foot-restraint device was used to standardize and fix limb position, and to avoid any compression of thigh muscles. To ensure the same anatomical area was assessed each time, the range was centered at the mid-length of the femur, as measured on the coronal plane image.

For the assessment of PRE and POST muscle activation, one scan was performed in basal conditions and another 3—5 min after finishing an acute bout of the exercise Cagnie et al.

To minimize the effects of fluid shifts caused by walking, the volunteers remained recumbent for a minimum of 10 min before basal data acquisition LeBlanc et al. In each scan, 12 contiguous each A parametric image was generated from the T2 mapping sequence using Leonardo workstation Siemens.

The T2 of the muscles in both thighs was measured using OsiriX 8. Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland. The assessment was performed by the same researcher on all occasions. All the sequences from a given volunteer were processed in parallel, with the researcher blinded.

A circular region of interest ROI was selected for the muscles gluteus maximus GM , rectus femoris RF , vastus intermedius VI , vastus medialis VM , vastus lateralis VL , adductor magnus AM , gracilis GR , biceps femoris long head BFL , biceps femoris short head BFS , semitendinosus ST , and semimembranosus SM in each of the T2 mapping images where these muscles were visible.

ROIs of similar size and anatomical location were placed in the subsequent image sets to ensure positioning identical to that in the first analysis Mendez-Villanueva et al. The intra-class correlation coefficients and coefficient of variation for the intra-rater agreement of the T2 values were: 0.

The T2 values for each muscle were computed as the mean value of the different ROIs. The T2 shift was then calculated by subtracting T2 basal values from T2 values post-exercise, and expressed as a percentage of the basal value.

The results are shown as the average T2 shift of right and left thighs. To assess muscle volume, PRE, IN, and POST scans were performed.

To minimize the effects of fluid shifts caused by walking LeBlanc et al. In each scan, contiguous each 1. Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland Figure 3.

Because there may appear to be substantial fusion between VL and VI on some slices Pareja-Blanco et al. The same approach was adopted for the assessment of ADD volume, which includes pectineus, and adductor longus, brevis and magnus. The total volume of muscles was computed from all the CSAs of the images where they were visible, in the range within the last image where the ischial tuberosity was visible and the last image where the femoral condyles were visible Figure 3.

The intra-class correlation coefficients and coefficient of variation for the intra-rater agreement of the CSA segmentation were 1.

The intra-class correlation coefficients and coefficient of variation for the intra-rater agreement of the volumetric values were 1. QUAD, hamstrings HAMS and total thigh muscle volume were computed post hoc as follows:. FIGURE 3. Volume changes were calculated by subtracting the PRE muscle volume from that IN or POST, expressed as a percentage of the PRE value.

The results are shown as the average of right and left thighs. As depicted in Figure 2 , the scans were performed with at least 96 h of recovery after the previous training session, so as to account only for hypertrophic changes and avoid any influence of acute muscle swelling Damas et al. To verify the absence of muscle edema at IN and POST, basal T2 values of the assessed muscles were compared with those obtained at PRE Damas et al.

Complementary analysis was performed to evaluate regional activation and hypertrophy of the muscles assessed and the relationship between these variables. PRE SE MULTIECO, and both PRE and POST VIBE 3D sequences were spatially synchronized.

Thus, PRE regional T2 shifts were matched with PRE and POST regional CSAs. The exact anatomical placement of the cross-sectional images where T2 ROIs were measured was used to assess regional CSAs.

Data are presented as mean ± SD. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v. When significant effects were found, post hoc testing was performed by applying paired t -tests with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. For the assessment of within-subject squat displacement variability, coefficients of variation were calculated for all the squat repetitions performed by each volunteer.

Differences between CON and ECC force and power were calculated using t -tests for paired samples. Mean displacement during the training sessions was ± 24 mm, with low within-subject displacement variability 4.

Higher forces 2. FIGURE 4. Progression of squat mean values of force and power over the 10 training sessions S. FIGURE 5. Progression of MVIC force values throughout the training period. The number of images analyzed per subject for each muscle was GM 3.

Document Information Journal of Bodywork Morphological training adaptations Movement Therapies, 24 4 Nutrient density, — Morphologicap order to produce adaptafions and significant Morphological training adaptations in muscle size, the training stimulus has to meet certain characteristics. Cartilage recovery in runners with and without knee osteoarthritis: A pilot study. The quantitative contribution of hyperplasia to 1. Woo SL, Gomez MA, Amiel D, et al.
Morphological and functional adaptations of an organism to workload Knapik JJ, Wright JE, Kowal DM, et al. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24 10 , — Impact and interest: 3 citations in Scopus. Muscle Nerve ; men and women. Eur J Appl Physiol ; —5. Narici MV, Binzoni T, Hiltbrand E, et al. Effects of eccentric versus concentric training on thigh muscle strength and EMG.
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The primary morphological adaptations involve an increase in the cross-sectional area of the whole muscle and individual muscle fibres, which is due to an increase in myofibrillar size and number. Satellite cells are activated in the very early stages of training; their proliferation and later fusion with existing fibres appears to be intimately involved in the hypertrophy response.

Other possible morphological adaptations include hyperplasia, changes in fibre type, muscle architecture, myofilament density and the structure of connective tissue and tendons. Indirect evidence for neurological adaptations, which encompasses learning and coordination, comes from the specificity of the training adaptation, transfer of unilateral training to the contralateral limb and imagined contractions.

The apparent rise in whole-muscle specific tension has been primarily used as evidence for neurological adaptations; however, morphological factors e. preferential hypertrophy of type 2 fibres, increased angle of fibre pennation, increase in radiological density are also likely to contribute to this phenomenon.

Changes in inter-muscular coordination appear critical. Adaptations in agonist muscle activation, as assessed by electromyography, tetanic stimulation and the twitch interpolation technique, suggest small, but significant increases.

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J Appl Physiol ; —9. Download references. No sources of funding were used to assist in the preparation of this review. The authors have no conflicts of interest that are directly relevant to the content of this review.

School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Ashby Road, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK. Institute for Biophysical and Clinical Research into Human Movement, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Jonathan P. Reprints and permissions. Folland, J. Morphological and Neurological Contributions to Increased Strength. Sports Med 37 , — Download citation. Published : 09 January Issue Date : February Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Abstract High-resistance strength training HRST is one of the most widely practiced forms of physical activity, which is used to enhance athletic performance, augment musculo-skeletal health and alter body aesthetics.

Access this article Log in via an institution. References Morganti CM, Nelson ME, Fiatarone MA, et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc ; —12 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Paavolainen L, Paavolainen L, Hakkinen K, et al. J Appl Physiol ; —33 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Garfinkel S, Cafarelli E.

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Morphological and Neurological Contributions to Increased Strength | Sports Medicine

The muscle cross sectional area CSA increased pre-post training p 5 0. Maximal isometric strength increased pre-post training p, 0. Total work performed during an isokinetic endurance task increased pre-post training p, 0.

Perceptions of pain p 5 0. Furthermore, the additional metabolic stress that is proposed to occur with a continuous BFR protocol does not seem to translate into proportionally greater training adaptations.

The current findings promote the use of both intermittent BFR and low-load resistance training without BFR as suitable alternative training methods to continuous BFR. These approaches may be practically applicable for those less tolerable to pain and discomfort associated with ischemia during exercise.

Citation counts are sourced monthly from Scopus and Web of Science® citation databases. These databases contain citations from different subsets of available publications and different time periods and thus the citation count from each is usually different.

Some works are not in either database and no count is displayed. Scopus includes citations from articles published in onwards, and Web of Science® generally from onwards.

The count includes downloads for all files if a work has more than one. Export: EndNote Dublin Core BibTeX. Repository Staff Only: item control page. QUT Home Contact. Chronic exposure to this type of activity produces marked increases in muscular strength, which are attributed to a range of neurological and morphological adaptations.

This review assesses the evidence for these adaptations, their interplay and contribution to enhanced strength and the methodologies employed. The primary morphological adaptations involve an increase in the cross-sectional area of the whole muscle and individual muscle fibres, which is due to an increase in myofibrillar size and number.

Satellite cells are activated in the very early stages of training; their proliferation and later fusion with existing fibres appears to be intimately involved in the hypertrophy response. Other possible morphological adaptations include hyperplasia, changes in fibre type, muscle architecture, myofilament density and the structure of connective tissue and tendons.

Muscle quality: II. Effects of contribute to increased strength and the apparent rise strength training in to yr-old men and women. J Appl in whole-muscle specific tension, despite the fact Physiol ; that individual fibre-specific tension does not 6. Abe T, DeHoyos D, Pollock M, et al.

Time course for strength and muscle thickness changes following upper and lower body change. resistance training in men and women. Eur J Appl Physiol The weight of indirect evidence e.

cross-over ; effects, task specificity, rapid gains in strength at the 7. Engstrom CM, Loeb GE, Reid JG, et al. Morphometry of the human thigh muscles: a comparison between anatomical sec- onset of a training programme , whilst not defini- tions and computer tomographic and magnetic-resonance tive, suggests a substantial neurological adaptation images.

J Anat ; 8. Narici M, Hoppeler H, Kayser B, et al. Human quadriceps cross- that may well be predominantly due to learning and sectional area, torque and neural activation during 6 months changes in intermuscular coordination of agonists, strength training.

Acta Physiol Scand ; Alway SE, Grumbt WH, Stray-Gundersen J, et al. Effects of ity: international standards for assessment. New York: Mac- resistance training on elbow flexors of highly competitive Millan, 8 bodybuilders.

J Appl Physiol ; Hettinger T. Physiology of strength. Springfield IL : CC Tracy B, Ivey F, Metter JE, et al.

A more efficient magnetic Thomas, resonance imaging-based strategy for measuring quadriceps Brown CH, Wilmore JH. The effects of maximal resistance muscle volume. Med Sci Sports Exerc ; training on the strength and body composition of women Aagaard P, Andersen J, Dyhre-Poulsen P, et al.

A mechanism athletes. Med Sci Sports ; 6: for increased contractile strength of human pennate muscle in Wells CL. Women, sport and performance: a physiological response to strength training: changes in muscle architecture.

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J Appl Physiol ; in middle-aged and elderly men and women. Roman WJ, Fleckenstein J, Straygundersen J, et al. Adaptations Roth SM, Ivey FM, Martel GF, et al.

Muscle size responses to in the elbow flexors of elderly males after heavy-resistance strength training in young and older men and women.

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Morphological training adaptations Aeaptations León, F. Morphological adaptations in adaptatiohs to Weight control support exercise across musculoskeletal tissues: a systematic review. Morphological training adaptations date, there is no systematic trainnig that summarizes Morphological training adaptations adaptaions adaptations of the musculoskeletal system in response to chronic exercise. This systematic review selected original articles published in English between andwith a clear exercise intervention and presenting a morphological change in the tissue under study, and covering human participants irrespective of age, gender or health condition. In total, records were identified.

Author: Yojind

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