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Weight management inspiration

Weight management inspiration

Lifestyle Msnagement. Weight management inspiration a insiration of six Weight management inspiration eight chocolate Immune system wellness a day, majagement chicken and macaroni and cheese, Weight management inspiration was lbs. With time, she's learned to do things in moderation and found creative ways to stay motivated. By walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day after school, Alexis Garcia saw her weight drop, sleep improve and triglycerides return back to normal.


Inside The Mindset Shift Behind Americans Losing Weight

Weight management inspiration -

After losing weight, Bauler began running every day and completed endurance competitions like Ironman and Ragnar. in about 18 months so I have had to stay busy to keep it off," he said.

I like to join training groups and training clubs because of the friendships and accountability it creates. It would be easy for me to blow off a mile run at on a Friday morning, but I know I have two friends meeting me, who I would never let down. After reaching her highest weight of lbs. at 26 years old, Boston resident Katia Powell realized her own health didn't reflect her dreams of becoming a medical doctor.

Powell was overweight as a child, eating a diet full of processed foods and little water and vegetables. In college, Powell shared she dramatically gained more weight. She joined her local YMCA, gradually increasing her workouts until she was going 4 to 5 days a week for 60 to 90 minutes.

She also changed her eating habits, replacing sugary sweets with fresh fruit and vegetables. Within the first six months she lost lbs. Powell, who has kept the weight off for more than a decade, said she now loves cycling, dance and yoga, and "if I am unable to attend the gym, I run or take a walk outside, or workout at home and do a high-intensity interval training.

My workout routine also includes meditation," she added. Sara Cloutier always felt like an outsider growing up. She weighed lbs. in high school, and never enjoyed shopping or playing sports with her friends.

After her first pregnancy with her daughter in , Cloutier hit lbs. and was ready for a change. and maintained a healthy weight through her second pregnancy in As she worked to get back into a postpartum fitness routine, Cloutier discovered Zumba and fell in love with group fitness classes.

Three weeks after her first class, she became a certified trainer and started teaching classes. By , the demand had gotten so large that she opened her own fitness studio and now runs it along with her full-time job.

At the time of her interview with PEOPLE, Cloutier was getting ready for another big change — her third child. Between her severe anxiety, depression and her weight — lbs.

at her heaviest — Katie Bolden felt "ruined," mentally. Then at age 26, Bolden was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and learned she would have trouble conceiving a child. Just a few years later, in February , she went partially blind in one eye and found out she had pre-multiple sclerosis.

Bolden started tracking everything she ate on MyFitnessPal and took up swimming, hiking and weightlifting. After three and a half years, she lost lbs.

and had her daughter. She also started a fitness blog and Instagram and even won a bodybuilding competition. Transitioning out of the military and into life as a stay-at-home mom took a toll on Morgan Root 's body.

She went from lbs. in just two years. When her son was 6 months old, the Richmond, Ga. I had trouble catching my breath; I had hip issues and a lot of body aches. I couldn't walk like I should be able to walk.

That excuse is now my motivation for everything I do. Weighing in at lbs. Gause was ready to make a change, and he immediately joined Live in Fitness, a residential weight loss community.

There, he completely revamped his diet plan to focus on lean proteins and vegetables and started exercising. In just over a year, he lost lbs.

In , Samantha Call lost her father to heart disease. He was 48 years old and was affected by obesity. Call, who was lbs. at the time, also struggled with her weight. In early , Call found success with Atkins and dropped down to lbs.

after a year and a half. She maintained her weight loss for about seven years. Call began cooking healthy meals at home with her partner and devoted an hour before work to exercise. Said the Callis, Maine resident: "It's part of my daily routine.

Jason Cohen always struggled with his weight. At his highest, he hit nearly lbs. A big motivator to help him achieve and maintain his lbs. weight loss was a private Facebook support group dubbed the "Missing Chins Run Club. At more than lbs. All I did was eat, go to work and watch my shows," she told PEOPLE.

Tired of feeling "lazy," she finally committed to losing weight in February She ordered Herbalife shakes and "never looked back. Sticking to a "strict" 1,—1, calorie-per-day diet and joining a gym helped her lose lbs. She also shared her weight loss journey on Instagram. I was shy, but now I have so much more confidence, I have so much more energy," said the Spring Hill, Fla.

Laura Hyman 's weight reached lbs. because she was used to "taking care of everyone else but myself," the grandmother told PEOPLE.

Along with her husband Myron, Hyman lost more than lbs. using the Isagenix weight-loss program, which the retired Indio, Calif. and eats five times a day: two shakes, two snacks and one full meal.

The couple also started a week body transformation program at the beginning of their weight loss journeys. Hyman, who was working out with a trainer 3 to 4 times per week, became a finalist in her sixth Isabody Challenge.

Although she was happy and confident in her body, Jovana Borojevic was shocked when she finally stepped on a scale. and had developed fatty liver disease from her fast food-heavy diet, all while dealing with polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS , told PEOPLE. The digital marketing strategist immediately cut out starchy carbs, refined foods, sugar and most packaged food.

In a month she dropped almost 20 lbs. and started hitting the gym four to five times a week for weight training and cardio workouts. A year and a half into her weight loss journey, Borojevic was down to lbs. Allie Ruby was determined to lose weight — and get her long-desired six-pack — after her poor college eating habits left her at lbs.

But 98 lbs. later, she still wasn't happy. I thought that would be a huge high, but it wasn't," Ruby told PEOPLE. She started weightlifting, which kept her in amazing shape but pushed her weight up again, this time with muscle.

Seeing the numbers creep back up the scale caused self-doubt. She switched from weightlifting to powerlifting, which requires extra weight, and was much happier. It's all about how strong you are," Ruby told PEOPLE. Janice "JJ" Jobity was always fit growing up, but when she was mistreated in a relationship, she turned to food to cope.

I just kind of tuned out of the world, and food became my everything. By , Jobity had hit her highest weight of lbs. and started feeling excruciating stomach pain. She decided to get healthy — mentally and physically — taking boot camp classes and seeking counseling to deal with her emotional issues.

Jobity cut out fried food and soda in favor of a diet focused on fruits, vegetables and lean protein. She also started working out six days a week. A lot of weight loss is mental.

Naomi Teeter had struggled with her weight her whole life and found herself weighing more than lbs. by the time she was She ignored her mounting health problems — painful water retention in both her knees, eczema breakouts and nightly bouts of acid reflux — until a doctor's visit that inspired her to make a change.

She began keeping a food diary and joined a gym. Teeter soon was physically capable of doing things she never thought possible, like running multiple half and full marathons, climbing a mountain and even sky diving.

But it wasn't until she ran a naked 5K that she learned to truly embrace her body. Teeter made healthy swaps for junk food and keeps track of her macronutrient intake.

The Spokane, Wash. As far as advice, Teeter shared not to stress too much about what you're eating — instead focus on how much you're eating. when she started having children, but her pregnancy weight brought her up to lbs. After having her second child, Tara Kavanagh knew she wanted to make a change.

I wanted to experience new things and felt my size was holding me back. Kavanagh decided she did not want to undergo weight loss surgery after seeing relatives who ended up gaining their weight back.

She also swears by Jillian Michaels ' workouts. person, I just up the intensity level now to get my killer workout! Kavanagh suggested finding a workout you won't get bored with, commenting that "Jillian's workouts are always fun and I look forward to doing them.

For years, Helen Costa-Giles had no real motivation to lose some of her lb. body weight, despite concerns from her doctor. But in , her yearly checkup took a somber turn when the mom of two learned that she was on track to develop chronic health problems because of her size.

Determined, she immediately threw out all processed and preservative-filled foods and started eating a clean diet. In just six months, with no exercise, she dropped close to 90 lbs. Costa-Giles then added weightlifting to her days and fell in love. I kind of got obsessed because for the first time in my life, my body was actually doing what I asked it to do.

Costa-Giles began running free exercise classes in her hometown of San Antonio at 4 a. I like to share my story because it's so relatable.

Dustin LaJaunie has come a long way from the lbs. he once weighed. He's since lost lbs. and counting with the help of his younger brother Josh LaJaunie, who started the private Facebook support group called "Missing Chins Run Club.

The group is a safe place for people to share their stories and struggles and motivate one another to lose weight. Eating plan-based and running alongside his brother, Dustin compared the Missing Chins to the trips he and his brother used to take when going hunting.

The Gloucester, U. My mum had a stroke very young, and it scared us as a family. I didn't want to put my family through the same thing, so knew I had to do something. Marie Byrne credits doing at-home Jillian Michaels workouts and decreasing her portion sizes with helping her drop 70 lbs.

She also said having a partner with Parkinson's disease inspired her to get her health on track. What excuse did I have not to exercise when he didn't make any excuses? Byrne began counting calories and making sure she eats three healthy meals each day in addition to starting her mornings with Jillian Michaels' workouts at 5 a.

The office worker weighed lbs. by the time she was pregnant with her first child due to poor eating habits and a lack of physical activity. After complications from her C-section left her depressed, Brittany Greenslit started walking and doing Pilates and yoga to help lift her mood.

As soon as she was well enough, she began doing Jillian Michaels' workout DVDs. Greenslit started eating lots of fruits, veggies and protein. If she goes out, she orders a chicken salad instead of her former go-to order of a cheeseburger and French fries.

The St. Cloud, Minn. Alicia Steele , the longtime on-air host, gained weight when she went through menopause. She got inspired to lose weight when T-Tapp Method creator Teresa Tapp appeared on a PBS show she was hosting and decided to give her DVDs a try.

Steele dropped four dress sizes using the program and kept the weight off for more than five years. She "completely changed" her eating habits, and eats "lots of colorful, fresh food. Beyond spending 15 to 20 minutes each day working out with the T-Tapp DVDs, Steele's weight loss tip was to try dry brushing: "This helps with exfoliation, detoxification and improving circulation, which improves fascia fitness," she said.

Megan McGee began gaining weight when she got into an unhealthy relationship and stopped spending time with friends or going to the gym. After getting out of the relationship, she decided it was time to make a change — especially since she worked in the health profession.

The Middlesex, England-based nurse decided to join Slimming World to take control of her health. She preferred group exercise classes and began regularly meeting with a personal trainer. McGee also went from skipping meals and snacking throughout the day to sticking to set meal times.

Her biggest tip was to not be afraid to make a change: "There is nothing to lose and so much life to gain. Rebin Roy told PEOPLE she "could easily down a pitcher of margaritas and 20 buffalo wings at happy hour," and smoked a pack-and-a-half to two packs of cigarettes every day for 14 years.

While she quit smoking after getting pregnant with her first child in , she kept her unhealthy eating habits until she began having health problems after having her third child. She joined WeightWatchers and dropped from lbs.

by watching her portions. Roy began eating six small meals a day while allowing herself the occasional fast food burger by only eating half of it. To stay motivated, Roy has competed in bodybuilding competitions. She also recommended using a slow cooker to prepare healthy meals.

I'll put some chicken in in the morning and it's done for dinner. Hannah Jenkins shared that overeating was just part of her daily routine. After dinner, she'd continue to snack on packaged foods like ramen with cheese and more snack cakes.

But when she got to college, everything changed. She started her weight loss journey on New Year's Day Using her My Fitness Pal app to log her food, workouts and water intake, Jenkins' daily meals included loading up on protein for breakfast by eating either oatmeal with fruit and peanut butter or a protein shake, and then sticking to lean proteins and small amounts of carbs like sweet potatoes and rice.

Jenkins' workouts focused on a hour of cardio each day plus strength training three days a week. Tanisha Washington had reached a high weight of lbs. by age 21, but she had always struggled with her weight. I have the most horrible memories because I was associated with all that weight I was carrying.

Washington successfully lost 50 lbs. in college, but gained it back when she unexpectedly got pregnant her junior year.

After giving birth, she decided to get healthy for herself and her baby. She stuck to the low-carb, high-protein Atkins diet and used strength training to tone her body. Hollie Barrett , the superstore employee from Suffolk, England, had reached lbs. and felt her weight was preventing her from being the hands-on mom she wanted to be.

That experience jumpstarted her determination to lose weight. Barrett had recently seen a friend's post on Facebook about their success with the weight loss program Slimming World and decided to give it a try.

Barrett turned to the Slimming World food optimizing plan. Barrett, who stuck with long walks and jogging, advised that you should find a plan you can stick to: "I used to jump from fad diet to fad diet, and they were all so strict and hard to follow.

Then she read a book called The China Study about the merits of a plant-based diet, and cut dairy and processed meat out of her diet. In a year she lost the majority of her weight through changes to her eating habits alone.

Sticking to a vegan diet, the Rochester, N. Goodenough suggested getting creative with your meals, sharing that her vegan diet "became fun because I was trying new different recipes, and everything tasted different so it was cool and fun.

In , husband and wife Nathan and Brenda Bennett both found themselves struggling with their weight even though they led active lifestyles. The Bennetts cut out sugar and processed foods from their family meals and began using My Fitness Pal to track their calories and exercise.

The couple focused on clean eating and portion control, with a goal to work out six days a week. Brenda shared that their fitness sessions are a "friendly competition. Brenda also suggested finding an accountability when trying to lose weight: "It was a big help to cheer each other on and not let the other person run down to the convenience store and cheat with whatever you can get your hands on.

We keep each other strong. Jessica Battle , a Delaware-based paralegal, had reached lbs. by the time she was 20, but it wasn't until her father had heart surgery when she was 25 that she decided to take charge of her health.

She also began eating smaller portion sizes and started an Instagram account to help hold herself accountable. Battle stuck to eating mostly vegetables, fruits and protein while counting the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates she was eating every day. Her workouts consisted of weight training DVDs at home.

Battle shared that her best weight loss tip is to make gradual changes. For me, I knew that jumping right into eating only vegetables, fruit and lean proteins wasn't going to work," she said.

When Karyl Mullins moved back to her hometown of Lexington, Ky. thanks to family gatherings that revolved around Southern cooking. At 34, Mullins was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. She joined WeightWatchers to take control of her health.

Mullins began eating small portions to stay within her WeightWatchers parameters, along with taking kickboxing classes and running a marathon. Gillian Faith , a British Columbia-based stay-at-home mom, admitted that she "stopped caring" about her body after having her first baby at age After having her second child, Faith weighed lbs.

and shared she was a "food addict. After her third pregnancy and a divorce, Faith realized she needed to take control of her weight.

However, she took things too far and developed anorexia and bulimia. In , she started bodybuilding, which she credits with finally getting her health on track. Faith worked to stay away from anything that comes "in a can or box" and avoided gluten, dairy and soy.

She was working out six days a week for an hour each time. Getting creative on the treadmill was key to Faith's best wight loss tip.

It really tones hamstrings and glutes. Rebecca Grafton , an insurance saleswoman, shot up to lbs. after spending a pastry-filled semester studying abroad in France during college, and continued to eat lots of baked goods after graduating.

In January , she booked a trip to Jamaica and decided she wanted to lose weight so she wouldn't be self-conscious about how she looked in a bathing suit. They gave me a calorie target, and I followed it.

I literally had to reteach myself to cook. Grafton's diet consisted of getting enough protein while limiting her carbs, and still allowing herself wine on the weekends.

She began working out every day doing a mix of cardio and weights with her favorite exercise equipment being the StairMaster. If you usually slip on the weekend, commit to a Monday morning workout," she said. Mackenzie Walker , a Windsor, Ontario-based student, used to eat pizza for breakfast and drink as many as 15 cans of soda a day, reaching a high weight of lbs.

When her father had gastric bypass surgery, she changed her diet and began eating the small meals he was consuming.

She also used Instagram to find weight loss tips. Walker started tracking her proteins, fats and carbs while still allowing herself to drink diet soda to curb cravings. To stay toned, she turned to strength training. Jana Roller, a professional photographer who weighed lbs.

at her highest, decided to lose weight after a traumatic incident. I thought, 'This needs to change right now. Roller decided to take up bodybuilding , and trained for two years for her first competition. Her prep involved 5 a. workouts and a strict meal plan. Jeanine McDonald , mom-of-four, fell into unhealthy eating habits after having kids.

When one of her sons told her she looked "really fat," she decided she needed to start making health a priority. On nights she had a sitter, McDonald shared that she hit the gym, and on other nights she focused on workouts at home once her kids were asleep.

Thanks to running and a vegan diet, Tim Kaufman was able to get a grip on his health and even weaned himself off an addiction to painkillers.

Once weighing over lbs. and became part of what he calls s "tight-knit group" dubbed "The Missing Chins Run Club. Vanetza Cines, a military officer, took up bodybuilding to be an inspiration to her troops.

at her highest — told PEOPLE. My soldiers looked up to me and I had to counsel them when they couldn't meet the standards, and yet I myself couldn't meet the standards. I just felt like a hypocrite and a fake. In December , Cines read about a Bodybuilding. com challenge and decided to take part in it.

She started working out three times a day and saw real changes in her body for the first time. Los Angeles-based Alex Perrineau reached lbs. at her highest weight.

The self-proclaimed "emotional eater" ate fast food for almost every meal, and was teased throughout school. So she decided to try Jenny Craig to finally make a lasting change.

Perrineau started eating Jenny Craig meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with healthy snacks in between. She worked out six days a week and ran for cardio. I love Jenny Craig because I don't have to think about what to cook. Experiment and find what works for you," she said.

Erika Cockrell had struggled with her weight since high school and "used food as an emotional pick-me-up" through the years as she dealt with her parents' divorce and problems with her own marriage. When Cockrell reached lbs.

For me it was all calories in, calories out," Cockrell told PEOPLE in the "Half Their Size" issue. Joanne Raymond had lost lbs. twice before she decided she was finally going to keep the weight off for good. The Allentown, P.

In , she started feeling sick all the time; she had constant headaches, trouble sleeping and pain in her knees. Her doctor told her all her problems were weight-related.

Raymond — who weighed lbs. at her highest weight — decided to overhaul her bad eating habits, replacing pasta with spiralized zucchini squash and Chinese takeout with healthy homemade chicken and broccoli.

Christina Jordan hit her low point when she was kicked off a Disneyland ride after being unable to buckle the seatbelt. Jordan — who weighed lbs.

at her heaviest — began eating five to six meals a day that each include a lean protein, a complex carbohydrate and a healthy fat. Diana Anguh's fast food habits lead her to reach lbs. when she was in high school. After being dateless at prom, Anguh decided to start working out and hit the gym every day.

She also began cooking her own meals rather than binging on fast food. After 16 months of hard work, Anguh hit her goal weight of lbs.

Growing up in war-torn Kosovo , Lindita Halimi often didn't know when her next meal would be. When the war ended, Halimi overcompensated by eating whole pizzas and entire jars of Nutella. The singer reached lbs.

between the ages of 17 and 20, and was bullied for her weight, with classmates calling her an elephant. When a woman on the bus mistook Halimi for a pregnant person, she decided she needed to lose weight. The former American Idol contest learned how to get healthy by Googling weight loss tips and found healthy cooking tutorials on YouTube.

Ashley O'Reilly started putting on weight when she got her driver's license at 16 and began frequenting fast food restaurants, getting up to lbs. in two years. After hitting a low point during her sophomore year of college when a friend refused to be seen sitting next to her in class, O'Reilly decided to try Nutrisystem.

Her new diet coupled with exercise helped her drop lbs. Adrienne Osuna is proof that physical transformations don't always correlate with the number on the scale. Osuna — who weighed lbs. at her highest and dropped to lbs.

She also practiced intermittent fasting, which means she did not eat from 7 p. to 11 a. six days a week, although she did allow herself coffee with cream in the morning.

Professional chef Michael Lachowicz hit lbs. thanks to a combination of unhealthy lifestyle factors. Drugs and alcohol reduced my inhibitions, so I didn't have a lot of remorse about eating ridiculous amounts of food.

Entering rehab and getting sober was an essential part of his weight loss journey. Lachowicz started working out six days a week while maintaining 1, to 1, calories per day. So the Dexter, Mo. He also became a member of the private Facebook group, "Missing Chins Run Club" — a place where people can swap weight loss stores and struggles — and trained for marathons.

When Kim Carter Martinez hit her highest weight of lbs. In order to be eligible for knee replacement surgery to help alleviate her arthritis pain, the Oakland, Calif. Carter Martinez made "a lot of small changes" to lose the weight, like giving up Starbucks and cooking more meals at home.

Eventually, she began following a paleo diet and progressed from doing Richard Simmons videos in her garage to going to the gym daily.

Jennifer Ginley was so self-conscious about her weight that she did not want her longtime boyfriend to propose to her, because she didn't want to be an overweight bride.

In May , Ginley joined the weight loss program Slimming World with her mother and sister and said preparing healthy meals in advance helped her to drop from lbs. Alexa Saddington dropped the weight with the Cambridge Weight Plan, which sets you up with a consultant who creates custom meal plans that include ready-made healthy meals.

The U. Despite what media may lead you to believe, happiness can't be achieved through numbers on the scale. Feeling good about yourself is so much more important than striving for a certain body type — especially when that body type simply isn't obtainable. Rather than a too-small pair of jeans or a fashion model in a magazine, the best weight loss motivation tends to be the energy you feel after an invigorating workout or the joy that's sparked when you feel good in a new dress, and if you need some inspiration, then these weight loss motivation quotes can help you get started.

Remember: Every body is different, so the weight loss plan that works for your friend may not work for you. Likewise, it's important to think about why you want to lose weight rather than simply doing so out of a feeling of obligation.

A smaller number on the scale doesn't equate to health, after all, just as a smaller body is not necessarily a healthier one. If you're just getting started with your weight loss journey, then here are a few things to keep in mind:.

As tempting as it is to restrict your eating with the hopes of getting fast results, weight loss won't happen overnight. Be patient with yourself. Long-lasting results come from improving your diet and incorporating exercise in ways that you can sustain rather than making extreme changes.

Though it may seem like a good motivation to work towards a certain number, too much focus on the scale can lead to frustration. Yes, a shrinking waistline is exciting for some, but allow yourself to enjoy the growing feeling of confidence instead, no matter what your scale or clothing tag may say.

You don't have to wait until you achieve a certain goal to reward yourself — and no, rewards don't have to involve indulgence, either. Whether you're on day one or day of your weight loss journey, take the time to smile at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the progress you've made, because even that first step is a big one.

You can never underestimate the power of positive thinking, and if you need a dose of positivity, then these inspirational quotes about weight loss should help. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it.

They did it. Even if you don't, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. It's not a sprint to get in shape. Besides, perfect is boring. Motivation determines what you do.

Attitude determines how well you do it. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Katelyn Lunders is the Deputy Digital Editor of House Beautiful, where she oversees the brand's digital strategy and audience growth.

When she's not obsessing over the latest trend on TikTok, you can find her binge-watching house tours or online shopping for her Upper East Side apartment.

These Weight management inspiration and women transformed their Weight management inspiration through healthy eating and a dedication to fitness. Weigh was a Caffeine and productivity adjustment for Weight management inspiration Hudson. Along with gaining more independence, inspiratuon was Weiight "stressed, working multiple jobs, and I didn't know what I should be eating. And within about a year, she had gained lbs. I had PCOS and I was on the spectrum for pre-diabetes and high blood pressure. I love to ride horses — I have my entire life — and I couldn't anymore. I became super insecure and withdrawn, and I stopped going out with my friends. Weight management inspiration That just manwgement you're human. Manaegment also means that you might inspkration from a Weight management inspiration dose Weight management inspiration inspo from ladies who have Anti-viral immunity boost out their Weight management inspiration Brown rice and beans enough to see inwpiration success. Because Weight management inspiration Weibht it: Weight management inspiration weight inspiratioon hard, and it's even harder for women than men, thanks to metabolic and hormonal differences, research shows. Most of the weight-loss warriors here tried multiple avenues, from going vegan to intermittent fasting to at-home Pilates workouts, before finding the methods and eating regimes that worked with their lifestyles. And part of their success was being realistic about what was achievable in the long run. Finding a workout routine you love can also help keep you on track throughout the ups and downs.

Author: Tadal

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