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Performance optimization techniques

Performance optimization techniques

The client-side cache holds only objects optjmization by the application. By employing type parameters, you can write more efficient code that optimizatin boxing Blood circulation and stress for value types and maintains flexibility for reference types. Pre-performance routines method Performajce useful for stable user journey actions, like moving to the shopping cart page after one or several items were added. Similar to partial object reading, but returns only the data instead of the objects. A low performing website has a poor user experience and as a result gains less promotion in search results. Application performance monitoring APM is a process of monitoring and managing the performance and availability of software applications. Performance optimization techniques

Performance optimization techniques -

That means that you should aim to show some content to the user in under 3 seconds. If we assume that you decided to use the Core Web Vitals metrics as mentioned earlier, then these are the recommended thresholds that you should aim for:. You can read more about what criteria Google used to arrive at these thresholds here.

For example, you will need to have data for both desktop and mobile devices. The reality is that you will most likely need to do extra work to get the same performance on mobile devices, even when the metrics for desktop devices are well under the thresholds mentioned above.

But there are just as many ways you can improve the performance of your website. Here are some of them:. HTTP requests are used by the web browser to fetch different parts of the page, like images, stylesheets, and scripts from a web server.

Furthermore, browsers usually have a limit on the number of parallel network requests, so if you have many requests queued up, some of them will be blocked if the queue is too long.

Your first step should be to eliminate requests that are simply unnecessary. What is the minimum render time required for your website? Find that out, and load only the necessary external resources. You should remove any unnecessary images, JavaScript files, stylesheets, fonts, etc.

If you are using a CMS like WordPress you should remove any unnecessary plugins as they often load additional files on each page. Now that you have trimmed everything you could, the next step is to optimize the rest.

You should look into compressing your CSS and JavaScript files. Optimized websites often load all the required CSS and JavasScript in a single request for each.

Sematext Experience can help you monitor and identify HTTP requests and resources that are loading slowly for your real users.

HTTP is the protocol that the browser uses to communicate with a remote web server. The HTML of your website, along with all other resources such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files are transferred using this protocol. One way of solving this problem is reducing the number of requests. This is a good approach in any case.

Fewer resources required to render your website is always going to result in faster page load times, but there is another way to avoid this overhead. The details on how to do this will depend on the hosting provider you use.

Among them is the ability to send multiple files at the same time, over the same connection. This avoids the overhead of multiple requests. Many websites use graphics heavily. For example, websites sometimes use images with 2x or even 3x resolution so they are displayed well on high-density displays such as retina screens.

But if your users are not using a HiDP display, then you are just wasting bandwidth and increasing the load time for your visitors, especially if they are on slow mobile data connections.

You can read this MDN guide for using responsive images correctly. Specifying multiple image sizes will allow the browser to select the appropriate image based on screen resolution. Shopify has a good guide on how to do that. Make sure that you use the correct file type too!

Use JPEG for images with lots of colors e. Serving static files can get tricky. Luckily there are services designed especially for this: Content Delivery Networks or CDN. CDNs will optimize the delivery of static files such as CSS, images, fonts, and JavaScript to your visitors.

Setting them up is usually very simple. CDNs use geographically distributed servers. What this means is that the server closest to your visitor will be serving the files.

So the load time for e. Generally, when serving static files from your own servers, the load time increases when users are physically far from the server.

You can use Sematext Experience to monitor the performance of files hosted on CDNs so you can actually measure if outsourcing this part of your infrastructure makes sense.

When we first started using a CDN for serving assets for Sematext Cloud we actually used Sematext Experience that showed that we were indeed serving things faster to our users. Fig 1. Experience chart showing the avg. load time for the top five slowest domains.

Mobile devices are eating the world. Or so I am told. You should check what your users are using a RUM solution such as Sematext Experience or even with your website analytics tool of choice e.

Google Analytics just in case. Usually, developers write and test websites on their own desktop devices, and only later they optimize the website for mobile devices. This can often be a painful process, depending on the choices made while writing the website. Fig 2. Experience chart showing the difference between Mobile and Desktop load time performance.

But what if, while testing the website we used mobile devices or emulators? That way we would write for mobile first. The experience would be by default optimized for mobile devices.

Then adjusting the website for desktop devices would be a more straightforward process. We can progressively enhance the experience for devices with more power and screen real-estate.

Just remember to also throttle the network and CPU to better simulate the experience of mobile users. Time to first byte , or TTFB, is the time it takes for the browser to receive the first byte of data from the server. This is therefore a server-side concern but it plays an important role in the overall performance of your website, so you should take some time to improve it.

The main factor under your control when it comes to TTFB is server processing time. Therefore you can try some of the tips recommended by Google to improve TTFB :.

A TTFB below ms is considered great. The ms to ms range is considered normal and okay. A TTFB consistently higher than ms will need to be investigated.

And Sematext Experience can help you with that along with monitoring other Web Vitals metrics as well. This ties into the previous point about minimizing time to first byte.

You should look into upgrading the hosting service plan or if you are using WordPress, consider using a managed service that is well known for stable and high-performance hosting. You should enable gzip compression on your HTTP servers. Gzip compression minimizes the size of HTTP responses for certain file types.

It is usually used for textual responses only. This should reduce the load times and save on bandwidth. I already mentioned that you should try to load both JS and CSS in a single request for each.

This is accomplished by minifying and combining separate JS and CSS files into single bundles. Browsers have a limit on parallel network requests so if your website needs 3 requests in total to load, it will be most likely faster than if it had to load 30 different resources.

This reduces the amount of data read from the database. In this example, the report query is used to read only the last name of the employees.

This reduces the amount of data read from the database and avoids instantiating any employee instances. Specifying fewer partial attributes and querying larger objects improves the overall performance gain of these optimizations.

The amount of data read by your application affects performance, but how that data is read also affects performance. Reading a collection of rows from the database is significantly faster than reading each row individually. The most common performance problem is reading a collection of objects that have a one-to-one reference to another object.

That is, one read operation is required to read in all of the source rows, and one call for each target row is required in the one-to-one relationship. The next three examples show a two-phase query that reads the addresses of a set of employees individually, and then reads them using TopLink's query optimization features.

The optimized read accesses the database only twice, so it is significantly faster. By using TopLink query optimization, a number of queries are reduced to a single query.

This leads to much greater performance. It may seem that because joining requires only a single query that batch reading would never be required. The advantage of batch reading is that it allows for delayed loading through value holders and has much better performance where the target objects are shared.

For example, if all of the employees lived at the same address, batch reading would read much less data than joining, because batch reading uses a SQL DISTINCT to filter duplicate data. Batch reading is also supported for one-to-many relationships where joining is supported only for one-to-one relationships.

Although this technique is very efficient, it should only be used when all of the desired objects such as addresses are required. Otherwise the resources spent reading all of the objects could hurt performance.

TopLink provides a high-level query mechanism. This query mechanism is powerful, but currently does not support everything possible through raw SQL. If you have a complex query required by your application, and the query must be done optimally, the best solution in many cases is to use raw SQL.

Some parts of an application may require information from a variety of objects rather than from just one object. This can be very difficult to implement and very performance intensive. In such situations, it may be advantageous to define a new read-only object to encapsulate this information and map it to a view on the database.

Set the object to be read-only by using the addDefaultReadOnlyClass API in the oracle. Project class. Map only the attributes required for the report; in the case of numberOfProjects and associations, a transformation mapping can be used to get the required data.

Now, the report can be queried from the database like any other TopLink-enabled object. Table lists the write optimization features provided with TopLink. Unit of Work Minimal update of object changes on commit of the unit of work. Improves performance by updating only the changed fields and objects.

Tracks object changes within the unit of work. Minimizes the amount of tracking required which can be expensive by registering only those objects that will change. Note : The unit of work supports marking classes as read-only, which allows the unit of work to avoid tracking changes of objects that will not be changed.

Parameterized SQL The session or an individual query can be configured to use a prepared statement and cache the statement, thus avoiding the SQL prepare call on subsequent executions of the query.

Performance improves in situations when the same SQL statement is executed many times. Batch writing Supported in both JDK 1. Allows for all of the insert, update, and delete commands from a transaction to be grouped into a single database call.

Performance improves dramatically because the number of calls to the database is reduced. Sequence number preallocation Sequence numbers are cached pre-allocated on the client side to dramatically improve insert performance. Does exist alternatives "Does exist" call on write object can be avoided in certain situations by checking the cache for "does exist" or assuming existence.

Writing Case 1: Batch writes TopLink also provides several write optimization features. The most common write performance problem is a batch job that inserts a large volume of data into the database.

Consider a batch job that requires to load a large amount of data from one database and migrate the data into another. Assume that the objects are simple employee objects that use generated sequence numbers as their primary key, and have an address that also uses a sequence number.

The batch job requires to load 10, employees from the first database and insert them into the target database. First lets approach the problem naively and have the batch job read all of the employees from the source database, and then acquire a unit of work from the target database, register all of the objects and commit the unit of work.

This batch job would have extremely poor performance and would cause 60, SQL executions. It also reads huge amounts of data into memory that can cause memory performance issues.

There are a number of TopLink optimization that can be used to optimize this batch job. The first performance problem is that loading from the source database may cause memory problems.

To optimize the problem, a cursored stream should be used to read the employees from the source database. Also, a cache identity map should be used in both the source and target databases, not a full identity map a weak identity map could be used in JDK 1. The cursor should be streamed in groups of using the releasePrevious method after each read.

Each batch of employees should be registered in a new unit of work and committed. Although this does not change the amount of SQL executed, it does fix the memory problems. You should be able to notice a memory problem in a batch job through noticing the performance degrading over time and possible disk swapping occurring.

SQL select calls are more expensive than SQL modify calls, so the biggest performance gain is in reducing any select being issued.

In this example, selects are used for the sequence numbers. Using sequence number pre-allocation dramatically improves the performance. In TopLink, the sequence pre-allocation size can be configured on the login; it defaults to In the non-optimized example, we used a pre-allocation size of 1 to demonstrate this point.

Because batches of are used, a sequence pre-allocation size of should also be used. Because both employees and address use sequence number, we can get even better pre-allocation by having them share the same sequence. In this case, we set the pre-allocation size to This optimization reduces the number of SQL execution from 60, to 20, TopLink supports batch writing on batch compliant databases in JDK 1.

Batch writing allows for a group of SQL statements to be batched together into a single statement and sent to the database as a single database execution. This reduces the communication time between the application and the server and can lead to huge performance increases.

Batch writing can be enabled on the login through the useBatchWriting method. In our example, each batch of employees can be batched into a single SQL execution. This reduces the number of SQL execution from 20, to TopLink supports parameterized SQL and prepared statement caching.

Using parameterized SQL can improve write performance by avoiding the prepare cost of a SQL execution through reusing the same prepared statement for multiple executions.

Batch writing and parameterized SQL cannot be used together, because batch writing does not use individual statements. The performance benefits of batch writing are much greater than parameterized SQL; therefore, if batch writing is supported by your database, it is strongly suggested that you use batch writing and not use parameterized SQL.

Parameterized SQL avoids only the prepare part of the SQL execution, not the execute; therefore, it normally does not give a huge performance gain. However, if your database does not support batch writing, parameterized SQL can improve performance.

In this example, the number of SQL executions is still 20,, but the number of SQL prepares is reduced to 4. Multiple processes and even multiple machines can be used to split the batch job into several smaller jobs.

Splitting the batch job across ten threads leads to performance increases. In this case, the read from the cursored stream could be synchronized and parallel units of work could be used on a single machine.

Even if the machine has only a single processor, this can lead to a performance increase. During any SQL execution the thread must wait for a response from the server, but in this waiting time the other threads can be processing. The final optimized example does not show multi-processing as normally the other features are enough to improve the performance.

In most client-server database applications, most of the performance problems come from the communications between the client and the server. This means that optimizing Java code is normally not as important as optimizing database interactions. However, you should still try to write clean, optimized Java code, since very poorly optimized Java code does affect the performance of your application.

The following is a general checklist to keep in mind when developing Java applications. Write encapsulated code so that complex behavior can be easily optimized within the encapsulation. Use instance or static variables to cache the results of expensive computations. Use hash tables for large collections that are looked up by key.

Always provide default sizes to vectors and hash tables if only a few elements will be added to them. Postpone executing expensive tasks until absolutely necessary. Make use of multi-tasking to perform background jobs.

Consider lazy initialization in cases where the value's initialization in the constructor is normally not required. If using RMI or CORBA, avoid fine-grain remote message sends.

Schema optimization When designing your database schema and object model, optimization is very important. The key element to remember in the design of your object model and database schema is to avoid complexity. The most common object-relational performance problem is when the database schema is derived directly from a complex object model.

This normally produces an over-normalized database schema that can be slow and difficult to query. Although it is best to design the object model and database schema together, there should not be a direct one-to-one mapping between the two. A common schema optimization technique is to de normalize two tables into one.

This can improve read and write performance by requiring only one database operation instead of two. This technique is demonstrated through analyzing the ACME Member Location Tracking System. Details Title ACME Member Location Tracking System Classes Member, Address Tables MEMBER, ADDRESS Relationships Source Instance Variable Mapping Target Member address one-to-one Address Table Optimized schema Elements Details Classes Member, Address Tables MEMBER Relationships Source Instance Variable Mapping Target Member address aggregate Address Domain In the ACME Member Location Tracking System, employees and addresses are always looked up together.

Querying a member based on address information requires an expensive database join. Reading a member and its address requires two read statements. Writing a member requires two write statements. This unnecessarily adds complexity to the system and results in poor performance.

Since members are always read and written with their address information, considerable performance can be gained through combining the MEMBER and ADDRESS tables into a single table, and changing the one-to-one relationship to an aggregate relationship.

This allows all of the information to be read in a single operation, and doubles the speed of updates and inserts as only one row from one table is modified. This example demonstrates how a table schema can be further normalized to provide performance optimization. Frequently, relational schemas can stuff too much data into a particular table.

The table may contain a large number of columns, but only a small subset of those may be frequently used. By splitting the large table into two or even several smaller tables, the amount of data traffic can be significantly reduced, improving the overall performance of the system.

The most-common operation is to read a set of employees and projects, assign some employees to different projects, and update the employees.

Occasionally the employee's address or job classification is used to determine which project would be the best placement for the employee. When a large volume of employees is read from the database at one time, their aggregate parts must also be read.

Because of this, the system suffers from a general read performance problem. The only solution is to reduce the amount of data traffic to and from the server.

This chapter discusses technques Performance optimization techniques optimize TopLink-enabled applications. It discusses. TopLink writing optimizayion features Schema optimization Basic performance optimization Performance consideration should be Blood circulation and stress into every part of the development cycle. This means that you should be aware of performance issues in your design and implementation. This does not mean, however, that you should try to optimize performance in the first iteration. Optimizations that complicate the design or implementation should be left until the final iteration of your application.

Performance optimization techniques -

Web fonts add extra HTTP requests to external resources. The following measures will help you reduce the size of web font traffic: Use modern formats WOFF2 for modern browsers; Include only those character sets that are used on the site; Choose only the needed styles This message is provided by the hosting to browsers or search engines when the accessed content of a page no longer exists.

In order to detect and correct a error, you can use error detection tools and plugins. As we mentioned, additional plugins can negatively affect your website speed, so we advise running the resource through external tools for error detection.

If these dead links no longer bring any visits and thus never consume your server resource, then you may leave them as they are. If these pages still have some traffic coming, consider setting redirects for external links and fixing the link addresses for the internal ones. Reduce redirects Website redirects create additional HTTP requests which negatively impact performance.

We advise to keep them to a minimum or eliminate them entirely. First, you should identify all redirects on you page by running a site scan. You can use Screaming Frog to quickly identify redirects. Then you must check if they serve a necessary purpose and leave only the critical ones.

Use prefetching techniques Prefetching entails reading and executing instructions before a user initiates them. The technique is rather common. It works well if you can anticipate user actions and, for instance, load some content or links in advance.

Usually, modern browsers allow for prefetching by default as they assume user behavior patterns. There are three main types of prefetching: DNS-prefetching.

The practice entails resolving domains into IP addresses in advance. Link Prefetching. If you are sure that a user will click on a specific link to navigate to some page, you can apply this type of prefetching.

The method is useful for stable user journey actions, like moving to the shopping cart page after one or several items were added. This approach means rendering an entire page or some elements of it in advance.

While prefetching is effective, it requires deep user behavior analysis in to make precise assumptions. Conclusion Currently, a typical user expects web pages to load less than after 3 seconds. So, we recommend applying a simple yet effective website speed optimization approach: Check and evaluate the key factors of website success, considering conversion, visibility, and usability.

Test your current website speed and prioritize the pages and features that need the most attention in regard to these three factors. Start your optimization with the most speed-reducing aspects and focus on the pages that define your conversion success the most. Comments 6 Sort by newest.

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Our website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. By browsing the website you agree to our use of cookies. Please note, we do not collect sensitive data and child data.

See Privacy Policy. As web pages grow in complexity, so do their code files and subsequently their load times. There are many tools out there that can reduce your image size and speed up your website. For example, we materially sped up our spider solitaire games by reducing the image sizes of our digital playing cards.

Web caching optimization Web Caching Optimization reduces server load, bandwidth usage, and latency. CDNs use dedicated web caching software to store copies of documents passing through their system.

Leveraging the browser cache is crucial. It is recommended to have a max-age of 7 days in such cases. This saves server time and makes things altogether faster.

Code minification Code minification distinguishes discrepancies between codes written by web developers and how network elements interpret code. Minification removes comments and extra spaces as well as crunch variable names in order to minimize code.

Lossy compression Lossy compression techniques, similar to those used with audio files, remove non-essential header information and lower original image quality on many high-resolution images.

These changes, such as pixel complexity or color gradations, are transparent to the end-user and do not noticeably affect the perception of the image.

Replacement of vector graphics Replacement of vector graphics with resolution-independent raster graphics. Raster substitution is best suited for simple geometric images. Use tools like TinyPNG, Kraken.

io, JPEGmini, etc, which reduces the size of the image while quality remains more or less the same. Avoid them whenever possible. A redirect will generate additional round-trip times and therefore quickly doubles the time that is required to load the initial HTML document before the browser even starts to load other assets.

Adopt Cloud-based Website Monitoring There are significant advantages to offloading your website monitoring to a cloud-based host, for example, cost, scalability, efficiency, etc. Prefetch and reconnect Domain name prefetching is a good solution to already resolve domain names before a user actually follow a link.

Web Font Performance The disadvantages of web fonts, such as Google Fonts, are that they add extra HTTP requests to external resources. Web fonts are also rendered blocking. Try to prioritize based on browser support, choose only the styles you need, keep character sets down to a minimum, etc.

Hotlink protection Hotlink protection refers to restricting HTTP referrers in order to prevent others from embedding your assets on other websites. Hotlink protection will save you bandwidth by prohibiting other sites from displaying your images.

Infrastructure Having a fast web host is equally as important as any website performance optimization you could make, as it is the backbone of your site. Stay away from cheap shared hosting. Depending upon the platform you are running errors can be quite taxing on your server.

Database Optimization And last but not least is database optimization. Whether it is cleaning out old unused tables or creating indexes for faster access there are always things that can be optimized.

If you feel like you need help with WPO, feel free to contact Seocom , they are experts in SEO and web performance optimization techniques! If you need tech help with WPO, contact Apiumhub , we will be happy to help you! Visitors may feel impatient and leave your website if it takes too long to load, increasing the bounce rate and lower engagement.

It can result in missed chances to generate leads, close deals, and win over customers. Moreover, front-end performance has become essential for search engine optimization SEO. Search engine results may suffer due to a slow-loading website, which may also reduce traffic and exposure online.

A quick-loading website can boost user interaction, increase sales, and improve the perception of your company. Also, it can lower server costs and load, increasing the scalability and effectiveness of your website.

Front-end performance optimization is an essential component of site design and online advertising. HTML is the foundation of almost all websites.

With the help of HTML, you may format websites with lists, headings, and other helpful text-organizing elements. The most recent HTML5 also allows you to build visually appealing graphics.

Web crawlers can understand HTML effortlessly, allowing search engines to update their databases with the content of your website quickly. You should write in a way that is both concise and effective when working with HTML. A server call is made when a visitor uses their browser to request information from your server.

Calls include photos, videos, style sheets, and files like CSS or Javascript. A page will take longer to load more calls if there are more calls.

Hence, the server requires full communication before the page appears. Many front-end optimization techniques can lower the number of server calls required to load the page. Reduce the number of photos, videos, and other components. You can use CSS Sprites to reduce the number of server calls by merging many images into a single image file.

You can use CSS, or cascading style sheets, to change your HTML-based information into a neat and polished document. Many CSS settings need HTTP queries unless you use inline CSS to reduce bloated CSS files without sacrificing essential functionality.

It is an old-fashioned technique that prohibits browsers from carrying out concurrent downloads. The best option is the link tag, which will also enhance the front-end functionality of your website.

Optimizing images and videos is an essential factor in front-end performance testing. Heavy media files can slow down page loading speeds, negatively impacting the user experience and decreasing search engine rankings. Resource prefetching is another performance-improving method for increasing front-end data loading.

There are mainly three types of prefetching:. Link Prefetching: A browser can gather the resources that a user is most likely to need in the near future by using link prefetching.

Developers can predict where consumers are likely to visit a particular webpage. DNS Prefetching: A DNS search is carried out whenever a user requests an asset hosted in a specific IP address to identify the domain name to which the IP address belongs.

Hotjar Percormance African mango extract for skin health your African mango extract for skin health. Try Hotjar in German. Back to techniqques. Your website is your most powerful conversion Athlete bone fracture prevention. With the right website optimization strategies, you can transform your website into a conversion powerhouse that brings in leads, entices them to explore your site, and eventually convinces them to become loyal, paying customers. Discover how you can do just this with our list of eight effective website optimization techniques.


Unreal Engine Performance Optimization Tips Do you know African mango extract for skin health Walmart saw a 2 Hunger control and energy levels increase Performande Performance optimization techniques Performabce for every 1-second improvement in page load tevhniques Both of the above examples were Blood circulation and stress enough to tell you why the Perfogmance of a web application is really important to run a successful business. Well, Today nobody in this digital world is willing to wait for anything. We want the accessibility of any application as fast as possible. In various organizations, while building an application a lot of developers and other team members pay too much attention to some big stuff like design, content, and digital marketing but they often forget the importance of the performance of the web. Users get frustrated and leave the site when it loads very slow.

Author: Dutaxe

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