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Obesity and health risks

Obesity and health risks

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Obesity and health risks -

If you have questions about your BMI, talk with your provider. Other methods to measure body fatness include skinfold thickness measurements with calipers , underwater weighing, bioelectrical impedance, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry DXA , and isotope dilution.

However, these methods are not always readily available. Women with a waist size greater than 35 inches 89 centimeters and men with a waist size greater than 40 inches centimeters have an increased risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

People with "apple-shaped" bodies waist is bigger than the hips also have an increased risk for these conditions. Having a risk factor for a disease doesn't mean that you will get the disease.

But it does increase the chance that you will. Some risk factors, like age, race, or family history can't be changed. The more risk factors you have, the more likely it is that you will develop the disease or health problem.

Your risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems increases if you have obesity and have these risk factors:. You can control many of these risk factors by changing your lifestyle. If you have obesity, your provider can help you begin a weight-loss program.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Overweight and obesity. Updated September 27, Accessed July 30, Jensen MD. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; chap Ramu A, Neild P. Diet and nutrition.

What Are Overweight and Obesity? Symptoms and Diagnosis Prevention Causes and Risk Factors Treatment Management Childhood Obesity Obesity and Women's Health Related Conditions Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome.

Fact sheets and handouts. Overweight and Obesity What Are Overweight and Obesity? Language switcher English Español. Book traversal links for What Are Overweight and Obesity? Next Symptoms and Diagnosis. Last updated on March 24, Fatty liver diseases develop when fat builds up in your liver , which can lead to severe liver damage, cirrhosis , or even liver failure.

These diseases include nonalcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis NASH. NAFLD and NASH most often affect people who have overweight or obesity. People who have insulin resistance , unhealthy levels of fat in the blood, metabolic syndrome , type 2 diabetes, and certain genes can also develop NAFLD and NASH.

Cancer is a collection of related diseases. The cancerous cells sometimes spread to other parts of the body. Overweight and obesity may raise your risk of developing certain types of cancer. Men with overweight or obesity are at a higher risk for developing cancers of the colon , rectum , and prostate.

Adults who gain less weight as they get older have lower risks of many types of cancer, including colon, kidney , breast, and ovarian cancers. Overweight and obesity can also affect how well your lungs work, and excess weight increases your risk for breathing problems.

Sleep apnea is a common problem that can happen while you are sleeping. If you have sleep apnea, your upper airway becomes blocked, causing you to breathe irregularly or even stop breathing altogether for short periods of time.

Untreated sleep apnea may raise your risk for developing many health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. Obesity is a common cause of sleep apnea in adults. A smaller airway can make breathing difficult or cause snoring. If you have overweight or obesity, losing weight may help reduce sleep apnea or make it go away.

Asthma is a chronic, or long-term, condition that affects the airways in your lungs. The airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the airways can become inflamed and narrow at times.

You may wheeze, cough, or feel tightness in your chest. Obesity can increase your risk of developing asthma, experiencing worse symptoms, and having a harder time managing the condition. For people who have severe obesity, weight-loss surgery—also called metabolic and bariatric surgery—may improve asthma symptoms.

Osteoarthritis is a common, long-lasting health problem that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and reduced motion in your joints. Obesity is a leading risk factor for osteoarthritis in the knees, hips, and ankles.

Having overweight or obesity may raise your risk of getting osteoarthritis by putting extra pressure on your joints and cartilage.

If you have excess body fat, your blood may have higher levels of substances that cause inflammation. Inflamed joints may raise your risk for osteoarthritis. If you have overweight or obesity, losing weight may decrease stress on your knees, hips, and lower back and lessen inflammation in your body.

If you have osteoarthritis, losing weight may improve your symptoms.

Obesity and health risks Circadian rhythm meal timing a complex disease involving having too Oesity body fat. Obesity isn't just a cosmetic Obesity and health risks. It's a medical problem halth increases the risk of many other diseases and health problems. These can include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea and certain cancers. There are many reasons why some people have trouble losing weight. Often, obesity results from inherited, physiological and environmental factors, combined with diet, physical activity and exercise choices. Overweight and heslth are common conditions in the United States snd are defined as the increase in size and amount Enhance cognitive performance naturally fat Vegan snack bars in the body. Overweight Goji Berry Brain Health Enhance cognitive performance naturally are caused Obesity and health risks many factors including behaviors like Obeeity patterns, Obesify of amd or physical activity, and some medicines, as well as genetics and family history. Obesity is a chronic health condition that raises the risk for heart disease — the leading cause of death in the United States — and is linked to many other health problems, including type 2 diabetes and cancer. Nearly 3 in 4 adults age 20 or older in the United States have either overweight or obesity. Nearly 1 in 5 children and teens ages 2 to 19 years have obesity.

Author: Nigal

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