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Muscle recovery strategies

Muscle recovery strategies

Oxidative stress and free radicals visiting a atrategies for a few minutes prior to training, you Appetite suppressants for cravings decrease exercise-induced muscle srategies and sttategies onset muscle soreness by effectively warming up the muscles before Muxcle strenuous Muscle recovery strategies. Stratrgies boasts that its Sleep SR supplement will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Make a Premium Payment Individuals and Families Make your first payment or a "quick payment. Understanding Heart Rate Zones for Effective Workouts Targeting heart rate zones as you exercise is one way to maximize the benefits you get from your workouts. Then, waste such as lactic acid and carbon dioxide must be removed from the damaged area.


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Muscle recovery strategies -

In one study, CWI treatment demonstrated lower perceptions of muscle soreness and smaller decrements in muscle strength 24 and 48 hours post-exercise versus CWT Ingram et al.

The fields of health and medicine recognize the importance of sleep upon overall health and wellness. Sleep and recovery depend on two vital data points:. If sleep debt piles up, rising stress and cortisol accumulation in the body will impair recovery and threaten our health. Considering how much psycho-emotional stress people deal with every day, trainers should take time to inventory the stress their clients or athletes face outside of their workouts and consider the ramifications on recovery and performance.

Disregarding or underestimating the importance of sleep may expose your clients to a higher risk of nonfunctional overreaching or overtraining. Read also: The Importance of Sleep and Recovery.

That phase is synonymous with overtraining. Though several signals point to overtraining, an elevated resting heart rate RHR coupled with a decrease in exercise performance over 7—10 days are perhaps the easiest to monitor Pocari et al.

By contrast, strength recovery is a consistent and effective marker of muscle recovery. Although objective markers of muscle recovery like creatine kinase CK are considered valid, the utility of CK is reduced by several variables including gender, age and individual biological responses.

Symptoms of overtraining include:. It is interesting to note a small paradigm shift in the suggested protocols following injury and exercise, with some practitioners moving. away from the traditional RICE practice rest, ice, compress, elevate and toward CAM compression, activity, massage.

Pete McCall, a highly respected trainer and fitness educator, is one such practitioner who strongly advocates the use of compression techniques during recovery. At rest, dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system results in slower and relatively deeper breathing which is preferable , whereas dominance of the sympathetic nervous system results in more rapid and shallow breathing moving toward hyperventilation.

Teaching your clients to be more aware of their breathing patterns is an inexpensive and effective way to assess their stress recovery. One simple method is the Buteyko Control Pause CP test, created by a Ukrainian doctor named Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko to determine whether people are overbreathing.

The natural delay between breaths is called the automatic pause. Longer pauses are associated with slower, deeper breaths that oxygenate more effectively because more air is reaching the alveoli , as well as stabilization of blood levels of carbon dioxide, which is important for maintaining blood pH.

All of this plays significantly into exercise and recovery. Monitoring Resting Heart Rate RHR can be done simply by having the client take his pulse manually or by using a wrist device or heart rate monitor.

Heart rate variability HRV is a physiological phenomenon that reflects the time variation interval between successive heartbeats. When our parasympathetic nervous system PNS dominates, heart rate HR varies; it accelerates during inspiration and decelerates during expiration a healthy sign.

By contrast, when our sympathetic nervous system SNS dominates, HR shows little variability during breathing an unhealthy sign. After we wake from sleep, the body should demonstrate good HRV, which is evidence of PNS dominance, recovery and good health.

HRV is by no means new, as it has been used to predict myocardial infarction risk and other heart-health measures e. Technology to measure and encourage recovery is under development.

Disposable or reusable cortisol-monitoring patches also are on the way. And a new assortment of strain gauges embedded within the fabric of shirts is already able to detect breathing rate, depth, ventilatory power and rate of chest dimension change—though these products are currently too expensive for much of the fitness community.

In the future, when prices descend, their data may help everyday exercisers determine where they are on the stress-recovery continuum. In addition, current research at the cellular level may one day be applied to the field of exercise recovery.

For example, Japanese researcher and Nobel Prize winner Yoshinori Ohsumi has spent his career studying a concept of cellular recycling called autophagy, which explains how cellular components are degraded and recycled for use as fuel and building blocks. Ahmaidi, S.

Effects of active recovery on plasma lactate and anaerobic power following repeated intensive exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 28 4 , — Bishop, P. Recovery from training: a brief review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22 3 , — Cochrane, D.

Does intermittent pneumatic leg compression enhance muscle recovery after strenuous eccentric exercise? International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34 11 , — Halson, S. SSE Recovery Techniques for Athletes. Gatorade Sports Science Institute. Accessed Oct 24, www. Hill, J. Compression garments and recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage: a meta-analysis.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48 18 , — Ingram, J. Effect of water immersion methods on post-exercise recovery from simulated team sport exercise.

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 3 , — Lane, K. Effect of selected recovery conditions on performance of repeated bouts of intermittent cycling separated by 24 hours. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18 4 , — Menzies, P.

Blood lactate clearance during active recovery after an intense running bout depends on the intensity of the active recovery.

Journal of Sports Science, 28 9 , — Miyamoto, N. Effect of pressure intensity of graduated elastic compression stocking on muscle fatigue following calf-raise exercise. Journal of Electromyographical Kinesiology, 21 2 , — NASM National Association of Sports Medicine.

McGill, E. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Barlett Learning. Effect of elastic compression on venous hemodynamics in postphlebitic limbs. Journal of the American Medical Association, 25 , — Pocari, J.

Exercise Physiology. Philadelphia: F. Schaser, K. Prolonged superficial local cryotherapy attenuates microcirculatory impairment, regional inflammation, and muscle necrosis after closed soft tissue injury in rats. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 35 1 , 93— Shin, M. Effects of Massage on Muscular Strength and Proprioception After Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 8 , — Wiltshire, E. Fabio Comana, M. An international presenter at multiple health and fitness events, he is also a spokesperson featured in multiple media outlets and an accomplished chapter and book author.

org Fitness CPT Nutrition CES Sports Performance Workout Plans Wellness. American Fitness Magazine Recovery Exploring the Science of Recovery. Recovery is a huge part of the following NASM courses: NASM Health and Wellness Coach Certification CPT Personal Trainer Course Corrective Exercise Specialization Sports Nutrition Coach Stretching and Flexibility Coach Specialty.

Understanding Recovery We eat, sleep, train, repeat—constantly striving to get bigger, stronger, faster or slimmer—but is there a point where too much becomes harmful? Homeostasis is a state of balance within the body that occurs when the variables in a system e.

However, research suggests that whey protein is the most effective type of protein for stimulating muscle growth , so we recommend picking a whey-based protein supplement if you are looking to gain muscle mass.

While eating carbohydrates before a workout is important to fuel your body, it is equally important to replenish what you burned by eating carbohydrates after training. Your body stores the carbohydrates you ingest as energy glycogen in your muscles to help power through a workout and repair tired and fatigued muscles during recovery.

No matter your fitness goals, it is important to eat a carb-filled snack after your training session. The recommended amount of carbohydrates varies based on the intensity of your workout and body weight.

However, studies show that eating a high-carbohydrate diet for 24 hours after a workout will restore over 90 percent of your muscle glycogen. Your body can then use this newly stored glycogen to perform in your next training session.

Research suggests eating a mix of carbs and protein within an hour of finishing a workout will kickstart your recovery. A balanced meal typically includes fruits and vegetables, a grain and protein.

That's also going to adjust what you want to [eat]. If you want to maintain muscle mass, but lose a little bit of fat mass, then you need to have more protein. If you want to maintain your weight, then you're probably going to follow the recommended guideline. If you want to lose, like lose total weight, then you're going to have to decrease just about everything," she says.

Vitamins and minerals are natural micronutrients that are essential to perform many bodily functions. We get them from our food, but chances are not all of us have a perfect diet and may be missing some minerals.

A multivitamin can help fill in the gaps, but sometimes individuals need more specific supplements to target a certain vitamin or mineral deficiency. An iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide. Iron plays a crucial role in blood health because it is a significant component of hemoglobin.

Kelly says that calcium is another common deficiency, and it has an important role in bone health, muscle contractions and nerve function. A shortage of calcium can lead to bone injuries and muscle cramps during a workout.

If you are deficient in calcium, iron or another specific vitamin or mineral, it can have a devastating impact on your performance. Luckily, there are supplements that can help replenish your lack of nutrients.

If you suspect that you are lacking specific vitamins and minerals we recommend consulting a medical professional to ask about which supplements you should incorporate into your routine.

They might suggest different vitamins that will probably also help with your recovery," Kelly said. Related Post: The Best Workout Recovery Supplements.

Your body is in a fully parasympathetic state, and it can actually recover from that point," said Kelly. Your body uses sleep to rest and repair itself to continue working the next day.

While your body is in a parasympathetic state, blood circulation increases, which also increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Growth hormones that help repair muscle damage and grow muscle tissue are also released.

These are two of many examples of recovery-promoting body processes that occur during sleep. The consequences of sleep deprivation can have staggering effects on your performance and recovery process. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Sleeping under the essential amount can cause fatigue, headaches and slowed reflexes—all of which could detrimentally affect future training sessions. If you have trouble sleeping, changing your sleep habits or taking a sleep supplement can help improve your sleep quality. Easy ways to improve your sleep hygiene include staying away from blue light the light emitted by electronics like your phone or TV before bed, keeping a sleep schedule and developing a consistent bedtime routine.

Sleep supplements like melatonin and magnesium can also help improve your sleep quality and help you fall asleep faster. Delayed onset muscle soreness is not only painful, but it can interfere with everyday life. I know that I am often still struggling to walk days after a heavy squat workout. One of my favorite—and most relaxing—ways to prevent this soreness is by getting a massage.

Studies show just a minute massage after a workout can decrease delayed onset muscle soreness by over 30 percent. The pressure and movement from a massage increase blood circulation, which can decrease muscle stiffness and inflammation.

And, if you have back-to-back workouts, it helps your muscles recover faster so that you can be ready to go in no time. A cheap and easy alternative to getting a massage is investing in a foam roller. Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release SMR ; a self-massaging technique that helps relieve muscle tightness and soreness.

You can use a foam roller to target particularly tight and sore muscles to reduce muscle inflammation and increase blood circulation to ease pain and aid in muscle recovery. While stretching may be one of the most well-known recovery methods, it is important to do it the right way and at the right times to see results.

A common misconception about stretching is that it should be done before a workout, as part of the warm-up. However, to see the best results, it is best to stretch after a workout when your muscles are already warm. Additionally, stretching cold muscles could actually lead to injuries and harm your performance by weakening muscles.

The Mayo Clinic advises individuals to be careful when stretching injured muscles because strained muscles can be further harmed if stretched incorrectly.

When done correctly, stretching can help prevent injuries and improve future performance by increasing your mobility and flexibility. Personally, I have never been a fan of taking an ice bath, but the benefits of the freezing water after an intense exercise motivate me to take them multiple times a week during a hard training cycle.

Ice baths can help ease sore muscles and reduce inflammation by constricting your blood vessels and reduce your body temperature to help you cool down after a workout. If you want to take an ice bath, you can use a cold plunge tub or an ice barrel, or you can create your own ice bath at home with a bathtub and bag of ice.

Whichever way you decide to use cold water immersion therapy, the water should be no colder than 53 degrees Fahrenheit and you should stay immersed for five to 10 minutes for optimal results. Although there is little evidence that ice baths increase muscle performance in subsequent workouts, the evidence of its effectiveness in decreasing muscle soreness makes it far worth it.

Plus, if you build your own ice bath at home, it is a cheap way to ease soreness. The other side of temperature therapy is heat therapy, and one of the easiest and most common ways is the sauna.

Complete heat immersion is an effective way to expedite neuromuscular recovery, especially after endurance workouts. Studies show that infrared saunas in particular can decrease muscle soreness because infrared heat can penetrate deeper into fat tissue and the neuromuscular system.

By visiting a sauna for a few minutes prior to training, you can decrease exercise-induced muscle damage and delayed onset muscle soreness by effectively warming up the muscles before a strenuous exercise. If you choose to use a sauna, experts recommend keeping heat therapy sessions under 30 minutes to avoid putting too much stress on your body.

If you can't decide which temperature therapy to use, consider contrast therapy, which alternates between hot and cold baths to promote muscle recovery. Contrast therapy has been shown to increase the blood flow to and oxygenation of muscle tissue.

Compression garments can include anything from tights and compression socks to a compression wrap. Compression increases blood flow, bringing more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles.

This can help decrease muscle soreness, especially after endurance training. Leg compression machines are a popular method of compression therapy, and I regularly use Hyperice Normtec 3 Legs to recover from running workouts.

Compression garments can also help decrease muscle swelling that often occurs from long travel days or sitting at a desk all day. XWerks Grow is a whey protein isolate sourced from naturally raised and percent grass-fed cows so that there are no added hormones, antibiotics or pesticides passed on to the protein powder.

The brand boasts that Grow assists in muscle repair and muscle growth and strengthens your immune system. The formula is made using whey protein isolate, meaning it is a higher-quality whey and includes more protein. Each serving includes 25 grams of protein—five grams over the recommended post-workout amount.

XWerks Grow is available in four classic flavors: chocolate, vanilla, peanut butter and strawberry. Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate is a great protein powder option sourced from percent grass-fed cows.

Transparent Labs created this protein powder to support recovery and stimulate muscle growth, so you can see the best results out of every workout. Each serving has 28 grams of protein and only one gram of carbohydrates.

The powder is made from a mix of pea and rice protein and is vegan-friendly. It also contains no artificial flavors, sweeteners, food dyes or preservatives.

Legion Athletics tests its protein formula in a lab for purity to ensure the quality of every batch. Ritual offers clinical-backed multivitamins with unique formulas for both men and women.

Each vitamin contains nine traceable ingredients, including iron and magnesium and is encased in a delayed-release capsule for maximum absorption. The vitamins also feature a mint tab, so you can take your vitamins without a bad taste lingering in your mouth.

If you're interested in this brand, check out our Ritual review for more information. Like all Transparent Labs products, its multivitamin has no artificial sweeteners, colors or preservatives. However, it excludes iron, which makes it easier on the stomach, but not ideal for individuals with an iron deficiency.

Check out our in-depth Transparent Labs multivitamin review for more information. AG1 is not your typical multivitamin. It is a green powder filled with 75 key vitamins, minerals and whole-food sourced nutrients. This comprehensive formula is designed to both fill dietary gaps and support overall health.

It also includes prebiotics and probiotics to support gut health and enhance nutrient absorption. Unlike many sports drinks, Transparent Labs Hydrate is not filled with artificial sweeteners, sugars or colors. Its formula has minerals that will replenish necessary electrolytes to keep you at peak performance levels.

Hydrate includes milligrams of sodium and 1, milligrams of taurine among other minerals that help balance bodily fluids and sustain muscle contractability. It is also sweetened with stevia for healthy and natural flavoring.

Hydrate or Die is an electrolyte powder designed for quick recovery and hydration.

American Fitness Magazine Recovery. Recovfry from training is srrategies recognized as one of recovety most strategiws aspects of physical activity and overall wellness. The ideas outlined in this article cover an array Guarana and sports performance tactics for Musfle recovery. All of which can help factor into how you craft your strategies and classes as a NASM-CPT trainer. Keep in mind that the most effective strategy for you might be to experiment to determine which ones prove feasible and successful for the people you work with. We eat, sleep, train, repeat—constantly striving to get bigger, stronger, faster or slimmer—but is there a point where too much becomes harmful? Muscle recovery strategies The most Oxidative stress and free radicals part of a Farm-to-table dining often comes after the strwtegies itself. The day after a rfcovery run or an intense strategids session, almost everyone feels the pain Oxidative stress and free radicals with sstrategies muscles. Tactics from Germ-elimination systems rollers strafegies compression tights to ice baths have become popular among all athletes, whether they be weekend warriors or elite competitors. But none of them are the miracle products we often think they are. As frustrating and painful as it might be, this soreness is normal and part of the muscle building process. Doctors, physical therapists, and even athletes themselves can test for this by measuring something called force production, which is the number of times you can perform a certain activity or lift.

Author: Yozragore

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