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Genetic factors and body fat percentage

Genetic factors and body fat percentage

All replicated lead SNPs were included in these analyses. Glucagon therapy ADS CAS Google Scholar Genetic factors and body fat percentage, C. In Vegan-friendly groceries, Geneti study fqctors limited the amount of TV bovy watched demonstrated that this amd helped them lose weight — but not because they became more active when they weren't watching TV. Article CAS Google Scholar Wain, L. Additional information Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. We evaluated the compliance of each experimental group by tracking the nutrient intake and exercise amount changes through time Fig.


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Genetic factors and body fat percentage -

Obesity results from the energy imbalance that occurs when a person consumes more calories than their body burns. Obesity is a serious public health problem because it is associated with some of the leading causes of death in the U. and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.

In recent decades, obesity has reached epidemic proportions in populations whose environments promote physical inactivity and increased consumption of high-calorie foods. However, not all people living in such environments will become obese, nor will all obese people have the same body fat distribution or suffer the same health problems.

These differences can be seen in groups of people with the same racial or ethnic background and even within families.

Genetic changes in human populations occur too slowly to be responsible for the obesity epidemic. Nevertheless, the variation in how people respond to the same environment suggests that genes do play a role in the development of obesity.

Genes give the body instructions for responding to changes in its environment. Studies of resemblances and differences among family members, twins, and adoptees offer indirect scientific evidence that a sizable portion of the variation in weight among adults is due to genetic factors.

Other studies have compared obese and non-obese people for variation in genes that could influence behaviors such as a drive to overeat, or a tendency to be sedentary or metabolism such as a diminished capacity to use dietary fats as fuel, or an increased tendency to store body fat.

These studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to obesity by increasing hunger and food intake. These circumstances suggest that you have a genetic predisposition to be heavy, but it's not so great that you can't overcome it with some effort.

At the other end of the spectrum, you can assume that your genetic predisposition to obesity is modest if your weight is normal and doesn't increase even when you regularly indulge in high-calorie foods and rarely exercise.

People with only a moderate genetic predisposition to be overweight have a good chance of losing weight on their own by eating fewer calories and getting more vigorous exercise more often.

These people are more likely to be able to maintain this lower weight. When the prey escaped or the crops failed, how did our ancestors survive? Those who could store body fat to live off during the lean times lived, and those who couldn't, perished. Today, of course, these thrifty genes are a curse rather than a blessing.

Not only is food readily available to us nearly around the clock, we don't even have to hunt or harvest it! In contrast, people with a strong genetic predisposition to obesity may not be able to lose weight with the usual forms of diet and exercise therapy.

Even if they lose weight, they are less likely to maintain the weight loss. For people with a very strong genetic predisposition, sheer willpower is ineffective in counteracting their tendency to be overweight.

Typically, these people can maintain weight loss only under a doctor's guidance. They are also the most likely to require weight-loss drugs or surgery. The prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States has been rising since the s. Genes alone cannot possibly explain such a rapid rise.

Although the genetic predisposition to be overweight varies widely from person to person, the rise in body mass index appears to be nearly universal, cutting across all demographic groups. These findings underscore the importance of changes in our environment that contribute to the epidemic of overweight and obesity.

Genetic factors are the forces inside you that help you gain weight and stay overweight; environmental factors are the outside forces that contribute to these problems. They encompass anything in our environment that makes us more likely to eat too much or exercise too little.

Taken together, experts think that environmental factors are the driving force for the causes of obesity and its dramatic rise. Environmental influences come into play very early, even before you're born. Researchers sometimes call these in-utero exposures "fetal programming.

The same is true for babies born to mothers who had diabetes. Researchers believe these conditions may somehow alter the growing baby's metabolism in ways that show up later in life. After birth, babies who are breast-fed for more than three months are less likely to have obesity as adolescents compared with infants who are breast-fed for less than three months.

Childhood habits often stick with people for the rest of their lives. Kids who drink sugary sodas and eat high-calorie, processed foods develop a taste for these products and continue eating them as adults, which tends to promote weight gain.

Likewise, kids who watch television and play video games instead of being active may be programming themselves for a sedentary future. Many features of modern life promote weight gain. In short, today's "obesogenic" environment encourages us to eat more and exercise less.

And there's growing evidence that broader aspects of the way we live — such as how much we sleep, our stress levels, and other psychological factors — can affect weight as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC , Americans are eating more calories on average than they did in the s.

Between and , the average man added calories to his daily fare, while the average woman added calories a day. What's driving this trend? Experts say it's a combination of increased availability, bigger portions, and more high-calorie foods.

Practically everywhere we go — shopping centers, sports stadiums, movie theaters — food is readily available. You can buy snacks or meals at roadside rest stops, hour convenience stores, even gyms and health clubs.

In the s, fast-food restaurants offered one portion size. Today, portion sizes have ballooned, a trend that has spilled over into many other foods, from cookies and popcorn to sandwiches and steaks. A typical serving of French fries from McDonald's contains three times more calories than when the franchise began.

A single "super-sized" meal may contain 1,—2, calories — all the calories that most people need for an entire day. And research shows that people will often eat what's in front of them, even if they're already full. Not surprisingly, we're also eating more high-calorie foods especially salty snacks, soft drinks, and pizza , which are much more readily available than lower-calorie choices like salads and whole fruits.

Fat isn't necessarily the problem; in fact, research shows that the fat content of our diet has actually gone down since the early s.

But many low-fat foods are very high in calories because they contain large amounts of sugar to improve their taste and palatability. In fact, many low-fat foods are actually higher in calories than foods that are not low fat.

The government's current recommendations for exercise call for an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise a day. Our daily lives don't offer many opportunities for activity. Children don't exercise as much in school, often because of cutbacks in physical education classes.

Many people drive to work and spend much of the day sitting at a computer terminal. Because we work long hours, we have trouble finding the time to go to the gym, play a sport, or exercise in other ways.

Instead of walking to local shops and toting shopping bags, we drive to one-stop megastores, where we park close to the entrance, wheel our purchases in a shopping cart, and drive home.

The widespread use of vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, leaf blowers, and a host of other appliances takes nearly all the physical effort out of daily chores and can contribute as one of the causes of obesity.

The average American watches about four hours of television per day, a habit that's been linked to overweight or obesity in a number of studies. Here, we monitored the BFM of volunteers upon lifestyle modifications in their diet and exercise routine.

Our study covered genotyping, anthropometric measurements, serologic marker analysis, and lifelog data, a personal daily record of physical activity, and food-intake, collected from wearable devices throughout the 3-month research period.

This study provides a unique and comprehensive view of obesity with lifelog data combined with clinical and genetic-log data. A total of Korean volunteers aged 23—67 years, female Participants who desired to improve their health status and control their BFM were recruited in the study.

Each group of the study represents different types of lifestyle modifications to control obesity. Low-carbohydrate or low-fat groups were educated to adjust their nutrient consumption by reducing carbohydrate or fat, respectively.

Participants from moderate- and high-intensity exercise groups were recommended to increase the degree or duration of physical activity. According to lifestyle modification, participants willingly selected, we advised each group to adjust their dietary habits and physical activities, accounting for the baseline.

During the baseline period, volunteers were asked to keep their routine diet and report it as a baseline diet pattern.

Questionnaires, blood pressure, and anthropometry of individuals on their first visit were recorded to compare with those at the last visit of the study. Genome, lifelog, anthropometric characteristics, and blood chemistry profiling. A Overview of the interaction of genetic and life style factors for body fat mass control.

B Participants were classified into four groups: low-carbohydrate diet, low-fat diet, moderate-intensity exercise and high-intensity exercise groups.

Nutrient intake and physical activities were recorded through 14 weeks. Genotypic data were collected at the beginning of the observation. Anthropometrics and blood chemistry data were measured at the beginning and the end of the study. All experiments and methods were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.

The experimental procedure was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Samsung Medical Center IRB protocol Number: SMC Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. The study was conducted from June to February This clinical trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.

gov ClinicalTrials. Volunteers recorded their food intake of three meals every day, for 3 months, through the Samsung Health mobile application The validity of estimating intakes of energy and macronutrients through the Samsung Health mobile application has been reported in detail elsewhere Photographs of their full daily meals were used to correct and improve the quality of self-recorded food intake data.

During the baseline period, volunteers in the diet-adjusting groups were educated on food exchange units, food groups, and healthy macronutrients. Prior to the 3-month observation period, the volunteers were assigned to either the low-carbohydrate or low-fat group. During the observation period, nutritionists monitored and compared the participant-uploaded meal photographs to the self-reported food intake data and individually counseled the low-compliant participants.

All communications were made by telephone. Volunteers were assigned to modify their exercise routine to increase the intensity or duration of their exercises and were asked to wear their wearable devices for constant data collection.

Volunteers could check their heart rate through their wearable device while exercising, enabling them to control their own exercise intensity. Thirty-six milliliters of blood were collected from each participant for blood chemistry analysis on their first and last visits. Blood samples were analyzed using COBAS C to measure triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDLc , and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDLc.

To collect the lifelog data of the volunteers, we designed a mobile application, GeneHealth, to record their diet patterns, also monitored by nutritionists to provide feedback.

The application provided an interface for recording dietary items in every meal through Samsung Health 24 , based on the FatSecret 26 and the Korean Nutrition Society 27 databases.

Data on physical activity were collected through the Samsung Galaxy Gear Fit2 Pro upon informed consent.

All samples were genotyped for , SNPs using the Infinium Global Screening Array Kit Illumina Inc. We also excluded insertion-deletions indels and non-autosomal SNPs. After the quality control, a total of , SNPs were included for imputation. Imputation was conducted using SHAPEIT2 and IMPUTE2, as well as the Genomes Project phase 3 as the reference.

Anthropometric data, including BFM and body fat percentage, were measured using InBody Biospace Co. The standard error of body fat mass measured by Inbody calculated by comparison with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry DXA was reported as 0.

All measurements were taken without metal accessories i. Lifestyle information of volunteers was collected using an online or written questionnaire, including data on smoking, frequency and type of alcohol consumption, sweet and salt preferences, fruit and vegetable preferences, oily food preferences, frequency of exercise per week, exercise time, type of exercise, drug history, family disease history, and personal history of the disease.

For evaluating the genetic predisposition of gaining body fat mass induced by increased intake of macronutrients for each individual, the effect and allele count of genetic variants were integrated into the GRS GRS-C, GRS-F, and GRS-E represent the genetic susceptibility for estimating the effectiveness of carbohydrate intake, fat intake, and exercise on BFM, respectively.

The three GRSs were developed in our previous work Obesity-associated SNPs were retrieved from the GWAS catalog and tested for interaction between genotype and life-style change on body fat mass change using Korean population data Generalized linear regression was used for each SNP for evaluating the changes in body fat mass influenced by the interaction between genetic factors and lifestyle changes.

The additive genetic effect was assumed for SNP as 0, 1, or 2, which encodes the number of minor alleles. Using gender, age, and the square of age as covariates, we test the effect of the interaction between SNPs and change in carbohydrate intake ΔC , fat intake ΔF , or exercise amount ΔE on body fat mass.

GRS-C, GRS-F, and GRS-E represent the effectiveness of carbohydrate intake changes on body fat mass, the effectiveness of fat intake changes on body fat mass, and the effectiveness of exercise amount changes on body fat mass, respectively.

The number of SNPs used for each GRS are 37 for carbohydrate intake; 19 for fat intake; 25 for exercise onset. Each GRS was constructed to count the number of risk alleles of an individual weighted by the coefficient of the interaction between genetic factors and lifestyle changes in the linear model.

To compare the anthropometric measurements, we performed the t-test for continuous variables and the chi-squared test for categorical variables. We performed an ANOVA test to compare the body fat mass changes among the active, inactive lifestyle group and GRS high and low group.

All statistics and regression analyses were performed using the R software version 3. We recruited healthy or obese volunteers, aged 19—65 years who desired to control their BFM, through the Samsung Medical Center board and online board notices.

Among those who took weight control drugs, were diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid disease, cancer, or drink excessive amounts of alcohol regularly or quit smoking within a month were excluded from the study.

At the beginning of the enrollment, a total of participants working in various fields were considered to participate in the study. Among them, agreed to have their DNA analyzed. A total of participants who could not show up for the final visit of the research period were excluded from the analysis as the anthropometric and lifelog data were not fully obtained.

Also, four participants who are related to each other and one of different ethnicity were excluded. Finally, anthropometric and genotypic data from a total of participants were used for analysis. First, we performed an observational study to test the effectiveness of lifestyle modifications Fig.

Anthropometric measurements and blood chemistry values showed that lifestyle modifications could improve these parameters, as observed in most of the volunteers.

BFM, BMI, and LDLc significantly decreased upon diet control and exercise Table 1. Skeletal muscle mass slightly increased, although the increment was not significant. Although these values were within the normal range during both periods, they tended to get significantly reduced post-observation.

We evaluated the lifestyle modifications in each group by calculating the amount of nutrient intake and caloric expense during exercise. The low-carbohydrate and low-fat groups showed further reductions in carbohydrate and fat intake compared to the other groups Fig.

The participants in both exercise groups increased the intensity of their exercise Fig. Intense- and moderate-exercise groups showed a marked increase in caloric expense by We evaluated the compliance of each experimental group by tracking the nutrient intake and exercise amount changes through time Fig.

The mean carbohydrate intake and fat intake per person per week PPPW decreased in the low-carbohydrate and low-fat groups during the observation period, compared to the baseline period Fig. As for the exercise groups, both intense- and moderate-exercise groups increased their caloric expenditure compared to their baseline exercise intensities Fig.

Comparison of caloric expense upon exercise and nutrient intake between the baseline and observation periods. A—C Differences in the nutrient intake and exercise between the baseline and observation period. A The differences in the carbohydrate intake g between the baseline and observation periods of each group were measured and compared with those of the low carbohydrate group.

B The differences in fat intake g between the baseline and observation periods were measured and compared with those of the low-fat group.

C The levels of exercise change between the baseline and observation periods were measured based on their mean caloric expense per day upon exercise. The burned calories per day of the nutrient modification groups were compared with those of the intense-exercise group. D—F Weekly caloric expense upon exercise and nutrient intake.

The area shaded in gray represents the baseline period. D Mean carbohydrate intake per person per week PPPW values through lunch were measured in each group, the carbohydrate intake of the low carbohydrate group being constantly lower during the observation period compared to the other groups.

The solid line and dashed line represent weekly caloric expense upon nutrient intake, and exercise, respectively. E Mean fat intake PPPW values through lunch were measured per each group, and the fat intake was reduced during the observation period in the low-fat group.

F Mean expanded caloric PPPW values were measured in each group. The intense exercise group shows an overall high caloric expense compared to the other groups. The solid line and dashed line represent weekly caloric expense upon exercise, and nutrient intake, respectively. We investigated whether the genomic profile of the volunteers affected the effectiveness of lifestyle modification on body fat reduction throughout the observation period.

Given that guidance-based lifestyle modification improved the health status of the volunteers, we attempted to analyze the effect of the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. In this analysis, we focused on BFM, which was significantly reduced through the adjustment of nutrient intake and exercise.

To represent the individual genetic susceptibility to BFM changes, we calculated the GRS for each participant using our previously described scoring metho Here, we calculated three different GRS values by combining allele counts from the individual genotype profiles, weighted by its effect size: 1 GRS-C for estimating the effectiveness of carbohydrate intake on BFM, 2 GRS-F for estimating the effectiveness of fat intake on BFM, and 3 GRS-E for estimating the effectiveness of exercise on BFM.

According to the maximal quantitative difference of body fat mass changes, each type of GRS was divided into high- and low-GRS. We performed False Discovery Rate to control type I error on comparison of high and low-GRS-C, F, and E FDR; 0. Comparison of the BFM changes between the high and low GRS groups.

BFM changes are compared between high and low GRS for each category GRS-C, GRS-F, and GRS-E. We performed a t-test to compare the mean BFM changes. Having observed a distinct BFM change depending on both GRS classes, we further analyzed BFM efficiency changes according to GRS and GRS-matched lifestyle changes.

We classified participants into active and inactive lifestyle change groups, with the pattern of lifestyle modifications. In addition, we compared BFM changes in the high- and low-GRS classes for each lifestyle modification.

These results indicate that the BFM changes increased as the GRS and the amount of GRS-matched lifestyle changes increased. Volunteers with active lifestyle changes and high GRS showed the highest BFM changes compared to those with inactive lifestyle changes and low GRS Fig.

Unexpectedly, BFM changes in high-GRS individuals with inactive lifestyle changes were higher than those of low-GRS individuals with active lifestyle changes in fat intake and exercise amount.

This phenomenon was shown to be significant in the case of exercise. This finding suggests that the genetic factors are more efficient in BFM control compared to environmental factors such as exercise. Comparison of the BFM changes between the high and low GRS groups in participants of active and inactive GRS-matched lifestyle change.

To better understand GRS efficiency, BFM changes were compared between the active and inactive lifestyle changes.

Each extent of the lifestyle changes was compared based on each GRS division. We generated a longitudinal healthcare resource, by comprehensively collecting anthropometric information, 3-month-spanning lifelog, including dietary intake and physical activities, using smartphones and wearable devices, and genetic profiles from participants with the aim of building a personalized genome-based body fat management platform.

We demonstrated the potential smartphone- and wearable device-based body fat reduction programs in improving health status, as reflected in the improvements of anthropometric and blood chemistry indicators. By integrating lifelog and genomic data, we could construct the personal quantified health resources.

Since lifestyle and genetic predisposition are critical factors for several disorders, including obesity 4 , 5 , 20 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , sufficient variation in lifestyle changes should be induced to estimate the effects of SNPs. In the present study, we varied the lifestyle by dividing the participants into four different groups.

Earlier studies intervened with the nutrient intake, physical activity, or sedentary lifestyle of the participants 35 , However, such interventions were challenged by the difficulty in continuous monitoring of lifestyle records. Some recent studies attempted either constant monitoring of participant glucose levels or tracking their daily activity using medical devices 36 , The intensity of physical activity in the Han population was shown to modify the effect of genetic risk score GRS consisting of 28 BMI-related SNPs, suggesting that the effect of GRS is larger in the group of individuals with low physical activity, compared to those with high physical activity Therefore, a deeper understanding of the interaction between genetic factors and lifestyle changes may be considered to devise personalized strategies for controlling obesity using genetic profiles.

This study proposed GRS with six polymorphisms in the FTO gene and their effect on dietary intake patterns, BMI changes, and waist size. Therefore, similar to the models used for other complex diseases 39 , 40 , 41 and considering the cumulative effects of common genetic variants, we used GRS here.

The personalized genetic test for the GRS-based prediction of either disease risk or phenotypic changes has been popularized by several corporations, such as 23andMe, DNA fit, and Pathway Genomics.

Since the personalized risk of obesity could not be explained by significant monogenic mutations 39 , 42 , GRS, which varied based on personal genetic predispositions, has been used to predict the individual BFM. We used GRS to estimate the effect of the personal genomic features on BFM, corresponding to changes in lifestyles, using GWAS data collected from three groups: GRS-C, -F, and -E.

Although our study suggests a promising novel strategy for personalized genome-guided lifestyle improvement, there are still several points that could be improved. First, the predisposition of the effectiveness of lifestyle change on body fat mass based on their genetic profile was tested in this study.

However, the number of participants in the study was small, so it was not sufficient to fully explain the polygenic effect on body fat mass influenced by lifestyle. Second, the lifelog data that we collected contain some missing values.

A gradual decrease in compliance on record lifelog data was observed toward the end of the observation period. We asked the participants to provide maximal information on meals during the study to estimate the lifestyle of the baseline and observation periods.

The mean number of uploaded days of participants was Third, unlike whole genome sequencing WGS , DNA microarray could not completely represent the genetic information of an individual.

Therefore, some rare genetic mutations that cause severe obesity or metabolic problems might have been missed in the GRS model.

BMC Body shape types volume 21 Vegan-friendly groceries, Article factore Cite this article. Metrics details. Physical growth during childhood and bbody is influenced by anx genetic and environmental factors. Heritability, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by genetic factors, has been demonstrated for stature and weight status. The aim of this study was to explore the heritability of body composition. A real-life, observational study of the children and adolescents referred to the Endocrine Unit in a tertiary medical center.

The risk of developing diseases such Anr cardiovascular and metabolic diseases has been linked with where Vegan-friendly groceries our bodies we Genetic factors and body fat percentage percentae accumulate fat.

A large-scale genome-wide association study carried Genetuc by researchers at Uppsala University has now petcentage dozens of genetic factrs that influence the distribution of fat, fag found that genetic effects are more strongly associated with fat pwrcentage in women than Refresh Your Energy men.

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Women commonly put on xnd in Geneyic trunk and limbs more than Genetic factors and body fat percentage Tips to lower cholesterol Genetic factors and body fat percentage factosr the Genetic factors and body fat percentage, whereas men tend to lay down most of Flavored sunflower seeds fat in the trunk, the researchers noted.

Epidemiological evidence has suggested that the distribution of body fat within different body compartments is also associated with differential risks for developing cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

The ability to store fat around the hips and legs is believed to give women some protection against cardiovascular disease, whereas men have more abdominal fat than women, which is thought to be at least in part explain the increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease in men.

But the molecular mechanisms that control this phenomenon are fairly unknown. The team looked for genetic factors that might influence what fraction of total fat mass is accumulated in the arms, legs, and trunks of men and women.

The Uppsala University team leveraged data fromparticipants in the UK Biobank cohort, to carry out a genome-wide association study to link genetic factors with body fat distribution to the trunk, arms, and legs. Fat measurements had been estimated in each participant using a technique known as segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA.

A closer look at the genes identified in women suggested that body fat distribution to the trunk and legs in females involves mesenchyme-derived tissues and cell types, as well as factors involved in extracellular matrix modeling, and female endocrine tissues.

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: Genetic factors and body fat percentage

Overcoming “bad genes” Genes Cells — c Genetic correlations between body fat ratios and standard anthropometric traits. LD score regression intercepts see further information below , calculated using ldsc 17 , were used to adjust for genomic inflation, by dividing the square of the t -statistic for each tested SNP with the LD-score regression intercept for that GWAS, and then calculating new P -values based on the adjusted t -statistic. Article Google Scholar Mokdad, A. Consistently, a unique expression pattern of developmental genes has been previously described by Yamamoto et al for Shox2 , En1 , Tbx15 , Hoxa5 , Hoxc8 and Hoxc9 in several subcutaneous and intra-abdominal white and brown adipose tissue depots in mice under obese and in fasting conditions Fig. Acknowledgements We are grateful to the participants and staff of the UK Biobank. BMC Medicine volume 19 , Article number: Cite this article.
Genetic Influences on Body Fat Distribution in Men and Women Identified

How fitness and fatness interact in the human body is not yet known with certainty. However, the Danish researchers have theories on how fatty tissue can influence physical fitness. Shedding the extra weight immediately enabled him to cycle faster.

Although the researchers still have far to go to prove their theory, the new study is an important step. Even though much time will pass before this knowledge can be applied, The resarchers sees huge potential.

In , the Novo Nordisk Foundation awarded a grant of DKK million to the University of Copenhagen to establish the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research. Theresia Maria Schnurr is employed there as a PhD student and Tuomas Oskari Kilpeläinen as associate professor.

News The Same Genes Determine Fitness and Fatness The Same Genes Determine Fitness and Fatness Being fit is healthy and being fat is not. BY MORTEN BUSCH Being fit is healthy and being fat is not. FAT IS THE DECIDING FACTOR The researchers thoroughly analysed the height, weight and body fat percentage of the members of 55 families in Denmark.

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Follow us Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Sign up for the latest news Yes, I would like to receive relevant news from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

This field is required. Please enter a valid e-mail address. Rapid advances in molecular biology and the success of the Human Genome Project have intensified the search. This work has illuminated several genetic factors that are responsible for very rare, single-gene forms of obesity.

In addition, research into the relationship between certain foods and obesity is shedding more light on the interaction between diet, genes, and obesity. This article briefly outlines the contributions of genes and gene-environment interactions to the development of obesity.

Several rare forms of obesity result from spontaneous mutations in single genes, so-called monogenic mutations. Such mutations have been discovered in genes that play essential roles in appetite control, food intake, and energy homeostasis-primarily, in genes that code for the hormone leptin, the leptin receptor, pro-opiomelanocortin, and the melanocortin-4 receptor, among others.

Obesity is also a hallmark of several genetic syndromes caused by mutation or chromosomal abnormalities, such as Prader—Willi and Bardet-Biedl syndromes.

In these syndromes, obesity is often accompanied by mental retardation, reproductive anomalies, or other problems. In the 21st century, obesity is a health problem affecting rich and poor, educated and uneducated, Westernized and non-Westernized societies.

Body fat level varies from person to person, however, and some people have always tended to carry a bit more body fat than others. Evidence from animal models, human linkage studies, twin studies, and association studies of large populations suggests that this variation in our susceptibility to obesity has a genetic component.

But rather than being controlled by a single gene, susceptibility to common obesity is thought to be affected by many genes polygenic. Twin studies offer some insight into the genetics of common obesity. Based on data from more than 25, twin pairs and 50, biological and adoptive family members, the estimates for mean correlations for body mass index BMI are 0.

These studies can be used to find gene variations that play a role in common, complex diseases such as obesity. The second obesity-associated gene variant that researchers identified lies on chromosome 18, close to the melanocortin-4 receptor gene the same gene responsible for a rare form of monogenic obesity.

To date, genome-wide association studies have identified more than 30 candidate genes on 12 chromosomes that are associated with body mass index.

Genetic changes are unlikely to explain the rapid spread of obesity around the globe. It takes a long time for new mutations or polymorphisms to spread. So if our genes have stayed largely the same, what has changed over the past 40 years of rising obesity rates? Our environment: the physical, social, political, and economic surroundings that influence how much we eat and how active we are.

Environmental changes that make it easier for people to overeat, and harder for people to get enough physical activity, have played a key role in triggering the recent surge of overweight and obesity.

Work on obesity-related gene-environment interactions is still in its infancy. Rather, it seems that eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise may counteract some of the gene-related obesity risk.

In , for example, Andreasen and colleagues demonstrated that physical activity offsets the effects of one obesity-promoting gene, a common variant of FTO. The study, conducted in 17, Danes, found that people who carried the obesity-promoting gene, and who were inactive, had higher BMIs than people without the gene variant who were inactive.

Having a genetic predisposition to obesity did not seem to matter, however, for people who were active: Their BMIs were no higher or lower than those of people who did not have the obesity gene. Subsequent work on the relationship between the FTO gene, physical activity, and obesity yielded contradictory results.

But once again, being physically active lowered the risk: Active adults who carried the obesity-promoting gene had a 30 percent lower risk of obesity than inactive adults who carried the gene.

Most people probably have some genetic predisposition to obesity, depending on their family history and ethnicity. Moving from genetic predisposition to obesity itself generally requires some change in diet, lifestyle, or other environmental factors.

Some of those changes include the following:. Having a better understanding of the genetic contributions to obesity-especially common obesity-and gene-environment interactions will generate a better understanding of the causal pathways that lead to obesity.

Such information could someday yield promising strategies for obesity prevention and treatment. Genetic predictors of obesity. In: Hu F, ed. Obesity Epidemiology. New York City: Oxford University Press, ; Genetics of obesity in humans.

Endocr Rev. Maes HH, Neale MC, Eaves LJ. Genetic and environmental factors in relative body weight and human adiposity. Behav Genet. Dina C, Meyre D, Gallina S, et al. Variation in FTO contributes to childhood obesity and severe adult obesity.

Nat Genet. Frayling TM, Timpson NJ, Weedon MN, et al. A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity.

The Same Genes Determine Fitness and Fatness For instance, in GPR75 variants were identified as such alleles in ~, sequenced exomes which may be relevant to e. Identification, expression and variation of the GNPDA2 gene, and its association with body weight and fatness traits in chicken. A Belgian case—control association study involving 1, obese patients and lean controls suggested that genetic variants of SIRT1 increase the risk for obesity, and that the SIRT1 genotype correlates with visceral obesity variables WC, WHR and visceral and total abdominal fat in obese men [ 73 ]. In follow-up studies, these data could be strengthened by demonstrating fat depot-specific differences in mRNA expression between subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue for all six genes mapped within the reported eQTLs [ 88 ]. Selby JV, Newman B, Quesenberry CP Jr et al Genetic and behavioral influences on body fat distribution.
Genetic Causes of Obesity: Polygenic, Monogenic, and Syndromic Causes Gut health and probiotics randomization with invalid instruments: effect estimation and bias detection through Egger regression. Sanchez-Pulido L, Andrade-Navarro MA. Vegan-friendly groceries, it psrcentage noteworthy Metabolism-boosting spices recent imaging studies, including the Framingham Heart Study, Fctors highlighted not only Gejetic importance of visceral adipose tissue, but also other ectopic fat depots such as liver or renal fat [ 1314 ]. Johnson W, de Ruiter I, Kyvik KO, Murray AL, Sørensen TI. As a person moves through adulthood, environmental factors continue to affect gene expression. LaMonte MJ, Blair SN. The application of this GRS model allowed us to successfully identify the impact of nutritional factors on BFM according to the significance of genetic factors
Fat stored in visceral depots nad obese individuals more prone znd complications than subcutaneous boey. There is good evidence that body Ans distribution FD is B vitamin benefits by genetic factors. Genetic variants have bdoy Genetic factors and body fat percentage to various forms of altered FD such as lipodystrophies; however, the polygenic background of visceral obesity has only been sparsely investigated in the past. Recent genome-wide association studies GWAS for measures of FD revealed numerous loci harbouring genes potentially regulating FD. In addition, genes with fat depot-specific expression patterns in particular subcutaneous vs visceral adipose tissue provide plausible candidate genes involved in the regulation of FD.

Author: Goltikazahn

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