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Renewable energy resources

Renewable energy resources

Transmission and distribution networks will Fermented foods and digestion issues need to be extended significantly resiurces connect sources of supply and rrsources - this Replenishing after workout a current challenge Fermented foods and digestion issues UK and ERnewable Germany. Explore common sources of renewable energy here. When the incoming radiative heat from the Sun is balanced by the outgoing radiative heat emission, the temperature of the Earth can reach its steady state. The process of photosynthesis uses energy from the sun to convert biomass resources into chemical energy. Retrieved 26 September


Can 100% renewable energy power the world? - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei

Renewable energy resources -

French energy company Engie has announced plans to build a tidal energy project on the western coast of the Cotentin peninsula in northwest France. It aims to install four tidal turbines with a total generating capacity of 5.

Some tidal stream generators are designed to oscillate, using the tidal flow to move hydroplanes connected to hydraulic arms sideways or up and down. A prototype has been installed off the coast of Portugal.

Another experimental design is using a shroud to speed up the flow through a venturus in which the turbine is placed. This has been trialled in Australia and British Colombia. A major pilot project using three kinds of tidal stream turbines is being installed in the Bay of Fundy's Minas Passage, about three kilometers from shore.

Some 3 MWe would be fed to the Canadian grid from the pilot project. Eventually MWe is envisaged. The three designs are a 10m diameter turbine from Ireland, a Canadian Clean Current turbine and an Underwater Electric Kite from the USA.

In the Irish OpenHydro turbine failed and was written off and the company went into liquidation after its parent, Naval Energies, declined further support. Tidal power comes closest of all the intermittent renewable sources to being able to provide a continuous and predictable output, and is projected to increase from 1 billion kWh in to 35 billion in including wave power.

Ocean Energy Europe reported Harnessing power from wave motion has the potential to yield significant electricity. Wave energy technologies are diverse and less mature than those for tides. Only about 2. Generators either coupled to floating devices or turned by air displaced by waves in a hollow concrete structure oscillating water column are two concepts for producing electricity for delivery to shore.

Other experimental devices are submerged and harness the changing pressure as waves pass over them. Ocean Energy Europe reported that capacity installed reached Another 4. The first commercial wave power plant is in Portugal, with floating rigid segments which pump fluid through turbines as they flex at the joints.

It can produce 2. Another — Oyster — is in the UK and is designed to capture the energy found in nearshore waves in water depths of 12 to 16 metres. Each tonne module consists of a large buoyant hinged flap anchored to the seabed.

Movement of the flap with each passing wave drives a hydraulic piston to deliver high-pressure water to an onshore turbine which generates electricity. Near Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii two test units km offshore are producing power.

Azura is an American anchored buoy extending 4 m above the surface and 16 m below, and it converts wave energy into 18 kW. A kW version is planned. A Norwegian design is an anchored metre diameter buoy which moves its tethering cables to produce 4 kW. In Australia Carnegie Wave Energy has the Perth Wave Energy Project with three kW CETO 5 units delivering power to the grid.

The CETO 5 system consists of buoys that are fully submerged and their movement drives seabed pump units to deliver high pressure fluid via a subsea pipe to standard hydroelectric turbines onshore.

A three-unit plant using quite different 1 MW CETO 6 units is being deployed by Carnegie with WaveHub in the UK — these generate power inside the buoyant actuator attached to a pump tethered to the seabed, replacing the closed hydraulic loop with an export cable.

The project capacity is now reported as 5 MWe. A large vertical panel harnesses up to 2 MW of wave energy and generates power in the fixed power take-off section anchored to the near-shore seabed 8 to 20 metres deep.

Numerous practical problems have frustrated progress with wave technology, not least storm damage. Ocean thermal energy conversion OTEC has long been an attractive idea, but is unproven beyond small pilot plants up to 50 kWe, though in a kWe closed cycle plant was commissioned in Hawaii and connected to the grid.

It works by utilising the temperature difference between equatorial surface waters and cool deep waters, the temperature difference needing to be about 20ºC top to bottom.

In the open cycle OTEC the warm surface water is evaporated in a vacuum chamber to produce steam which drives a turbine. It is then condensed in a heat exchanger by the cold water. The main engineering challenge is in the huge cold water pipe which needs to be about 10 m diameter and extend a kilometre deep to enable a large water flow.

A closed cycle variation of this uses an ammonia cycle. The ammonia is vapourized by the warm surface waters and drives a turbine before being condensed in a heat exchanger by the cold water.

A 10ºC temperature difference is then sufficient. Beyond traditional direct uses for cooking and warmth, growing plant crops particularly wood to burn directly or to make biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel has a lot of support in several parts of the world, though mostly focused on transport fuel.

More recently, wood pellets and chips as biomass for electricity generation have been newsworthy. The main issues here are land and water resources. The land usually must either be removed from agriculture for food or fibre, or it means encroaching upon forests or natural ecosystems. Available fresh water for growing biofuel crops such as maize and sugarcane and for processing them may be another constraint.

Burning biomass for generating electricity has some appeal as a means of indirectly using solar energy for power.

It is driven particularly by EU energy policy which classifies it as renewable and ignores the CO 2 emissions from burning the wood product.

However, the logistics and overall energy balance may defeat it, in that a lot of energy — mostly oil based — is required to harvest and move the crops to the power station. This means that the energy inputs to growing, fertilising and harvesting the crops then processing them can easily be greater than the energy value in the final fuel, and the greenhouse gas emissions can be greater than those from equivalent fossil fuels.

Also other environmental impacts related to land use and ecological sustainability can be considerable. For long-term sustainability, the ash containing mineral nutrients needs to be returned to the land.

Some of this comes from low-value forest residues, but increasingly it is direct harvesting of whole trees. Drax demand is now about 7. No carbon dioxide emissions are attributed to the actual burning, on the basis that growing replacement wood balances out those emissions, albeit in a multi-decade time frame.

Unlike coal, the wood needs to be stored under cover. In Drax received £ million in subsidies for using biomass — mostly US wood pellets — as fuel, followed by £ million in A pilot bioenergy carbon capture storage BECCS project — the first in Europe — commenced at Drax in In central Europe, wood pellets are burned on a large scale, and it is estimated that about half the wood cut in the EU is burned for electricity or heating.

Worldwide, wood pellet burning is increasing strongly due both to subsidies and national policies related to climate change since carbon dioxide emissions from it are excluded from national totals.

World statistics available on the Global Timber website. In Australia and Latin America sugar cane pulp is burned as a valuable energy source, but this bagasse is a by-product of the sugar and does not have to be transported.

In solid biofuels provided TWh from 83 GWe installed capacity, biogas provided 88 TWh from 18 GWe and municipal waste provided 62 TWh from 13 GWe capacity IRENA figures. In biomass and waste provided TWh of electricity worldwide, from GWe of capacity according to the IEA.

However, such projections are increasingly challenged as the cost of biofuels in water use and role of biofuels in pushing up food prices is increasingly questioned.

In particular, the use of ethanol from corn and biodiesel from soybeans reduces food production and arguably increases world poverty. Over about 4 million hectares 40, km 2 of forest in Southeast Asia and South America are reported by Thomson Reuters to have been cleared for EU biofuel production: 1.

Most goes into biodiesel. A legislated portion of the US corn crop is turned into fuel ethanol, aided by heavy subsidies. In about million tonnes of US corn was used to make 58 GL of fuel ethanol most of the rest is stock food and production has declined since.

Meanwhile basic food prices rose, leading the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in mid to call for the USA to halt its biofuel production to prevent a food crisis. In any case, the energy return on investment EROI of corn ethanol in the USA is strongly questioned, and a consensus that it is below the minimum useful threshold is reported.

Ethanol is no longer promoted as good for the environment. Generally, burning biomass for electricity has been put forward as carbon neutral. That too is now questioned on the basis that carbon is released much more quickly than it can be absorbed by growing wood crops, so using round wood for pellets is likely to contribute significant net CO 2 emissions for many decades.

Using sawmill or logging residues however is not contentious. Some EU states have developed biomass sustainability criteria. A new technology, Pavegen , uses pavement tiles about one metre square to harvest energy from pedestrian traffic.

A footfall on a tile will flex it about 5mm and result in up to 8 watts of power over the duration of the footstep. Electricity can be stored, used directly for lighting, or in other ways. In the context of sustainable development it shares many of the benefits of many renewables, it is a low-carbon energy source, it has a very small environmental impact, similarities that are in sharp contrast to fossil fuels.

Nuclear fission power reactors do use a mineral fuel, and demonstrably but minimally deplete the available resources of that fuel. In the future nuclear power will make use of fast neutron reactors.

As well as utilizing about 60 times the amount of energy from uranium, they will unlock the potential of using even more abundant thorium as a fuel. In addition, some 1. The consequence of this is that the available resource of fuel for fast neutron reactors is so plentiful that under no practical terms would the fuel source be significantly depleted.

Most also tend to make very large demands on resources to construct the plant used for harnessing the natural energy — per kilowatt hour produced, much more than nuclear power.

Wind turbine plants need over ten times the amount of steel, 15 times the amount of copper and more than twice the amount of other critical minerals than nuclear power per kWh output. Inertia is a key element of electricity grid stability.

To compensate for the lack of synchronous inertia in generating plant when there is high dependence on wind and solar sources, synchronous condensers, sometimes known as rotating stabilisers, may be added to the system.

These are high-inertia rotating machines that can support the grid network in delivering efficient and reliable synchronous inertia and can help stabilize frequency deviations by generating and absorbing reactive power.

They behave like a synchronous motor with no load, providing reactive power and short-circuit power to the transmission network. Synchronous condensers syncons are like synchronous motors with no load and not mechanically connected to anything. They may be supplemented by a flywheel to increase inertia.

They are used for frequency and voltage control in weak parts of a grid or where there is a high proportion of variable renewable input requiring grid stability to be enhanced.

Adding synchronous condensers can help with reactive power needs, increase short-circuit strength and thus system inertia, and assure better dynamic voltage recovery after severe system faults. They can compensate for either a leading or lagging power factor, by absorbing or supplying reactive power measured in volt-ampere reactive, VAr to the line.

Static synchronous compensators STATCOM have a voltage control function, but not the full syncon function. A leading application is in Germany, where a highly variable flow from offshore wind farms in the north is transmitted to the main load centres in the south, leading to voltage fluctuations and the need for enhanced reactive power control.

The reduced inertia in the entire grid made the need to improve short-circuit strength and frequency stability more critical.

Amprion has ordered two MVAr static synchronous compensators STATCOM from Siemens for Polsum in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rheinau in Baden-Württemberg to help stabilize the power grid as conventional plant closures increase the loss of inertia risk with increasing volatility from renewables.

Also a large GE synchronous condenser is installed at Bergrheinfeld in Bavaria. Following a state-wide blackout, South Australia is installing two GE synchronous condensers at Davenport near Port Augusta and two Siemens units at Robertstown to compensate for a high proportion of wind input to the grid and reduce the vulnerability to further problems from this.

These are connected to the kV grid. Also a MVAr Siemens machine is installed at the MWe Kiamal solar PV farm just across the Victorian border near Ouyen. GE has converted a MWe generator retired from a coal-fired plant to a synchronous condenser of over MVAr, and such conversions, powered from the grid, are often cost-effective.

After the MWe Biblis A nuclear power plant in Germany was retired in its generator was converted to a synchronous condenser. In the UK, Statkraft plans to install two GE rotating stabilisers to provide stability services to the transmission network in Scotland.

These would draw about 1 MWe from the grid and enable many times that of intermittent renewable input, replacing the role of inertia in fossil-fuel or nuclear plants for frequency control.

The project is among five innovative grid stability contracts awarded by the National Grid electricity system operator in January GE quotes rotor mass of tonnes for its horizontal axis 65 MVAr machine and t for a MVAr vertical axis machine compared with over t for a large conventional power plant.

In the small Denmark grid, five machines are required to dampen the effect of about 5 GWe of wind capacity. It has a MVAr Siemens syncon at Bjaerskov. Siemens quotes horizontal axis units up to MVAr, ABB up to MVAr, and GE to MVAr.

Some newer wind turbines are directly coupled and run synchronously at fixed grid-defined rotation speeds, providing some frequency stability, although less total energy output than with DC output.

Centralised state utilities focused on economies of scale can easily overlook an alternative model — of decentralized electricity generation, with that generation being on a smaller scale and close to demand. Here higher costs may be offset by reduced transmission losses not to mention saving the capital costs of transmission lines and possibly increased reliability.

Generation may be on site or via local mini grids. In some places pumped hydro storage is used to even out the daily generating load by pumping water to a high storage dam during off-peak hours and weekends, using the excess base-load capacity from low-cost coal or nuclear sources. During peak hours this water can be used for hydro-electric generation.

It is not well suited to filling in for intermittent, unscheduled generation such as wind, where surplus power is irregular and unpredictable. In , GWh was supplied from pumped storage according to IRENA. There is increasing interest in off-river pumped hydro ORPH storage, with pairs of reservoirs having at least metres height difference.

Building power storage emerged in as a defining energy technology trend. See companion information paper on Electricity and Energy Storage. It is clear that renewable energy sources have considerable potential to meet mainstream electricity needs.

However, having solved the problems of harnessing them there is a further challenge: of integrating them into the supply system where most demand is for continuous, reliable supply.

Obviously sun, wind, tides and waves cannot be controlled to provide directly either continuous dispatchable power to meet base-load demand, or peak-load power when it is needed, so how can other, dispatchable sources be operated so as to complement them? If there were some way that large amounts of electricity from intermittent variable renewable energy VRE producers such as solar and wind could be stored efficiently, the contribution of these technologies to supplying electricity demand would be much greater — see preceding subsection.

The only renewable source with built-in storage and hence dispatchable on demand is hydro from dams. The storage can be enhanced by pumping back water when power costs are low, and such dammed hydro schemes can be complemented by off-river pumped hydro.

This requires pairs of small reservoirs in hilly terrain and joined by a pipe with pump and turbine. There is some scope for reversing the whole way we look at power supply, in its hour, 7-day cycle, using peak load equipment simply to meet the daily peaks.

Conventional peak-load equipment can be used to some extent to provide infill capacity in a system relying heavily on VRE sources such as wind and solar. Its characteristic is rapid start-up, usually apart from dammed hydro with low capital and high fuel cost.

Such capacity complements large-scale solar thermal and wind generation, providing power at short notice when they were unable to. This is essentially what happens with Denmark, whose wind capacity is complemented by a major link to Norwegian hydro as well as Sweden and the north German grid.

West Denmark the main peninsula part is the most intensely wind-turbined part of the planet, with 1. In , 3. On two occasions, in March and April, wind supplied more than total demand for a few hours.

In February during a cold calm week there was virtually no wind output. However, all this can be and is managed due to the major interconnections with Norway, Sweden and Germany, of some MWe, MWe and MWe respectively. Furthermore, especially in Norway, hydro resources can normally be called upon, which are ideal for meeting demand at short notice.

though not in after several dry years. So the Danish example is a very good one, but the circumstances are far from typical. The report from a thorough study commissioned by the German Energy Agency DENA looked at regulating and reserve generation capacity and how it might be deployed as German wind generation doubled to The study found that only a very small proportion of the installed wind capacity could contribute to reliable supply.

This all involves a major additional cost to consumers. The performance of every UK wind farm can be seen on the Renewable Energy Foundation website.

Note particularly the percentage of installed capacity which is actually delivering power averaged over each month. If hydro is the back-up and is not abundant, it will be less available for peaking loads.

If gas is the back-up this will usually be the best compromise between cost and availability. But any conventional generating plants used as back-up for VRE sources has to be run at lower output than designed to accommodate the intermittent input, and then the lower capacity factor can make them uneconomic, as is now being experienced with many GWe of gas and coal capacity in Germany.

The higher the proportion of intermittent input to a system, the greater the diseconomy. This incidentally has adverse CO 2 emissions implications. See sections below. This value decline caused by wind and solar generating most of their output during times of self-imposed electricity oversupply is marked and it magnifies with their share increasing.

This price effect is not compensated by the price peaks enjoyed by reliable producers when those renewables are insufficient.

The price volatility is a major disincentive to investment in new plant, whether nuclear or renewable, if not regulated or subsidized. Since wind and solar PV output correlates with meteorological conditions across a wide area, an increased proportion of them also means that the average price received by those producers — especially solar PV — declines significantly as their penetration increases, magnifying this value decline.

At a penetration level of Nevertheless, VRE sources make an important contribution to the world's energy future, even if they cannot carry the main burden of supply. The Global Wind Energy Council expects wind to be able to supply between In the OECD International Energy Agency IEA published a report on this issue : The Power of Transformation , wind, sun and the economics of flexible power systems.

It said that the cost-effective integration of variable renewable energy VRE has become a pressing challenge for the energy sector. Meanwhile Germany provides a case study in accelerated integration of VRE into a stable system, with both politically- and economically-forced retirement of conventional generating capacity.

See also the information paper on Energiewende. Thus the PTC meant that intermittent wind generators could dump power on the market to the extent of depressing the wholesale price so that other generators were operating at a loss.

This market distortion has created major problems for the viability of dispatchable generation sources upon which the market depends. Grid management authorities faced with the need to be able to dispatch power at short notice treat wind-generated power not as an available source of supply which can be called upon when needed but as an unpredictable drop in demand.

Thus, building 25 GWe of wind capacity, equivalent to almost half of UK peak demand, will only reduce the need for conventional fossil and nuclear plant capacity by 6. Also, some 30 GWe of spare capacity will need to be on immediate call continuously to provide a normal margin of reserve and to back up the wind plant's inability to produce power on demand — about two-thirds of it being for the latter.

Ensuring both secure continuity of supply reliably meeting peak power demands and its quality voltage and frequency control means that the actual potential for wind and solar input to a system is limited. Doing so economically, as evident from the above UK figures, requires low-cost back-up such as hydro, or gas turbine with cheap fuel.

Nuclear power plants are essentially base-load generators, running continuously. Where it is necessary to vary the output according to daily and weekly load cycles, for instance in France, where there is a very high reliance on nuclear power, they can be adapted to load-follow.

For BWRs this is reasonably easy without burning the core unevenly, but for a PWR as in France to run at less than full power for much of the time depends on where it is in the 18 to month refueling cycle, and whether it is designed with special control rods which diminish power levels throughout the core without shutting it down.

So while the ability on any individual PWR reactor to run on a sustained basis at low power decreases markedly as it progresses through the refueling cycle, there is considerable scope for running a fleet of reactors in load-following mode.

Generation III plants and small modular reactors have more scope for load-following, and as fast neutron reactors become more established, their ability in this regard will be an asset. If electricity cannot be stored on a large scale, the next logical step is to look at products of its use which can be stored, and hence where intermittent electricity supply is not a problem.

In contrast to renewable hydro, the feed-in of wind and solar output is uncontrollably intermittent due to the uncertainty of meteorological conditions. In grid management terms they are not dispatchable. Therefore the energy system needs backup capacity from the on-demand-sources to bridge periods with high or low generation from renewables.

To some extent battery storage can help, though most grid-scale battery installations are more for ancillary services frequency control etc.

rather than energy storage. See also Electricity and Energy Storage information page. But that is not the main problem. Wind and solar power supply is largely governed by wind speed and the level of sunlight, which can only loosely be related to periods of power demand.

It is this feature of intermittent renewable power supply that results in the imposition of additional costs on the generating system as a whole. The third category of intermittent renewable integration cost is grid interconnection.

Wind and solar farms are ideally sited in areas that experience high average wind speeds and high average solar radiation respectively.

These sites are often, even typically, distant from areas of electricity demand. Transmission and distribution networks will often need to be extended significantly to connect sources of supply and demand - this is a current challenge in UK and North Germany.

The impact of high levels of intermittent, low cost power will be to reduce the load factors of base-load power generators, and thereby increase their unit costs per kilowatt-hour. Given the high capital costs of nuclear, such an impact will significantly increase the levelised generation costs of nuclear.

Hydrogen is widely seen as a possible fuel for transport, if certain problems can be overcome economically. It may be used in conventional internal combustion engines, or in fuel cells which convert chemical energy directly to electricity without normal burning.

Making hydrogen requires either reforming natural gas methane with steam, or the electrolysis of water. The former process has carbon dioxide as a by-product, which exacerbates or at least does not improve greenhouse gas emissions relative to present technology.

With electrolysis, the greenhouse burden depends on the source of the power. But if these sources are used for electricity to make hydrogen, then they can be utilised fully whenever they are available, opportunistically.

Broadly speaking it does not matter when they cut in or out, the hydrogen is simply stored and used as required. However, electrolysers are inefficient at low capacity factors such as even dedicated wind or solar input would supply. A quite different rationale applies to using nuclear energy or any other emission-free base-load plant for hydrogen.

Here the plant would be run continuously at full capacity, with perhaps all the output being supplied to the grid in peak periods and any not needed to meet civil demand being used to make hydrogen at other times.

About 55 kWh is required to produce a kilogram of hydrogen by electrolysis at ambient temperature, so the cost of the electricity clearly is crucial.

Renewable energy sources have a completely different set of environmental costs and benefits to fossil fuel or nuclear generating capacity. On the positive side they emit no carbon dioxide or other air pollutants beyond some decay products from new hydro-electric reservoirs , but because they are harnessing relatively low-intensity energy, their 'footprint' — the area taken up by them — is necessarily much larger.

Whether Australia could accept the environmental impact of another Snowy Mountains hydro scheme providing some 3. Whether large areas near cities dedicated to solar collectors will be acceptable, if such proposals are ever made, remains to be seen.

In the sections above we looked at the role of renewables in the total energy mix. This includes not only electricity but also transport and heating. Electricity forms only one component of energy consumption. Since transport and heating tend to be harder to decarbonize — they are more reliant on oil and gas — renewables tend to have a higher share in the electricity mix versus the total energy mix.

This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from renewable technologies. Globally, almost one-third of our electricity comes from renewables.

Hydroelectric power has been one of our oldest and largest sources of low-carbon energy. Hydroelectric generation at scale dates back more than a century, and is still our largest renewable source — excluding traditional biomass, it still accounts for approximately half of renewable generation.

However, the scale of hydroelectric power generation varies significantly across the world. This interactive chart shows its contribution by country. This interactive chart shows the share of primary energy that comes from hydropower.

This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from hydropower. This interactive chart shows the amount of energy generated from wind each year. This includes both onshore and offshore wind farms. Wind generation at scale — compared to hydropower, for example — is a relatively modern renewable energy source but is growing quickly in many countries across the world.

The previous section looked at the energy output from wind farms across the world. Energy output is a function of power installed capacity multiplied by the time of generation.

Energy generation is therefore a function of how much wind capacity is installed. This interactive chart shows installed wind capacity — including both onshore and offshore — across the world.

This interactive chart shows the share of primary energy that comes from wind. This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from wind. This interactive chart shows the amount of energy generated from solar power each year.

Solar generation at scale — compared to hydropower, for example — is a relatively modern renewable energy source but is growing quickly in many countries across the world. The previous section looked at the energy output from solar across the world.

Energy generation is therefore a function of how much solar capacity is installed. Klamath Falls, Oregon: Oregon Institute of Technology. Archived PDF from the original on 17 June Retrieved 5 May Archived from the original PDF on 27 March Archived from the original on 11 May Renewable Energy News and Articles.

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Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Resources from Wikiversity Data from Wikidata. Lists of renewable energy topics. List of onshore wind farms List of onshore wind farms in the United Kingdom List of offshore wind farms in the United Kingdom List of offshore wind farms in the United States Lists of offshore wind farms by country Lists of offshore wind farms by water area Lists of wind farms by country List of wind farms in Australia List of wind farms in Canada List of wind farms in Iran List of wind farms in Kosovo List of wind farms in New Zealand List of wind farms in Romania List of wind farms in Sweden List of wind farms in the United States List of wind turbine manufacturers.

Index of solar energy articles List of concentrating solar thermal power companies List of photovoltaics companies List of photovoltaic power stations List of pioneering solar buildings List of rooftop photovoltaic installations List of solar car teams List of solar powered products List of solar thermal power stations People associated with solar power.

List of books about renewable energy List of countries by electricity production from renewable sources List of geothermal power stations Lists of hydroelectric power stations List of largest hydroelectric power stations List of people associated with renewable energy List of renewable energy organizations List of renewable energy topics by country List of U.

states by electricity production from renewable sources. Renewable energy by country and territory. Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Morocco Nigeria Seychelles South Africa.

Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Palestine Philippines Taiwan Thailand Vietnam. Austria Czech Republic Cyprus Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Spain Sweden.

Albania Armenia Belarus Iceland Kosovo Norway Russia Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Scotland. Canada Costa Rica Honduras Mexico United States.

Australia Cook Islands French Polynesia New Zealand Tuvalu. Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia. Category Portal. Outline History Index. Energy Units Conservation of energy Energetics Energy transformation Energy condition Energy transition Energy level Energy system Mass Negative mass Mass—energy equivalence Power Thermodynamics Quantum thermodynamics Laws of thermodynamics Thermodynamic system Thermodynamic state Thermodynamic potential Thermodynamic free energy Irreversible process Thermal reservoir Heat transfer Heat capacity Volume thermodynamics Thermodynamic equilibrium Thermal equilibrium Thermodynamic temperature Isolated system Entropy Free entropy Entropic force Negentropy Work Exergy Enthalpy.

Kinetic Internal Thermal Potential Gravitational Elastic Electric potential energy Mechanical Interatomic potential Quantum potential Electrical Magnetic Ionization Radiant Binding Nuclear binding energy Gravitational binding energy Quantum chromodynamics binding energy Dark Quintessence Phantom Negative Chemical Rest Sound energy Surface energy Vacuum energy Zero-point energy Quantum potential Quantum fluctuation.

Radiation Enthalpy Mechanical wave Sound wave Fuel Fossil Oil Hydrogen Hydrogen fuel Heat Latent heat Work Electricity Battery Capacitor.

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Energy engineering Oil refinery Electricity delivery Electric power Fossil fuel power station Cogeneration Integrated gasification combined cycle Nuclear power Nuclear power plant Radioisotope thermoelectric generator Solar power Photovoltaic system Concentrated solar power Solar thermal energy Solar power tower Solar furnace Wind power Wind farm Airborne wind energy Hydropower Hydroelectricity Wave farm Tidal power Geothermal power Biomass.

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Jevons paradox Carbon footprint. Category Commons Portal WikiProject. Wind power. High-altitude History By country Land vehicles Offshore Turbines on public display Windmill Panemone. Community-owned Farms by country Offshore farms by country Onshore farms.

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Heliostat Solar tracker Parabolic trough Solar power tower. Solar updraft tower Solar-pumped laser Thermoelectric generator Solar chemical and artificial photosynthesis Space-based solar power Solar sail Magnetic sail Solar thermal rocket.

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Solar Shade Control Act. Thermal mass Thermal energy storage Phase change material Grid energy storage.

Feed-in tariff Net metering Financial incentives for photovoltaics Costs. Solar water heating Solar vehicle Electric aircraft Electric boat Solar balloon. Agrivoltaic Greenhouse Polytunnel Row cover Solar-powered pump. Passive solar building design Building-integrated photovoltaics Urban heat island.

Hybrid solar lighting Solar lamp Solar Tuki Light tube Daylighting. Solar pond Solar furnace Salt evaporation pond. Solar cooker. Solar water disinfection Soil solarization. Solar still Desalination. Solar water heating Solar combisystem Zero carbon solar controller.

Photovoltaics topics Solar power by country Renewable energy sources. Category Commons. Alcohol fuel Algae fuel Bagasse Babassu oil Biobutanol Biodiesel Biogas Biogasoline Bioliquids Biomass Ethanol cellulosic mixtures Methanol Stover Corn stover Straw Cooking oil Vegetable oil fuel Water hyacinth Wood gas.

Cassava Coconut oil Grape Hemp Maize Oat Palm oil Potato Rapeseed Rice Sorghum bicolor Soybean Sugarcane Sugar beet Sunflower Wheat Yam Camelina sativa. Arundo Big bluestem Camelina Chinese tallow Duckweed Jatropha curcas Pongamia pinnata Miscanthus giganteus Switchgrass Salicornia Wood fuel.

BECCS Bioconversion Biomass heating systems Biorefinery Fischer—Tropsch process Industrial biotechnology Pellets mill stove Sabatier reaction Thermal depolymerization. Agflation Cellulosic ethanol commercialization Energy content of biofuel Energy crop Energy forestry EROEI Food vs.

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Birth control Building green natural sustainable architecture New Urbanism New Classical Nature conservation Conservation biology Ecoforestry Environmental movement Environmental remediation Green computing Land rehabilitation Permaculture Recycling. Outline Index. Anthropocene Earth system governance Ecological modernization Environmental governance Environmentalism Global catastrophic risk Human impact on the environment Planetary boundaries Social sustainability Stewardship Sustainable development.

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Environmental Fisheries Forest Landscape Materials Natural resource Planetary Waste. Category Lists Science Studies Degrees. Authority control databases.

Enwrgy renewable resource is a resource Energh can Renewwble replenished naturally Rehewable time. As a CLA and hormonal balance, it is sustainable despite its consumption by humankind. Energh resources are considered especially important for their potential to replace non-renewable, or finite, resources in the production of energy. Additionally, renewable resources can offer cleaner energy solutions than those provided by non-renewable resources such as coal and fossil fuels. Examples of renewable resources include the sun, wind, water, the earth's heat geothermaland biomass. A renewable resource is a resource of which there is an endless supply because it can be replenished. Renewable energy resources Resourcces, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal Nutritional periodization can provide energy without resourcws planet-warming effects Eating out with food allergies as an athlete fossil fuels. Chemistry, Conservation, Earth Science, Reneable. As ofFermented foods and digestion issues ennergy, like the Mediterranean diet breakfast of Doune wind farm near Stirling, Scotland, are now producingmegawatts of power around the world—22 times more than 16 years before. Unfortunately, this renewable, clean energy generator isn't perfect. In any discussion about climate changerenewable energy usually tops the list of changes the world can implement to stave off the worst effects of rising temperatures.

Author: Faum

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