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Website performance metrics

Website performance metrics

How can I metricd my Webdite performance? You can also Nutrient absorption process down conversion rate into different subtypes, including visitor-to-lead CVR, lead-to-customer Websote, and visitor-to-customer CVR Wbesite this mmetrics Website performance metrics gives more insight into where your funnel excels Website performance metrics needs improvement. To perofrmance paint a clearer picture of the different DNS providers you can use this tool to check the top-performing ones. As a benchmark, aim for a time to first byte of no more than milliseconds. Think of it like this, when you load your index. While it's great to get high traffic on your website, if that traffic isn't converting, it's not contributing to business growth. To improve your bounce rate, you need to understand why it's high in the first place.

Website performance metrics -

In the end, it comes down to getting rid of code bloat and reducing unnecessary elements on your site. Integrations and plug-ins: remove all unnecessary plug-ins and integrations, including those that are built into your CMS.

External web fonts: use these sparingly and opt for safe web fonts like Arial and Times New Roman. Not everyone can see external web fonts and they take up lots of space. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who visit your visit and leave almost immediately after, rather than continuing to view other pages.

High bounce rates are particularly damaging if your website depends on users navigating through multiple pages. Bounce rate is a great indicator of how valuable, relevant, or functional the content presented on your homepage is.

Users who land on your homepage are immediately turned off by something —loud audio, over-the-top media elements, or aggressive pop-ups. Landing page bounce rates are often higher than website bounce rates because they normally only require single-page sessions.

To improve your bounce rate, you need to understand why it's high in the first place. Figuring this out may require additional research with tools that dig deeper into the user experience like Hotjar. Use Session Recordings and on-site Surveys to pinpoint exactly how customers are interacting with your site and figure out what might have caused them to navigate away.

Recordings will show you if people bounced because of bugs, distracting design elements, or something else altogether. You can then add Surveys to your site and ask your customers how their experience can be improved and what motivated them to end their session so soon.

Website conversion rate is the percentage of site visitors that successfully complete an action you want them to do, like making a purchase, opting into an email list, or signing up for a free trial or demo. Explore whether visitors are doing what you want them to: your website is one of the best lines of communication you have with your customers.

Use Hotjar Ask tools like Feedback and Surveys to dig deeper into customer problems and pain points, get to know them better, and optimize your website content accordingly for better conversions.

Perhaps you work for a SaaS company and want your site visitors to sign up for a free trial on your homepage. Set that as your current average and work to improve upon your own metric.

You can also research average conversions, but they vary a lot between different industries, demographics, and conversion goals. Some developers forget that websites help generate leads as well as communicate information. You might find that a quick change to CTA positioning can boost conversions without the need for a full redesign.

Your website is also a lead generation tool, so you want your visitors to do an action that will ultimately lead to a sale. That includes signing up for your email newsletters, downloading a freebie, or registering for your service or product.

Understand why people visit your site in the first place: you can do this by talking to your customers right on your homepage. Ask them what initially brought them to your site with a Hotjar Feedback widget. Determine blockers that are stopping people from converting: use a website monitoring tool to single out low-performing pages.

Then, put Hotjar Session Recordings and Heatmaps to work and uncover what usability problems are going on. Scroll depth examines how far down users scroll on one of your webpages. It can be represented horizontally or vertically. For instance, the Hotjar scroll map above shows which areas are reached by most of your site users— Having this kind of intel helps teams make design decisions that foster great UX, highlight the right information, increase clarity, and boost conversions.

To encourage people to scroll down further on your site, particularly on your homepage or landing pages, try the following:. Compare webpage scroll depth on desktop and mobile devices to determine if one is performing better than the other. Talk to users through interviews or Hotjar Surveys to gather their feedback and pinpoint why they stopped scrolling when they did.

Tracking page views is critical because it helps you determine the most popular content on your website. It can also help uncover patterns in user behavior to inform decisions on how to design your webpage menu and layout.

Pageviews are particularly handy for ecommerce website analysis because they let you see which of your pages attract traffic and which get overlooked.

You realize your overall website traffic was pretty typical but there was a significant traffic leap on product pages for dresses and skirts. More people are interested in a certain page maybe the weather is heating up and customers are looking for spring and summer clothing.

Whatever the case, once you realize that more people are clicking on a particular page, you can investigate why and take appropriate action. For instance:. Pro tip: dig deeper into which web pages your customers are most attracted to, where they click, and how they interact with your content with Hotjar's Observe tools like Session Recordings and Heatmaps.

It can be helpful to measure both website traffic and page views over a specific period of time so you can understand how many people are visiting your site and where they end up during their sessions. A great way to increase your overall page views is by studying your best-performing pages, determining why they prompt such great results, and mimicking that approach across your site.

Make sure your tab menu is well-located, clear, and only contains essential information, which brings us to our next point…. Get rid of clutter: if your site has too much going on, users will find it difficult to navigate. Be smart about linking: great websites have lots of internal links that connect different pages, prompting more views.

But linking for the sake of it will frustrate your website visitors. Average session duration measures the average length of user sessions on your website.

Basically, they tell you how much time people are spending on your site during one visit. Average session duration provides a pretty good idea of how engaged visitors are while scrolling on your website. When users bounce right away or after a brief session, they probably:. As you can see, average session duration is a tricky metric to track.

To determine a useful average session duration benchmark, investigate industry averages and pair them with your own historical data. But only you know the specifics of how long your ecommerce website takes to navigate.

It might be designed with quick sessions in mind, or it might have many different pages to view and elements to interact with, leading to longer sessions. Like page views, average time on page is also contextual.

Ideally, you want visitors to spend more time on your product pages and blog posts. To increase the time users spend on these pages, you can add more relevant content to them. Making your content easy to read and understand and capturing your target audience are other top strategies.

But on landing pages, higher time on page could hint that there are barriers to conversion. For instance, content and CTAs could be confusing. See our guide to landing page design for pointers on improving this part of your site.

Note: Scroll down to the table below the chart for a column view of your data. The average will be listed at the bottom in the row labeled Report Total. Improving average time on page is all about giving visitors a reason to stay longer.

If you create a great experience, visitors are likely to spend more time on your website. You can help persuade readers to stay by:. Like average time on page, average session duration measures how long users usually spend on your website.

Since users who spend more time on your website are more likely to convert, you want to focus on increasing this metric. Session durations can also offer a clearer picture of your audience engagement.

This is because a session describes the complete experience on your website, not just a page-by-page analysis. Note: Scroll down to the table below the chart and find the column labeled Avg.

Session Length. Improving your navigation , content, and visual design can promote longer sessions. Meeting search intent is also essential for longer sessions and time on page. HubSpot customers: You can improve your pages for search intent using HubSpot's built-in SEO tools.

The pages per session metric shows that visitors want to explore your content. It can also show you which users are most likely to convert. Use this metric to learn where visitors land on your site, and what pages lead them to the exit page more on that later.

For instance, blogs with lengthy articles should expect fewer pages loaded per session. For long-form content, session duration and time on page might be more useful metrics. If your Pages per Session count is low, add more prompts to explore your website.

This can help users move from highly trafficked pages to other parts of your site to boost this metric. A high bounce rate means your website is performing poorly. There could be several reasons for this:. If your site is experiencing a high bounce rate, home in on the individual pages with the highest bounce rates.

Then, compare them to pages with lower bounce rates. Note: Scroll down to the table below the chart and find the column labeled Bounce Rate.

Reducing bounce rate means that you need to analyze what causes visitors to bounce. Then, next steps might include:. For a more in-depth look at best practices, check out this guide to reducing bounce rate for any platform.

Check out more tips here if your site is on WordPress. Every business has a different strategy to draw visitors, and this includes traffic sources.

For most businesses, organic search traffic is the largest traffic source. So, improving it can also boost other sources like email and referrals. Also, consider which traffic sources convert best. According to research by FirstPageSage , organic and email traffic sources have the highest average conversion rates.

Organic has a 2. If this is true of your business as well, then focus on increasing organic and email traffic. Phil Vallender, Director at Blend Marketing and HubSpot Elite partner, notes how traffic sources pair with other metrics, like conversion. He says, "I will always look at sessions, traffic sources, and conversion rates before anything else.

When working to improve any of these metrics, many more engagement metrics become relevant and interesting, as they reveal where and how I can improve the customer experience. Improving traffic sources depends on which sources you want to improve.

If you want to improve direct traffic, check that any redirects are properly set up. For more best practices, check out our guide to diagnosing and fixing traffic drops. Social referrals can come from paid or organic social media. It's a good idea to separate these two types of social media and to track social media links with UTM codes whenever possible.

HubSpot customers: HubSpot's social publishing tool automatically adds this tracking if there is a campaign associated with your post. With consistent data, you can start measuring your social referrals.

First, check how much traffic is coming from each referral source page. Next, check to see how these referred users engage with your websites.

Then, track conversions and goal completions from these users. This metric can help you see how your social media performance is impacting your website.

It can also help you measure the user experience between your top channels. Think about how your website and social media channels work as an ecosystem. Each social media channel is unique and satisfies different user needs. Your social referrals can show you which content is most interesting to these different segments of your audience.

Use your analysis to create the best social media strategy for website referrals. Choose the right content for each platform and develop content that's relevant to each audience. You may also want to collaborate with partners and influencers on social media to increase your social referrals.

Like page views, look for a consistent upward trend in your new visitor sessions. It's also a good idea to track how this number changes after design changes, SEO updates, and marketing plays.

A stagnant or decreasing number of new visitors is a sign that you might need to reassess your strategy. Note: Scroll down to the table below the chart and find the column labeled New Visitor Sessions. The total will be listed at the bottom in the row labeled Report Total. Increasing new visitor sessions means looking closely at your analytics.

Instead of general solutions, look to your data to find solutions that draw targeted new users. Strategies for improving new visitors can also focus on strategy. For example, if your website doesn't include a blog, you may want to add a blog to your business website to boost unique visitor numbers.

Returning visitors to your website are important. This is because they can show you the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, branding, and content strategy. Segmenting your return visitors can be useful if you're still building buyer personas for your business.

It can also help you get a clearer sense of your customers' top needs and pain points. But if you're looking at website engagement metrics, it's also important to compare new and returning users. Comparing your new and repeat visitors gives you a sense of how "sticky" your website is.

It helps you answer the question — do first-time visitors find enough value that they want to come back again? It can be tricky to maintain an ideal ratio of repeat to new visitors. You want to balance a flow of net new visitors at the top of the funnel with a steady audience of returning users.

If your ratio of repeat to new visitors is low on new traffic, you can focus on organic search optimization and campaigns for new visitors. If you want to improve your returning visitor numbers, turn your attention to email and overall site quality.

This gives a more positive first impression and encourages return visits. Strategic retargeting ads can help you target the best prospects in your returning user audience.

Device-type metrics can help you improve the customer experience for visitors. Whether they're using a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer, Mac or PC, this data can give you a clearer picture of your users' wants and needs.

Besides using this data to refine your buyer persona analyses, this information is essential for your website design. Responsive design principles can help you make your website look great on any device. But the site design process includes many details and decisions.

This means that some mobile users will see a hamburger menu instead of a button with your CTA. It may mean an infographic that fills the tablet screen instead of being quick and easy to scan on a desktop monitor.

Device types can impact conversion, buyer journey flow, and more. Besides tracking your most popular device types, be sure to check other metrics like bounce rate or CTA clicks.

This comparison can help you see how device type is impacting your numbers. Some websites or industry audiences might just convert better on a desktop. But device type can have a big impact on user experience. So, if you notice higher bounce rates or lower conversion, it's important to take action quickly and test your ideas.

Device type tracking can also help you measure what users are prioritizing at different points in the buyer journey.

Try to analyze page-specific data to measure how top pages perform by device type. Then, use this data to run testing for different UX and content changes. For example, if a blog post has higher numbers for desktop than mobile, you may want to test breaking the text into shorter sentences and paragraphs.

For underperforming CTAs, you may need to tailor the offer or placement to better align with the surrounding content. The conversion may also be too difficult or confusing, in which case you should remove friction for the visitor.

You can also break down conversion rate into different subtypes, including visitor-to-lead CVR, lead-to-customer CVR, and visitor-to-customer CVR — this detailed information gives more insight into where your funnel excels or needs improvement.

Note: Scroll down to the table below the chart to see each of these metrics based on each page. The averages will be listed at the bottom in the row labeled Report Total.

This has encompassed looking at the CTA design, position on page, and copy. Wellers Partner Chris Thompson says his company is also focused on CVR. We are going to bring on new personnel to help write conversion-based content related to our top-performing posts, and further design work around our calls to action.

For a better understanding of all the ways you can improve CVR on your site, check out our guide to conversion rate optimization. To begin analyzing, separate your metrics by page type such as landing pages, blog pages, etc. This can give you an idea of whether your high or low bounce rates are coming from user behavior or site performance.

Next, look at the average bounce rates for each group to see where you might need to make site updates. A high bounce rate can mean UX issues on a blog page, but it could be the right rate for a landing page.

Note: Scroll down to the table below the chart and find the column labeled Exits Per Pageview. Bounce rates are useful because they help you understand how visitors use and interact with your site. So, spend some time tracking this data and you can use it to find problems you might not know that your users are having.

Then you can improve your website experience and conversion funnel with this information. Top pages are another metric that's useful for problem-solving. For example, say you're trying to figure out which blog posts are best for lead generation. If the top blog post for leads is the same as the top post for page views, you can logically assume that page views drive lead generation for that post.

But what if the second-to-the-top post for leads isn't in the top ten for page views? In that case, you might want to analyze the ratio of leads to page views to rank your top pages for leads. Then, you can analyze those pages for the strategies your audience is responding to.

It's also important to track whether top pages are relevant to your business niche and goals. While it's great to get high traffic on your website, if that traffic isn't converting, it's not contributing to business growth.

While tactics to improve page views, time on page, and other metrics can boost top pages, more advanced strategies can also help. For example, topic clusters and historic optimization are both approaches that HubSpot uses to improve top pages. While exit rate is important, it's also a good idea to analyze top exit pages.

This metric shows you the percentage of users who exit on this page during the session. So, your top exit pages can show you which pages quickly answer user queries.

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Author: Kazizragore

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