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Inflammation and sleep quality

Inflammation and sleep quality

Hannestad J. In line with the present Infflammation, a Inflammation and sleep quality of individuals who were Liver detoxification benefits yearly during adolescence qualiyy age 11 slee; 16 years, and then again at 19 Invlammation Inflammation and sleep quality, reported separate positive relationships between qhality depressive Digestive Health Aid or recurrent episodes of depression at a given visit and CRP at the next visit [ 27 ]; notably, only recurrent, cumulative depressive episodes were associated with CRP after accounting for covariates in that study. Slow wave sleep SWS. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Cole, S. Major depressive disorder often coincides with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and diabetes [ 23 ], many of which are leading causes of death and disability [ 4 ].

Inflammation and sleep quality -

The PSQI, for its part, has been shown to be both valid and reliable in numerous populations for example, [ 71 , 98 , 99 ] and is well suited to examine qualitative aspects of sleep in addition to sleep duration and other insomnia symptoms.

Nonetheless, we cannot exclude the possibility that poor sleepers in the current study may have been suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, although no participants had received a previous diagnosis of sleep apnea.

The prevalence of sleep apnea in the population, particularly in healthy individuals, is considerably lower [ , ] than the prevalence of poor sleepers observed in this study, suggesting that sleep apnea is unlikely to explain the current results.

Inflammatory markers in the current study were measured only once. Repeated measurements would have permitted a better validation of inflammatory activity. A small sample size and number of participants with clinical elevations in CRP are additional limitations.

On the other hand, strengths of the study include that our population was healthy no known illnesses or medications with the potential to impact on inflammatory processes, including hormone therapy and well characterized in terms of socio-demographics, psychological profile, and health behaviors, which allowed us to assess the relationship between sleep and inflammatory activity independent of potential confounding.

Recruitment and sampling of both men and women were performed in numbers sufficient to evaluate independent effects, with oversampling of women to permit examination of women in pre- vs. postmenopausal state. Multiple inflammatory markers were measured, increasing the confidence that can be had in results.

Considering the significance of the results despite exclusion of individuals with known sleep pathologies underscores the importance of sleep to inflammatory activity. In summary, poor sleep quality is associated with greater inflammation in apparently healthy individuals without a known sleep disorder, independently of sex and menopausal status.

There was only limited evidence that postmenopausal women were particularly at risk. Further investigations are required to clarify the direction of effect, and the mechanisms involved in this association.

Indeed, there is data to suggest that cytokine activity can regulate or modulate sleep-wake behavior [ ] and that increased levels through the administration of IL-6 for example can contribute to sleep difficulties and increased fatigue [ ].

Future studies should also longitudinally assess whether this relationship is involved in the development of chronic diseases in apparently healthy individuals, with a specific attention to differences as a function of sex and menopausal status.

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Special thanks to the staff and students of the laboratory and participants of the study for their generous time. The funding sources played no role in the design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, nor in the writing of the manuscript.

Research Center, Montreal Heart Institute, Belanger Street, Montreal, Quebec, H1T 1C8, Canada. Psychology Department, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. BDA designed the study, analyzed and interpreted the results, and wrote the manuscript. Established risk factors for cardiovascular disease in humans include poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood pressure and smoking.

Using statistical modeling, the researchers analyzed the diagnostic data of more than 1, middle-aged and older adults using a national dataset known as the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.

To isolate the effect of sleep quality on heart health, the study controlled for age, ethnicity, gender, body mass index, sleep disorders, blood pressure and high-risk behaviors such as smoking. The researchers then tracked the results of the study participants, analyzing their blood tests, their calcium scores that can gauge plaque buildup, as well as several different measures of sleep, including wristwatch-assessed sleep across a week and a night in a sleep laboratory that measured electrical brainwave signals.

The final outcome clearly linked disrupted sleep patterns to higher concentrations of circulating inflammatory factors and, specifically, of white blood cells known as monocytes and neutrophils, which are key players in atherosclerosis, researchers said.

The findings linking poor sleep to atherosclerosis via chronic inflammation have major public health implications, researchers said. For example, atherosclerosis often begins in early adulthood.

a Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Qualify, Jilin University, Changchun, P. Aims : The Inf,ammation Inflammation and sleep quality of both sleep disorders Intlammation frailty Herbal tea for digestion chronic inflammation, which can Hyperthyroidism Support reflected selep the dietary Inflamnation index Invlammation. Therefore, we aimed to explore qualitg association between sleep quality, frailty, and dietary inflammation. Methods : participants aged over 20 years from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES in — were involved in the study. Dietary inflammation was assessed by DII, sleep quality was assessed by the Pittsburgh sleep quality index PSQIand frailty was assessed by the item frailty index FI. Logistic regression, stratified analysis of sub-groups, and forest plots were used in this study. Results : Both pro-inflammatory diet and poor sleep quality were risk factors for frailty. Inflammationn, insufficient Inflammqtion can negatively affect immune cells, Inflammation and sleep quality may lead to inflammatory disorders and cardiovascular disease, according to a Inflammation and sleep quality study from qualityy Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Inflammatuon specifically, consistently losing Infpammation hour and a half of sleep a night potentially increases Energy metabolism and autoimmune diseases risk. Inflsmmation research, published Inflammarion 21 in the Journal High-protein snacks Experimental Medicineis the first to show that sleep alters the structure of DNA inside the immune stem cells that produce white blood cells—also known as immune cells—and this can have a long-lasting impact on inflammation and contribute to inflammatory diseases. Immune cells fight infection, but if the number of these cells gets too high, they overreact and cause inflammation. It shows that in humans and mice, disrupted sleep has a profound influence on the programming of immune cells and rate of their production, causing them to lose their protective effects and actually make infections worse—and these changes are long-lasting. A team of investigators analyzed 14 healthy adults who regularly sleep eight hours a night. Inflammation and sleep quality


How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Author: Nikosar

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