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Hydration and endurance

Hydration and endurance

Endutance hypothesised that hypohydration would impair performance Hyrdation both groups, but Body cleanse foods the impairment would be endueance in the enduramce group. Fluid Herbal pre-workout supplement be infused in small amd every few minutes, as Raw energy bars of large volumes will increase gastric distension and may be detected by subjects. Therefore, a more individualised approach to athlete hydration should be considered, with particular attention paid to what fluid loss is practically and physiologically possible to replace in the context of a given athletic setting. Researchers monitored fluid consumption throughout the training session to gauge whether an athlete was on track with their prescribed volume.

Hydration and endurance -

of a commercially available sports drink or water depending upon which beverage-type was normally consumed by the individual. For example, if an athlete lost Lastly, 30 min prior to engaging in a PHP training session, participants were instructed to consume 8 oz of their prescribed beverage. All testing was conducted in a quiet, dimly lit room with minimal outside distractions and consisted of three 10 min trials interspersed with five minute rest periods.

During these assessments, participants wore 3D glasses and were required to track designated objects on a screen as they moved in variable patterns and at subsequently faster speeds.

Each of the assessments began at a preliminary speed of 1. The degree of difficulty associated with the assessment progressively increased with every correct answer provided by the participants. In contrast, the level of difficulty associated with the assessment progressively decreased with every incorrect answer.

Each participant performed the neurotracker assessments before and immediately after the training sessions. Changes in spatial awareness and attention were illustrated by comparing pre-training with post-training scores. To gauge lower body anaerobic power [ 25 ], three standing long jump tests SLJs were performed before and after the NHP or PHP training sessions.

The pre-training SLJs immediately followed the neurotracker assessments, while the post-training SLJs preceded the neurotracker. Prior to completing the first of the three maximal SLJs, each participant completed two submaximal trials to become familiarized with the protocol.

For the test itself, participants were instructed to stand with their feet should-width apart behind a starting line. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for paired samples was conducted in order to determine if there was a significant difference in the pre and post athletic performance measurements and when participants followed their normal hydration plans compared to when they followed their individualized prescription hydration plans.

All data are presented as means ± SD except where otherwise specified. SPSS 23 for Windows IBM SPSS, Chicago, IL was used for all statistical analyses. GraphPad Prism® software version 6.

Fifteen NCAA Division I and II athletes from three different sports participated in this study. Participant demographics are shown in Table 1. Relative and absolute sweat rates were 1.

Seven of the 15 participants engaged in min training sessions, 6 engaged in 70 min sessions, and 2 engaged in 65 min and min training sessions respectively. The duration and structure of the NHP and PHP training sessions did not differ for each participant.

All participants had practice in the afternoon or evening. The time of day of the NHP and PHP sessions did not differ among any of the athletes in this study. The results of the fluid and hydration survey, including the normal hydration habits of the participants in this study are shown in Table 2.

Most participants consumed water during training, as it was usually the only fluid available. All participants in the study complied with their respective prescription hydration plans.

Compared with pre-training performance, participants jumped 2. shorter after training when following their NHP Fig. In contrast, when these participants followed a PHP, they jumped 2. farther post-training compared with pre-training performance. Similarly, attention and awareness improved when participants followed a prescription hydration plan.

After training with their NHP, participants on average experienced a non-significant reduction of 0. In contrast, when following their PHP, participants significantly improved object tracking ability by 0. Change in performance following a 45— min bout of moderate to hard training.

Heart rate recovery was faster post-training when participants followed a PHP as compared with their respective normal hydration plans Fig. These differences were significant at 10 min and 15 min post-training Table 3. Similarly, standing long jump performance as well as attention and awareness was also improved.

was large. This study investigated whether an individually tailored hydration plan improves performance outcomes for collegiate athletes engaged in seasonal sports. All athletes in this study had practice in the afternoon or evening with the NHP and PHP sessions occurring at the same time of day for each individual.

A prescription hydration plan PHP was created for each participant that was based on both fluid and sodium losses incurred during moderate to hard training sessions lasting at least 45 min in duration. A maximum fluid consumption level for each PHP was established as a precaution, given that overhydration is a well-known risk factor for exercise-induced hyponatremia [ 27 ].

However, the likelihood of this occurring in this study was low given that the athlete cohort in this study engaged in training sessions lasting no more than min [ 28 ]. The results indicate that this approach was effective in improving heart rate recovery, attention and awareness, and mitigating the loss in anaerobic power that occurred from the training session.

Compliance was high with the prescribed volume of fluid well tolerated by the participants. While some athletes did remark that they could taste the extra sodium, this did not appear to affect the compliance to their prescribed hydration protocol, even among those who required the most salt added to their beverage.

To our knowledge, this is the first investigation to look at whether an individually tailored hydration plan improves athletic performance for collegiate athletes engaged in a variety of sports.

Previous work has shown that hydration plans based purely on fluid loss hold promise [ 13 ]. Bardis et al.

The researchers found that power output was maintained throughout a training session consisting of three 5-km hill repeats, whereas when these cyclists consumed water ad libitum, their power output dropped with each successive repeat [ 13 ].

Other studies have examined the effects of isotonic beverages on sports performance, yet often compare such beverages to water [ 29 , 30 , 31 ]. In this study, because the specific beverage consumed by each participant was held consistent between the NHP and PHP training sessions, the results are not confounded by factors such as the carbohydrate composition of a beverage.

The PHP intervention manipulated only the fluid quantity and sodium consumed immediately before and during exercise. With the notable exception of endurance-focused sports drinks, many commercially available beverages do not match the sodium loss rate of many individuals.

For the majority of individuals engaged in recreational physical activity these drinks are more than sufficient. For elite and amateur athletes looking for every possible safe method to improve performance, the results of this study support commercial sweat testing in order to develop optimal hydration strategies.

This may hold especially true for athletes engaged in longer sporting events such as a marathon or Ironman triathlon, where the loss of fluid through sweat is substantial [ 32 ].

Supplementation with higher sodium sports drinks or salt capsules may be advisable for athletes engaged in prolonged exercise of 3 h or more in order to maintain serum electrolyte concentrations [ 33 , 34 ].

Based on these studies and others, the longer an event, the more critical it appears to be to have an adequate hydration plan in place that considers sweat rate and composition [ 1 , 34 ].

In our study, most of the participants engaged in training sessions lasting between 70 min to two hours and the benefits were apparent.

Lastly, in line with previous work, we also found that while most athletes in this study felt that their current hydration strategies were effective, the majority of this cohort reported feeling dehydrated after a training session [ 10 , 11 , 15 , 16 ]. The disconnect between ad libitum fluid consumption and hydration status during competition is well documented [ 8 , 11 , 13 , 15 ].

Studies have consistently shown that it is not uncommon for athletes to show up to a training session already dehydrated and consume inadequate fluid levels despite the ready availability of water or sports drinks [ 8 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 ].

It cannot be definitively stated whether the athletes in our study were dehydrated at the beginning of practice. In this study, the researchers were present to monitor compliance to the prescribed fluid volume, including the pre-practice consumption of the PHP beverage.

While the PHP used in the present work was feasible to create and implement, ensuring compliance in day to day training may be challenging. In a study by Logan-Sprenger et al. Increasing hydration awareness along with providing pre-marked bottles that state how much fluid should be consumed by set time periods, if feasible, may be one approach to overcoming this issue.

This study has several limitations. First, only one training session was utilized per hydration plan. Based on researcher observations, participant feedback, and input by coaches, there was little difference in the training sessions used for the NHP and PHP assessments with each participant.

It was important to control for the training sessions utilized as well as ensuring minimal fitness gains in between NHP and PHP sessions.

The training sessions utilized in this study were already pre-scheduled so as not to interfere with the practice plan that each coach designed for their athletes. For each sport at the college where and when this study occurred, the number of ideal sessions to test the PHP were limited.

The fact that multiple sports were used to test the PHP is both a strength broad applicability and a limitation non-specific. Given that both the NHP and PHP training sessions were similar in duration, intensity, mode of training, and climate, we postulate that these results will hold in warmer conditions.

More so, given higher degrees of fluid loss with warmer, more humid climates, the benefits from the PHP observed in this study may even be amplified to a certain degree. This is speculative however and future studies if feasible, should consider testing athletes over multiple training sessions per treatment.

Additionally, in this study, sweat sodium concentrations were assessed at the forearm. Previous research has indicated that measuring sodium from multiple body sites such as was done by Dziedzic et al.

We are unclear on what impact this additional salt may have made concerning the performance outcomes used in this study. From a practical standpoint, assessing the forearm is often a more feasible approach to determining sweat sodium concentrations than a whole-body approach.

Another limitation to this study is that it relied on bodyweight changes and fluid intake monitoring to gauge hydration status.

This method is less precise than other methods of hydration status such as a urine specific gravity test USG [ 36 ]. We were unable to conduct a USG due to equipment limitations. We did note however, the bodyweight trends of all athletes in this study over the two weeks preceding the pre-training bodyweight measurements data not shown.

This however does not negate the possibility that an athlete was dehydrated, euhydrated or hyperhydrated going into each training session. Further research should include tests such as USG so that hydration status can be confidently determined.

There are also several potential confounders that need to be addressed. Factors such as sleep quality, personal stress, medication use, menstrual cycle, and diet may have affected the outcomes.

One main advantage of the randomized, cross-over design utilized for this study is that each participant served as his or her own control, which presumably minimized the influence of any potential confounding covariates. Despite the strength of this design, future studies in hydration research may do well to assess diet, stress level, and sleep quality as mentally, these factors can significantly impact athletic performance.

Collegiate athletes are not immune to the stresses of balancing both academic and athletic responsibilities in addition to managing personal stressors common to all segments of the population. While requiring additional effort upon the team staff, determining hydration plans for each athlete is a simple, safe, and effective strategy to enable athletes to perform at their current potential.

Future studies should continue in this area and build upon the findings of this report. Holland JJ, Skinner TL, Irwin CG, Leveritt MD, Goulet EDB. The influence of drinking fluid on endurance cycling performance: a meta-analysis.

Sports Med. Logan-Sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. The effect of dehydration on muscle metabolism and time trial performance during prolonged cycling in males. Physiol Rep. Jones LC, Cleary MA, Lopez RM, Zuri RE, Lopez R. Active dehydration impairs upper and lower body anaerobic muscular power.

J Strength Cond Res. Article PubMed Google Scholar. Kenefick RW, Cheuvront SN, Leon LR, O'Brien KK. Dehydration and Rehydration. In: Thermal and mountain medicine division: US Army research Institute of Environmental Medicine; Google Scholar.

Maughan RJ. Impact of mild dehydration on wellness and on exercise performance. Eur J Clin Nutr. Article Google Scholar. Smith MF, Newell AJ, Baker MR. Effect of acute mild dehydration on cognitive-motor performance in golf.

Blank MC, Bedarf JR, Russ M, Grosch-Ott S, Thiele S, Unger JK. Med Hypotheses. It is important to note, that whilst not discussed here, fluid intake during exercise should not exceed fluid loss, a concept well reviewed elsewhere [ 6 , 9 ].

In most scenarios, this recommendation is likely achieved by athletes simply drinking when thirsty, although some situations might require planned strategies to achieve this.

However, again, the performance effects in particular appear to hinge on whether all of the typical physiological and possibly perceptual effects are different between hypohydration and euhydration i.

differences in serum osmolality, plasma volume and possibly thirst. Third, it appears that some of the previously reported effects of hypohydration are possibly related to the discomfort associated with the dehydration methods used.

Therefore, future studies are encouraged either not to use these often unrealistic and contrived methods to induce dehydration or to diligently familiarise subjects with the methods used perhaps up to five times to remove these effects.

Similarly, in athletic settings where hypohydration is unavoidable and training nutritional strategies to better maintain hydration status are not possible, athletes may benefit from training under competition hydration conditions to familiarise themselves with changes in hydration they will likely experience.

From previous unblinded work, this is perhaps the situation exercise and environment where one might expect hypohydration to compromise performance most [ 1 , 4 , 17 ]. Additionally, because body mass is not being carried when cycling on a stationary bike, reductions in body mass with hypohydration are unlikely to mask performance impairments.

Whilst it seems likely performance will be impaired in these settings, as thermoregulatory effects do not explain all the performance effects of hypohydration, until the research has been performed any conclusions would simply be speculation.

Furthermore, because some of the effects of hypohydration are likely mediated by impairments in thermoregulation, the lack of appropriate facing air flow in some of these studies might amplify thermoregulatory differences between euhydration and hypohydration.

Finally, future investigations should also perform these studies in women. The fact that research in women is limited is not, on its own, a rationale for research, unless there is a clear mechanistic basis for an expected differential response between sexes.

Compared to men, women generally have lower relative and absolute body water, and core body temperature at rest and during exercise fluctuates over the menstrual cycle [ 96 ].

Both these effects may have implications for hydration performance research. Thus, women may not respond to hypohydration in a manner similar to men and responses might not be consistent over the menstrual cycle or possibly with different contraceptive use.

Therefore, future work should seek to explore the potential moderating effect of sex in exercise-hydration studies, to better understand how women might be impacted by hypohydration.

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Maintaining proper hydration before, during, and after training and competition will help reduce fluid loss, maintain performance, lower submaximal exercise heart rate, maintain plasma volume, and reduce heat stress, heat exhaustion, and possibly heat stroke.

Abstract Numerous studies have confirmed that performance can be impaired when athletes are dehydrated. Publication types Review.

Sports nutrition for endurance athletes website uses cookies Hydfation measure enduranve usage and help us give Hydrahion the best experience. For most Hydration and endurance the recommendation is to drink eight glasses of water. Body cleanse foods, if you are an endurance athlete training for a marathon or triathlon, this amount of water may not be sufficient to refuel your body. Brian Shortal, MD, Cardiologist at NorthShore, marathoner and triathlete, gives his advice on what endurance athletes can do to stay properly hydrated:. To view tips on how to train for a race in the summer heat—including avoiding certain times, monitoring your weight and urine—view our previous post. Hydration and endurance

Author: Maura

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