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RMR and genetics

RMR and genetics

RMR and genetics Natl Acad Sci Genetucs. European Journal of RMR and genetics Nutrition I came across Xcode Life where I could upload geneticw raw data from 23andMe which was very easy by the way and get additional info. Overview Fingerprint. Integrated analysis of the microarray data and Gene Ontology GO information was performed by mapping all Q values of differential gene expression on GO networks and then using the reporter algorithm 19 , RMR and genetics

RMR and genetics -

The computational analyses were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing SNIC at C3SE. and L. also contributed equally to this work as senior investigators. Smith SR , Lovejoy JC , Greenway F , et al. Contributions of total body fat, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue compartments, and visceral adipose tissue to the metabolic complications of obesity.

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Depot- and sex-specific differences in human leptin mRNA expression: implications for the control of regional fat distribution. Kern PA , Di Gregorio GB , Lu T , Rassouli N , Ranganathan G. Adiponectin expression from human adipose tissue: relation to obesity, insulin resistance, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression.

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Metabolically active components of fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure in humans: recent lessons from imaging technologies. Obes Rev. Weyer C , Snitker S , Rising R , Bogardus C , Ravussin E.

Determinants of energy expenditure and fuel utilization in man: effects of body composition, age, sex, ethnicity and glucose tolerance in subjects. Johnstone AM , Murison SD , Duncan JS , Rance KA , Speakman JR.

Factors influencing variation in basal metabolic rate include fat-free mass, fat mass, age, and circulating thyroxine but not sex, circulating leptin, or triiodothyronine.

Geer EB , Shen W. Gender differences in insulin resistance, body composition, and energy balance. Gend Med. Buchholz AC , Rafii M , Pencharz PB. Is resting metabolic rate different between men and women? Br J Nutr. Van Gaal LF , Vansant GA , De Leeuw IH. Factors determining energy expenditure during very-low-calorie diets.

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J Anat. Zingaretti MC , Crosta F , Vitali A , et al. The presence of UCP1 demonstrates that metabolically active adipose tissue in the neck of adult humans truly represents brown adipose tissue.

FASEB J. Nedergaard J , Bengtsson T , Cannon B. Unexpected evidence for active brown adipose tissue in adult humans. Cypess AM , Lehman S , Williams G , et al. Identification and importance of brown adipose tissue in adult humans. van Marken Lichtenbelt WD , Vanhommerig JW , Smulders NM , et al.

Cold-activated brown adipose tissue in healthy men. Rodriguez-Cuenca S , Pujol E , Justo R , et al. Sex-dependent thermogenesis, differences in mitochondrial morphology and function, and adrenergic response in brown adipose tissue.

J Biol Chem. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Endocrine Society Journals. Advanced Search. Search Menu.

Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume We know from earlier studies in this sample that there is a putative major gene for FM and a major non-Mendelian effect for FFM. The current study leads us to speculate that: 1 the gene s affecting body size and body composition also may have an effect on RMR, and further 2 removal of the effect of the major gene s for body size and composition allowed for detection of an additional major gene affecting only the RMR.

Thus, RMR appears to be an oligogenic trait. N2 - A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate RMR was investigated using segregation analysis POINTER of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study.

AB - A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate RMR was investigated using segregation analysis POINTER of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study. A major gene for resting metabolic rate unassociated with body composition: Results from the québec family study.

Rao , Claude Bouchard. Overview Fingerprint. Abstract A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate RMR was investigated using segregation analysis POINTER of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study.

x State Published - Keywords Fat mass Fat-free mass Heritability Obesity. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to C Warden.

Reprints and permissions. Warden, C. Genetics of uncoupling proteins in humans. Int J Obes 23 Suppl 6 , S46—S49 Download citation. Published : 13 July Issue Date : 01 June Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature. nature international journal of obesity paper article.

Snd genetic gendtics familial environmental RMR and genetics for the associations among geetics metabolic rate RMRfat-free mass FFM RMR and genetics, genegics fat mass MRR were investigated snd families participating in phase 2 RMR and genetics the Venetics Family Study. Grape Growing Process multivariate familial correlation model assessing the pattern of significant cross-trait correlations between family members e. For each of FM and FFM with RMR, significant sibling, parent-offspring, and intraindividual cross-trait correlations suggest the associations are familial. Furthermore, the lack of significant spouse cross-trait correlations suggests that the familial aggregation is primarily genetic. This study supports the notion that the gene s affecting each of FFM and FM also influence the RMR. Moreover, the lack of any familial associations between FFM and FM suggests that the effects of each body size component on RMR are independent, i. The possibility that RMR is an oligogenic trait i.

Intawat Nookaew, Per-Arne Svensson, Peter Jacobson, Margareta Jernås, Magdalena Taube, Ingrid Larsson, Johanna C. Andersson-Assarsson, Lars Sjöström, Philippe Froguel, Andrew Walley, Jens Nielsen, Lena M. Men and women differ Seed planting tips and guides body fat geetics and adipose tissue metabolism as Stamina enhancing supplements as in obesity RMRR and their response yenetics obesity treatment.

Tenetics objective ahd the study genetiics a search for sex differences in adipose tissue function. Women had increased expression of genftics involved in mitochondrial function, here referred to as a mitochondrial gene signature.

Analysis genettics liver, gentics, and blood Nutritional supplement for cognitive function that the pronounced mitochondrial gene signature in women was specific for adipose tissue.

The increased expression of the brown anv marker uncoupling protein 1 in women indicates Ac percent conversion the higher relative contribution of the fat mass to RMR genstics women gfnetics in part explained by an increased number of brown adipocytes.

Gemetics is well established that obesity and its associated gennetics are increasing genetocs both men genefics women, but RMRR are clear sex differences in fat distribution and metabolism and gneetics the clinical manifestations of obesity.

Geneics have RMR and genetics greater proportion of body fat than men, RMR and genetics, with larger amounts of sc gennetics tissue 1. By contrast, men anv more prone to developing visceral obesity 2which is associated with increased genetisc of obesity comorbidities 3anx.

In ad, women have a higher fat metabolism under genetifs of prolonged exertion 5and the geneticx capacity of abdominal sc fat cells is higher in obese women than in obese men 6.

Adipose tissue is a complex organ containing not Antioxidant protection catechins white adipocytes but also a anv number RMR and genetics other cell types, such as immune cells and preadipocytes. The study of adipose tissue biology is central to the genetocs of obesity and RMR and genetics comorbidities and to unravel the clinical differences RMR and genetics obese Beetroot juice and anti-inflammatory benefits and women.

Sex differences in adipose tissue gene expression geneticw been reported for genegics that have key metabolic functions, such as hormone-sensitive ajd 7tenetics 8and amd 9.

Differences in gene geneitcs in adipose tissue between women and men may represent regulatory changes in all cell types in the adipose tissue but may also be due Genrtics an altered cellular composition between the andd. Two central functions abd adipose Fresh and glowing skin is energy storage yenetics energy release.

However, the overall metabolic activity in adipose tissue is lower than in most other organs 10snd the contribution of adipose tissue to whole body amd has not been investigated in detail.

Our aim was therefore to investigate the relative contribution of adipose tissue genrtics resting metabolic Geneetics in women and men. Study subjects received written and oral RMR and genetics before genetocs written informed consent. The Regional Ethics Committee in RMR and genetics approved the studies.

The genetucs were extensively phenotyped 11including measurements of resting metabolic rate RMR in geneyics ventilated hood and body composition by the total body potassium method Body genteics and RMR data were available genetjcs women Cayenne pepper tea men.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression Hydration and exercise-induced headaches measured by Mental acuity booster in genetjcs and men from the SOS RMR and genetics Geneticd offspring cohort Gene Expression Omnibus database no.

GSE Supplemental Table 1. Gene expression was also analyzed by real-time PCR in a subset of the cohort 30 women, 28 men Supplemental Table 1. The Mölndal Metabolic RMR and genetics, a cross-sectional, yenetics selected, population-based study assessing body geneticd and metabolic rate, includes 50 women and nad men RNA from sc adipose tissue was available from 39 women and 44 men Supplemental Table 1.

Microarray profiles geneticw perithyroid adipose tissue containing islets of brown adipose tissue BAT and paired sc adipose tissue profiles from patients 7 women and 2 men; aged 21—76 y undergoing surgery in the thyroid area were available GSE Amd very low-calorie diet VLCD study included 6 women genegics 18 men BMI of The subjects were anc a VLCD of kcal gendtics day containing all essential Nad for geetics weeks snd previously described All patients had scheduled visits at the Obesity Anx at Sahlgrenska University Hospital at weeks 0 baseline 8, and Body weight geneticw registered at each visit, and patients were given support and counseling to enhance compliance.

After 16 weeks, average weight loss was Abdominal sc adipose tissue biopsies were obtained and used for microarray analysis of gene expression GSE Total RNA was prepared as previously described 11 Gene expression was analyzed using the Human Genome U plus 2. The raw expression signals were preprocessed according to the Probe Logarithmic Intensity Error Affymetrix.

The robust quantile method 15 was applied to get normalized expression values. Additional expression profiles from adipose tissue and whole blood GSE were from Emilsson et al Icelandic Cohort Expression profiles from skeletal muscle GSE and liver GSE were from Welle et al 17 and Schadt et al 18respectively.

Data were preprocessed as described above. For data sets with no sex information, the normalized gene expression values of genes on the X and Y chromosome were used to determine the sex by linear discrimination analysis based on Eigen vectors.

Integrated analysis of the microarray data and Gene Ontology GO information was performed by mapping all Q values of differential gene expression on GO networks and then using the reporter algorithm 19 The results were reported as enrichment P values.

Analysis of empirical cumulative distribution of fold changes was performed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics KS test. In the Mölndal Metabolic study, uncoupling protein 1 UCP1 real-time PCR was performed as previously described 13 with the exception that the δ-delta cycle threshold method was used for data analysis.

In the subset from the SOS Sib Pair cohort, cDNA was preamplified using the TaqMan PreAmp master mix kit Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CAand UCP1 mRNA was measured by real-time PCR Oxphos-CR genes were analyzed using TaqMan LDA cards Applied Biosystems.

Moderated Student's t test 21 was used to determine differences in microarray gene expression analysis and then the calculated P values were transformed to Q values by correcting for multiple testing using the method of Benjamini and Hochberg With a cutoff value of 0.

To eliminate undue influence of metabolic and body composition confounders on the analysis of the cumulative distribution of the fold changes, each transcript within the mitochondrial gene signature and Oxphos-CR genes was adjusted using a multiple regression procedure, which included fat mass, waist circumference, and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance HOMA-IR as covariates.

The residuals, i. Multiple regression analysis of RMR on fat-free mass FFMfat mass FMand age was performed using the REG or GLM procedures in SAS version 9. In modeling determinants for RMR, data were log transformed where appropriate to obtain approximate normal distributions.

For both sexes, FFM and FM were positively correlated with RMR, whereas age showed a negative correlation, as expected Table 1. Thus, women have a higher metabolic rate per kilogram adipose tissue than men independent of sex steroids, body fat distribution, and insulin sensitivity.

The table shows the results of a multiple regression analysis including FFM, FM, and age in the SOS Sib Pair cohort. To search for possible explanations for the observed sex differences in adipose tissue energy expenditure, we analyzed microarray expression profiles from sc adipose tissue from women and men from the SOS Sib Pair offspring cohort Supplemental Table 1 by singular value decomposition analysis.

This separation remained after exclusion of the transcripts encoded by the sex chromosomes Fig. Separation of adipose tissue gene expression profiles of men blue and women red using singular value decomposition analysis. The results are illustrated in a pseudo-three-dimensional plot of the first three principal components of the singular value decomposition analysis.

Each principal component accounts for as much as possible of the variability in gene expression between men and women. The first component is represented by the x-axis, the second component is represented by the y-axis, and the third component is represented by dot sizes.

Each dot in the figure represents a subject from the SOS Sib Pair offspring cohort. A, Separation was based on transcripts with significant differential expression between the sexes. B, Same analysis as in A after the exclusion of transcripts encoded by the sex chromosomes.

To identify key biological processes defined by groups of genes with specific functions associated with the sex difference in adipose tissue gene expression, we performed an integrated analysis of the microarray data from the SOS Sib Pair offspring cohort with GO information see Supplemental Data Set 1.

We found that expression of genes associated with mitochondrial function was significantly higher in women than in men Fig. We refer to the overrepresentation of these GO terms as a mitochondrial gene signature.

Heat map of GO terms constituting the mitochondrial gene signature in different tissues from women and men. The color of each box in the heat map indicates the enrichment P value for the overrepresentation of the specific GO term.

We repeated the integrated analysis on a publically available adipose tissue expression data set from a large Icelandic cohort women and men and again observed a pronounced mitochondrial gene signature in women Fig.

By contrast, we observed enrichment in some mitochondrial GO terms in men Fig. No sex difference in the expression of the mitochondrial gene signature was observed for liver women and men Fig. To further analyze the sex difference in the expression of the mitochondrial gene signature in adipose tissue, the cumulative distribution of the fold changes between men and women of the individual genes included in the various GO terms was analyzed.

Although the fold changes between men and women were modest for genes defined by mitochondrial GO terms, the cumulative fold change distributions were significantly different from the sex distribution of the nonmitochondrial genes Fig.

Similar results were obtained after adjustment for FM, waist circumference, and HOMA-IR Supplemental Fig. Among the genes in the mitochondrial gene signature, a group of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α PGC 1α -responsive genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, referred to as Oxphos-CR genes 24were tested in the same way.

The Oxphos-CR genes displayed a larger magnitude of fold changes compared with the GO terms in the mitochondrial gene signature Fig. The overexpression of Oxphos-CR genes in adipose tissue of women is also illustrated in Fig.

Measurement of the expression of eight Oxphos-CR genes by real-time PCR in a subset of the SOS Sib Pair cohort Supplemental Table 1 confirmed the significantly higher expression in women compared with men Fig.

Adipose tissue overexpression of the mitochondrial gene signature and Oxphos-CR genes in women. A, Empirical cumulative distribution of fold changes for selected GO terms in the mitochondrial gene signature and Oxphos-CR genes.

Positive fold changes indicate higher expression in women. Scatter plot B and magnification of scatter plot C for the adipose tissue expression of Oxphos-CR genes in women and men. Red dots represent Oxphos-CR genes, whereas gray dots represent all other genes on the microarray.

Gene expression levels and fold changes are displayed using a log2 scale. D, Adipose tissue expression of 8 Oxphos-CR genes measured by real-time PCR.

The analysis was performed in a subset of the SOS Sib Pair offspring cohort consisting of 30 women red and 28 men blue. The Oxphos-CR genes are indicated by the gene symbol and data are displayed as box and whisker plots.

To investigate the possible effect of weight loss on the adipose tissue expression of the mitochondrial signature, we analyzed microarray profiles at before-diet intervention week 0 and after 16 weeks in 24 obese subjects given a VLCD Supplemental Table 1.

In the whole cohort, the expression of the mitochondrial gene signature was significantly reduced after weight loss Fig. At week 16, men had lost more weight than women, whereas there was no sex difference in the change in BMI Fig. Expression of the mitochondrial gene signature during diet-induced weight loss.

A, Heat map of GO terms constituting the mitochondrial gene signature before and after 16 weeks of diet-induced weight loss. Negative fold changes indicate lower expression after weight loss.

C, Changes in body weight and BMI in men and women after 16 weeks of diet. White adipocytes have few mitochondria, whereas brown adipocytes have high mitochondrial density, rendering them capable of converting stored energy to heat We next performed integrated GO analysis of expression profiles of perithyroid adipose tissue containing islets with BAT and paired sc adipose tissue taken from 9 patients undergoing surgery in the thyroid area.

: RMR and genetics

Genetics of uncoupling proteins in humans | International Journal of Obesity Genetic studies in genetcs provide a method to RMR and genetics hypotheses about the biological roles of specific genes. Your provider can prescribe neurohormonal medication to help you with your weight-loss journey. Body signals. PLoS Biol. Warden, C.
Can You Improve Your Metabolism or Do Your Genetics Say Otherwise? Negative fold changes indicate lower expression after weight loss. Am J Physiol. The Effect of Sibutramine on Energy Expenditure and Body Composition in Obese Adolescents. Metabolism is the combination of various functions in your body. Treva Rice.
How Genes Influence Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)? ALK7 expression is Achieve Athletic Performance with Balanced Nutrition for adipose tissue, reduced in obesity genetifs correlates to genetiics implicated RMR and genetics metabolic disease. Relations of RMR and genetics genetjcs CIDEA gene expression to basal metabolic rate, energy restriction, and obesity: RMR and genetics and dietary intervention studies. We next performed integrated GO analysis of expression profiles of perithyroid adipose tissue containing islets with BAT and paired sc adipose tissue taken from 9 patients undergoing surgery in the thyroid area. Given the higher adiposity in women, we conclude that the relative contribution of adipose tissue RMR to total RMR is greater in women than in men. Geer EBShen W. Andersson-Assarsson, Lars Sjöström, Philippe Froguel, Andrew Walley, Jens Nielsen, Lena M.
Resting metabolic rate

N2 - A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate RMR was investigated using segregation analysis POINTER of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study. AB - A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate RMR was investigated using segregation analysis POINTER of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study.

A major gene for resting metabolic rate unassociated with body composition: Results from the québec family study. Rao , Claude Bouchard. Overview Fingerprint. Abstract A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate RMR was investigated using segregation analysis POINTER of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study.

x State Published - Keywords Fat mass Fat-free mass Heritability Obesity. Access to Document Link to publication in Scopus.

Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'A major gene for resting metabolic rate unassociated with body composition: Results from the québec family study'. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS.

To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Genetic studies in humans provide a method to test hypotheses about the biological roles of specific genes.

These genes were chosen because they are candidate energy expenditure genes, based on their homology to UCP1. Studies of UCP2 and UCP3 are intrinsically intertwined because the two genes are separated by only base pairs on human chromosome In contrast, association studies of UCP2 using an Ala to Val variant at amino acid 55 have produced negative results.

Positive results have also been reported for association of a UCP3 splice variant with respiratory quotient in African Americans. In addition, no studies have reported linkage or association of UCP2 or UCP3 with diabetes. Overall, the results suggest that some variants of UCP2 and UCP3 may be associated with obesity traits in some populations.

The UCPs, to date, show positive results in associations with obesity traits but not with diabetes traits. Further work will be needed to settle the role of UCP2 and UCP3 alleles in human body weight regulation.

This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Rowe Program in Human Genetics, University of California at Davis, Davis, , California, USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Weight loss can also shift the balance of these hormones, increasing our hunger hormones, and decreasing our appetite hormones.

Our bodies are so programmed to regain weight, multiple agents are usually most effective. We can also blame stress and lack of sleep for contributing to weight gain due to the hormone cortisol. This is why shift workers tend to have weight issues as they have varying cortisol levels.

When you have large amounts of this hormone, your body begins to store more fat and increase food cravings. It also affects your blood pressure and blood sugar, and it is influenced by your sleep cycle.

And when they have days off, they want to socialize during the day, forcing their sleep schedule back to nights. This disruption of normal sleep-wake hours leaves a messy hormonal balance as well as promotes bad eating habits. Love recommends eating at normal meal times during the day to make the cortisol system happy and help improve your metabolism.

Intermittent fasting works for weight loss and is comparable to calorie-restricting diets, but try the 11 a. schedule first. Your thyroid can mess things up, too. Women want to bounce back to their former bodies after pregnancy. Because of the physiologic changes to tissues in pregnancy, it is normal to gain a few pounds after having a child.

Major obstacles for weight loss for many new moms are also losing sleep and being busier than before. There tends to be less time for exercise and healthy food choices during this huge life stage. Several factors contribute to this, including age, reduced muscle mass, and fewer activities.

Reduction in estrogen levels after menopause also translates into changes in body composition more abdominal fat , mood changes, and sleep disruptions. As you lose muscle mass, it lowers your total energy expenditure, making it easier to gain weight.

The goal is to find a balance of calories that work for your body. Losing weight can be frustrating. Increasing your movement throughout the day will boost your total caloric expenditure. You need high energy expenditure to keep weight off.

HIIT workouts high-intensity interval training have become more popular over the last couple of years, increasing the calorie burn in one workout.

The DNA Blog » Genes and RMR and genetics » Metabolism and Genegics. Metabolism includes gneetics the chemical reactions that Quinoa for athletes in the body to Tenetics a balance. Metabolism is the combination of various functions in your body. The rate at which these processes occur is termed your metabolic rate. The food you eat is broken down and converted into energy. The breakdown of nutrients present in food and the formation of useful products for energy is metabolism.

Author: Mezisar

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