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Ultimate thirst satisfaction

Ultimate thirst satisfaction

Forgive me for looking fhirst Ultimate thirst satisfaction elsewhere. My son Andy satisfachion his tinker toys and little match box cars. When he comes, he will explain everything to us. But ask anyone who has alot of money if they are satisfied.

Ultimate thirst satisfaction -

You just have to keep preaching that to yourself. They only frustrate, they only discourage. Fourth thing he says is: stay near to him. Stay inside his boundaries. Stay where God can be found. Run to the sanctuary. Meditate on the Lord. Stay near to him. Well, I have got good news.

And we will be satisfied! In what ways have these horizontal areas let you down? Why do you think you keep running to the wrong places to satisfy your spiritual thirst even though they let you down over and over again?

Take some time to consider and name those areas where you can meet God in the sanctuary. Now, what might it look like for you to get alone and meditate on the Lord and his Word?

How could your meditation on him and his Word help refresh you? Why is the Lord the only one who can truly refresh you and quench your thirst? What kind of practice or accountability can you set up in your life to remind you that you should only search for fulfillment in God, not other horizontal sources?

As you take inventory of your life, what would it look like for you to stay inside the boundaries God has set up for you? How can you proactively stay where God can be found? What do you think would really satisfy you? Will toys or gifts or experiences or anything else in this world be able to do that for us?

Why or why not? God, the giver, has already paid the price. He paid it all. Second, one drink, one act of appropriation, secures eternal life. Whoever drinks of the living water Jesus offers will never thirst again. The gift of eternal life is, as the name suggests, eternal.

Once we receive it, we have it forever. At the moment of faith we can be sure that we are secure forever. Third, the only condition of eternal life is faith in Christ alone. Even though the woman to whom He was speaking was living in sin vv.

All sinners, regardless of the magnitude of their sin, have but one way to escape eternal condemnation: faith in Christ. These are not easy words to accept. In the first place, the vast majority of people believe that life everlasting is obtained by living a good life.

To accept these words of Christ requires rejecting the philosophy of the majority. In the second place, advertising has taught us that nothing is truly free today. Buy one get one free? Drive a few hours and listen to a two-hour hard sell of a time-share condominium for a free gift?

Buy a new car and get air-conditioning free? All of these represents discounts, not free gifts. It is hard for people today to believe that anything, particularly something so valuable as eternal life, is actually free. In the third place, to accept these words we must accept the fact that we are sinful and needy people.

It is hard to admit even to ourselves that we need Christ and that we can add nothing to what He did on the Cross. He said it confidently. He expected me to try and argue that that was not so. But Jesus tells her that if she would only drink the water he was offering, she would never thirst again.

He was speaking of the woman finding her satisfaction in God rather than in the things of this world, which he proved she was doing. Jesus asked her to go and bring her husband to meet Jesus, to which she replied that she had no husband. Jesus through their conversation walked her into bringing her mind to the broken well she was seeking after in a means to find happiness, yet she found none.

Jesus, without her even telling him, told her of her sin. That she was right when she said she had no husband currently, but she had previously been married five different times and each marriage failed. And further more, currently she was living with a man out of wedlock.

She was seeking ,with all that she had, happiness from relationships and sex. And each time she was left disappointed and hurt. The reason she was drawing water at noon was because of her terrible reputation of sleeping with men around town.

Instead, she avoided the harshness of others by going to get her water at a time when she would see no one. Towards the end of their conversation, the woman thinks Jesus must be a prophet, and acknowledges that she knows some about the scriptures and that she knows that the Messiah is coming one day.

Jesus was telling her that the water she was drinking would always leave her thirsty. But that if she replaced the sins which she sought after with seeking after God, then the deepest thirsts of her heart would be quenched eternally! In John , Jesus refers to himself as the bread of life.

Again, addressing the fact that those who hunger and thirst after the things of this world will ultimately be left wanting, and that He was the only thing under the sun that will bring lasting contentment. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare. That question should ring out in our ears. Why, as is addressed in Isaiah, do we continue to spend our time and money on the things of this world that have been proven not to satisfy and only leave us wanting and thirsting for more?

The Lord offers nourishment for our souls with no cost. Only that of our faith and obedience is required. Yet people will continue to seek their fulfillment in the fleeting pleasures of this world. John Piper put it best when he once said that its like we are eating dirt and trying to suck the nutrients out of the filth of the ground when all the while we are surrounded by beautiful fruit trees ripe for the picking.

God is all around, and he offers so much more than any alcoholic beverage, relationship, or wealth could ever offers. He offers something this world cannot; that is contentment.

Why do we do this? Why do we continue to yearn after things and remain unsatisfied? We all know deep down that we are searching for something. We know that we all have this void within us. Yet we dont know how to fill it! So we try out all the worldly pleasures that can only satisfy temporarily before leaving us empty again.

But we all know that our souls seek something. You may now find yourself seeking it in the company of another person, or in a quick buzz or high, or maybe something else. But it never lasts. What is it that our souls are craving?

I think it goes all the way back to Genesis…to the beginning. When the Lord created the Garden of Eden as a perfect paradise.

There was yet to be any sin in the world. Just creation, and Adam and Eve. There in the garden, all was perfect and untarnished by sin. There were relationships without lust, there was drink without drunkenness, there was no jealousy, no strife, no pain, no sin, and they walked with God daily in close, personal relationship.

But when sin was brought into the Garden by their rebellion against God, it shattered everything. And at some very deep level……. our souls remember this. And we are desperately trying to get back to the Paradise we lost. When can I go and meet with God?

Are you thirsty right now in the midst of your life? Have you constantly been seeking after happiness and cannot figure out why your pursuits yield no fruit? Pin point the well from which you have been drinking?

What is the name of your fountain? The party lifestyle? Or maybe money? You cannot satisfy the deep longings of your soul with that which is sinful.

You cannot fill the eternal void within you with something that is not eternal! There is a void…a chasm within all of us that can only be filled by a relationship with Jesus.

He is the bread that will fill us.

It occurred to me Uptimate morning that I Ultimate thirst satisfaction often rhirst the prophets with the hard-hearted in mind. Hovering over Jeremiah 31 this morning. Big idea? A disciplined people would eventually find grace in the wilderness It was quite the claim. The infamous woman in Ultimate thirst satisfaction 4 was unexpected: a Samaritan, and a female nonetheless. She thisrt been in five marriages to satjsfaction different husbands, Raspberry freezing techniques of Ultimate thirst satisfaction satisfction dissolved, leaving wounds and insecurities and, in all likelihood, deeply-entrenched bitterness. Her shame ran deep. So at noon, she went to the well. He is alone. S he is shocked into silence. No, he is clearly one of them, a Jew, who for some reason had traveled through Samaria rather than avoiding it by way of the sea.

Author: Grojin

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