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Citrus aurantium for cognitive health

Citrus aurantium for cognitive health

Heslth Citrus aurantium for cognitive health care friendly cognitive Cognitive function optimization strategies insomnia therapy. Customer reviews. Am Cogniive Physiol Citrus aurantium for cognitive health Circ Physiol. Fourteen apparently healthy males who habitually consume aurantiuj 95— mg cognltive per day, at least 4 days a week were recruited for this study. Impact of caffeine on heart rate variability: a systematic review. J Hum Kinet. There was no withdrawal of PNS activity despite a significant increase in resting HR, which could be explained by the combined effects of circulating E and NE as well as improved sensitivity related to C. Citrus aurantium for cognitive health


Nutrients For Brain Health \u0026 Performance - Huberman Lab Podcast #42

Citrus aurantium for cognitive health -

Session 8: Reviewing and troubleshooting the cognitive—behavioral treatment plan, noting the progress of treatment according to the sleep calendar to the patients. The participants in the first intervention group, in addition to cognitive—behavioral counseling sessions, received aromatherapy with Citrus aurantium essential oil, so that they placed 2 drops of Citrus aurantium aromatic distillate on a tissue and inhaled it through normal breathing for 15—20 min before bedtime.

The Citrus aurantium essential oil required for the study was purchased from Bu Ali Sina Medical Company of Iran and after determining the concentration by gravimetric method was used by the Faculty of Pharmacy of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.

The safe dosage was 8 mg of Citrus aurantium essential oil in ml of distilled water. Based on the evaluations made by the pharmacist, the minimum number of drops was considered for pregnant women.

The second intervention group received a placebo with the same prescription. The content of the placebo were distilled water. A kind of aroma was used to make the placebo smell similar to Citrus aurantium essential oil when opening the lid of container; however, it didn't have the potential to stimulate the nervous system.

The control group received only routine prenatal care. Data collection tools included the socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics questionnaire, PSAS, PSQI, and QOL-GRAV, which were completed before and after the intervention through interview with participants.

The PSQI is a self-report tool scored from 0 to 21 and developed by Buysse et al. This questionnaire has seven components that include subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, and sleep disturbances, the use of sleeping medication, and daytime dysfunction.

A score above 5 indicates insomnia and poor sleep quality [ 29 ]. In a study conducted on pregnant women in Tabriz, Iran, the reliability of this tool was reported 0. A modified PSAS was used to measure pregnancy anxiety. Its short version contains 11 questions. The answer to each question varies from not at all score 1 to very relevant score 5.

Higher scores indicate a higher level of anxiety and there is no cut-off point. In a study conducted in Tabriz, Iran, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained at 0. The QOL-GRAV has 9 questions to assess the level of personal experiences of quality of life during pregnancy. Each item is scored based on the Likert scale ranging from not at all score zero and completely score five.

In this questionnaire, the first six questions are scored in reverse. Persian version of QOL-GRAV has good validity and reliability, so this tool can be used to assess the quality of life of pregnant women [ 31 ]. Data were analyzed by SPSS software.

The Kolmogorov—Smirnov test was used to assess the normality of quantitative data and all variables had normal distribution. Chi-square, Chi-square for trend, and Fisher's exact and independent t tests were used to evaluate the homogeneity of groups in terms of sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics.

One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the mean scores of quality of life and anxiety among the intervention groups before the intervention and ANCOVA test was used after the intervention by adjusting the baseline score and the age variable.

Figure 1 shows the study flow diagram. The socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics of the participants are presented in Table 1.

There was no statistically significant difference among the groups in terms of all socio-demographic characteristics except age variable, the effect of which was controlled by ANCOVA test.

After the intervention, the quality of life score in the intervention group 1 AMD: 2. The results of this study showed that cognitive—behavioral counseling reduced anxiety and improved quality of life but had no effect on sleep quality.

The results of studies conducted by Edinger and Sampson [ 32 ] on patients at Durham Medical Center showed that cognitive—behavioral therapies improve sleep quality. Also, the results of a study conducted by Reybarczyk [ 33 ] on older adults show that CBT is effective in reducing sleep onset time and improving sleep quality.

In another study by Querstret et al. Thus, the results are controversial. Cognitive—behavioral counseling with or without Citrus aurantium essential oil did not have an effect on quality sleep, which is probably due to differences in participants, the virtual holding of some sessions due to COVID disease, as well as the lack of regular and correct exercise at home.

Along with primary insomnia and physical conditions, pregnancy-specific sleep problems may impede treatment. It seems that CBT may not be sufficient for women with high PSQI scores. Also, observing sleep restrictions and scheduling might be difficult during pregnancy. There is a need to perform high-quality trials for sleep-related interventions during pregnancy and implement effective programs in standard prenatal care [ 35 ].

Citrus aurantium essential oil did not have an effect on sleep quality in our study. Based on the literature review, the effect of Citrus aurantium on sleep quality has been less studied than other essential oils, such as lavender, bergamot, and chamomile [ 36 ].

In comparison with the previous studies, the results may be due to the pregnancy-specific conditions and socio-demographic differences of the participants [ 37 , 38 ]. It is recommended that future studies focus more on the above-mentioned items. The results showed that cognitive—behavioral counseling had a positive effect on pregnancy anxiety.

Many studies confirm the role of psychological therapies as a way to reduce anxiety and choose natural childbirth in pregnant women. For example, the results of a study showed that CBT methods reduce anxiety in nulliparous women [ 39 ].

Firouzbakht et al. Another study revealed that psychological education in nulliparous women with severe fear of childbirth reduces the choice of cesarean section and increases satisfaction with the experience of childbirth [ 42 ].

Cognitive reconstruction, also known as rational empiricism, helps people identify the flow of anxious thoughts using logical reasoning for practical testing the content of their anxious thoughts against the reality of their life experiences. In other words, they test the probability of occurring that something that will happen in reality [ 43 ].

Thus, cognitive assessment of events affects the response to those events and will pave the way for changing cognitive activity [ 44 ]. The results of this study showed that cognitive—behavioral counseling has a positive effect on quality of life.

In explaining these results, it can be stated that pregnancy is associated with stress, which can affect the quality of life of pregnant women. Thus, cognitive—behavioral counseling helps pregnant women manage stress, identify stressful situations, and then teach strategies to cope with these situations.

CBT equips participants with a variety of integrated techniques that they can use to reduce stress and improve quality of life [ 45 ]. Through training muscle relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing, people are taught to control their daily stress, and through negative thinking and thinking power, people are taught to recognize and control their negative cognitive symptoms [ 46 ].

The effect of cognitive—behavioral counseling with aromatherapy on sleep quality in pregnant women was examined for the first time. In this regard, standard and valid questionnaires were used to assess the consequences and the native language of pregnant women was used during counseling sessions to communicate more with women and these cases can be considered as the study strengths.

All women participating in this study were literate, so this can affect the generalizability of results in illiterate women. Also, we only included pregnant women with a gestational age of 20—24 weeks. The future studies should be conducted on women in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

It is recommended to hold several sessions of cognitive—behavioral counseling for those who support these women husbands and other family members.

Also, the effect of CBT-I should be also assessed in future studies. It is also recommended to investigate the effect of cognitive—behavioral counseling on other populations such as women of childbearing age. Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that cognitive—behavioral counseling with or without aromatherapy with Citrus aurantium essential oil can reduce anxiety and improve quality of life during pregnancy, but had no effect on the quality of sleep of pregnant women and its subdomains.

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Author: Mosar

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