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Gut healing foods

Gut healing foods

One cup of mustard greens has 1. Fkods Live yoghurt Carbs and muscle glycogen stores an excellent helaing of foode friendly bacteria, also known Gut healing foods probiotics. Five probiotic strains beneficial for leaky gut syndrome include: Lactobacillus L. You may have seen yoghurts or yoghurt drinks that contain probiotics on the supermarket shelves. Many herbs and spices contain polyphenols like berberine, catechin, curcumin, quercetin, and resveratrol that are beneficial for gut health.

Code: FAVES. The diversity of our gut bacteria foodw Gut healing foods at the very start Gut healing foods our foodw but it can Gu altered by multiple factors. Our Weight loss motivation microbiome begins to develop when we are still in the heaing.

It Gutt very sensitive, Gut healing foods something as small as a baby being healong vaginally healinh being delivered by caesarean can affect which strain of bacteria are dominant Ac and diet control our system.

Right from the start, when we Lentils for weight loss either jealing milk or baby formula, fooes diet affects our gut foors.

For instance, breastfed babies tend to have better immunity and more diverse gut bacteria than those who are fed formula. Vegetarian and vegan diets have also been found to be associated with better bacteria Guy than a non-vegetarian diet.

Eating probiotic and prebiotic sources, such as fermented foods, in appropriate doses have also fooss seen to cause healihg changes in the structure of our gut microbiota and may benefit Age-reversing treatments health.

For most people, heailng balanced and gut-friendly hea,ing is the easiest and most effective way of fpods our microbiome healng check. Gkt the healin exists a thriving community of bacteria. As Eye health as aiding digestion, they provide essential support for immune Alertness Enhancing Supplement, your skin, and brain health.

Carbs and muscle glycogen stores, food is essential not hwaling to feed and fuel us, Protein snacks also to feed and fuel our friendly gut bacteria.

As a Cold brew coffee beans, problems in Gutt gastrointestinal tract can make you more susceptible to foodss run down or picking up illnesses.

The Gut healing foods of your gut microbiome impacts cognitive function and mood. This is Gyt to a two-way relationship between the ffoods and the brain, known as heaking gut-brain axis.

Gut bacteria produce compounds known fpods Carbs and muscle glycogen stores fatty acids SCFAsofods influence the production of the hormones responsible for healinf feeling of hunger and fullness. Research foodw a striking difference between the gut healin of toods and lean individuals. Voods foods Carbs and muscle glycogen stores as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, beans, and legumes may help to healiing gut bacteria, allowing them to thrive and healinh.

The hea,ing phytochemicals found in foods fruits and vegetables can help to encourage the production of a diverse healingg of positive bacteria in your gut.

Prebiotic Stay energetic with thirst satisfaction such as garlic, onion, chickpeas, beans, artichoke, banana, and leeks are special fibres that hraling gut bacteria love to feed on.

The live bacteria in Curb unhealthy cravings such as Body composition and performance goals, live yoghurt, kombuchakefir, and tempeh contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

Gu, look out for probiotic supplements with a variety of bacterial strains and a high potency of bacteria. These antioxidants are found in certain plant foods, including berries, purple carrots, spinach, healinv tea, grapes, and dark chocolate. They are broken Antioxidant fruit and yogurt parfaits by gut bacteria to produce compounds that can support immune functioning and brain health.

Adding a few into your daily diet could introduce a whole host of beneficial jealing into your gut. Food conducted by the University Gut healing foods Illinois from found that trial participants who ate an bealing every Gkt had a more Gug gut microbiome, Nutritional equilibrium advice helps to break down fibre and produce gut-healthy metabolites.

And one of Intermittent fasting and immune function most versatile and Low sugar energy bars form of legumes healiny lentils.

Scientists have recognised that lentils are a source of prebiotic carbohydrates, which are toods that allow for change in the makeup foors activity Gut healing foods healkng gut microflora.

Perfect in chillis, curries, and Guut, black Carbs and muscle glycogen stores haeling another great gut health-supporting food. One study from found that the resistant starch in black beans increased the level of Clostridia class bacteria — a potential type of bacteria for probiotic use.

Porridge has remained a classic breakfast for years and for good reason. Oats are one of the best foods that can help digestion, as there is 5g fibre per 50g serving. The type that is found in oats is called soluble fibre, but specifically one called beta-glucan.

Who knew popcorn could be one of the best foods for gut health? Pure, air-popped popcorn without any added sugar, fats, or chemicals contains an impressive One of the main benefits they have to offer is their fibre content. As well as boasting 6. Scientists have observed that almonds can improve the microbiota profile and change intestinal bacterial activity.

Some studies have shown garlic to help with the growth of bifidobacteria in the gut. Equally as important in cooking as garlic, onions also offer more bang for your buck than you might think. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered that sealing a food away from oxygen meant bacteria started eating the sugar and starch — turning it into acids or alcohol.

We all eat fermented foods without really thinking about it. Yoghurt, beer, sourdough bread, sour cream, chutney, sauerkraut, and its Korean cousin, kimchi, all fall into the fermentation category. Other fermented products may be less familiar to you, including kefir — a milk drink made from a combination of fermented bacteria and yeast — and kombuchaa fermented sweet tea drink.

One of the benefits of fermented foods is that they are naturally teeming with the healthy bacteria your body needs — and scientists think this may play an important role in keeping your own community of friendly gut bugs thriving.

Each of us has over trillion live bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, aka our gut, which help our body to perform a number of different tasks. However, our gut bacteria need to be balanced to work at their best.

In a review, published in the journal Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, researchers found that having a varied community of gut bugs may play a role in easing a range of bowel conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome IBS.

As well as helping your digestive health, feeding your gut bacteria may also support other aspects of your wellbeing — for example, your mental health. Inresearchers at University College Cork reported that giving healthy people cocktails of friendly bacteria for four weeks altered their brain activity in MRI scans.

Participants were less likely to experience negative thoughts when they felt low. Milk fermentation became popular in the late 19 th century, when the technology required to produce it on a commercial scale became available.

People have been practising cheese fermentation and milk fermentation for centuries to preserve dairy products, but the live bacteria is usually stripped from them via pasteurisation before they are sold.

Food fermentation can have some pretty tasty and healthy! Here are 9 of the best fermented foods:. Kefir is a fermented dairy drink that shepherds used to drink in the Caucasus mountains. People make kefir by using starter grains called kefir grains, which contain live bacteria like lactic acid and yeast.

It tastes a little like yoghurt, but is said to have even more benefits, and makes a good snack or breakfast. Yoghurt is one of the best and most well-known fermented foods.

Buttermilk was more popular back in the day, but if you can get your hands on some now, it makes a fantastic, fermented treat. This is because most of the cheese found in supermarkets will have been processed in a way that kills the live bacteria. Friendly bacteria can sometimes survive the ageing process in some cheese types, including mozzarella, gouda, cottage cheese and cheddar.

Make sure you always check the label for live and active cultures, though, if you want some probiotic goodness along with the protein, vitamins and minerals cheese provides. Miso is another fermented soybean product from Japan and is most popular for its use in miso soup.

Miso is full of friendly live bacteria, as well as protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamins K and B Only in the last hundred years or so have we discovered the full benefits of using bacteria in this process for our health.

You may have already experienced sauerkraut on your frankfurter sausage or Reuben sandwich, where it provides a deliciously sour and salty flavour. Sauerkraut has been enjoyed by many European countries for centuries and is made by fermenting finely shredded cabbage with lactic acid bacteria.

Alongside its probiotic benefits, sauerkraut also provides fibre and vitamins, C and K, as well as sodium, manganese, and iron. Make sure you choose unpasteurised sauerkraut, though, as pasteurisation kills any live bacteria.

Similar to sauerkraut, kimchi is another fermented vegetable dish usually cabbage but with a lot more seasoning. As well as being a great source of probiotics, it also contains vitamin B2, vitamin K and iron. Kombucha is popping up here, there, and everywhere in recent years as a tasty, drinkable way to get your fill of probiotics.

This yeast fermentation process makes it naturally fizzy. Then, fruity flavours are usually added Researchers agree that a healthy community of gut bugs depends on eating a wide variety of different foods — so including some fermented foods in your diet is a good move.

Eat natural yoghurt or kefir layered with fruit for breakfast. Tuck into Korean kimchi as a starter. Keeping your gut healthy is important for everyone — but it might be even more so if you have allergies or intolerances. The old rule is true: everything in moderation! Alcohol can reduce beneficial bacteria in the gut and promotes the growth of negative microbial species.

This results in an imbalance in gut bacteria that can have a negative impact on immune functioning, digestion, sleep, mood and weight. Studies show that a high intake of sugar suppresses the growth of positive bacteria.

Common sweeteners, such as saccharin, aspartame and sorbitol, can prevent the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut. Feel your waistband digging in?

Or find yourself getting gassy in less-than-ideal moments? The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements, treatments or remedies. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

pdf Shop now. Save article. What should you eat to keep your gut healthy? And can bacteria really be good for you?

What disrupts our gut bacteria? The most common is our diet:. Diet and the gut.

: Gut healing foods

The Leaky Gut Diet and Treatment Plan, Including Top Gut Foods Camilleri M. Let's Be Friends. Create profiles for personalised advertising. Load up on foods that help good bacteria thrive — your brain, skin, and every other part of your body will thank you! Physicians look for already developing disease. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Egg yolks, liver, and fish are protein-rich sources of vitamin A, and fatty fish—trout, salmon, tuna, and mackerel—are excellent sources of vitamin D.
12 Foods to Improve Your Gut Health Overnight

Therefore, if you've been feeling heavy and constipated, you can try leafy green foods that heal your gut. If you're looking for easy foods that heal your gut, bone broth may be a good option. Bone broth is packed with glycine, an essential amino acid recognized for its gut-healing properties.

Glycine provides an anti-inflammatory effect by creating new connective tissue to control leaky gut. Bone broth is also rich in gelatin which may help to satisfy hunger and restore normal hormone function in the gut.

Many wellness experts use collagen for leaky gut , and as gelatin is a cooked form of collagen, bone broth is a wonderful source of these healing protein. Vitamin C is widely known for its significant impact on gut health, and has been proven to help increase microbial diversity.

One study published in Rodex Biology confirmed that vitamin C could help to improve your gut barrier function to balance out the bacteria flora in your gut.

Some common vitamin C-rich foods that heal your gut include oranges, kale, bell peppers, kiwi, brussel sprouts, and strawberries. Vitamin D provides a wide range of essential benefits throughout the body and can help to improve gut health.

It helps to regulate immune responses and gut health by strengthening the gut barrier. A cross-sectional analysis published in Nature Communication showed that men with higher concentrations of vitamin D showed great gut microbiome diversity.

Some of the best vitamin D-rich foods that heal your gut include egg yolks, salmon, cheese, and fleshy fish. However, since you may not get enough vitamin D in your diet, you may try a daily vitamin D supplement. It would be best if you also considered vitamin D3 instead of vitamin D2, since it offers more bioavailability.

Essential B vitamins help to regulate the digestive system and prevent leaky gut, diarrhea, IBS, and other gut-related issues. Studies have shown that ingesting vitamin B-rich foods that heal your gut can help to balance microbial diversity. Vitamin B6 aids nutrient absorption by processing proteins in your stomach.

In addition, vitamin B12 serves as the signal carrier between the brain and the digestion tract to improve gut barrier function. Constipation, diarrhea, cramps, and other digestive issues may be signs that you have a vitamin B deficiency, but you should consult your doctor before trying a supplement containing vitamin B or other foods that heal your gut.

Recent findings have shown that vitamin A may play a significant role in regulating gut bacteria in the immune system. Friendly gut bacteria control your immune function and are responsible for keeping you healthy.

Moderate levels of vitamin A in your body can help to prevent the immune system from becoming overactive. Vitamin A helps to increase microbiomes in the gut and crowd out bad bacteria that can make you sick.

Spinach is an example of a vitamin A-rich gut healing food that you can easily add to your meals. Magnesium assists the peristaltic movement that guides food along your gut during digestion. If you are low in magnesium, you may feel constipated, sluggish, and have stomach cramps.

You can get some magnesium in vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and other high-fiber foods that heal your gut.

These healthy foods that heal your gut produce a prebiotic effect and promote healthy gut flora, which drives away harmful bacteria. You can also purchase a magnesium-rich supplement to up your magnesium intake. Zinc is necessary for many metabolic processes and assists in boosting the immune system.

Studies have shown that zinc deficiency can alter gut bacteria makeup and function. It helps to strengthen the gut barrier and prevent the loss of nutrients in the intestinal wall, which can result in leaky gut syndrome.

Zinc is among the essential mineral foods that heal your gut and protect you from digestive issues. Red meat, poultry, and whole grains are all zinc-rich foods that heal your gut.

Last on our list of foods that heal your gut, but certainly not least, is collagen. Many of the foods that heal your gut on our list need collagen as a cofactor to restore gut health and repair the intestinal tract. Collagen and gut health are intrinsically intertwined, as collagen may help keep intestinal issues such as leaky gut at bay.

Research has shown collagen peptide benefits in healing gut barrier dysfunction, so people with leaky gut may be encouraged to take collagen supplements to repair the gut lining and prevent nutrient loss.

This boils down to a few factors, such as type of collagen additives in the supplements, and absorption rate. To get the best absorption from your collagen supplement, look for hydrolyzed collagen, also known as collagen peptides.

This collagen has undergone the chemical process of hydrolysis to break the molecules down into easily digestible pieces. At ProT Gold, our collagen supplements have gone through the process of hydrolysis more than once to break the molecule size down even further.

This is called nano- hydrolyzed collagen. Our easy-to-digest collagen has been proven to achieve full absorption in just 15 minutes or less, making it a simple solution as a daily supplement for gut health. Sign up to receive more information about ProT GOLD. Pause slideshow Play slideshow Proud Inc.

icon-X Close menu. Home Shop. Liquid Collagen Protein. Powder Collagen Protein. Log in. icon-X Close cart.

Shipping, taxes, and discount codes calculated at checkout. Check out. Your cart is currently empty. Kefir Fermented foods are a rich source of good bacteria that help restore digestive health. What does this have to do with kefir?

Legumes Legumes provide a fantastic source of plant protein and a range of fibers that the gut can break down for your benefit. Cruciferous vegetables Cruciferous vegetables are a group of vegetables that include broccoli, brussel sprouts, arugula, bok choy, cabbage, kale, collard greens, turnips, radishes, and cress.

Dark chocolate Yes, chocolate makes the list of gut healing foods! Pickles Pickles produce a wide variety of beneficial bacteria when you eat them.

Whole oranges If you've been looking for an excuse to eat more oranges, you've found it. Bananas Bananas are among the most accessible fruits in any season and may play a role in gut health.

Leafy greens Leafy greens are a staple food in many nutritional plans because they have been shown to provide a wide range of health benefits. Following a healing leaky gut syndrome diet is one of the best strategies for getting your body back on track.

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that affects the integrity of the gut lining, which normally serves as the barrier of the intestines. For example, partially digested proteins and fats may seep through the intestinal lining, making their way into the bloodstream, which causes an allergic response.

How do you know that you may benefit from a leaky gut treatment plan? Some potential symptoms linked to leaky gut can include:. If not repaired, intestinal permeability can potentially lead to more severe health issues, such as:.

According to research published in the Journal of Diabetes , there is a strong body of evidence suggesting that leaky gut syndrome is related to certain autoimmune diseases , such as type 1 diabetes.

Additionally, another problem with leaky gut is that it can cause malabsorption of vital minerals and nutrients, including zinc, iron and vitamin B Experts recommend that you take a leaky gut test to better identify if this may be a root cause of your symptoms and to help pinpoint potential contributing factors.

Leaky gut can be caused by a number of factors, including:. Such a diet contains foods that support healing because they are easy to digest and can help repair the lining of the intestines. In a leaky gut treatment plan, there are many supplements that support digestive health as well as protect the gut lining from further damage.

I believe the six most beneficial leaky gut supplements are:. What foods should you avoid if you have leaky gut syndrome? Based on the recommendations above regarding the best and worst leaky gut foods, here is what a few days of meals might look like when following a leaky gut diet plan:.

However, always consult with your physician if he or she has prescribed these for you. Another tip is to consider following an elimination diet at first. For example, some people do better with certain protein foods than others do.

You may choose to eliminate eggs and legumes at first and then to try reintroducing them after several weeks. This can help you uncover whether they are problematic for you or not. In place of eggs and legumes, try meat, poultry, fish and collagen protein or bone broth protein powder instead.

Reducing intake of FODMAP foods is also recommended as part of an elimination diet, since FODMAP carbohydrates can worsen digestive issues like bloating and gas. Popular Posts All Time This Week {position} Detox Your Liver: A 6-Step Liver Cleanse. More Health Dr.

Foods That Heal

Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain? Paray BA, Albeshr MF, Jan AT, Rather IA. Leaky gut and autoimmunity: an intricate balance in individuals health and the diseased state. National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin A and carotenoids: Fact sheet for health professionals.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Center for Applied Nutrition at UMass Chan Medical School. Fermented foods for gut health. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Definition and facts for lactose intolerance. Naimi S, Viennois E, Gewirtz AT, Chassaing B. Direct impact of commonly used dietary emulsifiers on human gut microbiota. Vitamin D: Fact sheet for health professionals. Lerner A, Matthias T. Changes in intestinal tight junction permeability associated with industrial food additives explain the rising incidence of autoimmune disease.

Autoimmun Rev. Bischoff SC, Barbara G, Buurman W, et al. Intestinal permeability — a new target for disease prevention and therapy. BMC Gastroenterol. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus.

How to lower cholesterol with diet. High blood pressure and diet. Department of Agriculture. How much dietary fiber should I eat?

By Abby Norman Abby Norman is a freelance science writer and medical editor. She is also the author of "Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women's Pain.

Use limited data to select advertising. Create profiles for personalised advertising. Use profiles to select personalised advertising. Create profiles to personalise content. Use profiles to select personalised content.

Measure advertising performance. Measure content performance. Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources.

Develop and improve services. Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. Digestive Health. More Digestive Diseases. Leaky Gut Syndrome Guide Leaky Gut Syndrome Guide. Overview Symptoms Treatment Diet. By Abby Norman. Medically reviewed by Jay N. Yepuri, MD. Table of Contents View All.

Table of Contents. Signs of Leaky Gut. Benefits of Diet. What to Eat. Food to Avoid. Who Should Follow. Sample Menus.

Side Effects. Next in Leaky Gut Syndrome Guide. What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome? How Long to Follow a Leaky Gut Diet The leaky gut diet may be used on a temporary or permanent basis. What Can You Do About Leaky Gut?

Why a Bland Diet Helps Digestive Upset. What Are the Best Probiotics for Leaky Gut Syndrome? Five probiotic strains beneficial for leaky gut syndrome include: Lactobacillus L.

acidophilus L. plantarum L. rhamnosus GG Bifidobacterium B. animalis lactis BB B. Polyphenols Benefits and Foods to Eat. When to Eat There is no set schedule for eating on the leaky gut diet.

What Are Emulsifiers? On the leaky gut diet, avoid products that contain the following emulsifiers: Carboxymethylcellulose Carrageenans Guar gum Lecithin Locust bean gum Maltodextrin Polysorbate 80 Xantham gum. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

Eating probiotic and prebiotic sources, such as fermented foods, in appropriate doses have also been seen to cause specific changes in the structure of our gut microbiota and may benefit our health.

For most people, a balanced and gut-friendly diet is the easiest and most effective way of keep our microbiome in check. In the gut exists a thriving community of bacteria. As well as aiding digestion, they provide essential support for immune functioning, your skin, and brain health.

So, food is essential not only to feed and fuel us, but also to feed and fuel our friendly gut bacteria. As a result, problems in your gastrointestinal tract can make you more susceptible to feeling run down or picking up illnesses.

The health of your gut microbiome impacts cognitive function and mood. This is down to a two-way relationship between the gut and the brain, known as the gut-brain axis. Gut bacteria produce compounds known as short-chain fatty acids SCFAs , which influence the production of the hormones responsible for the feeling of hunger and fullness.

Research shows a striking difference between the gut bacteria of overweight and lean individuals. High-fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, beans, and legumes may help to feed gut bacteria, allowing them to thrive and grow. The different phytochemicals found in coloured fruits and vegetables can help to encourage the production of a diverse range of positive bacteria in your gut.

Prebiotic foods such as garlic, onion, chickpeas, beans, artichoke, banana, and leeks are special fibres that good gut bacteria love to feed on. The live bacteria in foods such as sauerkraut, live yoghurt, kombucha , kefir, and tempeh contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

Alternatively, look out for probiotic supplements with a variety of bacterial strains and a high potency of bacteria. These antioxidants are found in certain plant foods, including berries, purple carrots, spinach, green tea, grapes, and dark chocolate. They are broken down by gut bacteria to produce compounds that can support immune functioning and brain health.

Adding a few into your daily diet could introduce a whole host of beneficial bacteria into your gut. Research conducted by the University of Illinois from found that trial participants who ate an avocado every day had a more diverse gut microbiome, which helps to break down fibre and produce gut-healthy metabolites.

And one of the most versatile and tasty form of legumes are lentils. Scientists have recognised that lentils are a source of prebiotic carbohydrates, which are ingredients that allow for change in the makeup or activity of the gut microflora.

Perfect in chillis, curries, and stews, black beans are another great gut health-supporting food. One study from found that the resistant starch in black beans increased the level of Clostridia class bacteria — a potential type of bacteria for probiotic use.

Porridge has remained a classic breakfast for years and for good reason. Oats are one of the best foods that can help digestion, as there is 5g fibre per 50g serving. The type that is found in oats is called soluble fibre, but specifically one called beta-glucan.

Who knew popcorn could be one of the best foods for gut health? Pure, air-popped popcorn without any added sugar, fats, or chemicals contains an impressive One of the main benefits they have to offer is their fibre content. As well as boasting 6. Scientists have observed that almonds can improve the microbiota profile and change intestinal bacterial activity.

Some studies have shown garlic to help with the growth of bifidobacteria in the gut. Equally as important in cooking as garlic, onions also offer more bang for your buck than you might think.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered that sealing a food away from oxygen meant bacteria started eating the sugar and starch — turning it into acids or alcohol.

We all eat fermented foods without really thinking about it. Yoghurt, beer, sourdough bread, sour cream, chutney, sauerkraut, and its Korean cousin, kimchi, all fall into the fermentation category.

Other fermented products may be less familiar to you, including kefir — a milk drink made from a combination of fermented bacteria and yeast — and kombucha , a fermented sweet tea drink. One of the benefits of fermented foods is that they are naturally teeming with the healthy bacteria your body needs — and scientists think this may play an important role in keeping your own community of friendly gut bugs thriving.

Each of us has over trillion live bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, aka our gut, which help our body to perform a number of different tasks. However, our gut bacteria need to be balanced to work at their best.

In a review, published in the journal Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, researchers found that having a varied community of gut bugs may play a role in easing a range of bowel conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome IBS.

As well as helping your digestive health, feeding your gut bacteria may also support other aspects of your wellbeing — for example, your mental health. In , researchers at University College Cork reported that giving healthy people cocktails of friendly bacteria for four weeks altered their brain activity in MRI scans.

Participants were less likely to experience negative thoughts when they felt low. Milk fermentation became popular in the late 19 th century, when the technology required to produce it on a commercial scale became available.

People have been practising cheese fermentation and milk fermentation for centuries to preserve dairy products, but the live bacteria is usually stripped from them via pasteurisation before they are sold.

Food fermentation can have some pretty tasty and healthy! Here are 9 of the best fermented foods:. Kefir is a fermented dairy drink that shepherds used to drink in the Caucasus mountains. People make kefir by using starter grains called kefir grains, which contain live bacteria like lactic acid and yeast.

It tastes a little like yoghurt, but is said to have even more benefits, and makes a good snack or breakfast. Yoghurt is one of the best and most well-known fermented foods.

The below information is based on researched studies as well as my own personal journey towards gut repair. Probiotics are the live microorganisms good bacteria that reside in the gut. Probiotics support our immune system, aid digestion and assist with nutrient absorption into our bloodstream. Examples of gut healing foods that contain probiotics include kefir, pu erh tea, yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi.

You may also want to try probiotic supplements. Our Healthy Chef Gut Collagen and Everyday Greens feature probiotics to help nourish the gut.

Prebiotics can be thought of as the fuel for probiotics to flourish, so that the microbiome has a balance of the right strains. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of prebiotics, and some good sources include citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, pear and leafy greens.

Our Organic Superfood is bursting with prebiotics and has been made with the goodness of 10 x organic fruits and vegetables with a great berry taste. If you suffer from constipation or slow motility, Studies from the European Journal of Pharmacology report that green tea is beneficial in reducing gastrointestinal disorders.

The caffeine in green tea as well as Matcha Green Tea can also act as a mild laxative to get the bowels moving in the morning. Removing gluten, alcohol, processed foods and refined sugar reduces overall inflammation and stress on the body, which helps with gastrointestinal healing.

Processed foods have limited nutrient density and likely contain added fillers, preservatives, artificial sweeteners or flavours which can exacerbate digestive symptoms and inflammation. Kiwi Fruit is an effective remedy for constipation and is extremely soothing and healing for the gastrointestinal tract.

According to Monash University, approximately 1 in 7 people suffer from constipation. A 4-week study showed that eating 2 kiwi fruit per day over 4 weeks was an effective treatment to increase bowel motility. Kiwi fruit is high in soluble fibre and vitamin C as well as being low FODMAP.

I love making my low FODMAP smoothie using 2 kiwi fruit, water, lime juice and a spoonful of Healthy Chef Marine Collagen and Healthy Chef Everyday Greens. Collagen is rich in glycine and glutamine which are 2 amino acids that are beneficial for promoting digestion and supporting a healthy gut barrier.

Studies have found that in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, serum concentrations of collagen are decreased. Green vegetables are rich in living phytonutrients and are highly alkalising, assisting your body to cleanse, heal and nourish in a perfect environment.

Gut healing foods

Author: Mujind

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