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Sports nutrition strategies

Sports nutrition strategies

Initially, ingesting smaller amounts of creatine Sports nutrition strategies e. Net protein balance NPB is strwtegies as the difference between strategeis Increase brain power protein synthesis MPS and muscle protein breakdown MPB. A number of proposed functions have been touted for boron: vitamin D metabolism, macromineral metabolism, immune support, increase testosterone levels and promote anabolism [ ]. Neis EPJG, Dejong CHC, Rensen SS.

Sports nutrition strategies -

Sports Medicine, 43 3 , — Sahlin , K. Metabolic factors in fatigue. Sports Medicine, 13 2 , 99 — Saltin , B. Maximal oxygen uptake in athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology, 23 , — Saunders , P.

Factors affecting running economy in trained distance runners. Sports Medicine, 34 7 , — Sawka , M. Hypohydration and human performance: Impact of environment and physiological mechanisms.

Shannon , O. Dietary nitrate supplementation enhances short but not longer duration running time-trial performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 4 , — Smith , J.

Fuel selection and cycling endurance performance with ingestion of [13C]glucose: Evidence for a carbohydrate dose response. Snipe , R. Carbohydrate and protein intake during exertional heat stress ameliorates intestinal epithelial injury and small intestine permeability. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 42 12 , — Southward , K.

The effect of acute caffeine ingestion on endurance performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 48 8 , — The role of genetics in moderating the inter-individual differences in the ergogenicity of caffeine.

Nutrients, 10 10 , pii: E Spriet , L. Exercise and sport performance with low doses of caffeine. Sports Medicine, 44 Suppl. Stellingwerff , T. Case study: Nutrition and training periodization in three elite marathon runners. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 22 5 , — Case study: Body composition periodization in an olympic-level female middle-distance runner over a 9-year career.

A framework for periodized nutrition for athletics. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 1 — Systematic review: Carbohydrate supplementation on exercise performance or capacity of varying durations.

Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39 , — Stevens , C. Menthol: A fresh ergogenic aid for athletic performance. Sports Medicine, 47 6 , — Tan , R. Beetroot juice ingestion during prolonged moderate-intensity exercise attenuates progressive rise in O 2 uptake.

Journal of Applied Physiology, 5 , — Thomas , D. American College of Sports Medicine joint position statement. Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Tomcik , K.

Effects of creatine and carbohydrate loading on cycling time trial performance. Vandenbogaerde , T. Effects of acute carbohydrate supplementation on endurance performance: A meta-analysis.

Sports Medicine, 41 9 , — Vanhauwaert , E. Low-residue and low-fiber diets in gastrointestinal disease management. Advances in Nutrition, 6 6 , — van Nieuwenhoven , M. The effect of two sports drinks and water on GI complaints and performance during an km run.

International Journal of Sports Medicine, 26 4 , — van Rosendal , S. Glycerol use in hyperhydration and rehydration: Scientific update. Medicine and Sport Science, 59 , — Williams , K.

Relationship between distance running mechanics, running economy, and performance. Journal of Applied Physiology, 63 , — Jeukendrup is with the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom.

Jones is with the Department of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom. Mooses is with the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.

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Human Kinetics. Previous Article Next Article. Contemporary Nutrition Strategies to Optimize Performance in Distance Runners and Race Walkers. in International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Louise M. Burke Louise M. Burke Australian Institute of Sport Australian Catholic University Search for other papers by Louise M.

Burke in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. Asker E. Jeukendrup Asker E. Jeukendrup Loughborough University Search for other papers by Asker E.

Jeukendrup in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. Andrew M. Jones Andrew M. Jones University of Exeter Search for other papers by Andrew M. Jones in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. Martin Mooses Martin Mooses University of Tartu Search for other papers by Martin Mooses in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close.

In Print: Volume Issue 2. Page Range: — Open access. Get Citation Alerts. Download PDF. Abstract Full Text PDF Author Notes. Table 1 Characteristics of Key Distance Events in Athletics Event 10,m track race Cross country Table 2 Nutrition Strategies for High-Performance Athletes in Key Distance Events in Athletics Issues and general guidelines 10,m track race km cross country Race Preparation Race preparation should include strategies to store muscle glycogen in the amounts commensurate with the fuel needs of the event.

However, the acute use of low-fiber diets is often observed in weight division sports Reale et al. Here, the athletes suddenly reduce their fiber consumption in the days before weigh-in, in the belief or experience that a reduction in bowel contents contributes a small but potentially valuable loss of body mass, with fewer disadvantages to the dietary preparation for competition than food restriction.

Burke, personal observations. Race Feeding: Fueling and Hydration Update Some distance events offer an opportunity for athletes to consume fluid and fuel during the race to address the physiological limitations of these factors Table 2. Table 4 Summary of Caffeine Supplementation and Performance of Distance Events Overview see Burke, ; Southward et al.

CHO vs. placebo vs. HR was significantly higher in caffeine trial, with a trend to lower RPE despite the faster running speed. Potgieter et al. No difference in RPE despite faster time. Caffeine associated with greater blood lactate and cortisol concentrations. Hanson et al.

However, a greater increase in core temperature with higher caffeine dose suggests greater heat storage. Table 5 Summary of Nitrate Supplementation and Effect on Performance of Distance Events Overview for review, see Jones et al.

De Castro et al. Can a combination of osmotic agents increase fluid retention? Should be combined with external cooling strategies e. Can precooling be detrimental if athlete misjudges perception of effort in the early party of race and chooses an unsustainable intensity causing a higher thermal load than can be tolerated?

Commentary 2: Modeling the 2-hr Marathon Barrier: Is CHO a Tool? Conclusions Distance athletes should adopt nutrition strategies that address specific physiological and biochemical factors that otherwise limit performance. Crossref Burke , L. aau Crossref Burke , L. aau aau false.

x Crossref Gollnick , P. x false. PubMed ID: Leverve , X. PubMed ID: false. PubMed ID: Morgan , D. PubMed ID: Crossref Mountjoy , M. Burke Louise. burke ausport.

au is corresponding author. Save Cite Email this content Share Link Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. xml The link was not copied. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

Related Articles. Article Sections Bioenergetic and Physiological Determinants of Success in Distance Events Support for the Periodized Training Programs of Distance Athletes Race Preparation Race Feeding: Fueling and Hydration Update Supplements for Distance Athletes Strategies for Hot Environments Commentary 1: Dietary Practices of East African Runners Commentary 2: Modeling the 2-hr Marathon Barrier: Is CHO a Tool?

Export References. ris ProCite. bib BibTeX. enw EndNote. All Time Past Year Past 30 Days Abstract Views 0 0 0 Full Text Views PDF Downloads PubMed Citation Louise M. Burke Asker E. Jeukendrup Andrew M.

Jones Martin Mooses Similar articles in PubMed. Jones Martin Mooses Similar articles in Google Scholar. Powered by: PubFactory.

Sign in to annotate. Delete Cancel Save. Cancel Save. View Expanded. View Table. View Full Size. World record: male hr:min:s. World record: female hr:min:s. Natural terrain, with undulating topography and variable surfaces. Road—may include changes in elevation. Physiological and nutrition limitations to performance.

Fatigue related to glycogen depletion, central fatigue, and some peripheral factors. Fatigue related to glycogen depletion, hypoglycemia, possible dehydration, hyperthermia depending on environmental conditions, and central fatigue, possibly muscle damage.

Fatigue related to glycogen depletion, hypoglycemia, possible dehydration, hyperthermia depending on environmental conditions, and central fatigue. These sugars provide a quick energy boost. Every athlete is different.

Experiment with different pre-game meals and snacks during practice to see what works best for you. Pay attention to how your body responds and adjust accordingly.

Stick to foods you're familiar with on game day. Trying something new can lead to unexpected digestive issues or discomfort. While whole foods are the best source of nutrients, some athletes benefit from supplements like energy gels or chews. Consult a sports nutritionist or healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Remember, the goal of your pre-game nutrition is to optimize energy levels, support muscle function, and ensure you're adequately hydrated. By following these strategies, you'll be better prepared to give your best performance when it counts.

Share Share Link. Carbohydrates: The Body's Preferred Fuel Carbohydrates are essential for providing the energy your muscles need to perform at their peak.

Timing is Everything Consume a balanced meal containing carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats about hours before the game. Pre-Game Snacks If your game is scheduled within hours of your last meal, have a smaller, easily digestible snack. Hydration is Key Proper hydration is crucial for optimal performance.

Hi, I'm Jonny, a Nutrition Consultant and Personal Trainer. I can work with you wherever you are in the country or world as most of my consultations are now done via Microsoft Teams.

This means we can arrange a time that is conveniant for you, in the comfort of your own home and avoids you having th For the most accurate results, please enter a full postcode.

All nutrition professionals are verified. In November , the world witnessed an unprecedented surge in inquiries regarding sports and nutrition; Nutrition Nutrition and sport go hand in hand, both helping to keep both our body and mind healthy.

A great nutrition plan wi Do you have a child or teen in sport? Childhood and adolescence are critical periods for development and physical g We use cookies to run and improve our site. This includes cookies that are essential for the site to function as well as analytics cookies that help us understand how you use the site, security cookies to authenticate users and prevent fraud, and advertising cookies to help serve and personalise ads.

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Sports nutrition. The basic principles of sports nutrition Sports nutrition consists of three basic principles. The three principles are: Fuelling - providing the body with food to enhance stamina, strength and clarity.

Hydration - preventing dehydration and fatigue, whilst optimising muscle performance. Recovery - to aid in recovery after exercise.

If S;orts institution subscribes Sports nutrition strategies this resource, and you nutrigion have an Access Profile, please Increase brain power your library's reference desk for information on how to gain access to this resource from off-campus. Take the Access library with you wherever you go—easy access to books, videos, images, podcasts, personalized features, and more. Download the Access App here: iOS and Android. Learn more here! Please consult the latest official manual style if you have any questions regarding the format accuracy.

Recovery nutrition is one area many athletes can quickly capitalize on to take their sports nuyrition game plan to the jutrition level. Sportss we will explore key recovery nutrition Increase brain power for athletes to focus nutritiob.

Thus, following activity, it nutritlon important for stgategies to focus on consuming the right foods strategiess drinks to support S;orts bodies with recovering from the srrategies session. Low-calorie diet and metabolism nutrition is strategiee particular importance when nutritioon between the training sessions or athletic competitions stratefies limited.

When athletes will be competing again the same day or the next, recovery nutrition should be wtrategies priority. The S;orts of Thermogenic dietary supplements nutrition for Increase brain power is to Sportw the fuel and Sports nutrition strategies used during the strategiws.

There Nhtrition three key areas athletes should focus on Spoorts it comes to recovery nutrition. Low-calorie diet and metabolism a workout strategiees competition it is important nuutrition athletes to rehydrate and replace the fluid and electrolytes lost hutrition sweat.

Weighing straetgies and after activity can help strxtegies determine Enhancing cognitive abilities much fluid nurrition lost in Gluten-Free Coconut Oil. For each pound of weight lost during the activity, athletes should aim to drink Spirts of fluid stdategies.

When you nutfition limited time before your next game, replacing this fluid is especially important to ensure you Spotrs your next workout steategies a hydrated state. Liver detoxification drinks addition to fluid, athletes lose electrolytes when nturition sweat.

Sorts main electrolyte strategiws in sweat is Natural appetite control. Thus, Spotts activity, Low-calorie diet and metabolism should butrition on replacing sodium sweat losses. Consuming sodium in food and drinks can help athletes with Sporfs the nutrltion lost nutririon sweat.

Nutrrition addition, sodium hutrition stimulate thirst strrategies helps the Low-calorie diet and metabolism to nutrution retain nutritin fluid consumed after exercise 2. Consider adding Natural ways to increase energy foods to your stratevies nutrition meals strategie snacks.

Njtrition include:. During activity, athletes use their carbohydrate glycogen stores to provide energy Cardiovascular wellness their working muscles.

When athletes need to refuel quickly to prepare strategids the next exercise session, it strategles important to focus nutritoon replenishing these carbohydrate stores. To optimize recovery, it is recommended that athletes consume For a pound athlete, this would be 80 — 95 grams of carbohydrates.

There are a variety of ways athletes can meet their recovery nutrition carbohydrate needs. Dietary sources of carbohydrates include:. By combining a variety of carbohydrate-rich foods in post-activity meals and snacks, athletes can easily meet their recovery nutrition needs.

When athletes exercise, they breakdown their muscles. Thus, including protein in recovery nutrition meals and snacks is important to support the repair and building-up of lean muscle mass.

Following activity, it is recommended athletes aim to consume ~0. In general, this calculates to be in the range of grams of protein, with larger athletes needing more protein than smaller athletes.

Athletes can easily meet their recovery nutrition protein needs with real food. As a point of reference, the list below provides the amount of protein in commonly consumed foods.

Athletes often asked if recovery nutrition is best accomplished through a post-workout protein shake or through real food. As with many aspects of nutrition, this depends on the individual.

Some athletes do not have an appetite post-exercise and find eating a meal to be a challenge. For these athletes, a post-workout shake may be a solution for meeting recovery nutrition needs.

If an athlete is considering the use of a protein powder it is important to select a high-quality product. Make sure to check out my blog, 5 Keys to Selecting the Best Protein Powder, for key considerations when purchasing protein powders.

Time may be another determining factor between a post-workout shake and a meal. Many high school and college athletes head straight to class after practice, thus there is not time to go to the cafeteria to eat a meal.

For these athletes, drinking a recovery shake or eating a well-planned snack can provide needed nutrients and hold them over until the next meal.

It is important to note that athletes can easily meet recovery nutrition needs with real food. The meal below contains ~80 grams of carbohydrates and 28 grams of protein.

This meal would easily meet the post-workout carbohydrate and protein needs of a pound athlete. The key lies in planning ahead to have the right foods available, at the right time, to support recovery nutrition needs. For recovery nutrition snack ideas, check out my blog: Best Snacks for Athletes Between Games.

When planning what to eat to support a quick recovery from activity, athletes should also focus on foods that can help reduce inflammation in the body. In addition to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, consider including the following anti-inflammatory foods in your recovery nutrition meals and snacks:.

For a complete, downloadable list of anti-inflammatory foods, check out the Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF blog from Angela Lago, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

Finally, when discussing recovery from exercise, athletes should prioritize getting an adequate amount of quality sleep. During sleep the body heals and repairs, which is essential for muscle growth and recovery from exercise sessions.

You are now set with ideas for how competitive athletes can meet their recovery nutrition needs. If you desire an individualized sports nutrition plan, consider visiting with a sports dietitian nutritionist who can tailor a plan specific to your unique needs.

For additional sports nutrition tips, check out my blog: Your Guide to Game Day Nutrition. Click HERE to join the Nutrition By Mandy e-mail list. Mandy is a Sports Dietitian Nutritionist in the San Antonio, TX area.

She is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian, a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, a Licensed Athletic Trainer, and is a Certified Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine.

Mandy has experience working with athletes at the high school, collegiate, and professional levels. Learn more about the work Mandy does here. Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Twitter. Scroll to Top.

: Sports nutrition strategies

The importance of sports nutrition - Nutritionist Resource

Subjects: Medicine and health — Clinical Medicine. View all related items in Oxford Reference ». Search for: 'sports nutrition' in Oxford Reference ». PRINTED FROM OXFORD REFERENCE www.

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Username Please enter your Username. Password Please enter your Password. Forgot password? Don't have an account? Dehydration can impair athletic performance and, in extreme cases, may lead to collapse and even death.

Drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise is very important. Fluid intake is particularly important for events lasting more than 60 minutes, of high intensity or in warm conditions.

Water is a suitable drink, but sports drinks may be required, especially in endurance events or warm climates. Sports drinks contain some sodium, which helps absorption. While insufficient hydration is a problem for many athletes, excess hydration may also be potentially dangerous.

In rare cases, athletes might consume excessive amounts of fluids that dilute the blood too much, causing a low blood concentration of sodium. This condition is called hyponatraemia, which can potentially lead to seizures, collapse, coma or even death if not treated appropriately.

Consuming fluids at a level of to ml per hour of exercise might be a suitable starting point to avoid dehydration and hyponatraemia, although intake should ideally be customised to individual athletes, considering variable factors such as climate, sweat rates and tolerance.

This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional.

The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website.

All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances. The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

Skip to main content. Healthy eating. Home Healthy eating. Sporting performance and food. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. Nutrition and exercise The link between good health and good nutrition is well established. Daily training diet requirements The basic training diet should be sufficient to: provide enough energy and nutrients to meet the demands of training and exercise enhance adaptation and recovery between training sessions include a wide variety of foods like wholegrain breads and cereals , vegetables particularly leafy green varieties , fruit , lean meat and low-fat dairy products to enhance long term nutrition habits and behaviours enable the athlete to achieve optimal body weight and body fat levels for performance provide adequate fluids to ensure maximum hydration before, during and after exercise promote the short and long-term health of athletes.

Carbohydrates are essential for fuel and recovery Current recommendations for carbohydrate requirements vary depending on the duration, frequency and intensity of exercise.

Eating during exercise During exercise lasting more than 60 minutes, an intake of carbohydrate is required to top up blood glucose levels and delay fatigue.

Eating after exercise Rapid replacement of glycogen is important following exercise. Protein and sporting performance Protein is an important part of a training diet and plays a key role in post-exercise recovery and repair.

For example: General public and active people — the daily recommended amount of protein is 0. Sports people involved in non-endurance events — people who exercise daily for 45 to 60 minutes should consume between 1. Sports people involved in endurance events and strength events — people who exercise for longer periods more than one hour or who are involved in strength exercise, such as weight lifting, should consume between 1.

Athletes trying to lose weight on a reduced energy diet — increased protein intakes up to 2. While more research is required, other concerns associated with very high-protein diets include: increased cost potential negative impacts on bones and kidney function increased body weight if protein choices are also high in fat increased cancer risk particularly with high red or processed meat intakes displacement of other nutritious foods in the diet, such as bread, cereal, fruit and vegetables.

Using nutritional supplements to improve sporting performance A well-planned diet will meet your vitamin and mineral needs. Nutritional supplements can be found in pill, tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form, and cover a broad range of products including: vitamins minerals herbs meal supplements sports nutrition products natural food supplements.

Water and sporting performance Dehydration can impair athletic performance and, in extreme cases, may lead to collapse and even death.

When seeking personalized nutritional information and guidance, ACSM recommends consulting with a licensed nutrition or dietary professional such as an LD, RDN, or CSSD.

Featured Resource: ACSM's Nutrition for Exercise Science This clear and highly applied overview of exercise nutrition illustrates difficult concepts using real-world examples and case studies that allow students to put learning into practice.

Expand all Collapse all. Earn continuing education credits CECs by taking these courses through ACSM's ceOnline! A Nutritionist's View CEC Course Bundle A Nutritionist's View CEC Course Bundle 2 A Nutritionist's View CEC Course Bundle 3 PINES Symposium: Sport Nutrition Myth Busters Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids ACSM Annual Meeting Nutrition Content No CECs Awarded ACSM Summit Sessions Summit - Fueling Woman's Health at the Critical Stages of Life Summit - Is it Science or Sensationalism?

Facts The Carbohydrate Conundrum. Performance Nutrition: Clarifying the Carbohydrate Confusion The Role of Vitamin D in Athletic Performance Handout Protein Intake for Optimal Muscle Maintenance Video Improving Iron Status in the Female Athlete.

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The basic principles of sports nutrition

Therefore, for most athletes, additional protein supplements are unlikely to improve sport performance. A well-planned diet will meet your vitamin and mineral needs. Supplements will only be of any benefit if your diet is inadequate or you have a diagnosed deficiency, such as an iron or calcium deficiency.

There is no evidence that extra doses of vitamins improve sporting performance. Nutritional supplements can be found in pill, tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form, and cover a broad range of products including:. Before using supplements, you should consider what else you can do to improve your sporting performance — diet, training and lifestyle changes are all more proven and cost effective ways to improve your performance.

Relatively few supplements that claim performance benefits are supported by sound scientific evidence. Use of vitamin and mineral supplements is also potentially dangerous. Supplements should not be taken without the advice of a qualified health professional.

The ethical use of sports supplements is a personal choice by athletes, and it remains controversial. If taking supplements, you are also at risk of committing an anti-doping rule violation no matter what level of sport you play.

Dehydration can impair athletic performance and, in extreme cases, may lead to collapse and even death. Drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise is very important. Fluid intake is particularly important for events lasting more than 60 minutes, of high intensity or in warm conditions.

Water is a suitable drink, but sports drinks may be required, especially in endurance events or warm climates. Sports drinks contain some sodium, which helps absorption.

While insufficient hydration is a problem for many athletes, excess hydration may also be potentially dangerous. In rare cases, athletes might consume excessive amounts of fluids that dilute the blood too much, causing a low blood concentration of sodium.

This condition is called hyponatraemia, which can potentially lead to seizures, collapse, coma or even death if not treated appropriately. Consuming fluids at a level of to ml per hour of exercise might be a suitable starting point to avoid dehydration and hyponatraemia, although intake should ideally be customised to individual athletes, considering variable factors such as climate, sweat rates and tolerance.

This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional.

The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances.

The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

Skip to main content. Healthy eating. Home Healthy eating. Sporting performance and food. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet.

On this page. Nutrition and exercise The link between good health and good nutrition is well established. Daily training diet requirements The basic training diet should be sufficient to: provide enough energy and nutrients to meet the demands of training and exercise enhance adaptation and recovery between training sessions include a wide variety of foods like wholegrain breads and cereals , vegetables particularly leafy green varieties , fruit , lean meat and low-fat dairy products to enhance long term nutrition habits and behaviours enable the athlete to achieve optimal body weight and body fat levels for performance provide adequate fluids to ensure maximum hydration before, during and after exercise promote the short and long-term health of athletes.

Carbohydrates are essential for fuel and recovery Current recommendations for carbohydrate requirements vary depending on the duration, frequency and intensity of exercise. Eating during exercise During exercise lasting more than 60 minutes, an intake of carbohydrate is required to top up blood glucose levels and delay fatigue.

Eating after exercise Rapid replacement of glycogen is important following exercise. Protein and sporting performance Protein is an important part of a training diet and plays a key role in post-exercise recovery and repair. For example: General public and active people — the daily recommended amount of protein is 0.

Sports people involved in non-endurance events — people who exercise daily for 45 to 60 minutes should consume between 1. Sports people involved in endurance events and strength events — people who exercise for longer periods more than one hour or who are involved in strength exercise, such as weight lifting, should consume between 1.

Athletes trying to lose weight on a reduced energy diet — increased protein intakes up to 2. While more research is required, other concerns associated with very high-protein diets include: increased cost potential negative impacts on bones and kidney function increased body weight if protein choices are also high in fat increased cancer risk particularly with high red or processed meat intakes displacement of other nutritious foods in the diet, such as bread, cereal, fruit and vegetables.

Using nutritional supplements to improve sporting performance A well-planned diet will meet your vitamin and mineral needs. Nutritional supplements can be found in pill, tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form, and cover a broad range of products including: vitamins minerals herbs meal supplements sports nutrition products natural food supplements.

Water and sporting performance Dehydration can impair athletic performance and, in extreme cases, may lead to collapse and even death. Where to get help Your GP doctor Dietitians Australia External Link Tel. Burke L, Deakin V, Mineham M , Clinical sports nutrition External Link , McGraw-Hill, Sydney.

Jäger R, Kerksick CM, Campbell BI, et al. Nutrition External Link , Australian Institute of Sport, Australian Government. Nutrition and healthy eating resources External Link , Nutrition Australia.

Give feedback about this page. Was this page helpful? Yes No. Sodium should be included when sweat losses are high especially if exercise lasts more than about 2 h. Athletes should not drink so much that they gain weight during exercise. During recovery from exercise, rehydration should include replacement of both water and salts lost in sweat.

Athletes are cautioned against the indiscriminate use of dietary supplements. Supplements that provide essential nutrients may be of help where food intake or food choices are restricted, but this approach to achieving adequate nutrient intake is normally only a short-term option.

The use of supplements does not compensate for poor food choices and an inadequate diet. Athletes contemplating the use of supplements and sports foods should consider their efficacy, their cost, the risk to health and performance, and the potential for a positive doping test.

Excessive training and competition are associated with some negative consequences. Robust immunity and reduced risk of infection can be achieved by consuming a varied diet adequate in energy and micronutrients, ensuring adequate sleep and limiting other life stress.

Attention to dietary intake of calcium and iron is important in athletes at risk of deficiency, but use of large amounts of some micronutrients may be harmful.

Female athletes with menstrual disorders should be promptly referred to a qualified specialist physician for diagnosis and treatment. Food can contribute not only to the enjoyment of life, but also to success in sport. Subjects: Medicine and health — Clinical Medicine.

View all related items in Oxford Reference ». Search for: 'sports nutrition' in Oxford Reference ». PRINTED FROM OXFORD REFERENCE www. c Copyright Oxford University Press, All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.

The Oxford Biblical Studies Online and Oxford Islamic Studies Online have retired. Content you previously purchased on Oxford Biblical Studies Online or Oxford Islamic Studies Online has now moved to Oxford Reference , Oxford Handbooks Onlin e , Oxford Scholarship Online , or What Everyone Needs to Kno w ®.

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Trending Topic | Nutrition

Athletes will benefit from the guidance of a qualified sports nutrition professional who can provide advice on their individual energy and nutrient needs and also help them to develop sport-specific nutritional strategies for training, competition and recovery.

A diet that provides adequate energy from the consumption of a wide range of commonly available foods can meet the carbohydrate, protein, fat, and micronutrient requirements of training and competition.

The right diet will help athletes achieve an optimum body size and body composition to achieve greater success in their sport. When athletes restrict their food intake, they risk nutrient deficiency that will impair both their health and their performance.

Fat is an important nutrient and the diet should contain adequate amounts of fats. Athletes should aim to achieve carbohydrate intakes that meet the fuel requirements of their training programmes and also adequately replace their carbohydrate stores during recovery between training sessions and competition.

This can be achieved when athletes eat carbohydrate-rich snacks and meals that also provide a good source of protein and other nutrients. A varied diet that meets energy needs will generally provide protein in excess of requirements.

Muscle mass is maintained or increased at these protein intakes, and the timing of eating carbohydrate and protein may affect the training adaptation. A high carbohydrate intake in the days before competition will help enhance performance, particularly when exercise lasts longer than about 60 min.

Dehydration impairs performance in most events and athletes should be well hydrated before exercise. During prolonged exercise the fluid should provide carbohydrate. Sodium should be included when sweat losses are high especially if exercise lasts more than about 2 h.

Athletes should not drink so much that they gain weight during exercise. During recovery from exercise, rehydration should include replacement of both water and salts lost in sweat.

Athletes are cautioned against the indiscriminate use of dietary supplements. Supplements that provide essential nutrients may be of help where food intake or food choices are restricted, but this approach to achieving adequate nutrient intake is normally only a short-term option.

The use of supplements does not compensate for poor food choices and an inadequate diet. Athletes contemplating the use of supplements and sports foods should consider their efficacy, their cost, the risk to health and performance, and the potential for a positive doping test.

Excessive training and competition are associated with some negative consequences. Robust immunity and reduced risk of infection can be achieved by consuming a varied diet adequate in energy and micronutrients, ensuring adequate sleep and limiting other life stress.

Attention to dietary intake of calcium and iron is important in athletes at risk of deficiency, but use of large amounts of some micronutrients may be harmful.

Excellent reviews [ 42 , 43 ] and original investigations [ 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 ] continue to highlight the known dependence on carbohydrates that exists for athletes competing to win various endurance and team sport activities.

A complete discussion of the needs of carbohydrates and strategies to deliver optimal carbohydrate and replenish lost muscle and liver glycogen extend beyond the scope of this paper, but the reader is referred to several informative reviews on the topic [ 23 , 41 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 ].

As such, individuals engaged in a general fitness program and are not necessarily training to meet any type of performance goal can typically meet daily carbohydrate needs by consuming a normal diet i. However, athletes involved in moderate and high-volume training need greater amounts of carbohydrate and protein discussed later in their diet to meet macronutrient needs [ 50 ].

In terms of carbohydrate needs, athletes involved in moderate amounts of intense training e. Research has also shown that athletes involved in high volume intense training e. Preferably, the majority of dietary carbohydrate should come from whole grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.

while foods that empty quickly from the stomach such as refined sugars, starches and engineered sports nutrition products should be reserved for situations in which glycogen resynthesis needs to occur at accelerated rates [ 53 ].

When considering the carbohydrate needs throughout an exercise session, several key factors should be considered. Previous research has indicated athletes undergoing prolonged bouts 2—3 h of exercise training can oxidize carbohydrates at a rate of 1—1.

Several reviews advocate the ingestion of 0. It is now well established that different types of carbohydrates can be oxidized at different rates in skeletal muscle due to the involvement of different transporter proteins that result in carbohydrate uptake [ 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 ].

Interestingly, combinations of glucose and sucrose or maltodextrin and fructose have been reported to promote greater exogenous rates of carbohydrate oxidation when compared to situations when single sources of carbohydrate are ingested [ 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 ].

These studies generally indicate a ratio of 1—1. In addition to oxidation rates and carbohydrate types, the fasting status and duration of the exercise bout also function as key variables for athletes and coaches to consider.

When considering duration, associated reviews have documented that bouts of moderate to intense exercise need to reach exercise durations that extend well into 90th minute of exercise before carbohydrate is shown to consistently yield an ergogenic outcome [ 41 , 68 , 69 ]. Of interest, however, not all studies indicate that shorter 60—75 min bouts of higher intensity work may benefit from carbohydrate delivery.

Currently the mechanisms surrounding these findings are, respectively, thought to be replacement of depleted carbohydrate stores during longer duration of moderate intensity while benefits seen during shorter, more intense exercise bouts are thought to operate in a central fashion.

Moreover, these reviews have also pointed to the impact of fasting status on documentation of ergogenic outcomes [ 41 , 68 , 69 ]. In this respect, when studies require study participants to commence exercise in a fasted state, ergogenic outcomes are more consistently reported, yet other authors have questioned the ecological validity of this approach for competing athletes [ 43 ].

As it stands, the need for optimal carbohydrates in the diet for those athletes seeking maximal physical performance is unquestioned. Daily consumption of appropriate amounts of carbohydrate is the first and most important step for any competing athlete.

As durations extend into 2 h, the need to deliver carbohydrate goes up, particularly when commencing exercise in a state of fasting or incomplete recovery.

Once exercise ceases, several dietary strategies can be considered to maximally replace lost muscle and liver glycogen, particularly if a limited window of recovery exists.

In these situations, the first priority should lie with achieving aggressive intakes of carbohydrate while strategies such as ingesting protein with lower carbohydrate amounts, carbohydrate and caffeine co-ingestion or certain forms of carbohydrate may also help to facilitate rapid assimilation of lost glycogen.

Initially, it was recommended that athletes do not need to ingest more than the RDA for protein i. However, research spanning the past 30 years has indicated that athletes engaged in intense training may benefit from ingesting about two times the RDA of protein in their diet 1.

If an insufficient amount of protein is consumed, an athlete will develop and maintain a negative nitrogen balance, indicating protein catabolism and slow recovery. Over time, this may lead to muscle wasting, injuries, illness, and training intolerance [ 76 , 77 , 81 ].

For people involved in a general fitness program or simply interested in optimizing their health, recent research suggests protein needs may also be above the RDA.

Phillips and colleagues [ 76 ], Witard et al. In this respect, Morton and investigators [ 83 ] performed a meta-review and meta-regression involving 49 studies and participants and concluded that a daily protein intake of 1.

In addition and in comparison to the RDA, non-exercising, older individuals 53—71 years may also benefit from a higher daily protein intake e. Recent reports suggest that older muscle may be slower to respond and less sensitive to protein ingestion, typically requiring 40 g doses to robustly stimulate muscle protein synthesis [ 84 , 85 , 86 ].

Studies in younger individuals, however, have indicated that in the absence of exercise, a 20 g dose can maximize muscle protein synthesis [ 87 , 88 ] and if consumed after a multiple set workout consisting of several exercises that target large muscle groups a 40 g dose might be needed [ 89 ].

Consequently, it is recommended that athletes involved in moderate amounts of intense training consume 1. This protein need would be equivalent to ingesting 3—15 three-ounce servings of chicken or fish per day for a 50— kg athlete [ 78 ].

Although smaller athletes typically can ingest this amount of protein, on a daily basis, in their normal diet, larger athletes often have difficulty consuming this much dietary protein. Additionally, a number of athletic populations are known to be susceptible to protein malnutrition e.

and consequently, additional counseling and education may be needed to help these athletes meet their daily protein needs. Overall, it goes without saying that care should be taken to ensure that athletes consume a sufficient amount of quality protein in their diet to maintain nitrogen balance.

Proteins differ based on their source, amino acid profile, and the methods of processing or isolating the protein undergoes [ 11 ].

These differences influence the availability of amino acids and peptides, which may possess biological activity e. For example, different types of proteins e.

Therefore, care should be taken not only to make sure the athlete consumes enough protein in their diet but also that the protein is high quality. The best dietary sources of low fat, high quality protein are light skinless chicken, fish, egg whites, very lean cuts of beef and skim milk casein and whey while protein supplements routinely contain whey, casein, milk and egg protein.

In what is still an emerging area of research, various plant sources of protein have been examined for their ability to stimulate increases in muscle protein synthesis [ 77 , 97 ] and promote exercise training adaptations [ 98 ].

While amino acid absorption from plant proteins is generally slower, leucine from rice protein has been found to be absorbed even faster than from whey [ 99 ], while digestive enzymes [ ], probiotics [ ] and HMB [ ] can be used to overcome differences in protein quality.

Preliminary findings suggest that rice [ 98 ] and pea protein [ ] may be able to stimulate similar changes in fat-free mass and strength as whey protein, although the reader should understand that many other factors dose provided, training status of participants, duration of training and supplementation, etc.

will ultimately impact these outcomes and consequently more research is needed. While many reasons and scenarios exist for why an athlete may choose to supplement their diet with protein powders or other forms of protein supplements, this practice is not considered to be an absolute requirement for increased performance and adaptations.

Due to nutritional, societal, emotional and psychological reasons, it is preferable for the majority of daily protein consumed by athletes to occur as part of a food or meal.

However, we recognize and embrace the reality that situations commonly arise where efficiently delivering a high-quality source of protein takes precedence. Jager and colleagues [ 11 ] published an updated position statement of the International Society of Sports Nutrition that is summarized by the following points:.

An acute exercise stimulus, particularly resistance exercise and protein ingestion both stimulate muscle protein synthesis MPS and are synergistic when protein consumption occurs before or after resistance exercise.

For building and maintaining muscle mass, an overall daily protein intake of 1. Higher protein intakes 2. Optimal doses for athletes to maximize MPS are mixed and are dependent upon age and recent resistance exercise stimuli. General recommendations are 0.

The optimal time period during which to ingest protein is likely a matter of individual tolerance; however, the anabolic effect of exercise is long-lasting at least 24 h , but likely diminishes with increasing time post-exercise. Rapidly digested proteins that contain high proportions of EAAs and adequate leucine, are most effective in stimulating MPS.

Different types and quality of protein can affect amino acid bioavailability following protein supplementation; complete protein sources deliver all required EAAs.

The dietary recommendations of fat intake for athletes are similar to or slightly greater than dietary recommendations made to non-athletes to promote health. Maintenance of energy balance, replenishment of intramuscular triacylglycerol stores and adequate consumption of essential fatty acids are important for athletes, and all serve as reasons for an increased intake of dietary fat [ ].

For example, higher-fat diets appear to maintain circulating testosterone concentrations better than low-fat diets [ , , ]. Additionally, higher fat intakes may provide valuable translational evidence to the documented testosterone suppression which can occur during volume-type overtraining [ ].

In situations where an athlete may be interested in reducing their body fat, dietary fat intakes ranging from 0. This recommendation stems largely from available evidence in weight loss studies involving non-athletic individuals that people who are most successful in losing weight and maintaining the weight loss are those who ingest reduced amounts of fat in their diet [ , ] although this is not always the case [ ].

Strategies to help athletes manage dietary fat intake include teaching them which foods contain various types of fat so that they can make better food choices and how to count fat grams [ 2 , 33 ].

For years, high-fat diets have been used by athletes with the majority of evidence showing no ergogenic benefit and consistent gastrointestinal challenges [ ]. In recent years, significant debate has swirled regarding the impact of increasing dietary fat.

While intramuscular adaptations result that may theoretically impact performance [ , ], no consistent, favorable impact on performance has been documented [ , ]. A variant of high-fat diets, ketogenic diets, have increased in popularity. This diet prescription leads to a greater reliance on ketones as a fuel source.

Currently, limited and mixed evidence remains regarding the overall efficacy of a ketogenic diet for athletes. In favor, Cox et al. Additionally, Jabekk and colleagues [ ] reported decreases in body fat with no change in lean mass in overweight women who resistance trained for 10 weeks and followed a ketogenic diet.

In light of the available evidence being limited and mixed, more human research needs to be completed before appropriate recommendations can be made towards the use of high fat diets for athletic performance.

In addition to the general nutritional guidelines described above, research has also demonstrated that timing and composition of meals consumed may play a role in optimizing performance, training adaptations, and preventing overtraining [ 2 , 25 , 40 ].

In this regard, it takes about 4 h for carbohydrate to be digested and assimilated into muscle and liver tissues as glycogen.

Consequently, pre-exercise meals should be consumed about four to 6 h before exercise [ 40 ]. This means that if an athlete trains in the afternoon, breakfast can be viewed to have great importance to top off muscle and liver glycogen levels.

Research has also indicated that ingesting a light carbohydrate and protein snack 30 to 60 min prior to exercise e. This also serves to increase availability of amino acids, decrease exercise-induced catabolism of protein, and minimize muscle damage [ , , ].

Additionally, athletes who are going through periods of energy restriction to meet weight or aesthetic demands of sports should understand that protein intake, quality and timing as well as combination with carbohydrate is particularly important to maintain lean body mass, training effects, and performance [ 25 ].

Notably, this strategy becomes even more important if the athlete is under-fueled prior to the exercise task or is fasted vs. unfasted at the start of exercise [ 68 , 69 , ].

Following intense exercise, athletes should consume carbohydrate and protein e. This eating strategy has been shown to supersaturate carbohydrate stores prior to competition and improve endurance exercise capacity [ 2 , 40 ].

Thus, the type of meal, amount of carbohydrate consumed, and timing of eating are important factors to maximize glycogen storage and in maintaining carbohydrate availability during training while also potentially decreasing the incidence of overtraining.

The ISSN has adopted a position stand on nutrient timing in [ ] that has been subsequently revised [ 13 ] and can be summarized with the following points:. The importance of this strategy is increased when poor feeding or recovery strategies were employed prior to exercise commencement.

Consequently, when carbohydrate delivery is inadequate, adding protein may help increase performance, mitigate muscle damage, promote euglycemia, and facilitate glycogen re-synthesis.

Ingesting efficacious doses 10—12 g of essential amino acids EAAs either in free form or as a protein bolus in 20—40 g doses 0. However, the size 0. Post-exercise ingestion immediately-post to 2 h post of high-quality protein sources stimulates robust increases in MPS.

Similar increases in MPS have been found when high-quality proteins are ingested immediately before exercise. Vitamins are essential organic compounds that serve to regulate metabolic and neurological processes, energy synthesis, and prevent destruction of cells.

Water-soluble vitamins consist of the entire complex of B-vitamins and vitamin C. Since these vitamins are water-soluble, excessive intake of these vitamins are eliminated in urine, with few exceptions e.

vitamin B6, which can cause peripheral nerve damage when consumed in excessive amounts. Table 1 describes the RDA, proposed ergogenic benefit, and summary of research findings for fat and water-soluble vitamins.

Research has demonstrated that specific vitamins possess various health benefits e. Alternatively, if an athlete is deficient in a vitamin, supplementation or diet modifications to improve vitamin status can consistently improve health and performance [ ].

For example, Paschalis and colleagues [ ] supplemented individuals who were low in vitamin C for 30 days and reported these individuals had significantly lower VO 2 Max levels than a group of males who were high in vitamin C.

Further, after 30 days of supplementation, VO 2 Max significantly improved in the low vitamin C cohort as did baseline levels of oxidative stress of oxidative stress.

Furthermore, while optimal levels of vitamin D have been linked to improved muscle health [ ] and strength [ ] in general populations, research studies conducted in athletes generally fail to report on the ergogenic impact of vitamin D in athletes [ , ]. However, equivocal evidence from Wyon et al.

The remaining vitamins reviewed appear to have little ergogenic value for athletes who consume a normal, nutrient dense diet. Finally, athletes may desire to consume a vitamin or mineral for various health non-performance related reasons including niacin to elevate high density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol levels and decrease risk of heart disease niacin , vitamin E for its antioxidant potential, vitamin D for its ability to preserve musculoskeletal function, or vitamin C to promote and maintain a healthy immune system.

Minerals are essential inorganic elements necessary for a host of metabolic processes. Minerals serve as structure for tissue, important components of enzymes and hormones, and regulators of metabolic and neural control.

Notably, acute changes in sodium, potassium and magnesium throughout a continued bout of moderate to high intensity exercise are considerable.

In these situations, athletes must work to ingest foods and fluids to replace these losses, while physiological adaptations to sweat composition and fluid retention will also occur to promote a necessary balance. Like vitamins, when mineral status is inadequate, exercise capacity may be reduced and when minerals are supplemented in deficient athletes, exercise capacity has been shown to improve [ ].

However, scientific reports consistently fail to document a performance improvement due to mineral supplementation when vitamin and mineral status is adequate [ , , ].

Table 2 describes minerals that have been purported to affect exercise capacity in athletes. For example, calcium supplementation in athletes susceptible to premature osteoporosis may help maintain bone mass [ ].

Increasing dietary availability of salt sodium chloride during the initial days of exercise training in the heat helps to maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydration. Finally, zinc supplementation during training can support changes in immune status in response to exercise training.

However, there is little evidence that boron, chromium, magnesium, or vanadium affect exercise capacity or training adaptations in healthy individuals eating a normal diet. The most important nutritional ergogenic aid for athletes is water and limiting dehydration during exercise is one of the most effective ways to maintain exercise capacity.

Before starting exercise, it is highly recommended that individuals are adequately hydrated [ ]. When one considers that average sweat rates are reported to be 0. For this reason, it is critical that athletes adopt a mind set to prevent dehydration first by promoting optimal levels of pre-exercise hydration.

Throughout the day and without any consideration of when exercise is occurring, a key goal is for an athlete to drink enough fluids to maintain their body weight. Next, athletes can promote optimal pre-exercise hydration by ingesting mL of water or sports drinks the night before a competition, another mL upon waking and then another — mL of cool water or sports drink 20—30 min before the onset of exercise.

Consequently, to maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydration, athletes need to plan on ingesting 0. This requires frequent every 5—15 min ingestion of 12—16 fluid ounces of cold water or a sports drink during exercise [ , , , , ]. Athletes should not depend on thirst to prompt them to drink because people do not typically get thirsty until they have lost a significant amount of fluid through sweat.

Additionally, athletes should weigh themselves prior to and following exercise training to monitor changes in fluid balance and then can work to replace their lost fluid [ , , , , ]. During and after exercise, athletes should consume three cups of water for every pound lost during exercise to promote adequate rehydration [ ].

A primary goal soon after exercise should be to completely replace lost fluid and electrolytes during a training session or competition. Additionally, sodium intake in the form of glucose-electrolyte solutions vs.

only drinking water and making food choices and modifications added salt to foods should be considered during the rehydration process to further promote euhydration [ ]. Finally, inappropriate and excessive weight loss techniques e. are considered dangerous and should be prohibited.

Sport nutritionists, dietitians, and athletic trainers can play an important role in educating athletes and coaches about proper hydration methods and supervising fluid intake during training and competition.

Educating athletes and coaches about nutrition and how to structure their diet to optimize performance and recovery are key areas of involvement for sport dietitians and nutritionists.

Currently, use of dietary supplements by athletes and athletic populations is widespread while their overall need and efficacy of certain ingredients remain up for debate. Dietary supplements can play a meaningful role in helping athletes consume the proper amount of calories, macro- and micronutrients.

Dietary supplements are not intended to replace a healthy diet. Supplementation with these nutrients in clinically validated amounts and at opportune times can help augment the normal diet to help optimize performance or support adaptations towards a training outcome.

Sport dietitians and nutritionists must be aware of the current data regarding nutrition, exercise, and performance and be honest about educating their clients about results of various studies whether pro or con.

Currently, misleading information is available to the public and this position stand is intended to objectively rate many of the available ingredients. Additionally, athletes, coaches and trainers need to also heed the recommendations of scientists when recommendations are made according to the available literature and what will hopefully be free of bias.

We recognize that some ingredients may exhibit little potential to stimulate training adaptations or operate in an ergogenic fashion, but may favorably impact muscle recovery or exhibit health benefits that may be helpful for some populations. These outcomes are not the primary focus of this review and consequently, will not be discussed with the same level of detail.

Consequently, meal replacements should be used in place of a meal during unique situations and are not intended to replace all meals.

Care should also be taken to make sure they do not contain any banned or prohibited nutrients. The following section provides an analysis of the scientific literature regarding nutritional supplements purported to promote skeletal muscle accretion in conjunction with the completion of a well-designed exercise-training program.

An overview of each supplement and a general interpretation of how they should be categorized is provided throughout the text. Table 3 summarizes how every supplement discussed in this article is categorized. However, within each category all supplements are ordered alphabetically.

For example, increases in body mass and lean mass are desired adaptations for many American football or rugby players and may improve performance in these activities. In contrast, decreases in body mass or fat mass may promote increases in performance such as cyclists and gymnasts whereby athletes such as wrestlers, weightlifters and boxers may need to rapidly reduce weight while maintaining muscle mass, strength and power.

HMB is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine. It is well-documented that supplementing with 1. The currently established minimal effective dose of HMB is 1. To optimize HMB retention, its recommend to split the daily dose of 3 g into three equal doses of 1 g each with breakfast, lunch or pre-exercise, bedtime [ ].

From a safety perspective, dosages of 1. The effects of HMB supplementation in trained athletes are less clear with selected studies reporting non-significant gains in muscle mass [ , , ]. In this respect, it has been suggested by Wilson and colleagues [ 15 ] that program design periodized resistance training models and duration of supplementation minimum of 6 weeks likely operate as key factors.

Before and after each supplementation period, body composition and performance parameters were assessed. When HMB was provided, fat mass was significantly reduced while changes in lean mass were not significant between groups.

The same research group published data of 58 highly trained males athletes who supplemented with either 3 g of calcium-HMB or placebo for 12 weeks in a randomized, double-blind, crossover fashion [ ]. In this report, fat mass was found to be significantly reduced while fat-free mass was significantly increased.

Finally, Durkalec-Michalski and investigators [ ] supplemented 42 highly-trained combat sport athletes for 12 weeks with either a placebo or 3 g of calcium-HMB in a randomized, double-blind, crossover fashion.

In conclusion, a growing body of literature continues to offer support that HMB supplementation at dosages of 1.

In our view, the most effective nutritional supplement available to athletes to increase high intensity exercise capacity and muscle mass during training is creatine monohydrate.

Body mass increases are typically one to two kilograms greater than controls during 4—12 weeks of training [ ].

The gains in muscle mass appear to be a result of an improved ability to perform high intensity exercise enabling an athlete to train harder and thereby promote greater training adaptations and muscle hypertrophy [ , , , ]. The only clinically significant side effect occasionally reported from creatine monohydrate supplementation has been the potential for weight gain [ , , , ].

The ISSN position stand on creatine monohydrate [ 10 ] summarizes their findings as this:. Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.

Creatine monohydrate supplementation is not only safe, but has been reported to have a number of therapeutic benefits in healthy and diseased populations ranging from infants to the elderly.

If proper precautions and supervision are provided, creatine monohydrate supplementation in children and adolescent athletes is acceptable and may provide a nutritional alternative with a favorable safety profile to potentially dangerous anabolic androgenic drugs.

At present, creatine monohydrate is the most extensively studied and clinically effective form of creatine for use in nutritional supplements in terms of muscle uptake and ability to increase high-intensity exercise capacity.

The addition of carbohydrate or carbohydrate and protein to a creatine supplement appears to increase muscular uptake of creatine, although the effect on performance measures may not be greater than using creatine monohydrate alone.

Initially, ingesting smaller amounts of creatine monohydrate e. Clinical populations have been supplemented with high levels of creatine monohydrate 0.

Further research is warranted to examine the potential medical benefits of creatine monohydrate and precursors like guanidinoacetic acid on sport, health and medicine.

Research examining the impact of the essential amino acids on stimulating muscle protein synthesis is an extremely popular area.

Theoretically, this may enhance increases in fat-free mass, but to date limited evidence exists to demonstrate that supplementation with non-intact sources of EAAs e. Moreover, other research has indicated that changes in muscle protein synthesis may not correlate with phenotypic adaptations to exercise training [ ].

An abundance of evidence is available, however, to indicate that ingestion of high-quality protein sources can heighten adaptations to resistance training [ ]. While various methods of protein quality assessment exist, most of these approaches center upon the amount of EAAs that are found within the protein source, and in nearly all situations, the highest quality protein sources are those containing the highest amounts of EAAs.

To this point, a number of published studies are available that state the EAAs operate as a prerequisite to stimulate peak rates of muscle protein synthesis [ , , , ]. To better understand the impact of ingesting free-form amino acids versus an intact protein source, Katsanos et al.

Protein accrual was greater when the amino acid dose was provided in an intact source. While the EAAs are comprised of nine separate amino acids, some individual EAAs have received considerable attention for their potential role in impacting protein translation and muscle protein synthesis.

In this respect, the branched-chain amino acids have been highlighted for their predominant role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis [ , ].

Interestingly, Moberg and investigators [ ] had trained volunteers complete a standardized bout of resistance training in conjunction with ingestion of placebo, leucine, BCAA or EAA while measuring changes in post-exercise activation of p70s6k. They concluded that EAA ingestion led to a nine-fold greater increase in p70s6k activation and that these results were primarily attributable to the BCAAs.

Finally, a study by Jackman et al. While significant, this magnitude of change was notably less than the post-exercise MPS responses seen when doses of whey protein that delivered similar amounts of the BCAAs were consumed [ 88 , ]. These outcomes led the authors to conclude that the full complement of EAAs was advised to maximally stimulate increases in MPS.

Of all the interest captured by the BCAAs, leucine is accepted to be the primary driver of acute changes in protein translation.

In this respect, Dreyer et al. In this respect, Jager et al. A growing body of literature is available that suggests higher amounts of protein are needed by exercising individuals to optimize exercise training adaptations [ 11 , 83 , , ].

Collectively, these sources indicate that people undergoing intense training with the primary intention to promote accretion of fat-free mass should consume between 1.

Tang and colleagues [ 95 ] conducted a classic study that examined the ability of three different sources of protein hydrolyzed whey isolate, micellar casein and soy isolate to stimulate acute changes in muscle protein synthesis both at rest and after a single bout of resistance exercise.

These authors concluded that all three protein sources significantly increased muscle protein synthesis rates both at rest and in response to resistance exercise. When this response is extrapolated over the course of several weeks, multiple studies have reported on the ability of different forms of protein to significantly increase fat-free mass while resistance training [ 70 , , , , , , ].

Cermak et al. Data from 22 separate published studies that included research participants were included in the analysis.

These authors concluded that protein supplementation demonstrated a positive effect of fat-free mass and lower-body strength in both younger and older participants. Similarly, Morton and investigators [ 83 ] published results from a meta-analysis that also included a meta-regression approach involving data from 49 studies and participants.

They concluded that the ability of protein to positively impact fat-free mass accretion increases up to approximately 1. Although more research is necessary in this area, evidence clearly indicates that protein needs of individuals engaged in intense training are elevated and consequently those athletes who achieve higher intakes of protein while training promote greater changes in fat-free mass.

Beyond the impact of protein to foster greater training-induced adaptations such as increases in strength and muscle mass, several studies have examined the ability of different types of protein to stimulate changes in fat-free mass [ , , , , ] while several studies and reviews have critically explored the role protein may play in achieving weight loss in athletes [ , ] as well as during periods of caloric restriction [ , ].

It is the position stand of ISSN that exercising individuals need approximately 1. ATP is the primary intracellular energy source and in addition, has extensive extracellular functions including the increase in skeletal muscle calcium permeability and vasodilation.

While intravenous administration of ATP is bioavailable [ ], several studies have shown that oral ATP is not systematically bioavailable [ ]. However, chronic supplementation with ATP increases the capacity to synthesize ATP within the erythrocytes without increasing resting concentrations in the plasma, thereby minimizing exercise-induced drops in ATP levels [ ].

Oral ATP supplementation has demonstrated initial ergogenic properties, after a single dose, improving total weight lifted and total number of repetitions [ ]. ATP may increase blood flow to the exercising muscle [ ] and may reduce fatigue and increase peak power output during later bouts of repeated bouts exercise [ ].

ATP may also support greater recovery and lean mass maintenance under high volume training [ ], however, this has only been reported in one previous study. Therefore, it is possible to think that a blended protein supplement can potentially provide greater benefit by combining their ergogenic effects Several studies have evaluated the effect of soy-dairy or vegetable-dairy protein blend supplementation in athletes.

The hypothesis was that the ergogenic effect could be improved by combining the MPS-enhancing capacity of whey with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of soy and other plant-based proteins The results showed that vegetable-dairy protein blends could exert ergogenic effects such as a reduction of fatigue , a slight enhancement of lean body mass or an equal increase of MPS and more balanced post-prandial amino acid availability compared to whey 52 , , In general, vegetable proteins are deficient in certain essential amino acids, such as methionine in pulses, and cysteine and lysine in cereals Protein blends could also be a promising solution to improve the quality of vegetable protein and favoring a greater ergogenic effect In this regard, Brennan et al.

The results indicated that plant protein mixtures were not bioequivalent to whey protein, although they observed a faster increase of blood hyper aminoacidemia than individual vegetable proteins Thus, protein mixtures are an interesting line of research, as the combination of the ergogenic effects of different protein sources could be beneficial in sports supplementation.

As we previously described, proteins have many benefits for athletes. However, a high protein intake together with exercise could induce oxidative stress, that could have a negative impact on the gut microbiota 13 , The intestinal microbiota contributes to the regulation of host physiological processes and plays a key role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, nutrient absorption and the synthesis of bioactive metabolites such as EAA, short-chain fatty acids and vitamins It has been observed that dietary proteins can exert a regulatory effect on the production of these beneficial metabolites, so an excess in protein intake can lead to adverse effects, generating a mismatch in the gut microbiota The negative effects of high-protein diets on the microbiota might be reduced by two strategies: the addition of prebiotics or probiotics.

According to International Society of Sports Nutrition ISSN , probiotics might also contribute positively to the improvement of athlete's health by increasing the integrity of the gut-barrier function, enhancing its immune system or reducing muscle damage In this context, Jäger et al.

Therefore, they decided to evaluate its in vitro and in vivo synergistic effects in conjunction with plant-based proteins in athletes. In this trial, it was observed that the absorption rate of amino acids was higher than the absorption in the placebo group.

It was considered that this effect could happen due to the proteolytic enzymes contained in the probiotics, which acted in the large intestine using undigested proteins and peptides as substrate, therefore generating more easily absorbable products In a more recent study, the effect of this strain was tested with milk proteins, obtaining similar results Taken in total, the combination of probiotics with proteins could reduce the quality differences of protein sources naturally lower in leucine, such as some plant proteins, improving their bioactive properties, and possibly overcoming the microbiota problems related to high protein diet.

In conclusion, protein supplementation in sports nutrition is a very broad field that includes proteins, hydrolysates, peptides, and amino acids. It encompasses very different areas as sport performance increase energy, reduce fat body mass, maintain strength muscle, promote muscle protein synthesis, recovery muscular mass, or prevent nutritional deficiencies , sport-related complications joint soreness, fatigue, sport injures and rehabilitation and disciplines, such as food chemistry, immunology or physiology.

Although protein quality is generally lower in plants than in animals, there are other novel sources of protein, both animal and vegetable, whose effects on sports activity could be very interesting along with other environmental reasons to choose them as sports supplements.

The future directions of these investigations highlight an interest on the development of protein products that not only improve sports nutrition, but also contain added value, such as a higher bioactive capacity or greater sustainability.

In fact, the UN Nutrition aims to use resources more efficiently and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to secure the future of food and the environment. In fact, they suggested that a replacement of basic animal protein sources such as milk and eggs with more sustainable food alternatives is needed.

In this context, plant protein sources contain compounds that can help to protect the body against high levels of oxidative stress in exercise.

Insect proteins are also a good-quality protein source, which can become a viable ingredient in liquid or solid food sports products, and mycoproteins could have more anabolic effect than traditional sport supplement protein with a much-reduced carbon footprint.

Moreover, protein hydrolysates or their bioactive peptides could be especially beneficial from a multifunctional point of view, to improve sport performance, complications associated to the sport practice and healthy aging.

It is a fact that, in recent years, the demand for alternative proteins has been growing considerably and it is estimated that it will continue to do so in the next 20 years. In this context, sports nutrition will be an interesting target market and those new products that combine protein quality and bioactivity, including ergogenic capacity, and are friendly to the environment will be better accepted by athletes.

Although alternative proteins present a great potential as natural source of biologically active compounds, the scientific evidence related to the biological properties of new sources of protein is almost limited to in vitro assays and it will be necessary more studies in animal models and human trials to evaluate their efficacy, safety, and their impact in human health before its commercialization.

ML-M and MM: conceptualization. ML-M: writing—original draft preparation. ML-M, MG-R, and MM: writing—review and editing. MG-R and MM: supervision. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Science and Universities MICINN AGL and Francisco de Vitoria University UFV The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Br J Nutr. Harris RA, Joshi M, Jeoung NH. Mechanisms responsible for regulation of branched-chain amino acid catabolism. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. VanDusseldorp TA, Escobar KA, Johnson KE, Stratton MT, Moriarty T, Cole N, et al. Effect of branched-chain amino acid supplementation on recovery following acute eccentric exercise.

Yu Y-M, Fukagawa NK. Protein and amino acids. In: Marriott BP, Birt DF, Stallings VA, Yates AA, editors. Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Volume Nutrition and Metabolism. London: Elsevier Trommelen J, Tomé D, van Loon LJC. Gut amino acid absorption in humans: concepts and relevance for postprandial metabolism.

Clin Nutr Open Sci. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO. Dietary Protein Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition. paper ISSN pdf accessed at September 21, Google Scholar. Wilson J, Wilson GJ.

Contemporary issues in protein requirements and consumption for resistance trained athletes. Bulut Solak B, Akin N. Health benefits of whey protein: a review. J Food Sci Eng.

Burd NA, Yang Y, Moore DR, Tang JE, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Greater stimulation of myofibrillar protein synthesis with ingestion of whey protein isolate v. micellar casein at rest and after resistance exercise in elderly men. Davies RW, Carson BP, Jakeman PM.

The effect of whey protein supplementation on the temporal recovery of muscle function following resistance training: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Taylor LW, Wilborn C, Roberts MD, White A, Dugan K. Eight weeks of pre- and postexercise whey protein supplementation increases lean body mass and improves performance in Division III collegiate female basketball players.

Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Patel S. Functional food relevance of whey protein: a review of recent findings and scopes ahead. J Funct Foods. Gorissen SHM, Crombag JJR, Senden JMG, Waterval WAH, Bierau J, Verdijk LB, et al.

Protein content and amino acid composition of commercially available plant-based protein isolates. Amino Acids. Chapman A. Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World. pdf accessed July 21, Murefu TR, Macheka L, Musundire R, Manditsera FA.

Safety of wild harvested and reared edible insects: a review. Food Control. Zielinska E, Baraniak B, Karas M. Comparison of functional properties of edible insects and protein preparations thereof. Lebenson Wiss Technol. Van Huis A, Van Itterbeeck J, Klunder H, Mertens E, Halloran A, Muir G, et al.

Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PubMed Abstract Google Scholar. Kim T-K, Yong HI, Kim Y-B, Kim H-W, Choi Y-S. Edible insects as a protein source: a review of public perception, processing technology, and research trends.

Food Sci Anim Resour. Churchward-Venne TA, Pinckaers PJM, van Loon JJA, van Loon LJC. Consideration of insects as a source of dietary protein for human consumption. Nutr Rev. World Health Organization WHO. Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition.

Singapore: World Health Organization Technical Report Series Lakemond CMM, Sagis LMC, Eisner-Schadler V, van Huis A, van Boekel MAJS. Extraction and characterisation of protein fractions from five insect species. Food Chem. Duan Y, Li F, Liu H, Li Y, Liu Y, Kong X, et al.

Nutritional and regulatory roles of leucine in muscle growth and fat reduction. Front Biosci. Yi L, Van Boekel MAJS, Boeren S, Lakemond CMM. Protein identification and in vitro digestion of fractions from Tenebrio molitor.

Eur Food Res Technol. Nongonierma AB, FitzGerald RJ. Unlocking the biological potential of proteins from edible insects through enzymatic hydrolysis: a review.

Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol. Vangsoe MT, Thogersen R, Bertram HC, Heckmann L-HL, Hansen M. Ingestion of insect protein isolate enhances blood amino acid concentrations similar to soy protein in a human trial. Vangsoe MT, Joergensen MS, Heckmann L-HL, Hansen M.

Effects of insect protein supplementation during resistance training on changes in muscle mass and strength in young men. Hermans WJH, Senden JM, Churchward-Venne TA, Paulussen KJM, Fuchs CJ, Smeets JSJ, et al. Insects are a viable protein source for human consumption: from insect protein digestion to postprandial muscle protein synthesis in vivo in humans: a double-blind randomized trial.

Am J Clin Nutr. Radnitz C, Beezhold B, DiMatteo J. Investigation of lifestyle choices of individuals following a vegan diet for health and ethical reasons. Kuesten C, Hu C. Functional foods and protein supplementation handbook of eating and drinking: interdisciplinary perspectives.

In: Meiselman HL, editor. Handbook of Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing Lynch HM, Wharton CM, Johnston CS.

Cardiorespiratory fitness and peak torque differences between vegetarian and omnivore endurance athletes: a cross-sectional study. Mangano KM, Sahni S, Kiel DP, Tucker KL, Dufour AB, Hannan MT.

Dietary protein is associated with musculoskeletal health independently of dietary pattern: the Framingham Third Generation Study. Shenoy S, Dhawan M, Singh Sandhu J.

Four weeks of supplementation with isolated soy protein attenuates exercise-induced muscle damage and enhances muscle recovery in well trained athletes: a randomized trial.

Asian J Sports Med. Gorissen SH, Horstman AM, Franssen R, Crombag JJ, Langer H, Bierau J, et al. Ingestion of wheat protein increases in vivo muscle protein synthesis rates in healthy older men in a randomized trial. J Nutr.

Xia Z, Cholewa JM, Dardevet D, Huang T, Zhao Y, Shang H, et al. Effects of oat protein supplementation on skeletal muscle damage, inflammation and performance recovery following downhill running in untrained collegiate men.

Food Funct. Banaszek A, Townsend JR, Bender D, Vantrease WC, Marshall AC, Johnson KD. The effects of whey vs. pea protein on physical adaptations following 8-weeks of high-intensity functional training HIFT : a.

pilot study Sports. Lynch HM, Buman MP, Dickinson JM, Ransdell LB, Johnston CS, Wharton CM. No significant differences in muscle growth and strength development when consuming soy and whey protein supplements matched for leucine following a 12 week resistance training program in men and women: a randomized trial.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. Pinckaers PJM, Kouw IWK, Hendriks FK, van Kranenburg JMX, de Groot LCPGM, Verdijk LB, et al. No differences in muscle protein synthesis rates following ingestion of wheat protein, milk protein, and their protein blend in healthy, young males.

Messina M, Lynch H, Dickinson JM, Reed KE. No difference between the effects of supplementing with soy protein versus animal protein on gains in muscle mass and strength in response to resistance exercise.

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Bessada SM, Barreira JC, Oliveira MBP. Pulses and food security: Dietary protein, digestibility, bioactive and functional properties.

Trends Food Sci Technol. Reynaud Y, Buffière C, Cohade B, Vauris M, Liebermann K, Hafnaoui N, et al. True ileal amino acid digestibility and digestible indispensable amino acid scores DIAASs of plant-based protein foods.

Samtiya M, Aluko RE, Dhewa T. Plant food anti-nutritional factors and their reduction strategies: An overview. Food Prod Process Nutr. Omosebi MO, Osundahunsi OF, Fagbemi TN. Effect of extrusion on protein quality, antinutritional factors, and digestibility of complementary diet from quality protein maize and soybean protein concentrate.

J Food Biochem. Hruby A, Jacques PF. Dietary protein and changes in biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort. Curr Dev Nutr. Valko M, Leibfritz D, Moncol J, Cronin MTD, Mazur M, Telser J. Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease.

Int J Biochem Cell Biol. Malaguti M, Angeloni C, Hrelia S. Polyphenols in exercise performance and prevention of exercise-induced muscle damage.

Oxid Med Cell Longev. Pingitore A, Lima GPP, Mastorci F, Quinones A, Iervasi G, Vassalle C. Exercise and oxidative stress: potential effects of antioxidant dietary strategies in sports.

Draganidis D, Karagounis LG, Athanailidis I, Chatzinikolaou A, Jamurtas AZ, Fatouros IG. Inflammaging and skeletal muscle: can protein intake make a difference? Higashida K, Kim SH, Higuchi M, Holloszy JO, Han D-H. Normal adaptations to exercise despite protection against oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.

HadŽović-DŽuvo A, Valjevac A, Lepara O, Pjanić S, HadŽimuratović A, Mekić A. Oxidative stress status in elite athletes engaged in different sport disciplines. Bosn J basic Med Sci. Xiao CW. Health effects of soy protein and isoflavones in humans.

Zhang T, Zhao T, Zhang Y, Liu T, Gagnon G, Ebrahim J, et al. Avenanthramide supplementation reduces eccentric exercise-induced inflammation in young men and women. Gaamouri N, Zouhal H, Hammami M, Hackney AC, Abderrahman A, Ben Saeidi A, et al.

Ben Effects of polyphenol carob supplementation on body composition and aerobic capacity in taekwondo athletes. Physiol Behav. Tachibana N, Yamashita Y, Nagata M, Wanezaki S, Ashida H, Horio F, et al. Soy β-conglycinin improves glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and ameliorates hepatic insulin resistance in Goto-Kakizaki rats.

Nutr Res. Smulders MJM, van de Wiel CCM, van den Broeck HC, van der Meer IM, Israel-Hoevelaken TPM, Timmer RD, et al. Oats in healthy gluten-free and regular diets: a perspective.

Food Res Int. Finnigan TJA, Wall BT, Wilde PJ, Stephens FB, Taylor SL, Freedman MR. Mycoprotein: the future of nutritious nonmeat protein, a symposium review. Finnigan T, Needham L, Abbott C, Mycoprotein: a healthy new protein with a low environmental impact.

In: Nadathur SR, Wanasundara JPD, Scanlin L, editors. Sustainable Protein Sources. Coelho MOC, Monteyne AJ, Dunlop MV, Harris HC, Morrison DJ, Stephens FB, et al. Mycoprotein as a possible alternative source of dietary protein to support muscle and metabolic health. Hashempour-Baltork F, Hosseini SM, Assarehzadegan M-A, Khosravi-Darani K, Hosseini H.

Safety assays and nutritional values of mycoprotein produced by Fusarium venenatum IRC from date waste as substrate.

Sporting performance and food

In November , the world witnessed an unprecedented surge in inquiries regarding sports and nutrition; Nutrition Nutrition and sport go hand in hand, both helping to keep both our body and mind healthy.

A great nutrition plan wi Do you have a child or teen in sport? Childhood and adolescence are critical periods for development and physical g We use cookies to run and improve our site.

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By clicking "Accept all cookies" you are giving us consent to set these cookies. All site Nutritionists Events Search. Searching for a specific Nutritionist? Try our advanced search. Sports nutrition.

The basic principles of sports nutrition Sports nutrition consists of three basic principles. The three principles are: Fuelling - providing the body with food to enhance stamina, strength and clarity.

Hydration - preventing dehydration and fatigue, whilst optimising muscle performance. Recovery - to aid in recovery after exercise. How can we put this into practice?

The average gym-goer For the average gym-goer, fuelling might consist of a 'typical' healthy diet'. Elite marathon runner For an elite marathon runner, the principles of sports nutrition change slightly. The key to sports nutrition is personalisation. Share this article with a friend.

J Funct Foods. Gorissen SHM, Crombag JJR, Senden JMG, Waterval WAH, Bierau J, Verdijk LB, et al. Protein content and amino acid composition of commercially available plant-based protein isolates.

Amino Acids. Chapman A. Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World. pdf accessed July 21, Murefu TR, Macheka L, Musundire R, Manditsera FA. Safety of wild harvested and reared edible insects: a review. Food Control. Zielinska E, Baraniak B, Karas M. Comparison of functional properties of edible insects and protein preparations thereof.

Lebenson Wiss Technol. Van Huis A, Van Itterbeeck J, Klunder H, Mertens E, Halloran A, Muir G, et al. Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PubMed Abstract Google Scholar.

Kim T-K, Yong HI, Kim Y-B, Kim H-W, Choi Y-S. Edible insects as a protein source: a review of public perception, processing technology, and research trends. Food Sci Anim Resour. Churchward-Venne TA, Pinckaers PJM, van Loon JJA, van Loon LJC.

Consideration of insects as a source of dietary protein for human consumption. Nutr Rev. World Health Organization WHO. Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition.

Singapore: World Health Organization Technical Report Series Lakemond CMM, Sagis LMC, Eisner-Schadler V, van Huis A, van Boekel MAJS.

Extraction and characterisation of protein fractions from five insect species. Food Chem. Duan Y, Li F, Liu H, Li Y, Liu Y, Kong X, et al. Nutritional and regulatory roles of leucine in muscle growth and fat reduction.

Front Biosci. Yi L, Van Boekel MAJS, Boeren S, Lakemond CMM. Protein identification and in vitro digestion of fractions from Tenebrio molitor. Eur Food Res Technol.

Nongonierma AB, FitzGerald RJ. Unlocking the biological potential of proteins from edible insects through enzymatic hydrolysis: a review. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol. Vangsoe MT, Thogersen R, Bertram HC, Heckmann L-HL, Hansen M.

Ingestion of insect protein isolate enhances blood amino acid concentrations similar to soy protein in a human trial. Vangsoe MT, Joergensen MS, Heckmann L-HL, Hansen M.

Effects of insect protein supplementation during resistance training on changes in muscle mass and strength in young men.

Hermans WJH, Senden JM, Churchward-Venne TA, Paulussen KJM, Fuchs CJ, Smeets JSJ, et al. Insects are a viable protein source for human consumption: from insect protein digestion to postprandial muscle protein synthesis in vivo in humans: a double-blind randomized trial.

Am J Clin Nutr. Radnitz C, Beezhold B, DiMatteo J. Investigation of lifestyle choices of individuals following a vegan diet for health and ethical reasons.

Kuesten C, Hu C. Functional foods and protein supplementation handbook of eating and drinking: interdisciplinary perspectives. In: Meiselman HL, editor. Handbook of Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

Cham: Springer International Publishing Lynch HM, Wharton CM, Johnston CS. Cardiorespiratory fitness and peak torque differences between vegetarian and omnivore endurance athletes: a cross-sectional study.

Mangano KM, Sahni S, Kiel DP, Tucker KL, Dufour AB, Hannan MT. Dietary protein is associated with musculoskeletal health independently of dietary pattern: the Framingham Third Generation Study.

Shenoy S, Dhawan M, Singh Sandhu J. Four weeks of supplementation with isolated soy protein attenuates exercise-induced muscle damage and enhances muscle recovery in well trained athletes: a randomized trial. Asian J Sports Med. Gorissen SH, Horstman AM, Franssen R, Crombag JJ, Langer H, Bierau J, et al.

Ingestion of wheat protein increases in vivo muscle protein synthesis rates in healthy older men in a randomized trial. J Nutr. Xia Z, Cholewa JM, Dardevet D, Huang T, Zhao Y, Shang H, et al. Effects of oat protein supplementation on skeletal muscle damage, inflammation and performance recovery following downhill running in untrained collegiate men.

Food Funct. Banaszek A, Townsend JR, Bender D, Vantrease WC, Marshall AC, Johnson KD. The effects of whey vs. pea protein on physical adaptations following 8-weeks of high-intensity functional training HIFT : a.

pilot study Sports. Lynch HM, Buman MP, Dickinson JM, Ransdell LB, Johnston CS, Wharton CM. No significant differences in muscle growth and strength development when consuming soy and whey protein supplements matched for leucine following a 12 week resistance training program in men and women: a randomized trial.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. Pinckaers PJM, Kouw IWK, Hendriks FK, van Kranenburg JMX, de Groot LCPGM, Verdijk LB, et al. No differences in muscle protein synthesis rates following ingestion of wheat protein, milk protein, and their protein blend in healthy, young males.

Messina M, Lynch H, Dickinson JM, Reed KE. No difference between the effects of supplementing with soy protein versus animal protein on gains in muscle mass and strength in response to resistance exercise.

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Bessada SM, Barreira JC, Oliveira MBP. Pulses and food security: Dietary protein, digestibility, bioactive and functional properties.

Trends Food Sci Technol. Reynaud Y, Buffière C, Cohade B, Vauris M, Liebermann K, Hafnaoui N, et al. True ileal amino acid digestibility and digestible indispensable amino acid scores DIAASs of plant-based protein foods.

Samtiya M, Aluko RE, Dhewa T. Plant food anti-nutritional factors and their reduction strategies: An overview. Food Prod Process Nutr. Omosebi MO, Osundahunsi OF, Fagbemi TN. Effect of extrusion on protein quality, antinutritional factors, and digestibility of complementary diet from quality protein maize and soybean protein concentrate.

J Food Biochem. Hruby A, Jacques PF. Dietary protein and changes in biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort. Curr Dev Nutr. Valko M, Leibfritz D, Moncol J, Cronin MTD, Mazur M, Telser J.

Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. Malaguti M, Angeloni C, Hrelia S. Polyphenols in exercise performance and prevention of exercise-induced muscle damage.

Oxid Med Cell Longev. Pingitore A, Lima GPP, Mastorci F, Quinones A, Iervasi G, Vassalle C. Exercise and oxidative stress: potential effects of antioxidant dietary strategies in sports. Draganidis D, Karagounis LG, Athanailidis I, Chatzinikolaou A, Jamurtas AZ, Fatouros IG.

Inflammaging and skeletal muscle: can protein intake make a difference? Higashida K, Kim SH, Higuchi M, Holloszy JO, Han D-H. Normal adaptations to exercise despite protection against oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.

HadŽović-DŽuvo A, Valjevac A, Lepara O, Pjanić S, HadŽimuratović A, Mekić A. Oxidative stress status in elite athletes engaged in different sport disciplines. Bosn J basic Med Sci. Xiao CW. Health effects of soy protein and isoflavones in humans. Zhang T, Zhao T, Zhang Y, Liu T, Gagnon G, Ebrahim J, et al.

Avenanthramide supplementation reduces eccentric exercise-induced inflammation in young men and women. Gaamouri N, Zouhal H, Hammami M, Hackney AC, Abderrahman A, Ben Saeidi A, et al. Ben Effects of polyphenol carob supplementation on body composition and aerobic capacity in taekwondo athletes.

Physiol Behav. Tachibana N, Yamashita Y, Nagata M, Wanezaki S, Ashida H, Horio F, et al. Soy β-conglycinin improves glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and ameliorates hepatic insulin resistance in Goto-Kakizaki rats.

Nutr Res. Smulders MJM, van de Wiel CCM, van den Broeck HC, van der Meer IM, Israel-Hoevelaken TPM, Timmer RD, et al. Oats in healthy gluten-free and regular diets: a perspective.

Food Res Int. Finnigan TJA, Wall BT, Wilde PJ, Stephens FB, Taylor SL, Freedman MR. Mycoprotein: the future of nutritious nonmeat protein, a symposium review. Finnigan T, Needham L, Abbott C, Mycoprotein: a healthy new protein with a low environmental impact.

In: Nadathur SR, Wanasundara JPD, Scanlin L, editors. Sustainable Protein Sources. Coelho MOC, Monteyne AJ, Dunlop MV, Harris HC, Morrison DJ, Stephens FB, et al. Mycoprotein as a possible alternative source of dietary protein to support muscle and metabolic health. Hashempour-Baltork F, Hosseini SM, Assarehzadegan M-A, Khosravi-Darani K, Hosseini H.

Safety assays and nutritional values of mycoprotein produced by Fusarium venenatum IRC from date waste as substrate.

J Sci Food Agric. Hashempour-Baltork F, Khosravi-Darani K, Hosseini H, Farshi P, Reihani SFS. Mycoproteins as safe meat substitutes.

J Clean Prod. Dunlop MV, Kilroe SP, Bowtell JL, Finnigan, TJA, Salmon DL, Wall BT. Mycoprotein represents a bioavailable and insulinotropic non-animal-derived dietary protein source: a dose-response study.

Monteyne AJ, Coelho MOC, Porter C, Abdelrahman DR, Jameson TSO, Jackman SR, et al. Mycoprotein ingestion stimulates protein synthesis rates to a greater extent than milk protein in rested and exercised skeletal muscle of healthy young men: a randomized controlled trial.

Monteyne AJ, Coelho MOC, Porter C, Abdelrahman DR, Jameson TSO, Finnigan TJA, et al. Branched-chain amino acid fortification does not restore muscle protein synthesis rates following ingestion of lower- compared with higher-dose mycoprotein.

Monteyne AJ, Dunlop MV, Machin DJ, Coelho MOC, Pavis GF, Porter C, et al. A mycoprotein-based high-protein vegan diet supports equivalent daily myofibrillar protein synthesis rates compared with an isonitrogenous omnivorous diet in older adults: a randomised controlled trial.

Grimble GK. Mechanisms of peptide and amino acid transport and their regulation. Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Clin Perform Programme. Manninen AH. Protein hydrolysates in sports nutrition.

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J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. Iwasa M, Takezoe S, Kitaura N, Sutani T, Miyazaki H, Aoi W, et al. milk casein hydrolysate-derived peptide enhances glucose uptake through the AMP-activated protein kinase signalling pathway in skeletal muscle cells. Exp Physiol. Muniyappa R, Montagnani M, Koh KK, Quon MJ.

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Written at a level appropriate for both exercise science majors and non-majors, this practical book is packed with helpful in-text learning aids and stunning visuals that bring sports nutrition concepts to life.

Learn More. This comprehensive toolkit provides sports nutritionists with introductory materials covering fundamental sports nutrition topics, including athlete consultations and dietary analysis, nutrition monitoring, nutrition interventions and individualized meal planning.

Practitioners will find checklists, decision trees, assessment worksheets and questionnaires, templates, nutritional breakdowns and a wealth of supporting research to help modify and adapt each tool to meet the unique needs of their athletes.

The content was authored by GSSI Scientists Liam Brown, M. and Ian Rollo, Ph. Download the Free Toolkit. Historical nutrition strategies were based on beliefs and sport-specific traditions that had little to do with any consideration of human biology and physiology.

Dan Benardot, FACSM, presents the President's Lecture at the ACSM Annual Meeting.

Fueling Speed: Five Nutritional Strategies with an Impact

But how they look for each person may be completely different to the next, depending on the goal of the sport. The three principles are:.

Anyone keen to understand and elevate their fitness can benefit from sports nutrition. For the average gym-goer, fuelling might consist of a 'typical' healthy diet'. For example:. Hydration is also important, aiming for at least two litres of fluid per day. After the workout, aim to have a full meal usually lunch or dinner within two hours, containing a mix of carbohydrates and protein to help the body recover.

The carbohydrate will restock spent energy stores glycogen and the protein will help repair damaged muscle fibres. For an elite marathon runner, the principles of sports nutrition change slightly. You need to have a higher carbohydrate intake to increase carbohydrate stores glycogen to have more available energy.

Finally, recovery strategies would be even more important for a marathon runner, as training more means there would be less time between sessions, meaning less time to recover. A sports nutritionist will work with you to discuss your goals and current status and devise a tailored nutrition plan to maximise your performance.

Whether your goal is training for a specific event or more general enhancements such as weight management, improving concentration or energy levels, a sports nutrition professional will assess your whole-body health, daily habits, supplements and regular medication needs.

You can use our advanced search tool to find a sports nutritionist best suited to you and your needs. The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Nutritionist Resource are reviewed by our editorial team. Hi, I'm Jonny, a Nutrition Consultant and Personal Trainer.

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Sports nutrition strategies


André Ventura desmonta trapalhadas de Pedro Nuno Santos Journal Tart cherry juice for arthritis the International Society Splrts Sports Nutritiin volume 15Increase brain power number: 38 Cite this strategkes. Metrics details. Low-calorie diet and metabolism nutrition is a constantly evolving field with hundreds of research papers published annually. Consequently, staying current with the relevant literature is often difficult. This paper is an ongoing update of the sports nutrition review article originally published as the lead paper to launch the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition in and updated in

Author: Kajigami

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