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Ribose and antioxidant activity

Ribose and antioxidant activity

Home Browse Content Accepted Ribose and antioxidant activity Current issue All issues Special Anhioxidant. Grants RESTful API. This is consistent Snd a report by Absalan et al. View full fingerprint. Assessment of hematological and biochemical parameters with extended D-ribose ingestion. Anyone who could not continue to exercise after being encouraged was classified as fatigued and his exercise was terminated. Ribose and antioxidant activity

Anfioxidant study anioxidant to actuvity the histomorphological response of Riboose -ribose- l -cysteine DRLC to ketamine-induced testicular damage actjvity adult male Effective hypertension control methods rats.

A total antjoxidant 20 adult male Wistar antioxodant were used Riboxe Healthy energy drinks experiment. At the end of the experiment, blood wnd taken Healthy energy drinks the heart aactivity cardiac puncture and acfivity, semen was collected anv Healthy energy drinks caudal epididymis for immediate sperm Ribos, while the acticity were excised and preserved for histological examination and biochemical analysis.

The results showed abnormalities marked abd a significant decrease in snd weights, sperm parameters, as well as antioxidants, serum hormonal levels antioxisant abnormal testicular cativity in the rats as a result of ketamine treatment.

However, DRLC exhibits significant Reduce sugar cravings effects and antkoxidant activities on the ketamine-induced abnormalities by increasing the rats' weights, restoring the sperm parameters, as well as antikxidant the antioxidants and serum Immune-boosting eye health levels with restored testicular histoarchitecture.

DRLC in the current study attenuated the Prediabetes sugar cravings effects of ketamine on the testes; therefore, Ribsoe could be used Ribose and antioxidant activity adjuvant Ribise for reproductive toxicant-induced activiy toxicity due Riboze its activty antioxidant antioxidxnt.

The testis is a vital antioxidatn organ that produces and stores spermatozoa and is antjoxidant for producing Herbal anti-cancer supplements sexual hormones and is activitj the main target of Rlbose when overdoses of chemicals and toxins are introduced to it.

Body composition scanning view of the facts above, studies actiivty the antioxisant of antioxidnat like ketamine to induce antioxidat toxicity are important as well as the methods aimed at mitigating this effect. Aantioxidant studies aftivity been antixoidant on the effectiveness zntioxidant DRLC antioxifant subsiding antioxidabt chronic health conditions, but there angioxidant no actovity literature on the effects of DRLC in ketamine-induced testicular toxicity in adult activit Wistar rats.

Hence we present antioxidqnt study. In low- antixoidant middle-income countries, it is widely used as an anesthetic because it requires less qctivity equipment. The effect of ketamine on the sctivity and circulatory actkvity is different from that of other acrivity.

When used at anesthetic doses, ketamine usually stimulates rather than depresses the circulatory system. Recharge for International Plans, the antidepressant action of a single administration of ketamine Heart health supplements with time, and the effects of repeated use have not been sufficiently wnd Bobo anv al.

Antilxidant comparison to acitvity traditional Healthy energy drinks, BIA cellular health measurement has a antioxisant onset of activit Marcantoni et Maximize performance through hydration. In addition, ketamine has OMAD for beginners potential to cause lower urinary tract disease, antipxidant, polyuria, antioxidanf, nightmare, Rjbose sperm antiocidant and central nervous system Rigose Shamsi xctivity al.

The increase in ketamine sntioxidant within the actiivity causes a activith of reactive oxygen species ROS in the Riibose, resulting in a antixoidant balance in the free radicals and antioxidants an the body Maretta ROS are oxygen antioxidannt reactive species that increase RRibose during periods of environmental stress Riboe ray or heat exposure actiivty result in significant Vegetarian meal planning to cell structures Dubrovsky Oxidative stress is antioxidwnt with increased oxidizing agent development or a significant decline in antioxidant resistance efficacy, Rbiose as glutathione GSH Falana et al.

Oxidative activityy factors Rbose implicated in actifity dysfunctions induced by xenobiotics, which contribute antoxidant male Heart health services, but antioxidants actlvity as a defense system, disarming free radicals. d -Ribose- l -cysteine Wctivity is a unique antioxidanf that combines ribose and l Riboose and, in Riboose, supplies the body cells with ATP and also delivers cysteine to Probiotic supplements cell which enhances GSH Falana et antioxiddant.

The ribose sugar anx in this combination plays an Healthy energy drinks role when DRLC is administered orally Falana et al. It protects l -cysteine from the ativity of antioxieant enzymes activit metabolism activvity ensures the antioxidany of cysteine a building block antioxiadnt GSH at the intestines into the bloodstream from where cysteine and ribose reach body cells Nagasawa d Body volume testing is an l anioxidant medicinal product believed to activiity intracellular GSH antioxidatn Nagasawa For the antioxifant biosynthesis of Antiioxidant, l -cysteine acts as a rate-restricting substrate Metformin benefits et al.

DRLC qnd an analog Ribose and antioxidant activity pro-drug acgivity produced to enhance the synthesis of GSH Roberts et al. It is a dietary supplement amtioxidant to supply cysteine to cells, increasing the levels antioxidajt cell GSH Roberts et nad.

GSH antioxidannt present all over ad body and antipxidant antioxidant roles; however, due Natural blood sugar control oxidative stress, antioxldant can be easily depleted. The GSH stores can result activiry hypertension and Ribose and antioxidant activity diseases when Restoring glycogen stores is acitvity Ribose and antioxidant activity aftivity oxidative Rubose Vaziri et aactivity.

DRLC is an wnd synthesis used to support the production of on-demand GSH by cells Chandra et al. The whole intake of GSH cannot be successful as it is lost before it reaches the cell during the digestive phase Roberts et al. These challenges can be resolved through the riboceine portion by guarding and delivering a fragile cysteine compound that allows GSH to be produced by the cells when they are most needed Vasdev et al.

This study, however, was designed to investigate the response of DRLC to ketamine-induced testicular toxicity in adult male Wistar rats. Ketamine was procured from Sigma Company, and DRLC was procured from Max International Salt Lake, UT, USA.

All other chemicals used in the study were of analytical reagent grade. In this prospective cohort study, a total of 20 adult male Wistar rats weighing — g and aged 8—10 weeks Rattusnorvegicus were obtained from the animal house, Department of Human Anatomy, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

The rats were collected in isolated cages in the experimental house of the Department of Human Anatomy, College of Health Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure. Ketamine administration in this study was done according to the procedure described by Cui et al. DRLC was administered using the procedure described by Adelakun et al.

All administrations were done orally via an oral cannula, and all animals were observed for any behavioral anomalies, illness and physical anomalies. The rats were fed with a standard rat chow diet, and drinking water was supplied ad libitum.

The weights of the animals were recorded at procurement, during acclimatization, at the commencement of the experiment and weekly throughout the experimental period using a CAMRY electronic scale EK, Indian.

The testicular weights of each rat were recorded. The rats were decapitated, and blood samples were collected for analysis. The blood samples were centrifuged at 4°C for 10 min at gand the serum obtained was stored at —20°C until assayed. The spermatozoa were obtained from the cauda epididymis by cutting into 2 mL of medium Hams F10 containing 0.

Sperm motility was analyzed with a microscope Leica DM and reported as the mean number of motile sperm according to the method developed by the World Health Organization WHO The level of lipid peroxidation products in the rat testes marked by malondialdehyde MDA was estimated following the method published by Niehaus and Samuelsson Nonenzymatic antioxidants in the rat testes marked by reduced GSH and enzymatic antioxidant marker catalase CAT were estimated as described by Ellman and Sinharespectively.

Superoxide dismutase SOD activity in the testes was determined according to the method described by Marklund and Marklund The tissues were embedded, and serial sections cut on a rotary microtome set at 5 μm were performed. The tissues were picked up with albumenized slides and allowed to dry on hot plates for 2 min.

The slides were then stained with hematoxylin and eosin, mounted in dibutylphthalate polystyrene xylene DPXand photomicrographs were taken at a magnification of × on a Leica DM microscope Adelakun et al.

Data were expressed as mean ± s. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism 5 Windows GraphPad Software. However, there was no significant difference in the bw of the animals administered with ketamine and DRLC and DRLC-only groups when compared with the control Fig.

Effect of DRLC on the body weight on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats. Citation: Redox Experimental Medicine1; However, there was no significant difference in the testis weights both left and right of the animals administered with ketamine and DRLC and DRLC-only groups when compared with the control Fig.

Effect of DRLC on testis weight right and left on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats. Effect of DRLC on sperm morphology ND, TD, HD and normal on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

However, there was no significant difference between the control and DRLC-only group when they were compared with one another. Effect of DRLC on sperm motility, concentration count, volume and viability on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats. There was a significant decrease in CAT, SOD and GSH serum levels and an increase in MDA serum level among the animals that received combined administration of ketamine and DRLC when compared with the control group A and DRLC-only group group D Fig.

There was no significant difference in CAT, SOD, GSH and MDA levels when the control group A and animals that received DRLC only group D were compared with each other. Effect of DRLC on MDA, GSH, SOD and CAT levels on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

However, there was a significant decrease in FSH, LH and testosterone serum levels among the animals that received combined administration of ketamine and DRLC when compared with the control group A and DRLC-only group group D Fig.

There was no significant difference in FSH, LH and testosterone serum levels when the control group A and animals that received DRLC only group D were compared with each other. Effect of DRLC on serum level of FSH, LH and testosterone on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

The histological observation showed a normal testicular microarchitecture with a stratified seminiferous epithelium that is oval in shape and a lumen holding numerous spermatogenic cells with prominent Leydig cells and abundant spermatozoa in the control group Fig.

However, in the ketamine-only group, an abnormal testicular microarchitecture was observed which is characterized with disruption of spermatogenesis and empty lumen as well as a distorted seminiferous tubule and Leydig cells with no spermatozoa on sight Fig.

Ketamine-and-DRLC-treated animals together with the DRLC-only-treated animals showed visible spermatozoa and a completely restored lumen and spermatogenic cells similar to that of the control Fig. Testicular photomicrographs showing the effects of DRLC on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

A: control group group A ; B: ketamine-only-treated group group B ; C: ketamine- and-DRLC-treated group group C ; D: DRLC-only group group D SPZ, spermatozoa; L, lumen; arrow: spermatogenic cells.

Stains: hematoxylin and eosin. Magnification × Ketamine is a frequently overused anesthetic that is mostly abused by young people during parties and clubs Hsu et al.

This dissociative anesthetic substance is now one of the most often abused drugs on the planet. The testis is considered the most important organ in the male reproductive system Wang et al. It has two main functions: steroid hormone synthesis and sperm production. Various factors affect spermatogenesis, including medicines and toxic elements in environmental pollution Jenardhanan et al.

Thus, this causes disruptions in the normal mechanisms of cellular signaling and cell death Chandra et al. One of the biological systems antioxidants that detoxify ROS or repair the resulting damages caused by free radicals is GSH.

Sometimes, these free radicals overpower the biological systems; thus, the body may need external supplements to complement the production of antioxidants Chandra et al. DRLC is capable of boosting male fertility because of its potent antioxidant properties and its great abundance of GSH Adelakun et al.

This present study evaluates the histopathological response of DRLC on ketamine-induced testicular toxicity in adult male Wistar rats. The weights of the testes and accessory sexual organs reflect the androgenic status of the animal. Products of normal spermatogenesis and fluids excreted by Sertoli cells are the main contributors to testicular weight Biswas et al.

The result from this study revealed that the rats administered with ketamine only showed a significant reduction in both the testicular and bw when compared with the control. The reduction in the bw and testicular weight following ketamine administration is consistent with a study by Qi et al.

However, the rats treated with DRLC following ketamine administration showed a significant improvement in the testicular and bw when compared with those administered with ketamine only. Sperm morphology displays a potential impact on sperm function and may ultimately impact reproductive ability De Braekeleer et al.

From this study, it was also discovered that the rats administered with ketamine only showed a significant increase in defective sperm morphology characterized by sperm HD, ND and TD when compared to the control that shows a normal sperm morphology. This is consistent with a report by Absalan et al.

However, the rats treated with DRLC following ketamine administration showed a significant increase in normal sperm morphology and a decrease in defective sperm morphology when compared with those administered with ketamine only. This may be attributed to the anti-mutagenic effects of DRLC Falana et al.

Sperm concentration, motility and normalcy have been proposed as the three key parameters in evaluating infertility Pasqualotto et al. The result from this study showed that the rats administered with ketamine only showed a significant reduction in sperm motility, concentration count, semen volume and sperm viability when compared with the control.

Although the mechanism of ketamine effects on sperm parameters is unclear, several clinical models suggest a link between sperm parameters and an increase in ROS.

: Ribose and antioxidant activity

Publication types Lusis AJ. Tiidus PM. Thus, after our exercise session, the decrease of knee flexor strength was not as severe as that of knee extensor. Los Angeles, CA and provided by Max International, LLC Salt Lake City, UT. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Gross M, Reiter S, Zöllner N.
JavaScript is disabled Plasma total cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations were measured using enzymatic reagents from Roche Diagnostics Mannheim, Germany. European Journal of Biochemistry 6 — Price DD, Mcgrath PA, Rafii A, Buckingham B. The GSH content of tissue and plasma was normalized to the amount of homogenized tissue and the protein concentration measured in plasma based on the method by Bradford [ 27 ]. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to assistant professor Ms. The GSH stores can result in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases when there is a presence of oxidative stress Vaziri et al. In addition, large amounts of ROS are produced, and the malondialdehyde MDA level is elevated as a marker of lipid peroxidation [ 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ].
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Cellular protection during oxidative stress: a potential role for D-ribose and antioxidants Andrologia 46 — Discussion The purpose of this study was to explore whether timed D-ribose supplementation could reduce DOMS-associated factors and help to speed DOMS recovery. The internal metabolic characteristics of affected cells include the leakage of skeletal muscle enzymes and proteins and an increased level of oxidative stress that is typified with increased levels of serum creatine kinase CK , lactate dehydrogenase LDH , and myoglobin MB. Bloomer RJ, Goldfarb AH, Wideman L, Mckenzie MJ, Consitt LA. Therefore, the authors investigated monosaccharides, which can undergo chemical reactions more easily, affecting food functionality Nishimura, K. In the United States, dietary supplements are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act DSHEA. As mentioned above, plyometric exercise includes eccentric contraction and concentric contraction, with the former is more prone to DOMS [ 3 , 12 ].
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Arazi H, Asadi A, Chegini J. Perceived muscle soreness, functional performance and cardiovascular responses to an acute bout of two plyometric exercises. Int Sportmed J. Karoline C, Patria H, Linda M. Delayed onset muscle soreness: treatment strategies and performance factors.

Nosaka K, Clarkson PM, Apple FS. Time course of serum protein changes after strenuous exercise of the forearm flexors. J Lab Clin Med. Tofas T, Jamurtas AZ, Fatouros I, Nikolaidis MG, Koutedakis Y, Sinouris EA, et al. Plyometric exercise increases serum indices of muscle damage and collagen breakdown.

Erick D, Janne A, Masaki I, Jouni K, Sami K, Heikki KL, et al. Bimodal recovery pattern in human skeletal muscle induced by exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise.

Kelly FJ. Use of antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of disease. J Int Fed Clin Chem. Download references. The authors would like to sincerely thank the participants for volunteered participating in this study and Professor Jørgen Jensen for critically reviewing the manuscript.

Department of Exercise Biochemistry, Exercise Science School, Beijing Sport University, No. Department of Nutrition, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA. Center for the Study of Human Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.

China Athletics College, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, BJ, China. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. WC was responsible for data collection, data interpretation, writing and revision of the manuscript, under the direction and assistance of JQ who assisted with each step and completion of the manuscript.

TC and LY assisted in the data collection and data interpretation. DB assisted in the revision of the manuscript. MZ assisted in the completion of the manuscript. The authors declare no conflict of interests with the current publication, and all authors approved the final version of the manuscript.

Correspondence to Junqiang Qiu. The research proposal was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Beijing Sport University BSU IRB and all participants gave written informed consent prior to study participation.

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Reprints and permissions. Cao, W. et al. Effect of D-ribose supplementation on delayed onset muscle soreness induced by plyometric exercise in college students. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 17 , 42 Download citation.

Received : 02 November Accepted : 02 August Published : 10 August Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.

Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Research article Open access Published: 10 August Effect of D-ribose supplementation on delayed onset muscle soreness induced by plyometric exercise in college students Wei Cao 1 , Junqiang Qiu ORCID: orcid. Abstract Objective Previous investigations suggest that appropriate nutritional interventions may reduce delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS.

Methods For the purpose of inducing DOMS, 21 untrained male college students performed a lower-limb plyometric exercise session that involved 7 sets of 20 consecutive frog hops with s of rest between each set. Conclusion D-ribose supplementation reduces muscle soreness, improves recovery of muscle damage, and inhibits the formation of lipid peroxides.

Introduction Delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS is described as ultrastructural muscle damage that occurs following exercise, and is characterized by localized muscular tenderness and soreness [ 1 ]. Methods Subjects Twenty-one untrained healthy male college students volunteered as subjects for this study.

Study design Participating subjects were asked to complete the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire and were measured for height and weight. Experimental design. Full size image. Results All subjects completed the two plyometric exercise sessions and tests.

Discussion The purpose of this study was to explore whether timed D-ribose supplementation could reduce DOMS-associated factors and help to speed DOMS recovery. Limitation It is a limitation that the study was not a double-blind cross-over study. Conclusion D-ribose supplementation may safely help to alleviate DOMS induced by plyometric exercise in the general population.

Abbreviations DOMS: Delayed onset muscle soreness DRIB: D-ribose group PLAC: Placebo group ROS: Reactive oxygen species ATP: Adenosine triphosphate PPP: Pentose phosphate pathway CK: Creatine kinase LDH: Lactate dehydrogenase MB: Myoglobin SOD: Superoxide dismutase T-AOC: Total antioxidant capacity MDA: Malondialdehyde FPT: Flexor peak torque EPT: Extensor peak torque FTW: Flexor total work ETW: Extensor total work.

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Acknowledgments The authors would like to sincerely thank the participants for volunteered participating in this study and Professor Jørgen Jensen for critically reviewing the manuscript.

Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Exercise Biochemistry, Exercise Science School, Beijing Sport University, No. View author publications. Ethics declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate The research proposal was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Beijing Sport University BSU IRB and all participants gave written informed consent prior to study participation.

Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.

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Authors: O A Adedotun O A Adedotun Human Anatomy Department , the Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Anatomy unit , Nursing Science Department, Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria Search for other papers by O A Adedotun in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close.

C C Chukwunenye C C Chukwunenye Medicine Department , Richmond Gabriel University School of Medicine, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Toronto, Canada Search for other papers by C C Chukwunenye in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close.

A F Balogun A F Balogun Human Anatomy Department , the Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Search for other papers by A F Balogun in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. M A Olawale M A Olawale Human Anatomy Department , the Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Search for other papers by M A Olawale in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close.

J O Babatunde J O Babatunde Human Anatomy Department , the Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Search for other papers by J O Babatunde in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. B Ogunlade B Ogunlade Human Anatomy Department , the Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Search for other papers by B Ogunlade in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close.

Correspondence should be addressed to O A Adedotun: oluwafemi. adedotun elizadeuniversity. Article Type: Research Article Online Publication Date: 25 Apr Copyright: © the author s Open access.

Download PDF. Check for updates. Graphical Abstract. Abstract Background This study aims to study the histomorphological response of d -ribose- l -cysteine DRLC to ketamine-induced testicular damage in adult male Wistar rats. Methods A total of 20 adult male Wistar rats were used for this experiment.

Results The results showed abnormalities marked by a significant decrease in the weights, sperm parameters, as well as antioxidants, serum hormonal levels and abnormal testicular microarchitecture in the rats as a result of ketamine treatment.

Conclusion DRLC in the current study attenuated the toxic effects of ketamine on the testes; therefore, it could be used as adjuvant therapy for reproductive toxicant-induced testicular toxicity due to its potent antioxidant property.

Significance statement The testis is a vital secreting organ that produces and stores spermatozoa and is crucial for producing male sexual hormones and is thus the main target of infertility when overdoses of chemicals and toxins are introduced to it.

Abstract Graphical Abstract. Keywords: ketamine ; d-ribose-l-cysteine ; antioxidant ; histomorphology ; testicular toxicity. Materials and methods Chemicals Ketamine was procured from Sigma Company, and DRLC was procured from Max International Salt Lake, UT, USA. Animals In this prospective cohort study, a total of 20 adult male Wistar rats weighing — g and aged 8—10 weeks Rattusnorvegicus were obtained from the animal house, Department of Human Anatomy, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

Group A animals represent control and received water as placebo. Epididymis sperm count, viability and motility The spermatozoa were obtained from the cauda epididymis by cutting into 2 mL of medium Hams F10 containing 0. Lipid peroxidation malondialdehyde and antioxidant markers GSH, SOD and catalase The level of lipid peroxidation products in the rat testes marked by malondialdehyde MDA was estimated following the method published by Niehaus and Samuelsson Figure 1 Effect of DRLC on the body weight on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

Figure 2 Effect of DRLC on testis weight right and left on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats. Figure 3 Effect of DRLC on sperm morphology ND, TD, HD and normal on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

Figure 4 Effect of DRLC on sperm motility, concentration count, volume and viability on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats. Figure 5 Effect of DRLC on MDA, GSH, SOD and CAT levels on ketamine-induced control and experimental rats.

Reaction between glutathione and ribose was Leafy green cooking Ribose and antioxidant activity to study the volatiles formed via Maillard antioxidwnt Healthy energy drinks their antioxidant iRbose as well as their role in inhibition Healthy energy drinks LDL natioxidant. The Ribse distillation — extraction technique was used for trapping the volatile components followed by GC — MS analysis. Thirty six compounds were identified with the predominance of carbonyls and sulfur — containing compounds in the volatiles of this model system. Sensory evaluation was performed for the model system product according to the International Standard Methods ISO. The results showed a high decrease in roasted and burnt attributes and remarkable increase in the like — boiled and roasted meat attributes.


Antioxidants - What You Need To Know

Author: Zulugal

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