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Citrus fruit benefits

Citrus fruit benefits

The amount of potassium below 0. Too much Citrs acid has serious side effects. The severity of symptoms was also reduced. Tränkner M, Tavakol E, Jákli B. Citrus fruit benefits

Citrus fruit benefits -

The summer is almost here, and we all are searching for various juices and smoothies to hydrate ourselves. We have many options to satisfy our dry throat, but citrus fruits can be the best option for summer as well as other seasons.

They are tangy, they are zesty, and they are delicious!! Citrus fruits are bright, colourful, fragrant, refreshing and are not only tasty but also packed with nutrients.

Citrus fruits grow on flowering trees and shrubs. They have originated from Southeast Asia. These days citrus fruits are grown in tropical and subtropical climates all over the world.

The production hub includes Spain, Brazil, the USA, Mexico, and India. The peak season of common citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits is between mid-December and April. According to Fleming et al. Non-haem iron is the inorganic form of iron present in plant foods. The risk of iron deficiency, which can eventually lead to anaemia, is higher in vegetarians and those who eat minimal meat and other animal products.

I strongly recommend the consumption of citrus fruits with high vitamin C content as it may help reduce anaemia and its harmful effects. The nutritional fact varies in each citrus fruit.

However, loads of vitamin C and antioxidants are constant nutrients that are present in every citrus fruit. Also, they contain —. It has been demonstrated in studies that older people who consume more fruits, vegetables, and other sources of vitamin C and folate are believed to perform better on cognitive tests.

An adequate diet that includes nutrient-dense meals appears to be linked to improved cognitive performance in the elderly. Citrus fruits were well known for their medicinal properties and were used to treat many diseased conditions.

Vitamin C is the best option for our skin health. Citrus fruits are the storehouse of vitamin C that makes them essential for good skin. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is needed to regenerate collagen in your skin.

Collagen helps in skin tightening and reduces fine lines over the skin. Hyperpigmentation or dark spot may form because of exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun. Vitamin C is an excellent remedy that may help you with your dark complexion.

For this purpose, you can either consume citrus fruits or apply their juice topically. Vitamin C is the best and natural exfoliator of our skin, and citrus fruits are rich in it. Citrus fruits help clear your clogged pores and dead skin to make your pores shrink.

Orange peels are here to rescue your skin-related problems. For lowering the risk of serious birth abnormalities like spina bifida and anencephaly during the first trimester of pregnancy, sufficient folate consumption is believed to be essential. In my experience, citrus foods may help provide enough folate and hence lower the risk of several birth abnormalities by regular consumption.

Apply lemon juice topically on the scalp helps deep clean your scalp and get rid of all dandruff. It also makes your hair strong and shiny. Kidney stones cause due to chronic urine infection and accumulation of minerals in your kidney system. Citrus fruits can raise the levels of citrate in your urine, lowering the risk of kidney stones.

Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are low in calories. Because of this, it becomes a good option for weight loss. It also has high water and fibre content that fills you up and prevents you from feeling hungry. Some citrus fruits are rich in naringin which is a good antioxidant that benefits the heart in several ways, such as lowering blood pressure.

but what about an orange? Citrus fruits—including lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, pomelos, tangerines, and kumquats—are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients, including vitamin C , fiber, folate and potassium. Here are 10 research-backed health benefits of citrus fruits, from boosting your brain health to preventing wrinkles.

In fact, a study from the British Journal of Nutrition surveyed more than 13, elderly Japanese people and found that those who ate a daily serving of citrus fruits were 23 percent less likely to be diagnosed with dementia than those who dug in twice a week or less.

A higher-than-normal concentration of minerals in your urine can cause the formation of kidney stones , or very painful mineral crystals. One particular type of kidney stone is caused by low levels of urinary citrate. A large study from Urology found that kidney stones are more common in people who eat fewer citrus fruits.

Of course that means you have to consume the whole orange—not just the juice, which is much higher in sugar per serving 21 grams in one cup of OJ versus 14 grams in a large orange. The juice is also missing the fiber, which helps you lose weight in the first place.

A small study from the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that people who underwent coronary bypass surgery had lower levels of LDL cholesterol , triglycerides, and cholesterol after just one month of eating one grapefruit per day. More than phytochemicals in citrus fruits reduce heart-harming inflammation, Caspero adds, while the fiber they contain helps lower LDL cholesterol.

Citrus fruits are also a great source of folate , at roughly eight percent of your daily recommended intake. Keep in mind that grapefruit interacts with some medications, including drugs used for high blood pressure , cholesterol and depression.

A review paper in Frontiers in Pharmacology analyzing 22 studies of citrus found that the research strongly suggests the fruit may help fight cancer. The high levels of vitamin C in one orange 68 mg , grapefruit 77 mg , lemon 18 mg or lime 13 mg helps your body to better absorb iron.

While your first instinct is to grab a water bottle if you're thirsty, roughly one quarter of all the water we consume comes from the food we eat—and oranges are about 90 percent water.

Oranges are famously high in vitamin C , an antioxidant that helps reduce free radical damage to your DNA. SHOP NOW.

Many types of oranges are high Citrus fruit benefits fiber and beneficial vitamins, like vitamin C. They also contain antioxidants which can have frit Citrus fruit benefits benefits, including supporting Benwfits function. Citrus Weight loss programsor fruitt sweet orange, is the type people typically enjoy fresh and in juice form. Sweet orange trees originated in China thousands of years ago and are now grown in many areas around the world, including the United States, Mexico, and Spain 12. Oranges are a treasure trove of nutrients and protective plant compounds, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Studies show that consuming oranges regularly may benefit your health in several ways.

Citrus fruit benefits -

Potassium also called potash is listed on the fertilizer label as K 2 O and application rates of 0. During late fruit growth, potassium uptake usually occurred and application rates should be increased to meet this need Table 2.

Potassium at citrus growth stages [ 58 ]. Citrus fruits are good sources of potassium. Potassium played an important role in regulating water, electrolyte balance, and acid—base balance in the body [ 59 , 60 ].

In addition to potassium, sodium is also responsible for the regulation of water and electrolyte balance. Citrus fruits contain much less amount of sodium than potassium, which is important to patients with high blood pressure regulation, a condition associated with hypertension [ 59 ].

Orange has been reported to contain more potassium than any other citrus fruit [ 61 ]. An important property of fresh citrus fruits is their low energy value, negligible sodium concentration, and their replacement by potassium, which may be important for low-fat and restricted diets.

Potassium in citrus fruits enhances the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system in the body. Without this essential mineral, the impulse to signal the body to move could not be possible. It helps in the contraction and flexing of the muscles in the heart and other organs [ 8 ].

Potassium is the most abundant mineral of citrus juices and accounts for 40 percent of the total ash content [ 62 ]. Potassium content between 4 to 6 meq is available in ml of orange juice [ 59 ]. Potassium contents in orange, grapefruit, and tangerine were reported to be , , and mg, respectively [ 64 ].

Potassium intake can be increased by consuming citrus fruits and juices. One medium orange and one ml of a glass of orange juice provide approximately and mg of potassium respectively [ 65 ].

These two elements are the main cations of the cell and persons with high blood pressure are usually placed on a low-sodium diet. Although potassium deficiency in normal adults is rare, people on diuretic medicine or on an improper diet have been known to need a supplemented intake of this element.

The study of the researchers had confirmed that citrus fruits oranges and pomelos are not a rich source of sodium [ 66 ], therefore can be used in diets for people with cardiac or kidney problems or those susceptible to osteoporosis [ 67 , 68 , 69 ]. Calcium and magnesium are the two major divalent cations of citrus fruit.

These two mineral nutrients contributed 2—3 percent U. RDA per serving of ml in citrus juices. Phosphorus is a bivalent cation present in the blood cells as phosphates, in protein, lipids, and carbohydrates, and in adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate ATP and ADP.

The U. RDA for phosphorus is 1 g; orange juice and grapefruit juice contain between 14 to 20 mg per ml of phosphorus [ 63 ].

Citrus fruits compared to other fruits, such as apples, pears, melons, peaches, plums, mangoes, and bananas, are a valuable source of calcium, which plays an important role in building hard, strong bones [ 59 ]. The citric acid in orange juice may act as a chelating agent and thus increase calcium absorption by preventing the formation of insoluble salts.

They are also a valuable source of phosphorus, which together with calcium, participates in the formation of strong bones and teeth [ 70 ].

Phosphorus is important in the diet of young people, pregnant and lactating women. Plant seeds beans, peas, cereals, and nuts and fruits contain phytic acid also called phytate , that is not directly available to humans [ 71 ].

Phosphorus in citrus fruit is an essential element in the building blocks of life; the ribonucleic acids RNA , which is required for many additional biochemical and physiological processes that include energy transfer, protein metabolism, and other functions [ 72 ].

Calcium is highly implicated in the maintenance of firmness of citrus fruits [ 73 ] and its requirements in fruits are related to cell wall stability and membrane integrity [ 74 ].

Magnesium is an important primary constituent of chlorophyll and as a structural component of ribosomes, which helps in their configuration for protein synthesis [ 75 ]. It is also required for the maximum activity of almost all phosphorylating enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism.

Trace metals copper, zinc, iron, manganese, etc are needed in the body in a small or minute quantity. These plant nutrients are supplied in citrus fruit during their cultivation.

They are important in many metabolic activities of the body. Iron content in one orange g can provide about 2 mg of iron. Oranges and pomelos are the fruits richest in iron and copper, they could be recommended in cases such as hemoglobin production disorders resulting from a deficiency of these elements [ 61 ].

Pineapple contains copper, which regulates the heart rate and blood pressure [ 78 ]. Manganese in pineapple juice help to build strong bones, connecting tissues in the body and boosting the immune system [ 79 ].

A person can get rid of nausea, constipation, throat infections, and intestinal worms by consuming pineapple juice [ 79 ]. An equally important micronutrient is zinc, which protects the body against oxidative stress and stimulates immune mechanisms [ 80 ]. Its content in the peel of orange, lemon, and all grapefruit varieties was found to be significantly higher than in the pulp [ 61 ].

Cereals and vegetable diets contain phytates and these phytates inhibit zinc and calcium absorption supplied in citrus fruits therefore caution should be taken in consuming citrus fruits along with cereals and vegetables. Citrus fruit is an evergreen tree that needs all the essential nutrients for proper metabolic functioning.

A balance between macronutrients and micronutrients is needed to optimize the yield of high-quality fruit and maintain healthy trees that are tolerant to pests, diseases, and other unfavorable conditions.

Citrus fruits are valuable sources of potassium, which is needed to ensure water and electrolyte balance in the body. More so, increase consumption of citrus fruits and products provide virtually all the mineral elements needed by the body to maintain good health and prevention of degenerated diseases.

Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Edited by Mateus Pereira Gonzatto. Open access peer-reviewed chapter Citrus Mineral Nutrition and Health Benefits: A Review Written By Abduljelili Uthman and Yahaya Garba.

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From the Edited Volume Citrus Research - Horticultural and Human Health Aspects Edited by Mateus Pereira Gonzatto and Júlia Scherer Santos Book Details Order Print.

Chapter metrics overview Chapter Downloads View Full Metrics. Impact of this chapter. Abstract Citrus fruit is one of the most important fruits all over the world. Keywords mineral nutrient citrus fruit Potassium Nitrogen macronutrients. Introduction Citrus is a genus of evergreen tree or shrub that belongs to the family of Rutaceae and a native to the subtropical and tropical region of Asia [ 1 ].

Component C. Sinensis Citrus paradisi C. reticulate C. aurantiifolia Citrus aurantium C. Limon Moisture g Table 1. Flowering Establish good early growth Fruit set Continued strong growth Fruit enlargement and maturation Maximize fruit fill and fruit size, productivity, skin quality, and vitamin C content and reduce granulation and fruit splitting Post harvest Maintain long-term fruit productivity.

Table 2. References 1. Liu Y, Heying E, Tanumihardjo SA. History, global distribution and nutritional importance of citrus fruits. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Mamma D, Christakopoulos P. Biotransformation of citrus by-products into value added products.

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Role of zinc in plant nutrition-A review. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. Tränkner M, Tavakol E, Jákli B.

Functioning of potassium and magnesium in photosynthesis, photosynthate translocation and photoprotection. Physiology of Plant. Morton AR, Trolove SN, Kerckhoffs LHJ. Magnesium deficiency in citrus grown in the Gisborne district of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science.

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Effect of potassium, magnesium and sulphur applied in different forms of fertilizers on free amino acid content in leaves of tea Camellia sinensis L. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. CO;2-X Ruiz J, Romero L. Relationship between potassium fertilisation and nitrate assimilation in leaves and fruits of cucumber Cucumis sativus plants.

The Annals of Applied Biology. Hu W, Zhao W, Yang J, Oosterhuis DM, Loka DA, Zhou Z. Relationship between potassium fertilization and nitrogen metabolism in the leaf subtending the cotton Gossypium hirsutum L.

boll during the boll development stage. As one of the leading causes of death worldwide, heart health is a major concern for millions around the globe.

Fortunately, making a few simple switches to your diet can reduce several risk factors of heart disease and help optimize heart health. One review conducted by Oxford University, for instance, found that grapefruit could help decrease levels of systolic blood pressure, which may help protect against heart disease and stroke.

Other research suggests that some of the compounds found in citrus fruits could help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease.

Fruit juice , in particular, contains a highly concentrated amount of sugar and is lacking much of the fiber found in whole fruits.

Compared to whole fruit, fruit juice is also significantly higher in calories, which can contribute to weight gain. Citrus fruits also contain a much higher amount of citric acid than non-citrus fruit, which can erode tooth enamel over time and increase the risk of developing cavities.

Certain types of fruit may also interact with medications. Specifically, grapefruit, tangelos and Seville oranges contain a chemical known as furanocoumarin, which can block the activity of a specific enzyme needed to break down some medications such as statins and benzodiazepines.

If you are taking any prescription medications, be sure to talk to a trusted healthcare professional before consuming these citrus fruits to prevent interactions. Related: Lime Water Benefits for Skin Health, Heart Health and Weight Loss.

Citrus fruits are great for adding a punch of citrusy flavor to salads, sauces and side dishes. Alternatively, you can also use them to zest up baked goods, juices, smoothies and more. Ready to start including more citrus fruits in your diet? Here are a few tasty recipes to help get you started:.

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With citrus season in full swing, take charge of your health by turning your shopping list into a prescription for the natural goodness of fresh citrus. Enjoyed in meals, snacks or drinks, turn food into medicine with our fresh selection of sweet and tart seasonal fruit.

Not sure where to start? We bet that you likely have what you need in your kitchen already. Check out the health benefits of a few of our favorite, and most common citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits have several benefits. Oranges, lemonstangerines, beneifts, and grapefruit, fruiit example, are rich Citrus fruit benefits of vitamin C, which supports a strong Natural immune system protection system. You'll likely see many people reach for those fruits during cold and flu season. Those juicy, colorful fruits pack several nutrients, not to mention flavor, making them a great addition to a balanced diet. Read on to learn about the benefits of citrus fruits and how to add them to your diet.


They Threw 12,000 Tons Of Orange Peels In A Forest. 16 Years Later They Returned to See The Results… Oranges are Citris type Citrus fruit benefits healthy, low calorie, highly nutritious benefots fruit. Oranges benefitts popular due to their Non-surgical weight loss sweetness, the many benwfits types available, and the diversity of uses. For example, a person can consume them in juices and marmalades, eat them whole, or use zested peel to add a tangy flavor to cakes and desserts. This popular citrus fruit is particularly known for its vitamin C content. However, oranges contain a range of other plant compounds and antioxidants that may reduce inflammation and work against disease.

Author: Goshura

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